West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Oct 1907, p. 7

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' THE BUHHAM EHHUNIELE IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, trafraxa Street, hm. ' Tan 0an mu be “no on 8n ptlon any address. free of poetaze. for M - - 81 00per year, payable inadvance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not I0 paid. The date to which every enbecription is pan! is denoted by the number on the address label. X0 paper die- continued to all arrears are paid. except at the Option of the proprietor. satisin For transient advertlsements 8 Adv g cents per line for the first inser- ‘ B3“! - tion; 3 cents per line each subse- quent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordgfl . Transient noticesâ€""Lost." ‘=Found.” “For e," etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion, 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid for in advance. Contract rates for yearly advertisements fur- nished on application to the office. . All advertisements. to ensure insertion in current week. should be brought in not later than Tmnar morning- . . . is completely stocked with all The 101) NEW TYPE. thus affording fac- Departmant ilitile‘e for turning out First-class wor . short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Straet, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A _. Math ist Church 2-4 p. 111., 7-9 D m. T PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Bl . Ofice hours. 8 to 10 n. m., to 4 p. m. anti 7 to9 p. In. Special attention given to diseases of women 9nd qhildren. Residence op- l‘IL ..._AL DURHAM, ONT” um Aunts-at Roy- IA M, and to Golden SQ- Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. 'Oct 24,1907 L. B. C. P., LONDON. ENG. GBADULATE of London, N-w York 4nd Chicago. M of Eyc. Bar Nose and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durhun. the 2nd Boturdtv in each month. Hoursâ€"14 9.0. l. 6. Hutton. OFFICE: BARRISTEL, SOLICITOB. ETC. ()fice over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store, Lower Town, Durham. Any unonnt of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm j) veyancers. Etc. m0 Oficosrâ€"In the McIntyre Bundard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. ‘ er. Conveyanoer. 8m. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. I . rage Lucenses. A general financial ness transacted. DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town.) 1’ v ain't-E; 1h: Conn _ of Grey. 8810' promptly attended to. Otgders ma .130 left st his Implement Warm-coma, M on 3 old stand. or tt the Chronicle Ofieo. J. 1'. GRANT, D. D. S..L.D. 8. EDITOR AND PROPpIETOR. M KENN Yâ€"LICENSED AUG 0 tioneer f0? “10 County 0‘ Gm. Sales promptly attended during the fall or winter _months._ Tongs stumble. liar Meant" ' â€"ai_"'lyi6 M. Kenn .* oerhn Mnrggck.Middmgh 01 flacKay 8:. Dunn. IARRISTERS. somqrrong, gon. Medical Directorv. Nov. 9. ’03. 'OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- . __“--A omr CLARK. LICENSED AUC- Arthur Gun, Sept. 97. slit-pd. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dental Directorv. W. IRWIN DR. BROWN “; 9330qu“ will bg sent to _ _. 1-â€" A. H. Jackson. . l. P, Telford. DR. BURT. Miscellaneous. 301103. -IS HEREBY M01 W. F. DUKE. Bilious Paleness. Now Easily (lured. If you are frequently bilious or have feelings of nausea.ltbere is a reason. When the liver action is normal the bile is secreted in the proportions necessary to ensure the digestion of fats. When liver action is irregular it is an evidence of impairment. of nerve force. When these denngemente occur, an undue amount of work is thrown upon the liver and kidneys, they re- belâ€"the whole system snfiers, and ill-health fcllows. Another dangerous result of de rangement of the biliary function is constipation. Deadly disease results from this condition. This is a. hateful condition because it engures two resultsâ€"heavy dark rings under the eyes and a sallowr nese that’s absolutely abhorrent These derangements if allowed to continue excite the formation of gall- stones, cause jauntice. catarrhal in- flammation of the bowels, and indi- gestion. U I! you wish to get better. the very root of the troubxe must. be reached. This can be accomp ished only by Ferrozoneâ€"a remedy that strength- ens the system, the blood, the liver and kidneys. Ferrozone is a food for the nervous system. It tortifies and strengthens it. The nervous system controls all the functions of the body. improve its tone, you improve the tone of the whole body and this is what Ferrczone accomplishes. Its first action is to fortify diges- tionâ€"this means nourishment and more building material. Fen-ozone makes rich. red blood- lots of it, and this means the proper action of all the large and vital or- gans of the body. Quickly there comes ‘strengthvv vigor, enduranceâ€"that glow of feel' ing which we call health; A C .i'ou are sure of robust health, sure of strong nerves. good appetite, sure to look and feel your best if you use Fen-ozone ; try this greet tonic, sold everywhere in 500. boxes. We feel it our duty to say that Shelburne ought to be proud of her boys. Many citizens have been ab- sent trom their homes for weeks the summer and autumn and we have yet to hear of one who has lost apo ples or small fruit or has had trees damaged or property smashed. This ~deserves all the more mention be- !cause of the fact that in towns ar- lround us matters are not reported {quite as favorably. This from Beeton for example: “Every week, word reaches us of the pranks being play-t ed by the unlawful element of this vicinity. This week the post-oflice attracted the attention of the mie- creants. and on a couple of nights. broken eggs. molasses, etc. were poured into the letter box, with the result that considerable mail matter was more or less damaged. Possibly the offenders do not realize the sea â€"â€" _._‘ committing by tempering with the mails. However. they will not like- ly he kept long in ignonnce. A visit] from a. government detective would: no doubt not as n greet educator to these unlawful youths, but we could not vouch for the pleasuntneas of the only method purauuble, apparently, I to have these actions discontinued.” I â€"â€"Shelbutne Free Press. The question of how to cure e cold without unneceesery loss of time in which we etc all more or less inter-J eeted. tor the quicker e cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneu- monia. and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hull, of Waverly, Ve., hue need Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- redy tor years end eeye: "I firmly be. tlieve Ch emberleine Coo ah Remedy to Ibo ebsolutelg the‘b‘eet prepurutiou on t L --A -A-Am_ the dty and crops "17 ery‘ . Mr. T. A. Arrow: 0 to lesrn - 18 “Pd” looks . hundred 30‘" when he 1'“- Rain and threshing is the qrder of _..- Ann-ninth. an. THB NOTE BOOK- Kow to Cure 0. cold- Joe fishy. W“ “yin 1'33 3 tint our duty to Assyfipat Pomona. nnes, ie renewing uonnd here end an younger than turning- out A NEW SET OF SCHOOL BOOKS nitely decided to prepare a new set; of Pubic school readers for the schools of the province. This decis- ion is in accord With the views of educationists generally. In carrying out. this project the Minister will antruSt pine work to Dr. "ll"‘n\§§ " .-- -_ ‘â€" D. J. G-oggin, who will be authorized to consult. from time to time, with a. commuter. of teachers. whose know A-‘8L vuuuuu- n... .,. __ _' _7 _ ledge of Pub.ic schools and whose lit- erary attainments wiil ensure the preparation of a highly desirable eer- ies. In addition to this committee. the members of the Advisory Council and other educationiats will be ehbwn advance {proofs of the books during the course of preparation. so that ex. pert advise and opinion will be taken ad vantage of. I The Consultative Committee. who will assist Dr Goggin in his labors, will include W. Atkin. St. Thomas. school inspector for Elgin; Prof. Alexi ander. University of Toronto; G. E. Broderick. principal of the Lindsay Model School; N. W. Campbell. Dur- ham. inspector for South Grey; T. A. Craig. Kemptville. inspector for Leeds; Inspector Hughes. Toronto; Principal Ward. Toronto; Dr.Waugh, Whi bV . inspector for Ontario Coun- ty; Pritzmpal Young, of the Guelph M0061 SChOOl ~ Dr.Gos_rgin, the managing editor, has had long experience, both as training school in Manitoba, he had much to do with organizing and de- veIOping the system in that province Later on, as superintendent of Edn- cation for the Territories. he organiz- ed the school system there. While l in Manitoba he dev0ted special atten- tion to text books. and hasa praCtical knowledge of binding and the me- chanical processes of book making The Minister of Education has defi- At the last: meeting of the Ontario Educational Association the follow- ing resolution was adopted :â€" -- AA “That the Ontario readers. after 20 years of service, should now give place to a set of readers that would reflect more correctly our nationality ‘ of to-day; that would be more in ac- cord with educational principles in character of matter, arrangement and adaptation to the needs of the various grades; that would be models of ex- cellence in illustration. type paper and binding; and. that a separate [reader be supplied for the work of each grade 7’ a Here is a simple home-made mix-‘ ture as given by an eminent authority on kidney diseases. who makes the statement in a New York daily news- paper, that it will relieve almost any case of Kidnev trouble if taken be- fore the stage of Bright’s disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back. pain in the side. frequent desire to urinate. especially at night; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Here 18 the re- iceipe; try it: Fluid Extract. Dandelion. one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one our, ce ; Compound Syrup Sereaparilla. three ounces. Take a teaspoonful A wellvknown druggist here in town is authority that these ingre- dients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mixture has a peculiar healing and soothing effect upon the entire Kidney and Urinary structure and often overcomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheu- matism by forcing the kidneys to filter and strain from the blood and system all uric acid and foul, decom- posed waste metter. which canes these amictions. Try it if you aren’t well. Save the prescription. She had come into the store to buy tablecloths, and she stated in the he- ginning that she wanted something .‘new. ” The snleemnn was pntienc. and showed her everything in stock, but nothing suited. “Oh. dear!” she exclaimed, family, “haven’t you afiything different?” The clerk brought out one of the discarded tablecloths that he had put , hack on the shelf, and said with an air of interest : "Here is one of the very newest designs. madam. You see the centre is in the middle and the border runs right around the edge." "Why, yes! Let me one,” she said, eagerly. mum's VITALITY sum awn. Your child looks poorly. ie tired end fretlnl. You would like this boy or girl to be more robnet, more enegertio end vivecione. The “some- thing” thet it wrong ie siniply this. Stomech end bowele need ettention. Conetipetion end indigestion must be relieved, new life end vigor ere re- quired in the blood, alight eeeietenoe ie needed for the hidneye end liver. Nothing ie no elective ee Dr. Mr Every child should nee thin medicine regnlerly heeenee its benefit! ere” not to be hed’in en: other wey. 25o et- THE DURHAM cumum ICLE one-half luvs thut Common Sense Will Not Allow it Exist in Durham. There will be no more catarrh in Durham unless peOple fail to follow the law of common sense. The truth of this etatement is‘ shown by the great success that has followed the use of Hyomei in ca- 1 tarrhal troubles. So positive is this" treatment in quick relief and perma nent cure that it is sold under an ab- solute guarantee to refund the money if it does not do all that is claimed for it. There is no other treatment or] medicine far catarrhal troubles that is at all like Hyomei. It follows Nature’s plan in curing diseases of the throat and lungs by bringing healing medication right to the very spot where the disease germs exist. , With this treatment, health-giving oils and balsams are breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that every breath you take while using Hyomei is a breath of healing air. It kills all ca- tarrhal germs and prevents their growth, so that the cure is thorough and permanent. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete outfit, price $1.00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hyomei is eo’d by druggiecs every- where. Write for literature. Booch’e Hyomei 00., Bufialo, N. Y. THE PICTURES. We are grown-up children. Yesterday I floated into the Public Library; but; I couldn’t get. near the picture books. I' thought. I would like to take a. squint at Punch, but a big child was holding it. down. I wnlked over to Life, and there was a fellow fastened to it. Yes, we are little children, yet. I dropped over to the Christian Guardian, and I could have sat there till the cows came home before any- body would have hinted that they wanted to see it. NO MORE CATARRH. And when 1 eat before the Presby- terian, unheppily fell asleep, and nearly broke my neck tripping over the cobwebe that. had been Woven over me while I was taking a rest. I went over to the Evangelical Churchmen, but. the man who had stated to read it. we.» asleep in the chair. What conldIdo? I had been in the some tix myself. and I didn’t. want to make a. scene. I wanted to read than Evangelical Churcbman, but. I happened to look over his shoulder and saw the heading of the first article-â€" “He Giveth His Beloved Sleep.” I’m not. going to monkey with bus- iness like that. When a man is asleep and has got. a right to. let him alone says I. CHRONICLES OF THE KHAN. wâ€" _ I strolled over to the Scientific American. I could have stayed there till closing up time, only I knew they wanted me in the oflice. And I went away. And as I went away 1 came to the conclusion that a picture book will catch any one of us. I don’t know who you are. but there's one thing sureâ€"you are a child Nine men had reached a ripe old me. And et were hearty. hale and strong. Each 0 ered an opinion sage 0f how he chanced to live so long. "I’m eighty-one,” the first one said ; “I live on vez’tables and bread- But had I eaten meat instead I’d now be numbered with the dead.” “Tut. tut. my friend,” the second cried ; “Why megt’s the food to put inside H Tl‘onhko you strong. ’ I’ve trues} it four score years and. two ; J ust nohco how it’s pulled me through. "_‘-â€" â€".:‘--nn --0 ."-nn" ,’ v Your views are wrong.” “It doesn’t matter what I eat.” 8 he up the man of eighty-three. " t keeps me well I’ll gladly tellâ€"- No liquor ever entered me I” "Excuse my smile.” said number four. And from a flask they watched him . or A hal a glass. and then some more ; "I’m eighty-five, and can’t see why A men should boast of beinfidry. Well, us for me. I’d rather re.” “Tobacco hastens death. I ween.” Said number five. "You’ve never seen A pipe, cigar or cigarette Between my teeth. and you meet That’s why I’m neither fat nor lean.” ‘ ‘I’ve smoked in childhood youth and And you love a. picture book. '15, Exclaxmed the sixth. a wise old sage, “I’m a hty-seven, and I say It’s sum 0 that keeps me here to-dsy.” “The resson for :11 man years.” Explained a mszdsire ygrey, “Is my gqod wife, who alws s cheers Me on hfe’s troubled my. ’ WHEN EXPERTS DISAGBEE. a 661‘. 29 30 A. BELL UN DE RTAKER Funeral Director-w Picture Framing on shortest notice. Durham Millinery Opening Full line of Catholic Robes, and bla ck and White Caps for aged peOple. We will have our second millinery display, when we will show all the new ideas in winter millinery.’ Velvet and Fur will be shown in the latest style. We pay Special Attention to millin- ery and in order to make a. success we shall make a. Special trip to Toronto to get the Newest in millinery for our Special display. We invite you to call any time and see our grand stock of First-Class Millinery. B u s Inez. College SHOW ROOMSâ€"~Next to Swallows’ Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Parisian Millinery Co. Now for Embalming a Specialty ,w for Don't delay. Get free Catalogue at once. : Ines. allege 3°“ College. best terms, best results Fanqunansox, B. A... British Canadian 3.0., 796, Yonge 815.. Torogto. SECOND MISS DICK and Ontario The Big 4 '- Large 72x72 Bed Comforters, $2 to $3 Large 11x4 Flanelette Blankets, in white and Grey, $1. 2.5 pair. Floor Oil 010111 1, lé and 2 yards wide at 250 per sq. yard Smy111a Rugs 30x60 1n, $3 mic-.11 I Men’ 5 Cardigan Jackets at. l. 00. 1....) 9" and 1.50 each. Ladies’ fall and win her Underwear from 2.50 up. See our lines of 250 and 500 dross goods for fall and winter. Fine imitation cut glass p1 esvrve dish- ‘ es 111 20¢ and 400 each. 4 piec e P1 eased Glass mhle sets at. 400 Don!) fm get to 02111 and see us if you want 111211111) this f1." we have them from 9' .oc up. Pumps. I BEG LEAVE TO [NFURM MY CUB- I‘OMERS and the public in general that I am prcpared to furnish NEW Pumps AND REPAIRS. WELL Barnum, Rn-Cunmxa AND Pnnssconnmo done with Cement concrete. music” Songs, waltzes New music received each week. Pcrcv G. H. webstcr “VII-w v E? ALL VORDERS taken an the old stud near MoGowsn'c Mill will be promptly at tended to. .L WORK Gumnmmn at ‘ ‘Live and: let live” Pawns. GEORGE WHITMOBE. SOLD AT HALF PRICE. I have placed in stock line of late CALDER BLOCK 25 (lent: Per (m!) and two-Steps . BEAN

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