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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Oct 1907, p. 8

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Many (if these 311‘ just this qu‘s goods. Satin CIOthS' in black. uzu'y. brown, burgundy and (211113;:le wm'th «“m for 4w: Vale-[inns in hL‘H‘k, hrmvn. Heavy (-nstm'ne cloths in black, brown and mind colors. Worth 756 and 90¢ .............. .......for 57¢ 20 Suit, lengths in different shades of J heavy Woollen tweed effects at two- thirds their value. 25 Ladies short and three-qum-ter length Jm‘kvts. mostly black, from $1.69 Lu $6.50. Those are slightly off in style but, worth $7.00 to . . . . $153.00 36 Ladies’ hmvy wrappers. Well trim- medaml gond fittino'. worth $2.50 .......... for $1.59 M Ludiw Skirts, worth flom $2.75 10 :47.» ' F on sale. mm at from $1.98 to ........... .......$4..‘5 .53 )Iisws’ Skirts. length 32 to 37 in., in all shada .5 uf mixed Tweeds, worth from :523510 $21.90f01 $1.90 ”to $L 7.80. Ladies’ and children’s underwear, hosiery, mitts and gloves, in all kinds and colors. will not escape the reduc- tion knife. although space does not permit a full description of prices. and lawn] W Here’s a. chance for you. Over 100 ends 0f laces and insertions to choose from, at only ............ .per yd. 5c Dress?» Goods There’s a. lot of good boots to be sold here right away at 50¢ a. pair, regard- less of (3080. Come and see if any of them fit you. There’s lots of other lines to clear out, so you can get a. pair at the lowest possible cost. \ oooooOo'O""" 127 Pairs odd Pants to choose .from at 20 per cent ofi. Any old style suit in the store at almost half off, IT is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for correct things for men at prices that are an inducement to them to come Now its a well-known fact that men’s attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than ladles; yet we have succeeded and are ' ' ' 0‘entlemen of Durham and surrounding Dent sit and wonder about your new suit and overcoat for fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will Show you the nat-tiest range of clothing ever shown here. ‘ A large stock of fall and winter underwear now on hand Ladies’ New and want-er (hm-ts in all shades and patterns just. arrived, ’90 come in ex ; 1 1 1 1 inc befom buying elsewhere. Ladies’ and Chiidren’s Underwear .\ ”in?! and cornme’oe line of Dress Goods for fall, mix tweeds in checks :4! ti: w and all shades, browns, greens, reds and Greys. Boots and Shoes Odd Pants Laces Strictly Up-to-date Furnishing (3t p9] Hm vd. Fresh Groceries always on Hand. . grv for ~11 :30 Dress Goods Underwear is the annimnt we must have hefm‘e the last day of December 1907. YES I it is a lot of money to get in that length of timeâ€"the only means by which we can obtain it is to sell the goods. Now we must Interest you Wit h the. price. Everybody needs a certain amount of winter snmflies and they always look where they can semire their needs at the nn‘mt Reasonable Prices. You Dan’t need to Worry about it or even look elsewhere. There is no Store in Durham or nearby towns that can Give You the selection that the Big Store min. With our $30,000 well selected Stock of New Fashionable (lomls. we can supply your mods at prim->5 that you can’t help but see the Savings we are making F09 You. lie wise and grasp these Given Opportunitiesâ€"they are the only kind worth taking advantage of, and fresh ones will be presented to our customers Every Day. Thex aIe Startling, when You think of the steady mlx ance of all kinds of Goods. We heed the plain Ieason for price reductions. Here are a few f the manv bargams. Men and Boys VVsnter needs are many, but, We can supply them all and :31: ailgresat savm(g) to you. Here. is real Money-Saving for vou in clothing. it er nits or vercoats for men or boys. 20 er cent ff ,- , , Cashâ€"this means that p 0 the pnce 1’01 50 Boys Suits assorted sizes, worth $5 for ............. $4 00 42 “ “ “ “ “ $6f0r ............................ $4.80 39 “ “ “ “ “ $7.50for ......................... $6.00 12 Men’s Suits, well made, worth $7 for. . .. . Sportsmen Some Real Snaps in . Rifles and Shot Guns ‘b ‘6 ‘6 Men and Boys’ Clothing (£ 66 6‘ up-to-date “ $11 for ...... new fall goods." $13 fo ........ For Patents, Kids, Dongolas We carry evervthincr necessary to a oentlelmzn’ s wardrobeâ€"- nattV NeckVV ear, bright neVV Hats and Caps and daintest patterns in fall Shirts. H ‘t 6‘ $10 for. . . E don’t, advertise just for the appearance. but the need Bargains will be the or 5P8 money is the prime motive. order of This Store every week. wLook for our Saturday Grocery Listâ€"also the Hardware List which will be continued every Saturday at Bargain Prices. ' ' '- Everything will be ready for your inspection._ YOU can be the judge as to the savings Oifered you. Come and secure your needs While the prices are at the lowest ebb. Every day will. :be bargain day for one solid month. can. m. 1,3“ at .tm'"3ig. Store while the Sale In In ngmg. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE On Thursday, October r F all 1 and and . $6.00 $10.40 . $8.00 LOCAL OPl'IOI IN BOREHONT. DEAR MB. Burrowâ€"It has been cunently reported in DPizbboring municipalities where local Option campaigns are under Way that local option has not been 3 success in the township of Egremont. We desire through your permis 9 sion to state that we believe the common Opinion of the ratepayers of Egremont to be, that local Optlon 1148 been and is a decided success and a' substantial benefit in the municipd- ity. Of course we believe liquor has been consumed but the general traffic! has been almost entirely out off. a This year the Egremont Agricui tural Society held at Holstein thei most successful fair in its history l In point of attendance, the numbr' of exhibits and the financial returns the results were most gratifying The fexceptional geod order of the thousands present was a marked im- provement upon Fair days previous to local option. and the quietness of _;the village during the day. and the awhole evening was a matter of gen- eral comment. There was absolutely no disturbance, a thing unknown in the days before local Option, Business interests have not been I injured in any way whatever by local: option. 1 John Little. Presbyterian Minister. ; Geo. A, King, Methodist Minister Thos Brown, Ex-Township Treae. N. D. McKenzie, Retired Merchant. Arthur I. Brown, Physician. Wm. Seaman, Hardware Merchant. George Freeman, Miller. J. H. Brown, General Merchant. J. W. Philip, General Merchant. A. Durrant, Local Mgr. Bell Tele phone 00. W. J. Sharp. Conveyancer. Richard Irwin, Representative Massey Harris Co. ' J. D. Roberts, Blacksmith. David Grier, Ass’t Postmaster. The pleaqant"purgative efiect ex- perienced by all who use Chamber- lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create 0' makes one feel Joyful. Price .:.5) cents. Samples free at. Parker’s Drug Store. W. J. Kedslie, Merchant Tailor. Robt. Christie, Carpenter. Adam Doupe, Shoemaker. A. Hershey, Barber. . J. B. Hunt. Butcher. John W. Manarv. Liver~ man. David Allan. Tp Clerk 70 of these assorced colors and sizes at 20 per cent ofi. 100 Sniff front Print; Shirts, worth $1 and $1.25 for. . . . . . . . 200 Heavy, Cotton Shirts, dark colors at light. prices 150 Men’s Shirts and Drawers, 100 Boys’ Mits and Gloves. Hosiery. Collars and hes at Ulear'; Caps of all description for fall and winter you to make money on. They Make You Feel Good. 6‘6 Heavy Top Shirts Men’s Underwear , "3. 7.7 - ‘1‘!“ 4w 66 Collars and Ties at Clearing Prices. all sizes 36 to 40 worth 600‘th for ..... 66 Tha a too had! We had no- tiee it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer’s Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. It Is the Weight Outboard From the Hand That Tells. Much pleasure will be found in buy- ing rods and tackle. If inexperienced. any old angler Will rather enjoy help- in: you out. or you can go to a first class shop, ask for a salesman who is an angler and tell him where you pro- pose to fish. If economy is an object to you. very fair working tools can be had for a little money. It is surprising to handle some of the rods that are priced at $5 to $10. I do not consider weight in the scales of great impor- tance, as I like a good sized, comfort- able handle. It is the Weight outboard from the handle that tells. One of the lightest rods I ever saw weighed eight I 3 Your Hair Sick? We heed the money, that’s Hereare some useful articles the price of which should prove an inducement: Granite Pie Plates. regular price 12c, now two for ....................... 15c po- Knives only, worth $1. 25 per doz . . mc Pairs of Carvers, were 50c for. ..... 30c Butcher Knives, were 250 for . . . . . .150 ounces on the scales. It had a big. fat wooden handle and substantial fittings, but the rod proper was very light. My individual preference is for a rod of f ':1 fr‘vt. but lots of 111011 prefer some- ‘.'. 715333311012 I have 30011 good work 1': 1: mi: 11 an eight foot rm! l) 11: there, i2 *1 SHOW differenr'e in the power of rod»: of tl1os:1111 011111,th \ tall strong 112111 "2111 handle :1 rod of great p0“ er am with a suitable line bring out all there is in it. He may be able to do t‘xis all day long without great fatigue, while :1. weaker person would be heav- ily handicapped and tired to death.â€" Forost and Stream. The farmer with Hay Is happy to-day. These two lines which read so solemn, VVeI-e put; in here. to fill this column. The best kind of a testimonial- “ Sold for over sixty yemg’t FLY FISHING RODS. 'w' and. .1. o. chb“ Lavish; Inn. 1'3» manhunt-on of 6‘ 6‘ for ..... 49c and at Hair Brushes in Box Wood, Ebony, Rosewood, and natural wood backs, Long Clean Bristle, both handsome and durable from These cunsist uf the many real neces- sities f. 1 winte1 “war and Use. “’9 (3:111 ’12 replace these goods at the prices they were bought at. 100 yds. heavy flannel sheeting in Wh1to.1nd «my. 72 in. wide, worth 1k: yd. fur 74c OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 400 yds. fiannelettms heavy weight. extra widths. fancy stripes, worth . . . . . .. .15c yd. to anyone for 12in 2.50 yds. heavy striped flannele'tte, dark checks, worth. . .160 yd. for 130 1000 vds. fimmelette in light and dark colors, 32 and 34 in. wide, worth .................... 100 yd. for Be yd. 200 yds. wrappemtte 40 in. wide, dark colors, warth. .200 yd. to clear at. 10c 350 yds. Wrapperecte 32 in. wide, dark gray, blue and red stripes, worth ................... . . ..1".1.c yd. for Sc 70 yds. table linen worth. . ...60c for 45c 100 yds. table linen extra. (wide. worth .................. 800 yd. for 690 508 to $4 Tooth brushes from 100 to 50v. Innmrt-ed French and lepznwsu Brushesâ€" the kind that do 1101310058 thvir hl'isflvs. (1411111114 and 111th blllh‘htN. 125M133 table linen. worth $1.10 yd. ............ for 920 Many shun ends table linens at half priw. ”\ds. union 36 in. carpet, new pat- terns for 29¢ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 119 vds. heav v union 36 in carpet, wox th 650 yd. for 49¢ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 250 yds. heavy woollen 36 in. carpet ....... worth 75c and 850 yd. for 69¢ Tapestry and Brussels at com espond- ing reductions. Just 4 squares left‘ they’re snaps ior someone. Linoleum and oil-cloths at out prices. Groceries, Fri; day 62 Saturday Only Canned meatsâ€"beef, ham, veal chicken loaf, worth. Savoy Soup, assorted, Salmon Sunflower E Savoy Soup, assorted, worth 15c for 1‘ Salmon Sunflower Brand worth 1‘ .............................. for 1‘ Shredded cocoanut 45m size.. . . . .for '1' Empgre Soda-Jog. 5c size ...... 7 for 2 Figs worth 5c... . . . . . .now 7 lbs for 2 Trilby Polish worth 10¢ each, 4 fora Assorted extracts 10¢ each. . . .4 i: Jelly Powders................4 Staple Goods Darlings [he Peopte’s Druggists \'(*1'\' fun stuck Of 11:13 Oct. 2 t, 1907 Carpets L,oooooo 15c for 10¢

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