West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Oct 1907, p. 9

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THE BIG STORE ! ! Everything that was advertised last, week will he continued, but, evl day’s Search reveals something else that we want tn clear out, and order to do so we apply the reduction knife. Keep last week’s lis‘ bargains for future reference as this sale will be continued until requirements are met. Here are some useful articles the inducment’: Granite Pie Plates, regular price 120. two for ................ 1 5 Tin Pie Plates, regular priCc 5c two for ...................... 5 Knives and Forks per doz pair $1.75 for ................. 1 .1 5 Knives only. worth $1.25 per doz for ......... . . . . . ........... 75 Groceries ' Friday and Saturday Only A large stock of f: 111 and winter underwear now on 11li Ladies’ N ew Fall and winter L‘rmts in all shades and patterns just arrived, so come in and ex :2 1 l 2 ine l» ~f0re lmyins: elsewhere. Dont sit and wonder about your new suit and overcoat for fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will Show you the nattiest range of clothing ever Shown here. A 11111 - 1.1111 (511111111111 1111 111111 111' Dress Goods for 1°1111,111ix t11'111111s 111 checks and 1:11'1111111111111 :111 s11:111111s. 1111111115 1111111113 19113 211111 (11111 s. The People’s Store countr} vaith 'the renofivned IT is part of our business to’be constantly on the look-out for correct things for men at prices that are an inducement to them to come to us. Now its a well-known fact that men’s attention is a great deal harder toattract and hold than ladies; yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the gentlemen of Durham and surrounding Regent Clothing Selling Agents for Famous “Imperial” Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing STARTLING REDUCTIONS HARDWARE SPECIALS ROBERT BURNETT, DURHAM Strictly Up-to-date Furnishing HARD CASH is the :unount we must have by January lst, HMS. 0111' call for this amount is being responded to. and everyone that (Hum-s to inspect the goods and see the low prices, goes home thoroughly satisfied with their purcimsv. 0111‘ efforts to obtain the mnmmt of mmwy requi1 vd in so sholt a. time will be taxed to the llinlnst. but the selling mice of the goods must he om wmking paint. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED â€", - -m w vulva- en loaf, worth 15c, for ............... 1 0 Savoy Sou . 388011766. worth 15c ...... 10 Salmon, ‘ unflower” brand worth 15c 10 Shredded cocoa. nut filb size ........... 1 6 Empire Soda, reg. 50 size, 7 for ........ 25 Figs, worth Sc, now Vlbs. for .......... 25 Trilby Polish. worth 10088-011. 4 for... . 25 Assorted extracts 100 each, 4 for ...... 25 Jelly Powders 4 f0!“ .................... 25 Trade While Sale Lasts. Fresh Groceries always on Hand. Hub“... and IUD. LVL ooooooooooooooooooo 1 .oc Canned Meats, Beef, ”Ham, Veal 85 Chick! -A ‘-A£ _-_.L‘_ 1", Suga1,221bs.for.. Pair of Carvers, worth 500. . .30 Butcher Knives, worth 250. . .1 5 Carvers, worth $1.25 pair. ...90 Silver Dessert Knives worth $3,50 dOZ. for ............ 3-00 Some real snaps in Rifles and Shot Guns. ' Dress Goods price of which should prove an Underwear inued, but. every '19211'out, and in .st week’s list of wmwgrgg. We carry everything necessary to a gentlenmn’s wardrobeâ€"â€" natty Neckwem‘, bright new Hats and Caps and daintest patterns in fall Sl'lirts. For Patents, Kids, Dongolas and Box Calf. “Imperial” Shoe all Changed Â¥ ‘ Hands U 25th. between Durham and Cyarles Petty’s farm on the second Coqcessaon of Bentmck, a Hand Satchel! contammg over ‘t‘weng‘y (119113“ in Enqngy. The finder will We beg to announce that we have purchased the stock of the late Fred Peel, and are now doing business in his old stand. We shall be pleased to retain the trade and confideneegof all his customers and many others. We have a large stock of very Stylish ELSEWBll as Serviceable Footwear. We can fit all from the smallest baby to the lar- gest man, and shall be ever pleased to have you look through our stock when in need of anything in our line. will still be kept 1n stock and those' “W he knew them merits will {be able to get them as usual. Repairing attended to. H. Burnett, Sn, Successor to ‘ Peel the Shoeman. PEEL SHOES \ Hand-Made The Celebrated Lost. Mr. M. K. Richardson and Mr and Mrs. Robb. Moore. attended the funeral of the late Mm. Burdette in Dundalk last Thursday. I Dr. E. W. Paul. a Fevereham b0Y~ who has risen to prominence in Tor- onto inhis profession, has we learn, E been appointed demonstrator in the- Dental College in the aflminietration of anaeethetics. At the annual business meeting cf the Flesherton branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society held in the Baptist Church last Week, officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President._ Charles Stewart; Secretary, L. F. Kipp; Treasurer, W H. Bunt: Audgtors, T. R. McKenzie and Rev. G. C. Little. Bornâ€"On Monday'to Mr. and Mrs. John Thistlethwaite, of this place a daughter. Still born. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Carson, of the Meaford Road, deeply sympathize with them in the loss last week of their only son ten months old. Interment was made in Meaford Road Cemetery on Friday. Rev. G. W. Hewitt of Orangeville, again supplied the MethodiSt pulpit on Sunday. His Sermon in the morn ing on “The Year of Jubilee,” was a thoughtful and i-structive discourse. At the Presbyterian church Rev. G. C. Little commenced a series of ser- mons on the book of Esther, his theme being “A Great Feast and What Game of it.” The discourse was thoughtful and] the lessons taught were morally and Spiritually uplifting. In the Baptist church Rev. L. F. Kipp Spoke on "The Character of Christ’s Words,” in his usual earnest and helpful manner. On Sabbath next Rev. Dr. Caldwell hopes to be able to resume his work and will conduct the regular quarter. ly Communion service. i C Little will preach. The day should not be wholly given to recrea cion and 'for one hour at lease the house of God should be filled with worshippers desirous of expressing gratitude for the blessings of the year. Mrs. Robt. Best was called to the city on Thursday last by the death of her niece, Violet Spence. second youngest daughter of Mrs. Spence. formerly of this place. The deceased was 15 years of age. Mrs. Spence has triends here who sympathize with her in her sorrow. â€"â€"'rr 1 V'“ Vice Pres , Rev. J. S. I Wilson; Sec. T. R. McKenzie ; Trea W. H Thurs- ton. Local Vice Presidents :-â€"Arte mesia, W. J. Armstrong; Holland, James Lyons ; Collingwood. Rev. Geo Lawrence ; Thornbury. E Ray mond ; Osprey, A. N. Brownridge; Euphrasia, R. Conn ; Sullivan, Rev. Thos Watson. Mr. Fleming, who was leaving on the 8:50 train again Spoke briefly in the course of his re- marks warmly congratulating the temperance people of this community on the Splendid new hotel erected here. The speaker gave a flat denial to the report that liquor was being sold in the two temperance hotels in Owen Sound. Rev. W. N. Chantler, of Owen Sound. was the principal speaker for the evening and his elo. quently delivered address loaded with fame and convincing argument in be- half of local Option in Owen Sound and else where was intently listened to throughout. Rev. Mr. 'Wilson followed with a short address in his usual fluent and able manner. ' Ubion Thanksgiving service will be held in the MathOdlbb church on Thursday at, 10:30 a. m. when .. Rev. A resolution was adOpted express ing to the Government dissatisfac- tion at the unfair three-fifths clause in the new license act. A vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Chantler and Messrs. Fleming and Legate for their visit and very highly prized assistance at the Convention. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem. During the evening nearly $600 of stock in the new hotel was taken by subscribers. ' who Mr. John Heard was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Thos. Heard, who died cn the Blst, aged 66 years. The deceased lived some years ago on the Meaford Road and was known to many in this community. noury :5 Kay Brownridge; Sullivan, Ruv. Fleming, who We know it. All the people all over “I? Unwinhm who are using it; know it It is the biggest stop fat-ward in kitc‘r: "n "(*cnnqtru ' . . . .. .._ ... ctmn everk For Sale only by ' Down. A. S. HUNZI'ER, Durham, Ont. Atwo-year-old child of Mr. John Teeter’s also of the West back line. was terribly scalded in the back on Saturday by falling into a pail of almost boiling but Water, prepared for scrubbing We understand the life of thelitnle sblfl'erm‘ is in g'eizt danger. Master George Steivai‘rt, the 14 year-old son of Mr. W. J. Stewart, west backline. is very ill with in. flammation of the lungs. Mr. Wm. Trimble is filling the position of Bailifi during the absence of Mr. John \Vrighs on his hunting holiday. The plea-aunt puc‘gatwu «Pivot exâ€" perienced by all who use Cnamber- lain’s Stomach and Liwr rabxets. and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel Joyful Price :25 cents. Samples free at Parkea’s Drug Store. Mrs. Corbett is moving this week into Mrs. Moorhouse’s residence on Sydenham Street. Mr. Geo. Watson of Proton S'ation has purchased Mr. Albert Heron’s brick residence on Collingwood S 1‘th and will move his family in shortly. Rev. '1'. A. Rodger, who hue fre. quently supplied Chnlmere church pulpit, here with grout ecceptunco has been culled to Knox church, Owen Sound. The unnnimoue cnll has been accepted and the congregg. tion is to be congratulucvd on secur. inc a young pastor so zifcud. so win- ning and Bu deeply Spirited in life and teaching as is Mr. Badger. Mrs. Wm. Moore, Sr., left last week to visit members of her family 3'}; Port Perry and Silver Creek, N. Mrs. Bulmer visited with Mrs. Jos. Buchanan, Vandeleur, part of last Week. Mr. M. K. Richardson and daughter Christine attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Halbert, in Markdale, on Saturday. Ashley Fawcett, of Kimberley, is now with Mr. Andy Wilson, Icarning the tonsorial art. Miss May Thompson, Visited Miss May GilleSpie last week. Mr. \V. H. Bunt was at St. Mary’s last. week and spent a. night with Mr. W. G. Slaughter at Stratford. Mr. Ed. Richardson, of Iron River, Wisconsin, and Mrs. R. McIntyre, are visiting their mother Mrs. Henry Richardson. Mr. Thos. Bulmer has returned from Spending several weeks with friends at Singhampton. Mr. W. J. Oldfield, of Vancouver, B. C, and Mrs. G. Coutts, of Corbet- ton, were vis tors at Mrs H. Hewitt’ 3 Meaford Road last Week, MLJ. M D.cvis. of Euphrasia, a victim of the Caledon wreck. is still a suflerer. but Issufl'iciently recover ed to get out on crutches. Mr. Davis was a delegate to the temper- ance convention here last week and took an active part in the proceed- ings. ' _ ‘ vuluu, qu. Cairns, Malcolm McDonald, Geo. and Joseph Stewart, and in the other were Geo. Mitchel}, Jo‘m Wright, Mark Wilson, Sam Ped ar and P. \dunshaw. who will bee jained by chars from othe; points o'déer hunting holidav in Parry Sound and Muskoka. In our party were 3V. [-1. Thurston, Herb Smith. Master Kendall Mitchell, Misses Lulu Mitchell, Ruby Trimble. Lily Boyd and Wills. Wright are this week home from Owen Smnd high school on Thanksgiving holidays. The Impepfial Oxford Ram. ge (100 Series) Has no Emma! They Make You Feel Gmd Hut 3 l Tooth brushes from 100 ‘CH Tune. Immortal French and .Iulmnese Brushesâ€" the kind that (10 not loose t-hvil' bristles. Hair Brushus 111 Box W1 11 )1], 11311111133 Rosewood , and 11:11111211 wood backs, L1‘111gg: (192111 331181510, both 11211111501119 and durable age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. The children cannot slbl have bums unless the bowels are mropzr con don. 00r- rect an! eonsti don by givln small hast!" doseso Lyer’s Rummage lemmas-M 52m to $4 at For the Children A very full stock of nail, {he Peaple’s Druggists We Innâ€"v0 no loom: We "am the formula or .11 our awn... Darlings 1 It and bath brushes. Oct. 31, 1907 I'Ulll

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