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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Oct 1907, p. 3

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CFT THE BEST Then (In business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover (.‘nnvvyzmcer :00 acres (:leuelg, Frame Dwelling, Bank 15am, “and Farm, unglxt to bring ”($40C0 Will 5.31! or $3000. 1003019: on Durham Road. llentinck. good ‘ Farm. Bank Barn, Fmr Dwelling. snap. 5 ~... 9-. - “”3500 1 Last Fi-zh Yarn of the Season l 100 ”New. extra gnml Buildings alone wer-i -- i th nearly the 53'0') asked for the farm Most ”dogma-5 carry medals {0,} New Clw‘vf‘lrd RU telling ti-ati stories. but there is ouei 1% MN" lmiidim: lnt. in Durlmn, for sale whicn is a lime otI Lhe common run . oheali, no trade pr anything a mum can We we“. Camping in the north. Saysl eat. MW.‘ or through 3 ”wk at a. men of the K'O'Lill. and one evening: £21132”? :_»oi‘zfilit 23:13“?lflnwcéomlil‘iiii‘éu after our supper of black base and! :I‘i-clitoirstuizil (Buoan'lhislce‘l: xiii-”9,4419. L $33 . bacu“. we luv under the pine. "95‘s afar/wk in Dzulmm Cenumt (.30 , placed in SIDOklI‘l-T lend telling fis'“ Stones In my lmml< for sale cheap which if. was always the "bigger base" that got away. The guide listened with the gravity of a man .‘ who knew all about fish stories, and H. H, Wilder, finally he knocked the ashes from his pipe and told us a. fish ecory ' Once The H"“”""" (Innveyancm- long ago.” he said, “there was a. ter- riole big crouc up in Smith’s pool. Ever) fellow wuo fished in the DJUl had booked llllll one time 01' when; I m p 1e m e n ts but. he alwsz got; away. bit off the suood or SOlllethlug. I tried to catch " him myself a dozml limes. One day A FULL LIXE OF THE 1 was sitting ()3 the p0ol, when . 9 eiiusli a. ouu; robin fluttexed out Deermg HarveSter CO“ S oi» a Min 0 Smoke .he poOl in the Water Alwn‘ .~ l’inmpt. Nevvl' Negligent WI" ‘ ‘M"U~nw Ag -‘-~~' " ‘ Farm Implements Machinery. below. 1“ " muum there “'3" “ - .rush. a. gleam o: 3 allow, and the old MA‘BIJRB SPREADERS ltrout had thrown mumelf Clear out HAY LOADERS lof the Water. and had swalIOWed the lyouug robiu whole. What did I do? 311-. 01‘sz MO \VERS . “fell, I climbed that tree in short or- RAIfES .der, got. another one of those young SELD DRILLS irobins, baled my hook with it, and DISC HARROWS ithre v in in just as lightly as I could. \VAGGONS gIn a. minute there was; another rush. . . T a lanother gleam of yellow. and again GASOLD‘E BNGD'Fm' the old tr0ut jumped clear out of the ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF water 0.3 be swallowed the robin, and in a few minuuâ€"s more I had him Democrats and Buggies ; hOUKed. It. w» hum) I wasn’t. ligh- (Ruhbc-r and Steel Tires.) ing with any of this new-{angled rig- ‘ gmg these DJ): use, and that. I McClary Stoves and Ranges. wasn’t. bothered wun a reel to look Raymond Sewing Machines iafter, or I woulcl have lOst lhiln sure . .As it was it tooa me a. devi o a. time Bell Pianos and Organs. l to get him out. Good to eat? Great Berlin Pianos ;Scot! We didn’t. try to eat him. He 'was so full of hcmks we sold him for old iron. you know.” That ended AGEBT for DO LE 8" JULIAI“ l our fish stories tor that night. â€""'l'he “Gripman,” in Uanudian Shoe "and Monuments and Tombstones gLWWUWL 50,3.crex‘. chnelg, splendid location. extra good Buildmgs, cheap at $7. , will take $6500 2380 Qufirto Pages New Nata-3. 5030 1111: -..tions. Rich Bindings. Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOADERS BI}. JERS 310 W ERS RAE ES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS VVAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Eglitc-d ‘: ‘ 3' W. T. HARRIS. Ph .13.. LL.D., Umted flutes Commissioner or Education. Needed in livery Home N ew Gazetteer of the World with mm"? than 25,000 titles, based. on the latest cmsus returns. Ne w Liographica! Dictionary contain: '1 'r t 19 namns of over 10 000 noted pcrwd:, (am 3 or bi? ~‘1, (103.111, etc. 1‘ - 1.25.3, ‘ DictionaryWrinkles.”Illnstx-ated pump“ inlets. Publishersy Springfield,Maaa. ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bull Pianos and Organs. 25,000 New Words U mmsaism‘wvm Implement Agent Also \Vcbster’s Collegiate Dictionary 1116 Pa :05. 1100 Illustrations. Regular :Lizicn 7:10:23, inchem 8 bindings. Dc L232 2.3.3101: 591.:8é’3x135 in. Z‘rintod from 231"") 3 ' “a, (n Lib‘le paper. 2 beautiful bindings. Do you wzmt to make money and inwafiwmwafimm «sis . Monuments and Tombstones O‘VEN SOUND. G. ('3 C. MERRIAM CO.. Recently Enlargod SAVE MONEY ? across 13he river in Town is causing a. great deal of taik since it was started. Many are predicting that it will not stand the test when the floods come in the spring: mhors that there will be a. big jam when the fresher comes, and will be carried away. \Vell we would not like to have that come to BARGAINS pass, but We would like. to see peuple jam and fill out-store ur, and got the we are giving in New Dress Goods. Furs. Boots Shoes. and Underwear etc. Come and see how we will manage to wait on you. C. L. GRANT Durham. Ont. He Offers: WXTH and Auctioneer. They Have One Common Cause An Impuro Condition of the Blood. 5’; Make the blood normal and you cure the pimples. But. unless elimination is perfect the blood can’t. be normal. can’t be anything but foul. PIMPLES In elimination nothing plays a more important part. than the skin, and if it. gets too much work it be- comes diseased, and pimples. blotches and eruptions are the result. Not a. bit of use to try external ap- plications. The foundation of life, the blood, man be purified. More than that, the blood must be supplied with the elements necessary to furnish the organs with increased power to do their work. Ferrozone supplies exactly these constituents, and is does more. l’.’ It stimulates through the nervous system all the eliminative functions of the body. By stimulating the kidneys and liver and the skin is relieved of an excessive work, and it soon resumes its normal mode of acrion. Ferrozone descroys the poisons i: the blood, gives it new and rich ma terial through the thorough diges tion of food. COIUr. kin resumes its normal, 10 h Every vestige of blotch, pimple or eruption than disappears. You see then that Ferrozone is not only a blood puriller. but a blood fortifier, and when your blood is pure and strong, n0t only will the skin be freed from bleunshes but the whole body will be rejuvenated and fortifi- ed. and given the power of enduraUCe, vim, the natural outcmne of health Ferrozoneis soid by all dealers in 5%. boxvs. Met. as Dul‘uucll on Saturday, the 1993.1 Downer, 1907. \lembers all present the Reeve 1n the chair. Minute of last meeting read anl passed. By law no 8 mpnintino 119p my returning oflicers polling places and place of nomination , and by -'la\~ No ‘l, appOiUtIUg poll clerko 21:. next. municipal elecmons were duly Pa3~e(l. The Reexe reported having oâ€"Xpencied $101 39 in the erectvon of a new bridge at Welheck and $31 in the repairs of 0th9r bridges. The commis- sioners reported money spent on roads in t.11e1r divisions since last. meetingâ€"No 1 $8.15. No 2 $110.10, No 3 $7.66. and Nu 4 1529.53. The following accounts were ordered to be paidâ€"Messrs Wilson and Kennedv of Owen Sound. $3 98011 for expert evuionce in the Smith engine case and the Reeve 38 for his personal expenses in the same case; 835 for Su- pel'erlUU at Brown’s bridge (new), and $2 for Selectingjurns ; Dr Smith, $13.63 for 5% barrels cement and in making side. walks at. Dornoch, The follnwmg ex- penses in connection With the revision or 1907 Voters’ List were ordered to be paid :â€"H H Miller ‘35 rent of hall. the clerk $9.32 for serviCes and Henry Praet $13 serving nutmeg; total 827.32. “2.50 fur mam-anon on grader; Geo H Mitchell 35.. on priming account. Wileonâ€"Grier- ‘ r-unâ€"‘l‘tmt the Reeve and Clerk bein- Strucred to sign plans now shown by the C. P. R. Engineer chhcrtv as follows- ls". en 'way croseing at Livingstone’s 313,9“,ng at. Camp Crepk. 20d thirty Side mad at mile 23â€"37. 3rd \Voelfie's side- ruad crowing. 4th plan of highway bridge at Camp Creek, Council adjourn- !eJ to (met in Clerk's o_fiice Hanover, on Facial Blemishes, Blackheads, Eruptions. UV -u‘v' â€"â€" the 15th day of December next, Bentinck Council in Bell Company to Cease Doing Local Business. The telephone deal referred to in last week’s issue has been closed, and will take efiect on November 1. after which date the Bell Co. will cease to do business in the territory covered by the system of the Dunnville Con- solidated Telephone Company. This territory includes the entire county of Haldimand, the township of Tus- carora in Brant county, the townships of Caistor and Gainsboro in Lincoln, and that portion of Wainfleet in the vicinity of Winger. The Consolidated Company has purchased the poles. wires and all other outside plant of the Bell Tele phone Company in this territory ex cept what is reserved for long dis tauce service. The Bell Company agrees to maintain no exchange and do no local business in this territorv during the term of agreement, which is for ten years, and as much longer asthe two companies desire. it being terminable after ten years on 60 days notice prior to the expiration of any yearly period. The Bell Company will handle all the long distance bus- iness. and for this purpose will have an exchange at Cayuga. but nowhere else in the district. and the Consoli- dated Compauy will give all the long dietance business to the Bell Co. A Certain Cure for Group -~Used for Ten Years without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City. Ind.. hardware merchant. is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croupand he has used this remedy for the peso ten years. and though they much feared the croup. lns wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a. bottle of Chamber- lain’s Cough Remedy Was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a. cure He has recommended it to friends and tier-l1 bore and all who have used it say rhat it IS unequalled for croup am] Whooping cough. For sale at Parker's Drug Store. Many peeple do not realize that, navigation on the (heat Lakesis very different from that, upon the ocean, not because of the lakes being fresh water and the ensence of tides. al-I though there is a. slight tidal mflu-l etice in Lake Superior, hut because! of the decreased depth of water after. a dry summer. in which respect the lakes reeemble rivers This summer has not been a ;-articularly dry one, yet Lake Superior was the only one of the Great Likes which did not fall during the month of AUKUSC. During the month it rose two and a quarter inches and has now practically the mime level as it had during the cor- responding month of moi: of the last three 5eurs. but it is he ertheless a foot. lower than it was in 1876 at the same period of the year. During August Like-S Michigan and Huron fell alittle more than an inch and thev are likely to fall two inches this month. At. the present time thex are both more than two feet lower than they were in 1876 DaringJuly and August Lake Ontario fell three and a half inches, but is six inches higher than last year. thirty inches higher than in 189:"), and fourteen inches lower than in 1876.â€"Shipping llluStrated. l Science Has Now Found a True Way to Cure Indigestlon. A few years ago, when a sufferer from indigeStion went to a stomach Specialist the result, was a rigid diet that. almost. meant starvation. EAT WHAT YOU WANT By dint of the most patient experi- ments science has finally found out. that. to make sun: of good digestion you should eat what your Stomach asks for ; of course using moderation. But the firm thing to do in the case of indigestion or stomach weakness is to Strengthen the muscular walls of the stomach and intestines, so they will care for the food that is eaten. In no other way'cau this be done as well as bv taking a Mi-o na tablet before each meal. This re- stores strength to the stomach mus- cles and Stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, so that the food is digested readily and its nourishment retained in the system to build up energy and vitality. Do not think the sck headache. heartburn bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, spons before the eyes, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms that are the direct result of indigescion, will go away of them- selves. The stomach must be built up and strengthened by Mi-o us. be- fore you can be well and strong, free from sufiering and diStress, TELEPHONE DEAL CLOSED. In many of the best homes in Dur- ham and adjoining towns, the handy little Mi-o na tablets. so pleasant to take. yet .so effective. have given quick and lasting relief from indiges- tion and that disagreeable full feel. ing after eating. Mi-o-na is soid by druggists every- where for 50 cents, and we positively guarantee to refund your money should you purchase a. box and be dissatisfied with resuits. Write for free sample addressing Booth’s Mi 0- na, Box 977, Bufialo, N. Y. NOT LIKE THE OCEAN. (Dnnnville Gazette.) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 2‘ 17% v w“ ‘ THE DAVIS CLOTHES REEL Rev. T. J. Marsh Tells of his Parish 1,000 Miles North of Edmonton. Among those coming in from the‘ north to Edmonton last week was one of the pioneer Anglican mission- aries of that country in the person of Rev. '1‘. J. Marsh. who has spent the past fifteen years among the Indians there. Fourteen years of that period were spent at Bay River post on Great Slave Lake and one year at Fort Leard. Rev. Mr. Marsh says Hay River poet is, roughl;~ speaking, about 1,000 miles north of Edmonton. For 360 days out of the year our con- tinuous diet, three times a day. is fish and potatoes and imported lux- eries. which are your necessities,” he said. "To take goods to the Hay River post costs $8.75 a hundred- weight, and at this rate any importa- tion is a ‘1uxury.’ “Rapid growth of vetetation in summer months.” says Rev. Mr. Marsh. "is one of the wonders of the country. Pomtoes grow visibly in a (lay and Other crops come up with marvellous rapidity. The reason is the almost perpetual summer sun- shine which in June and July con- tinues for twenty out of the twenty- four hours. [:Mr. Marsh, we believe was a native of Clarksbnrg, this County. We omitted to note the exchange from Whmh this clipping was takenâ€"Em] If you are caught in the wet, get- sore throw. neuralgia or muscular pain. don’t wait for -- orse troubles. Begin prompt treatment with Pol- Sou’s Nerviline. It drives away all trace of cold. eases rneumatism, neuralgia and pain. saves you from u lay-up in bed. No 250 purchase can bring more comfort than a bottle of Polson’s Nerviline ; it’s the clean est, strongest liniment madfl. Sold even where Ill large 25c bottles. A Movement on Foot to Alter Histor- ic Name of Town on Georgian Bay to Osbrooke. (M eaford Express.) 1 Some of the citizens of Owen Sound are desirous of changing its present historic name to Osbrooke. which name is derived from the initials of Owen Sound, prefixed to Brooke, a village just outside the town. Their idea would be to join with Brooke and make the two corporations the city of Osbrooke. They claim that the present name, which was given it by an early explorer named Owen. is misleading, as the so called Sound is not a sound at all, merely a bay. That is quite right, but the Owen Sound citizens take into consideration the {act that their town is known not‘ only’ all over Canada. but all over the world to tourism who have passed through it on their way to the west. Those who oppose the change state that as its present name appears on all the railwav and steamboat time- tables which are scattered over the country endless confusion would be the result of such an action. .There ,is also an agitation to number all the streets after the fashion of the up-to- date United States cities. In that case Poulette etreet. the main street of the town. would be Filth avenue. Charles Poulette Thompson, Lord Sydenham, after whom the street was named, would be forgotten. The names of many of the other streets have similar associations. YOU CAN SEE THINGS GROW. Ou the 3lst day of August 1906 W. R. Davis, editor of the Mitchell Ad- vocate, was appointed Police Magis- trate. for Mitchell. Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert. Since then he has disâ€" posed of eighty-six cases. summary and criminal. The town treasurer, during that time. received in fines $175 and the Liquor License Inspec- tor 3140. Four prisoners were com. mitted, to Central prison ;' three to stand trial at the assize court, three to terms in the county Jail, one to the House of Industry. one to the Mercer Reformatory and one to Lon- don Asylum. Bro. Davis seems to have done his share towards handing out justice to evi1.doers.â€"Gorrie Vi- dette. brings the / clothes line to you. You can ' Stand on your own back steps in winter time ~\ and hang out 8 Ex whole washing \\ without having to drag the basket a foot. R E g _.j! I -=5§5:~ I I . 3.. ‘ . ' .'_,'¢ 0‘ .. , g 9-»- _ ' :LOTHES iITI brings the clothes line to you. You can ' Stand on your own back steps in winter time and hang out a whole washing without having to drag the basket a foot. We believe the " Davis " is the best reel made and we want to prove it to you. Send us your name and address and we will send you one on trial without it costing you a cent. 4°, THE DAVIS REEL CO. A CHANGE IS IN SIGHT. YOUR WISEST COURSE. LONDON (Box 165) cm. 9A Rushing Business. ~-- 0-. - 4o: . - â€" vv wvwâ€" “â€" ‘ior wthirty-three years. 'Ifhirneen ,was blind for six years. My eyes twere badly inflamed. One of my .neighbors insisted upon my trying ;Chamberlain’s Salve and gave me 'halfabox of it. To my surprise it ihealed my eyes and my sight came ‘back to me.â€"P. C. EARLS. Cynthiana. iKy. Chamberlain’s Salve is for sale 1 at Parker’s Drug Store. The school is thorouhly equ:pned in teachii. ebility, in chemical and electr cal supplies an fittings. etc., for full Junior Leaving and Man-ii nlauon work. The following competent staff 9' . in charge : THOS. ALLAN. let Class Certificate. Fun. MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A. Hon r Graduate of neen’e Universi'y, Clz esics, Moder s, and Eng irh. . MISS M. S. MOLLAXD. F irst Class Certificate and third vear undergraduate of Queen‘s Umvcr- sity, Science. History and Geography. Intending students whonld enter at the begu- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a health} and active town, making it a most desirabb place of residence. 1005.81.00 per month. WM. JOHNSTON, C R DURHAM SCHOOL, I have been am [0 ted with Borg eyes Many lines of our Fall Good are now placed in stock ready for your inspection, and we. invite. you to come and see for yoursclfs what: we have to offer you. “'9. have no hesitation in saying our stock of boots and shoes is larger than you can find anywhere else in tuwn. Ycu judge Prices and Quality. Eggs taken same as cash at the Down Town Shoe Store. N.B.â€"â€"A Hive Pencil (Jase containing slate and land pencil and pen Whn Going Up Street: ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 1‘0. Geo. H. Stinson 1.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"â€"Grroceries will suit; you.‘ 3.â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. in stove building is con- centrated in the Souvenir Steel Range. It has no equal amongst modern ‘I,’ cooking stoves. Added to its compact- ness. is every advantage to be found in :any . FRO )1 Groceries MATTHEWS a: LATIMER its Aerated Oven, changing the air therein compieteiy. without lessening the heat a degree, gives it an immense ad. vantage over ell other ranges. lts deep fire-box holds the fire easily over nightâ€"no ashes can accumulate to choice the draft. lts lgrates can be removed without loosening a single bolt. Every desirable improvement for eEecting a saving in labor. time and fuel is found in the Souvenir. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT MATTH EWS LATI M ER KATE” COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM. ONT- Chairman THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO., Limited d. S. McILRAlTH Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock Come! HAMILTON. WIRNIPEG. MONTREAL. VANCOUVER FOUR REASONS 92m Why not have a look at 0111 Windowâ€"T? Looking is flee at all times. But you will “ant name than a. look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excelled. C RAMAGE, Secretar MODEL BAKERY why you should buy your Free BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL \VRITING and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. EBAY and EVENING classes. Get the Best. IT PA Y8 Attend the Popular and Progressive and be THOROUGHLY 0d ucated for bus- iness life. All graduates of this school are absolutely sure ”1 getting positions. The demand is mm iderably greater than the supply Sex is an excellent time to emer. Wrim for catalogue. Mount Forest Business College Corner Yonge and Alexander St’s. .xperlence W J ELLIOTT, Principal 4.â€"â€"You can always depend on getting full measure, correct weight; and ent’re satisfaction. TRY US. TORONTO. ONT. LEADS IN ’. T. CLANCY, Prin. to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a pair of boots. FROM

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