A. s‘Eb. 4" Implement Agent, and Auctioneer. (Rubber and Steel Tit-es.) McClax-y Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. A FULL LINE UL" THE Deering Harvester Co.’s 0 Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LO \DERS B114, JmRS MO W ERS RAK ES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGOXS GASOLlNE EXGINRS. Democrats and Buggies for $3500 1003mm. fora gum] Buildings :duue Wur- th xmarl)‘ t'rw 52"â€) when! im- the farm hear Urn-\x'tnrd RU ‘ .7} acre. buiMing (at in Uurh .m. for sale cheap, m' trade t-w :Lnytluug at man can eat. wear. ur through a stick at Property bought and NH uu Umrmission Money tn haul Debts cullected. C.P.R. Tickets and Uvean Tickets {m 5319. $300 ofshck in Um ham Cement l.‘-n , placed in thy hamb fuz' sale cheap implemants Then (In l>:1.~irwss with H. H. BHLLER tht- HHHUVPI' (‘tnn‘t'yanm-x- :00 acres lelxeig. Frann- Dwelling, Bank Ban: (: u 1 Farm 011;th to brmg $40C0 ...... .-_A.. 'nOavres Ulmxclg pleudid location. extra gnml Buildmgs, (3162:â€) at $75 , will take $0000 C. t' (3. ï¬aQERR'AM COO, Monuments and Tombstones ('HVEN SOUND. AGENT {or DOYLE JULIAN (: iw highwft award) W9: given to the Interna- Imxmi :11 Inc Wux'ld’s 1am, 5L. Lows. Yum "'5?! In: infrrestcd in our ,\. it Win}! [[ inf!!! 5'. St’Tltfrce. INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY 8:2? {HE LATEST AND BEST It is perhaps needless to add that we refer to the dictionary in our judicial work as of the highest authority in accuracy of deï¬ni- xiun: and that in the futureasin the past it will be the source of constant reference. CHARLES C. SOTT, Chief Justice. LAWREXCE WELDOX, JOIIX DM‘IS. STANTON J. PEELLE. CHARLES B. IIOWRY, 7 We are of the opinion that this allegation most clearly and accurately describes the work that has been accomplished and the result that has been reached. The Dictionary, as it now stands, has been thoroughly re~ edited in everydetail, has been corrected in every part. and is admirably adapted to meet the Iarz'r and severer requirements of a generation which demands more of popular phizolugicztl knowledge than any generation that the m )TIOI has-ever contained. The Publishers of Webster’s International Dictionary allege that it " is, in fact.the popu- lar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in everg detail. and vastly enriched in every part. wit the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger and severcr requirements of another genera.- tiOn.†UNITED STATES COURT or Cums Alwm .~ I’x'umpt. Nm'er Nvgiigcnt Will gm -The Publisher’s claims Sustained Du ym: wnnt tn make mmwy :md 2H3 FUS'JSHERS. SPRmGF-‘zELD, MASS. 311* an [3113.311 11:) Rwad Bentizzck good : . Bax k' . 3m 11 Fan Dweiling. 511sz ‘n ‘D (‘1‘ ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OI" TP E GR.‘-‘ND PRIZE 9mm U. 11V '7 1“ judges. Tho." ami’e refers to WEBSTER’S John Clark we are giving in New Dress Goods, Furs, Boats Shoes, and Underwear etc. Come and see how we will manage to want on you. C. L. GRANT Durham, Ont. am'oss the river in Town is causing a. great deal of talk since it was started. Many are predicting tlnt. it will nor. stand the test, wnen the floods aunt in the spring: other: that there will be a big jam when the freahet comes. and will he carried away. \Vell We would not; like to have that come to pass, but We would like to see penple jam and ï¬ll oursture my, and get- the BARGAINS The New Railroad BRIDGE Nov. 7. 1907 H. H. Miller, S AVE MONEY ? The â€mu )vm' Con vm'n ncm He ()ffm's: Berlin Pianos W15" ' '- him wzasrms ‘ wanmmonm A cheap fl sh burning corn remedy is never Stlfiï¬faCtOl‘y. The best is Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. costs has a quarter and is guaranteed to cure thoroughly. Use only Put- nam’s. PAY MORE AND GET THE BEST. A doctor was immediately sum- mouea. Besides the lacerations and 1. jutles to the man’s chest, he is in- jmed mam-sully, but to what excent m but determined as yet. When seen by Mr. Hall. a man who lives on the farm. the enraged animal was on his knees and had Mr. Beck- stead hecween them and did no: let loose ms teeth until driven off by the and of a Stick by Mr. Hall. Cornwall, Ont., Nov. 1.â€"(Special) â€"H. Becks-wad, of Mariatown, Mor- risburg. «was exercising a large Clyde stallion in his yard by means of a. long halter, when the annual sudden- 1.» bcCame fractious and, grasying Mr. Buckstcud by the fleshy part. of One of hte arms, shook him much the same as a. d .g wo- Id a rat, lacerating the muscles and some of the larger veins. Bitten by Infuriated Clydesdale Stal- lion. Mi o no. is sod by druggists ever; Where [or 50 aunts, and we positively guarantee to rpfu-nd 30m- money should you purchase a box and be dissatisï¬ed with results Write for free sample addressing Boonh’s Mi 0- na, box 977, Buï¬alo, N. Y. In many of thee best. homes in Dur ham and adjoining towns, the handy little Mi-o nu tablets. so pleasum to take, yet so effective. have given quick and lasting relief {Lulfl mmgus tiou and that disagreeable f- 11 Iecl ing afLer eating. Do not think the sck headache, heartburn bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, sperm before the eyes, sleep'easness au-i the manv other svmptoms that are lh» direct result of indigescion, wm g.) away of them- selves. The Stomach mus: be built up and strengthened by Mi-u nu be fore you can he W611 and strong, free from suffering and discrees, But the ï¬rm thing to do in tbecase of indigestion or stomach weakness is a) sareug'nex: the muscular walls of tin“ bCulllaCh and intestines, So they W11! cure for the food Hut is eaten. In no Other way can this be done as wen as 0V taking a Mi-o-ma~ tablet before each meal. This xe- Stores strength to the stomach mu: cles and Stimulates the pouring out of gastric juices, so that the food i.»- digested reudily and its nourishment retained in the system to build up energy and vitality. 15y dim of tho moat patient. experi :uents science has ï¬uaily found out :hat to make sure of good digestion you should eat. what your Stomach asks for ; of course using moderation. It appears from Mr. Neely’s own story that he returned from Toronto on Thursday evening after dislposin‘g of a carload of cattle. representing 2-1 head. Just What the proceeds of the sales amounted to he is unable to say. as he sold the cattle to diï¬erent buyers as they came along, and con- sequently did n0t take the trouble to count the cash before leaving Toron- to. He put up at Meaford for the night and remained here all neXt day. conversing freely with peOple from the country who happened to meet him Towards evening he lay down on a lounge in the place where he was stopping and dOZed OR to sleep. When he awoke he discovered to his great astonishment that he had been relieved of a large roll of bills amount. lug. it is thought. to over $500. A solitary ten dollar bill was all that was left in his'pocket. A few years ago, when a sufferer from indigeStion went tn a stomach Specialist the reeuls was a rigid diet that: almOSt meant starvation. Science Has Now Found a True Way to Cure Indigestion. j (Meaford Mirror.) E Mr. William Neely. a well-to-do farmer residing near Rocklyn, was robbed ofa large sum of money in Meaford on Friday evening last. Mr. Neely is unable to say how much money he had on his person. as he unfortunately met some alleged friends that. evening with whom he imbibed a little too freely for his own good. Mr Neely was in town on Monday Consulting Constable Owen in regard to the robbery. He was unable, how- ever. to give the denominations or numbers of the bills he had on his person. He admitted that he had shown the money to several persons a: the place where he was stepping. but has no clear remllemion of the time he lay down to sleep. onrsmble Owen is corre~pomling with the To- ronw police With the View, if possi ble. of amcel‘t'dllllug the numbers of some of we lxiifs Mr Nrely at once acquainted the keaptr oi the house with his loss, but diligent search revealed the fact that the money was nowhere to be found. iWilliam Neely, 5:11-t0'd0 Farmer Residing Near Rocklyn. Left With Only $10. Strange to say he did not nocify Uonsrabie Owen until {our o’clock Saturday afternoon. when it was, of course, too late to obtain any possible clue to the gui’my party EAT WHAT YOU WANT imam ROBBED or ovzn $500; PRICE No INDICATION â€"â€"“Whac is your wife’s new hat worth ‘2â€â€" “About seventy-ï¬ve cents.â€â€""Is is posssible you could by a but like that for the money ?â€â€"-°'Cercainly not. I thought you asked what in was worth. The price, I believe. was ten dollars.†A man in Montreal has a chicken twenty-two years old. Sealed offers for the purchase of this bird from hotel and boarding house keepers will receive consideration. Minister’s wife: "No. The Minis- ter is not in jusn now Is there any message you would like me to give him when he returns ?â€-â€"-Old Woman (cheerfully): “Please mum, Martha Higgins would like to be buried at two o’clock to-morrow afternoon.†The discovery of the structural possibilities of steel is What did it. Modern ï¬reproofing methodsâ€"pro- teCting the steel with unburnable terra cotta, and using the same ma- terial for floors and partitions and enclosing elevator shafts and stair- waysâ€"made the skyscrapers safe. Including the Metropolitan Life Building, whicnis not; ï¬nished, the census of high buildings is as follows: One of 48 sroreys; one of 41; two of 20; three of ‘25; two of 23° , four of 2:2; nine of 20; two of 19; nine of 18; two of17; 19 of 16; 19 0t 15; 18 of 14; 13 0(13; 109 0112; 101 of 1; 164 of 10. The building department ï¬nished COuntiUg the lolty buitdiugs in the ciey; 54C of them have been erected since 1890, when the Puiitzer Build- ing: was the ï¬rm; of its class If all the skyscrapers in New York were piled one amp of the other, a building of 6:353 storeys would rear itself toward high heaven. Compared no such a structure the Tower of Babel would look like a mushroom. says the New York Worzd. New York’s Lofty Buildings Piled Atop Each Other Would Pierce The Clouds 540 BKYSCRAPERS WITH 6553 FLOORS. To be well. look well, and feel at your best, â€are Dr Hamilton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. a. truly wonderful medicine for young and old. Price 253 at dealers. Rosy glow in the face, Sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out come of good blood. No surer way exists of purifying and enriching the blood than by Dr Hamilton’s Pills. By their gentle notion on the bowels, kidneys and lanr they ï¬lter every impurity from the system, leaving it Wholesome and able for the main- tenance of hcnlt If you are right you can afford to let the mudslingers have their say. There is nothing impresses people so much asself control. The fellow who wants to jump on those who criticise him, or who runs around like u wet hen cackling about his wrongs is nine times out often no better than his neighbor paint him. By long forbearance a prince is per- suaded. Your cause will win friends as you keep your mouth shut. Even these who doubt you will become your deleuders when they see you’re calm under the attacks of envy and who The men who have patiently waithll have made this world. Some of them haw: been hissed, hooten, and mobbed. but have lived to see their ideas eut‘uroned in the hearts and lives of their fellows If you are right and know it just wait. If you are maligned and abused wait. If you are casr out of society or the synagOgue wait Nineteen hundred years have passed since the howling mob hurled its vituperation and scorn at the man of Nazareth as he hung upon the cross. Today the civilized world does homage at Gulgotha Rich, pure blood will bring new life to the skinâ€"will surely restore beauty and richness of complexion. Ferrozone is the best treatment. It accs on the blood instantly. acts with a purifymg healing effectâ€"- neutralizes the acidsâ€"descroys the poisonsâ€"drives anay every humo: from the blood. So rich and nourishing does Fe'rro zonp make che blood so cool and heal! by, that we sores are healed-- "(‘hHICHS is seemed awayâ€"every trace of eczema poison removed. It is a waste of time to 65mph).v ointment or washes. No lasning beneï¬t can be had from doctoring the skin when the cause lies in the blood. If Ferruzona won’t cure then noth- ing Willâ€"in all mood disorders its effect is lIlStautucure guaranteed. Try Ferrozone. thousands it: has curedâ€"â€"will cure you too. In 500 boxes at all dealers. These poisons come from fermen- tation of undigested food in the upper bowel or from discharged fecal matter in the lower bowel. The prevalence of Eczema. is due 1n every case to the presence of hum. ors and poisonous acids in the blood.- {ECZEMA Skin ltches lntensely, Becomes Hard, Cracks. Bleeding Sores Develop. Pus is Discharged. BLOOD, PURE, RICH, RED. JUST WAIT. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE "Yes, and it was so easy,†she bubbled. "I was passing the market the other day, and I saw a dear little polka dotted hen for only 600, and I bought her. I read in a poultry pa. per that a hen will raise twenty chicks in a season. Well next year we’ll have twenty-one hens, an 80, of course. there’ll be 420 chicks the next year. and 8.400 the next, and 168,000 the next, and 3,360,000 the next, and just see what that amounts to! Why selling them at 500 each would give us $1,500,000 in ï¬ve years, and that won’t be so long to wait for that much.†' “You have. e.h 9†papa asked knowing something of his daughter’ a business abilities. H011,1 have thought that all out, †she declared.’ Perhaps she read the statement made by the department of agricul- ture that the value of the eggs laid by the hens of the United States in a year would be enough to pay off the national debt, or maybe she “just thought it up,†but anyway this pretty little Baltimore girl was con- vinced that she had everything ï¬xed. She has been engaged to a nice young fellow for some time, but to most people the amount of his present salary would appear an insurmount- able obstacle to matrimony. This was the view of her father, but when eXpressed she met it Witha happy smile. [Friends of Mr. Jennings at Han- over and Allan Park will be pleased to hear of his popularityâ€"Ed.) Mr. Jennings replied in a few words, eXpressing his appreciation of so valuable a gift and assuring them that the most precious thing of all to him was the motive that prompted it, a feeling of love and loyalty. Signed‘ on behalf of the Guild: Mrs. O Broadwell. president; Miss M. Cooper, secretary. l During your stay with us many ichanges have taken place, many difï¬- Lculties have been met and overcome ‘and many improvements have been made by your kindly and good judg- ment. It has been and still is our chief object to aid in every way we can the earnest efforts you have put forth for the welfare of our church. We feel we have ever had your hearty communion and support and by ) our kind words of encouragement and constant cheerfulness you have greatly helped us in our W0: 1:. Loyal hearts and true ask you and Mrs. Jennings to accept this little gift as a slight token of our love and respect. It is our prayer that wherever you go you will be richly blessed and that the future years will bring you and‘ yours continued strength, health and prosperity. f | Kingsville, Nov. l.-â€"-A very pleas am, event; 100k place the other even- ing, when the Chancel Guild of Epiphany Church men at the Rectory and pI‘HSUDted Rev. and Mrs. Jen- nings with she following address and a handsome worris oak rocker: Dear Mr. Jenningsâ€"\Ve, the mem- bers of the Chancel Guild, felt We could non see you leave as rector of Epiphany Church and leader of our Guild without spending a social even~ ing with you and Mrs. Jennings. Of course it’s hard to work. Stoop. ing over hurts, lilting is tedious, and you wonder what to (10 Ever try Nerviline? Nothing like it for weak or lame back. I: penetrates co the core of the pain, eases from the ï¬rst application. brings cure that: deï¬es a relapse. No lmiment is so clean, so soothing so certain to kill muscular, rheumatic or sciatic pains. Your dealer sells Poleon’s Nerviline in large 2:30 bottles. \Vhy not try it? New York, Nov. 1.~â€"-The Luistanig will carry to New York trom Liver. pool to-day £2.000.000 in gold, the biggest cargo of the kind probably ever carried in asingle ship. A large portion of this gold has been received in England from South Africa, reï¬ned and reshipped to America within one week. Most of the gold is in harm} but whether bulliuu or Specie it will be packed in iron bound cases. weigh- ing when tilled about a hundred. weight. Naturally every precaution will be taken to guard and check each box [rem the time it leaves the Bank of England to-day till it is deposited in the strong room of the Luistania ‘1 The bulliu: bFOkt‘l‘s who Begollntvd‘ the enlv of 'he aold are responsible for its bafviA. and include in the price charged tne cost of freight, insurance and specm: guards en route to the Ship, wxmre the captain and pureer bectuue xe~~Pon2dble Usually the in. surance rate on gold is one shilling per cent., but on thisoccasion, owing to the unusual quantity the Lusitania is carrying, the rate has stiflened, and a large portion had yesterday to be insured at seven shillings Sixpence per £100. Such a treasure ship as the Lusntania never before sailed the seas. EStimating the value of the vessel at “91.250000, the passengers’ cash baggage at £100,000, the cargo at the same amount. and the coal at £8,000. her total value this voyage runs to about £3.500,000. Lusitania 9. Prize Worth £3,500,000. â€"Bearing £2,000,000 m.Gold Bars in her Strong Roomâ€"- Gold Engaged in London to Believe Stringoncy in New York. REV. JENNINGS HONORED. A MODERN TREASURE SHIP. WHEN YOUR BACK HURTS Special Cable Deapatch to The Globe. GEI‘ RICH QUICK. WIT? "mm " 93" m;‘¥I’f"'l ~..x ’r‘Wi “’31.â€. H 2‘6 Wm: H **** upâ€; 4% }, 'EEL!!_.’I 1%}; :ig‘ut s‘l†‘ is n iam‘m 1] â€mi? W‘Muxmn { ' a “ :v ~- ._ xâ€"ï¬gmrw r ‘ ‘%%£‘:'~' ':‘-v..fï¬"m .‘ VF THOS. ALLAN. lst Class Certiï¬cate, Pun. fMISS LOLA MCLEOD. B. A. Hon r Gradxfate o ueen’s Univerai‘y. Classics, Moder s, and Eng 1:11. MISS M. S. MOLLAXD. First Class Certiï¬cate “Pd third vezu- undergraduam n9 (manna. 1'.--" The school is thorouhly equxpned in teach)†ability, in chemical and electmzal supplies an ï¬ttings, etc., for fuh Junior Leaving ano Manic- ulamon work. The following competent. snafl an in charge : MLS§ M. S. MOLLAXD. First Class Certiï¬cate opd thujd vezu' undergraduate of Queen’s Umvux» sxty. Sclence. History and Geography. Intendmg students should enter at the begix - ning of the term if ntmsible. Buard can be 01- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a health) 39d acpive town, makiuc it. a mum A‘uu:-n“!_ i! That pain between the eyes isn't vneuralgia. Many think so. but it is catarrh. plain ordinary catarrh that needs attention right now. Your proper lead is to use “Catarrhozoue†Doctors recognize it as a cure that surpasses all others. Sure. because it does reach the trouble; safe, be- cause no drugs to take. you breathe : its healing vapor direct to the course i of the trouble, and cure is guaranteed. Two sizes, 25c and $1 0). Sold every“ where. v-vv-vv vuvvll place of residence. will ï¬t any chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed- A Souvenir Range M is built to draw well on any chimney. The GURNEY-TILDEN CO DURHAM SCHOOL Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. Hamilton, Winnipeg. Montreal and Vancouver KATE COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. l.â€"Prices will please you. 2.â€"Groceries will suit you.)- 3.-â€"Promptness of delivery will surprise you. N0 LIMMENT CAN CURE IT. I. JOHNSTON. Chairman \..-â€"â€"B A ni< e I)(H(?i1 (fuse containing slatv and lend pencil and pen MATTHEWS _ LATI M ER have to Offer you. “"0 have :m hosittmiuu and shoes is larger than ynu can ï¬nd judge Prices and Quality. Eggs taken same as cash at the. Dow :l. Grocer 0 FROM les MATTHEWS a? LATIMER ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 Geo. H. Stinson Many lines of our 1.111 Gond are nmv p1: iced inspection, and we invite 3'01: Lu «(12:10 and Sue When Going Up Street: Of a range 18 very impor- tant. Some ranges will 2 ’, draw all right if the chim- ///7/ / * ... ney Hue 15 built 1n a certain ll‘ "‘ 4. W461 __ :3, way; if not, it will not draw at all, or very imperfectly luau) l1'll1lllum1fl “if“ 'Unw _ 54“..» a \\ \x .-\\\_ the chimney must ï¬t the range. A STAFF AND EQUIPMENT 1805.51.00 per month. 407 Oglivie’s Flour Always in Stock rates. Dmham Is a health makiugi .L most desirabio FOUR REASONS . S. McILRAITH Why not have a look at: our window? Looking is free at all times. But you will want more than a look when once tasted. Our bread and pastry cannot be excefled. Limited. MODEL BAKERY C R A MAGE Secret 8 r h ‘.- -.. than you can find :mywhereelsein why you should buy your 11' Free ash at the Down 'l‘uwn Shoe. Store BOOK-KEEPING SHURTHAND z TYPEVVRITING 'COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- . ENCE {PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING [ORNAMENTAL WRITING “-1-“â€" Get the Best. IT PA Y8 Attend the Popular and Progressive MDAY and EVENING classes. and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at his own desk. Trial lessons for one week free. Visitors welcome. ,r.’ "('14 and be THUROFGHLY mixxcatnd far Lus- iness life All gradual“ of -this school are absolutnly sum ut getting positions. The demand is run iderab‘y greater than the suppiy .\'w\' is an excellent time to enter. “'3 in) fur catalogue. w J ELLIOTT. Principal Corner Yonge and Alexander St‘s. 4.~â€"You can always depend on getiting full measure. correct wenght and entire satisfaction. TRY US. Mount Forest Business College mr‘ï¬ï¬â€˜qVZ-NAI 5“ $‘Jn! W. T. CLANCY, Prin. zed in stock 1' nuly for ynur See for yoursolfs what; we in saying nur smvk of hunts LEADS XN to each schoolboy or girl purchasing a pair of boots. thn. Y( 11