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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Nov 1907, p. 6

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Pumps of all Kinds. Galvanized and Iron Pip ing; Blass Brass Lined and II on Cvlinders. For Al SHOP 1W. D. CONNOR Imflwa _'mymm J 80 8110081 ' Aflov :3 50. ’Pht a V .ale..sla..al¢_-ie..alcdc_'ak._d: ] HAVE PURCHASED THE ’Bus and Dray business from Mr. John Vollet, and wish to announce to the people of Dur- ham and vicinity, that it will be my aim to make the business, so successfully carried on by my predecessor for the past two years, more successful than ever. Stack Food and Veterinaty Preparaiions ()ue merchant remarked when 119 seen a sh‘puwnt Hf Stuck Food and Veterinary l’x'cpurations at our door luv-3y “that it, was mmugh to supply the whulp country for TE“V yearn" but. he didn't knuwevery- thing. Livrminly it, was a ledge shipment, but we knnw what, is Wanted in this sm'uinu and «'U't‘ not- afraid m put, in mmugh stuck to supply llu- wants. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. IOP Open every afternoon. [I REPAIRING promptly and prep. erly attended to. kw. D. BUNNUR If your livesmvk mans Lumng up buy same of 0m- Sttufik Food. the he»: mm.-ufmmu-ml. IL will saw: hay and a As whicn are very expen- sin- this ) var. If )nm' horse shows any Sign of mid buy some of our Distemper Cure and ynu will see good results immediately. If your hnrse shows any symp- toms of hmws. buy a. package of our Heave l'm‘e. Ithas cured nu- merous cases in this locality. If your horse shows any signs of worms do not loose any time in seem-mg a. package of our “form Powder. HA‘IE YOU? Any 01d Worn silver? 11 so, I am prepared to re- plate it, Bringit in now While I have the time. All won; guaranteed. If your horse has a‘ bruise, sore, flesh Wound. external inflamation, sprain, barb wire injury. swelling etc, try a bottle of our Silver Pine Healing Oil, the most wonderful preparation for Man and Beast. If your horse meets with any in- jury that causes lameness, try a. bottle of our Compound Absorbent and you will be thoroughly satisfied If your horse is sore-footed, try a. can of our Honey Tar Foot Remedy widely known for its virtues. mention. W. BLACK We' havé other _prépar§tidh§of ’3. similar nature too numerous to If your horse gets a. sore shoulder try some of our gall cure. If any of your animals or poultry shows signs of having lice, try some of our Instant Louse Killer, either in Powder or Liquid form. If your cattle is affected with Lump Jaw, secure a. bottle of our Sure Cure Lump J aw. __________ Pumps from $2 upward. Machine 011. Harness Oi], Ame Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to S. P. SAUNDERS '0 {1w Public E Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"â€" Geo. Yiirs The Harnessmaker Cbapped hands "are quickly cured by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. Price: 25 cents. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. Forget, Sash . Nov. 4..â€"The body of Chas. Havenith. a popular young man of this place, was brought into town Saturday. be having met death by taking gopher poison at the farm at a friend. whom be accompanied to bring in a load of oats. It appears be had been drinking heavily and had ; been despondent for some time. Af- ter they had gotten themselves a meal Havenith asked for a gun to shoot himself, but was refused. A little later he noticed a bottle of go- pher poison on the table. faking it up he said ”Good bye” to his two friends and drank the contents before they could interfere. An antidote was given and they thought he was all right, having vomited twice, but the unfortunate ydnng man died be- fore he reached the town and secured medical aid. An inquest was held to day by Coroner MacGregnr and a verdict was brought in of “suicide while temporarily insane.” The fun- eral took place shortly after the in- quest. schoou It’s awful hard I feel jus’ like a fool. I cm’t remember what. the teacher tells ; About orgamc matcer in the wells ‘ ’N nitrogen, ’11 phosphorus. Gea‘ whiz! This subjec’ is the hardest. one there This crop rotation bombers me a lot. Does corn comes aitwr wheat, or (1093 We’re Iearnin’ Agriculture now at theland? ’N if is does. I do not understand What phosphates is. Say, are thpy it not. ? Dops clover take the pbOSphabes from What phosphorus an’ nines en can be. Our teacher knows. gee whillikens. farm. . Can’t tell us nothin’. She’s a fake she’s bright! Don't care what. Paw sez. Teacher is all fight. , She knows the bugs ’at spoil a felle‘r’s trees, ’N how to kill’ em with the greatest ease. She says alfalfa benefits the land, But, how, I’zl nevzr, uever under- alarm. But all the same, he kncws no more’n stand. . ‘ I’d hate to be a agricultunst. bay, I’d rather be a farmer any day. Charles Havenith. of Puget, Suicided Before Friends Could Interfereâ€"- Verdict of Self-Destruction. ' good or bad ? Huh 2 Agriculture! Gee, it makes me mad! Paw sez a girl wh-zt never seed a We have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in our home for seven years, and it has always proved to be a. re- liable remedy. We have found that it would do more than the manufac turers claim for it. It is especially good for croup and whOOping cough. REV JAMS}: A. LEWIS, Pastor Milaca. Minn}, M. E Church. Chamberlai J’s Cough Remedy is sold at. Parker’s Drug Store. Farm for Sale By Public Auction The Executors of the estate of the late John Bailey, the elder, who died on or about the 30th day of July, 1907. have instructed the undersigned auctioneer to sell by Public Auction, subject to a reserve bid, a'. the Sat, Dec. 7, 1907, At the hour of three o’clock in the‘ afternoon, the following farm : Being the South half of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21, on the Fifth Concession of the Township of Bentinck, north} of the Durham Road, comprising one ? hundred and fifty acres, more or less, about 120 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation. the balance being good hardwood bush. On the farm is a large comfortable concrete dwel- ling house in good condition. a good frame barn 4‘) by 60 ft on stone foun- dation with stables underneath; also a good double log barn and frame driving shed; fair orchard; well wa- tered with well at barn and house and crossed by the Saugeen River. ' Well fenced. of sale. TERMS:â€".â€"Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid at time of sale, and ten per cent. when posee'e- sion is given on the first of March. 1908; the balance on easy terms, which may be arranged with the exe- cutors on day of sale. Tom BAILEY, Hanover, ‘ J on Bnowx, 83., >Executora. Allan Park. At same time and place there will be ofiered for cale the north half of said Lot 20. Terms made known day Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. n5 .1 ,, HM.“ 'f .q .-.- ‘1 V 3‘5“” firflifififf‘ . “4”". ‘ “W” . ,.‘ u 'I '.‘ '. , . :31th a v Allan Park Hotel, AGRICULTURE. (From the Kincardine Commonwealth.) The distress which at present pre. vails in several of the townships of ‘the County of Bruce is” most appal- ling. Cases of the most pitiable and heart-reading .destitution are every 7day coming to our knowledge; and the most serious apprehensions are entertained regarding the future. Bad as times have been, and learfully bad as they now are. yet nevertheless it is evident, that they are at the a worst. and that there is acrisis rapid- : ly rushing in upon us. that will stag. . ger and defy every eEort to amelior- 'ate it. unless some immediate and *decisive steps are taken to meet the coming storm. The horribleness of your position is daily revealing itself to us. in all its sadness. In "the ad- 7 joining townships there are hundreds {0f families verging on starvation; 'and God only knows where the end l will be, or what is to become of them. 'Many of our best and thriftiest far- i more are destitute of the where-with- i all to carry them through tillianother harvest.â€"the crops of the past year having almost proved a total failure. I We could enumerate inatances where, geren already. families are subsisting ion a few boiled turnips. others on 'ibread and water alone. and the sup- '. ply so small. that it cannot keep body I and soul hanging together for many Iweeks longer. Some have consumed ieverything in the shape of vegeta- ,tion, and. as their last resort, have slaughtered their OXen, whichéfiarms their whole suswnance What in - the name of everything that is sacred :tie to be done to rescue these poor icreatures from the death by starva 1 tion which stares them in the face?‘ 'Are we to stand by, and become the 'eye-witnesses of their dying agonies. or will we be up and doing, to stem :the tide of starvation and death that has almost reached the portals of our habitations. Now or never is the ltime. Two months hence. and the :sickening cry, too late, too late. may i fall with reproachfnl accents upon lour ears, from the dying lips of hun 'dreds of our fellow creatures God ;truly has laid his chascening rod up- ‘on us, but be it is also who in the gabundance of his tender mercies can lepen up a way of deliverance But {man must Strain his every faculty, 'and with the Almighty. who can l bless and crown his efforts with suc- gcess, there is yet abundance of hope. It will not do to stand and speak and I look aghast at each other. We must ggo into action, with a determination ’equal to the task before us. It is ' difficult to sav what plan of operation would be the best to follow out ; but. “if we are successful in securing pri- “vate or Governmental aid at home, there is Still anorber door Open; and '}the writer of these lines knows right well. that if an appeal were made to his countrymen. Scatland, forever preeminent in every good work and benevolent act, would not tail to ex- ,tend the requisite relief, to save hun- idreds of her unfortunate Highland ,countrymen from famishing in the :1 wilds of Canada. Dutitntion in the County of Bruce. From The Durham Standard of Foby. 4th, 1859 The above is a deplorable picture. which we hope is over drawn. If there exists a neceSsity of pecuniary aid. there need not be an appeal to Scotland. or any other land. beyond our own shores; although there has been UpWards of twelve thousand bushels of wheat exported from Dur- ham this season. there is yet sufficient remaining to supply, in a great meas ure, the wants of our brethren in Bruce. and we feel certain the dispo- sition to assist will not be wanting. when applied to, if those most inter- ested will take immediate steps to organize some mode of procedure. by which the desired end can be attain- ed.â€"Ed. Standard. DAYS 0! LONG AGO. you may require 111 Siegngr’s old Stand. Mi”; Mrs. S Roeinthal, of Turner, Mich- igan,says: “We have used Chem berlain’s Cough Medicine for our- selves and children for several years and like it very much. 1 think it is the only remedy for croup and can highly recommend it.” For sale at; Parker's Drug Store. A nation Spoke to a. poet, A peOple sent word to its hard ; "Come to my season of fruitfulness, You than have judged be hard ; Gaze on mv endless acres. That- a wealth of gold disclose. When rho wheat flames o’er the prairie Of year Lady of the Snows. “Neither with scorn nor with favor, But scouting all other reportâ€" Gaze on my wealth lying naked. [port When the Zephers of summer dis Speak to the stones of my cities, List to the hammers’ biows, Ask of the steel rail girdles Of our Lady of the Snows. "My Speech is clear and single. My answer is cities feir. Long miles of v. harf and marketplace And the restless furnu e glare O’er the blue of my lakes and rivers The keel of corutnecce goes. Is mine» an ice bound Thule? Asks Our Lady of the Snows “From my viue clad bills and valleys, Pick the purple fruit of the vine. Old Bacchus fares not better On the slepes of Appenine. See my Woods in the late September, Ere the breeze from the Northland blows. Drink deep of the richest crimson Of Our Lady of the Snows. For years I was troubled with bil- Iiousness and constipation. which lmade life miserable for me. My ap. {petite failed me. I l08t my usual liorce and Vitality. Pepsin prepara- ltions and cathartics only made mat- ters worse. I do not know where I should have been to-day had I not tried Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liverr Tablets. The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once. strengthen the digestive functions. helping the 8yS° ‘tem to do its work naturally.â€"â€"MRS. lROSA Por'rs. Birmingham. Ala. These tablets are for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. “In winter you have seen me. And EurOpe took your wtork May your story of my harvest-time Through all her length be heard Tell ‘the genius of my people No bond from winter knows,’ And I’ll forgive you, Kipling. For your 'Lady of the Snows Ottawa Oct. 12. THE LADY AND THE BARD. A Reliable Remedy for Group. Bilio usness and Constipamon. BOVRIL added to any dish gives it the delightful odor of roasting beef. Makes your mouth water-puts your appetite on edge. Its‘ rich, beefy flavor, starts the gastric juices flowing, helping the digestive organs extract more nutgition from the food you eat. BOVRIL is not a mere extract. It contains in concentrated form all the essence, substance and flavor of prime beef. When tired out, try a. little BOVRIL in a. cup of boiling water, with a soda biscuit. 'Twill refresh and strengthen you. All good cqoksokeep BOVRIL always on hand. There's not H ‘ PRINCIPALB. ; a day passes that 1t cannot help make some dish more palatable ‘ 0“me O 1 I _mA-A -AICâ€"l‘ “~ vâ€"méré noufishing. All good grocers sell BOVRIL. S. McIntyre 9n F. 0., Toronto, writes: I should be much obliged to you if you would. kindly give me vour Judgment in the following case: I read some days ago. in a Tor-onto paper, that on account of the shortness in the production of butter in Canada it has been neces sary to import butter from England and Australia. The report gave the exact figures of the amount of im- ported butter. A friend of mine with whom I discussed the matter would not believe this fact, and it is indeed hard to believe. I therefore ask you kindly to answer me through your esteemed paper if the fact that butter has been imported this summer is true or not. {WW Anaâ€"For the nine months ending Ma.-ch 31st. 1907. there were imports amounting to 868348 lbs. From Great Britain, 55,239; Australia. 218.942; Newfoundland, 21; New Zea- land. 33.712; and United States. 560.- 433. Dealers State that the great bulk of the importation from the Old Country. at any rate. was returned butter. the shippers finding they could make a larger profit with prices prevailing here than they could on the British market. There is a con- siderable consignment on the way to Canada now from Australia and New Zealand, and also from Ireland. Dealers state that butter can be ihrought from these countries and set 'Idown in Toronto and Montreal at 28 to 30 cents per poundâ€"Toronto News. Mr George Brown who has been visiting relatives around here for the past two or three weeks returned to his home in New Westminster, B Mr. and Mrs. David Donnelly vis- ited Hanover friends one day last week Miss Lily Pearl Hopkins of Hutton Hill spent last week with her sister Mrs Chan. Mighton. Mrs. T. Wilson. and son Bert of Durham spent Sunday with the for- mer’s sismer Miss A. Reay. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt and two children spent. Sunday with Glenelg friends. Mrs. Frank Wise is ill at present but hope she will soon be better again. Mrs. Ed. Hopkins and family vis- ited her parents Mr. and Mn). J. W. Vickers recently. Mrs. McCulloch Sr. Spent one day lass week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Park. Mr. and Mrs David Adlam visicefl at Allan Park Sunday last. Miss Ethel Hopkins of Toronto, was the guest of her cousin. Mrs. H. W. Hunt. a few days last week. $26 IMPORTIN G BUTTER. creates appetite Vickers. 1.... The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the Cook. Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba Flours always give faction. We can give vou what you want and you will find our prices right. Mrs. Mex. Beggs 81 Suns DURHAM. ONT. Maybe you’re not particular about many things, but you ()thX to be about your cluthes. lero are some particularly NICE SUITINGS $15 AND UP And the price includvs first-class trim- mings. and also :1 first (law fiit. Dnnt forget; when: to ( owe to if x on want a. Good Suit ()1’ Overcoat. J. A. GLASS Geo. \Vhite Son Threshing Ma- chines. Rudd’s Harness, Spreads and Harness Repairs. Oil’s and Grease’s. STOVES FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machines. MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. HORSESHOUNG A SPECIALTY All kinds of iron work promtly attended to GENERAL.. BLRC ISSM|TH See our folding root and fire eecepe lndders, the safest and most complete in the mnrket. I have purchased the “ House Cold Tire Setter” the best and latent true setting device on the market. Implements. North American Life Assurance Co. listuwel linnel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept on hand. Give us a Trial and be Convinced. FARM MACHINERY Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. . W. Lawn-crux. We carry "also other well known brands of Flour. JUHN N. MUHUUL‘K J. L. Flari‘ty Manager and Cutter. Frost 3’ Wood Toronto \Vindmills. Nov. 14, 1907 M erohan t. Tailor. AGENT FOR All Kinds of Middaugh House Block satiso

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