U Queen and George Methodist Church Ofï¬ce :4 0.111., 7-9 pm. Telenl LLLULV A...v ---V ï¬ce in the \ew Iiuuter Block Oï¬ice hours 8 to 10 a. m., to 4p m. and7 1,09 9. m. Special attent ion given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- posite Presbv teriau Church. UE L 1U“ ¢;‘v as: short distance east. of Knapp’ 8 Hotel, Lamb ton Street Lo“ er Towm Durham Oï¬ice hours from 12 to :3 0 ’clock ° ’ THE Caaoxmu-z will be sent to subscnptlon any address. free of postage, for Rates - - $1 OOper year, payable in advance â€"$1.50 may he charged if not so .aid. The date to which every subscription is paxd is denoted by the number on the address label. - No paper dis- continued to all arrears are pain, except at the optton of the proprietor. Late Assistant Roy. 332;. and t0 Gulch-n S ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC. Ofï¬ce over Gordon’s new Jewellery Store. Lower Town, Durham. Any amount of monev to loan at 5 per cent. on farm propertv. Advertising Rates . - AQVBI'EISID “" .“""‘ "' ~ . cents per line for the ï¬rst Inset- Rates - . tion: 3 cents perline each subse- quent insertionâ€"minion measure. Professional cards, not. exceeding one. inch $4.00 per annum. Advertisements without speciï¬c directions will be published till forbid and chargcd accordingly. Transient noticesâ€"“Lost.†‘tFounol." “For Sale." etcâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion, 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. - -- - ' ._.. - -....t..w..1 luv urrnnwprg must All advertisements ordered by: be Daid for in aclva nee. Contract rates for yearly adve niflggd ml application to the ofï¬ce â€""" - .L‘I1 All V advér'tisements. current week. should In TUESDAY nmrnmg- L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London, N~w York alld Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose andThroat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 2nd Saturdav in each month. Iloursâ€"lâ€"G p.m. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S.. L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons ofOntario. Dentistry in all its Branches. Ofï¬cesâ€"Calder Block, over Post Oï¬ice IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street, HYSICIA N ï¬ce 1111116) OFFICE: THE DURHAM EHHUNIELE is ('mxmleh-Ly suwm-c The hb ' ' NFAV TYPE.- 1111155119 Department ilitios fur turning; nut work. EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE D veyancers, Etc. Money to Loan. Oï¬x-eszâ€"In the McIntyre Block, over Standard Bank. A. G. MACKAY. K. C. W. F. DUNN. er Comex ancer c. Insurance Agent. Monex to Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general ï¬nancial busi- ness tramacted. Vluv-v â€"â€" _, pl uux pm: a ououucu altdhis Implement Wirerooms, McKinnon’s 0 stand. or at the Chronicle Oflice. vu“ Vuu;u4;9 â€"-Vâ€"_ ._, tioneer for the County of Grey. prqugptjy attended to. Orders may . ." ,__ .. ‘lnv Sales be left \, KENNYâ€"LICENSEDf AUG 1 o tioneer f )r the Countyo fGl'GY. 11 or Sales promptly attended during the fa winter months. Terms reasonable. I: or pattipulass apply to M K9“ Ed? i2- ""J---L nnab Durham. Sept. '27. 3m-pd. ï¬articulgrvslpbly to M. Kenn . or John Murdock. Middaugh 01 Drs. Jamieson Maclaurin. l. G. Hutton. Nov. 9, ’03. FFI (‘F AVD RESI plExgï¬o-COR. I J . \'A..¢l. AC FFICB AND RESIDENCE MacKay 8:. Dunn. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, QON- DURHAM, ONT-1 OBN CLARK. LICENSED AUC- -‘ n,I-_ A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMM‘ISSION: DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town. Nov. 21, 1907 Ehm m Oflice: 1 Arthur Gun, Medical Dz’reciorv. U IL‘V v Ava-v- en and George Streetsâ€"North of t Church Office hoursâ€"941 a..m., 7-9 pm. Telenhone N0. 10. De Illa! Dz/ ectorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. Miscellaneous. J. P, Telford. llcatlvu LU \||‘_. ., isements. tn ensure insertion in should be brought in not later than t Roy. London Ophthalmic H08. ode-n Sq. Throat. and N088 Hos. SPECIALIST : :. Fmst St.. Owen Sound. For transient advprhsements 8 _-â€"’.Aâ€" is complete}; studied with â€"--‘ -‘ N _.,--‘M DR. BURT. c AND SURGEON.AQ_F- l'lle' for yeany advertxsements fur- . IRWIN AND PRUI’RIETUR. ordered by strangers must thus affording fac- in! «mt ï¬rst-class '3 01188 all “The scheme will not fool many. I am conï¬dent, but there may be some back townships where it will go down. Some of the withdrawals have been sent in so Eobicoke and other Councils already. “Outside of this the Whole situation is very favorable. The liquor men are busy on the voters’ lists. This plan has been tried in several places, but has so far failed. The council- lors won’t put nooses around their necks..â€â€"Toronto News. “The ï¬rst of November was the last day for receiving petitions for local Option. After that they could not be altered. The liquor men are getting some who signed the petitions to write and ask that their names be taken off. This would in some cases reduce the total number of signatures below the 25 per cent. that they were at ï¬rst. The next suggestion will be that as the petitions are now not su- fï¬cienJy signed the bylaw should be rescinded. “These petitions were closed on Nov. lsr, and no names can be remov- ed from them after that. The law requires the vote to be taken if the petitions contain 25 per cent. of the voters. Now these petitions had that; if any Councils are so simple as to Withdraw the by-law owing to names being taken off after Nov. lst it is at their own risk. It is illegal and they can be disqualiï¬ed for two years. . “The liquor men don’t care what hot water they will get; these council- lors in provided they save their own skins. You have indigestion, perhaps cramps, or in any case the system is overloaded with matter that should be eliminated. Breath gets bad, eyes look dull, headaches are frequent. Why n0t cleanse and purify the whole syStem, why not strengthen the stomach, enrich the blood and as sist your overtaxed digestive organs? Easily done with Dr. Hamilton’s Pills ; their action is most gratifying. In every case they give the exact as- sistance the ailing organs require. You’ll feel ï¬t and ï¬ne, eat with a relish, sleep likeatOp. have a clear color, and restful sleep if you regu- “The liquor men are trying to in- fluence the Councils to Withdraw the by-laws {or local Option veres,“ said Mr Spence to The News to day. “I do not, think they will succeed. Every memLer of nUouncil who takes part is Open to disquahï¬cation for two years.†Mr. Spence gave the following ex- planation of the new move: “Last winter I caught: a severe cold which lingered for weeks,†says J. Urquhart, cf Zephyr, Ontario, “My cough was very dry and harsh. The local dealer recommended Cham» berlain’s Cough Remedy and guaran- teed it, so I gave it a trial. One an all bottle ot is cured me. I be~ lieve Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to be the best I have ever used †This remedy is for sale at Parker's Dr ug Store. Rev. B. H. Spence Says Hotel Inter~ ests are Asking Petitioners to Withdraw Their Names. Rev. B. H. Spence has returned from a trip to Parry Sound and Outer Lake with news of a “new scheme to kill the local option campaigns.†Will be Kept Open Another Year If Funds Can be Raised. Norfolk, Va., 15â€"The directors of the Jamestown EXposition last. night adapted a committee report favorable to keeping the Exposition cpen next year, provided $200,000 can be raised by pOpular subscription. SEEKING T0 iHWART LOCAL OPTION BY-LAWS. Withstood Other Treatment But Quickly Cured by Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. The VViarton Echo concluded an editorial on the conditions prevalent to-day incident to the rather poor crops and the tightness of the money market with the following sane re- markszâ€"But how shall we meet, changed conditions ? It is just here‘ where we must become very practi- cal and where we must not pursue a pennywise but pound foolish policy. In a town it would surely appear good judgment to keep all the cir culating medium at home, that is trade with our own merchants and give the departmental stores a wide berth. This applies to the country people as well for if they expect to have a good market in this town they ‘should not systematically send to Toronto for the goods they need. In- stead of consulting the catalogue of a departmental store it would be far better judgment to give the order to a local merchant and thus keep the money at home. And that wide re- trenchment is all right within certain lipits it should 'not be carried too far. This thing is contagious and leads to a panic, and inevitably brings about hard times. But the best way to meet it is by push, business enter- prise, good judgment, and full conï¬- dence in the future. Everyone ex- pects that the industrial conditions next summer will be satisfactory, so let us be Optimistic. It is an excel- lent tonic. WHEN YOU EAT TOO FAST. J AMESTOWN EXPOSITION. LINGERING COLD. I A motion to rescind the Butchers’ By-law as brought in by Councillor Tovell at the Town Council meeting on Monday night. The motion aimel at throwing open the market to farm- ers and others and allowing them 10 cut and sell meat in any quantities they desired. Most of the councillors were in favor of an open market, but some of them had so many sugges- tions to make that the broth was Spoiled by too many cooks. For in- suance Councillor Young wanted an open market, but he also wanted the farmers to kill their cattle in Walk- erton slaughter houses. This course ! would oï¬er few inducements to farm- }ers, although the councillor thought it would prevent them bringing in diseased meat The councillor has evidently not read "The Jungle,†or he would understand that more dis- eased meat comes out of slaughter houses than ever comes off farms. The meat coming from \Valkerton slaughter houses undergoes no more inepection than meat coming from township farms. and why the diseased meat cry should be used against the farmers any more than the butchers is a problem for the Council to solve. As it is. the farmers are allowed to sell by the quarter, and they have now the same opportunity of leading people with diseased meat as if they sold '3’ the piece. Councillor Robert- son thought an inspecror should be appointed and all meat undergo a Strict scrutiny. But as Dr. A. G. Fortune is about the only man in Walkerton qualiï¬ed for such a job, it would be costly and almost impOSsi- ble to carry out Mr. Robertson’s scheme The best and only protec- tion at the disposal of the people is the heavy penalty exacted by the law against any per son selling or oflering for sale diSeased meat. Councillor Robertson also suggested leaving the market as it is and compelling the butchers to pay a license for the pro- tection afforded them. The people, however, want cheap meat. not butchers taxed. The motion was ad journed till next meeting; of Council, which will be held on Nov. 25th.â€" Bruce Times. For years I was troubled with bil- iousness and constipation. which made life miserable for me. My ap- petite failed me. I IOSt my usual force and vitality. Pepsin prepara- tions and cathartics only made mat. ters worse. I do not know where I should have been to-day had I not tried Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, The tablets relieve the ill feeling at once. strengthen the digestive functions. helping the sys- tem to do its work naturallyâ€"MRS. ROSA POTTS, Birmingham. Ala. These tablets are for sale at Parker’s Drug Store. If any person Wishes to know what a party telephone line is like. says a correspondent in the Grand Valley Star, let him ring up some oï¬ices on a line having a number of private tel- ephones and then listen to the click- click as numerous receivers come off the books, the music of the babies and other household sounds, but if the ofï¬ce called fails to respond it will be useless to ring again as the inquisitive ones have effectually cut 05 the ringing power. Biliousness and Constipatmn. THE BUTCHEBS’ BY-LAW. In ï¬ve minutes after turning on the drafts she will have a good, strong ï¬re. Should she sleep two or three hours longer than usual there will still he a ï¬re ready for her. The ï¬re-box, HUGS and dampers are so scientiï¬cally ‘arranged that the Pandora can be THE DURHAM UHRUN [CLE The latest sensation is caused by the late Grand Jury’s Report on the House of Refuge, Markdale, and the peOple are anxiously waiting for the ï¬nal report of the investigation. \Ve have talked with inmates of the in stitution and also with members of the County Council and we cannot see where the Jury had ground for such a report. If the Grand Jury’s report turns out to be a grand mis- take, or incorrect in the main. then Grey County will neVer rest quiet under a scandal. and if heavy dam- ages resulted it would likely be a check to that kind of wire pulling. Railroad ccnetrucring is still ad. vancing. the steel is laid seven or eight: miles was: of Priceville. Mrs. (Rem) Berry visited her sons in Toronto last Week. Mrs. J. C. and Miss McInnis. of Cbeboygan, Mich and Miss M. Fer- guson. of Priceville. Spent Thanks- giving with Shelburne friends. _ Don’t be debarred from Strength and spirit, don’t give in to illness and deSpair. Ferrozone supplies tone and vigor through which all func tions of womanly life are maintained and fortiï¬ed. From New Richmond. Que, comes the following statement from Mrs Isidore Boissoneault: “I take deep pleasure in testifying to the powerful influence of Ferrozone. For years my daughter has been pale and sicklyâ€"showed signs of ad vanced anaemia. Her lips got 30 white and her cheeks so devoid 0' color I feared consumption. 1 can certify Ferrozone made an excellent cure, and to-day my daughter’s health is the best.†500. per box at all dealers. Mrs. McInnis and Mrs. T. A. Fer- guson are visiting their brother, G. L. Watson, at Walter’s Falls, and Other friends in North Grey this week. McInnis and Stothard have bought and shipped a large amount of farm stock to Toronto this season and are becoming quite pOpular with the farmers. BOSY cums FOR mu: GIRLS! A large number of ratepayers are grumbling at the higher school taxes this year authorized by the new Pro vincial Act; it is particularly irrita- ing to some of the old bachelors We understand that: a new hard- ware Store will be opened soon in our village. “'6 should also have a. drag store in this town. (Markdale Standard.) Fine November weather. A good deal of plowing has been done. MOTHERS, HERE IT IS! Priceville. Pic/1W FI'Lz-nzz'ng on ska/Asst â€once. Funeral Director A. BELL UN DE RTAKER WINTER MILLIM ERY Last week we held our second M illinery Display, it was as usual a grand success. Man): venue in to see the New \Vinter Styles in Fur and Velvet. Since then. we made a special trip to the city and got. some very New Ideas how For and Velvets or done. \V'e will Show the New Styles and be. in a position ta. give you something seclusive. You wont be meeting your own hat every time you turn around. \Ve bought a large stock of New iroods at, a great discount, and we will give our customers the beneï¬t, of it. Our stock is larger than everâ€"a larger variety than ever to choose from. “"9 shall keep 21 large stock ()1 goods 1111 the season. Ourt ade 1s so .xtcnsivm we ï¬nd it neccssarv to :1l\\:1vs keep on hand :11:11°gv supplynf tho. latest and host at everything m the 1111111111 1y line. Um'hmn Full linv of Catholiv Ruhcs. and black and White (hips fur aged p0(')plv. Great Trainingâ€"Small (lost. Good positions, Free Catalogue. Everybodv \Velcome. R. A. 1mm uharson. B. A., 4‘ nrncr X ongc and Bloor Streets, Toronto. British Canadian Business College. Sumv 1{()(_).\ls-â€"â€"â€"vit to Swallmx's‘ Barber Shop. RES! IYJ‘JNCli-«NUXl doanouth of \V. J. Lzuvrenw's blacksmith shop. Embalming a Specialty Parisian Miiiinery C0. and MISS DICK Ontario The Big 4 He Sells Cheat]; Larn‘e" 42 2Bed Cmnlmtox s .52 1'0 33 Large 11x4 Flaneletto Bl mkets, in white and Grey , :5].:..3 p: xix. Floor Oil Cloth 1, 1.1. and 2 \‘su'ds \Vidt.‘ at. 1.50. per sq. yard . Smyrna Rugs 30x6!) in. $2; ("31"11. Men’s (‘vzlrdigzln Javkvts at 19"“. 1.2.7» and 1.50 each. Ladies" fall and winurx fmm 25(: up. See 0111' lines 0f" .0! and .M. (1:. «- "and for fall and winter. Fine imitation cut glu~> Hlv.~i‘2°\‘:- did» es at 20“: and 400 each. 4 piece I’l'esm‘d (J‘hLSS 1 Dont furgut, 1.0 call .- want. a, lump this mu. frmu 25v up. ALL WORK GUARANTEED at “Live a‘ let live†PRICES. GEORGE WHITMORB. music. Songs, waims New music received each week. BEG LEAVE '10 E‘II‘UI:M \I‘f [OMERS and NIH itilbliu. in gruu‘n‘; am prepared to furnish NEW PUMPS AND Hrsmms. \ Dmnmxn, Ita-Crmnxu Aw mind done with Coetllmn cuncrcte. [33“ ALE. ORDERSmken at the old Pumps. Peru; 6. fl. webster Hear McGowan’s mm mm ' 'u,»"{.x{.§Jp{': 3'2 tended to. ' SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 gems Per (5ch all Goods I have placed in stock a ï¬ne line of late CALDER BLOCK up. and €wo=Steps . BEAN \V H pu'svn‘c dish ndeszaz 'f', '- I WELL he." and in at 5-4