West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1907, p. 1

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TRY T. Smith for a. Black Galloway robe. Nothing better. CUMB to Mt. Forest’s lst Annual Dressed and Live Poultry Show Dec. 12th and 13th, 1907. MACFARLANE’S babys’ Cough Cure may be given to the youngest and most delicate child. It never fails. Fun (Q1mlit3 and Qmmtit3 ask 3'0111 dealt 1 fm the. new big plugs of “Bobs” " Stag ' and “Currency” (7110331113.; T0- l")a('.C(_1. perance AIYiance was held in the Methodist Church. on Tuesday night. CHRISTMAS BAKING.-â€"At the House nf Quality will be found the freshest and lust in fruits, peels, nuts. etv. Thv finvst raisins grown 3 lbs. fur 25c. -â€"H. H. )Iucklor. YUL’R \Vinter Overcoat, the import- ant part of your winter outfit. \Ve offer special inducements in both ready-made and made-to-order coats from mm’ t-ill Christmas.â€"The House of Quality. U. }L )Iockler. A Mum HAMME consisting of'l‘emper- once solos. readings and x-ecimtions will be rendered by the members of Durham Junior League on Monday, Dec. 2nd. commencing at S p. m.. in the Methodist, church. Doors open at 7.15. Admission silver collection. MR. Jun): CLARK, auctioneer for the (V‘nunty of Grey, has decided to leave the fixing of all sale dates to this office. This does not interfere with sale kills being printed elsewhere, but before making arrangements we must invariably be Consulted. The Object is to avoid ('onfiiction of dates. tf. choir took entire charge of the service and rendered anthems etc. as follows: Solo, by Mrs. Newton; Quartette by Misses L. B. Walker, D. Burnett, and Messrs. A. Bell and W. Search; Solo by Miss M. Davidson; Duett by W. Harding and F. Clemas; Male Quarâ€" tette by Messrs. Search, Harding, Clemas and Bell; a trio by Mrs. New- ton, W. Harding, F. Clemas; Chorus by Misses McKenzie, McLean, McDon- ald, McComb, Fallaise, and Messrs. Search, Harding, Clemas and Bell Miss Ada Brown who usually con- - tributes a good solo or.two was un- able to do so owing to her throat being » out of. order. A good congregation 5 "1:: was in attendance and we think every- EPDO thoroughly enjoyed the singing. WI\’OUII lVU VIO\- {J‘VD‘ v‘-“D\4' ......... , . . . moms were served and the nests Were 0mg the death of Rnbt. Brmthwmte, . g ‘ ‘ , made to feel pertectly at home by Mr. who was shot near (Jr-eufell. bask. by , . . . . and Mrs. Jzumesnn who are quite pop- :1- member ot the mounted pnlwe. \\ e 1 'th t} e c to All tl , , . . u ar w: ,1 on re a 1 n. 19 are nut sure If this 15 Robert: Br:-11Lh- . g g , , , , church services are well attended. wmte who left here :1 fee 39am ago. , ’ ""'.7.z )z° vs , , He “ ent t“ \ellnw (”d“- lpl‘ u “n13 ' .SUME of our readers W111 remember . . . o o o ' f. ' ‘ o - ' ‘ not lax 1W1" Grenfell and Reyna, and a, robe exlnhlted here and at Holstem be 113. l :1 brnther out there emuemheu . bv Mr. Jnh'n Smith. It was made AN item appears elsewheu- annou- PL‘BLH‘ MEETINGâ€"Rev. A. 11. Run- .tnn, Tumnm, will lecture in the Tuwn Hall. on Friday. t(')-nl()l’l'()\\' evening. subject. “Fl-um Bur-mum tn Pulpit.” N0 admission fee, but a (-nilectinn to defray expenses. Mr. Rnurnn is. a very busy man which may be inferred fer-mu the fact that hp has Sunday ngaged up to nextJune. The subject- on Frid: l} evening. we understand. is based on the. speaker s own experience. A MEETING of the South Grey Tem- A DESPATCH from Dundalk to the- Toronto News sayszâ€"A nmnher uf the more set-mus damage claims. arising out of Unlednn wreck, were settled during the pzlst‘week. Some of the claims su settled. with'tlu- :unmmts weré. it is undm-stondzâ€"Mr. David Madill. Ceylon. $2.7m: Mrs. \Vright. Fleshertnn. $3,100: Mrs. Goff. Mark- dale, $1.7m); Mr. M. K. Richardsnn'. Fleshertvm. .'"2.7!N): Mr. Bl'fl'ldt‘l‘. Priceville. $3.000. A VERY sensible article appeaw in V cultural readers. some of whom may profit by a careful perusal of the arti- cle. We believe there is much truth in'what Mr. Day says regarding the feed problem, and it may be that many farmers are today losing money by slaughtering their stock rather than keep them over on high-priced feed. Read the article and think about 1t. . A SERVICE or soxe was held in the Baptist church on Sunday last, Mrs. Newton presiding at the organ. The choir wok entire charge of the service and rendered anthems etc. as follows : 5010, by Mrs. Newton ; Quartette by vm. 40â€"140. 2124. NEWS AROUND TOWN VVAerDâ€"See ad. on page O go Sure Cure Veterinary Remedies at Darling’s Drug Store. i MR. ALEX MCLACHLAN has 'agency fox Flett the Florist. See SEE the new Hanging Lamps at MacFarlane’s Drug Store, ROBESâ€"Before buying a robe, see T. Smith’s Black Galloways. He can interest you in quality and price. GIANT TRIPLETS “Currency” “Bobs” and “Stag” Chewing Tobaccos in big plugs. Quality always the same. P. G. A. \VEBSTER announces that his Jewellery Store will be opened every night during the month of December. I \VE regret) to learn of the death Of {James Brown, son of \Vm. Brown of Bentinck. A. couple of weeks ago the. ' the boy, who was about fifteen years of age, shot himself in the foot by m:- cident. After severe suffering he took lock-jaw which ended in death on Sunday last. ‘ ' SNAPS in ln-dies’ coats. J ust arrived a (-hoice lot of new coats, regular price 39m $10. “70. are selling them for $7.50.â€"The House of Quality, H. H. Mackler. lemmus and (Wm-shoes. pure gum gouds. fresh from the factory. Every thing from the heavy lumberman’s t0 t0 the ladies’ and children’s feather Weight. rubbvrs at old prices.â€"H. H. Mocklor. “"16 are told that Auctioneer Clark had great success at; Arnold N(.)ble’s 5.119011Tuesday Inst. ("lows brought; from $21 to $33 and a. two-year-uld colt was Aanth’d down at $95. This duesn’t Inok as if times were very bad. AT the close of the Ladies’ Aid on Tuesday night the. members were en- tertained very" pleasantly by Mrs. J :L- mieson at the parsonage. Refresh- ments were served and the guests were made tn feel perfectly at home by Mr. and Mrs. Jzuniesrm who are quite pop- ular with the congregation. All the church seri'ices are well attended. \‘l‘UL ‘V IL’II LIIIU V‘IAIDL\4thv-vnnu Q-.. vac-v v church seri'ices are well attended. i Miss Lizzie V0118“, left for Hamilton . Friday last, after visiting her parents SUME of our readers will remember ‘ here for some time. a. rnhe exhibited here and at Holstein': Mr. Duncan McLean, the saw-mill by Ml" John Smith. It was made man, returned from a prospecting from curly cowhide. a. cross between a. tour to the Pacific coast. Galloway a‘nde Jersey, mid was Offer" Mrs. Smith and family nf Palmers- ed by Mr. bunch at Helstem for $18.00. ton are vi Siti n g th e farmer’s parents, He enhs-equentiy sold it; to a traveller Mr. and. Mrs. Pennington. for $20.00. Last week the Game robe. M . . (1 Mr: Robt \Vatt returned was sold in Toronto for $165.00. ‘ I' '1'" L‘J‘fl: 1...... hum. ommm'my A THE time is coming when the elec- tors. Shnllld he thinking of next year’s council. The best men are none too good to handle the town affairs. If all the members of the present; board are just the kind we want they should he ro-elected by all means. If some are all right and nthers bad, weed out the poor nnm. By all means let us have a, council we'll not, be ashamed of. THE \Valking fad seems to have reached Durham. On Sunday after- 1100!] last h'em- Latimer and Rita Ir- win hunfed it to Varney and back, making the round trip of six miles in an hour and a. imif. Monday after- noon they sot out again and covered the same ground in ten minutes less time than they took on Sunday. The exercise sharpened up their appetites and now they (um eat anything from a side of sale leaLuer to a boiled crow. AFTER a year‘s trial as a tWIce-a-week, the Owen Sound Times has gone back to a. weekly paper. By the words“ gone back” we do not wish to convey the idea of a retrograde movement on the part of the Times. As a financialven- ture the Times is satisfied that it is not a success. As soon as circum- stances will Warrant the publication of a daily paper the Times will be in the field, but till further notice in the probably “dim and misty future” will continue as a weekly, giving eight, ten or twelve pages as required. . 11‘ didn’t take Harry Burnett long to graduate in the boot and shoe bus- iness. Only just a few' weeks ago he he bought out the stock of the late Fred Peel. He started in at once to sell the goods. During his spare moments he did a little cobbling that was fairly good for a greenhorn. It maybe that Harry didn’tlike the smell of leather, but we can hardly think that’s the reason he got out of the business so quick. An experienced ‘Iuw--â€"'V_ came along, and after some dickering he bought him out and Harry is re- tiring from business activities. the his A FEW Ladies’ Fur Coats at a bar- gain, at Grant’s. MACFARLANE’S are showing an ele- gant, line of Christmas Novelties and fine china. Call and see. WANTEDâ€"A good general servant. Apply to Mrs. C. Keeler. MEN’S furnishings at; the House of Quality. Always tothe front in this department. This season we are showing g-,ods which throw all pre- vious displays in the shade, in gloves, neckwmug lmndkerchiefs, suspenders, fanvv hOsiel-y etc., for the holiday fzmvy busiery etc., f0 traduâ€"H. H. Mockler. THE U. P. R. has the rails laid near- 1y to Ritchie’s School House amile and a. half out. They would have been here some time -tgo. but they couldn’t get the steel. They are enga- ged building a. pumping station at the hunk of the river near the Garnfrnxa Street bridge and the framework of the tank house is already up. They will make Durham this winter. but it depends on the weather how much further they will go. Miss Jean Crawford is visiting her friends at, Ceylon. Mr. Frank Vickers of Toronto was in town over Sunday. Miss Margaret Munro has accepted a. position with \Vebster, the Jeweler. Mr. Lyons, returned to town, after visiting at his home near Markdzile. Mr. David Smith is able to be out, he is not making any great progress. Mrs. Adam Robertson is progressing favorably after her recent operation. Miss Mary Vickers has accepted a situation in Mr. Bean’s store. Mr. George Spm'liug is still confined to his bed with no report. of favorable pr(.)gruss. Mrs. Murdock of Buffalo spent; a few days with friends in town and vi- (:inity. Mr. Kelsey was in Toronto Thurs- day and Friday of last Week on busi- HESS. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. \Vatt returned home Saturday last; after spending a month with the latter’é parents in Annabel. Messrs. Wm. and Robert Lennox are home from Arcola, Saskatchewan, where they spent the summer on a homestead. They intend to return in the spring. In the early hours of Thursday morning, Nov.14, death entered the home of the late Mr. Dan Greenwood, taking the husband and father. For over a year the deceased gentleman has been in failing health from heart trouble, and death came to him as a happy transition to a brighter, better world, where pain and suffering are no more. He was born Oct. 13, 1855, on the farm now occupied by his brother Thos., and has always lived in this neighborhood. He was very indus- trious, a kind and obliging neighbor, ever ready to lend a helping hand. It was always a pleasure to meet him for he had always the welcome smile, the pleasant words, the glad hand, that bespoke the kind heartedness of the man. He. was a consistent member of the Methodist chnrch. The funeral on Saturday to the Eng- lish church cemetery was very largely attended. The services at the house and grave were conducted by his pas- tor, Rev. Mr. J amieson. The pall- bearers were, Messrs. J 08. Firth, J. H. McFayden, Wm. Edge, Dan Edge, Archie Ector and Wm. Ritchie, all near neighbors. Mrs. A. Hooper, South Glenelg. To the sorrowing ones we tender our sympathy.â€"Com. He was married Dec. 8, 1880, to Miss Mary A. Jasper, and the union was blessed with four children, all of whom survive,â€".\Irs. Chas. H. Mofl'at, Mrs. John Firth, and Arthur and Clara at home. Besides these he leaves three brothers, John and Wm., of Ebordale, Thos., Edge Hill, and four sisters, Mrs. M. Cameron, Dakota; Mrs. Dunsmoor, Hamilton; Mrs. Davis, Northwest; and DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1907. DEATH OF D. GREENWOOD. PERSONAL. (24 paws per issue) one of the hest weekly pupm-s in the Dominion $1.00 a. year, and A live Inc-a! weekly, printed all at home. mu! extensively circulated in Suuth (z‘rrey. $1.00 a year. New subscribers will get the balance of this year FREE. Presentsubscribers to either Mail or Chronicle will have his time extended one year, and 're- ceivu the other up to J anuzu'y lst,§1909 on receipt of $1.25 Cash in Advance. Readers of the Chronicle who are are. :llrmtdy paid in advance up to Jan. 1908-) may receive the \Vrckiy Mail for one your on umking an zulditionnl payment; of 2.5c. This offer does not; in clude premiums, and all. payments must be in advance covering tho year 1008. Either paper alone will cost. one dollar. No reduc- tions will he made only to regular pn-id-n'i-advz-uice subscribers to the (.Hn-onicle. Address all communications to All persons are warned not to tres- pas on the following lots with dogs, guns or otherwise, for the purpose of hunting. or prosecutions will follox ' :-- Abraham Crutchley, N0. 62, 3rd Con. E.Gr.R.-â€"N0. 3, 4th Con. S.D.R. Thus. McGril-r, No. (31 and 62, 2nd 'Jon., E.G.B. John Bell, N0. 67, 3rd Com, E.G.R. -â€"â€"â€"No. 3 and 4, lst (.‘on., N. D. R. (‘htis Firth No.0 .lst. Con. D. R. W m. Young. No. 3, Con. 1, S.D.R.â€"â€" N0. ('3, 0011. 1, N.D.R. Christmas Goods DURHAM AND R. B.Keeler Sons The Toronto Weekly Mail NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. The Durham Chronicle This year we have been on the look out for new and special Xmas Goods. We have succeeded in getting together the most beauti- ful stock of up-to-date Xmas gifts that we have ever shown and are placing these goods on display every day for inspection. We extend to all a. cordial invi- tation to visit our store. We have just the gifts you want for Grand- mother, Grandfather, Father. Mother, Sister, Brother. .Any article you .wish to have laud away we will gladly do so for You Without one cent of deposit on Keeler’s stock for Xmas 1907 i bigger and better than ever be fore. All engraving on done free of charge- .Come with the crowd and money. for the small sum of Two Mammoth Stores $1.25 A Year \Ve offer Both Papers THE CHRONICLE, Durham. At Keelers Xmas WELLAND 250 ! 250! Men’s and Boys’ Over-coats S. F. MORLOCK 911061113353an €1.01an St )lt,‘ .X‘ Cash and one price :vnt for ngross Brand Clothing. It seems a. big lot of overcoats for a town the size of Durham: however, We bought them and we intend to sell them. \Vlwn we bought these mum-nabs we were so struck with their value that we must admit we lmught more than we intended 10. To sell them and we have marked them at a. way small margin vm cost. f you examine 111v of the cloth linings :md trimmingsâ€"and the, smart IT QUICK way they are tailored, yml will be convinced that. you can from us. By buying your overcoat ' $1.00 PER YEAR. Save Two H u nd red And Fifty Cents Quality

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