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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1907, p. 3

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Sad results of the American finan- cial crisis are reported. It is said that several mum-millionaires have been reduced to the ranks of mere million- aires, and that they are being cut by their former equals, who refuse to have anything to do with paupers. Implement Agent and Auctioneer. W Mvé -510 dzMSkwn. (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Rangns. Raymond Sewing V30hi!3v.~ Bull Pianos and Omar» Farm Implements 6.: Machinery. MANURE SPREADBRS HAY LO-\DERS BILJL'RS MOWERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Democrats and Buggies i acre building lot in Dprham. for sale cheap. or trade for anytlupg a man can eat, wear, or through a stxck at Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand Debts collected. ORR. Tickets and Ocean Tickets for sale. $300 ofst’bck in Duxham Cement 00., placed in my hands fur sale cheap. Alwug. s Prompt, Never Negligent- vvvvvvvv : vu u“. llum Juuau, JJCJILLUUK, KOOQ Farm. Bank Barn, Falr Dwelhng, snap tor $2500. 100 acres. extra good Buildings, alone wor- th nearly the 52'00 asked tor the farm Near Crawtord P.0. Implements 4 :00 acres. on Durham Road. Bentinck “ .\ n n- â€" 200 acres. (jlenelg. Frame Dwelling, Bank Barn, Good Farm. ought to bring: $4000 Will sell (or $3000. SOacres, Glenelg, splendid location. extra good Buildmgs, cheap at $7500, will take ,nlobfln SAVE MONEY ? Then do business with H. H. MILLER the Hanover Conveyancer AGENT {or DOYLE JULIAN, Monuments and Tombstones O\\'EN SOUND. A FULL LINE OF THE Deering Harvester Co.’s Do you want In make money and ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OI" John Clark We Will manage to wait on you. v~ _- v...” Furs, Boots Shoes, and Lnderwear etc. Come agd see how C. L. GRANT Durham, Ont. ar-I'oss the river in Town is causing a great deal of talk since it was started. Many are predictin that it will not stem the test when the floods come in the spring: others that there will be a big jam when the fresher comes, and will he carried away. W’ell we would not like to have that- cople to pass, but we would like to see people Jam and fill oursture up, and get the The New Rail road BRIDGE N (W. 28, 1907 The Hanover Conveyancer . H. Miller, He offers: rli n P tan ( Miss Jennie Staples arrived home on Sacurday from Toronto after learning of her brother’s death near North Bay last Friday. A collision of two buggies occurred near the N. P. C CC. ’3 switch track last Saturday night, the shafts of both buggies being broken. Nobody was seriously hurt. A. large number of Durhamites were out on Sunday last viewing the new 0. P. R. track, which is laid a short distance past Ritchie’s school. ' Sad and unexpected was the news flashed over the wire on Saturday morning lasc from North Bay, Ont . announcing to Mr. and Mrs. John Staples that their second oldest son. William. who, being in poor health and thinking that a change of climate might bring him a return of good health, lelt for the great Northwest, iInvermay, a couple of months ago! with his brother M. J, and a cousin, ‘ Fred Whitmore. had departed this life at the above named place while on his way home accompanied by his brother Mathew. who was apparently the only member of his family by his side at the time of his death. This is the second boy which has been taken from the grief-stricken parents by the hand of death in the course of about six months. The sincere and heartfelt“ sympathy of the whole community goes out to the sorrowing ones in this their sad bereavement. We wish to extend our sympathy with that of the community to Mrs. 1). Greenwood and family. of Edge Hill, in their bereavement. Mr. Wm. Andrews had the misfor- tune of having a. colt get its leg broken. He let two colts out togech. or. one u twmyear-old and the other one-year-old. The former kicked the latter and broke one of its loge. With the aid of Mr. Sam Ritchie they bandaged the broken limb and are uniting deveIOpments. Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm. B. Meredith, Kt, Chief Justice, Osgoode Hall, Toronto; W. J. Gage, Esq., 84. Sgadina Ave, or J. S. Robertson, Sec‘y-Treas., National Sanitarium Association, 347 King Street West, Toronto. Canada. - Mrs. Wm. Barony, of Merkdele, spent a couple of days last week the finest of Mr. end Mrs. |Geo. Ryan, Jr. His Excellency Earl Grey has shown his interest and sympathy in the work at Muskoka for needy consumptives, by accepting the position of Honorary President of the National Sanitarium Association. An institution that has never refused a single applicant admission, because of his or her inability to pay. Seventy-five patients can be cared for today. Accommodation could be provided for three hundred if the required money were forthcoming. To make this possible, our appeal is for $50,000, to be used in extension of buildings and maintenance of patients. “ ’Twas a kingly gift” said H is Excellency in making acknow- ledgment. “I will tell the Ii'z'ng.” Addressing the large audience that attended these opening exercises, referring to this event Earl Grey said: Where wail your money do more good? Every community and every individual is interested. Darkies’ Corners. “ Ladies and gentlemen, when the worklngmen of Canada are setting an example of" this character, I hope you will not be slow to follow, and I trust that the example of the Canada chle 8‘ Motor Co. may be followed, as I am sure it will, in every factory and manufacturing industry throughout the land." We carry these Words to the people of Canada in our appeal to-day on behalf of the Muskpka Free Hospital ' ' for Consumptives Cbapped hands are quickly cured by applying Chamberlain’s Salve. Price, 25 cents. For sale at. Parker’s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wise visited friends in Vanndy, iate]y. Mr. Art. Hunt and family have moved to the brick Eouse west 0! the: Poet Oflice on the property which he recently purcnased from Mr. Babb. Lindsay of Glenelg. Miss Berta Cufi spent Sunday be- fore last with Allan Park friends. Miss McFavden. of Durham, was the guest. of her siSter Mrs. John Bailey. Mr. Willie Vickers. who has been working in Cheeley. for the pasc couple of [11011013 is home for a few days. Miss Ellen McFarland, of Craw- ford. visited her sister Miss Annie. a couple of days last week. Mrs. Earnest Roseborongh, of Owen Sound, spent the past few days with her mother Mrs. Wm. Felkinghem. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burnett. of Durham, Snndayed in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Cufi, of Aber- deen Spent Sunday last with their daughter, Mrs. Herb hunt. Mr, Eddie Vickers, of Mt. Forest Business College, visited his parents recently. Mrs. Geo. Hapkins, of Hutton Hill visited her daughter Mrs. Chm. Mighton. Sunday lees. Mr. Wee. Hunt, of Pticeville. Sun- dayed with his brothers. Mr. und Mrs. ngid Adlun spent Sund‘y with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown. of Mulock. NEAR CRAV Amo ENHUI FREE HESETA’L’" FOR CONLSUMthv; All single maids, Do not despair; Your chances now Are more than fair. And happy days Are drawing near; For nineteen- eight Is a leap year! Vickers. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Wingham, Nov. 23.â€"-Nicholas Clegg, one of Listowel’s popular young men. Was to have been married on November 13. A few days before he was taken with cramps, and was soon too weak for an operation and died on the very day that he was to have been married to a Listowel young lady. The perfection of all rheumatic remedies is found in Ferrozone. It is in tablet form eaey to take, con- venient to carry, guaranteed to cure. and costs only 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50 at all druggiste ; don’t fail to test Ferrozone. Unlike other treatments. Ferro- zouedoes not depress the heart or deaden the nerves. It rebuild the system, promotes better health, establishes good appetite, sound sleep and freedom from weakening pains and aches. Everv distressing symptom is our ed. swollmu muscles and achingjoints are relieve! ’ their pain. The dis- ease will not return if once cured bv Ferrozone, which does its work thoroughl . Its cures are lasting. i The only specific of ALL forms of Rheumatism is Fen-ozone, which is perfect solvent for uric acid end o splendid stimulant for the kidneys and liver. No remedy is so successful as Fer- rozone. It has never failed to care. because it attacks the cause of~the disease in the blood. It neutralize. the uric acid poisons. quickens the sloggish circulation, and relieves the system of all irritating matter. It originates in the blood and velops most quickly in the system persons who are run down end It in: in vitality. “CREMEâ€"It Final] Strike. the Heart and Kim It: V ctim. R heumatism Died on his Wedding Day. Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep. ‘OIQM. I de- m 01 Ink- HAMILTON. mums. 30m VANCOUVER 4o: The stantly surrounded by fresh oxygen, and really roasts it. Most ovens Intending students should enter lung of the term if possible. Boa telnedat reasonable rates. Durban end active town, making it a In place of residence. mined at, reasonable rates. end active town. makin place of residence. Durham is a‘ilealth 3 it a must deeinb t \ Fees. 81.00 per month. W. J OHN STON. U RAMAGB KAJ‘E COCHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. ms LOLA MCLEOD. B A. Hm.) :- Graduate (at 11119101115 Univerai y, Llassica, Moder. a. :nd 113 Â¥E§§¥ 8‘ HOLLAND. First Clan. find.ifim+- Wings, 0:0,, ulntaon work. in obs 1'29 : _â€"â€"â€"v â€"w â€"- V' av, Pntor Milton. mum, M. E. Church. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is sold “Parker’s Drug Store. Wodhaye and Chomberloio’s Coukh ond it his always proved to be o re- liable remedy. We have found that is would do more thou the mono!»- carers claim for it. It is eopeciolly 800d {01' cronp ond what-minor nnnah- Feedâ€"Car-loads on hand of Bran In Flour we carry McGowan’s, Milverton. and Five Roses. N .B.-â€"-A inice Penci} Case containing slate and lead pencil and pen GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Many lines of our Fall Good are now placed in st inspection, and we invite you to come and see for have to offer you. “’6 have no hesitation in sayin; and shoes is larger than you can find anyw judge Prices and Quality. . Eggs taken same as cash at; the Down Town 1 here Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers, TRY MATTHE‘VS LATIMER FOR Fresh Christmas Groceries and Fruit And Oysters. [\V‘ WW” the nourishing juices and the sweet tasty flavor retained. Meat Iroasted in a STAFF AND EQUIPHENT. do more than the tinny-‘0' aim for it. It is onpeculny cronp :nd whooping 00085- an. James A. LEWIS, Chuirman THE Is the place to get Model Goods Our Cakes and Pastry are of the Best Qualitv and excelled by none .. S. MclLRAgTH Come! Limited ‘3 “11° bem- ‘ O ‘0‘. :‘rood are now placed in stock ready for yuur you to come and see for yourselfs wh at \"C we no hesitation in saying our stock of hunts you can find anywhere else in tuwn. Y(u ‘ososO\â€"o Secret”; Iran, Shorts, Feed Flour and \Vindsor Salt. land: 1-1-â€" “â€"5.“ Get the Best. IT PA Y8 Attend the Popular and Programme I \â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"‘*â€"' W. T. CLANCY, Prin. aDAY and EVENING clam- BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND 'r EWRITING ggfigashza 53W RRESP . PLAIIETNBCIIIZSIN mm 1388 wm ORNAMENTAL WRITINgNG The doctor orders meat broiled for his patientsâ€"he wants it hygienically cooked in pure oxygen, with all Corner famon'ro, ONT. V and be THOROUGHLYIud ucatnd far bu:- iness life. All graduatesof this school are absolutely sure or getting mmrions. The demand is considerably greater than the supply. Now is an excellent time to enter. Write for catalngue. Mount Forest .. Ayton, Royal Household J ELLIOTT, Principal Yonge and Alexander St‘s. girl purchasing ,1 pair of boots. to each schonlhoy 01‘ Shoe Store.

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