West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Nov 1907, p. 7

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For Pumps of all Kin SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly attendeti to. gw. D. CDNNfiR E w.1.wmuu Lower Town, - Durham, Ont. W. D. CONNOR so succe: predeces years, m - All on 71 - , ’Phl Galvanized and Ira“ V m ing; Brass, Brass bxiied and Iron Cvlmders. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. \Vv 1‘;ch skates to suit every per- son. Shu' vs r'm mlies Irmn $1 to $2.3). Sk; ms f0! "enflemeu flow 4!) ms 1.» 5.1.00. Shates fm boys and girls fn m 530 cts up. \Ve ed-o have :2, have stmk of Pm'ks and Hmrke} Mic: ks fmm 15 ct .4 ‘ :5 Ln.) HA‘IE YOU? Any 01d Worn silver? It so, I am prepared to re- plate it. Bring it in now While I have the time. All work guaranteed. All orders romptly attended :0. ’Phone 0. 13. In Stoves and Ranges we can suit the cheapest buyer as well as a person that wants the most elabor- ate Range manufactured. Our “Happy Thought” and “Penn Esther” Ranges are getting widely known. We also have a few sec- ond-hand Stoves. W'e stock kitchen utensils for every woman. Bread Mixers, Bread Knives, Bread Pans. Cake Tins, Cake Cutters, Flour Sifters, Gravey Strainers. Graters, Vegetable Squeezers, Pancake Floppers. Roast- ing Pans, and otper artlcles too Pat F0 garty said “There is only one girl 1n this world for me.’ Ed. Darcy said ‘°‘There 18 only one kind of Stock Food in this world for me, because W. Black bought a horse from me for $185 and after feeding him on International Stock Food for five weeks sold him for $300.” Intex national 13 the material that makes the stock look right. W. BLACK numerous to mention. Machine Oil. Harness Oil’ ONLY [INF To {'16 Pu blic a“! Pumps from $2 upward. Manufacturer of And Dealer in â€"- Geo. Yiirs Harnessmakar. d»... The Chromcle Confirm Guarantee on Hyomoi, Onto for Ottarrh. If you have catarrh, try this won- derful medicated air of Hyomsi. It does not drug or derange the atom-l ach. but is breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every i outfit so, that its medication reaches the most remate air cells in the nose.,| throat and lungs, where any ca-j tarrhal germs may be lurking. .It' quickly destroys them. heals and sombes the irritated mucous mem- brane and vitalizes the tissues so that: catarrh is no longer possible. You can lose nothing by giving Hyomei a1 trial, nothing but the catarrh. and that is good riddance. We positively guarantee Hyomei. (or should you buy a complete outfit, price $1.00 and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hyomei is sold by druggists every- where. Write for literature. Booth’s Hyomei Co , Bufialo, N Y. The question having been reised 38 to whether or not the money will be refunded if e Hyomei outfit does not do all that is claimed for it in caring cstsrrh, the Chronicle wents to state positively that this guarantee is an sisolute fact. A guarantee like this is the best proof that can be ofiered $8 to the curative powers of H) omei in all ca. tax-that troubles. You do net risk s cenc in testing its healing virtues. (Intended for last. week.) Lasr. week beluga stormy one it Was with difficulty that. things around St. Paul’s church were got ready for the Opening. The suck-to it ness of the faithful ones Was what did the job. The building committee certainly did well, and we might. just mention their names before the pub lic: Rev. Bice. Wm. McFadden, Wm. Davis and Jas. Eden. At one time during the Week the carpenters. painters and Seat makers were all at: work together in th: building but by Saturday night it loosed as cosy as a parlor and ready for the dedication services. The seats were made by Mr. Smith, of Desboro’. and are re- ceiving much admiration and inspec tion by others contemplating the purchase of seats Mr Henry Lawrence, of Glenelg. was down through our township last. week looking throngh the herds of thoroughbred cattle. and purchased from Mr. Robbavm') fine Speolmen of a. Durham cow, four years old. that. had been imported from the old land. Castle raising will be more interesting to him now than 11; has been with common stock. We don’t know the price pmd as he Said it. would frighten us. We certainly did not. insist. Mrs. John Lawrence was able to be brought home on Saturday night, her injuries from the runaway acci- dent; having suficiennly recovered. Mr. and Mrs. John Sharpe feel thankful for the good hopes of recov- ery from appendlcitis of their little daughter Grace. Dr. Brown has giv en the case his best attentwu, and the nurse, Miss Marnuoui. has fol. lowed .nsuucuons to the letter. The faithfulness with which she has at- tended to duty with her other admit. able qualities has made her a. great favorite with'the family. Mr. Ro on. Maine, an esteemed old pioneer who moved trom our neigh- borhood about three months ago to holsw'n on account. of in health, passed oVer l0 we git-at. majority last. in eek. Seine fromtbis neighbor hOUd attended the funeran on Friday We leaVe the obituary uouce for your uble correspondent of Hoiscem Messrs Jas. anu Alex Allan, and Arch Baird and Wm. Pertigrew are home from Souix 01'} for a brief holiday. They report having had a good nmmer. and Certainly look is. ‘~Tne :ocial peOpie, who raised $801 last winter by their effort to presenrl the new church with an organ after a. good bit. of looking around in the neighboring towns. purchased last. week a Dohetty Organ from Mr. John Clark, of Durham It is a handsome ' looking monument. sounds well, and the knowing ones say it is a good lone. It, gives Satisfaction to all. The scarcity of feed is having the efiect of clearing the stock of this part. 0 1y choice, sound animals are being ept. Inferior ones are be- ing disposed of in some way, even though it be with a shot gun. The Knox Church 8. S. entertain- ment was a grand success, the weath- “mums puss con-me scaoou 31 Brio m W. Woo cum WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decided to instructg and employ a number of smart young ladxes go teach our course in Dress- makiug, havmg one teacher for the six nearest-towns where they lureâ€"age 20 to 35. Those who .have worked at dressmaking, or likes drawmg preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your whole‘ trme. Addressâ€"THE SCHOOL. In Your 8m Tim. a! Bone. 01- Tab. a Person! Course at School. each month. These lessons teach how to out. fit and put together any garment. from the blamest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole family canlearn from one course. We have taught over 7.000 W and guarantee to give $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of 14 and 4.0. You cannot learn dressmaking» thorough as fins course teacheg it if you work 1n shops for year;- Beware of lmxtanons. as we employ no one outstde the school. The is the only experiencecl Dressfintttng School incanada. and excelled by none m anyother country. Wnteatonce for par- tigmlars. asuehavecut our rate one-third tor a SAYS IT IS FACT. Comer Concerns. M-fl-H ...â€"1 er. roads and everything else being favorable and the results of the i School for the season most gratifying f to all concerned. The tea and outta-3 bles manifested the skill of the Nor- manby ladies in the culinary art and their generosity in a good cause. The program was chiefly by the scholars under the skillful training of Miss Adair. teacher of No. 1, who. by the way. is a strong help in the S. 8., and the oflicere feel very grate-1 ful to her for her cheerful assistance 1 The pastor, Rev. Kendall, was the} speaker of the evening and delighted‘ the audience with an account of a recent visit to New York City. espec~ ially his account of such entertain- ments are conducted there. Of course there is great variance in the elevating nature of programs provid- ed, but we presume there is also as much difierence in the people of New York and. Knox Normanby, so that the S. 8. workers there are still doing comparatively good work. Misses Sirrs and Mead sang in their usual pleasing way; in fact those present tell us that they excelled themselves on the occasion. Superintendent Wm. Allan gave a report. of the School, which was possibly the most to his liking of any he has given dur- ing his long experience A notable feature was that out of the ten teach- ers the average attendance was nine and a fraction. The average of children eighty-live. No. on roll 126. Miss Byers presided at the organ for the School and Miss Edith Allan for the Other singers. The singing of the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. Proceeds $18 40, Mrs. Bennett is enjoying a visit from her daughter Mary. of Dakota, also her hrozher and others of the family from the same place. Mr. Wm Johnston, aftera. good bit, of sufiering from some kidney or similar trouble. went to Stanford on Monday to have an operation per- formed. Dr. Gun. who has been treating him, accompanied him, and his brother Jim also went. along. We bOpe soon to see him return in good health. COULDN’T WEfiR BOOTS If you suffered with a bad {005. so bad that you could not bear anything to touch it. and then some one soon you a. small sample box of ZamoBuk. half of which healed you after 12 months’ suffering, what would you say? Why exactly what, Mrs. Bap- tiste Jeanlouis. of Vankleek Hill, said when finishing her letter, v:z.: THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES There are crowds of others in the Dominion who write nice things to us, and they are all anxious that you should know about; Zam Buk, the Marvellous Healer. We pass their experience on from time to time for the help of osher sufierers. Zam-Buk is the great eracle- Worker, Heals where all else fails. All skin troubles, such as Bails. Ul- cers, Eczema, Pimples, Running Sores,Cbapped Hands. Scalp Irrita- tion, Fesreriug Sores. Poisioued Wounds etc., yield to Zam-Buk. For Piles. Rheumatism, etc, it cannot. be equalled. All drugglsbs sell at 50 cents a box, or from The ZatnBuk Co., postpaid for price. 3 boxes $1.25. Sand for a. free sample box enclosing 1c. to pay postage. "Anything else you want. to say to John afore I close?” asked the old lady. “Yes,” replied the old man. “Long as he’s in the city. tell him to stay there till he kin git another automobile to run over him. It's the only way I kin see to git Sue a pian- ner fer Christmas!”â€"Atlantic Con- stitution. ' â€"---‘â€"-. Q.l THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Get it at Half=Prioe=-== An Axe, a Shovel, a Hoe, a Pitch Fork, a X=Cut Saw, or anything else that you may require in our Stock. Siegner’s oldStand. Our Stock is disappearing fast. Drop in and get a share of what is left below the wholesale price. in; EER' BENEFITS THE WHOLE BODY 5" mo OTHER soon- BEVERAGE nor-rs THAT uucm Well, Mr. Editor. it. is some time since our budget has appeared in your very much esteemed paper The Sunday School 'at the \Jorner'l closed for this year on the 24th. and] the attendanm WHS good considering the lateness of the season. Little tots came as cheery I «Wing as if it was sunny Juno Th» people in this vicinity haw much to be thankful for with regard to thg Voâ€"ry prosper- ous condition 0." their Sabbath School. All seemed to join hunt, and band $03 make it a. SHCLMSS. ! Q We regret to learn that Mrs Geo. Haw, of thiq place, is under the weather. We trusc she will soon recover. Wm. Sackett has procured a situa- tion as head sawyer wizh Sime Miller. of Normnnby, and has moved with his family to that place. Mrs. Sachem. will be much missed in our Sabbath School, as she took a leading part boch in singing and as teacher. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Sackett. and family success in their new home. Friends from Durham visited Mr. H. Ernesc this week. Hard times and scarcity of feed is the prevailing cry, but. if this fine weather continues it will benefit the Stock fe ading very much * BEER is: e germ which covers lager, ales, porter. and stout; and, in the practise of Ontario brewers. Imphes beverages made under most hygiemc conditions from Ontario barley (the best in the world) malt, hops, and pure water. 302 â€"'1‘l1e “big head” is a bOpular way of expressing a common and very frequent ailment. It arises from various sources. but the real founda- tion is a lack of sense A little money develops it in some peOple ; a few good clothes gives it to others; a little oflice. where a chance is given to exercise a little au thority, is often the cause of .it, while others get it having a little better job than their associates. The truth is, no sensible person gets the “big head ” The one who become stuck up and stifl- necked from sources of any kind, are Weak in the intellectual caliber. N OT six people in a thousand (and those six have either diabetes or gouty tendencies) can get anything but real. good from the use . of good beer with their meals. Because that kind of beer (and no other kind is brewed in Ontario) benefits the whole body of the normal adult.-â€"-enriches the blood, vitalizes the stomach, makes kidneys and liver active, builds flesh and betters nerves. Good beet, drank with meals and at bedtime, is not merely a tonicâ€"for a tonic simply gets one part of the system to work better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while beer, rightly used, does the whole system permanent good. That is why good beer is such a notable flesh-builder, and why it is so effective in changing the too-white blood of aenemic people into the red, strong, healthy blood of the vigorous. it has qualities that a e very valuable to women, 'especially. It is distinctly NOT an intoxicant, nor a hurtful stimulant. Ask your doctor if beer wouldn’t be good for you as an item of daily diet. (NO OTHER FOOD-BEVERAGE DOSES THAT MUCH) Sackett’s Corners. Premier Cook Stoves Wood or Coal. Beer Builds Up Thin Folks Beer 13 Not A Mere Tonic S. McIntyre From Willow Creek. Ont , Miss E. Diegel writes: “A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lum- ba 0 ; it was like a steel rod piercing mv back. I also had earache and was just wild with pain. I applied batting soaked with Nerviline to my ,ear and rubbed on Nerviline for the lumbago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this.” It’s the penetrating power of. Nerviline that ;makes it superior to all Other lini. t ments. Nothing beats it. 256 at all }dealers. Mr. H.E Bywater, editor of the Arthur Enterprise, was in the city this week a guest of the Iroqums Horel. Before leaving for home he mecamember of our scafi and re- lated a curious experience. "I never had anything like it hap- pen to me before,”_ he .said: " When I was leaving the hotel and went. to settle, I found that, Sumebody else had paid my bill. No explanation of it exism." Mr. B; water has returned to Arthur prepared to refuse the state- ment that money is tight in Toronto. Money seems to be running around loose. doing unexpected things.-â€" Toronto Saturday Night [No doubt some person took pity on the poor newspaper man and did asimple act of charity. We could all stand a similar kindness.] The torturing aches {of come. Be prepared,â€"the only painless cure is Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Fifty years in use and absolutely guaran- teed. _ SHE WAS WILD WITH PAIN. Money, Seems Easy in Toronto. FEW WILL ESCAPE. The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba Floura always give satis- faction. We can give vou what you wane and you will find our prices right. M13. Alex. Beggs Sons DURHAM. ONT. Maybe you’re not particular about many things. but; you ought to be about vour clothes. There are some pzu ticuLu 1y NICE SUITINGS $15 AND UP And the price includes first-class trim- mings. and also a first-class flit. Dont forget; where to come to if you want a Good Suit, or Overcoat. J. A. GLASS Geo. White Son Threshing Ma- chines. lmfiiemcms. Rudd’s Harness, preads and Harness Repairs. ()il’ 5 and Grease s. STOVES FURNACES. Singer Sewing Machines. MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. See our’ folding roof and fire escspe ledders, the safest and most complete in the msrket. I have purchased the “ House Cold Tire Setter" the best and latest true setting device on the market. HORSESHOEIN G A SPECIAL“ All kinds of iron work promtly attended to listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . North American Life Assurance Co. Agent for the Percival Flows. All kinds of repairs kept; on hand. Give us a Trial and be Convinced. ] . W. LaWrcncc. For Flours FARM MACHINERY We carry also other well known brands of Flour. J. L. Flari'l’y JOHN N. MURUUEK Manager and Cutter. Toronto \Vindmills. Nov. 28, 1907 Merchant Tailor. AGENT FOR All Kinds of Middaugh House 8106!:

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