West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Dec 1907, p. 10

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5.. '4 .. "‘t 'n 10 The time is slmrt to the most of us but long enough for the children. The lig Store will be in readiness with all lines of necessary articles for the Christmas season. Goods that will be suitable for all ages for Gift .iaking can be had at this Store, and we have made the prices so reasonable that all Will see the benefit ef making their purchase of gifts here. Haven Buying I ays only Then fihristmas. Nothing could be more appropriate for this season of the year than some article of . Fur, and owing to the mild weather, we are heavily stocked with all Styles of Neck Furs, Fur Jackets and Fur Lined Coats. If their is the slightest chance of you buying any article of Fur, come and talk to us on the mat- ter and see the saving you can make by securing it now. No matter what y ou want or if you don’t know what y ou want. come and let us help you select a suitable gift at a reasonable saving. FU RS ' AS SUITABLE GIFTS ! Dont sit and wonder about your new suit and overcoat for fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will ShOW you the nattiest range of clothing ever Shown here. \ 11119.1» stock of 12111 and 11 inter 1111110111 9111' 11011 (111 11111111 Ladies me Fall 211111 \\ inter Coats in :11] sh: 1(1014 and patterns just 1111'11'011. SH 0.01119. in (11111 (1x31111110 b1fm'e 1111311111 91591111919. A fol} :md Complotv line of Ikess Goods for fall, mix ”awards in checks and striws and all shanks. browns, greens, reds and (-m‘rreys.‘ I T is part of our business to be constantly on the look-out for correct things for men at prices that are an inducement to them to come to us. Now its a well-known fact that men’s attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than ladies; yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the gentlemen of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned Regent Clothing Selling Agents for/Famous “Imperial” Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing ALEX Russst] RGBERT BURNETT, DURHAM Highest Prices for Fowl.’ Strictly Up-to-date Furnishing BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED Fresh Groceries always on Hand. Dress Goods Undevwear We carry everything necessary to a gentleman’s wardrobeâ€" natty Neckwear, bright new Hats and Caps and daintest patterns in fall Sl‘lirts. For Patents, Kids, Dongolas and Box Calf. ' gTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN i .L that the Walkerton and Lucknow l ‘L‘ that the Walkerton and Lucknow Railway Company, will. after four weeks from the date ot this notice. apply to the Board of Railway Commissioners for Can- ada. pursuant to Section 222, of the Railway Act. for authoritv to construct. opera'e and maintaina branch line of railway froma point on the main line of the said Walker- t0u and Lucknow Railway to the National Portland Cement Company’s Plant in the town of Durham, the proposed location of which is shewn on a plan, profile and book of reference deposited in the Registry Utlice for the South Riding; of the County of Grey in the Town of Durham, on the 20th day of November 1907. Dated this 20th day of November. 1907 ANGUS )IACMURCHY. Solicitor for the Canadian Pacific Rly. Co. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Fulton. Late of the Town- ship of Normanby, in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, Deceased From the Blufiton. Ind., Banner: “When tired out, go home. When you want consolation. go home. When you want (no. go home When to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your fam. ily get acquainted with the fact. When you want to show yourself at your best go home and do the act there. When you feel. like being extra. liberal go home and practice on your wife and children first. When you want to shine with extra bril. liancy go home and light up the whole household.” To which we would add. when you have a cold go home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and a quick cure is certain. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store, Notice to Creditors pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897 chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Fulton, who died on or about the 23rd dav of December. 1906. are required on or before the 10th day of J anu- ary, 1908. to send by post. prepaid, or de. iiver to Hugh Fulton. Hampden P. 0.. Ont., the Administrator to the estate of the said deceased. their Christian and sur- names, addressesand descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securi- ties, if anv held by them. decéased. Dated the 6th day of December, 1907. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed todistribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. m HUGH FULTON. HampdenP. 0.. Ont. Administrator to the estate of Thomas Ful- ton, late of the Township of Normanby, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN LUCAS. WRIGHT MCARDLE Solicitors for Administrator. PUBLIC NOTICE When to Go Home. THE; DU RHAM CHRONICLE : 'l‘wo marriaggs wolf? agompizod by A A -A Rev. G. C. Little ct the Presbyterian Menu on Wednesdey of less week. At 3 p. m. Mr George 3. Blackburn. non of Mr. John Bleokbnrn. east. of the village and Miss Olive Grace Henderson,deughter of Mr. W. J. Henderson, Warehnm. were joined in viredlock. The young couple were “tended by Mr Robert. Blackbqrn end Miss Teena Henderson. At 4 p. m. Mr. Alex M. McKechnie, 6f Markdsle, and Miss Mury A, Fisher. daughter of Mr. Samuel Fisher. Eugenia. were made one. Mr. Charles McKechnie and Miss Rita. Fisher were the attendants. Mrs Spence’ s youngest daughter, Irene,12 years of age, whom we re ported very ill two weeks ago. died at her home in Toronto on Tueedey of last week. The funeral took place in the city on Thursday. Mr. John Beecroft, an old and highly respected resident of Arte- mesia township. passed away at his be home near Eugenia on Wednes. day of last week. The funeral took place on Friday to the public cem- etery here. The deceased. who was a brother of the late James Beecroft. of this place, was born, in Yorkshire. England, and was 72 years of age. He was unmarried and is survived by two sisters. Miss Beecroft who lived with him and Mrs. John Walker of Creemore. A team of horses belonging to Mrs. Douglas. of Vandeleur, broke loose as Loucks’ mill lasc week and Started for home but: near the mill the team went over the bridge into the tall race and when discovered one of the hferPS Was drowned. The concert in the town hall on Thursday evening last given by the Swiss Bell Ringers under the auspices of the Band was well patronized and was a splendid entertainment. The Companv is a strong musical aggre- gati an and delighted the audience witl. A high claSw and VI-HV pleasing :w “2' Mnme 'I‘he promeds were over .357 00 Mr and Mrs Charlie Been, recently married. Ware given a. plvasant. sur- prim at thvir home was? of {he village on Friday pvoaning law! when a large company of ynunu pemple took pos- Spgkinn of the home of the young couple an‘i gavv thl m an unQXpected shower of granit» and tin. Refresh. mpnts "ware swrved and the evening was enjox‘nth >p0L' by all, Samuel Salivie. a Ruesiun pedlar, who has rmvmiy been travelllng this Section \Vith a horse and wagon With- out a licence. mm a few days ago be- fore J L. MnUnHen J. P. and fined $5 00 and costs On‘y last week we reported a Hebrew fined for a like ofl’ence. Acheck is heiz‘lg put. upon this violation of the county by law. Mr. Herb Camp ell, teacher in S. No. 3. east of the village has done echlent work in the school this year and the trustees have h-«en fortunate in securing him for 19:08. Mr. Camp bell and pupils are now preparing for an entertamment on the evening of the 20th inst. Bornâ€"At. Flesherton Dec. 2nd to Mr. and Brodie, a daughter. Communion service in the Presby- terian church on Sunday was largely attended, and Rev. Mr. Little’s ser- mon was impressive and fitting the occasion. Ker. Charles Perry. a pastor here 37 wars ago, spent Sunday with Dr. Cald «fell, and preached morning and t-H'eniw: With all his old time vigor. Twenty-one years ago the Baptist chapel here was dedicated and the event was commemorated on Sunday when successful anniversary services were held. very able sermons being preached by Rev. J. 11. Cameron. B. D. of Collingwood. This Monday evening an entertainment will be given in the town hall. for which a splendid program is prepared. Ad- dresses will be given by Rev. Mr. Cameron. Mr. I. B. Lucas, M. P. P.. and Revs Caldwell and Little. Miss Irving, of Owen Sound. is to sing, Miss Christine Richardson. of this .place. to read. and the choir quartette will render selections. ' MEN’S furnishings at the House of Quality. Always to the front in this department. This season we are showing goods which throw all pre- vious displays 1n the shade, in gloves, neckwear, handkerchiefs, suspenders, fancy hosiery etc., for the holiday trade.-â€"H. H. Mockler. Mr. R. J. Wood, Independent and prohibition candidate in the recent election in Dufierin County, will oc- copy the Methodist pulpit next Sun- day and preach the annual temper- ance sermon. Miss Lee milliner at F. G. Kar- stedt’e, has closed for the season, and is paying Miss Flo Richardson 9. short visit before leaving for her home. Mrs. Thos. Pearson. daughter of the late Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Toronto Line, died suddenly last Wednesday week at the home of her son in California. Charley Bellamy- was in Toronto last week and found his brother Emerson. who is ill with typhoid fever. improving, though yet very weak. Mrs. Peter Sim-e. and Mrs. George McGrath. of. Corbetton. paid Mrs. (Rey) Little a visit last week. Mistere Kendall Lucas and George McPherson. of Markdale. are on a holiday at Mr. M. K. Richardson’s. Mrs. (Rev.) Caldwell left on Mon- day to attend a wedding at Bowman- ville this week. I Mr. Geo. Best is again on the sick ist. Flesherton . on Monday Mrs. James Koo the bowels regular with A «'0 Plllsp and thus hasten ”:0!!- The Wrong Way. The late John C. Paige had at one time as a protege the son of a very particular friend, a pleasant. gentle- manly young fellow. but always ready to make a bet or to take a hand in a quiet game, and on this account it was thought best by his parents to send him to Boston on. a limited income with the hope of breaking away from old associates and of getting some business energy into him. Mr. Paige gave him some good, whole- some advice and started him along in business. particularly instructing him to “get his name before the public to let the people know he was livimz,” etc. Not very long after this Boston do- but Mr. l’ai’ge very late one evening was requested to call at a nearby po- lice station. The young man, it up- I cared, had got into a. very noisy game and was arrested, but not before he had been cleaned out of everything he possessed. “Well, young man,” said Mr. Paige, "this is nice. isn't it?” “Well, sir, you told me to get my name before the public.” "Oh. yes.” Mr. Paige replied, “but . dizin't toll you to have a judge and jury go with it to fix the advertising 2-.~..+c;<."â€"â€"Boston Herald. The Queen of Spiders. The queen of spider'sâ€"the largest iiaxuismuerzt and most capable \‘mz‘k man of her tribeâ€"is the orange-yellow and black creature known as orange arxinpe. Hers are the most bOHlltiflll cobwebs made, hung low to catch the innumerable insects required for a rather large appetite. and you find them among the bushes and vines and in the fields. .-\r;:'i0pe captures and ties 11p her victims as ably as a cowboy might do with a lasso, and she excels the cmvlmy by manufacturing her owr rope as she goes. DURHAM. Dec. 1 Fall Wheat .......... 5 Spring Wheat. ..... . Oats ................ Peas ................. Barlev Hay ................. Butter .............. Eggs ................. Petatoes per bag ...... Flour per own ........ Oatmeal per sack. .. .. Chop per cwt ........ Live Hogs. per mm. .. Dressed Hogs per cwx. Hides per lb ........ Sheepskins .......... Wool ........... Tallow ........ . Lard ........... Turkeys....... Geese . . . . . ...... Ducks .......... Chickens ....... . Ayer’s Cherry Pectorsi cer- tsinly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mismke about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor Will say so. 1311. mm o! a. testimonial-â€" The only Skate manufactured from Nickle Steel which is hard and close in texture that enables it to retain its keen edge even under the hardest usage and yet it shall be so tough in its composition as to remove all chances of brittleness and to give it the power to sustain bending, twisting and other shocks Automobile Cycle Skates Canada’s\ Agency /Lightest We hive u m: w. must a. mu» om: our now... Skates Famous Market Report. ’UI 1U......0- ns..... .00.. 3....... Call and See the P0pular Skates ’5 Agency 5 S flan S. HUNTER, Durham 5 00 to (S 50 to 1907 90 t» 4O ‘23 A 4 to $1 to to DO £0 to CO to IO Y0 t0 t0 t0 L 0 t0 t0 t0 '0 13 In buying a. Xmas Gift. Quali is the first thing 'to be considered EBONY GOODS Manicure Cases. from Sets. Manicure Requisites Hair Brushes genuine Ebony. LEATHER GOODS \Vallets, Hand Bags. PERFIIMES As usual we. are showing the largest and best line of perfumes in Town. In Out Glass bottles $2.50, to $5.00 In Fancy Cases from 250 10 $5.00 PIPES A full and very various line of the famous H.B.B. Briars in cases hand cut Vulcanite stems, genuine. am- ber stems. done in the past. Give. us :1, val! um- Mark is large and varied and um- px-ices aw right, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins, Mandolines. Banjos, Mouth Organs. Bows, Violin Strings etc. WE TELL N0 LIES Dariing's What we do Look! Look! DURHAM. \Ve will please you as we have [he People’s Druggists Ahuut selling beluw cost and other ~11< h 11(11s1-11sv. \Vhat \\ v sav. Wedn. and we believe \\ e are giving as good value for the money as, in any hmlse in town.‘ In Blankets. Tweeds. under- wear, Prints. (Bottom. Flannels Flannelettes. and groceries of all kinds is to sell at u. very low margin of profit for cash or trade. On Saturday nvxt, ynu van get Mans and Bux 5(- Hps at ( ()St, and fxom nuw rill Christmas Eve wouill give3 1hs.of the best Raisins fm 1.5(3. m 01v dm in the week. S. SCOTT goods are all guaranteed Dec. 12, 199-7 / Lightest Strongest flandsomest GIFTS Music Rolls, Purses, etc. ONTARIO Quality

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