West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Dec 1907, p. 2

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A storey dwelling. alongside Presby- ‘terian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elg'in streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floored cellar, etc. Good airy loca- tion in good locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft. water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further particu- lars apply to John W. McKechnie. Owner, Rockv Sangeen P. 0. Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. For particu Iars apply to and III-"L CIKDD, an \JID(bl\-u ‘ .....,v __ _ , Snap to quick purchaser. $1500 down. bal- ance at 4.1; per cent. Apply to MacKay Dunn, Vendor’s Solicitors. 2 6 07â€"tf U Lot ‘27. vmwession 13. Township of Norxrmxby- This is a highly improved farm in gm «1 Im-ality. Anyone wishing to buy a tirstmlass farm «.m easy terms of pay- ment :lmnifl Clan-ryunjcate at once with 0 n ",!L___,_ “Gilt s'll\“-I-. ‘.-.--v-----___" Mac-Kay S; Dunn. Vendor’s Solicitors June 2',1St0'.â€"tf. «w- A NUMBERâ€"6F IMPROVED VAL nable farms in New Ontario. near New Liskeard for saleâ€"large discount/Tor ash. Map of the locality and terms given an application to J P Telford, Solicitor for mamâ€"u vendor. cession West of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township of Normanby. in the County of Grey. For particulars apply to J P. Telford. Barrister. Durham. LOT 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON- U519 ;f;)wv:sâ€"11â€"i; of Bentinck. 208 acres, gv brick house. two large bank barns. land first class, all cleared ex_cept 20 acres;. Snap to quick purchaser. $1000 down. ba - -_, L A nn‘c! én ‘Ianwg \’ 8'. I of Saddler street in the Town at Dur- ham, in the count nf Grey, containing 4 acres more or less. For terms and particu- lars apnlv to .I. P. Telford, Vendor’s Solici- or. Durham. Dec. 2,â€"tt'. HE 2N1) AND 3RD DIVISION OF Lot No I, E G R.. in the Township of Glenelg. 100 acres known as the “McKin- noa Farm” at. the Rocky Saugeen. Im- mediate possession given. For particulars apply to J. P. Telford. 3-11-07â€"tf NUMBER 01? TOWN LOTS ON Queen and Countess Streetsâ€"good location. prices reasonable Apply to Thos. Smith or at the Post Ofiice. May 20â€"131 _ For terms,- ap1yv ‘11)7Ar1'drâ€"ex; imagwood, Hanoven or Mrs. at) Campbell, Durham. Feb 100 "-'â€" 1U” of Egregnnnt. 3 miles from Durham. Good Barn thh stnne foundation. small frame hmue, good soil This farm is being offered fur sale very cheaply. Apply Mc- Kayand Dunn, Durhz-‘m. _-__., DRVELLING AND SHOP. ON \Iill Street Durham 110ft frontage App h tn\\nllian. Laidlaw A119:‘ :9.- rt ON PART LOT 9 WEST GAR- f1rax 1 St" a fine tw-o storey solid brick dwellix g with bathroom furnace. electric Ii Vl1t~ hmd and soft w ater in house. Also selid bri( k barn and stable. This is one of the best sites in the tow 11 of Durham . HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale a number of ho_uses_and out: D (mposite Central Hotel. upper town. Durban - Enquire for fuller particulars of MRS. A. BURNET, Nov, 4 flux-pd Proprietress. â€"These bu ildixiws must. be removed at an early date in order to clear the line of right of Way .I. for sale a number of houses and out- buildings along the line 0’: right. of way of the W alkerton and Lucknow Railway, m the town of Durham. "Ali'nâ€"Jaterial such as timber brick stone; etc., in cases where the buildings cannot be moved are also ofiered for sale. Dated June 4th 1907. Apply to flvi‘éfi'n. 9 rooms, bath and furnace. Apply to Wm. Black.o E70 SUITES OF R00 MS TO LET good water and ev ery convenience. A ...._1_- ng " wâ€"â€" v â€" '_ d S‘Luitable for uzffispectable codble'. Apply Mrs. Finnegan. South of Cement Works. Dec. 5 2-pd. Nov. Farm for Sale ! by if) ;nâ€" our yard. Dug-ham. for which the best prices ‘mll be paxd. Enquire for prices at the ofixce. THE DURHAM FUR-NI- TUBE Co , Lmn ED. Nov. 20thâ€"tf. of the undersigned on or about Nov. 14, nine ewes and two lambs. The ewes. have a pig ring in the bottom side of the left ear. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts will be suitably re- warded. David Adlam, Allan Park. First Day of January 1908, for the purchase of the west half Con. 5, of the Township of Bantingtlfz.L 12:51:; the estate of the late Wm. Lnnne . con- tuning 50acres,fime or less. The ° heat or any tend er not necessarily accepted. All Tenders must be sealed and marked “ Tender for E‘grm.” and forwarded by mil to the admmistntors. flax MCDOUGaLL. IALCOLM Mel-lacuna} Administrators Mnloch P. O. EALED TENDERS WILL BE received by thenndersigned adminis- trators of the Estate of the late William Lnnney up to Wednesday noon, the TORE 8; RESIDENCE COM BINED Nov. 5tf. TARK LOT NUMBER _1_3 NOR_TH '2.‘ E HI \DRED ACRES BEING Property for Sale. EAYED FROM THE PR_EMI_s_Es 368 OF ALL 1:19:93 DELIVEB: 'OUSE TO LET _L* _U_PPER 0,1 . 1906 .-â€"tf For Sale or to Let. cKINNbr: 100 ACRE FARM A_T (1001) SOLID BRICK TWO the fioctkâ€"y, immediate possession giv. For further garticulars apply to . . P. TELFQBD._ _____. ~4._.._. '___V _ ACRE FARM IN T_0W_NsmP Logs Wanted. ottoJ.P. 1905 â€"tf. To Rent. BY TENDER. J. P. TELFORD, Durham Lost. ’1) ufham. _. Mngt We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete outfit, price $1.00, and be dissatisfied with results your money Will be refunded. Hyomei is sold bv druggists every- where. Write for literature, Booth’s Hyomei 00., Buffalo, N Y. Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every Hy- omei outfit, the healing balsams pen- etrate to the most remote air cells of the throat, nose and lungs, destroy- ing the catarrhal germs so that quick recovery follows. There is no dangerous stomach dragging when Hyomei is used; no tablets or liquid mixtures. whereby the digestion is often destroyed and intestinal troubles added to the‘ hor- rows of eaten-h. sumnnmc suuum fin“. What is Causing the Increase of Ca- tarrh in Durham? Caterrh is a. germ disesse. and to cure it germ life in the breathing organs should be destroyed, and to do this no other treatment has such pos- itive and beneficial action as Hyomei, When the mucous membrane is it- ritated and raw and .the tissues weakened. there is an idenl lodging place for catarrhal germs. Breuthe Hyomei and see how quickly it soothes the membranes, vitalizes the tissues and deatroys all the disease germs. rendering cstsrrh no longer possible. H. S. DEPI‘. Fofm IIIâ€"Katie Clark, Bessie Weir, Edith Allan, Emily Wilson, Agnes McGirr. Form IIâ€"Nellie Hepburn, Eva Rent-on, Winnie Binnie, Ruby Mills, Jessie Smith. Form I~Vaddie Caldwell, Beth Jamieson, Lizzie McCuaig, Arthur Backus, Laudell Lauder. In spite of the beer. medical men. entarrhal troubles are increasing not only in Durham, but all over the country. Sr. IVâ€"Willie Petey, John McIl- raith, Edna. McCrie, Roy Fluker, Eric Kelly Jr. IVâ€"Edith Duncan. Karl Lena- han, Devena Warmington, Fred Laidlaw. Herbert Murdock. Jr. II (A)â€"Frank Morlock, Myrtle Sparling. Vicnor Catton, Willie Hes- lip, Gordon Gun. Jr. IIIâ€"Ray Farquharson, 'Belen Ireland, Alex. Hilderbrandt, Verna Fluker, Pearl Mitchell. Sr. IIâ€"Marguerite Hutton, Annie Russel, Emily Lloyd, Mary McKech- nie, Mary Hartford. Jr. II (B)â€"Doris McAuIey, Pearl Wright. Etta. Saunders, Mary McIl- raith, Nellie Fluker. Sr. 13:. lIâ€"fiellie McKechnie, John McGowan, Irene McPhee, John Dun- can, Isaac Mitchell. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Alex. McQueen and Charlie McDougall eq., Arthur Ram- age, Harper McGirr. Nellie Lenahan, Robin Farquharson. Sr. IIIâ€"Nettie Daniel. Milton Mills, Ruby Catton. Roy McCracken. Charlie Harbottle. J r. Iâ€"Vera Allan, Rosie Hilfis, Lottie Wilson, Donald McQueen, Russel Gun and. Albert Livingston eq. Jr. Aâ€"Jennie Davis, Willie Law- son Edie McKenzie, Maydee MoAu- ley. Edward Havens. ‘ Jr. Bâ€"Edith Hughes Ralph Cat- ton, Harold Ramage, Ethel Whit- more, Lorne Livingston and Viola McClocklin eq. Jr. Câ€"Joe Whitcburch, Reany Snell. Campbell Mitchell, Jack Mc- Kechnie, Willie Clark. H UTTON HILL. V Classâ€"Charles Lawrence Sr. IVâ€"Agnes Petty, Marion Pet- ty, Sadie Langrill, Rebecca Grierson. Jr. IVâ€"Jeanie Picken, Maggie Mountain, Leilla Vollett, Robert Cnfi. Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Donnelly, Joseph McCaslin. Jr. IIIâ€"Grace Petty, Bertha Ay1- ing, Ella. Cuff, Sadie Lawrence. N inah Noble. Annie Vollett, Willie Langrill, Herbert Noble, Clara. McCaslin. Sr. IIâ€"Annie Smith, Jas. Langrill. Jr. IIâ€"Lorne Mountain, William Vollett. Maxwell Grierson, Victor Mosley. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Alice Picken, Theodore Ayling. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"JOhnny Petty, Irene Vollett, George Langrill, Ceci. Moan tain. Savings Bank Department in ConneclionwifllallBrandIes. DURHAM .BRAN‘CH- John 8011’. Manger SW mo Al‘- Wowvm “SGML! The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all savings Bank deposits. Honor Roll. DURHAM. P. S. DEPT. ESTABLISHED 1873 Sr. Iâ€"Eliza Summon, Rneben Noble, Annie Mountain. Jr.. I Câ€"May Donnelly, Hilyard Armstrong‘and George Cufi equal. 11'. B--Sarah Summon. Ida. Mosley, Lizzie Summon. Sr IIIâ€"Ruth McGillivray. John McKeown J r. fIIâ€"Greorge Heartwell. Sr. IIâ€"Mabel Beaten, Sadie McGil- livray, Tana McGillivray, Mary Mc- Millan, Silas Edwards. Jr. IIâ€"Norman MCDonald. Pt. IIâ€"Neil .McFarlane, Allan .Mc- Lean, Emma Amati, Sadie McGilliv- ray. Vina McNab. Sr. Iâ€"Matt. McKeown, Thomas Edwards, Arthur Pennock, Edmund Poole. Flora McFarlane, Oscar Pennock. I Aâ€"Angus McGillivray, Leonard McKeown, Clark Jackson, Willie Styles, Josephine McNab. s. 5. N0, 1, NORMANBY. Vâ€"Nellie Burns. IVâ€"Mary Backus. Minnie Keller. Lizzie Burns, Arthur Gadd, Willie Watlace. III Sr.â€"â€"Dinah Thompson, Myrtle Caldwell, Bertie Morice. James Mar- shall, Arthur Morice, Thos. Wallace. III Jr.â€"Mary McAlister, Grace Mountain, John Kerr, Walter Mc- Alister, Henrietta Keller. Neils. Mar- shall and Elmer Fee aoq.. George Webber, I Bâ€"Mary Edwards, Dan McAr- thur, Harry Styles. II Sr.â€"-â€"Jean Morice, Leslie Morice, Melville Morice, Harry Caldwell. Pt. IIâ€"Arthur Mountain, John Birr. Vâ€"Catharine McDougall. IV Sr.â€"Lottie Britten. III Sr.â€"Archie McDougall, Frankie Twamley, Arthur Lunney, Campbell Clark. II Sr,â€"Diantha Redford, Hughie Hendry, Maggie Clark, Maggie Lun- ney. Willie Britton, Christiana. Porter. s. 3. no. 1, GLENELG. Class IVâ€"Laura Benton. . Ben Whitmore. .t't. I Sr.â€"Bella Morice, Maggie Petty, Katie Kerr, Janet Mountain and Dawson Marshall aeq., Andrew Marshall, J. Burns, Lizetta Birr III Jr.â€"â€"Katie Phillips, Pearl Hop- kins, Irene Britten, Freddie Torry. Pt. II Sr.â€"Jenn1e Britten, Neilie McDougall. I Staâ€"Daniel Nuhn, Clara. Hendry, Edgar Boyce, Johnny McDougall, George Smith. I Jr.-â€"Etta Twamley,Gilbert Noble. I Jr Bâ€"Robbie Britton, John Joe Burns, Prosper Porter, Average attendanceâ€"29. ANNIE HARROW, Teacher. 1V Classâ€"Clara Wilson 73%. III Sr.â€"Et.hel Haw 957%. Daisy Haw 5670, Neil McDonald 41 o. II Jr.â€"Scanley Mountain, Mabel Wallace. Albert Sterritt. Pt. I Jr.â€"Charlie McAliscer, E. B. Morice. Average attendanceâ€"34. M. M. ADAIR. Teacher. II J r.â€"J ames McDonald 5570, J en- nie Marshall 35%, Donald McUannel 17%. II Jr.--Harry Cox, Eva Redford, Willie Hopkins, Nina Noble. Pt. II Sr.â€"Charles McCannel 4570, Annie McCannel 40%, Mary McCan- nel 297°. 111 J r â€"J 68316 Clark 65 ‘7, John Wilson 63 "/0, Christena Cameron 49 70. II Sr. â€"Duncan Cameron 77°/, Joe Wilson 72%, Stanley Williams 6970. Pt. II Sr.â€"Ja.mes Haw 9170, Annie Marshall 3670. Mary Ferguson 20%. - I Sr.â€"Mary Cameron 69%, Chris- tena. Williams 6270, Mary McDougall 547°. I Jr. Bâ€"Maggie Ferguson 87%. Bella. McDougall ‘ 79%, John Pierson 72%. I Jr. Aâ€"Harvey Williams, Katie McCannel. Angus Clark. ISA. CAMPBELL, Teacher . LATONA SCHOOL. 8.“ IVâ€"Bea. Simpson, Morrison Smlth. Alex Turnbull, Carrol Hunt. Jr. IVâ€"Addie Twamley John Led- ingham, Mamie Mortley, Donald Ray, Isabel Turnbull, ‘Ivy Dargavel, Lizzie Smith, George Ledingham,‘ Lysla. Mc- Knight, Bernard Coflield, Arthur Simpson, John Smith, Norma. Black. C. D. FARQUHARSON, Teacher. s. s. NO. 6, BENTINCK, BOOTHVILLE SCHOOL . JOHN J OHNSTON. Teacher. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Annie Stewart, Bell; Cummings . Sr. IIIâ€"Luvini Mortley, Kate Smith, Peter Mountain. Elmer Tuf- ford. Jr. IIIâ€"Harold Ledingham. Kate Stewart. Sr. IIâ€"Carrie Manley, Wlllie Smith. Archie annbnll, Céoil Twam- lay, Stewart McGillivray, J tunes Vaughan, Irene Trafiord. - Pt. IIâ€"Nellie Smith, Bobbie Mort- loy. Donald Smith. Mary Cofield, Mary McClement Wilfrid Black. ' This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. They stir up the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give appetite and sound digestion, if- you feel drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. Hamilton’s Pills will help you at onceâ€"taken at night you’re well by morning. Don’t be afraid of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, they are mildâ€"don’t gripe or nause- ate. They just “cure”â€"that’s all. No woman really knows herself until she is a Widow. Before mar- riage she is controlled by her parents; after marriage, by her husband. When she is a widow she becomes Jr. 1 (b)--Willio Mountain. Willie Vaughn), John theed, Martin Cof- field, Morris Smith, Annie Mountain. Jr. (a)-â€"Redford Loheed. George Vanghan, Erle Turnbull. Average attendance 39, KATE MACDONALD Teacher. 8. 8. NO. 2. B. G. Sr. IVâ€"Gertie Morton 85 2/570. Jr. IVâ€"John Grasby. M Sr. IIIâ€"Willie Edge, Harold Mc- HERSELF. She has little time to indulge in the luxury of grief for business is insistent, and she must dry her eyes and face the situation with all the courage she can command. She learns to meet emergencies, and rely upon herself, and she enjoys it. If necessity compels it, she casts about for some employment sufiiment- 1y remnnerative to support her family and pay off the mortgage, for nearly every man leaves several children and a mortgage ; or, if she is too poor to leave a mortgage. he leaves a greater number of children. If she hasn’t courage enough for this. she solves the problem by mar- rying, and throws the reaponsibility upon another. and in some cases. even this procedure may be the re- sult of good business judgement. Jr. IIâ€"Tom Graeby, Earl Vessie. Jr. Pt IIâ€"Armetta McKechnie. Jr. Iâ€"Reba Vessie. LILLIAN B. WALKER, Teacher. Those who have obtained over 60"/() on written examinations have the percentage given after their name. Sr. IVâ€"Gertie Morton 85 2/570. Jr. IVâ€"John Grasby. Sr. IIIâ€"Willie Edge, Harold Mc- Kechnie. Jr. IIIâ€"Mabel Vessie. Sr. IIâ€"Lewis Nowell 69 4/57. Mae McKechnie 67°/. Stewart McArthur 69 3/57. Jr IIâ€"Tom Grasby, Earl Vessie. Jr. Pt IIâ€"Armetca. McKechnie. Jr. Iâ€"Reba Vessie. The widow has been a neverending subject for the jokemaker, and right here is a chance for some new jokes, for the helpless, tearful widow of the past, that appealed so strongly to every chivalrous man for protection and to every financial shark as legiti- mate prey. is not found among the educated business women of to-day, and the mining broker finds that a little hot air sympathy. and the pressure of the widow’s hand, will not induce her to buy his wildcat stock. for nowadays the widow is selling stock herself and scruples nm to break the broker. She becomes shrewd and alert, or even suspicious, but withal, quite as successful as the average man, and makes a better showing with her money. The business widow is a skeptic in love, and realizes that a. wife is too often an unpaid housekeeper. She is a critic in love affairs and no man comes up to her ideal of a. wooer; therefore. men call her fickle when she is only critical. Every widow fully intends to marry againâ€"when she meets with someone who has all of the late John’s virtues and none of his faults. In her widow-wisdom she considers herself superior to every man she knows. When she speaks to one, she feels that she has honored him. If he asks her to be his wife, she wonders if he means housekeeper, or if he is asking her as an incumbrance A Home Made Happy by Chamber- ‘ lain’s Cough Remedy. on what real estate she may possess, or a necessary adjunc: to her bank account. A widow laughs oftenâ€"a. wife rarely; the widow goes everywhere, the wife remains at home; a. widow always has excellent health, looks happy and grows young; the wife is sick, looks cereworn, and grows About two months ago our baby girl had measles which settled on her lungs and at last resulted in a severe attack of bronchitis. We had two doctors but no relief was obtained. Everybody thought she would die. I went to eight difierent stores to find a certain remedy which had been recommended to me and failed to get it. when one of the storekeepers in- sisted that I try Chamberlain’sICough Remedy. I did so and our baby is alive and ‘ well to-day.â€"Gno, W. smmr Bony W! N! ca F9? ale at Parker’s Drug Store. DO YOU GET BILIOUS? SAUCY WIDOWS. William J. Honey Returned Home to Expire in Father’e Arm. A very startling and sudden death occurred on Tuesday last, the victim being Willie, the only son of Mr. W. Horney. engineer of the Board of Works department of the town. The lad has worked for nearly two years on the Sun stafi, and on Tuesday forenoon fed a cylinder press until a little after the noon hour. He then went to dinner at his home. 155 Mar. dock street, and about one o’clock again left for the oflice. having made no complaint of feeling unwell. Mr. and Mrs. Horney noticed him passingl ,the end of the house. andin a few 'moments heard a ring at the front door bell. When Mrs. Horney Open- ed the door her son was there in a state of collapse He was able to tell them that he had been taken with a weak spell after going ashort dis- tance and had sat down on a door step for a moment before coming back home. Mr Horney sawthat his son’s condition was serious and telephoned for medical aiu at once, but the lad sank rapidly and died in . about twenty minutes. Drs. Hershey and Daynard both responded to the summons for help but nothing could be done as life was extinct. Deceased was born in Seaforth on Sept 213t, 1891, and had therefore passed his 16th birthday. He was a quiet‘, gen- tle boy and preferred his father's {company to any Other when. going gout on an evening. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the residence on Murdock street at half past two. Floral tributes from the Sun staff and West St. MethodiSt Sunday 'School were among those on the cas. ket. The pallbearers were Howard Fleming. Harold Moflat. George Mc- Swan. Robt. b‘truthers. \Vm. Clark and V. Morrow.â€"Advertiser. That there is no end to the healing powers of Zam-Buk is being demon- Strated every day. Mr. Julius Glacier of Denbigh, Ont., was tortured day and night with blind bleeding piles, so bad that he says: “I could find no comfort standing, sitting or lying down, and was unable to do any work. One day my eyes rested upon a little sample box of Zam-Buk. I read the words. CURES PILES. I started using Zam-Buk that night, and before I could purchase a large box I was already cured. and HAVE NOT BEEN TROUBLED SINCE. You may publish this if you wish for the benefit of other suflerers.” This is only one of the many cases where Zam-Buk has healed piles when all else failed. Why do you go on suf- fering when such a Splendid remedy is near at hand ? TORTUBED DAY NIGHT Zam-Buk heals sores. cures eczema, skin eruptions, ulcers. ringworm, itch, barber’s rash, blood poison, bad leg, salt. rbeum, abrasions, abscesses, cuts, burns, scalds and all other skin injuries and diseases. Of all stores and druggists at 50 cents, or from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. New music received each week. DURHAM FOUNDRY Printing done up-toâ€"date at the Chronicle Office. C. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters ..... music. MANUFACTURERS OF Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. Songs, (Utilizes (N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. . Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Engine repairs. Percv G. H. (Ucbstcr ;. SMITH 6: SONS Sash 8’ Doors M; 301's sunnnn can. Zam Buk Cures Piles. SOLD AT HALF PRICE. 25 mm Per flow l have placed in stock a fine line of late and Cwo=St¢ps a g Durham. Ont. % 'vaifi'vi'x‘ WWW§W§WWWWWW§ ’1: Alblend of 5 Manitoba and i Ontario wheat and is a strictly first; class family flour. Our pure Manitoba flour. made from No. 1 Manitoba wheat; cannot be beat for either bakers’ or domestic use. Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Chopping Done Every Day All up-to-date flour and feed anu grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. S. All kinds of Gra_in_ bought at Market People’s Mills Is made from selected winter Whea, and is a superior article for making pastry, etc. Seeded and Seedless Raisins Clean Currants Candied Peels Comfits Chocolates , Cocoa, Coffee, all kinds of Tea, Brown. Gran. and Icing Sugars. Fruit Colors, for Icing. Jumbo Candies, Fresh Buscuits. The AverageWOman Does not need to worry about her prospective harp and crown; but endless worry is caused is caused by failures in Christmas Cooking caused by inferior grocenes. We have all the ingredients for your Christmas delicacies such as : See our Collars and Cuffs for Christmas ‘ C. McArthur Lonnori ' (Box-333; John McGown. TRY OUR NE\V CHOPPER. PASTRY FLOUR we are giving in New Dress Goods, Furs. Boots A’ Shoes, and Underwear etc. Come and see how we will manage to wait; on you. C. L. GRANT The New Rail road BRIDGE across the river in Town is causing a great. deal ()f balk since. it “as stmted. Mam are piedictinu that it will not stand the test when the floods come in the spring: nthex-s that there. will he a big jam when the f reshet comes, and will be carried away. \Vell we would not; like to have. that come to ass, but; we would ik< to see people jam and fill ourstore up and get the BARGAINS SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP '1‘ H E :, 1'2. 190'?

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