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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Dec 1907, p. 3

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‘51,: a: 721.35% «13. :. I. .2277?wa 1:. 23:23. nusâ€"3.3.3503. 100 acres nu Durham Road, Bentlnck. guod Farm. Bank Barn, Fair Dwelling. snap tor $1500. 100 acres. extra good Buildings alone wor- th nearly the 52"!) asked fur the farm Near Crawford P U i acre building lot in Dnrlum, for sale , cheap. nr trade for anytlnpxz a man can eat. “ear, or through a suck at Property bought and sold on (inn-mission they to hand Debts cullected U l’. R. Tickets and Ocean Trckets for sale, $300 ofstwck in Dmham Cement (In . placed in my hands for sale cheap. Always Prompt. Never Negligent 200 acres. (Hmwlg, Frame Dwelling, Bank Ba‘m. Hand Farm. uught to bring $40C0 \Vill sell m- 33C“). 50 avres, Gleuelg, splendid locatirm. extra gum} Buildmgs, cheap at $7500, will take {(35.0 Christmas Store With bright and attractive thmgs in ample variety and better range for selection than , ever belure. \ 'e’re particularly strong in Games Toys. Dolls, Books, Novelties, such as will set children’s hearts thump- ing and will bringais an avalanche of trade. Parents are reminded that once assrrrtments get broken the choke will necessaroly be lim- ited. The best time is now, while the stocks are at their best. Come and see Santafllaus. He Sells Cheap Du ymx want We have a good assortment of all these lines and our prices are right. Henry Boker’ s Skates 1n difier- ent lines are om taleadels. We have a full line of Pratts Celebrated Stock Food for horses, cows, sheep, pigs, poultry; etc. Once used, always used. \‘s'w are prepairvd to supply you with uhnust any kind rrf frzmw. If \\'v have not rer‘LV-nmde ones to suit you then we can make ones which will suit you. In this delmrtnmnt we have many lines suitable for Cliristnms Presents, and also suitable forany house. Our stock is complete in Sideboards, Parlor Suits. Bedroom Suits, Spring Mattresses, Chairs, 1("H,'l{£)l’h' 0’03, and is worthy of your inspection. Different Styles, different prices, but all good value Sew. them. The right place to get your House Furnishings in all lines of Furniture, Window Shades, Curtain Poles Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, etc. Our stock plete and we invite you to call and examine is com It is no trouble to show goods. 5 the goods. [.3 nahan McIntosh Dec. 129 1907 The Big. 4 This is very [Hugh Jf :1 W. H. BEAN H. H. Miner, Sleighs, Skates, Pucks, Hockey Sticks etc. SAVE MONEY ".3 A fmv (1001's south of the Middaugh House. The Hanover (‘nnveynnccr Calder Block He offers : t, to make money and National Portland Cement aiways kept on hand. Pictuwe Framing Horse Blankets Furniture Fifi Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOAUBRS BIL. JERS MO W ERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAGGONS GASOLINE ENGINES Democrats and Buggies (Rubber and Steel Tires.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond Sewing Machines Bull Pianos and Organs. In Your Spare Time at Home. Or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn, we teach on cash or instal- ment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a monthâ€"class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teach how to cut, in and put together any garment. from the plaine st shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over 7.000 dressmakers and guarantee to give $500 to anyone who cannot learn between the ages of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dressmaking as thorough as this course teaches it if you work in shops for years. Beware of imitations. as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada. and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once. for par- ticulars. as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address SANDERS DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Erie Street. Stratford. Ont... Canada. WANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decided to instruct and employ a. number of smart young ladies to teach our course in Dress- mekrng, havrng one teacher for the six nearest towns where they liveâ€"age 20 to 35. Those who have worked at dressmaking, or likes drawing preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your whole time. Addressâ€"THE SCHOOL. ' Implement Agent. and Auctioneer. Implements LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL Manumems and Tombstones (“YEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN Deering Harvester Co.’s Grunt Trainingâ€"Small Cost. Good positions, Free Catalogue. Even body “701001118. R. A. Farquharson. B. A., Comer Yonge and Blour Streets. Toronto. British; Canadian Business_Crolilfege:f ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK ()l" John Clark A FULL LINE OF THE Berlin Pianos l Pretty soon he wants to go homeâ€" lwhen he has no home to go to, the old 2135! Every evening he feels like hitching up, but there is no horse nor ‘buggy. He haunts the market places and the farmers hotels. in the hope of meeting some old neighbors from Whack home ” They are glad to meet :even their ancient enemies: the men 'who beat them for council, who de- El’eated them for reeve, who moved 'their line fences in on them, who backed water on them, who put their steers in the pound. who humiliated them doing road workâ€"they are glad to see them. and they wondered why they quarreled out yonder and spoil- ed the good time they might haye :had There are no chores to do. There are no pigs to chase out of the orchard and their cattle never get into the cute. There is no sheep washing time. no threshing days, no seeding. noheying, no hog killing, no cider making time. They have to wear unaccustomed clothes and they long for the cam. fortable overalls and smock, the big roomy boots. and the great skin cap or straw hat. They begin to waste and fade because they don't feed as well as they did back on the farm. They live like lozds out on the “place.” because their food practically cost then: nothing. A smoke house full of hams. shoulders and side meat was a matter of course. Eggs could be had for the going to the barn for them; a chicken on state occasions was never missed from the flock. and butter only cost a strenuous quarter of an hour churning it. It was a species of insanity in the first place, but at any time could be dinfluosed as a big mistake. They are out of place in town. The side- walks tire them out. Their “Howdy do” as they pass people is unnoticed except by a curious stare. But now, when they have got to buy ’most everything, it is awfully different. They stint; themselves on haver at; 35 cents per poundâ€"that’s too ridiculous a price alcOgeLher. The old. worn-out (“mereâ€"thy farmers who have rented their "Places,” tho farmers who have sold out to the boysâ€"have ceased to go to town to live They never see a. fresh egg, for it would be a sin and a shame to pay 40 cents a dozen {or them. And do you know what that means? All the nice dishes on the farm. in which fresh eggs were the living principal, are seen no more. For it takes eggs to make the battencakes, and the john- ny-cake, and the custard. and the likeâ€"real nice things, but you can’t make ’em without eggs. The aged and mnguided farmer buys a little. teeny-weeny tag of cheap meat once a week and nibbles at it warily likea starved rat who dreads that the bait is poisoned. And to pay 10 cents for a small portion of anaemic milkâ€"ten cents! when he used to carry it out by the pailful and throw it to the hogs. Ever} body will be gainers all round. The town authorities have come to dread the retired farmer. As long as there is a pump or a pond within half a mile. what does he want with waterworks? The side- walks are good enough, the streets are all right. and if anybody suggeSts a park he roars like a hull of Bashan. “What? A park I” You can hear him all over town He is a source of anxiety without the equivalent income to the church he joins. And when they get him on the voters’ list he has. a way of voting any way he darn pleases, which fills the ward boss with weariness and woe. The old cL-dgers should stay at home. At; any rate, the nearest vil- lage is far enough away. It’s a poor ending to a. busy life on a farm to go OE to town in your old age and pine to death, or freeze to death. or starve to death. Not Ins-frequently caused by cheap acid corn salve. Be safe and use Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Purely vegetable. harmless and always cures, Insist. on “Putnam’s.” (It is denied by those in authority that the Lusitania has tried to break the record.) “This ocean racing is a thing," The captain .said to me. "With which, I’d have you under- stand. I simply don’t agree. What matters it if you arrive In four brief days, or, say in five? Does such a thing improve your soul? (Buck up, you chaps. jam on the coal!) “This oceah racing,” he went on, “Is very bad inaeed. The worst. of all our modern ills Is this fen craze for Speed. I want this ship to get to shore In fifteen days, or even more. The record Feb! I scoff at it. (Can’t you whack up the pace a. bit?) ”This ocean racing”-â€"â€"here he scowl- edâ€" “Sbould reckon as a crime. I hold that every boat should be Allowed to take her time. I hold thatâ€"Oh, by Jingo, look. ' See that dark blob? That’ 3 Sandy Hook. ' We’ve done it. given these Germans fits! We’ve smashed the recprd into bits.” CHRONICLES” OF THE Km. QUITE INADVEMENTLY. Going to Town to Live. A CASE OF POISONING. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The Khan. They show first by muscular weak- nessâ€"a feeling that threatens paraly- sis. or by a fullness in the head that indicates approaching appoplexy. It seems like stifiness but you soon discover there’s a. lack of powerâ€" thst the endurance of this or that muscle is not. what it ought to be. Your friends may notice a slight thickness of speech or the: your memory is decidedly (ailing. These symptoms may grow worse very quickly if they are not treated by Fen-ozone. You must build up the nervous system. This can be accompli-hed in no ether way as thoroughlv and permanently as by the use xf F rrozL-ne. Chsnges in the nervous system manifest themselves slow”?- This remarkable remedy. whech has cured tens «if thousands of Can- adian people, increases enormously the digeszive powers. stimulates the digestive power, stimulates the formation of blood. the rich. red kind that puts new life into the nerves. The First Sign of Mental Dwayâ€" Tho Warning of General 'I he first result of these changes is increased strength. Natural circulation quickly follows, and that fullness in the head, so dis- turbing and alarming, too, quickly passes away. These changes are wrought in a natural way, for the reason that Fer- rozoue treats the causes that excite these troubles. For the aged and weak who need strengthâ€"for those run down and thin,â€"â€"lor the sickly and nervous who lack slaying powerâ€"nothing compares with Ferrozone. No tonic glves such lasting good health ; try it yourself, Sold by all dealers in 500. boxes. losing Muscular Power? Mrs. W'm. McFadden, of Cement Lake, spent week before last the guest of Mrs. Thomas Davis, of your town. Mr. Barclay. of Toronto. is busily engaged at present with agang of men and teams gravelling the new road between McFadden’s sideroad and Lawrence’s hall. Owing to a break of the steam shovel at the Glen, ballasting opera- tions are at present, suspended. Mr. John McGirr went under an operation last week for the removal of an abcess in we head, and latesn reports say he is doing well. Mr. Edgar Ritchie is at present employed with James Lawrence driv- ing his team. Messrs. M. J. Staples. Arthur Davis and Thomas Whitmore left for the 800 Tuesday morning last, Where they intend to spend the winter. The C P. R. switch from the main line to the N. P. C. Co.’s plant is go- ing to Starr from a point west of Charles Ritchie’s barn and strike the cement track in McGirr’s farm. Probabilities are that building opera- tions will commence this Wednesday morning Few People in Durham Really Know How. Mm. Hiram Dean is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert Allen. of the 4th Con. at. present. This is not an essay on table man- ners. It is simply a little good advice about one of the great American de- fectsâ€"too rapid eating. Nothing makes life so miserable, or interferes so widely with the use- fulness of the average American: as indigesuion. The quick-lunch counters and the great majority of restaurants. even the home dinging-rooms, are simply manufactories of stomach troubles. Slow eating will solve one-half the problem of ill-health. Those who sufier already with indigestion and weak stomach can with care and the use of Mi o-na stomach tablets restore their digestion to a healthy condition. so that they can eat what they want at any time without fear of distress or sufiering. After a few days’ use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets. the headache. dizzy feeling, drowsiness. bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, nervousness, distress alter eatingâ€"all these symp- toms of a weak stomachâ€"will disap- pear, and perfect digestion and a good skin will show that the vital machinery is once more running smoothly. Take a little Mi-o-na tablet before each meal so that it will stimulate the digesuve juices and give strength to the stomach and then it will take care of the food that is eaten, with- out indigestion and the unpleasant fuli feeling with which so many suf- fer after meals. Mi’ona is sold by druggists every- where for 50 cents, and we positively guarantee to refund. your money should you purchase a box and be dissatisfied with results. Write for free sample addressing Booth’s Mi-o- na, Box 977, Bufialo N. Y. Have you paid your subscription for the Chronicle yet ? Darkies’ Corners. LEARN TO EAT. ; DURHAM SCHOOL. ‘l‘he whool is thorouhly equipped in teaching obility, in chemical and elecmcal supplies am fittings. etc.. for full Junior Leaving and Mann . nlauon work. The following competent stall on in charge : MISS LOLA MCLEOD. B. A. Hon- r Graduatn of queen’s Univerai y. Classics, Moder s. and Eng ioh. MISS M. S. HOLLAND. First Class Certificate and third vear undergraduate of Queen‘s Umver- sity, Science. History and Geozrauhy. Intending students should enter at the begu- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ok- talnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a bealtln and active town, making it amost desirabl} place of residence. vv-w-‘v â€"-~â€" -â€" ._.â€"__ _ - (1an witli Cgient concrete. 9' ALL ORDERS axon n the old cud nut McGowgn' ' b .1 tended to. I 1m: will a promptly ALL Won Grumman at “Live and let live” Pawns. I BEG “A" TO INFORM HY CUF- I‘OHEBS 38.11:! the Kahlua in xenon) thst I “PM tofnrnio an Pumps my alumnus, Wnu 193111-1159. _RI-Cmn¢a mm Pmmmma 1009.81.00 per month. WK. JOHNSTON, U R Pumps; THOS. ALLAN. lat Class Certificate. Prim. 3.1: 57 5', $19, WI m:"l"'"""u_xp;_: mmm til-nan “If”! a. *1» a? ., ’1'IH'."" y; ”W. I i: 4 H‘l w" J». ' «Iiu't'ml inf. Inhmmdfll. ,- m’m'n a- a . ‘pw ’3’. a ‘ A Souvenir Range is built to draw well on any chimney. will fit any chimney. It will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was ever constructed. j J ’U 3’7 -â€"-\‘\ \ ' 'm Or. 1"? IIIIIIIIII ,I 'IIIIII'IIJIIIIII E"?! I ~z/ ZOE a range 15 very l P . I m "IIIIIIIIII tant. Some ranges wxll ‘IIIII'IIII I 4. ’ draw all right if the chim- % ney Hue 18 built m a certain way , if not, it will not draw I] 'I‘QIT. \I1’ at all, or very imperfectly ”the Chimney must fit the range. A r V‘ II III;‘ II ‘ISI'I to ' IIIIIIEINIIIlI'Ill-"II115IIIIIIIIIII11III. { 2' “’pm-n :‘Ym mgr. J ‘ ‘ I . â€"Y I r' ' I“, "r "\\ \\ OMESW ‘bQ‘QO‘bO‘I In Flour we carry McGowan’s, Milverton, Ayton, Royal Houselmld and Five Roses. Feedâ€"Car-loads on hand of Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and \Vindsnr Salt. MATTH EWS LATI M ER STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. KATE CEEHRANE, Agent, DURHAM, ONT. TRY MATTHEWS é: LATIMER FOR Fresh Christmas Groceries and Fruit And Oysters. One can have for buying anything are. “That the article is durable” “That its cost, is reasonable” and that; its ac- quisition would promote comfort. \Ve have many lines of in leather and felt. Also rubbers in light and heavy over- shoes, nmccasins, etch, thaL would fill the bill. as well as a large stock of mitts and gloves for heavy work or fine wear to select from. In Hosiery we have a number of lines that; are good values. \Ve judge so by the increasing number who ask for them. See our fancy slippers before put-rims- ing elsewhere. ilustom work and repairing as usual will he done at the l.)()\VN '1‘0\\'N Sl’lOl‘Z STORE. d. S. MciLRAITH The Most Potent Reasons BOOTS and SHOES Cluirmua GEORGE WHITMOBR. U RA MAGE Seereurw :3 Everybody Th e D r aft! Construction J and in placing all its graduates. Each student is taught separately at This own desk. Trial lessons for one fweek free. Visitors welcome. :rOnONIO. ONT- EDAY and EVENING Get the Best. IT PA Y8 Attend the Popular and Progreuivo LEADS IN BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMMERCIAL CORRESPOND- ENCE PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING and be THOROUGHLY oducated far bus- iness life All graduates‘ of thi-I school are absolutely sure at getting nnsitions. The demand is can iderably greater than the supply. Now is an excellent time to enter. Write for catalogue. Corner Yonge and Alexander St.’s. Mount Forest Business College Don’t; forget to leave ynur Ul‘ der for a Xmas Cake at the "Model Bakery,” it will sure to please you. Geo. H. Stinson Likes Good Things to eat at Xmas rimv. You get those at the "Model Bakery” where a good supply of Cakes. Pies, and all kinds of Fancy Bread is kept; on hand. \Ve have alson good Assort- mentuf The Finest Chocolates and Bon Bons. w. J. ELLIOTT, Principal

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