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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Dec 1907, p. 8

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For Pumps of all Kin 1:». Galvanized and Irm. p. ing; Brass, Brass uned and Iron Cvlinders. “W. D. CONNOR B 0 Mr. John Vollet, and wnsh to ounce to the peoplg of.Dur- 32:1 and vicinity, that 11: “[111 be .dc..:.l¢_sk.1lc...flc m u ‘4 E E f? o 3 w m a :r to c' c: 9. E SHOP open every afternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prOp- nrly attendefi to. ‘hjl. D. CDNNfiR p~ You 1111‘. 11111111: find 1-1e11'1111g; x1 114111111119 at the H211d11 {1-1 9 Store. Wehnw a great many articlw in Silwrwzn'e suit- able fur (jhi‘irfi‘nms pres- ents. Tm Sets, Water .I’in‘enwrs. l‘I‘HMing' Dishes. Smoking Sets. Crumb Trays. Bun? Spoons, Gravy Ladlos, Meat Forks, HME WU? Any 01d Worn Silver? If so, I am prepared to re. plate it. Bringit in now while [have the time. All WOI‘K guaranteed. Sugar ,, 'l‘mngs. Sugar Smmns. 311ttel' Knives, Cheese Scoops, etc. In Cutlery we are well stocked. Pmrl handled Knives and Forks, Cellu- loid handled Knives and Forks, Bone handled Knives and Forks, Silver Knives and Forks, Carving Sets of every description and other Knives too numerous to mention. In Sleighs we lead. Small Boys’ Sleighs 250, firls’ Sleiglls _4OC, Coast- rices Moderate. and Strictly Cash. Machine Oil Harness 011’ To {ha PUblic 7577!" ems 95c, VToboggans $2 mad Coasting Bobs $8. Do not- forget that we have the best selected stock of Razors that can be found anywhere. Our Clauss Razors are all war- ranted. Straps, Shaving Soaps and Brushes in abundance. Do not wear out your good carpet with a poor broom when you can buy 3. Carpet Sweeper so cheap. Pumps from $2 upward. person. W. BLACK Skates suitable for every nufacturgr of u‘ Dealer 111 â€" Geo. Yiirs Harnosamaker- Sugar I beg to mnmunce to the citizens of Durham and Yi- cinity that I have opened 11p :1, first-class Butcher S1101) in the MacIntyre Block where 1 will furnish all kinds of first. class meats at reasonable prices. Trial order solicited Note the address \Iclntg're Block, - D1 Leave. your order with ALEX. MCLACHLIX, Durham, who will give you prompt, attention. fiut Flowers A. BELL UN DE RT AKER Picture Framing on shortest . notice. D. FLETT, Florist Durham Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and whlte Caps for aged people. Xmas Trade “'9 have trimmed up a number nf pretty hats for A great number of these hats are made of rich black velvet trimmed with black plumes. Also a large assort- ment of white and colored felts trimmed with white and colored plumes. We keep alarge assortment of black hats, suitable for mourning wear. \Ve offer special prices for holiday trade. ‘Ve invite you to call and see our large stock. The store will he opened everv evening until after Christmas. Pot Plants Bulbs Floral Designs and Floral Decorations of all kinds on shortest notice. . PHELLBP§ SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows’ Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J Lawrence’ s blacksmith shop. Parisian Millinery Co. NTEH MILL Embalming a Specialty Mt. Forest. MISS DICK Durlmm NEHY Ontario HOUSE BUILT BY BLIND MEN. Worked on Pltch Dark Nights as.Well as by Daylight Two tomlly blind men have built; a hause for themselves: at Berkelev. Cal“ «laying all the carpnnrer work for themselves without. any zassisml 6° whatmrer. 1c is a coincidence that both these mm: are named Josth-uâ€"Josvuh Br«w.n and Jwepb Martinez The homer», nccor'diz.g to Pupular Mach, 0- its». is of the pepulnr bungalow type one and a hzdf StorVS high and can structed entirely of wnod It is 18 feet. Wide by 95 feet: long A; the builders are sighrleua a. work necessarily prngrps‘évd Hen-xix. From Parly morning ”nail {I'BQm-hz'a lone: aftm- “Inset. thp two mm] tun-Ad panivntiy a? their task The ~hn-"ixss of night, (”(1 not lfindm‘ We wm-k fm- nmmday and midnight, are equatly dark to them. and our. uf the black mess came Lhé song of H10 snw awi the hlowa of the hamms-r t-o panel's-Mu who heard but saw no workmwn From day to day the Work 'stth been curiously watched hv crowdg. including many carzenmrs. The genm‘a‘ work is pronounced as gucd as thatperforrzwd by many builders who are blessed with perfect eye- sight. Brown and Martinez were nm blind from their birbfl. hut. were d.- prived of their eight. many years: ago They were house to home Dedd‘PrS for many years. and managed in the course of time to accumulate snug sums of money that were wisely de poeited in the bank. As the time of the great fire in San Francieco these men lost everything save their Httle bank accounts. Recently they pooled their bold- ings, purchased a small lot in Berke. lay and some lumber Thev then set, 69 work resolutely and have built. themselves a house. HAVE YOU STOMACH‘ TROUBLE? When you wake up with headache and bad taste in the mouth, some- thing to settle the stomach is needed. That dull. heavy feeling must he lifted. and appetite must be cre..ted Get a tumbler of water, some sue r. and then nonr in a stifi dose of Nero viline. You’ll feel tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones, puts"vim and snap in to your movements. You’ll be fitted for a hard days’ work by taking- Ner- vilineâ€"nothing better Large but- tles. 250. everywhere. am, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Get it at Half=Price==== An Axe, a Shovel, a Hoe, a Pitch Fork, a X=Cut Saw, or anything else that you may require 1 Our Stock is disappearing fast; Drop in and get a share of what is left below the wholesale price. S_i_e_gp_er’s old Stand. Guilty Party. Fearing Expolnre. Ro-‘ turns Money Stolen. 3 When Mayor Horslev went to the post ofice Tuesday morning for his mail, says the Meaford Mirror. he was surprised to find a large rackage in his letter box. and upon Opening it discovered to his surprise that it con- tained $400 in bills of various denom- inations. Accompanying the package was a note stating that the bills had been picked up in the Royal Hotel, but bearing no signature. The Mayor at once concluded that the money belonged to Wm. Neely,- of Rocklyn, who was robbed while sleeping on a lounge in the Royal Hotel on the evening of Cotober 25th last And just here comes in an in- teresting little story. When the Mayor was acquainted with the par- ticulars of the robbery he at once .cmumu'nicatad with the Attorney; {General’s Department in Toronto. asking him to send up a detective. ’The request was complied with The ,Mayor of course took the detective into his confidence giving him the 'names of about a dozen persons who lwere known to have been in the hotel ion the night in question. The latter got busy, foll0wing up the circum- stantial Claus 0m! after another until he had put the whole bunch through a series of examina’ions in the ~wear, box Mayor Horsley was pretty certain that one person in Almxford knew Whera the money was. ‘vn his Wmship had nothing more than circumstau-‘ia! evidence to work on. He knew also if anv person were b!‘011ghrfnm° to faco aim the charge he would immvdintely col- 'apse. as hv would Humâ€"r lose his right hand *h-«n L1!) :0 jai! The .\'}r1y01' thS denx'miuwd to sift tlw mattpr to the bottom ~nd gave the PGFSOD to x.nm'1ur~r,n’r:ni he: he would never give him A osnent’s penca until rescizuthm was mad». Aftvr working their Che almost. to the final po'r'h the Mavor and do- tectiva decided to suspend investiga tion for a few Jav- am! MWIUD devel- OpmenCS, They hadn’t 10:13; to wait. Fearing: exposure the guilty party resolved to return the mmney which the Mayor has depOfii‘é‘d in the Met. chant?- Bank. pending Mr. Neely’s identification of some of the bills. some ---,- 7 The New Zealand drought has been broken. and trade prospects, which had been very poor, are now improved. , Mr. Larke says he is distributing i catalogues furnished by the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, especially as regards rubber goods, saddlery and {carriage materials, engines, machin- gery, brushes, glassware and brats l goods. He, however, does not expect ,much result unless Canadian firms ‘5 appomt direct agents. Gheat Boon In Trade. Mr. J. S. Larke, Canadian Trade Commissioner to New South Wales, re- ports to the Trade and Cozmneroe De- partment that there is a great boom in trade in Australia. The total trade. of the Commonwealth for 19H; uns $112,850,000, as compared with £95.18".- 763 in 1905. The imports were $4.600.- 000 in 1906, as against £38.346.77-‘J. while the exports grew from £56.84}.- 035 in 1905 to $168,350,000 last year. The prospects for 1907 are good. The harvest of New South Wales alone produced 24,000,000 bushels of wheat. which will allow of 13,000.000 bushels being e;p0r}_ed._ ‘I‘ 1.1 1 “COVERS $400. vr-I One often héare the expression, ° My child caught a aev» e cold which developed into diphtherm.” when the truth was that the com had simply left the little one particularly sus- ceptible to the wandering diphtheriai germ. When ChemberIcin’s Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diph- theria or any other term disease being contracted. For sale at Park- er’s Drug Store. STRAY SHOTS FROM SOLOHON. (From The Shoe and Leathe r Journal.) ' THEY LIKE STRAIGHT TALK. This world never saw the day when it did not take 0E its hat to truth. no matter how it had to dodge its shafts. 'l‘he unjust as well as the just accord it homage. Sham and hypocrisy are not normal traits with humanity. The thief respects the upright man. and the liar honors truth in spite of his moral obliquity. Some scalla- wags can tell an upright man how to live better than the most accepted authority on ethics. LIKE CLOUDS AND WIND WITHOUT RAIN. So saith Splomon is the man who} “boasteth himself of a false gift.”i There must have been bankrupt, fire ; and removal sales in Jerusalem ini those days. Oh, the monotony of! of this eternal din of boasting charl- i atanism that is misnamed modern business enterprise! It would seem that the man who buys goods in a: fair market and endeavors to sell at: a modest margin is engaged in a task i more hopeless than the search for! the North Polo. The worst of it is, that the public seem to like playing the role of suckeis and him every? time the line is drOpped with some; ,l'rtsh scheme that appeals to their: 'cupidity. If fire happens to come lwithin two squares of the modern; Hakir. up goes the canvass sign with? {its flaring: letters announcing the? “fire water and-smoke sale.” and the; ,disarranged store with the help of a: bucketful or so of water. is made; ready for the horde of bargain hunt-i [ere who rush into the trap as soon asi {it is set. A bystander at a TGCr-lltl fire in this city remarked that some" people (meaning those in his business..- adjacent to the confiagration) seemed? to be born under a lucky star, and‘ lwent away bemoaning the fate that .located him so far from the scene ll that he could not get his paint brush land advertising quill to work. The man who chooses this cyclone or l’sirocco method of doing business lmakee a big Stir and seems to pros- ' per; but we. have never known any- lone to build up a laSting fortune tn ‘such a loundation. More than that. l in the very nature of things character las well as means are shrivelled in- !evitably by the process. It is net the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi- lated that gives Strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain’s Stom- ach and Liver Tablets invigorate the Stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions. The re- sult is a relish for your food. increas- ed strength and weight, greater en- durance and a clear head. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale at Parker’s Drug Store. How Diphtheria is Contracted. About Digestion. a on. oâ€"omâ€"w-u The People’s Grocery AND PROVISION STORE That always satisfies the Cook. Five Roses and Reindeer Manitoba Flours always give satiso faction. We can give vou what you want. and you wili find our prices right. Geo. \Vhite Son Threshing Ma- chines. Rudd s Harness, Spwads and Harness Repaixs. Oil’s and Grease’ s. STOV SS 8: FURNACES. MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. Implements. This publication has made great strides under the new management. The December number consists of thirtv six pages of bright, interesting matter. copiously illustrated. The special features of this issue. which is a Holiday Number. are "Messages from the Churches,” illustrated by portraits of the leaders of the evange- lical denominations. and “Messages from Women,” with portraits of lead- ing Canadian women workers. A re- production of “Eventide.” J. W. L. Foster’s latest painting. is well worth ’framing. Judge Routhier gives a ihistOry of the writing of the Chant National and this is accompanied by a new arrangement of Lavallee's piece by Mr. Edward Brooms. of the Toronto Conservatory. An illustrato ed article describes the production of the “eta! of life” in an up-todate bread factory. Two original short stories. one by Theodore Roberts and another by 8. Davidson. another Can. adian writer. are in addition to the other fiction. The other depart- ments of the Journal are full, as usual. of crisp. interesting, practical pointers for the home. The moraf tone of the paper is such as should exercise' a wholesome influence wherever it goes. It is issued by the Canadian Woman’s Magazrne. Publishing Co.. Limited 59 John A‘ Street. Toronto. ,1 Tu THE PUBLIC: ’ Now is your time tn urder a Suit. Overcoat 01- any garment you are in need 0f. “'9 \wmld like to measure you now, for We are mmvinced we can suit, you hvtter than anywhere else. Mr. Glass is attending tn the cutting himself, and as to the making we h are a first-class man Ln make the cunts. Price away dnwh. North American Life Assurance Co. listowel lionel Bread Floor AND McGowan’s Eclipse . . . The Loading W. Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept; on hand. For Flours FARM MACHINERY Sherloch Manning Organs. Heintzman Pianos. J. L. Flat-H]? We carry also other well known brands of Flour. JUHN N. MUHHUEK Singer Sewing Machines. J. A. Glass, THE HOME JOURNAL Frost 6’ Wood Toronto \Vindmills. lex. Beggs Suns DURHAM. ONT. Dec. 12, 1907 AG ENT FOR All Kinds of Manager and Catt/er. Miliaugh House Block

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