10 The People’s Store All Heights, in Lace or Buckle, High Leather Tops Snag Proof. Only Five shopping days left! in that. time you have to selectall your Christmas Gifts and Christums mac-essities. Now come and let, us show you the 1-9:»! pm-vharaing pnwcr of your money in the Big Store. “‘8 have many savings for you. All kinds of useful articles suitable and sensible for Presents at this time of the year. Sale at Hrs M‘s? med bythe Weather How's a saving for y'm were from $11.00 to $13.51) These are worth your cons Rob-t. BURNETT, Durham, Ont. Ladies’ and Misses’ cloth Jackets ! ! 30112112»; just in fur (fhristlnas; Any ofmlr New fall and Winter Jackets in ladies’ misses’ and chil- dren’s will be sold at; a. very great saving to you. These are New Cloths well and fashionably made and until Christmas you can get Off the price. See them. prices than We have ever oï¬ered. The Newest Cute and Patterns of the “Sovereign will be on sale during these Five buying days at th bargains you have ever heard of. Act wisely, secure while the chance is in your favor. Men and Boys ' Clothing and Overcoats Many other Furs at wing for Van in Real Sable Neck- ruffs, several of them [now $13. 51) will be sold before Christmas for $8. 50. :th your consideration as they ale genuine Sable. ' Furs at correspunding reductions. Highest Prices fbr Fowl. 20 Per Cent A 111190 218801 ted collection C h t as of Fam \ Ezmdkeichief 3, fig mas in Li11v11,L(1\\11 and Silk. ; A large stock. of Ladies Gifts 1_‘lll‘lStlllzl:~2 tlwse are all New Designs and beautiful patterns A Large Stock of Furs still on Hand. RUBBERS ! ! ' f the “Sovereign Brand†Clothing uying days at the greatest saving Act wisely, secure a. suit or overcoat Map’le Leaf Men Boys .aï¬'. One, 'TWO, Three or Four Buckles. A full line of Felt Shoes for Men, Ladies and Children. OVer Shoes all Heights. Rubbers. W a\ a .-'\ .‘ Ix .â€"\ .x" A _â€"\ ,- a, _«.,v\. fo A./\/\ A /\ _,‘ . M , that the Walkerton and Lucknow , Railway Company, will. after four weeks from the date of this nOtice. apply to the 1 Board of Railway Commissionem‘ for Can . ada. pursuant to Section 222, of the Railway 5. Act. tor authoritv to construct. opera e and '1 maintain a branch line of railway from a a point on the main line of the said Walker | t0“ and Lucknow Railway to the National 5 Portland Cement Company’s Plant in the 1 town of Durham, the proposed location of l which is shewn on a plan, proï¬le and book I 1 of reference deposited in the ' Registry l Ufï¬ce for the South Riding. of the County ‘, of Grey in the Town of Durham, on the E '20th day of November 1907. Dated this 20th day of November. 1907 :l ANGUS MACMURCHY. I . Solicitor for the Canadian Paciï¬c Rly. Co. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Fulton, Late of the Town- ship of Normanby, in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENi pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of ‘ Ontario†1897 chapter 129 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Thomas Fulton. who died on or about the 23rd day of December. 1906. are required on or before the 10th day uf J anu- ary, 1908. to send by post. preoaid or de river to Hugh Fulton, Hampdeu P. 0.. Out... the Administrator to the estate of the said deceased. their Christian and sur- names. addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securi‘ ', ties, if unv held by them. And further take notice that after suchi last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled there to. havmg regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or an part thereof to, any person or persons 0 whose claims netice shall not havebeen received by him at the time of such distribution. HUGH FULTON. Hampden P. 0.. Out. Administrator to the estate of Thomas Ful- gon, 131.9 of the Township of Normanby. Dated the 6th day of December, 1907. From the Bluï¬ton. Iiadn Banner: “When tired out, go home. Whenl you went consolation. \go home.i When you want fun. go home.‘ When to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your ï¬feme ily get acquainted with the ‘fgct, When you went to show yourself .1; your best go home and do the not there. When you feel like being extra liberal go home and pr-ectieeon your wife and children ï¬rst. When you want to shine with excre. hrfl. lienoy go home and light up the. whole household.†To which we would add. when you have a cold go home and take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and a. quick cure is certain. For axle ut-Perker’e Dru 3 Store. O'I‘ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN f 1"“ i LUCAS. ngnr MOARDLp, Sohcxtors for Admimstrator. PUBLIC NOTICE. When to Go Home. as i The nnnnnl meeting of the Presbyn terien Ledies' Aid wee held n Mn; 1 A. S. VunDueen’ eon Wedneedu M lean week when oï¬cers were. e1 csgd to: the ensuing your es follows .. Honorary President. Mrs. (Rev ) G 0. Little; President Mrs. A S. Van. Dnsen; Vice President, Mrs. Herbert Smith; Seciesnry treeeuret, Mun!“ Blackburn; Vigicing _Cornm_:_uee, Mrs. M. Ferguson. Mrs. Jacob Thompson, Mrs. Archie Boyd, Mrs D Mc'l‘avish and Mrs. Wesley Bushin. The an. nnai report by the Secetary showed 38 members on the roll; receipts 3186;01penditnre $153; depOeit in bank 821. 00; balance on naud $12 00. Toral deposit no bank 576 00. The ladies have had a very successful year and rendered valuable service in carrying on the work of the church. A box of clothing is teiug shipped this Week'to a charitable lu- stitution in Toronto for Christmas I distribution Messrs. J. 8*. W. Boyd’s store was broken into on Tbnrad y night. last, but. only a few cents in an open till was secured in cash. There was evi- dence of some goods having been taken but to what extent it. was difo ï¬cult to tel‘. Mr. Henry Legard’s retidence had; 3 narrow «scepe from disrrueuon by . ï¬re on Saturday. In some unac- countable way the ï¬re started in a. clothes closet. and before it; was ex- tinguished the most of the best fam ily clothing was desnroyed Mr. Jake Tmmpson, of the ease back line, had the misfortUUe w cut his foot severely while chopping in the woods last; week. A Dr mbrr of stitches were required in dressing the wound. Mr. McKenzie Du: c :1. west; back line, is Spuudmg a week in Toronto Hospital «here last Week be had an abcess successfully removed from ms mm. A surpriw party of about two dozen \ouug peeple of this place spent last Thursday evening very enj_-)_.ably. Mr. Al. Luuejmus, of Markzta e also atteudmi. Mr. Albert Stewart. has been very ill Since Saturday with u bevere at- tack of pleun- v Ann°verswy {gt-vice was conducmd in Ra'kvale Baptist, church on SaL- day b3 the pauor Rev L F Kiup, and a. succeasful entertainment, was held on Monday evening. A number from here as-~isted on we program. Mr. R. Woods. of Corbectou, occu- pied the “ethiidist pulpit, on Sunday ape. king in tin: avvmng on temper- ance Mr. Wood 15 a fluent Speaker and his di~cnurses “ere delivered with much raxueatueas. Rev. (1.0 Little wfll preach the anuixPrsary sermon to the Sudday 561001 m the Prrsbyneriau church on Sabbath nexu The usual entertain. mem. W111 follow on Christa. as even 111:; Horse distemper has been preva-‘ lent in this Vicinity recently and in some Stables we learn there have been very sick ammals. At the regular monthly meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge A. F. A. M.. on Frsday evening last. .‘vlr Joseph Blackburn was eleCted treasurer ID the place of the late Mr. A. S. Van- Dusen. Donations were given by the lodge to the Suck Children’s Hos pixel. Toronto, and the Sanitarium 1 for Consumpsives, in Muskoka. Asad death occurred on the 8th Comof OSprey on Tuesday of last week when the beloved Wife of Mn: Wm Osborne passed away after only % three days Illness with pneumonia. A very large funeral followed the re mains on Thursday to the cemetery of the Salvation Army in which Mrs. Osborne workel zealously for the good of souls. The deceased was a daughter of the late Wm. Bucking Ibarn and was 46 years of age. Be sides‘her husband ï¬ve children sur. vive to mourn her departure. Among those who attended the tune- ral from here were Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Bellamy. The latter is a sister of tl e bereft husband. The interior of the stores here have been artistic «.lly decorated for the hs-lida.y season and look very pretty in their new dress. Mr. John Richardson has returned from Toronto and is assisting his uncle Mr. W. E. Richardson, in the drug store over the busy season. Mr. 105. Lennon of Davenport, Wash, visited the Duncan famiiy and other relatives in this vicmity last week. Mr. Robert Wilcox is home from Buï¬elo holidaying with his parents. Mr. M K. Richardson spent. pert of last; week and over Sunday with membeae of his family in Toronto Mrs. W, H. Thurston has been vis- iting Kimberly friends for some days. Mr. Jeï¬ Thistlethweite is home from Toronto for a holiday. It is the business of a. newspaper msnvto boom the town for all it is worth month after month and then see $50 worth of printing go out of town because 106. can be saved b so doing. It is the business of the newspaper to 'give every local enter prise enthusiastic and frequent “send- ' - - i - _.:--h€n‘ hnpnnm prlb'u U'luuu"I“UVlv â€"â€" vâ€" _ 033,†then catch the mischief because he failed to record the fact that some Prominent citizen has had his de- livery“ wagon painted red. To sub scribe lherelly to every public, cher- iteble'end church enterprise. adver- tise them for. nothing, pay. his own way to everything and then be called prejudiced and mean Spirited because ticuler eï¬eir. . ; there are so many cranks in the no we- wiper business. Flesherton from A Merry Christmas to the Staï¬ of the Chronicle and Its many reader .. Mr. Angus McIntosh who has been employed in Owen Sound for acouple of months is again in the village. This week ends the labors of the teaching fraternity for the present year. and the heart of the juveniles is glad as they dream of Xmas and the advent of Santa Claus There is one .thing that will cure itâ€"Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the germs; which c|use this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandrufl disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to yaw-healthy hair, no dan- dru ff, no pimples, no eruptions. AXmas tree in the Presbyterian church on Thursday 19th is occupy- ing the attention of an energetic committee who are determined to make this one a grand success Doors open at 8 o’clock. Mrs D. Campbell has returned home after 9. month’s visit- with rel- atives and friends in the viciulty of Milton. This week the teachers take their annual flit. Mr. McCailum to 0 van Sound. Mzss Dorsey £0 Seaforr‘h, Mass Phiilimto Svranhroy and Miss Mc- Donald to Durham. The last two return to their schools at a Sub smmiul increase in salary. Miss Binnie of Bunessan is the guess of her cousins the Cranston family, at preseni. Bentinck Tp. promises to have anather law suit on their hands. This dam in is with a Sullivan farmer Who had his hots» injured in a cross way wee! of the village. Tax collector D. A. Smith, goes to Hanover to day, (Mondav.) to attend council merting. Mr, Dan Campbo-ll of Owen Sound, is Spending a couple of Wee-ks vistt- ing in mm vicimty of late. Rev Mr Duncan a retired miniSter of Keady, occupied the Presbyterian pulph;a Week ago and 'ater held a prayer meeting in the Welbeck schoo‘ house Municipal matters nre very quiet or else it is the lull before the grown. Rumor ha'h n that the reeves of Bantinck and Glenelg will have to wrestle for their seats while a number of new men are spoken of as} aspirants at the mumcipal altar. For that Dandrlli The Rev. Irl R. Hicks’ 1908 Almanac Is ready for delivery and excels all i former editions in beauty and value ‘ I‘he cover is a leautifui design in colors, the entire book is full of ï¬ne half tones astronomical engravings and interesting matter, lt contains the Hicks weather feicasts complete for the whole year, ï¬nally Illustratï¬f“. The price by mail is 35 Cent»). (11 News-Stands 30 cents. Word and Works, the Rev. 121 R. Hicks’ .ï¬: 6 mozlthly magazine contains all his weather forca~s from month to month, together with a vast amount of the beet family reading The price is $1.00 a year and one almanac goes with each subscrlption Ad- }drese, Word and Works Publishing 00.,2‘201 Locust Street. St Louis. Missouri. The but kind. of Q Would- “ Sold to: over sixty you-I.†A USeful Durable Xmas Present is the one Most Appreciated by your Friend; For a Young Man For a Lady A Set of three sizes of Scissors in a Case A Penknife ' A Pair of Cycle Skates For Mother l :“i [01; jig-09.. Levin.“ For Father A String of Sleigh Bells, Shaft or Open Bells A Razor or Razor Strep Dornoch. Cashhfgrwï¬rain at Highest Market Prices WYW Liaâ€"ti 6? A Hockey Stick A Pair of Automobile Skates A Strong Hollow Ground high tempered Razor $1 -â€"-- - ; tâ€"lsefulvPockeb Knife in a Kid Pocket A Pair of Mitts If it was for myself it, would be a Rifle or shot gun Set of Carvers Set of Silver Knives and Forks Half-doz. Knives and Forks Half-doz. Tea. Dessert or Table Spoons Berry Spoon, Sugar Shell,‘Butter Knife. Meat Fork Illuminum Tea. Pot or Coffee Pot A Carpet Sweeper Set Sad Irons In buying a Xmas Gift, Quality is the ï¬rst thing to be considered. This has been‘ the keynote of Xmas purchases and we have failed. Manicure Cases. from $1.00 to $20.00 Toilet Cases Military Hair Brush Manicure Requisites Hair Brushes These goods are all guaranteed genuine Ebony. \Vallets, Hand Bags. \ PERFU MES As usual we are showing the largest. and best line of perfumes in Town. In Cut; Glass bottles $2.50. to $5.00 In Fancy Cases fmm 25c to $5.00 PIPES A full and very various line at the fnumus 11.13.13. Briars in cases hand (tut Vulcanite stems, genuine am- ber stems. Violins, Mandolines, Banjos, Mouth Organs. Bows, Viulin Strings etc. Give us :1 (33.“ our stock is large and varied and our prices are right. done in the' past. Darling's WE TELL N0 LIES What we do Look! Look! “19 will please you as we have DURHAM. M U S I CAL INS'I'R U MEXTS EBONY GOODS {he People’s Druggists About selling below cost and other such nonsense. \Vhat we say. we do. and we believe we are giving as good value for the nmney as in any house in town! In Blankets. Tweeds, under- wear, Prints, Canons. Flannels Flannelcttes, and groceries of all kinds is to sell at a very low nmrgin of proï¬t for cash or trade. On Satuzdav next; you can get M3115 and Buys Laps at Cost, and from now till Christmas Eve we \\ 1H «rixe 3 lbs. of the best Raisins for 250. every day in the week. LEATHER GOODS Dec. 19, 1907 EIFTS Music Rolls, Purses, etc. ONTARIO