West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Dec 1907, p. 1

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WE are pleised to know that last week’s letter by John Sneed on “The Making of a. Successful W’ife” has been enjoyed by Some of our readers. The second letter appears this week and will prove equally interesting. There are still eight more to come. all about the same length and each com- plete in itself. If you liked the first one we think you will beanxious to read the others. Ten letters on “ The Making of a Slicerssful Husband” will follow as Soon as the first series is exhausted. A LE'ITER from Mayor Kennedy, of Owen Sound, appears in this Week’s issue. It was taken from a recent. issue of the Toronto News and is pub lished on a. purely advertising basis. The pros and cons of the question should be fairly and honestly discussed. but we do not hoid ourselves in any way responsible for the views that may be expressed.‘ It isa mete matter of business on our part so far as publi- cation is concerned, but we are tied in no way in the exercise of our franchise. THE mails from Toronto have been so irregular that Postumster Smith is losing his voice in making the an- nouncements. To save himself the very strenuous effort of doing so, and to preserve his vocal sweetness, he had cards printed to hang out on state occasions. The public will soon get on to the idea, and unless they want Special information as to the whys and wherefores there need be no loss of muscular tissue on either side. ALE'I‘TER appeared in last week's‘ Leader condemning Local Option in Holstein. The Writer didn’t give his name. and such anonymous epistles have but iittle Weight. The writer Whoever he is. saysâ€"“If it came to a vote in Egremont now my honest opinion is that it would not carry.” \Ve have very grave doubts about the value of such an opinion. If he said Normanby we might agree with hnn. MR. Tumms \VALLACE, collector for the trunt divisinu of this township, was in raw“ on \Vednesdwy and hand- ed over evmy cenc uf this year's taxes to the Liensurer, and placed the roll in the clerk's hands. This is not: a bad -record in sz-tt is repute-Ll Ln be a. lean year, and Mr. \Vallace feels jimmy proud of his section of the nmui(_~.ipali- Iy.â€"Aybon Advance. THE Vamwy Christmas Tree enter- tainment will beheld for the twenty- fuurth time on ()hristums night. An unusually interesting program is being px't-pzu'vd by the school. All aw invited. A BY-L.â€"\\\' will be voted on at the beginning of the year to raise $4000 for the building of a. new bridge at the foot. of the Uzu'afraxa. Street hill~.- The old hridgv is nearly done, and is not considerc 1] any too safe. THERE is it report that. the Electric Light L’mnpzmy intend to put on metres. huuuld they do so, many users will ht‘ mure careful of the cur- rent. and We may be able to get better light. Uthvrs may be well served but our lights for some time. have been very poor. WE thank our correspondents who have written this week, and hope to hear from them all again next week. This is thv season when friends come and go. Just tell us about them. THE Baptist Church Sunday School will have their entertainment on Thursday. Dec. 26. A good program is being prepared, and everyone is welcome. Admission ten cents. THE Empire Queen Rangecâ€"Thls is the. range that baked a. pan of cookies every five minutes at the Durham Full Fair. Sold at the Big Store. OUR stock of leather goods a: 'marked down to sell.â€"At Darlings’. THE largest: stock of perfumes i town. Prices as usualâ€"the lowest- at Darlinga'. EBONY goods, toilet, manicure, brushes, military brushes, etc., etc.. at Darlings’. GUESS how many beans in the jar at Keelers’. ‘ SAWS gamma-d at the Durham Foundry. DARLI xes’ for good NEWS AROU N D TOWN N0. 2127. value Xmas For “Quality First” Christmas Gifts, Come to Darling’s carries the bullet in his head. The woman had a. husband who was seek- ing‘ adivorce, and the Drs. refusal to marry her in the event of the divorce being procured was the cause of the shooting. It was a sort of alove afl’air and we never did make a success of exPlaining such freaks. A CASE was reported recently of a. double shooting tragedy in Detroit, in which Mrs. Griffith shot Dr. Attridge, and then shot herself. Both were taken to different hoxpitals and will likely recover though the Dr. still Miss C. H. Hutton who has been en- gaged with the Sinclair Rooney 62 Co. \Vholosnle M illinery House, Buffalo, for the fall and winter season, return- ed home the latter part: of last; week. AN interesting address in the in~ terest of the Tract Society was de. livered in the Baptist church on Mon- day night last by the Rev. Chas. Ash. down. of Kirkwall. There was a good attendance and the address was much enjoyed. The ofiicers of the Society have evidently given satisfaction as they were all re-elected by acclimation for the ensuing year. From the sta tistics given it is evident that the dis- semination of Christmas literature is largely on the increase. IN a Card of Thanks last week by Mr. Robert Lindsay :L typographical er'rnr occurred. It. said “I valued the mare at, $2.25." '1 his should lead $2....»7. It was our mistake, not Mr. Lindsay" s or the compositox’s. THE open season has helped to solve the feed problem. and farmers are now feeling easier about] the wintering of their stock. Sawdust is said to" be largely used for bedding and fmldpr is handled mare carefully than is custom- ary in the fat years. ST. J AMES’ Church, Euphrasia, was dedicated on Sunday, the 8th inst. The. services included Holy Commun- ion at 10 .‘L. 11)., Morning Prayer at 10.45 a. 11)., Monster service at 3 p. m. and Evening Prayer at. 7 p. Ill. Rev. A. 'l‘. \Vatt. of Bund Head, and Rev. A. E. \Vright. of \Valkerton, were present and took part in the services. There was an entm-tainmel‘xt and lec- tm-e on Monday evening. WE have just been told an engine driver named McCallum, was killed in British Columbia. He formerly lived at Dornoch and his wife is a. daughter of Mr. Alex Smith of that locality. This is all we heard about the accident up to the time of going to press. SEE the display of skates, cutlery, sleighs and other useful articles. suit;- ahle for Christmas gifts, m the windows at the Big Store. THE Seaman-Kent 00.. whose fac- tm-ies Were burned recently in Mea- fux-d, are making preparations to rebuild and a large number of men are THE recent snow fall has made things lively in town. There is quite a lot of wood coming in which sells at $2.50 to $2.27 per cord. at work cleaning away the debris. The town is submitting a tw-law granting them liberal concescions. Their removal would he a. great loss to the town, and the ratepayers will carry the by-law and retain the industry, which gives employment to over a hundred men. FOR SALEâ€"Store and residence com- bined.-â€"-Mrs. A. Burnett, Upper town. AT this season every year the mer- chants must be worried with the cal- endar collectors. Every youngster that’s old enough to go round is almost sure to canvas the. town and before the deserving ones have a chance the calendars are all picked up. They are nice to have. but they cost money and merchants shouldn’t give them out to every youngster who has cheek enough to ask for them. DYNAMITEâ€"FOP sale. Apply to H. ”W. Hunt, Vickers.â€"3 pd. ' VIOLINS, Bows, Strings, 20% discount at Darlings’. ' CUSTOM SAWING at the rear of the Durham Foundry.â€"â€"Robert Smith.â€"â€"t-f. BIG stock of Diamond Rings from $15.00 to $100 each at Keeler’s. XMAS confectionery, all kinds, ,at Darlings’. SEE McKechnie’s change of ad. As tothe statement made by liquor dealers and sympathizers with the tufiic that there is more liquor drunk now than formerly, the following is a fact which they will find great difficul- ty in eXpIainiug away. All the hotel men have been up before the Police Magistrate more than once. A few days ago there Were eight of them brought before the Police Magistrate, the result of a campaign by two detec- tives from Toronto who hunted up the evidence. These two men swore that they got liquor in all these eight hotels but the hotel men were equal to the occasion and brought any number of individuals, themselves included I think, to swear that there was no liquor on the premises, and that they never supplied intoxicating liquors. In View of the conflicting evidence the Police Magistrate declared that he could not convict, and a number of the cases were dismissed. After the detectives informed Mr. Beckett. the Inspector, that he would convince him that what he had said was absolutely . true. He directed him to a receptacle in the Paterson House behind the bar? which had a false bottom in it and hel would find the intoxicants under that: false bottom from which he himself1 had been supplied some days before. i The Inspector went as directed and: found the bottles. He took out three? and was convinced that they were: Spirituous. Samples of the liquori the prosecutions that have taken? place. During the past two months there has Men a determined efiort; made by the liquor men. tobri'ng the1 law into disrepute by making it appear that treating to *intoxicants is going» It is perfectly true there is a consid- erable amount; of drinking among those who are particularly fond of intoxicating drinks, but I am satisfied there is not one-sixth of the quantity consumed at the present time that there was under license. As evidence of this fact, Mr. Shipman, of the Seldon House, acquired a fortune of $73,000 in about fourteen years although he came here penniless, and he. asserted that he did not make the money out of his beds or meals, but .Vholly out of the liquors sold over the bar. Owen Sound, Nov. 25. 1907. THOS. ALLAN, Esq” SECY. SOUTH GREY TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION, DURHAM. DEAR Sunâ€"As I promised, I now give you my impressions with regard to the enforcement of the Local Option measure in the town of Owen Sound. It will depend entirely upon the source of your information as to whether the Act here is a success or a failure. If you get your information from a man Who sympathizes with the liquor busi- ness you may depend upon it he will tell you that there is as much drinking of spirituous liquors at the present time as during license; but if you get your information from a man like myself, who believes that it is the; greatest curse of our mmlern civiliza-I tion without one single redeeming‘ feature. then you may expect the re- port will be somewhat biassed. How- ever, I shall endeavor to give you the facts Of the case. Up to a very recent date the treating system was practically abolished in the town. Laboring men and mechanics in place of spending the principal part of their earnings over the bars of the town now expend their earnings in getting home comforts for their families, and there is not a ques- tion but that the laboring men and mechanics" homes have been greatly benefited by the enforcement of the Act. Nearly all the grocers in‘ the town declare that they have been able to collect accounts incurred prior to Local Option that they never expected to collect, and that they do a much better business thahjformerly. as the money under license Spent in drink now goesinto groceries, c. Seems Like Wholesale Perjury. W. P. Telford Gives His Opinion And Shows Why Convictions Have; not Been Made. LOCAL OPTION IN OWEN SOUND. DURHAM, 0NT., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1907. AN address on Local Option will be delivered in the town hall on Monday evening next when G. A. Fleming Esq, of Owen Sound will be present. Mr. Fleming, is said to be a forceful and fluent speaker and full of~ argument in the discussion of a subject. As these meetings are intended for the benefit of the general public an invitation ' is extended to all to be present. ‘ MR», JOHN MCCALMON, of Varney, has paid his subscription to the Chron- icle for 1908. The old gentleman is now in his eighty-sixth year and has been a regular reader of the Chronicle ever since it started forty-one years ago, and previous to that he took the Standard during the whole ten years of its existence from 1857 to 1867. MR. WM. WALPOLE sold his resi- dence to Mr. Hamilton Allen. History is repeating itself, as Allan the black- smith now owns the same house and the same shop that formerly belonged to Guthrie the blacksmith. Miss E. Laura. Hutton left 17th inst. for a. visit to friends in Winnipeg and other parts of the great Western country, also to attend the Normal in Regina. Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay, of Whitefish, Montana, are visiting friends in this vicinity. It is over twenty years since he went West and twelve years since he was here last. Dr. Hutton is recovering from h's recent; fall. and will be all right; soon. Mr. W. B. Vollec is recovering nice'y from his illness and operation. Mrs. Burns-Lauder visited friends in Hanover for a. day or so last; week. Mr. W. L. Dixon has returned for the winter after spending the past eight months on his homestead near Betttleford. He was in town Monday and gave us a. call. Mr. John Sins, of Chesley, is visiting his cousins, the Sir-rs family here and in Egremont. MI. and Mzs. Robb. Webster and two childrens of Las Animas mespend- ing a few months with Mrs. \Vebstex’s mothel M18. Jas. Laudex. Another strong evidence of the ben- eficial effects of the working of the Act is the fact that according to the Chief of Police statement prior to the enforcement of the Act from two to ten‘wives a week applied to the Chief of Police for protection against ill treatment from their drunken hus- bands. From May lst, 1906, up to Miss Ethel Limin is spending a few days in Toronto. There are a good many other points which might be emphasized, but I shall endeavor to get one of our tem- perance workers to go down and address you upon the subject. Yours truly, W'M. P. TELFORI). As an evidence of the fact that the hotels are not doing the business they formerly did I am certain it can be shown that rents have been reduced and it is public knowledge that their assessment was reduced by their own claim that business had fallen 011'. There can be no doubt that if some of the hotels were converted into stores the property would bring in a larger income than in license times. Jan. 18!}, 1907, no such pleas had been made,,. Mrs. Juhn Barker, of Hanover, was in toWn Saturday. ~Let me give you a sample case of the way in which it is affecting our laboring population. At a dinner par- ty some time ago the question of Local Option came up for discussion and it was asserted by some of the guests that there was just as much liquor drunk now as formerly and that the law was no good. A servant who was waiting on the guests heard what was said. After the guests had left she informed her mistress that these gen- tlemen might think that it was no good but she knew better. Under license her father spent the greater part of his earnings over the bars of the hotels, and as a consequenceher mother had to go out by the day to wash and scrub in order to keep the family from starvation. N ow the case is entirely different under Local Op-i tion. Her father brings his earningsl home regularly, and the family are again in comfortable circumstances; her mother no longer requires to Work 3 out to keep the wolf from the door. } on just as freely now as during license 3 in order that, people may be disgusted * With the Act and be willing to drop it in 1909 when the liquor party are sure ' M to ask fofi its repeal. ' PERSONAL LOCAL. 3 Some Convincing Reasons Highest Price Paid for Produce J;J.HUNTER§ thinking of your Fall and Winter Coatâ€"You will find our stock very complete in the most popular Styles. We ask you to let us give you an insight into What we call a good assortment of Stylish Furs at popular prices. Special value in Fur Jackets. We have alarge stock of these in plain and fancy cloths and latest styles that must be sold. Regu- lar $3.50 to $5.00 to clear at $2.50. Clearing Sale Of Ladies’ Skirts We wish one an all ' 0U have only Five Days left to do your i Christmas shopping. They will be Five busy days for this store, but “e are nex er too to wait upon you. We have an Extra Large Stock of seasonable Gifts to choose from. Men and Boys’ Jackets only 5 ”days left ! Men’s Furnishings A Very Merry and Joyful Christmas. Ladies’ Fine Furs Our Stock is always complete and up-to-date. Furs and Clothing Handkerchiefs Gloves . Fancy Silk Drapes Fancy Linens Fancy Waist Lengths Sole Agent for Progress Brand Clothing THE 8087 8708? ON THE 8087 BORNER. FOR BUYING HERE. G roceries $1.00 PER YEAR.

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