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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Dec 1907, p. 2

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N U M Dun. UK M" nnb!e farm 230w Lisheard ash. Map 0’ an application vendor. the localit to J P for galeâ€"lafk' . and terms 2W9” Y Telford. Solicttor for “8h. {WELD 0’ tile lUC’ADl»; u..._. . . an aDplicaIion to J P Teliord, Solicitor for . vendor. maceâ€"u In spite of the best medical menq .._.._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- eetarrhel troubles are increasing not] The M HE QKUAND 3RD DIVISION OF on] - Dmh b LotSo. 1. EG R.. iutlze Township 60:13:14; “I” u” “n "e" theigmows enned of Glenelg. 100 acres known as the “McKin- noa Farm” at the Rocky SFangeentIi 11m- or par c“ an; cure it germ life in the breathing “In! mediate possession given (1 3-11-07â€"t organs should be destroyed, and to do ‘ column tpplv to J. P. Telfor . THE SECOND CONv this no other treatment. has such pos- ments OT 21â€"â€"IN he Garafraxa_ Road. itive and beneficial action as Hyomei. by M“ cession West 01 t ‘ Normanby. 1n the When the mucous membrane is ir- ‘0 DO 5 in the Township of . Counts of Grev. Ifor particulars apply to Durham. ritated and raw and the tissues Option ‘ ' In that I P. Telford, Barrister. A weakeneduthere is an Ideal lcdglng . ‘ 'â€"_“ n-Anfhn “the County of Grev For 9 I P. Telford, Barrister. Nonpanby. in the artxculars apply to Durham. L‘ A 54-..â€" _ U about six miles from title. Possession at once. ‘ be sold. For particulars Tolford, Durham. Feb 22nd 19)!) -tf. ance my: per cent . p Dunn, Vendor’s Sohutors. 2 6 Yâ€"tf "”“” M' 47;-Afi7; ””1111? TO“ \SBIP 100 0f Egremnnt 3 miles f1 0m Durham. Good Bax n with stone four dation.sma11 nd mil This farm is being {time .1: 1m 3: offered fur sale very cheaply. Apply Mc- Kay and Dunn Dark? (11. n“"'n EU JOKES BEING Lv- L4, (ulna-~10“ 13, 211137 improved Nora :11: M farm in gm (1 Incalih’. buy a t.r.~t ml 15:4 farm an easy terms of pay- municate a '. ment hmld cum Machay Dunn. \ endvr s Solicitors June- o)". 1()O( -â€"â€"tf. May 21 PARK LOT UM D151» of Q:Mdler stréjet in the J harm in the count of Grey, 01' less 1‘ Hr terms acres mme th. P. Telford Ve N PART LOT 9 WES]: van. fram S1. :1 time two storey solid brick dwellhn (r 11 11h bathroum furnace. electric lights .. :L d :1111. H1“ water in house A150 solid b1 u k b: 1111 and stable.’1‘his is one of 110? Durham oAndrew Mas!“ 00d, For to mm 1111' lyt Hammer, (11‘ Mrs. an OCampbeIl Durham. .___‘. Seven rooms, pant cement flamed cellar. etc. 00 tion in good locality. Good f hard and soft water. one . for quick purchaser. hrs annlv to J 01m W. MoKech streets. Farms for Sale- ‘V- '3 7 laws apply-“ 3‘ ROCkY Sangeen Aug. last. 1906â€"- NUM'E _ Queen e Iarflla AIL --- . large dlSCOUDt tor eard for sale- .p 01 the locality and terms given Him: to J P Telford, Solicitor for 7-1806.--tt MI/ N'U AND 3RD DIVISION OF So. I. E. G R.. in the Township “McKin- c _____ he *hfi ‘â€"-â€"’â€"â€" LOGS OF ALL K] EU in our yard‘ the best prices will be prices at the office. ’1‘} TUBE CO, LIMITED. chase of the west half of Lot 28; {130356 gglthe Township of Bentinck. being the estate of the late Wm. Lnnney con tuning 59 acres, more or less. The highest 3 ___ _-L _-..A.uu--:1 1-, onnnrfl'nl‘ w“ w “”1 W. ”VOV Vn uwâ€"p â€" _ ' ___°,, at any tender not necessarily acceptéd. All Tenders must be sealed 1nd " Tender for Egan”: sud fawn??? meow Manchu, Adm' ° Mnloch P. 0. } mistrators or to J. P. Tmonn their Solicitor Durham. Ont. {101* NUMBER iriNORTB - M; “111-. fogs waited. First Day of January 1903, HIPRQVED VAL‘ [What 18 Causing the JVAJJ u .. _, elling, alongside Presby- »roperty in Upper Town, :- of Durham and Elgin 1 rooms. pantry, closets, ellar. etc. Good airy loca- ality. Good frame swble‘ met. one acre 0t land. Snap user. For further particu- 31111 W. McKechnie, Owner, [\ND' SHOP. ON ‘ BY TENDER. ’yâ€"v 1 the Town of Dnrv Grey, containing 4 terms and particu rd. Vendor’s Soliciâ€" KIN DstLIVER. rd. Durham. for which be paid. Enquire for THE DURHAM FURNI- fD. Nov. i’flthâ€"tf. There is no dangerous stomach dragging when Hyomei is used; no tablets or liquid mixtures, whereby the digestion is often destroyed and intestinal troubles added to the hor- rows of catarrh. BreALhed Lhrough the inhaler that comes wit omei outfit, the healing etrate to the moss remo Breathetl through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every Hy- omei outfit, the healing balsams pen- etrate to the most remote air cells of the throat, nose and lungs, destroy. ing the catarrhal germs so that quick; recovery follows. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete outfit, price >31 00, and be dissatisfied with results your money will be refunded. Hyomei is sold bv druggists every- where. White for literature, Booth’s Hyomei 00., Buffalo, N. Y. I George L. Allen ot Luounu rux‘oau, past president of the C. L A. con tributes the following intei‘esting stories of Tommy Burnsâ€"Noah Brussoâ€"as a Canadian lacrosse play- er. “The heavyweight championship of the world was won by an old friend, Noah Br'lsso, a former mem- ber of the Lorne Lacrosse Club of Mount Forest. The lasc season he played lacrosse in Canada he played with the Lornes of this town, and went from here to Detroit. 1 may say that he was clever with the [gloves before he left Mount Forest. d‘hose were -amoung the Lornes’ palmy days, when the town always ~ had-a good team. and that season we had the luxury of a club room. Thel ,cluh supplied a set of boxing gloves and Brusso had some heavy rounds with the boys, especially with big ‘Indian Seett,’ formerly of Chesley. who played several seasons with the Lornes. and who was a good scrap- 'acular game played on the Island in 1900 between Shelburne and Mount Forest for the championship of the north-western district, when the for- mer won by the narrow margin of one goal. the score being 13 to 14. Brusso played on the home for the Lornes. and he and Dinny Madill had several scraps during the game. and were going to settle who was the best man just after the game, when friends interfered. The Lornee should have won that game, but ‘Bnrnie’ Hamilton, our old reliable goalkeeper, could not etOp a balloon ’ that day. When Shelburne played in Mount Forest. Chas. McKeown, M. P. P,, was referee, and in the first quarter ruled Brusso off for the balance of the game for giving the Shelburne goal- 1 keeper a knock out blow on the face 1 ‘with his fist. The ball had ,been thrown behind the flags and Brusso and the goalkeeper followed it, the a formerleading. The goalkeeper kept ‘ tapping Brusso on the arm until they " reached the ball, when Noah could , stand it no longer, and, dropping‘ his stick as was his custom, he landed ’ his tormenter one on the face. The Lornes were sore at the decision, and the eleven that were left trimmed : Shelburne4 goals to 2. I was in strumental in securing Brusso a job - in our woollen mills. but. not liking ,- that, he did some house painting, and 1 h finally acting as agent for enlarging [f photos. He was temperate in his f. habits, and not a bit lazy. He play- ed for the love of the game, as he : got nothing on the side but what he .earned. When Burns Play ed Lacrosse. tanning the Increase of Ca- tarrh in Durham? is very modest in speaking of his victones. but was very anxious to become the real heavyweight chem. pion of the world which title he now proudly bears. Canada for ever!” In our Savings Department. Deposits of$1 and upward: areteoeived. on which the highat current rate of intmt is allowed. the best medical men? DURHAM BRAN CH John Kelly. Manager ' BRANCHES ALSO AT - WON m 3816“!be $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT The Globe writes editorially as follows on the attitude of Mayor Kennedy in regard to local option in Owen Sound :â€" “In Mr. Irwin’s letter in another column will be found specific state meme quoted from nletter written by Mayor Kennedy. of Owen Sound, â€".L-_.. - ‘Ann' ESTABLISHED 1.73 “In Mr. Irwin's letter in anatner column will be found specific state ments quoted from a letter written are quickened into new vigor by Fer- by Mayor Kennedy: of Owen Sound. which contains all the con. to be sent to Barrie, where a local stituents necessary to make nerve option contest is now in progress. In that letter the Mayor states that “the writer knows places where liquor can be purchased." and that the sale of liquor goes on in spite of the fact that there are four constables employed by the corporation. Owen . . Sound is under prohibition, and has Th“3_ everything you eat 18 0011' been so since a local option by-law vertedintonourishment that enriches : came in :0! 06 many months ago.” the blOOd and lends new Strength to the nerves. H ' It seems strange that Mayor By Ferrozone the mind is relieved Kennedy does not see the absurdity f d' . of the position in uhich he places 0. those broo mg tendencres. of mor. himself It is his duty as Chief bid unnatural fears, of unwillingness ‘ to concentrate attention on things. Magistrate of Owen Sound to see that that should be done. all laws are properly enforced so far Won’t you try FerrOZone? as it is the duty of the police to en- Won’t you give it a chance to wit force them. He does not say that ask to health; it will do it. juS‘ he has made any effort either to youb perform his ‘ ' ' did for Mrs. Creighton Zinck [or to constrain Others to perform of Palm St , Lunenburg. N. S., wh« theirs. Under the circumstances says: “I Want to give my experienc , the electors of Barrie will do well to .with Ferrozone because I believe i ’ treat Mayor Kennedy’s letter as a will be of assistance to thousands 0 fair subject for inquiry, but. not as people who need it badly. I we entitled to exercise any ' ' run down in flesh an moulding their opinions on the ex lacked color My nerves were in pediency of adoptingt If anything lell by-law now before them.” would jump and start. At night All the vital activities of the body It stimulates the secretion of gas- tric juice. ensures perfect digestionl and prepares the food so as to be easily assimulated.» 1 OF CANADA A guarantee of painless cure goes with every bottle of Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Use Putnam’s and your corns go. Beware of substitutes. NO MONEY AND NO FRIENDS A Sad Story of Consumption in Canadian Town The Local Hospita! Unable to Care for the Patient, and the query is What to Do? In a. little booklet lssuea oy uuc National Sanitarium Association under Whose auspices has been established the. Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptives, we have the story told of a and case of consumption. -- no a CORNS CURED FOR 25 CENTS. Olhkt bwuv v- --,___ , ‘ A young Woman, apparently friend- less, came in on a. train reaching Fort W'illiam, and immediately procured work as a. domestic. A doctor was called in to examine her c‘ase, as she appeared to be a. consumptive, and she was at once pronounced a. bad case of She was placed in the hospital of the town, and possible for the Idoment is to help the patient. A. DU “VI-r vâ€"- But writing to the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, the Secretary of the Board of Health asks: “Is it possible to make room for this patient in the Muskoku Free Hospital for Consum tives. The local hospital is crowded or room, and there is really no place for this poor girl.” “‘ ‘ ‘ ° - A1- - 1‘3‘-..‘ ‘XTH‘inm nijaJ Consum} The 01 show th: who cut lutely costing others 0 ing fror few pa} average 50 cent 9 out by make }: as that it admiss __ '0‘6ntinuing,'thé Fort W adds “I may say that as able to ay is concerned, we can earn, has no frie no place LUI UI’JID YVVL O -_ Continuing, the Fort \Villiam official adds “I may say that as far as being able to ay is concerned, she, as far as we can earn, has no friends who can afford to pay for her in an institution.” uuuru. UU Pa] AVA .pv- .. .. v.-- _, It is to meet just sueh caSes as these. that the Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumpbives has been PPened. â€"- A 4- -vno‘ ‘II mai: I '8:- RoB’eftson: 'Secrétary-Treasurer‘ National Sanitarium Association, 347 King Street W., Toronto, Ont. “AA in the small local vn, and everything ment is being done Your ‘ V U S 'P earth and now prohibition in NER O . verv towns is a glorious success ' '. And so it will be in Owen Sound. Do You Bl‘OOd ? Let {lbs friends oi local option sten . by t eir guns. er them ieerlessl Have MOI‘bld Fears ? fight the trefic th’t mathers niney TOSS In Your S|eep ? tenths of the crime and poverty and misery of civilized nations. according , . '0 _- - to the testimony of Lord Coleridge. ~0m' Phyici $133313“): Below Baron Fitzgerald and others. and‘ Per an ‘15 I" there will be a. reward such as those 3 . Try Fen-ozone. only who fight for the uplifting of' ' " """ - .their race con ever attain. vâ€"v By Fen-ozone the mind is relieved 4 of those brooding tendencies. of moro :3 bid unnatural fears, of unwillingness i to concentrate attention on things i that should be done. ' Won’t you try Ferrozone? ‘ Won’t you give it a chance to win you back to health; it will do it. just as it did for Mrs. Creighton Zinck. of Palm St , Lunenburg. N. 8., who says: “I Want to give my experience .with Ferrozone because Ibelieve it will be of assistance to thousands of people who need it badly. I was very thin. run down in flesh and lacked color My nerves were in a} dreadful state. If anything lell Ii would jump and Start. At night 1% would suddenly wake up, heart pal pitating and all keyed up Ferrozone went right to work. It restored my poise and balance, gave me selfvcon 3 trol, cured my nervousness. Ferro 1 zone increased my appetite and my weight came up so qut that I simply did not need to use it any longer. Eight boxes cured me.” 1' In. 4 Why won’t you use Fermzone also; it certainly will do you good in many was sâ€"sold by ail drugzists in 506. boxes. LUU louv v-â€"-_ _ ° kards, used to come i th five or ten cents in Saturday night to buy a ittle meat on it so that a taste of meat one c day in the week, but since local i ' 'nto force these very 2 me to him with five- ¢ eir hands to buy nice their hands on a bone with a 1 same women 09. dollar bills in th jomts of meat.” The Rev. Mr. McAlpine told me ' f Police had said that This same Chief also as used to be a string of w to him begging him from their drunks that since local Option had been en- rlnot received one such d from the testimony of . has been any change - _ 4..-. mm. who is to UHVJ 'â€"'D " day in the week, option came mto ‘ same woman came I comp This same Chief also said used tc be a string of we: to him begging him to p1 {from their drunken hu: . , . 11 ‘fifi-An I have not then said, an disinterested conditigns 8-1 11398113181 ODUUIVVI» w.... , Sound local option is still a great blessing to all lawabiding citizens. In nearly all towns and cities it 11.“ been difiicnlt to enforce prohibi- tion gt first, such as. for instance, Ken“: ‘ City. Portland and Grand Forks, but fitter it while the recalci- trnnt ~oitizena hove been hunted to ZMT'C" " M‘I’m ‘* ‘ N LTHANIEL SMITH. Toronto, Dec. 14. 1907. Three beers a day for a year will supply afamily with the following list of household necessities. 1 382 of flour .............. .3 ‘2 95 100 Lbs. good beef .......... .. 5 00 44 1458- Sugar ................ 2 0C 2Heme(121bs.).............. 30C '2 Turkeys ........ _ ............ ‘2 0( 4 Bags potatoes .............. 3 0( 6 Lbs. tea .................... 1 5( 3Lbs.-cofiee................ 9' 6 Lbs. raisins ................ 5‘ 10 Lbs. rice .................. 1 Bushel of beans ............ 48 Cakes of soap ............ .. 1 Barrel apples ............... 1 Ton coal .................... 1 Pair hoes for wife .......... ' 1 Pair shoes for blby ........ . ' 1 New dress for wife .......... 1 New suit for buy, ........... Christmas presents . . . . .. . . . .. :3 “clHlO-Qm‘elo A «s .‘x If) :‘3 K; {5‘ 300‘ Three beers a day for one year, 365 days. at 150 a. day ...... Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct to the stomach, have very little efiec: on the linings of the nose and throat and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air passages by r lieviug the inflam- mation and killing the germs is cure “U- possible. No combination of Anti! septicsis so successful as Catarrh ozone. In breathing it, you send the richest pine baisams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out. hoarseness. coughing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh. nothing equals Catarrhozone, ‘25 are. and $1.00 at all dealers. The stationery printed at this office " is giving the best of satisfaction. " Last week we printed 1000 Staternents’ for one man and by their aid collectr d ’ a small fortune. Two months ago a 1 man bought of us some note paper; and enveIOpes to use when writing‘ to his sweetheart and now he is mar ? ried. Another young man forged a; sname on a cheque printed at this of-; fice and he is in the penitentiary. ‘- Another young‘man stole some of: our paper to make cigarettes withâ€" ‘ he is dead. A young lady bought1 some of our note paper to curl her hair on. and now she has a beau-«â€"1 We have only a few packages of this a kind in stock. By using our station. ery a person can collect accounts. tell fortunes. make rain, change the color of the hair. have teeth extracted without pain, find out the name of your future husband cr Wife, be we, ceseful in business, triumph over we mies and get elected to oficeâ€"Ex- THREE BEERB A DAY. change. You know you are too thinwyoul eat and eat. but never get an ounce (utter. Nerves are weak, color is bad, strength seems exhausted. It’s not hard to get fat. You must eat more. digest more exercise more. Try Ferrozone and watch your ap- ‘petite grow. It turns all you eat in-l to nutriment and building materialâ€" fills your veins with rich red blood-â€" gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, 3. fattening tonic, one that. restores permanently. there is nothing to compare with Ferro- zone. Try it and see, 530 cts. at all dealers. Have you paid your subscription for the Chronicle yet? DURHAM FOUNDRY 0. Smith Sons PROPRIETORS Cutting Boxes, Horsepowers, Wind Stacqus, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. 1N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER. Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. RIGHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. Special attention to Gaso- line Enging repairs. MANUFACTURERS 0F .0..0000.000 m ...0000000 000 00.00.000000. .000000000000 0000000 00000 ‘ 000000000000. 0.0000000000‘0 .o00.0000.000 0000000000 .0 V. 0.0000000 Qooké'S‘I’A‘ 00.00.... :;_:$ c.00-ooofi 3;)Oifq‘ :71, V Ooooooo'. 7 25"!9"; 260$} 125‘? |OO...O.'O 5 00%;}: 4909;“ 0.00' ’ 'â€" 1" ”001$ 4, ~ \UIS‘ $0410‘4f oneyear, 1% day......$€'4 85?$4 14.- NV :7, Remedies Fai1.:.;§‘ 4 " lb." 0 the stomach, v’; x 2: on the linings 7,- >at and entirely 5;. I my cleansing the S‘ 1:“. wing the inflam-l he germs 1s cunzze‘ ination of Anti-1;? isful as Catarrh 3S1 1;: it, you send "4\ sums right to the 9}; sense. Irritating $1 ’11 out. hoarseness. [9 king are cured ’4“ cme for catarrh ' mhozone 2?) cts 1‘3: lers. ;$ ‘4. """""" 1:37 . . (I; rmted at th1s Office ‘ .3 b of satisfaction. ’, 1’; ed 1000 statements ’ 9, 9“ â€"=-1«-.J AA‘1AOQ'LA a: (I) O! ,- J o: “W DAVIS $6 m .. v. A. 7% .471. $2 $7. $7. 3.7:. v". .4 71¢ A blend of.lJ Manitoba and 9_. Ontario wheat. and IS a. strictly first; class family flour. Our pure Manitoh No. 1 Manitoba w? for either bakers Is made and 1s 0 ( Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop. Pea Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delix'gred anywnerc 1n wwu. Chopping Done Every Day TRY OUR XEW’ CHOPPER. All up-to-date flour and feed ana grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it come to the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. S. All kinds of Grain_ bought at Market The New Rail road BRIDGE When we are making it so easy Ior you to get a New one. In these times of financial strin- gency 1 0% Discount does come your way very often; yet this is what, we are giving during the Holiday Season in avrnss the river in Town is causing :1 grout dual of tall" since. it was slurh-cl. Many are p ‘edicting that, it will nm slaml the tvsl wmm llw finmls come. in the spring: ”them that there will he a big jam when the fresher comes. and will he 'arried away. \‘Vcll we would not like Ln have that com(- to pass, but; We would “‘ ‘ _ IA- Men’s Stiff and Fedora flats Tweed Caps, 35¢ each See our Collars, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Fancy Belts and other Xmas Specialties. __.__â€"._â€"_ 'lrgaour Fresh Groceries for your 1101i y luxuries. BARGAINS r‘w"‘) Ilkt tn sen penplo jam and fill ourstm'v u", and get the we are gwmg 111 New Dress G 4 n u} s. Furs. BOntS (Y Shows. and Um‘lvrwoar vino. Guam and we 1mm: We will xuax‘mge to wait, on yuu. Dec. 19. 1907 C. L. GRANT Durham. Ont. delivered anywhere in town. SOVEREIGN from selected winter wheaJ superior artxcle for making pastry, etc. Manitoba flour, made from :iboba wheat cannot be beat ' hakers’ or domestxc use. ECLIPSE WE KEEP 7m? '-2: '7» 37:? 71R: WWNW . McArthui' '1‘ H 15 Price L so easy for

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