West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Dec 1907, p. 3

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That always satisfies the Junk. Manitoba. Flours always give satis- ' faction. AND PROVISION STORE The Peep Five Roses and Reindeer 1 acre building Mt in Durh m fur sale cheap, nr trade t W anything a man can eat. wear, ur through a suck at. Property bought and sold on Commission Money to hand Debts collected. 0?. R. Tickets and Ocean Txckets for sale. $300 of stock in Dullmm Cement 00., placed in my hands for sale cheap. Always Prompt, Never Negligent. 50,”. wres (homelg, splezdid 1(x3atiun.extra gnu.) Buihium~ (heap M 375(1) will take ainCL) 100 Mich u.1 Durham Road Bentiuck mmd Earn hunk Barn, 1min Dwelling snap tors -u00. 100 acres e-xn'a grand Builiing~ alnue unr- th 12sz the “’00 asked fur the farm Near Uranturd P. O 200w.» (rimmiv frame Dwelling, Bank Bu n “I "‘:.°_~rm mmht to bringfiklmo “v “136“ bl >500. - -¢:;mm: S AVE MONEY ? Th :1 Ci» hYlSilN'SS with H. U. MILLER rhs- Ha m )VPI‘ meveyzmcer IS. A listawei Liane: Byead F509! Mcfivwan's Eciigse Great Trainingâ€"Small (Just. Good positions, Free Catalogue. Ever) body \Velcuuw. ' R. A. Furriuhrnrsnu. B..~\., Corner Yonge am. Bum Streets. Turouto. -._.,_ British Canadian Business College. Du yam want In make umnvy and For F lours “‘5 3mm“ flaming W» are, pwpaired to supply you with almost any kiwi of frame. If we have not ready-made ones ’00 mi? mm than wu (321-11 make ones which will suit you. 111 this departnwnt we have many lines suitable {1-11-1’111'ist111as Presents and also suitable for any house. 0111 stun k is co111pleue in Sideboards, Parlor Suits Bed1=oo111 Suits, Spr'ing Mattresses, Chairs, Lina-km s em, and is worthy of your inslix‘mtion. Lanahan 5: Mcmmsh Different Styles, different prices, but all good value See them. We have a. good assortment of all these lines and our prices are right. Henry Boker’s Skates in differ- ent lines are our leaders. W'ewhave a full line of Pratts Celebrated Stock Food for horses, cows, sheep, pigs, §p0ultry, etc. Once used, always used. The right place to get your House Furnishings in all lines of Furniture, Window Shades, Curtain Poles Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, etc. Our stock is complete and we invite you to call and examine the goods. It is no trouble to show goods. We carry also other well known hr min of Flour. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Dec. 19, :90? H. H. Miller, A’efew doors south of the Middaugh House. The Hanover C«mveyancer S‘leighs, Skates, Pucks, Hockey Sticks etc. He offers: e’s Grocer) fictional Portland Cement always kept on hand. Horse Blankets Stock Food Furniture If people gave 2L thousandth part; of the help they do advise they’d do a. great deal of good in the world. (Rubber and Steel Tit-es.) McClary Stoves and Ranges. Raymond SeWing Machines Bell Pianos and Organs. Implement Agent; and f Deering Harvester Co.’s L Farm Implements Machinery. MANURE SPREADERS HAY LOxDERS BII~..)1:JRS MO W ERS RAKES SEED DRILLS DISC HARROWS WAHGONS GASOLINE ENGINES. Democrats and Buggie implements Monuments and Tombstones (“YEN SOUND. AGENT for DOYLE JULIAN ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF A FULL LINE OF THE SARCASM. Berlin Pianos Auctioneexfi "It takes place in private rooms, in ofices, in closets, in cellars. out- buildings, etc It may be asked. Where do they get it? It comes m on the railways. in trunks. in suit cases, in valises, in satchels, in boxes. barrels, etc. It comes in on boats, wagons, carriages. etc. Friends bring it in for trends. There are those who bring it in to make money and those who get it out of friend Shipo It is impossible to stOp it. Evidence of this can be seen in the 511898 of empty and broken bottles in lanes and out of the way places, in Police Court, on the streets and docks. â€"' "Now, a by-law carried under such circumstances cannot be enforced when peeple get over the excitement and back to their normal everyday condition. Their good intentions carried them beyond practical life. Under such conditions they imagine that if such and such a. law were "Local option was carried in Owen Sound under s semi-religious. WWI abstinence wave at excitement. gotten up by people who mean well enough, but whose ideas are based on theory which will not work out in everyday practice. They were aided by clergi‘ men who had churches here. and who, almost without exception: ha" left Wen Sound since the by-law came into force. Evangelists such as Crossley and Hunter. “Black Kuigbc,” Oliver, etc., were brought in for the occasion. Meetings were held in the churches during the week nights, and in the Town Hall on Sundays. to promote the by-lsw for weeks before voting. “The evils arising from drinking have noc been lessened, but rather increased. Under the license law, liquors were sold in eleven hotels, and would be purchased in very few, if any, other places by the glass, out side of them. Now it is soldin many places, and drunkenness is as preval- ent as ever, if not more so. There may be less Open drinking at the bars but drinking from bottles haslargely increased, eSpecially among youths and young men. “Local trade has been injured by local Option. Scores of people in the surrounding country who used to trade in Owen Sound when license was in force now go to Wiarton, Chesley. Port Elgin, Markdale. Mea~ ford, etc. It has divided our citizens into two hostile sections, locel option ists and antis. who are jealous and distrustful of each Other. What; one proposes the other Opposes, or will have nothing to do with it. Many of one seccion will have no dealings with the other and lose no opportun- ity to injure the other’ 9 business, and the had feature of this is, it is‘ done not Secretly or on the side, but openy. Owen Sound is a house divided against itself in this respect. “Local option difiers in Operation very little from the Scott or Dunken Acts, which were tried some years ago. In O..en Sound there is a good capable license inspector who does what he can to enforce the law, but public sentiment is against doing so, notwithscanding the large majority by which it was carried. Liquor is still sold in large quantities. yet there has not been a single instance of anyone having been sent to jail, although several convictions have been secured against nine hotels here. Lately some seventeen inior mations were laid by the license inspector. every one of which was dismissed with COStS. althtugh he had two detec: ives who swore that they «rot liquor in the cases tried (some five in number) “The corporation has four police- men, and the statutes, the by-law appointing them. a special by-Jaw and special resolution passed by the Council lately make it the duty of these men to enforce local option. Yet, the sale goes on, and no convic. tions are made by them. Public sen- timent is against its enforcement. “The writer knows pieces where liquor can be purchased in which it was never seen before local option came into force. and is credibly in formed that there are sixty-one of such places in the town. (Toronto News.) Owen wound, Dec. 12.â€"-Wben Mayor hv‘nuudy was asked for his opinion 0:: Meal option as seen in Operation in Owen Sound‘ he produc ed the following letter to which his bignature was attachfid, and which, ho- d--clured, he intended sending to Barrie : ”I‘o Whom in May Concern : Mayor Kenedy Says the Town is Ready to Repeal Local Option by 500. A “DIVIDED HOUSE” IN OWEN SOUND. Zam-Buk is a unique yet perfectly natural treatment for in uries, skin diseases, burns. pains, etc. It. 18 HEALING, SOOTHING and AN ISEP'l‘IC. In the case of a burn. a scald. a deep ulcer or an eczema eaen vet-race. Zam-Buk causes new skin to grow over the art like new row: of houses cmcted by an expert builder. Zum-Buk is . ”0:11:er pure. made of the sans. juices and aromatic oils get. from medicinal herbs. and a b‘oiutely free from all animal fat. mercury, zinc. lead or other injuriom iwgr: dicnts so commonl used in the making of salves. To treat ones skin ti-ouh'e with ....__ this pure ealing balm means speedy rell ttrom r-ha . chafinzs. cold scores rashes, eruptions, and all forms of skin diseases. KEEP Alli-311K HANDY. Zam-Buk can be obtained from all druggists and stores at 50 cents a box or postpaid on receint. of price from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto. 3 boxes for $1.25. llflIfllflIflflflfiiflllflfillfi “NIH"!lllllfllllllllllllm Whom in May Concern : THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Should the Mayor’s letter he need in the local option campaign in Bar- rie. it will certainly not be allowed to go unchallenged, as the local optionists of Owen Sound will be among those present with facts and figures which they claim to be quite as convincing on'the other side. Local option, moreover, promises to be an outstanding issue in the Owen Sound municipal campaign. and Mayor Kennedy, who intends to enter the field, will undoubtedly meet with active apposition. In proof of the statement that the morals ot the community have not been improved. Mr. Kennedy has taken figures from the oficial records showing that the number of Police Court cases last year was 362. where. as this year the number is 510. He believes that if submitted again the bylaw will be defeated by 500. “I have seen Owen Sound under indiscriminate license. under restrict- ed license, under the Duncan Act, and under the present license Act and finally under local option, and have no hesitation in saying that local option has not lessened drunk- enness, has not improved business or the financial position of the peOple generally. Neither has it improved the moral tone of its citizens as a whole. but on the contrary has in- jured local trade and lowered the moral wellobeing of very many. “I deeply regret to have to say these things, but I believe it is my ‘ duty to do so, if thereby I may help to prevent others making the mistake made in Oéven Sound.” I “I respectfully submit- the follow- ling: The writer has lived continuous- 'lv in Owen Sound for 50 years. has been in active business in Owen Sound for over 40 years. and is in‘ business yet He has had 'to do with employing men during all that time and has a lor under his control now. He has large pecuniary interests in several large manufacturing estab lishments here and has occupied the position of school trustee, councillor, reeve, mayor and license commission- er, member of the Board of Trade. as one of its council and as president and knows Owen Sound thoroughly, “Some active local optionists went so far as to as}: that these additional men should be put on. There are four now. No reduction in the mnn- icipul expenditure of Owen Sound can be made because of local option. “The revenue derived from hotel and shop licenses, amounting to $1,691. has been entirely out off, making an annual 1088 from these sources of $3,091.12. Besides, the corporation has had to pay for' legal 'advxce, counsel fees, etc., fully $500 more defending the by~lew. Our citizens who tried to quash it lost, perhaps, aucther $1,000, and their relations as citizens were embittered. ‘It was said that, under local Op- tion. the town would require fewer policemen, and the saving to be made in this way would almost, if not altogether, offset the loss in revenue, It has been found that this cannot be done In fact, the salaries of the policemen had to be raised very materially, and the police force should be increased. “The efiect on the financial condi- tion of the town is this. At the Court. of Revision nine cases of appeal were heard. the appellants claiming that their pmperties had been lessen ed in value by local Option. On hearing the evidence, the Judge or- dered that their assessment be reduc- ed $57,750, and the corporation lost $1,357.12 in taxes. The owner of one hotel (the Coulson House) neglected to enter an appeal, or in all probabili- ty another $50,000 would have been struck 0E. “They find out, however. that the same- evils break outin an aggravated lorm in somo- other direction-«ud the last slaw ls worse than the first. “The temperate use of liquoris not consédvr-d wrong by the great ma- jority of people. The excessive use of 1' is. an evil which all condemn, and are willing'to curtail. I believe this can be best done by regulating and resuictmg its sale under a lie- ense law. It is the duty of all to see that men of good sound, practical fcommoh-sense are appointed to ad- 'minister it. and let these men see that no more licenses are issued than are necessary for the wants of the community. Let the evils resulting lrom the sale of intox1cating liquors be taught in the schools. let people be persuaded to leave it alone. By these means the evils will gradually be reduced to a minimum. I do not believe they can be entirely eliminat- ed. I am sure they cannot be lessen. ed by local option. (Signed) enacted all the evils which they bum in =beir minds would disappear. MArramw KENNEDY, Mayor. DURHAM SCHOOL. STAFF AND EQUIPMENT. Intending students should enter at the begin.- ning of the term if bossiblo. Board can be ob- mlnedat reasonable rates. Durham is a heeltln end active town. making it s most desirsbfi oboe of residence. __ . -â€" â€" vâ€"â€"v vuv. J. Vl-DDIUD. "I ""017 a. '51“. Enflhh. MISS M. S. HOLLAND. First Class Certificate Ind third year undergraduate of Queen’s Unxver- city, Science. History and Geography. obility, in chemical and 5mm éa) supplied 6: “Business Knowledge" and “Everlasting timings, etc., for fuln Junior Leaving and Ma: 11¢ - ?latgon work. The following competent stafl an j 9081!" an (W0 ¢8$¢nual$ ‘0 5'19““- n c urge: - . .’ s .â€"_-_â€"â€"‘ u A mss LOLA MCLEOD, B. A. Hon- r Gmdhm g! Qyton’s Univeroi'y, Classics, Moder s. and WM. JOHNSTON, Chaim": l'hc school in thorouhly equzpned in teaching cbility, in chemical and .eloctr ca.) supqligs an Roc2__- -‘- 1A,_12__1 ‘- - oi the Souvenir completely ‘ i ' ”â€"1 changes the air therein every ; few minutes mthout lessen- ? ing the heat one iota. W ,- - Pure, cold air is drawn An Aerated Oven into the aerated Hue and heated to the exact temperature of the won before it enters it. ‘ “Evans and the ublic in general than 1 m profited to 1min an Pms AND Rnruns. Wle Dmma, Rz-Cmma AND Pnnsacmma done with Cement concrete. 9' ALL ORDERS «tan a an old stud near McGowsn’u mn will be promptly v tended to. ALL WORK Gonna-mun at “Live and let. live" Pawns. The ventilating principle of other ranges simply draws in cold air direct to the oven, heats it and allows it to escape. Suppose you have a pan of biscuits 0“ a sponge ‘ cake in the oven, and a gust of cold air strikes themâ€" they fall flat at once and the whole baking is spoiled. The GURNEYTILDEN CO” Pumps. THOS. ALLAN. lat Clans Certificate. Prim. KATE-EOC-HRANE, Agent, IiURHAM, ONT. Feedâ€"Car-loads on hand of Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and W'indsor Salt. In Flour we carry McGowan’s, Milverton, Ayton and Five Roses. MATTH EWS I BEG LEAVE 1‘0 moan MY CC» 1 » 1‘0nt {mg the_ gublic in general thfl I I Limited. i ‘ruuihon, Winnipeg, ,Montreal and Vancouver. TRY MATTHEW’S LATIMER FOR Freh Christmas Groceries and Fruits And Oysters. Every Souvenir is absolutely guaranteed by the makers. :I'Eus Aerated Oven can only be had on the large. stock of mitts and gloves for heavy work or fine wear to select. from. In Hosiery we have a. number of lines that; are good values. “’9. judge so by the increasing number who ask for them. See our fancy slippers before purchas- ing elsmvhere. Custom work and repairing;r as usual will he done at; the DO\VN TOWN SHOE STORE. One can have for buying anything are. “That. the article is durable” “That its cost is reasonable” and that its ac- quisition would promote comfort. \Ve have many lines of â€"A.â€"â€"â€"- in leather and felt. Also rubbers m light and 1mm y over- shoes, moccasins, etc, that \\ ould fill the bill, as well: a BOOTS and SHOES mnablo rates. Durihfiam isvg'ileslth- town. making it amoat doairsbl'c lance. Fm. 81.00 per month. GEORGE WHITMORB. C RAMAGI Secretarx The Aerated Oven ‘°' AVentilated Oven“ Mrs-DAY 4ndâ€" VE§7iiJVNINGi éléséeé. and in placing all its graduates. 'Each student is taught separately at {his own desk. Trial lessons for one ;week free. Visitors welcome. ‘ BOOK-KEEPIN G SHORTHAND TYPE WRITING COMMERCIAL LAW COMngfillqRnglAL CORRESPOND- PLAIN BUSINESS WRITING ORNAMENTAL WRITING Corner Youge and Alexander Sf’s. momma, on. V and prepare for flawless business such 88 are open to our students. Hundreds of our students are going into good poeitione every year. Let us train you for one. We wilt do it right. meu Tum: opus J AXUARY 611! Write for catalogue and we wherein we excel ordinary business colleges. Don’t; forget to leave your or der for a Xmas Cake at the “Model Bakery,” it; will sure to please you. \Ve have also :l good Assort- mentof The Finest; Chocolates and Bon Buns. Likes Good Things to out at Xmas tinw. You get those at the “Model Bakm‘y” where a. good supply of (‘:Lkvs, Pies, and all kinds of Fancy Bread is kept on hand. ~â€" ' Mount Fox-eat Business College 'Hâ€"uâ€"‘h _._s w. J. ELLIOTT,’ Principal Geo. H. Stinson W. T. CLANCY, Prin. LATIMER LEADS :, Royal fiHousehold}

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