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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Dec 1907, p. 8

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-,.W U CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds . Gab anized and Irm :‘ inO‘: Blass Brass mned and 11011 Ovlinders. SHOP open ”var: ntternm All REPAIRING promptly erly attended to. You “111 always find eventhmv b1 axonable at the Hard“ me Store. Prices Moderate, and Strictly Cash. We haVe 11.319111; many :11 1.111119. 111 EilVD 131 ware suit- 2.11121 1'1): Claistmas pres- ents. T1211 Set-s, Water Smoking Trays. E ; Grm \' ‘ 'mlles, Meat kas, S mar i mug-s, S1]0 511' Szm<e.:s. Butter Knhes, Clmme,‘ Stamps, etc. Any 01d Worn silver? It so I am p1epared to re- plate '11: B1 ing it in now Whfle I h we the time. All W01 1\ Q "1131 anteed. In Cutlery we are well stocked. Pearl handled Knives and Forks, Cellu- loid handled Knives and Forks, Bone handled Knives and Forks, Silver Knives and Forks, Carving Sets of every description and other Knives too numerous to mention. BAX-7E YQU? In Sleighs “9 lead. Small B03 3’ Sleighs 250, Girls’ SleiOhs 400, Coast- ers 95c. t=T0b<.ig,'ga.ns $2 and Coasting Bobs $3. Do not forget that we have the best selected stock of Razors that can be found anywhere. Our Clauss Razdrs are all war- ranted. Straps, Shaving Soaps and Brushes in abundance. good carpet with a poor broom when you can buy 3. Carpet Sweeper so cheap. person. W. BLACK cf Pump uJ .wm $2 upward- Skates suitable for every nufacturgr of .d Dealer m â€" avar: afternoon . 4’“ U 60. Y lll‘S not wear out your W. D. BUNKER and prop- BUTCHER SHOP I hem to announce to the citizvns of Durham and Vi- cinity that I have opened up 21. fiI‘stâ€"clnss Butcher 81101:) in the Masclntyre Block where 1 will furnish all kinds of first class meats at reasonable l‘n'i \Ic'mtyre Block, Leave your order with ALEX. MCLACIILIN. Durham, who will give you prompt attention. A.BELL' UN DE RT AKER and Funeral Directom ;_____mour't'1ing wear. We offer l‘fl?special pricesjgfor holiday trade. lVVe invite you boa call and see on: large stock. ' fffiThe store will be topehed‘fi “3,, , Eli-lever}? evening: until afterZQ Picture F filming on Durham D. FLETT, Florist 933% Parisian Millinery Co. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. Xmas Trade We have trimmed up a number of pretty hats for A great number of these hats are made of rich black velvet trimmed with black plumes. Also a large assort- ment of white and colored felts trimmed with white and colored plumes. We keep a large assortment of black hats, suitable for SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows’ Barber Shdp. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W. J ‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith shap. Christmzw. Pot Plants Bulbs Flaral Designs and Flora! Decorations of all kinds on shortest notice. Note the address ENEH NHLLWEBY Embalming a Spegialty Trial order solicited Mt. Forest. :mssgm‘cjz Du rhzTL-m Ontario An inureSting Pie and Box Social was held at Top Clifi school on Friday night last. The program consietud of instrumental music. Prof. Hector McDonald with the pipes and his little «on and daughter in some verv intricntv Scottish steps was highly delightful to the audience, who Hp- preciated it. very much. Mr. John Clark. of your town, acced as auc- tioneer and hrought good prices in "ij. ly revery 0389, one box selling for $1 75. The total proceeds amounwd to about. $30.00. which will be applied towards school improvements. M . ‘Clark is nor only a good auctiouee . but 2am evidence of being a gool Singnr :19 well. Hi4 Sc ntish 8009;: .brought down the House every time v v _ At. the chase a. presentation Was made to the retiring teacher, Miss Mt-C ash who leaves this seCYion at "he end uf the present year. Miss McCosh Wn~ very pOpular, and children and pa. ents alike regret hul' departure. S‘n-a has secured a school near her humi- in Owen Sound for next year. and A‘ we shall be all pleased to ‘hear (-f hr!‘ success. On Wednesday last a very prett‘ wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s mother Mrs. Joseph‘ Keeper. when her yonngeasr daughter was united in marriage to Mr. Thoa. McDougaH, of this neigl'nborhomi. The happy youm; couple tn whom we wish much jay. have taken up their I'dâ€"'sidence in Durham The nuptial knot “78.8!in by Rev. Mr. ‘Mmheeon, of Pric'wille. in the pres- ence of Only immediate friends of the ‘oomructing larcies Our neighbor, Archie .UcC'mig. is on the War path exteu di g rhv glad hand to elect 0:3 in the township (f Gieneig. irehug quite csnfidmit that he wizi be the people’s choice fut tlw Bevx'eship for 1905 AYChiH i4 a. gOud level headed Scotchman. and if Hirct ed he Will fight for the houesr. rights of all intewsted. \Nb’il State hi4 majority che day after the eiacrion The Section. regrets that he will bu force-:1 to resign his position as Trus tee to run for municipal honors JUST THE MEDICINE YOU NEED. Your color is bad. tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your Stomach needs tonic, your liwr, needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamil ton’s Pills. In just one night you’ll notice a. difference. for Dr. Hamilton’s Pills search out every trace of trouble. You’ll eat. sleep, digest and feel a. whole lot better. You will gain in strength, have a clear compiexion, experience the joy of robust health. to tone, purify and enliven the By s- tern there is nothing like Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills. 25 cts. at all dealers. A phiIOSOpher writing to the Lie bon (N. D ) Free Press asks: Why is it a careless 7-year-old kid can drop a half-burned match in an alley and burn up all and the barns in a. block, while an abie bodied man has to use up a whole box of matches to get a. wood fire started 1n a heater that has draft enough to draw all the furniture up the Stovepipe? Why does it take-eighteen men 20 minutes to get a calf OR a railroad track, whilea more Spike on a rail will send a. ninety-ton locomotive m- to the dimh? ARE YOUR CHILDREN “CROUPY 2” This trouble is deadlyâ€"must be stapped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the Nerviline Treatment. Give it internally, rub it on the throat and chest. and then put on a Nervilinel Porous Plaster. The marvellous ; power of Nerviline both as a liniment and in Plaster form will surprise you. For sore throat, coughs. colds, and ;pleurisy alone, it is used by thou- j{sands every day. Invaluable in the Ehome, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are bound to catch. Large bottles 25 cts. each. Nerviline Plasters same price,, at dealers or N. C. Polson 85 00., Kings- SEVENTY-FIVE dollars wqrth of goods given away free at; Keelers’. See ad. on page 5. PROBLEMS FOR THE WISE Top Cliff, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \MAYMENNEM SCORED. To the Editor of Tne Globe: May I n-k you and. through your culumm. may I ask the sober-minded citizefi~ of Ontario if the present colidi'inn of Open rebellion existing in the town 0! Owen Smnd is a matter bf no con- cern to their Province? On and after the first day of May. 1906. the sale of intoxicating liquors in that city was by the laws of thin Province prohibited. It is Well known that the law was so satisfuc torily enforced for the balance of that year that the results were quoted eve. ywhere as a reason {of the appli cati-n of the same. law in other ”an; uzipalities. and to such efi'rct that in half a hundred more municipalities it Was adopted last January. Since that time there has been ap purent in Owen Sound the most persistent. deliberate and concprted efl'urt to bleak and defy that. law. Lirzteu to the Words of the Mayor of that tLWu. written by his band, authenticated by his signature :â€" ‘ (1) Liquor is still sold in large quantities, yet there has not been 3 Angle instance of an; one having been Seut tn in1 "(2) Lately some seventeen infor- mations were laid by the Licenqe Inspector, every one of which was ds-lniSSttd with 00515. although two dewctives swore that they got liquor is; the cases tried. ‘(3) Professor A. B. MacCallum, Lecturer on Physiology to The Um“ verszty of Toronto: “ The results of careful experiments show that alcohol. taken in diluted form in small doses is oxidized within the body and so supplies energy like common articles of food; and that it is incorrect to designate it as a poison." Professor P. H. Pye-Smith, Lecturer to Guy's Hospital Medical School, London : ‘° Malt liquors. for a large number of people (perhaps for most adults), do more good than harm when taken with meals. Temperance is much better than abstinence." Professor Lafayette B. Mendel, Yale University. New Haven : “ Man is by nature“ a temperate animal, and it is only by distinguishing between temperance and intemperance (i. e. . use and abuse) that the evils of alcoholism can be combated. Present methods fail in this respect." Professor 1'. J. Clouston, Lecturer to The University of Scotland. Edinburgh: “Alcohol is a food. and may in a diluted form (as in beer) be a very valuable adjunct to ordinary foods. by exciting appetite, by improving digestion. and by stimulating'certain nutritive pro- cesses, 13.3., the laying on of fat." The Writer (‘he Mayor) What SCIENTISTS Say Agaimgt L©©élfl Qpitiqm gm Get it.,at Half=Price==== An Axe, a Shovel, a Hoe, a Pitch Fork, 3 Our Stock is disappearing fast. Drop in and get a share of what is left below the wholesale price. Siegner’s old Stand. . .. . ’ , yflf’l’m’”? cf/ma'a/d/ 6'de = :5 «mo 5? EAST Prof. (of Chemistry) W. 0. Atwater Prof. (of Pathology) H.P. Bowditch Harvard University. Prof.{ of PathologY) R.H. Chittenden knows} p! ces where lienor on be purchased, and is credi‘fly informed that there are sixty one web places in the town.” Local Option does not promote tem- peranceu- it does promote the mis- use of drink. “ It shduld not be taught that the drinking of one or two glasses of beer or wine. at meals, by a grown- up person, is dangerous ; for it is not true." This is not a quarrel between whis- keydrinkers and temperance reform- ers; neither is it a local question aflecting merely the town of Owen Sound; it aflectsâ€"and the result will seriously afiectâ€"the honor of rhe Province of Ontario and the character of its citizens. The people of the Province enacted the statute, and its defiance under the conditions prevail- ing in the case of Owen Sound is re- bellion against constituted authority. Toronto, December 13 Just 3 Dig. “Of course,” said Miss GP,W:.-" _ “snme of the stones you hear azv 1"“ “or”; x believing.” “No,” rem-arked Miss "fiwv’re merely worth repeatinzz Have you renewed your subscrip- tion for the Chronicle. Wesleyan University. Yale University. Johns Hopkins University Wm. H. VVelch (of Pathology) fiemier Cook Stoves Wood or Coal. H. E. IRWIN. S. McIntyre Geo. \Vhite Sun Tlll'vsllillg Ma- chimes. Implements. music. 1 Rudds H :1111055, Spwads and Harness Repaixs. (_)il’ 5 and Grease s. STOVES «k 1*‘I_.'1{N.\('ES. Songs, waltzes MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS. New music received each week. To THE PUBLIC: North American Life Assurance Co. Percy G. H. webstcr Agent for the Percival Plows. All kinds of repairs kept nn hand. Now is your time to order a Suit. Overcoat or any garment you are in need of. We would like to measure you now, for we ace convinced we can suit you better than anywhere else. Mr. Glass is attending to the cutting himself, and as to the making we have a first-class man to make the mats. Price away down. J. A. Glass, FARM MACHINERY Sherlock Manning Organs. Hointzmnn Pianos. JOHN N. MURUBEK SOLD AT HALF PRICE. Singer Sewing Mm-hiues. l have placed in stock a fine line of late 25 mitts Per flow Frost 5’ “ ‘0 0.. Os-.. Merchant Tailor. Toronto \\'iudmills. Dec. 19, 1907 AGENT FOR All Kinds of Manager and Cutter. . Flari'ty Mivldaugh House Block‘ and Cwo=$t¢ps

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