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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Dec 1907, p. 9

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“151111188 you all _ $fi‘feÂ¥fmfi?$§$i’t£m2nÂ¥: ' they be spared for another year will. him the? qppo’rtunity of The. Season’s Greetings maxim: W12: thAi-dQ-Jm’nl‘d‘ be ahitej a,;,numb Ct :11 F'â€" We take this opportunitv of thanking 0111' 11131111; customers fol their liberal p‘11310nawe 007111111 $011011 :1 continuance 0111' best; efforts will;- be excel'ised to procure for 1,‘1u1'.(:11s10111e1's the best of everything in our 1112111)’ lines at: 111051 reasonable prices. All Heavy g . . Winter Goods We will clear the. balance of all holiday novel- ties at V erV reasonable prices, so as to start the Max Year VV 1th0ut a lot of stock to carry 0V er for a full year, mus: just in fm’ Christmas; Owing to the continued mild weather we find man3 lines of usually necessary stock of such Heavy Winter Goods still on our hands. We W ant to dispose of them. Price is the only means of interesting you. Come and hear what the price Will be on all such winter stock. ' Wé are yours for business U ‘ . o A large assorted collectmn ‘ : hrlstm as of Fancy Hzmdkerchiofs, in Linen, Lmvn and Silk. . . A large Stock of Ladies" ' Glfts are all New Designs and beautiful patterns as ; these re Stock of Furs still on Hand. \ ‘fi ,«H‘ _-. ,\ .r\ .»K_ .-\,/\71\ .- ~ ’\ Department of Agriculture, 1: Ottawa, Dec 12. 1907. d DEAR SIRâ€"The following circu‘ar has. been sent bv thP F: ult Division ; to ul he Dominion Fruit Inspectors r l It will be of interest to all who have 6 lapples in store for repacking ] l . “You will note by the sales’ cata- i .llogues, particularly frb'm Liverpol ‘ land Glasgow. That there is a surplus ‘ of the smaller grade of No 1 appli a “on the market at present, the eEect .. gheing. of course. to greatly lower the lprice for this class of apples. This \is an indication that you should in no way relax your viligance in the lexamination of this grade. Brand “Falser marked” any barrel marked No. 1 in which the apples fall short in point of size. In order to main- tain the reputation of Canadian aaples, it is more necessary that emphasis be given to the matter of; size in a year like this. when the general crop is undersized, «than in _ an ordinary year when there should be a normal quantity of large apples.” Yours very truly. ‘ l A. MONEILL, Chief. Fruit Division. '1 l Vâ€"Nel'lle Burns. 'IVâ€"Arthur Gadd, Willie Wallace, Lizzie Burns, Mary Backus, Minnie Keller. Sr. IIIâ€"Dinah ‘Thompson, Bertie Morice. Jae. Marshall. Myrtle Cald. well. Thos, Wallace, Arthur Morice. Jr. IIIâ€"Mary McAlister, Grace Mountain, John Kerr. Neila Mar- shall, Henrietta Keller. Walter Mc- Alister, Elmer Fee, George Webber. . Sr. Ilâ€"Jean Morice. Leslie Moi-ice, Melville Morice, Harry Caldwell Jr, IIâ€"Mabel Wallace. Stanley Mountain. Albert Sterritt. Pu. IIâ€"Arthur Mountain. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Maggie Petty, Katie Kerr, J. Burns. Andrew Marshall, Dawson Marshall, Bella Morice. Jr Pt. Iâ€"E. Bf‘Morice, Charlie McAlister. . Average attendahee33. M. M. Anna,- Teacher. ON FRUIT PACKING. MR. AND Mite. 1413;" EDGE, ‘of, Edge THEaDU RHAM. CHRONICLE S. S. No. 1 NOBMANBY. LOCAL. Ont. Court Flesherton I O. F floated officers on Wednesday evening of last week f.r the ensuing year «s followszâ€"C. P. Wm. Meade; C R. H. R. Dyson ; P C 3., 01‘. Murray; ’V. C. R., C. W. Bellamy ;Oratur. W. Baskin ; R 3.1:. Henrv;F. s. . 12! J. B , rJ Oliver. The Court is 70 members strong and financially pro-- perous. Mr. Clayton’s hall has been leased and will hereafter be the home tun-mug- v-- v- peroue. Mr. Clayton’s hall has been‘ Mr 'W G Slaughter. of Scratford, leased and will hereafter be the home formerly principal of our school here Of the SOOiBty. ‘ . is we learn moving to Quflingwood 00 Thursday evening 133‘ the “'0' to take charge of one of .1111: schoole nuel eleetion of oficers in L. O. L.. of that, town. 1 - No. 885'. an Ceylon took place as {01- Mr. and Mrs. Hevey of thornbury. lowszâ€"W. M.,G. H. Cairns: D_ 3.1.. are visiting Mrs. Wm.‘ Neil this G. L. White ; Chap . R.‘N.v\$'buney; week. . L Trea., John_Sn_Pll ’ R' b" n° .Stwgwn l Mica Mvrtle Thurston, ho has re V“ IL: vv“ v.- â€" plaxed a pleasing: part. Mr. Wes. Buskin ably filled the chair. Port,- law and Vardeiwur schools had also I . very successful entenmuments. Mount Zion Methodist Sunday School had a successful annhersary entertainment on Wednesday even log of lusn week. Dr Murray of this plates was Santa Claus and 'otheruise assisted on the pragramme. The ‘pasmr, Rev. Mr. Laidlaw, who is rendering very acceptable service at | Mt. Zion, presided Mr. Body Stewart of the west, back line, gave a {owl supper to abouti thirty five of his neighbors and friends on Tnursday evening last and we learn a very enjoyable evening was spent Mrs. Wm Neil had a handsome Scotch granite monument ereCted to the memory of her late husband in ‘ the pub sc cemetery here on Friday lasz. Mr. Alex Smith, of Thornbury. ‘88» \IF. A did thej b 0 THE ELEUTURS u: um. The Carey Bros. gave their mOVing '1‘ 1 p cture show and pleasing entertain TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. mentin the town hall on Morday' __ ‘ evening under the auspices of the .‘ .. i EpWUl‘th League. The Messrs. Curey LADIES A“) GENTLEMEN“ At the request of a, number of the gave two well rendered selections at Wet-s of the Township of Gleneig, the evening service in the MethodiSt ratep cnurch on Sunday. I have decided to contest for the i The sermons and services through- Reeveship. out in the churches here on Sunday I hereby respectfully solicit your were'appropriate to the Christmas votes and influence for my electiun. 33300- and in the event of it being yum _- “A ...... I L“|-I]‘ A quiet. wedding took place at tbeI Methodiai parsonage here «n Tues I day evening an when esteemedI couple of this place were uni ed in the bonds of holy matrimony by Rev. Dr. Calda m1 '1 he contracting parties were Mr. james 0 Pmten and Miss Minnie R ~11 L‘ne buue’e cousin Mr. Wm. Reid, and Mien Vlmguret. uDow Weze groomsman and brides I maid. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Bellamy. of this place, will celebrete the 40th anniversary of their marriage on Christmas Day. _ Mr. Albert Stewart who was very dangerously ill last week with pneu. monia. has had a change for the bet; car and good hopes are now, enter mined for his recovery. Mr. Emerson Bellamy and Mr. Walter Loucks both victims of ty- phoid fever the past few weeks, the ...rmer nursed in Toronto General HOSpital and the latter in the hos- pital at Saskatoon, Sask., arrived home on Friday‘last Both patientsl carry 31101111945119 of sevexe sickness. out their nflrhfe‘rons friends are pleas- ‘ed to see them home again and re- ,covering. ’ ~ Mr. Mark Wilson has been laid up, fora. week with a severe attack of lumbago. “ " AAâ€" “2 ‘ “unusu. Judge Widdifield presided at. Di- vision Court held here last. week. The budget was‘very light. and the cases disposed of in lo ‘ were not important. The new clerk, W. J. Bellamy, had big-work (well i9 hand‘. Mr. u“ “to Sun MIDI --'â€" - spendmg Christmas wigh the for- user's fiother at Peta-borough. Mr. W. H Buns attended the funeral of his aunt at. Woodbridge last. week. LDDU Iv v_â€"â€"- - Mrs. Bulmer left last ”week. for‘ an“ extended visit with relatives at Sing hamps'on and , Collin g’wood. Ouf public school atnfileft on Fri ,fley. tetxhe holidays at their" respec- "tifi-Lhomesâ€"Mr. Heart to Delaware, --Mieel;Young t9 Alton. nnd’Miee Kane Flesherton . Fred .Tnckpr no of this place. ,ya at. the hen- l the Durham msly ill with Ayer’s‘ Pill; Poctoral In Because we make medicines for them. ,We tell them all about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- suniption. They trust it. Then you can aflord to trust it. Ask your own doctor. 9 The beam otututimonid» I “Sold for over sixty yours.” __ i_ Miss Mabel Boyd. pu tomo Conservatory“ of Lily Boyd, Miss L1 Master Kendall Mitct ‘ Willa Wright, pupilsi iCollegiace, are all how ‘days, I ho has re 3‘ Head, is 6 here. ‘ . in the Tor-- .. lusic. Miss'fi Lily Boyd, Miss L u Mitchell,i Master Kendall Mine 11 and Miss, Willa Wright, pupilsi Owen Sound nnnmriam- are all hon: {or the holi Miss Kate Bellamy from an extended visi in Toronto. waite of Toronto. are their respective home! Dr E K. Richarfion, Toronto. and Miss Maud Richa lson of Alma College Sc. Thomas 1m Christmas visitors at their home Dr. and _Mrs. R 11. Henderson and hrs. W Ayers of Toronto, are visitor's at‘ Mr. .108. _ . , Y 3 “T (.1 LULUUDU, Gnu Vuvn‘vâ€"w v-_ Biackburn’s; Mr. and M: . Douglass, and childrax. wood. are visitors at Dusen’s. Messrs. Gorddn. Charlie and Stané ley McMuUen. Twronto, are holiday- ing at their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks of Harris- ton are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Quigg. who are having a.fami1v ganhenng on Christmas. We wish the Chronicle Editor 3 Mrrry Christmas and happy New Year. I hereby respectfully solicit your votes and influence for my election. and in the event of it being your pleasure to elect me as Reeve, 1 shall endeavox to do credit to you for your choice by faitbful and offiwiemt service as your represem m‘vo: and :u‘ I, have .had some expel-2' nee m County and Township nmtlm .nd also have been an interesLed UL.~.‘I‘S‘EI‘ Of I)dSSillg events, I (must, [0 be able [0 (llSL‘hanB .4“. .1..+=m.- at" [he ofiice to the satisfac- l . t w. luv. no W1 W0 publish the “mm 91.11 on: mm an interested “charter or paSb’lug events. I LrusL [u be. able to discharge the duties of the office to the satisfac- tion of all unhiabee‘! parties cmwerm-d. Haping to meet, ynn all at the Town- ship Hall, llflll‘natl!)fl day and have a am it)? of discussing Town- : better ()ppnrt iship and (RM? :22atters. 1 11m ours respectfully, vi. MCCLLAIG, '2‘<>pclitfe P.O., Dec. 1 I Lb, TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. ._._...>--. 0.0 W 1w: aid the Che RB up t 00 has returned iwith relatives , roiiSS Annie Lly Thistléttf holidaying, at We wish our patrons One and all The Compliments Of the Season And A Happy And Prosperous New Year. Glenele', Ont. In buying a Xmas Gift, Quality is the first thing to be considered. This has been the keynote of our Xmas purchases and we have not failed. Manicure CaseS. from $1.00 to $20.00 Toilet Cases Military Hair Brush Sets. Manicure Requisites Hair Brushes These goods are all guaranteed genuine Ebony. \Vallets, Hand Bags, PERFU MES As 'usual we are showing the largest and best line of perfumes in Town. In Out; Glass bottles $2.50. to 5.00 In Fancy Cases from 250 to $5.00 PIPES A full and very various line 'oi the famous H.B.B. Briars in cases hand out; Vulcanite stems, genuine. am- ber stems. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Violins. Mandolines. Banjos. Mouth Organs. Bows, Violin Strings etc. Give us a call our stuck is large and Varied and our prices aw right. done in the past. WE TELL N0 LIES What we do EBONY GOODS “'9 will please you as we hav‘e Look! Look! DURHAM. I he People's Druggists LEATHER GOODS About selling below cost and 0le such nonsense. \Vhat we say, we d0. and we believe \\ e are giving as good value for tho money as in any house in town: On Saturday next you can get M en’s and Bay’s Caps at Cost, and from now till Christmas Eve we will give3 lbs. of the best, Raisins for 250. every day in the week. In Blankets, Tweeds, under- wear. Prints, Cottons. Flannels I’lanmlvttes, and groceries of all kinds is to sen alt-a very low nun'gin of profit for cash or trad“. ' Dec. 26, 1907 S. SCOTT BIFTS Music Rolls, Purses, etc. ONT.

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