West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Dec 1907, p. 2

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A (~00!) SOLID BRICK 'I‘WO storvy dwelsing. alwgside Presby terian Manse property in Upper Town, Durham, Cm'm-ar uf Durham and Elgin streets. Seven rooms pantry, closets, ceu ent flnm'ed cellar. etc. Good airy Inca- tion in goud locality. Good frame Stable. hard and soft water, one acre of land. Snap for quick pun-ham r. For further particu- lars apply to John W. McKechnia. Owner, Rocky Saugeen P. 0 Aug. lst. 1906â€"tf. I, of Saddler street in the Town of Dur ham in the ('mmt. s f Gvev containing 4 acres mow nr less: For terms and particr. lars apnlv tn J. P. Telford Vendor’ s Solici- or. Durham. non 9.--1‘.f _ For t' rms, an 1y to Andrew Magwnnd, Hanover. or Mrs. an (’amnhn'l. Durham. A .Queen .and Countess Streetsâ€"g 0d lovahon. pm-es rea~‘01:able Apply to T1103 Smith or at th? P0>t Utfice May20--tf HE UNDERSIGNEI) OFFLRS‘ for sale a number qt bu_uses and out wih‘éSé'biziMingé must be remqved at. an early date. m order to clea‘r the hue )f nght 0*“ W§Y~ o I I .0 O i I 4,_- N PA R'l‘ LOT 9 \VEST GA R. , fraxa St... a fine t m smrey solid brick dmellii g “ith bathn um furnace electric. lig. 'hts hard and HM wa'er in home .Alsn so lid bTi( k bznu and stable I‘hi~‘ is one uf tlw best t>ites in the tnwi. ,_ Durhfim J M NO '2", 1§m7.â€"tf. "Ali Eaterial such as timber. brick st'me, etc" in cases where the buildings cannot be moved. are also ofl'erod 102' sale Dated June 4th 1907. App!y to .l for sale a number of bnmes and out building 8 along the [we of right of \\ ay in: the Walkerton and Lucknow hailway, the town 0! Durham. D uppusi'e ()Pntral Hotel. upper town. Durlxau- Enqvim for quPr particulars of MRS. A BURXET. . Nov, 4 L’m-pd Proprietress. A neble farms in New Ontario. near New Lxskexrd for saleâ€"large discount for Cash. Map 0! the locality and terms given “)1! application to J P. Teltord, Solicitor for vendor. 7-18 06 -tt J.) Elfin our yard. Durham. for which the beetprices willbe paid. Enquire tor prices at the office. Tm; DURHAM FURNI» TUBE C0. anm). 1\’uv 20thâ€"tf 'â€"â€"__. D\\'F.LLING AND SHOP. ON _. Mill Street, Durham, llOft frontage Apply t‘n William Laidlaw fl swerim: mama: ‘Jeff” on Thursday, December 19th Mustlv yellow sprinkled with black hairs hung taii black and yellow Any person hmiwriug dog after this date leaves himself ii Cale to prosevuticm Find- er will be mi'ablx rewarded by giving such information as Will lead to his mom’ery Dunald McIlvride. Dec. ‘20 2-pd Orchard P.0 U the Tow- ship ofBeminck new brick house; two large 1 land first class. all cleared wxcc Snap to (mick purchaser. $150 ance at 4%, par cent Apply tc Dunn. Vendor’s Solivimrs. D residence Lat 17. Con. ‘2 Egremont. a lady’s Chatelaine, containing a small silver watch, a one du‘lar bill and a. 5n cent piece. Finder win be rewarded by leasing: it at this ofiice at at the Varney Post Office Dec. 19 Mrs James Eden j P. Telford, 3. Jan. 3. 1906.â€"tf NTHEG about six I title. Possession be sold. For p lUU ongremnnt. 3 niies frnm Durham. Good Barn with stmze fmmdation. small frat! 9 house. gum! soil This farm is being: Ofl'rrpd fur s2}? "my cheaply. Apply Mc- Kay and Dunn. I)urh?m. Telford, Durhzim. Feb 220d 1935 -â€"tf Nov 2 :IJ cession West of the Garafraxa Road. In the Township of Normanby. in the County nf Grey. For particulars apply to J P. Telford, Barrister. Durham. WRAYED mom THE PREMISES 0f the undersigned «on or about Nov. 14. nine ewes and two lambs The ewe: have a pig ring in the bottom side nf the left ear. Any person giving informativm as to their whereabouts will be suinbly re- warded David Adlam, Allan Park. WU ‘-U I. u U LI... nu uuo ‘u vvvvvvv of Glenelg.100 acres kumsnas the “McKin noa Farm” at the Rocky Saugeon. 1m- mediate possesdnn given For particulars applv to J P. Telford. 3 11 07â€" tf umabglfiâ€"giximiles from Durham. Good title. Possession at once. Grod land. Must be salt). __Pm_' particulars apply to J. P. 100 First Day of January 1908; for the purchase of the west half of Lot 28, Con. 5 of t 0 Township of Bemiuck. being the estate of ihe late Wm. Lnuney. con- taining 50 aqua. more or less The highest or any tanner not necessarily accepted. All Tenders must be beaded and marked ‘1 Tender for F3913.” and forwarded by mail to the administrators. , DAN MOHOUG xLL. ‘ ML)! M JEACHEBN. Administrators Mulcch P. 0. or to J. P. moan, their Solicitor. Durham. Ont. HE 2N0 AND 3RD DIVISIUN OF Lot No. I. E G R.. in the Township D“ waived by the undersigned sagnipis tratots of the Estate of the late “imam Lunney up to V5 ed nesday L001], the SEALED TENDERS WILL BE I'm-D;ITM hv thn findersimed ad minis Farm for Sale! Nov. 5-tf. l"" ‘ . Anal") ff .ARK LOT NUMBER 13 NOR_TB â€"_â€" wâ€"_ TOR F. “1510mm: COM BINEU 068 OF ALL KINDS DELIVER For Sale or to Let. ETWEEN DURHAM AND HER NE UP THE BEST FARMS 1». CKINNON 100 ACRE FARM AT A EUMBER 01“ TOWN LOTS 0N the Rock y, immediate possession giv- For turther Partit-ulars apply to J. P TELFORD. NUMBER OF IMPROVED VAL SMALL COLLIE DOG, AN- 'roperty for Sale. Farms for Sale. L023 Wanted. 21â€"IN THE SECOND CON_- BY TENDER. J. P. TELFORD, Durham Lost. ”I” ‘.'l uvn--..-,_- :e; two large bank harm. all cleared wxcppt ‘20 acres. urchaser. ‘1500 down. bal- mut Apply to MacKav Rnlipimrs. ‘2 6 07â€"tf Durham. DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY? How provoking these symptoms are! Instead of being alert. having quickness of apprehension. there is Inngnur. duilness, a disinclinatiou to do things. Three causes for this feeling. Lazy liver, uImy kidneys. and a mighty lazy stomach which does its work very poorly and compels the other organs to do things they are unequal to for any iengh of time. We should have men teachers as well as lady teachers. We can leave arithmetic. geOgrap'iy and grammar to the icies, but we must provide men to give our boys inSpiration and instruction in manliness. Not to dc so 18 to wrong the boys. We may save money, but we will lose in man- hood; and. as We have frequently said, the school syStem is the poorest possible place for the community to premise economy.â€"'-Chesley Enter prise. You sleep well, but when you axxakan there is none of the exhilir- ation that sleep and resc Should con fer. Heaviness°, Lassitude, Drowsy and Dull.” If we are going to turn our schools Wholly over to the ladies. We shall rob the rising generation of boys of an influence in the upbuilding of a character which cannot well be over- estimated. Our fathers hpd it; and so did we. tho’ to a lesser degree To put before the growing boy as the person to whom he is to look up to in the matter of education of knowledge or of conduct, a women no matter how clever is to give him a ladylike ideal which will either weaken his character on the side of the manly virtues or lead him to revolt against authoritative leadership as represent- ed by his school miStress. Note the consequenceâ€"blood is fill- ed with wanesâ€"poisons weigh down the nervous svsmm â€"rebuilding pro- cesses are absolutely Stopped. ‘. -VVâ€"â€"â€"â€" are having it nearly alt their own way. The standing is:â€"Toronto. 185 lady and 5 men teachers; London 152 lad v and 14 men teachers; Otta- wa.‘ 115 lady and 7 men teachers. To what this will eventually lead, thoughtful parents and students of ‘chilo development do not like to think. It is not a question of the fitness of the lady teacher. Many of them are quite as capable and as well prepared as the best man teacher can possibly be"; and most of them have a rare skill in the management of pupils, particularly of backward pupils and those who are in need of svmpathy. which few men can rival. But that is not- the whole question. The training of a boy require-i the presence of a man’s influence. and it is better that he should have the ex ample of a moderately well equipped man than of the best lady insuuctor; who ever stood before a blackboard. Appetite improves. digestion be- comes good as everâ€"skin grows ruddy and clear, all sense of langour, nnsreadness and depression fades away and finally disappears. ‘ Ferrozone clarifies the brain, sup plies tone and vigor imparts clear- ness and strength. You'll feel like a new person, lull of life, full of a. :- bition, ready to do things,â€"and able to do them also. You‘ 1 note an instant cbtnge when you take FcttuZoue. It looked like a monster gorilla; Its shoulders humped up like an ape. And giiding along in the twilight Presented a horrible shape; {But those whom it passed in the l darkness Seemed nothing of terror to feel I1t came not from forest or jungle-â€" ‘ It was only a. man on a. wheel. Think it over. Fermzone is a. tonic that upiift’s, upbuilds, that nourishes and restores the sick by supplying the elements their weakened system need. In can’c help but do you good For men, women and children, in fact anyone seeking strength. Ferrozone is invaluable; try it. sold by all durg- gisbs in 50c. boxes. We notice by an exchange that in Kincardine Model School the teachers in training stand: ladiee‘ls. gentle. men 3, What is true of Kincardine is the case of nearly every Model School in this Province. with this exception, that in the majority of cases the proportion of lady to ten- tlemen teachers is more than 5 to 1 In Normal Schools the lady teachers DISAPPEABANCE OF THE HALE Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Brandt”. THE STANDARD BANK John Rally.~ Manage:- 8RANCHES ALSO AT HARRIS‘ION AND ’RICIVILLI The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. ' OF CANADA ' . Head Office ' - - - - Ioronto DURHAM BRANCH annual-mo 107a But gone to that bright school Where she no longer needs our poor protec- tron, And Christ Himself doth rule. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and two little girls. Reta about 8 years and the baby about 7 months o’d, also two brothers, John on the homestead. and James. of Waterdowu, near Hamilton. The funeral takes place to the Mt. Forest cemetery on Friday at 2 o’clock. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved ones.â€"Holsceiu Leader. This week we are again called upon to chronicle the death of a. life long resident of this vicinity in the person of Mrs. J D Roberts, whose maiden name was Mary Main. second daugh- ter of the late Nelson Wain. Mrs Robezts vs as born on the first day of July 1866, on the farm now owned by her brother, J. D. Main, and therefore at the time of her death wae 41 years. 5 months and 18 days old. She grew up to womanhood on her father’s farm, and a little over nine years ago she became the part ner of her now bereaved husband Her illness was somewhat protracred About four months ago she under- went an operation for appendicitis and her life then was despaired of. Later. disease of a tubercular nature ueveIOped. and she gradually became weaker until the morning of Decem- m the 18 h at a little after eight o’clock the summons came and she was no more, for “God took her.” In the death of Mrs. Raberts the village and community 109» a kind and obliging neighbor anti friend, and the Methodist church one of its most consnswut and enthusiastic supporters Yet in the language of the poet we have to say: These severe afflictions Not from the gmund arise but nfceutimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. She is, not. deadâ€"tie lnyed or nu_r afl'ectiou, S S. No 6, BENTINCK Vâ€"Catherine McDougall. Sr. lVâ€"Lottie Britten. Promoted from Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€" Archie McDougall. Frankie Twamley. Arthur Lunney, Campbell Clark. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"Pearl Hapkms, Katie Phillips. Freddie Torry. Irene Brieton. Sr. 11 to Jr. III-Diantha. Redford (honors,) Hughie Hendry. Maggie Clark, Maggie Lunney, Willie Bfitr COD. Jr. IIâ€"Harry Cox. Eva Redford, Nina. Noble, Willie Hopkins. Jr. Iâ€"Clara Hendry. Dannie Nuhn. Elgar Boyce. Johnny McDougall. George Smith. V Sr 1%. IIâ€"Jennie Britten. Neilie McDougall. I (u)â€"John Joe Burns. Robbie Briccou. - For any of the erdinary diseases of the skin Chamberlain’s Salve is ex- cellent. IE is not only alleys the itching and smarting bat. efiects a In twenty American cities under local option, with 378,752 total population, one arrest is made for every 42 residents. In twenty-two Wisconsin cities, under license, with 689, 232 population, the arrests are only one for every 98 people. Local Option swaps the rep- utable bar for the dis- reputable ‘ ‘ speak- easy " ’ with its vile, adulterated liquor ;- but it never yet has lessened crime nor checked the abuse of alcohol. Your local jail will be a bus- ier place if local option carries your town. MRS. ROBERTS DECEASED. Local Option Fills the Jails Honor Roll. A. HARROW, Teacher. THE DURHAM 03305 ICLE‘“ When the now County Council Ac: came into force in 1696. he was: elec- wd as one of the rppresentuives of divi>_i0n No. 7, and occupi~d the of- fi 9 of C mntv Councillor continuoun. ]y 1: HIV old act took effect in 1907. L'ne funeraltook place on Friday lam. m Umou Cemetery Thornbury. and wa- attended by a large cox.- course of friends Tightness and Wheezinzmeans your trounle is deep c:eated 'I‘o delay is dangerous. Inflammation Inner. be drawn out at once Rob the throat and chest with Nerviline. and put on a Nerviline P lroue Plaster. Relief comes in an hour. The counter-irri- tant efiect of the plaster relieves the tightness and strain. draws out the soreness, ease-2 the pain. The pen».- trating qualities of Nerviline enable it to soak to the very core of the trouble. and you experence a feeling of warmth and rulief that proves the dang w is past. For weak chem, sore throat and tendency to colds. the Nur- vmue Treatment beats all others. try It. ' Clarkshurg Reflector. The deceased was born in the par- ish of Kilcoman, 'Island of Islay. Ar. gyleshire. on the 15th of_ February, 1834, He isa son of Peter McCol man and Ann McAfier daughter of Duncan McAEer of the village of lKilnare. on the west coast of [slay !Our subject, 9 father adopted the life of a {a1 mer and with the outflow of emigration came to Canada in,1845. He settled in Cal‘edon West where he remained for four years. then he removed to the Collingwood township and began as a farmer. He lived to about ninety. Mrs. McColman died in 1878. Phere was left a family of six. Neil being the second youngest. In Islay, Scotland. he received a com- mon school education. After coming to this cJuntry, being only twelve Iyears of age, he began farming and continue! at this occupation until '1882 a hen he retired. and rented his farm of one hundred acres He then {remov d to Thornbury to superin- 'tend the construction of the harbour ‘works in the village where he srill resided In 1867 Mr. McColman was elected to the township council of C -9lingwood. and in 1869 was elected reeve for the same township, and he was re eleCted for several years afterwards. In 1884, upon the death of the late A. W. Lauder, M. P. P.. he contested the representation of EaSt (array in Ihe Ontario house againSt Robert Myles of Euphrasia township and he succeeded in defeat i112 his opponent by a majn'ity of 622 v01es which was a very decided Victory. He was a member of the Orange Association and has held the office of Mast r for several years. And he was Chaplain of Collingwood District, being a member of Ravenna L. 0. L. 1087. He was a man of wide and ripened eXperieuce. and has travellel through the greater part of Canada and the United States. For six or seven years he was President of the Nest Grey Conservative A4- sociatiun. FBSlgnlng this otfice at the time of his election. In 1857. he married Martha Green. daughter of Mayor Green of the COuntv of York. a native on.1rkshire. England. and by this lady had a family of three. Mr. McColman’s pultlic career has been a credit to him and those who have watched his administrative abilities in municipal matters con- sidered him a shrewd level headed man. and h". to take a place in any deliberative assembly. SY. Ella Brown hez a. fearful “neck.” Aosnyiu’ The Boy on the Burniu’ Deck. Whiie I. a feller what’s nearly ’levnn Mue’ recite than 8111511, To Mary In Heaven. The teacher says, don’t know what fer, That Mary in Heaven ia easier. ’Course Gen-«y Byanky’s hard all right. But. gee, that Brown girl can’t recite. She Swings her arms, an’ she rolls her eyes, An’ opens her mouth, like fer hatch. in’ flies An’ gives herself sich crazy twists Jus’ like dad-fetched elocutionisrs. I seen her practisin’ after four. And oh. by jing. but It made me Why not cure hum-radians it with Putnam’s Corn Extractor? No pain or poreâ€"“Putnam’s” is a gnuanteed success, try is. IS YOUR CORN TBOUBLESOME? sore! But teacher thinks she is simply great. An’ smiles nn’ smiles at a fearful rate. ' I kin see right now ’at the Christmas Tree Ain’t goin’ to be any fun fer me Jus’ think 0' that their Ella Brown A-givin’ ”a Bust 0’ Thunder Soun’ " An’ me gittiu’ up on my feet to say To Mary in Heaven. The crazy thing ! It’s a wonde: I wasn’t est to sing Ye see I’d like to recite instead A thing like The Lose 0, the Birken- head. Or some good title of a bloody fight Like “Cannons to Left of 'Em, «inns to light.” That. Marco Bazzaris ’d be a beam, But. Teacheraaid is ’d never suit. An’ give me the silliest thing the IS YOUR CHEST ”WHEEZY?’ The Late Neil 'HcColman. THE SCHOOL CLOSING there Picture F ram mg on shortest 'Il-Oflc‘c’. DURHAS“: FOUNDRY The sun’s heat. will give out in ten million years or umre ; And he worrinl about it. It’s sure to give out, so the scientists Sash 6’ Doors N STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER Engines and Boiler Repairs promptly executed. R’GHT PRICES AND GOOD WORK. said _ In all science books that he had r ad. 'l‘he whole mighty universe then will be dead ; 0 And be worried about it. Some day the earth will fall into the sun ; . ‘ And he worried about it. Just as sure and as straight as a shot from a gun ; And he worried about it. When strong gravitation unbuckles her straps Just fancy, he said. what a fearful collapse Will come in a few million years, perhapsh And be worried about it. THE FUNNY PART. His wife took in washing at a dollar a day; . And he didn’t worry about it. His daughter sew ed shirts the rude grocer to pay ; And he didn’t worry about it. While his 'wife beat the tireless rub- a dub dub On the washboard drum of her old Wooden tub, He just sat by the stove and he let her scrub; Funeral Directorx MANUFACTU RERS OF Cutting Boies,__ Horsepowers,‘ Wind Stackers, Stock raisers’ Feed Boilers. MOOOQWfi‘rQOWGQQQWT} W‘L‘QO? A. IELL UN DE RTAKER C. Smith Sons PROPRIETO RS Millwrights, Machinists, Iron and Brass Founders. and Steam Fitters. . . . . Special altention to Ga'so- line Engine repairs. Full line of ()athnlic Robes, and black and White (Taps for aged people. « Amy. ..¢«$WMW Great Trainingâ€"Small Cost. Good positions. Fwe Catalogue. Everybody Welcome. R. A. Far uharson, B.A., Corner Yonge am Bloor Streets, Toronto. British Canadian Business College. $411110 11911 and use in te'tspoonful «111313 , 11111: 1m: 11. 1111111211 and at bedtime. A w- ~311- knnwn DthiCi 11111 states that these are 111111111css \egetablc ingre- «liems, which can he nht: lint‘d {10m any good 111'c:-criptinu pharmacy. This mixinrc will (1113.111 the Mood (if a! i .111; 1111211111141 11. fevs 'days the skin 119mm to clan of s‘orcs.bn118 111111 pimp] s. It puts vigor and energy 11110 run-dawn debilitated men a (1 women. For mam: yeairs S 11‘~‘11)111111a:1111ne has been considered a goof! hloml medicine. But while it hiilt up and made new loud, the impurities remained within and the gnud m-cmnplisheJ was only tempor- ary. Sax'saparilla, however, when used in com iination with Compound Snluttme an-l Extract Dandrlion, works wondere. This combination puts the kidneys to work to filter and sift, out the waste matter, uric acid. and other imnnritioes that cause disease. It. makes new blood and relieves rheumatism and lame back and bladder troubles. A leadinjr 111311111 jonrn 11111 11111411111- 111.; the. 1111 :11011, “ \\ 11111 is the best 11:12:41.2111111011 1111 151111 111111 1111111} the 111-11111 '3" 11111115111 11 161513115 issue 1111.1 following : 19.11111 Extract Dandelion one ounce; 00111110111111 S 111111119, 0111‘. ounce ; Cum 90111111 Syrup Sarsnparilla, four ounces. SHO\\’ ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows’ Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next; (1001' South Of \V. J ! Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. SMITH G: SONS Embalming a Specialty 5.118 1133' £5 E m And he didn’t worrv about if. HE WOBRIED ABOUT IT. and Constantly on hand the best brands of Rolled Oats. Also our make of Rolled Cereal, the best on the market. Also Chopped Oats. Mixed Chop, Pea. Chop, Bean Shorts and Feed Flour. Special Reduction on Flour in 5 and 10 Bag Lots. Goods delivered anywhere in town. Is made from selected winter Whea; and is a. superior article for making pastry, etc. All up-tndate flour and feed ana groceis keep our flour fox sale. If vour grocer dues not, keep it come to the mill and we will use ynu right. Call us up by telephone No. Chopping Done Every Day All kinds of Grain bought at Market Price Our pure Manitoba Hnur, made. from No. 1 Manitoba wheat cammt he beat for either hakers' or domestic use. w h $4 .,‘ 57 Durham, Ont. E ’1. F W7“ '4:- an‘ away '73s on mv 7m? WW6 -. People’s Mills Z See our Collars, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Fancy Belts and other Xmas Specialties. Don’t Wear That Shabby Old Hat! In these fluxes of financial strin- gency 10% Discount does not come your way very often: yet this is what we are giving during the Holiday Season in Fedora flats Tweed Caps, 35¢: each 'lry our Fresh Groceries for your holiday luxuries. To our numnrous friends and customers we Wish A very Happy Gholctmu When we are making it so easy for you to get a New one. Men’s Stiff and Send us your C. McArthur John McGown. TRY OUR NEW CHOPPER. PASTRY FLOUR W0 :m- giving in N(‘\\' ”I'Pss (hmds. Furs. Bums A: Slums. and lindvrwwn- etc. Cmrv and 509 how we \x'iil nmnage to wait, on yuu. C. L. GRANT The New Rail road BRIDGE have that cmnv h) pass, but we would like to see people jam and iii] nurstnre 11;, and get the ac-mss thv river in van is (musing :x grant dual Hf talk since it was started. Many are predicting that, it will nm stand the “$1 when the finnds (Mine in U19 apx'ing: mlwrs that thew win he a big jam Wlh n the froshur cunws. and will he carried away. “'9“ We wunkl nut; like In BARGAINS SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE WE KEEP Dec. 26, 1907 5:ch 3W4 suefi'h $3.2 S‘Vcfilk TH 15

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