West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jan 1914, p. 6

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Galvanized-udlmPipi .3111: ”Unaudited: Cy dam m on}! MY mmoon ' Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRIRG pm fly and properly attenuate. p_ W. D. CONNOR W. D. Connor PUMPS OF ALL KINDS and you wills =0n occupy a good posi- monnnd enjoy a good salary, Enter now. \ 'rite for Catalogue. J. .3. The Yorkshire Insur- ance (20., of York Eng. Insurance of All Kinds including Stock W. JOHNSTON Sr. Mag/fl 7% Take a Complete Course Swim-hes Puffs Pin-Curls +++++++4+++++é+++++++++é A g('md opportunity for ladies tn Manicuring, Massaging Hair-Dressing Shampooing and Scalp Treatments GEO. S POTTON, President MԤ “m “‘m“. \Valkex-ton Business College ” In the Populaxtzmd Successful ks§~ssW S. P. SAUNDERS HAT all our customers and friends will have a. very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year is the wish of 21w Hair-Goods made to order. Machine Oil. Harness ()1: Ame Grease and Boo Ointment. go to Thousands of am bi tious young peopeare being instructed in heir homes by our Home Study Dept. You may finish at 0011- ege if you desire. Pay when- ever you Wish. Thirty Years’ EXperience. Largest trainers in Canada. Enter any day. Positions guaranteed. If you wish to save board and learn- while you earn, write for partic- ulars. Owned in Miss L. McAulifl'e’s B’Iillinery Store C. H. Caswell HOME STUDY W. H. BEA N The Big4 Hair-Dressing Parlor Calder’s Block Bangs and 'l"ringes. TORONTO. ONT BIG 4 NO VACATION +++é$+++§++¢++++ ’lhe Harnessm aka “I see.” Gilder admitted without any enthusiasm. “But why do you have your men vome down over theroot'!" But he met Griggs afterwarg and agreed to pull it on. Griggs got word to me that it's coming .on‘ tonight. and so. you see. Mr.‘ under. that’s how I know." ”Because it’s good business." the in- spector replied. “We know he’s a spy and a traitor and that every time he comes near us we ought to use a dis- lnfectant. But we deal with hlm Just the, same because we have to Now. the stool pigeon in this trick ls a swell English crook He went to Gal'son yesterday with a scheme to rob your house. He tried out Mary Turner. too. but she told “argon to leave it alone. The butler lunked at his master tor guidance. Receiving a nod. he sald: “Very well. sir." - "How do you know they‘re going to break ifito tho house tonight." Gilder demanded of Burke, “or do you only think they“ re going to break into the house?" "I know they are. 1 and 11:.” “You did 2" “Sure; did it through a stool pigeon." “Oh. an informer!“ Gilder interrupt- ed, a little doubtfully. “But if you think that." Gilder ex- postulated. “why do you have any- thing to do with that sort or person?” "Yes." Burke agreed; "stool pi is the police name for him. Re he’s the vilest thing that crawls.” CHAPTER XIII. The Burglary at Gilder’s. HE entrum'e of the butler brought the inspector’s thoughts hurl; tn the matter 11) mind. "My man." he said :mtnunta- Iivon. ','I want you (0 gm up to the roof and open the scuttle. ‘01.] ll [Ind suhm men Whiting up there. firm: 'em dawn here. They're pom-e- om- cers. You get ’em down Iwre. and thvh you :0 to bed and stay'there Uh morning. Understand?" 'Garson. rather proud of his notoriety. is taken to the rogues’ gallery to be photo- un- waphed. Mary and Dick. left together. A_. are soon in each other's arms. When Burke calls Mary in and tells her she is under arrest for the murder of (.riggs Garson admits he killed the stool pigeon Joe Garson who has been arrested is taken to Burkes office. from Where he Sees his pals taken to cells. The sight upsets his nerves. Inspector Burke has interviews with Ag- :ie Lynch. a member of Mary's gang. and Mary, in which he gets little information. “It wasn't safe to bring them in the Mary and Dick are arrested after Mary says Dick killed Griggs. a burglar. Other members of the gang are arrested and "sweated" by Burke. ‘ iarson learns that (i:?;;:-§s had helped put up the job on him. and he kills Griggs with a noiseless revol‘ver Inspector Burke arrives. finding only Mary and Dick with Griggs’ body. Carson and his gang break into Gilder's home and are followed by Mary. who ls told of the pmposed burglary. While they are there Dick returns home.’ Inspector Burke calls on Gilder and tells him that a burglary at his home that night has been arranged through Gr'igg‘s. 9. stool pigeon. to [rah Mary 'l‘vurner and her gang Edward Gilder sees his son’s bride and tries to induce her to give up her hus- band. Dick refuses to leave her even when she tells nim she is an ex-convict. Mary marries Dick Gilder without hit tathu"s knowledge and then refuses to sail for Europe with him. Joe Garson. against Mary’s protest. agrees with Eddie Griggs. another crook. to help commit a burglary in Gilder’l home. 'delen Morris, the girl who had commit- ted the theft for which Mary was impris- oned. sees Mary and confesses her guilt. After three years in prison Mary is freed. but the police prevent her holding )ositions. She jumps into the river to end 1er life. but is rescued by Joe Gal-son. a Mary forms a partnership with Garson 1nd his gang. by which they mulct rich rictims in a legal manner. keeping “with, n the law." ’ Mary is warned by the police ,to lean town after she has formed the acquaint- ance of Richard Gilder. her former em- ployer's son. Mary Turner. a department store clerk. .s sentenced to prison for three years for 1 theft she did not commit. Edward Gilder. owner of the department store. consents to see Mary before she goes to prison. eXpecting her to confess. Mary protests her innocence to Glider and begs him to pay better wages to his :Ierks to save them from temptation. [WETHI N THE LAW SYN OPSIS “stool pigeon him. Really. sent her to prison And nnw the joy or it was a torture I‘m“- the puppet of her plans the son. had suddenly he come the chiet thing in her lite. ‘ She had taken it for muted that he would lea ve her after he on me to know that her marriage to him was only I device to bring shame on his father. Instead he loved her. That fact. 3mm. Mary Turner herself. too. was In a condition utterly Wren-had. and for the same cause Dix-k Gilder. That source of the father‘s sud’ering was her: as well. She had won her ambition of years-revenge 0n the man who had for vengeaure on himself And into his thoughts now vrput a doubt. one that alamwd his sr-nse of justice. A horrible susplm‘uu that n« nan musludg- ed Mary Turner c-rept tutu his brain and would nut out. He fought“ with all the stremgth of him. and that was much. but War it abode there Gilder scrupulously followed the di- rections of the police inspector. Un- easily he had remained in the library until the allotted time was elapsed. He fidgeted from place to place. his mind heavy with distress under the shadow that threatened to blight the life of his cherished son. Finally, with a sense of relief he put out the lights and went to his ('baniber. His thoughts were most with his son. and ever as be thought of Dick his fury waxed against the woman who had enmeshed the boy in her plotting As Hm men left the mom Burke tln'nml man“ (,u (:iH‘IM'. "Just one thing mum" he said “Aft- er I‘ve gone I Want you to stay up for a half hour :myt'mw. with the lights burning. Do ynu see? I want to be sure to give the Turner woman time to get here while that gang 13 at work.” “You‘re in marge bvre." Burke said to Fuss-jay, "and I hold you respunsi- ble ’l‘m vowing had; to get this bunvh myself. and I’ll call you when you’re u'nntml You‘ll ‘ait In the sum-mum nut there and don‘t make :1 move till ynu hmr frnm me. unless by any (“hum-e thing‘s gn wrung. and you gm :1 mil from (Riggs He’s got a whistle. and he‘ll Use it if nevessary (Put that straight'f” (‘nssidy r‘iw'lamd :m mnire Izmlmxtunding 0f the dérw- tinns “But the buy.” Gilder protested. "What about him? He‘s the one thing of importance to me." “If he says anything more about go ing to Chicago just you let him go. that‘s all! It's the nest plnve for him for the next few days." “And now. Mr. Gilder.” the inspec- tor said energetivally. “I'm going to give you the same tip I gave your man. Go to bed and stay there." “Now." Burke went on briskly as the door closed behind the servant. “where could these men stay out of sight until they’re needed?” There followed a little discussion which ended in ‘tbe selection of a storeroom at the end of the passage on the ground floor The hall door opened. and the butler re-entered the room. Behind him came Cassidy and two other detet-tives in plain clothes At a word from his master the disturbed Thomas with- drew ”Suppose some of them saw me come in‘. 3 ’1‘ here wouldn' t be anything domg until after they saw me go out again." from way. ' It's a much The house 18 being watched. I wish you would let me have your latch key. I want to come back and make this collar my- self." "But why not stay. now that you are here?’ Mary Was Utterly Wretched. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Gamn picked up a penholder from the desk and began tapping lightly on the rim of the transmitter. It was a code message in Morse. In the room around the ”comer the tapping sounded clearly ticking out the message that the way was free for the thieves’ com "18 i For a space he rested motionless. listening intently. lieussured. he drew out an electril- torch and set it glow ing. A little disk or light touched here and there abom the room. traveling rel-r swiftly and in methodic-al cir- cles. Satisfied by the survey, Garson crossed to the hall door, where he lis- tened for any sound of life without «and found none. The door into the passage that led to the storeroom where the detectives waited next en- 'gaged his businesslike attention. And here again there was naught to pro- voke his suspicion. It seemed to him that everything was in readiness for the coming of his associates. There remained only to give them the signal in the room around the corner where they waited at a telephone. He seated himself in Gildei'ls chair at the desk and drew the telephone to him. .. “Give me 999 Bryant."‘ he said ; There was a little wait. Then an an- . swer in a voice he knew came over the l of the octagonal window in the library of ['{iohnrd Gilder's town housé swung Open under the persuasive influence of a thin rod or steel. cunningly' used. and Joe ”arson stepped confidently into the dark room. F‘or afinal safeguard Garson search- A few umnwuts before Mary Turner reveived the mute rmm the hands or the sleepy mum one or the leaves Mary Turner was just ready for bed when a note mum» my a messenger who waited for no answer. as he told the yawning maid As Mary read the roughly scrawled ”message. she was caught in the grip ut terror 'l‘he‘man who had saved hm from death had yielded to tenmtntinn As he had saved her so she must save him. She hurried into the gown she had just put 06", Then sh? \vvnt to the tele- phone hook :md‘senrvtwd for the num- ber of Gilder's home. There came a thrill in her heart each time she thought of thatâ€"that she loved him, The idea was monstrous. of course. and yet-â€"- Here as always. she broke off. a hot flush blazing in her ( heeks. ed the secret of her distress. He loved her. More. he dared believe. and to assert bold-1y. that she loved him. Had he acted otherwise the matter would have been simple enough. But he loved henâ€"loved her still. though ll. knew the shame that had clouded ha life. knew the motive that had led her to accept him as a hasband. Moreâ€"by a sublime audacity he declared that she loved him. Continued on me 1~ Dacey With a Ferret Face. TO FLY ACROSS ATLANTIC. A cable to the' New York Tri-s bane from London says: Claude Graham-White says that plans have been laid for a trans-Atlan- . O .......... «zoo:ooozooz¢¥oozoootz ottozzzowtzzzz:w 9 90090999099999 009999999000909999999999999999990900900 [Sold by Medicine Dealers or trialbox by mall on rooolpt of 500 In staining. See this stock dawn L0 sell. It is because of some derangement or disease distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce’s Faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. Consultation is free and advice is strictly in confidence. ‘ Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrintion All {hp popular nmkes of Safety Razors. Auto Strap. Gillette and ()russ.250 to S5JM King Cutters, etc” etc" Always acceptable. even by the best friend. handsome as- sm tnwnt 250 to $5. Unique and acceptable gifts to any one. All Prices. All the favorite odors. A big assortment. Put These «m your list. Perfumes and By making up‘your list from these suggestions for Class. Quality and Low Prices. Our line is the finest in Old Grey. Fancy Stationery The Central Drug Store, Durham It is Toilet Sets put Glass Razors Toilet Water FUR wow ONLY M :Il'k Pd Candy, Chocolates and Bon Bons Hair Bxushes. Cloth Brushes Hat Brushes. AGift mm» to he weIcmne. A big variety 25c; to $5.00 Hand Bag 3. Latest Stxle Pluses. \Vallets, Music Bags. aerpplane is Pipes All Makes and Shapew Manicure Goods Brushed Brass The Last (7:111 Leather Goods By Piece 01' Set In Gifc Boxes Brushes Cigars January :29, .1914.

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