West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Feb 1914, p. 4

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THE FALL FAIRS Assoch'rmNs The fourteenth annual meeting of the Provincial Association of Fairs and Exhibitions was held in the Canadian Foresters’ Hall, Tor- onto. on February 5th and 6th. The membership is composed of two delegates from each of the Agri- cultural Societies in the Province that choose to send them. There Was a large number present, rep- resenting every district in Ontario. The meeting. guided by A. W'. Crow. president. was a very or- derly one. The members took much interest in the addresses given. and an active part in the discussion that followed. ..__J.- “Vac: nh'oh 1')" SHE DURHAM CHRONICLE 0? fore in the history’ c J 7 Lockie leson, . of Fairs. His repor )timistic character DURHAM. FEBRUARY Societies that all and fakirs to ply ‘ their fall fairs scored. To filch ;g( the pockets of the them a cigar that a IRWIN 1' its! "v-v - Prof. McCreadie gave an ad- dress on Agriculture in the Rural Schools. The problem was to hold for the country an adequate popuâ€" lation of contented, intelligent. progressive, land-owning people. He pointed out the defects in rural schools of- teachers. pupils, patrons, trustees, equipment and organization, and gave some methods that he thought societies might use in remedying these de- fects. fl .. I- _._..s,.] “:13111 IOUR. ICCLD'. Prof. C. A. Zavitz discussed Field Cr0p Competition. The number ‘ competing in this line last year! was ox'er 8,000. He urged more. farmers to take up this important. work. It would do both them-' selves and the country much good' He also advised societies to con-f. fine themselves to one or tWo' Varieties of the same grain. - '- Mr. A. B. Cutting of the Mail and Empire said it was sometimes dif- ficult for a reporter to get the information he'wanted at exhibi- tions and suggested that direct- ors appoint a publicity man, who would make it his special business to assist reporters to get all the information they desired. ' A A.- 1AM“ b Other subjects 0; more or less trjy"*0ffice: Margaret Gordon.M.D., importance were introduced “3 municipal referendum committee. the meeting by men appomted b3 By-law 544, township officers, the Board to do 50? and the dele" and hy-law 545, fixing clerk’s and gates discussed them to a greater treasurer": salaries, was introduced or 1955 extent, . as the occasmnmd wad a first and second time. 3‘30de ”‘0 Feqmre- ‘ . .. % McMillanâ€"P-eartâ€"That the clerk A resolution was passed 33km? instruct the countv treasurer to the Minister of Agriculture: for the erase tht taxes for 1913 charged Dominion to apportion part of the a'raiust lots west half of 54. and 3107900300 grant to. agriculture, m ($35: half of 55, con. 3, E.G.R.-â€"Car agricuktural fairs in the different Peartâ€"-Lindsayâ€"That the reeVe, provinces of Canada. b . .‘ . ‘ . . e thLI‘UCted to purchase timber! On the WhOIe’ the meeting was required to put a new top. on considered a. ple‘aSzlnt and prof-11“ Glencross bride'e â€"-â€"Carried “10,0110 “3‘ the dQIGga‘eS-i “'1‘”, Youngâ€"McMi‘alanâ€"That the an- F‘? doubt would gain some . neu ditors‘ report as reaudited by the mens that would help than in tne council be adOpted, and that the management 0a theu’vown 10ml clerk be instructed to get 100 copâ€" mn‘s' ‘J- 3133]}; ties of the same printed in pamph- -7 _,_ let form.-~Carried. ' Council met Februarv 14. minutes adooted. Mr. Cook. a‘ representa- tive of school fairs Waited upon "the council soliciting: a grant. The matter was discussed in de- tail. ‘ McRobbâ€"Gordon-«That no ac- tion be. takenâ€"Carried; Robb~Gordonâ€"-That this coun- cil pass a resolution memorializ- ing the Ontario Government to n- mend the system of appoinjcing the Via“ va- deputyâ€"I'eeV'é§ by pdp'ulation as at present, and substitute by as- sessment. and a. cqpy of this _ 1'7--_3.. bqanLKLCLLL‘ ta‘“ resolution be'sent to Dr. Jamie- son, M.P.P., to present it to the Government. and the clerk send a cepy to the adjoining municipal- ities.-â€"Carri_e_d. - ‘ 0 m1 3 R1AA_\__ LEAK”. \..-,-..---_- GOI‘dOD-vâ€"IWCRobbâ€"7113!? Charles Schrieber be. appointed fence- b“ viewer and pound-keepnr in place 5‘ of T. J. Gordonâ€"Carried. ' Robb-«310f-‘in’n‘zj>--â€""E'hut Charles A. '0 Drumm‘s tender for cement for 53 tile making: be acceptedâ€"Carrieâ€"wE. f' Gordonâ€"Ferguson--Thut the apâ€" plication of Jos. O’Connell. James e Quinn. and R. Sitzer to be united I to beat on base line be granted, 2 and clerk prepare a by-law to“ that effectâ€"Carried. :1 Resolved that the following be; the Road Divisions for the Come missioners for 1914: No. 1,‘ -â€"T. J.‘ Gordon com.. cons. 4.~.6. 8 to blind line, can 8, 9 and outKelly’s side- libe‘to 05.12. and south to Mounti No. 2, c. w. Robb, comr., 9‘10. 1'1...i 10. in blind line, con. 12: £3_andL;Qfl-E‘ .EGREMONT COUNCIL vi ‘a 5.} “Jan- . an .1 ProprietOI. CO} 19, 1914. f The auditors -presented their report, which was carefully gone 1 over by the reeve and council. - Gordon~Fergusonâ€"â€"That the au- 9 ditors’ report be vadOpted and zuh receive $10 for his services, 3 e .. and the clerk get ‘200 copies print- 9 By-law ‘28 o _ passed. F. Hopkins for NJ). and 3 E. Robb of 8.1). Were appointed, salary $40 each. ' athmast- -- By-law E284 to appomt p i 7,4 .1 1:.«4â€" “7;“ ha Ullb- or less Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province of Ontar10.â€"Car. #- , __.1:4.,“.c .nrpgen‘ted their ad- Snip. The following accounts were= ordered paid: L.B. Nicholson, use! of hall for nomination, $3; Peter‘s Match. bonus for wire fence, $8;'{ W. Lougheed, use of council room,[ '53.). All applications for building‘ Wire fences for which a bonus is -. to, be asked must be sent in to, the clerk in Writing and will be} consulcred by the council, and! notice given of approval or re- lection Council adjourned to meet on .March 3, to appomt a treasurer. and other business. Catarrh is a blood, or constitu- tional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is +a1rp'n internally, and acts direct- U1 LUV“- “I r not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood, or constitu- tional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal ~ remedies. Hall’s .Catarrh Cure is . taken internally, and acts direct- I}; on the blood and mucous sur- faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It Was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a reguâ€" lar prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known. combined with the best blood purifiers, act- ing directly on the mucous sur- faces. The perfect combination of , the two ingredients is what pro-I E duces such wonderful results in _ curing C‘atarrh. Send for testi- monials free. 3 FJ. CHENEY 00.. Props” Toi- l'. edo. 0. r Sold by druggists, price 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. GLENELGâ€" COUNCIL. t The council met February '7, all the members present. the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meetâ€"t ing read and confirmed. Comâ€" munications read as follows: John Kelly, statement re bank account: Wm. Lucas 8: (30., re Traverston bridge; Wm. Black, account for sundries for hall; M.K. Richardâ€" son. account for searches in Regisâ€"i try Office: Margaret Gordon.M.D.,~ municipal referendum committee. By-law 544, township officers, and ‘ny-law 545, fixing clerk’s and chasurm’: salaries. was introduced and :‘z-‘Cld .1 first and second time. .9; mgâ€" m cowl-“a ston’a. P131 4 at 10. a.1 â€"-â€"â€"v McI‘Jillunâ€"Peartâ€"That the clerk instruct the county treasurer to erase the taxes for 1913 charged against lots west half of 54 and west half of 55, con, 3, E.{3r.R.-â€"Car McMillan-wPeart-g-That the reéve be paid $7 for attending the High- way Commission " in Guelph.-â€"Car. Lindsay~McMillan~That R. T. Edwards and W. J. Ritchie be paid $12 each for their services as auditors.-â€"Carried. McMillanâ€"Lindsayâ€"That by-laW 544 appointing township officers be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed on by-law booksâ€"Carried. V1011 dam-J oun gâ€"That sheep inspectors be appointed as foi- Ions: Ward 1, J'. Moffat; Ward '2. M. Mclnnis; VV ard 3, S. Wright: VV ard 4, C. L1c~.\rthu1; Ward 5, J. O 3.9m. «Carried. VA‘\-'-L wvâ€"_â€"_- McMilmn «Youn g-T hat Arthur D. Edge be accepted .as security for the treasurer in‘li‘éu of -Wm, Ritchie, who has sold his Magi-C. - YouEg;Peaf1:c‘â€"Thdt "G. Walker' 2: be and is hereby apppiptgd ‘Eighl 3: gghgglfltéfisgevé‘ {6‘11" MaE‘kdgle dist. Young-«’Peartâ€"That the reeve\ pay to the treasurer the sum of} $16.91 received for timber- bought“ from Angus McKeehnie.â€"Carried. On motion of Mr. Peart‘ secondâ€"3 ed by Mr. Lindsay, the council apâ€"l proves of .a scheme to construct an electric railway from Guelph to Owen Sound at as early a date as ; poqsihle. . ’ Hemlanâ€"Peartâ€"Thau W, Black be paid 90 cents for broom, Mpail , and dish for hall, and that . K. _ Richardson be paid $1 .tor searches . and R. Lindsay $1 for examinin’g ; into tre.asurer’_s _snreties.â€"Carried. I-M-v Road commissioners were 2113-; oi point-ed as follows: Ward 1, RJj Lindsay; Ward 2, J. A. McMillan'. 4! Ward 3, G. E. Peart; Ward}, J. '1 Young; Bridges and town hnes, T. '1 Nichol. ,. _ ‘ 4 Lindsayâ€"Youngeâ€"That the clerk { ? ’d lar. .â€"â€"'-Carried. ' . :begpal #6410232...3_fl‘kdf I ‘ j" hué-Llnw ‘ Ci). Allan, Clerk- 3, Limited. 0 1â€" :0 --:â€"â€"" 2;; ‘ Lee B0] t- but deme r- burst. in PALMERSTON, ONT., Ju “I really believe that I to “Fruit-aâ€"tives”. Ever hand I have been unde I W:$.e::.:.*::‘;:.:i:;53m?l MARKET RE] ph y - ’eians an bills. I was so sick and worn out that ; people on the street often asked me if I E --'-* ‘-- thought I could get along without help 1 DURHAM. 391.3” 12‘ . The same old stomach. trouble and “A!” “’1th g; distressing headaches nearly drove me f g' ling Wheat " ‘ * wild. Some time a o I got a box of “Rum" Oat: ’ """ “Fruit-a-tives” and the first box did] '3 Feed 6““ """""""" me good. My husband was delighte l Fez-Ls . . and advised a continuation of their use. 1 P'u‘lev “Fruit-a-tives" completely cured me. { ‘ltv ~ """" ' ------- 1 Today, I am feeling fine, and a phy- 1 in fig}, """"" " ' " sician meeting me on the street, noticed 113;: . . . . . . ~ ‘nz-v . ~ . .............. appearance ‘aud asked .me ; limitmesg per bag ....... Phed’ 'dI a‘niwtflun. l, Dried Apples .. . . . ’ e ’ ‘5 Flour, percwt .......... my improved the reason. I' re . . O, Fruit-a-tives . He sat in “ iruit-a-tixes” are making you loo so : . . 1. ,, , Well, go ahead and take them. The? gliiigegtipgivsuk 1 you than I can ‘ Live Hogs, per cwt ..... Mrs. H. S. WILLIAMS. .7 . Hd ._, 1b............ “Fruit-a-tives” are sold by all dealer: 5116;818:1118. . . . . . _ . . . . . .. at 50c. abO-‘c. 6 for $2.50. “581.5529 25¢. Wool ..... ........ . .. or sent on receiptofpricebyFrmt-a-tivu | Tallow _ _ . . .. , , , , , , , , . . . . {Lard ............ 0.0000" 1 They Bid Me More Good Than All Other Treatments Combin‘L Lee Bond, ageu no, a "w-.-“ . ,1\|LssVJâ€". but demented remdent of Lynd- Geese... burst, in Hampshire, England, hir- Ducks” Chicken ed a motor car Saturdav after- R , oosters noon, .and compelled the driver to HMS, . . ' ride of 30 hours“. duration through Wiltshire, Dor-'. set, Hampshire and Somerset, 'l‘ k? , holding pistols and threatening Cm, y to shoot if he dared to stop With- Beef; out permission. He also compell-I,(£(k ‘ ed various farmers to deliver 1 R firm lpetrol and other supplies for the’ I-I‘e‘n‘s’e] ‘, (331‘. M Lee Bondy aged +4++++++++++++¢¢+++++***+* Mas. H. ¥§+%+%++++%¢¥4 lylt‘lga U ”‘1“ I Lumbermen’s Heavy Rubbers, .r â€"â€" Reg. $3.25, sale price. . . 31.75 PM. 3051 Gunrm ‘ Reg $4.00.Sale p Bovs’ Heavy Rubbersmeg. , ‘ $2.50 Sale price .......... $1.25 Men 8 Heavy «he “Youths’ Heavy .Rubbers. reg. $350. Sal! reg $150. Sale price ...... 75c. Men SL008 LeatL Women’s Pat... Gunmetal Fag-$4130. Saki. Mlsses, and Chlld? and Vici Kid Shoes, reg. , . $3.50 and $4.00, Sale price$2.95 ’ Kld- Shoes. reg. We sell the (me and' a h We lmve too much stock and must have the cash instead. To get it. speedily we have slaughtered prices all over the stor . You cannot afford to let this opportunity . pass by. We here quote a few prices. Cell at, our store and see all; then you ' d that never before have yvfll be convmce you received such wonderful footwear \Vindmiils that, don’t uH' horse power up, ch DON’T MISS THIS! D. Connor, a wealthy Turkeys ' logging, ., ° ' f .the west‘ especially Regina, were extolled by Andrew Meagher. T. H. Binnie sang “I’m Henry the Eighth I Am.” and Thos. Mcâ€" ‘Arthur recited “The Cremation of Sam McGee.” The next meeting! will be held on February 23. ’34 lot t, don’t blow dm ' up, that always : your next; order, The fi National ed that H47” !” \VhPat, . pring Wheat lilling OMS-- Geese ........ ' ..... Ducks. . .......... Chickens. ... . .. Roosters ...... .. . Hens. . . . . .. ..... MARKET REPORT L D ‘1 “.1161 “u Flying FOundafion show- Germany in trying hard Mema Good year Welted, Pat. and Gunmetal Boots, Reg $4.50.Sale price ...... $ Men’s ngyy (Felt B Hots, n \_ q Nlen's 5'53be d cw", _, - - . reg. $350, Sale ..... .. . . $2.60 Men’s Long Leather Boots, reg.$4=.00, Sale ............ $2.50 Misses,_Ԥ.nd Children’s Vici an. a: 90],, Rap. DRESSED FOWL 2, 1914 8} [0 9f 84 tin b8 to 37 to 85 L0 48 to 5 ()0 to :30 to 3“ L0 1 ()0 L0 2 50 to 2 50 to 1 15- b0 9 ()0 to 9 to 60 to 15 to 13 to 9 to 8 to E30 1 4 ()1) 20 3‘ i 1 ( l0 “a 13 ’ Fresh Groceries A full line of the above kept in stock. We buy from the Largest Wholesale Grocery in Toronto, and bu y for cash, therefore can sell you at close price, and besides give you the best. quality obtainable. When vou Want a rush Order ’phone No. 5!). Bqu’s Grocerx Save money and secure a, bag: of Redpath’Sugar off our car, this week. High Class Floursâ€"Best for Bread Use. a. . +MMW4‘4'W4%é+é++°§°¢MWMWM+W++++++é+ 98 lbs. Five Roses Flour . . . A .. . $3.00 Purity Flour . . . . . . . . . . . ...$3.()0 Pine Tree F1011" ..... . . .8233.) Milverton Jewel Flour. . . .8250 Chesley Good Luck Flour.$2.51 McGowau’s Eclipse Flour. $2.50 49 lbs. $1.55 $1.55 $1340 $1.30 $1.30 PINE TREE FLOUR Best. bytes: put “p in 95' lbs only $2.50. Every 1mg gtmmn- 1 “n1 (‘hesley Belle 1“: N0. 1. Lake Salmon Trout, pickled, N0. 1 Quallzt Salmon Trout. fresh. No. 1 Lake Superior Hut-ring. pit-Med. N0. 1 Lake Superior Herring, fresh. Halibut, by Lhu pound. fresh, Irozen, ()mlln Salmon by the pound. frwsjm frozen. Lake Superiur Herring fresh. frozen. Finnzm Haddie. Diahy Herring hv the hux. ‘ z»; As Lent season is :19: min". now ls Vnm tune [I , secuw of fish. \\ 9 can sell you Salmon Trout and Hearing in 50 1h, Kegs. These fish me No 0. glade, +1 .45.. ' Q ”QQOOQ“§§W§§M§§§§¢O Remember our ’phone 1 A good supply kept bale to five Mrs. A. Beggs Son Manufacturers, Durham IS THE FLOURthat madeL0nd0n-famnus and we l‘lux'e added this noted Brand to 6111' stock. We are UV““. 'V â€"â€".â€".â€"_ at close prices. We are in the market for all kinds of grain at highest market prices, and we want. Oats particularly,and will pay 37c. FOR GOOD FEEDING OATS CORN. 370. FOR UUUU l' ”DUIIVV V‘I- w Baled Ilax and Shaw kept in stock Lus- ‘mm choppingand oat crushing. PHONE 58 All-Metal Weather Strip Salmon Trout and Herring ason is nearing. now 15 your time to seoure your supply The Up-to-Date Method )ly kept in stock. \Ve can sell you anything from to five tons. Ca.“ and see us if you need any. WWW Baled Hay, No. 1 Grade 1muand McGowans PaGtxv Flum- an» unexcefled for pastxy nse-'1"R\ A BAG. ' STORM SASH, with its perfectimxs fails to stem capibulates when confro A BAG-~IT WILL PLEASE YOU e HE \D 01 ARTERS I'm allkinds of heavy feed. “9 hm e in stock \ no rgmoval. FRED J. WELSH .' 3' 'Ld'opted, Schools Hospitals. Libra.â€" Buildings .of all kinds: in huge Axcbttecbs specify it. SH, with its attendant nuisance and in]. fmls to stem the tide of progress. and when confronted with w more effective. costs '19. being a permanmxb lflSt] ts less, lasts a lifv institution. require:

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