West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1914, p. 1

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. ~ - . . .. uxe oven \(’1" man 1U" 1w ms: \\ e TOiz'l‘l'Cd lust lSSUt‘ to the x 1 " - 1 L I death of Mrs. Neil McKechniea year or 50’ but the chances arc who died near Hopeville on Mon-I they WI“ g0 lower yet. day. the 18th inst” after a few; The hockey match in the rink weeks’ illness. The deceased; here last Thursday night between whose maiden name Was JeanfiRanover and Durham resulted in Robertson, Was born in the Island‘ a win for the visitors ‘ by four of Islay, Scotland, about 95 years.’ goals to two. As the Hanover ago. About 60 or 65 years ago she' team has been in the Northern came to Canada with her husband' League all season, they were and settled in Proton, where she! aturally in much better condition resided ever since. She leaves; than the locals, who have only her husband, over 90 years of played “scrub” games all season, age, and the nine children who; and have scarcely ever had the were born to them, six sons andl same two teams on the ice in any three daughters, as follows: Dan. two contests. The game Was a at the Canadian 800, John and hustler, however, from start to Alex. at Little Current, Man, Neil: finish, and while the visitors at Nairn Centre, New OntarioJ doubled the score, they are not Archie and William in Proton, the twice as good a team by a long latter on the homestead. The way and had to work every min- daughters are Mrs. Scriber, of Che-' ute of the going for all they got. guinda, Manitoan Island, Mrs. The Durhams practically played John Nelson, of Dromore, and Mrs. the whole game with six men, too, fiamilton Allen, of _ Durham. She as Mack Saunders, on left wing, also leaves two nephews, Donald‘ got a clout in the eye about the iobinson, of Paisley and John: commencement of the first half, U “ inson, of Vancouver, and one which put him .out 01 business, 80 Mrs. John. McEwen, of Bat- .far as scoring Was concerned. It , . She was always . a‘ was, as advertised, the best game healthy woman, andf-seen in Durham this year, and g ever knew sickness until the best team wonthhough it. is “i before her death. 111-. not 8 foregone conclusion that ' ‘ took place at Swintonl they could duplicate in another Fan-£03 Wednesday. ' contest, . same tin tax bills. prices were. invariably higher than the same material and work could be duplicated for at home. This is a very decided way for a citizen to knock his own town. but per- sons of this class are to be found. everywhere. It is estimated that; the monetary loss to the working: tailors in the town would not be: less than 3800. It’s a poor policv§ to send money out of town tofi build up other places, and at the; same time to increase your own, ders recent suits and Sound.‘ and to be: here for the past five or six Weeks but will returp west about the middle of March. He looks Well and appears as though he had taken good care of himself. Mr. Andrew Mezzglm .son of John Meagher gave us a brief ca morning. He 11218 1'): The Durham branch of the W0- men’s Institute are holding a social in the basement of the Pres- byterian church, Durham, on ThursdavJMarch 5, at 8 p.m. A good program is being prepared. and light refreshments will he served. Admission 10 ccnts. The Ladies‘ Aid will hell :1 nickel social in the Methodict church basement on Friday fnight. February '27 The admission is a nickel, and :1 program and re- freshments will be served, A rare char. cc to get your spring wall papers at Macfurl‘ane’s sale. Friday and Saturday. See adver- tisement heavy team ] at reasonable Levine. Durh: pric on Friday and Saturday week should be a hm prices count for anythin ailoring Mr. John H. Hunter was appoint- ed as delegate to the meeting of the Merchants’ Association -being held in Toronto this week. For saleâ€"A quantity of grow- inrz timber suitable for wood. Will sell on stump or by the cord.â€"_W. Adlam. Mulock. . ‘2 12 4 Macfar]anz"s sale of Wu}! papcr on Fridzw and Saturday of this Wheat is 90 to 92. Live hogs are $8.80. Butter is 20c.; eggs 28c. Oats, for milling, are 38 to 40. Have you'paid your sub? See Scott’s big bargains, the biggest of the season, on page 7. O at ’OL 47 â€" N0. 2453 tr N EWS AROUN D TOWN sale-Three sets 01 Z tlv for < ll 321111 harness >ress‘ says ncnt been entitled s of doublc nearly new Apply to J. took 01'- 1 hundred in Owen of Regina Save Money and Trouble by Letting Us Order Your City Papers Ltlmer Toronto visiting \V e e “The the g The last horse fair was not so :successful as many of its predm cessors, owing to a drop in the 'price of horses. Twenty-eight iehanged hands and Mr. Black tells ‘us that further sales would have :been made. if farmers had under- istood the situation properly and irealized that the decline in prices was really justified. Dull as the market was, one team was sold for the handsome sum of $390. Horses have been very high for the past iyear or so, but the chances are {they Will go lower yet. if The hockey match in the rink here last Thursday night between Hanover and Durham resulted in a win for the visitors by four goals to two. As the Hanover team has been in the Northern League all season, they were paturally in much better condition than the locals, who have only played “scrub” games all season, and have scarcely ever had the same two teams on the ice in any two contests. The game Was a hustler, however, from start to finish, and while the visitors doubled the score, they are not twice as good a team by a long way and had to work every min- ute of the going" for all they got. The Durhams practically played the whole game with six men, too, as Mack Saunders, on left wing, at‘acts on both eyes, and it was deemed not advisabl Operate on one of them, the ation on ‘the other has been tirely successful. blind, is recove will soon be in sight again. M Mrs. John Davis, was recently on cataract, which 1: 1. The to the ' ready the worl built at t Shipbuild will be r Five car loads of seats, gallery fixtures and furnishings left Ber- lin a few days ‘ago for Port Ar- thur. and on arrival will be put in place at once in the new Presby- terian church there. The church will beOpened March 1. the special preacher being Rev. J. McNeill. I). 1).. Cook's church, Toronto. f The morning C. P. R. passengex itrain was late Monday morning.r :caused by the coaches leaving the ftmck near Maple Hill. No dam- ,’ age \\ as done. ' ,lI License Inspector Allan and Con- stables Cook, of Ceylon, and Pet- tigrew, of town, made a search of the Middaugh House last Fri- day night, but were not successful in finding any booze on the prem- lSeS. Mr. Harding, plumber and smith, h_as moved from the he occupied for the past months, and may now be fou‘ the premises recently vacate J. R. Gun, druggist. The storm of Saturday night and Sunday blocked the roads con- siderably and made 'travelling rather slow and heavy for a few days. Lostâ€"On Friday last, an 311%â€" gator purse containing a small sum of money. Any person 'rv- turning it to this office will be rewarded. 9, Owen Sound expects to have a branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses established there Save money at Macfarlane’s wall paper sale. This Week only. Have you paid your sub? House to rent. Apply at this office. '- 1. DC )1]? for instal largest I ding Plan ready for huge boat 'ld, Whic the “’03 recoveri tern Dry D0 mg nicely, 21] 0539531011 of 11 Davis had '23 .. Port A launching is. all nlut I] {'1 freighter 191‘ n O \V but 31' and tin- the stand past few be found in vacated bv .‘Dé oper- being who The Furniture Company is get- fm- ting-r an immense amount of tim- roly her this Winter. At. their four and mills, Dornoch, Rock Mills, Céyion m on, and couriers are instructed to collect all such deposits and de- liver them, at the post office, Where they will .be treated as “dead” matter. This is a point in con section with the rural mad deliverr system that is not gen- erally known, and we. give it as a piece of information. Any per- son, however, can deposit a fully prepaid letter or parcel in a rural mail box for any other rural mail patron along the same route and. it will be delivered by the cour-_ ier “as if mailed at a post oiiice. It is necessary, however, that the courier obliterate or deface Iglthe to which it is addressee} non foot] favo lang tario ed 9: closi quest claus Whit tion It is strictly against the laW to distribute bills or any kind of mail matter in rural mail boxes unless full postage is paid there- lhe Fire Brigade are giving :1 concert hero on' Wednesday even- ing. March 11. Four hlgh-class urhsts in their respective LDC: have been engaged for the occa- sion. Miss Peam U.\'eil, humorous entertainer, and Miss Fmrence‘gicâ€" hem, SOprano, were here a year or two ago and-were highly appre- ciated. Mlss KathLeen Wallis, vionnist, lS lnghly recommenueu, and Mlss Dorotny Atkey, the ac- companist, 15 a exuded music-ran. We feel that everyone should pat- ronize the firemen, and m tms Way give them encouragement for the many sacrifices may have made to save the property of our citizens. Snow your apyreci'auon by your presence at tne concert on March 11. ' and Durham, the yards are ail fillâ€" ing up rapidly and the total turn- in \yiil be much larger than in any former season. From thei: own timber iands they have taken out over a miilion feet, 'and they expect before the close of the winter to have over four and a half million feet of logs in their four yards. uuu 311's. wnuam wan, Of this place. ReV. “f. H. Hartley per- formed the caremohy. Both bride and groom are well and favorably kriown here, and- their many friends extend good wishes 5 and congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. ~\ quiet Wedding was solemnized at the rectorv on Monday morning. «.1er Mr. Charles John Ken-91, bCJll of Mr. Adam Keller. Normanby was nited in marriage to Miss Euuhiue Wall daughter of Mr. and Mrs Villiam Wall, of 'chis place. Rev. W'. H. Hartley ner- face the puck at eight o’clock. Both teams have Won a game, and both are confident they can Win another, and so, in this final contest. someone is Very liable to get mussed up. The game will surely be Worth \‘atching‘. The Clerks and High School hockey teams play off their tie this Thursday night, and it’s a safe bet the fur will fly when they The Mission Circle of the Bap- tist church will hold a social evening in the church on Tuesday. March 3. A good program and refreshments. All are Welcome. Admission 10 cents. The bachelors and benedicts of the town held an informal danCc in the town hall on Monday night. It was quite successful. Priccville orchestra furnished the music. The Epworth League of~ the Methodist churéh are planning to hold :1 St. Patrick’s social on TI’uosday. March 17. Further par- ticulars later. Daniel Fry, aged 88, a veteran of the Crimean War, and who par- ticipated in the siege of Sebasto- pool, died last Week at Owen Sound. For sale.--A second-hand Melotte cream separator, good as new. A bargain. Apply to J. C. Damm. Cook wantedâ€"Apply at once 10 Mrs. (D12) D. Jamieson at her residence “Bon Accord." The annual meeting of the Na- tional Portland Cement'Company was held yesterday in Toronto. Extra value is offered in hay oats, corn and barley at A. S. Hun- ter 8. Son’ 3 The Dominion Alliance is in convention at Toronto this Week. will rtsid DURHAM; 0N1. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26.1914 e in Exorm :8, a veteran! The following officers were and who par- elected: a of Sebasto-' President.â€"J.S. Wilson, Hanowr. at Owen’ Vice.-Pres.â€"Jamus Mack. Varnev. j Secretary-Ireasurer.â€"A.H. Jae}:- 1e of~ the son, Durham. planning to Vice-Presidents for the Munici- 3 seem] on palities were elected as f0110Ws: Further par- Bentinck.â€"â€"W. Willis and J. Dodsworth. Egremont.-â€"C. Robb, '1‘. Gordon. Normanbyâ€"J. Werner, T. Walâ€" benedicts of formal danCe ondaynigimlacg . w . _. 11. Priceville (“enell-l'.-J. U. Firth, R. .L Ed- wards. he music. , - . r .SulliVan..â€"~V\. J. {lurner and J. 0f the 331* Pring'le. d a Social H'mO\'er.-â€"J. Hahn and G. W, on Tuesday. Holling‘er. )gram and Neustadt.â€"â€"W. Meyer, J. Weber. re Welcome. Clmtswortli.-W. Broese. G. W. Co‘lins. High School Durhnm.~T. McFadden, T. R. r their tie Whelan. and it’s a At the close of the election of Y When the." officers, Mr. T. W. Meti’a‘rarry, M P '1“: 0301001? 12.. of South Renfrew, was called ‘ 3 game, on for an address, and during the ”t they can forty minutes at his disposal be- in this final fore the train was due to leave he Very liilbl‘? crowded in. a vast fund of gener- 0 game Will :11 information pertaining to On- ling. tario politics. He complimented ;501emnigm the electors of South Grey. for lay mowing having such a representative as , K311.91.,g._â€"_m”l)z'. Jami/es :2, who is regarded as Normanby, one of the ublest members in the 1 'e to Miss House, and a man whose opmâ€"j - of Mr. ions {always carry considerable' n4: Lin-c wright with them. ' , nby He Opposes Bilingualism, charges Hon. G. W. Ross with giving it p a foothold in the first place, and favors the teaching of the English language in the Province of On- tario. He referred to the increasâ€" ed grants to Agriculture, and ‘in closing touched on the liquor question and the three-fifths clause, ‘a principle upheld by the Whitney Government in the elec- tion of 1908, when they sWept the province" with a majority of 60, and again in 1911 when their ma- iority was increased to 70. ; Mr. 131111, the local member in the Dominion House, followed in a brief! address in whieh he referred mmmmvvvvvvv "vvvv" 'lhe Hydro-EleCtric Commission was Opposed at first by the Liber- als in the House, but since poyular feeling has grown so. strongly in its favor. they are afraid to do so now. In Educational matters the 95 per cent. who never go beyond the public schools are being cared for bv increased 'grants and reduction in the cost of school books, and increased efficiency of the teach- ers. Model schools have been reduced, but Normal schools have been. increased in number. In referring to, the constructive character of our Legislature he spoke of road construction in New Ontario, and scored the Dominion Senate for slapping the farmers in the face by knocking out Domin- ion Government road policy. In looking over the'past he showed the Whitney Government had fulfilled its pre-clection prom- is'c's. We now have a secret bal- lot and purer e‘ietions as evidenc- ed by the fact that during the per- iod of the present administration there has not been a single pro- test. 'l'he Proudfoot charges were referred to briefly; an investiga- tion was made, when the accused Ministers gave their evidence and the chief witness against them, re- fused to give his testimony. He said there were features of the Ontario Government deserving merit, He was proud of the rec- orc of the party to which he be.- longed, and from a careful con- trast of,the Whitney administra- tion With that of his predeo ssors it was clearly demonstrated to the Ontario elector that there was only one way to vote. l‘ The annual meeting of the South Grey Liberal-Cons-‘rvative Associ- ation was held here on Friday af- .ternoon last. The Weather was fine and the‘ attendance good. when We consider the fact of three or four auction sales being in progress at the same time Within a few miles of the town; Notwithstanding this. and the; large attendance at the horse. fair on the preceding day, the hall was comfortably filled with avery attentive audience. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION sv at ure 5 of 9 VVVVVVV'U'VV VVVVVVWYV'VVV' YVTVVVV w V S, F. MORLOOK Cfieamnce Sale Prints. M'M'y‘ .‘ivpnrmwnt. fiilingg' up with now (huuls. SIM-in! uffvring' in Lmlivs' (huts. 'Y mugging in priw fmm >53 NH 10311:”) M3. gning HT :1. firmâ€"it Sm-Hfiw Less 25 percent. off 25 \Vnnwn’s 'I‘wpmi Skirts. ranging: in prim-r fmm $4.00 to $5.00 to clear $2.50 each. Great Bargains in 1 5 Men’s Overcoats. Thaw-- are a broken hm and sixes. grown-u! into mm Int; w hich m" assorted out, during- stm-k taking; and all taken into “tuck nr mw m'it‘b. Thv)‘ mnuv in I)! in: from n $7.50 to $110 (w. Whilv Hit-y lmt- $21.00 MM). 0 ‘ ( ‘nlmed 1 yard wude Silk nmme an 551.2 .) mu mum 31131.1()” gm: \ ml \mx DH (womb N -'\1 \um n (Hugh mw. ' .\M\' Elm-Ii Stirring: Activities Always “It! Special Sale Prices in Comforters, Blankets, Flan- nelettES, Underwear, Dress Goods, Scarfs and Caps.- Fur Collared Coats, Sweaters and Sweater Coats. Also at a Great Saving Mefi’s Overcoats, Fur and quemost in Clearance Sale are: Ladies‘ FLII‘ Collared Coats, Ladiesf Furs and \Vaists. M'isess H eavx' Coats. Reductions on Wi‘nter' Goods for the GAEAT SALE 'at *ifiéfifié ‘mns. APW b1 filling up with in Lmlivs‘ ( '0 fora '15 H0 'v'VV'Y'VVVVVVTV'VVVV'é at This Store Hid at Dress Inglis}: I new Emits,

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