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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1914, p. 2

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GOOD HOUSE ON ALBEKL a... ' hard and soft Water, DBWUSI. Durham, goodgarden and orchard, electv WHO‘S ric lights, good cellar; DOSSession March Lst. Apply to W. Johnvl”””""“" ‘ “ §ton, Sr., Duryam. __ 212th J F GRANT. 0.115 IN GLENBLG, ABOUT 35 ACRES; HONOR GRADUATE- ot good pasture land; Well fenc-: n u tyr:0ft-)1;nmmo' 9} ed, well watered Also 439?; '0 “genee‘t‘ft $32939: 0“; acres in Ben mck good house,'; _. ‘1“ r- “’3 ‘f' barn and good Well Will Wbei‘thCB-‘OverDouglas Je' m M”... m- sold . reasonable. Apfily. to .. M , Wall, Durham. 1 29 13de Legal (232.766- '0' ALDW, .51....” Normanby, about 4 mile miles from ‘ Durham 1% 'ent to school TENDERS WANT-ED lMthgages, Leases auu . _ b .2. executed on shortest notice. Hwork promptly attended to. Sentinck. red brick, and for . brick. Building to be completedl before the end of the'present year” The undersigned Auctioneer lane and specification may be _ . , . . seen on application at the home of $§§£§i£fi§$2€ofg%o35593310. The 10““, 0“ any E. G. R., GLENELG, on ’ tender not necessarily accepted. , .. n1 171F‘R’RRS- 'zIVIONDAY, MARCH 2nd, llfiti To RENT 1 hi1 é miles from Varneyd GRADULATE of London. New York and (‘hic 320 Ear Nose and Throat. Lhn House. July 6. Dec. 21 . 13 Well wat: Diseases of Eye. good state of cultiv aâ€"‘ : k nd VV 111 he at the H: house, ban ba'rn a . 20 Oct. 19: Novembel 1 Sm; t morlumelll- DU Luau-wâ€" A. H. Jackson. , lextravagance and blunderings. It‘inessâ€"just ' OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION | . . er, Conveyancer, 8w. Insuranceils to-day “the blackest cloud that 0183111113888. ' ' Both preparations come in odd- tent Welsh, Durham. \ -- ‘ g , ggexeltil' h1g2? A; ‘lzleoaen. lIfiilsi'stierfrfl glut?- overhangs the destiny of Canada. sh pe d very o t 1 mg we .. n ra nancia . . w . . u _ a , rnamen a Bald ML Meighen, and to over with sprinkler taps. Harmony Hair .1688 transacted . . DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.l com-e the blunders of the trans- Beautifler, $1.00, Harmony Sham- mor - r“ ‘ continental. by Both guaranteed to any W J SH RP the Liberal party poo, 50c. t . . A is the reatest d'ff'cult of th ' ' every way, or your ua' \ , g - - t;at1ion ”y 9 money back. Sold only at the at i ‘ more than 7,000 Rexall a Sweet’aldlC'llluF Stores and 01‘ ggy 119““ . .1 ‘ t 'd ces; rust outmde €01" Holstein Conveyancer. spresen ‘1 mmls . Determined to sell lilt‘ Issuer of Marriage Licenses; He compared the plans of thelin this town only by us. Macfar- D W termswfkpply 133333? Money to loan at lowest rates, two parties on the naval policy lane C). ' . [0 JOhn 1130]]. ‘ land terms to Bllit borrower. Fire over “rhich there Was Such a - :a-fl d Life Insurance placed in thor- . . » ' ‘ """""“"" . strenuous fight last sessmn, and ‘, PRICEVILLE. ' z ‘ _________..â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-“"""“"‘ an ' ' . , Ionghly reliable compnaies. Deeds, DERS WANTED ZMortgages, Leases and Wills, cl/eplored the fact that the Comâ€" F b 7 o. , , l {executed on shortest notice. All mons of Canada, who voted 3‘. , e ruary 15’ nearing ““33’ am. {we hope by the time March comes lin that the cold Weather will take a . ‘13 S will be received Mums: promptly attended t0, grant of $35,000,000, should have a march some other direction. igned ‘up to Monday” .6, for the buil ling 01' ag been defeated by the .Senate. By "' ireferring to the difficulties ex- The sleighins keeps seeda al- is though the roads running north to a number é ’SChOO‘. ~iD S. S. NO. 0.5 o »0 Separate tenders for- credit AUCthll sale Eperienced by the Liberals in tryâ€" and south havequi fling to man the Rainbow and the of pitchâ€"holes in them. he best We 3 and for red pressed i: iilding to be completed. 0f Farm Stock and Implements . end of the present year; The undersi ned A of 'Niobe, he inferred the futility of We are all trying t . . . - ‘- . - O t ‘- , . l specificationhmlay bef- received instrgfictionsutol :5? hi3: trying to man two fleet units with can hliOYk-eteg fI‘Odm greening, f and j. ngat'i‘iine gage; (3:12;. Public Auctionvat LOT 35, COX, 3.}all Canadians, and impressed upon 2:]; :gten _‘ near 0 anyone reezâ€" ‘ it necessarily accepted." E' G“ R" GLERELG’ on lhiS audience the adVi§ability Ofi Lumber-men are busy at sawâ€" § I W VICKERS, éMONDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1914,working unitedly with the mother logging, telephone poles, ties, etc, ‘ ‘country. and the yards are full of logs of all kinds, which Will be soon‘ taken the following: a comparativelyito Hanover and Durham. 1 _Clyde mare, rising 6, in foal., Mr. Meighen is registered; 1 Clyldf filly risiiihg 2. young man, born, we believe, \‘ at‘ A coup. '2 ' .6: years. 9 ’ 1 St Mar 5 has lived for some ears and hogs were Shipped du ' thorse- rismg 6’ 1 horse rising 4’ 1 as. a siceessful barrister in Eéort-J ' h McLean and Konold. Good ' Hilly rising ,3, 1 gelding rising 2, La Prairie, and is one of the exist . ber of the young people '15 cows supposedin calf, 1 {arrow age ‘ggigg 22 stgegglvrégmg 120, riggiieffgd most earnest, convincing ,and ef-‘ A num if \ d t1 1 ! , s, - . , - . ' ' - mse ves iShropshire sheep, 1 brood sow, to heme Speakers. to’day. 1“ the‘ggengencigg giggly at. 151w comâ€" . gfarrow April 1, 10 pigs 4 weeks House Of Commons. ‘fortable and hospitable residence gold" 1 Massey-Harris . binder, 1%. ______§__'_____ of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown at the {Masseyâ€"Earns seed drill, . 1 Mas-2 \old Bunessan farm-owned by Dan. sole head of a family, or1°9Y‘Harr13 hay rake, 1 hay loader,'. THE. FARMERS’ CLUB. lMcInnes till, lately. le over 18 years old. may :1 pea harvester, 1 .gang plow, *2! ‘ w,‘ We are pleased to hear that Mr. - n of long plows, 1 set iron harrows, 1 “10 Glenelg Centre Farmers {John McArthur of the Glen, Glen-â€" ngtooth barrows, 1 land». Club held a very successful meet- elg, is getting better after a seâ€" inflamma orY anial‘set Spri a. roller, 1,scuffler, 1 Wheelbarrow, ing at th. , ' ~ bers askatcbewan or Albert. ' . . 1 ”mm:- 111:1 fanning mill, ‘1 root pulper, '2 dav night last when 120 mem > » nA+ 14"“. ' . 2 ’ . - . 1_ -_:A-vnA a “rim... u -1 MA are taking out timber ‘de 0f Albert Will. Becipropity is deal t dead, to others, I o mum w Telephone c m b advocates of the past I tiun between otfice an ‘ all hours. AMM’ . - â€"- J-An qr bf go anon aosnte PH ‘$\.‘ HYSICLm At 506 in the New L118, 8 to 10 an m‘ m. Speciai 23.36;: J .‘ ‘ B‘r “v’v _-- .v , mica“: 0! Eye. ‘Will he at the : . . ‘ 20 Oct. 19. November 16. Dec. 21,'. Hours, 1 to 53 p.111. 7M has --r-â€"’ -â€"'â€""" ‘ D Em. c d ‘4’ ..__..â€"..~..- .- N -,__..._.--... .â€"â€"â€"â€" 7-!" . chkeéinfiw Dentist. \a' v _P_â€"_pâ€"_.p..-â€"--oâ€".-aâ€"-â€"â€"v- ._.â€".J-_ --~V ‘ P. ‘ llal‘lucr'a um. r- "N- - mkermg l‘take off their immense crops and put UP He‘d?) durum-Lu t v‘ ~m ov d d' .‘ m in place. 1 1s JuSt exac y wna 1 ha mg the m e spee 11y ho it is namedâ€"a hair beauullcr, and For VA Dentist. ‘ Over J J Hunter’s . the threshing mill to the market. Whether your hair is ugly now or Le 11: W111 improve its 31')- ‘ P l" 1013 www-mwwuflufl "WWWâ€""“w‘: He demonstrated wherein greatbeauut‘ul, J F GRANT. D. D. S .L D 5- Elosses, amounting to millions of insurance. You-11 bel aellgnteul Wu“ ( I St ' ’ - ‘ J suits. b‘nnp y boring e a 1+ the n en t m ' â€"- he re '- ‘ ' e 1 0f isman little on your hair eacn mine be- 511““)??? 0 :NS 31 ’ ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSL . dollars, were ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya 1 - ,. . ‘ _ _ ,‘ -. , _ niiege DentalSurgeonsofflntario. sagement and .blunderlng over the\101e blub‘nn‘g 1L Contains no 0‘17 - new transcontinental railway; he Wul not change t1 ’nor aaraen gray Dentistrv In all its Branches ‘ referred to the attitude of the late _ , 10 Keep your 1e color or hair, halr. ”liceâ€""Over Donglas’ Jeweller-v Store. "W“ . ‘Hon. A‘dG' Blair, who obJected. to dandrufiâ€"lree and clean, use Har- [)htm Legal 7327661071? ithe 103 : and regarded the BStIm" mony Shampoo. ‘lnis pure, liquid R -»~â€"~ ~V~~â€"~~~~--â€"~--â€"-*~~'- * «r-m-‘kated COS’C away below What it shampoo is most .convement to E. l P TB‘fOI‘d "Would be. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, he use, 09031133 {It 313765 latlhlnStatfitt - - l - . . .» aneous r1c , Gaming a er a "'""""""" .said, had often pomted Wlth pride penetrates to eve y part of hair quick, thor- " \RRISTEL. SULICI'POR. ETC ; .. ' to the Grand Trunk PaCIfIC as the. and scalp, insuring a - Washed off just M01“ 1’ Qflice. nearly opposite the Registry aifice. Lay‘b,t°n.£t'qurhmP‘ Atnyzltlmguxpl great monument of his political ough .cl-eansing. . $02333: t‘ :0” A 0 DP can ‘ 0 a m ilife, but he doubted if any Con- as QUICKIY, the entire operation ' . . ._____._________..._-%servative W'ould care to have a talt-es only a .ew moments. Con- . \mo lument s 10 d d W'th d bt talus nothing that can harm the A. H. Jackson. 3 I 0 a e 1 e ’ hair: leaves no harshness or stock- ~extravagance and blunderings. It messâ€"just a SWeet-smelhng cleanliness. .. - S! 'n odd- tent to-day “the blackest cloud that - -- .. n-..-...a- ”l Both preparations come 1 \TOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION 1 mun-n Raffles course 1 “guru no.0 ‘ IS Arthur Gum ldL ‘ AND SURGEON, OF.‘ ‘: -.__- - New Hunter Block. 05m, Laumer decexved the people of‘nav'e Lam . nd? :09 the west for fifteen years, he said,‘ the absel an exam 1e them-at colt P, tmth spir child ran. .erian Church. ‘ . ._..-..-«-... xHudson’s Bay Railway. He was a1-‘Pay10r P‘ 3. 9th conc- omises. Nothâ€"l f1? regzgg’. DR. BURT. Roy. London Ovhtnalmm HOB “ ' ,1 M So Throw an .mg v» as done, beyon A ' ‘Of a few useless surveys. ---_ ‘ d the making: week 50 Since" WOOd m Paylor 1 ~_ :..+n‘. UV II I - London Ophtnalmio Hos Sq Throat and Nose Hoe DIALIST : ' .. ‘ihflf Ln‘app’s‘ Hotel, refining... -.. __s ‘ ’ of history has beem $5.91; at .me ‘nowc u. -....- ' DaVifl; " QC was gran-J. gun-mu---“ 7' o . , ‘ Mr; Wm. Howie -,of Toronto Uni-g hangars twere 111$}! ht: ozndgtxonnl‘ mtuw of the proprietor - ’ rmer‘ o ular teacher 00 no 01' P W‘ 0“ palm. " - - p ‘ varsity, a to p p 't fact, they pained me nearly all the time. “rum” ogm‘fi Gin Pills. Batu - tion': 3 .ago. we emerged from the fight‘ in 8.8. NO. 3’ filled Zion’s 911191 d his discourse was the tune at heavy work on “rd“. not “mm 0: Mord s omce for reciprocity and enjoy untrame on Sunday an . ' ked with earnestness, strong working . ' ° oad and did not lose a day. Advertisements withm be nubiished till forbid d freedOm to legislate as we ‘mar is dead tosome, ' ' FRANK. “MER’ Napanee, Ont. Transie nt noticesâ€"“IA you etaâ€"50 «seats for first ii " o 09 2'4 o a . . " v ~ ~ 1141 m . P but not dead, to others, and 1f the: most pleasing speaker, and . . . ubject to Rheuma- subsequent insertion. : fgéé’dtgggécgt advocates of the past feel disâ€" be" a leader in . ’ posed to resurrect it as an issue ' will tell the ’Varsity tism, Sciatica or Lumbagoi Does your All advertisements 0* . . trouble 7 Take Gin Pills be said for an advance. quent insertion mime i . ' ° Contract rates for 1 posxtive marantee that they wall ni 6h ed on application i . 1 Burton AN M' 0' th C s vat'V e- on er 1 ' :3" (1:33? ’Ogfifie Laurier deceived the people o-f‘have taken 1n a 10-acre fiel . t for fifteen years, he said,“ the" absence 0f pastor Prudham box free if you mention this paper. ' that cott must have obeen possessed National Dru and Chemical Co.._ of A. I :p. m. sued? to9\the Wes ' iseasee . . . {lvfigsi‘gence op and gave as an , exampie the 1 With spn‘its not divme. ' \promises he made regarding the Mr. Wm. ' ‘Paylor purchased 101: no. w..- .-._ Hudson’s Bay Railway. He was a1~. \ . - ~ 19th (201308881011 from Mr. W. W e1r ‘11.; 3' tnalmic Hos fulfillment n w iing Was done, beyond t ose Hoe n , . ' ‘of a few useless surveys. g , yPayior 18 not only a hard ‘an up-to-date farmer, out he's 21 'ST: DAT 8L NOSE‘the Borden Ugovernm-ent came into shrewd business farmer to boot. 1 \power two and a half years ago, A J ‘ one hund Full line of Ca and white Ca] Ovvpm 41m nd WV -â€"-"l‘ 3 red and fifty miles of ,__.__,__.._...- . Kthe road have been already 0011â€"? -' " TO MAKE_Y_QEJ;1$“HAIR MORE 3â€" 'Ianvro hapn EmbaIt-s OF L11": 1 Va“ A! struct‘ed. Methods have been perfected for preserving the iden- the best elevator in Lu... nf orni n. v--.â€"_ doaderfli THE FARMERS’ CLUB. Hummus V _, LOW, '2. G1 310. C t» F w ,\ We are pleased to hear that mun ene 1" en 1" armers {John McArthur of the Glen, Glen- rows, 1 The l . land Club held a very successful meetâ€"lag, is getting better after a coâ€" ‘ lbarrow, ing at the. township hall on Mon-‘Vere attack of inflammatorv l ‘ rheumatism. - and Alex. per, 2 dav ‘ htl "t Wh 1'70 b s ' mg ab’ en " mem er ‘ John McArthur ir. t 1i ht {200 fig” and their friends enjoyed a numâ€" McLeod ar A t turning ber of profitable discussions and\ the farm of EdWard Sullivan, con- .V . Glenelg. Mr. McLeod is with pleasure to the c . Lttgri) 1 listened 53c}; 11g; musical and other entertainment. 3’19 h k v 1 , Mr. John O’Neill, who is only (3:333 lhgrfigarlajn: of oodbridcre ' ~ ‘ friendsha ts heavV 11985, 1 young as a public speaker, made' Who has be iff for- the past couple of 5, 3 3695 a remarlgably good showing on Top ‘01 ' returned. home Monday. seâ€"power his able address on' “Success . e 1 ea 0 persona reS- good time always in s I, 1 drag . . bility, personal integrity, care very co _ -' too .much Irish in the chains ponsi set skldâ€" and economy in all right directions 1 dray, were ressed horn ' d'-l p e on the an 1 although ---he ‘can fi,¢2.‘ures.f t ' as a: feet rub- . .ove, 4 1 ence: The address was much ap- to municipal‘matters as le,‘ ~1~cen-‘ preciated', and the general feeling he can point them out. Yet 114 . 1-. - 1 was that ere lOIl-g MIT; O‘Neill W111 can-not understand when we tel . A â€" J.-‘k..+n-n 1.3“ a nimble sentence téat he i hid thrown out" the ‘Gooa ....._ â€"_â€" - Bill. ' " part .of last we“. turned to Hanova‘ Soli'citor- . Saturday to visit ll in the Dominion Cabinet, for a. fgw days. . :ed in his introduction that‘~ M“ and Mrs. W“ - vthe Avenue Spent at deal of history has beefi‘weeg at the horn I-.' .â€"v iIUUC, 110 AAA-v.â€"..- rying to man two fleet units with .11 Canadians, and impressed upon can LU Acct: ”V..- ,r We haven’t. heard of anyone freezâ€" q ing yet '“ n are busy at sawâ€" l liS audience the advisability ofi Lumber-me vorking unitedly with the mother logging, telephone poles, ties, etc, and the yards are full of logs of soon’ taken 1 - , . , all kinds, which will be n 15 a comparatnkelylto Hanover and Durham. attle ‘ at‘ hipped gluring the :ountry. Mr. Meighe an, born, we believe, young m _ St. Marys, has lived for some years and hogs were 5 as a successful barrister in Port- past week by Stolhart,_ McLean and Konold. Good prices still age La Prairie, and is one of the exist . f the young people most earnest, convincingand efâ€" ‘ toâ€"day in -thel,of Top Cliff enj‘oyed themselves - "one evening recent}, itan .4 Sir Wilfrid Laurier, he‘use, becausv 1» aw» ..-- w aneous rlcn, foammg lather that often pointed Wlth pmde penetrates to eve and Trunk Pacific as the. and scalp, insuring ashed off 11-155 nument of. his political ough .c.1-e.an.sing. W . he doubted if any Con- as qumKIy, takes only a few moments. Con- W'ould care to have a tajn‘s nothing .+ m loaded with debt: hair: leaves n . _ n117no+_cmpl‘ing ' President, 'Mr'. '_1.‘., Iii-1311111119 i' have a mconplge of songs in 1118 ane of ”freeVaD’d‘Qafl styleg. ‘ - the ith the difficulties ex- r the Liberals in try- the Rainbow and the rferred the futility of it is namedâ€"a halt ocuuuuu, w... L wnctner your hz-ur is ugly now or eatbeuuut‘ut, 1r. W111 improve its ap- of pean'ansce. You'u be aelxgn'ceu wun anâ€" the, results. b‘hnply byrlpnlc a 111119 on your nmr eacn tune be- the fibre brusmng 1t. Comuins no 011; he wul noc change the color or hair, ‘n-w Hurkpn gray halr. 'Lnree yuzu'a ur UV “5-, F Paylor purchased 101: no. 1 on the 9th conc-esmon from Mr. W. W e1r for $000. He has timbered out of ,it eyery wmter since, and. last {Week sold the timber to an bim- 'WOOd mul man for $1,200. Mr. is not only a hard worker, 1-- Ani-o f'a‘r‘n‘lél‘. out he's 3 ‘1 Payror and hospitable resiueuw «The murder of a Christian WVi ' 'l 7 d by Dan. at Fastoff, near Kiev, is assuming; ' , . the dimensions of the Beiliss case; lamations announcmg that enalty for smokers oft1 etting: better after a ceâ€" death p tack of t urn have been promulgated. ac-; cording to reports from various; sm . and Alex. Chinese provinces. a | '1ng out timber on . ‘ The Union House at Breille, NJ Mr. McLeod is J ., Where Stevenson is said to have 'tten much of “Treasure Island” t Week. It ,_ --. -fl- +‘nnn a century “a was gI'OIBIy caovvv‘. w. - o . - _____ . kidneys was in $1: be: egndmonnl‘ "mu... of th. prop!- ‘ could not ‘ or pwit on pain. ~ . . F r all the tigne. “New” 0:1 5 I have taken three boxes of Gin P1113. minsémonm the time at heavy work on cords. not exeeedi Advertisements w P e railroad and did not lose a day. be published till f FRANK TRpMPER, Napsnee, Ont. mg“ a “on“... catch you as you eta-50 «seats for-1 2 Are you subject to Rheuma- subsequent insert 2 Does your A“ advertiseme be mid for in adv i . - Contract rates tee that they wall nish ion app“ W'h_. Dr. Roswell Park, one of the1 best-known surgeons in America,‘, died suddenly at his home on!: Delaware avenue, Buffalo. He atog tended President McKinley When} the latter Was shot. ‘â€"â€"_ Is Postman) vnmr THURSDAY nomema u the chronicle Printing House. amftaxa nLfl‘ A‘ ”Contract rates for yeany ad var-usemenu tn: niahed on application to the otfice. zUNDEgyAKER ‘1 and '= Funeral Director-w:> Full line of Catholic Robes, and blmk and white Caps for aged people. EDITOR AND Pam’mm‘on Embalming a Specialty EBNDENSED W. IRWIN . BELL British American Business Coilegg ‘ Yonge and Md?!“ Sts ; Toronto. Out. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new umnagmnenc it is doing matter Wbrk than ever. 'W rite us if you want to prepare for a good position. library C. Ward. Principal. New boots and Show Juru in and opened out this “.va frnrn the Best Make. week from L119 of both lines. see us when thing in w ill try . L. GRANT and Shoes just to - pleasv 0111' line. \V U Ybu need 911)" Tome and w m 35.90! 433.57 . 92.57913 . 2,6516%!” .35 .0l8.592.‘0 I. "5. 535 5 1914

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