West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1914, p. 5

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*9.0QOOOQOOQQQQOOOQOOOOQOO OO’OQOOOQOOQOOOOO 090999999 N i 103 105 YONGE STREET -' - - - ' TORONTO 3 '2'++++++M+%¢++~§'d++°’~r~'*+++++ "+v'§‘+-§‘+4‘v'?v%‘{*v++++?v~°"‘u .W ' +4“?++¢++$+~§M+++++++++++~I~i Mr. GeoM. Leeson is spending 9. few days with his brother-in- law at Grand Valley. Mr. Nelson Eden’sy sale came off on Tuesday, the 17th, and, with auctioneer Brig ham things went at a good price. Mr. Eden in- tends to leave for the West soon past two weeks, is now on the road to recovery. Miss Mabel Hopkins of 'Proton has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Carrie Wilton, for the past week. Miss Ruth Stewart of the Dur- ham High school, spent Saturday with Miss Janet Kerr. _ ? We are pleased ‘to report that Mr. Richaxtd Morrison, ’who ’hafs been under the weather for . the O O D . O O I 9 O O O Q 0 0,004... 0.0... O O o .0 Toronto. Canada. include the )enth Busiuvss College with Five City Branch Schn .ls. Graduates are universally successful. Enter any time. W'rite for catahgne. \V. H. ShaW. Pres. Head Offices, 391 Ynngzv 9t. SHAW’S BUSINESSfiCHOOLS peanmce. 'l'hPy of hair and efficie February 25: SPECIAL SALE! Macfarlane, Town Agent. Macfarlane’s - Drug Store-“The Rexall Store} Before Ht 278 Rolls, regular 70 for... . . . .. . . oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 30 238 $0118, regular 12§c for .......... I . ............ . . . .................................. 7§c 383 Rolls regular 10c for ............ . .................... ' ...... ‘ ...... . ............ . . . . . .5c The prettiest patterns are sure to go first. It is: your move. Mr. Clifton Elvidge is in charge. His services and experience are at your service here.‘ DON’T DELAY.” ' On the above two days, if you want a bargain in Wall Paper the chance IS here Pretty designs suitable for Parlor, Sitting - room, Hall and Bedroom. to an (‘1 Thvy are EXTRAORDINARY VALUES LIMITED QUANTITIES of WIALL PAPER F R [DAY and SAT URDAY : Of This Week Only I V DCY othewise plain (-3 Superior [0 : :37 of workmen C.P.R. Town Office '.. Buy Your Tickets Here; Ahex' sppndi‘n g plan} race an ‘ to a.“ whet kumnship. Buying Books. To buy hunks only"hpvanse they wure- published by an bminent printer is mm!) as if a man shnuld buy Nuth- m: Hm! did not fit himoniy bw-nuse made Lu some famous tailqr.-Pone. “Milton and Shakespeare work In a coal mine." ’ The book required the pnpiis to mr feet and espand into :1 mmmpre <90 tence the following cxnrvssimx: “MH- ton and Shakespeare‘s \x'urks " .luseph Nikudym tmudw‘] in this Sputvuve: TRANSFORMATION. Thuy wim face and win assist ;-Lny-wnmm.x tn ii others in effects they m'ndamc wt: What-b the Poets Worked. The sixth grade of a certain St'hUOl In a foreign settlement in one at our cities was learning the use of posses elves. ' makvs every wmn:m h'mutiful. and all who desire to make the 170% (if their :-.Lppe¢fl-Ulcé h-we !,ht’~()pp0l"tunity of [my- ing a. Visit. to . . \Vith an imnwme stuck of the [fittest Faxhinns in ll-Lir (‘hmdsx A Snyh» tr. Suit Evm'y Indivirlunll. Mrs. C. C. Douglas and baby Dorothy left for Owen Sound last week, after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Limin Mr. J. Lambert of the Mt. Forest Representative attended the Con- servative convention here. Rev. Mr. Prudham is in attend- ance at the Dominion Alliance con- vention at Toronto. M1; and Mrs. Ed.‘ Watson are in Toronto for a few days. Mr. Wat- son is delegate to the Dominion Alliance. convention. w. DU ”VII-WI! 0“"1'11.“ “all- 'ed his son here ever Sunday. . When the Blake. May and When ‘ They. Should Not a. anti-n. Miss Irene Latimer .‘ of Owen Sound m home over Sunday. 1|: h ”Wm"! “PM thlt ti. Dialer digests himself In the humil Mr. Frank Vickers of Renfrew stomach “m“! ‘0 the great 8‘39 0" "I! was in town last week. _ ' "“011 Which browned as mutation . begins nnd ls thought to digest w. Mr. Brock Grant is home from. mollusk itself. As the oyster. more the hospital, and doing well. over. contains some to per cent of ex. nemely assimilable protein. together Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder spent a with phosphor-fixed fats and airmen. few days in the city last week. it has always been freely administered to convalesrents. while dvapeptlc buns ev. and Mrs. Edd of Mt. Forâ€" ° es}: visited at ' the iarsonage on vivants have never hesitated to eat it Friday last. ' abnudzintly. “Ladies” With Thin Hair” Uz-L‘l an ‘i see {L H 19 l which is n pmf (:3 p durability. Mamie xvi” {mike :mv man in a.” Cnuntries and and and haVF PROF. [MREN' WEND‘ of ’l‘t'n'onto HAHN HD‘USE, DURHAM, 0N ‘NEDVESDAY. MARCH nth i"' "1"” ~- .. ..\ _-.V..‘. ‘ -â€" w \||\| ', .wL \_'llHl.l. viiltx'. hy-guxir qlmletius; Hwy :n'v em ~qzx:z!‘:~d. Besititw [his the wk» :IIlV mun :Lpswny van-rs yuuzgvr. l‘hix‘ I‘nupne is‘ n.'-ne(;r{»(1 (:nxmtrws and may «mly kw })I:"r-1's:n.~wl t'r'wn aha. D-m‘l; Fail to Ca}! and sew them. and l"l«'-1~.!“Iuh<~-r H‘v D '.t,+-. THE Dogeqwan 69%, 06' Togas-m, LTD. “ Gentlemen, if You ”are Baid ” rsevll'HE 1)HRI€N\VEND SAN! VARY l’A'l‘EN'l TOUPI‘“ Fdfls " i$l§.~XU'l‘ll*‘â€"17h H \lli "('99 Den‘umstmmt denmnsi‘rwtinn 02' L‘l'l):l.l.i€):l'~‘, ‘P lVflS. Switch (l'he Hun») OF Quality Hair Grands) \th will; be :H‘ rhea [vé‘vfiééééééééé .3.-‘..'.-‘ px-utm-tmn tn the hmul. h‘m‘ Hum-n} ufl'w :2 quwl'tiw, thuv zu'v uanu t“'-.*d Besidq napnezu' veem s \ n mfn-a‘r HIM (‘nupue 1' [I m ay‘ nnly *w pu' '(h' ht‘d ho n {1* . D0119 vi >99 them. mu! R< m wu‘wl‘ ”‘9 I) at». woman tn ma prndumc when Hm mprtdnu S, ' BNL'I‘ ISK {1'th 0909009QOQQOQOOOA‘OOOQQOQQO H E DOR E N \V EN 0 ui Made the Judge Per-spire. Sir John Charles Day. the English judge who earned the ' title of the “hoolignn‘s torror." diod at the age of eight\- tuo. in the nine-teen vezus Sir John was a judge of the high ('Ullit - from 1852 to i‘mi he “as noted for his gift of solomn humor and for his drustiv flogging smitmwos. in fourteen years he sententmi 1:37 criminals to 3 766 strokes of the m. Onve he said to a gang: of Lixmpooi rufliuns: “1 gm) not going to givo you nwn tong terms of imprisonment. but when you go in you get twenty Sushi-s of the mt: when you have been in nine months you get twenty hishos of tho out: before you come out \‘011 "Pt twvntx‘ lashes of the out. Ami then mu < m slum xx h it sou have got to 5mm fz ionds. ' [19 “us nor. hzips the only English judge who.ever did ”hard labor." While on a visit to :1 prison he tried the trozidmiii. but when ho :iskmi to he sot fin-e the guard pre- nmlml not to hear his I‘equvst. The juiito \ms poz‘spiz'in: i‘l'ooiy by {he tin.» in» was pormiitvd to abandon his But to the large number of dyspep. tics whose stomarhs are hypemvid or hypersensitive Dr. i’ron would forhid the oyster as ‘well as all other stimu- lating foods. in many of these dvs- peptlrs the gastric ser retion is already suflirient. and it is illllll-‘(PSSBI‘S and unwise to increase it. «â€" New York Press. Dr. Pron exnresses the opinion that the oyster may be aliowed. therefore. to those dyspeptics whose gastriv fune- tions are deficient. in anorexia. gastric atony.’uioer and ineipient eaneer. and to convalescents from mute disease. as it is likely to improve the appetite and to exvite the stomach to increased motor and (‘bt’lllii'al :ietivity. Hm'i mum ('harm HIM m,» "r ynmhfni Hp med. 'm (lazuliby All vvv It .34. '0 .6 0 9 9 f 9 O Orfi“%l..{fl O‘O‘O 0;. 9 ‘0 D Pug-m ! 'Rocognition Po: the Ghost Story. } Elderly may martin! Invalid: re 1mm“; companion: any who has trav- NH! 0? mm {PH 2va g'liust eturivs pre- ffi'l‘rfld -.- Ad" ertlscmwnl m Landon Times " ‘ " “1;qu LU Uut: ‘ ’ '~ 5" V'F‘ Cl'T'l'im'm “You.” mplied Senator Sorghum. “mum-times a man carries a point with smut the same amount of persunal comfort that he dvflves from sitflng on. a tack.”-â€"Wash1ngton Star. They spam in tick» Hm cnn fmm the world who wnvnm withdraw hie-M831“) tmm Me .Ch em. .. . .. Carrying a Point. “You made some enemies." said the consoling friend. “but you carried your paint.” Ancient Memphis. Over the sue ot the ancient city of Liemphls. cure the falr city of the world. now hurled by a thick depnult ot Ntle' mud. stand stately palms. wnleh yield a lust-lune fruit; Over the clty- the peasant Egyptians carry on their agricultural pursults. and the palms yield the entire food or the peasants during a large part of the war. fiArgonaut. “Finally. after another long march. we sight a paint that resembles 17 Kllcmwter Naessvt. and this time It is an trick of the ‘maginaflon. The race 1:- wun. for at the paint we find fuel and due of soup and peas." "It is bitterly cold. and the wind has shifted so that It 23 blowing in our faves. swam-ring unstmtdlly and feel- lna our way with our sticks. 00‘ we go mm the darkness. “We pass mun? old camping pun-vs. towns of the hmmmrk oxpvdmml; hm. Bfithnnuh we swam-h tom: and vurvfnlls‘ 81mm: tho old tins fur any wmnhh‘ .uf’ fond. WP find rmxhinc In the ammo-r In: (inrknnsa entry pnint we nmmmvh Sam-ms: to us the MW “'1‘ 9901; [Cm-nur- aflvd by the thnutht nf f’nnd We 1'» dmmie our efforts Bm who-n wv get Pinup (mouth to so? that it is not the {mint (mr fih‘kvrinu flame of utwrtry divs dawn. and WW stagger anemy along with bmvvd heads "“9 have no longer any ldpa of our Where-abouts. and it is Indescribahiy mwmmy to see time after time the same hmxdland with the two small h!!- lm-ks at fits foot. the ghnet of 17 Kilo- meter Naes'wt. About 100’0l00k. half mud With hunger and exhaustion. we zin- it up and.-'orpeping as dose to- gvther as possible. try to sleep But the pain 'in Iverfien's 392 is so great that he cannot slppp. and he ls half out Of his mind. He makes me at mid- night and heirs me to go on ’\ § "Ar'nordm: to our reckoning. we ought to warn I? Kihmwtvr erpsset bx about 6 m the awning “'9 keep a sharp mnknut for the point and sight spun-whim: about 4 'o’m’r‘k that leaks like» it ~ Onoe mare. however. We are dunnwd to'disammintrmmt. It is not Um point. ' “Iversvn is m nu lwttvr ruse l native that he frvqm-tmiy stups and DH’I'S thmugh m» fifldglnss m some’thm: on ahvnd: then he lets the glass full again, with a shake nfxthe twad ()nfe or twine I ask what he is hmking at. but the answer Is always the same» be thnncht he had dismvvred a case of pmvish‘ms. but it turned out to be a fork. ‘Hmdtmny the “much! tulips posse-st stun ut me that I am Walking m the Stt'twts of Cutmtthguvn. enuebrly nu the :(mkmtt for sntuhx'tvtws Sluitlt'lfly ! Spy what I am NMJKUIL'. a little white ohiw't lying to the Matt! of me I turn tu ptt'k 1t up but us I Stup my foot Strikes against a stnne 'I'lw stun-k tmmrs me tmok tn stvrn rmtitv I take tn my twtt mi st: IL'L'PI‘ on again. "Every two hours we make a Short hmt. but the rest 1s spuiled by me tunuum ut the um-mnfnrtnhle- quarter 01 an (war that, awaits us' whvu we Start and try to gm UUI stiffened nausâ€" mes :ntu marking m‘d‘ur HL'HH). Uur fwt emu-many are» wry pnmfm: the axzmes are sumlen :md’ horribly tender. "The palms: of “Imam tin-reuse every minute ‘l’ur my mvu [)zu't. I mm (mm: uf nutmng hm fund A! first my thuug‘hts dwelt u'pcm u“ Surfs“! (HSUPS. but gradually Ihc')‘ vutm-annlv tin-Hr svzves ”pun snmhvwm-s “mush sund- Wlt'hPS in gom’tn-ulHr my t'zmvy turns Hunt: the frmd that l have seen mwn away In Imuzm's, and I grow furimm a: the (lmught of the «untenapt with “hh'n tfwsc gemfl‘ ufteu regard sm-h gzrts. ._ In “Lost In the‘ Arctic” Captain Ejnar Mikkelsen. the explorer Who. after navuug been given up for dead for ovet two years. was pivked up in east Urevnmnd by a sailing vessel. gwes a graphic 'm'vuuuj of his rave against hunger. 'l‘heir sledge dogs dmul. their outfits abandoned. every nmrsel of fund mug Sim-e devoured. the only hope of Mikkelsen and His cmnpuniun was to rem-h I? Kilmnéter Nam-set wm-re. on the full trlu they had left :1 WW tins of fund Their Fight Against Death by Surve- mu and the Vpslons That Wore Coll- 10nd,!» bfth. Terturo of the Mad- domng Pang. of Hunger. The terrlble phantom that haunt: every traveler m the desert is the pos- slbmty the! he will not find water. The mode explorer rarely suffers from tlllrst. but another danger, equally terrlble and meum-lng. is always on his trull starvation. FLIGHT or TWO EXPLOBEBS. VJV'VVVâ€" v.- rcfic ice Fields. rt: 1 md Over; . 'g may." u «u Cured. “And has this Tumult? doctor ('Ut‘Pd you! friomd of, NW hallucination that she- u'ns sick?“ Tn vumvat‘ejmd thmflzbts 18 t0 bi 10330! to 0:163 belle; Se": - Doctors' Fees. “They talk about aawyers‘ dishonest accumulations; but look at doc-tars.” “What’s the matte-r with dovtors?” “Are‘nut all of thvir earnings Ill got ten gains?"-Baltinmre American. ,- The editor printed the letter. With the following “Ed. Note? “So does our esteemed correspondent.”-0maba World-Herald. “0h ('ummpn-U‘ Shé's really 8103 now "- Fl'ivgmme Huntvr. Alike. A convivial correspondent wrote to an eastcgrn paper complaining of the condition of the village streets. closing with'the statement that “the water lies in the ditch for days at a time." A Famous Year. It Is romantic-d that the ypar 1809 gave more ooh-hrith-s and persons of genius to thr- world than any other year of the ninetventh t't-ntm'y. Among those who were hurt) in that nwmora ble year were Abraham Lincom. Ed gar Allan Poe. Oliver Wendell Holmes. William Ewart Gladstone. Charles Darwin, Lord Houg'htun. Alfred 'l‘en nysun. Edward Fitzgerald. l’rofessur Blackie. Mary Cowden Clarke and Felix Mendelssohn “Nut until \\'t‘ \x'mu ire-v ut mp shm did I ham» :1 suvmm munch! m "cu-2:17.». mm of “m: l hut munu E h-M m‘! 1135‘ ship in dix‘m'w arm-u ?: :~ mm mm that the last man In wm'v lwt' vhn Nd be the muptuin. :um I 'w exp-.1113”; um oer shun!!! he [WM 10 the inst. “That was the HHS? :anmzs nmnwn: of my min-mr \\'II::I H :1 shut \‘hunm sink the limit? \tht if :2 rifiv lmHvt Shuum 21.4 MP? All the WUY‘M would say that 1 had bwn L'um'y 0f :mum as (“raven an art :18 mm kw phwvd :H the dunr nf‘an ulfim-r 'l‘hie wumd Nut [.9 pleasant reading rm my futtwr up m Vermont. ' H» med 1m louver think that I had dmw mp 'rust' rmxmuahw well If the ship smmm muw up while I was away and l <huuld ammur on the rvpnrts as <nvvd pmhalm pm ple would finite (wor my expinnnflnn‘ As it turtwd (mt. however. the mag: zine did not expiude. and U9\Va_\"s presence was newlm! m bring "19 mm! crews bark and save the men Still on pbe sinking ship. When Dewey Feared He Might Be Branded as a Coward. Admiral UMVQV {Mix in ht: amum ogrzmhy the stnry at his must :mxmns muhwnt. It was when he was vavu th’v ufiiver of the warship .\li.~‘~‘i~su:p: Aft?! pass“ 2 NW runs at N1'\\' Urtmns‘ his Ship was alum! to sink mzdm fir“. and the c'rvw had m 1w tukvn nfi l'! [mats There \V’t‘l‘t‘ hut Numuh hunts and the dungpr n! :1 mnzrnznw «and.» Sin!) Iwmnw so arm: that 11w vrmw shmx-‘ud invreasin: hz-qtntiun m (mum his: fur-mmlhel mm! Uh :\ slump” Im [HUSH “P\\'P}' inmyu-d- mm (:nv mt tho boats to gm :lflw Hw mwvrs :iw! mum "Pl them [0 H'HII‘XI HP ('HHHHIwS' HIS' MOST ANXIOUS MOMENT That Vk'iuus Hum fairly revohi in the lilwrnl :Hiuwnnvv of the pixmt Whil'h was thrust in“: his (‘31:? \ He rullvd ahum In it and played like a six weeks-old kmvn H0 mmx‘vd :md [m-rred. tnsm-d it about. ”‘9 of it and after gt'ttinu :Ihum as lilwml a duse as the Impm'd hmi. likewise jumped to his: shylf :md hunks-d 1:27.in the rest of the day.-â€" va Yuri; llvmld ii»: ' magma... Pu'nt. ' , '. Some um- at “It \\ asmu. mm £43th “trail pails umanwu Hlv permission of the autlmrmea in U) the «flu! ut cuta- nip cm the alilmms Mule. 80 la: as kumvu mm”! (101': Im! gruw in the native [mums m Ilu-sw animals. and this was Ilu- first time they had ever smelled n My {he r05! uf llw :lHM'umm. the very within) of ('nnh-mmvlll In mw t'gvr's «'H'Jt- rhvro Is a very younxflmt t'utl u‘rmyn animal Win-n this gn-ul. surly hm»: "Inhale-d the first sniff 0f the muting» lw muzzzn to nww ”kt“ :I'kmt-n. 'l'p In {his time the suft est nute Hf his 'vult-v hm! hm'u one whivh [mt tlw mm H! thv M;- mnned linu mm him In shzlllle 'l‘lwn lw sat on :I Inm-‘h ot the: cat- nip. much! :: Imu lmh-nstr‘m up in either mW'and rmuwd his Hawks. ('hin. ”use. 931‘s :mll Ilt‘Hd He Me an additinnnl mnnH-Aut nr twn mm thru- junuu-d Inn-k tn his men". wiwre he lay the PPS! H! Um :lltvl'lmun. the very Never was Hw mvy «or this spotted Afrivnn In his wild Stale pnnnwd alum mnl'v ~‘zH'nxvn m with guvn HUN.) [me mnju‘uuwu l-l'rst [he Immm me a' mummm uI thv sum llwn my flat on his Inn-k and maxim! thruugh the grvvn muss mum Uh him-k sputlvd yel- low lmiv nns litmd 'wnh the udnr. just as .vuu Imw SH: :1 ml :u-t wlwn I! re (wivvs snnw «2mm». vit trial was made on an Afm'an £991.le vime thv Ree-pet‘s had rvavh Pd ”)9 from n! the rum- he lmddmund 9d fl'mu tlw MW” WIN-Hm" {Iv lay, Hp parentb‘ :Islwp, :Im! stund «sped-mm. A duuhle lmmHnI u! mtuip was passed thl'ullgh m llw hum ”Lilia tie‘n New” was Hw mm «at this spunk-d them the) Immune Imarly frantic. They w«r«»_gnw-n «um and devoured it. stem. tear and hlus‘smn. mm an Palgel'lwss Hun mauled the noise of theirvn‘vs ‘l‘he svvm of ‘lhe Mum filled the whole plan-e, andms sum: as It reached the pnrruts' mrnm the two aamlily at- tired mm-aws set up :1 mm- that (aid fem-fully Oh the. m-H‘es ut all and made for that side u! tlwir rage. puk- ing their Make and vmws through it. “'an the vatnip was hmugm near Why of arm": as fw [WNW] at the his mum! [mt he my father up In smle [mum-H1 with suvh alts» Hm lmumrd are '1 llwu my flat .4! thrnugh the u-k sputlvd 3‘9!- mdw fire). “en M? in all hunts. H9 «Shh» he (‘rews In re'fut’u 8103 . Ev" Present Help. "The." say that a wmnan‘s team come to her aid at any moment." , be «"9“. Hor mam are vnlunteel'l. I to spat" Boehm l‘ranscrlpc. _.--. a.“ Her Little 8‘59. Departing Guest- We‘ve had a sim- ply delightful time! Hostess I’m so glad! At the same time I regret that the storm kept all uur best péopio away.» Brnuklyn Life. Showing Him How. “You young mandrel!" said the faâ€" ther. seizing his disolwdient sun by tho hand. “I'll show you how to treat your mother!" And he gave him several mull all the ears and then shook him um Ml hair began to fall out. “Well.” he repl'led. turning over an- other page or the paper. “you tell th. chlldren lf they van‘t fall downstalfl quietly they’ll have to stop lt.”-â€"Lip- plncott's. “One of the children Just fell down- stairs.” Father’s Ultimatum. The father of a large family of chm dren was trying hard to read the evenâ€" ing paper. “What’s that terrible racket In tho hall. Martha?” The sandalwood mm he bought at at. most any 'I‘uxkisli or Japanese import- ing house. You prepare it for burning by cutting: it into Move-s about half an invh thick and three invbes lung and then bake or dry it in a slow oven for twenty-four hours. You light a pieva of the wood and put it in .1 metal um or sauver. Artur it has ignited well blow out the (lame and leave the red ember 'to smolder until the wood 1‘ Wholly consumed. What is' dripping? Everybody known: that dripping I. supposed to be the juives. the savor, ‘ essences. that “all from wasting mean. That is the summsmuu But what. really is dripping the dripping that the poor of Eugiamd buy by the noun. and smear upon tlwir broad in lieu d butter? A Cure For Mosquitoes. The people of Londun have teamed of an agreeabie way to keep their houses. free fmm flies and. musquimea They burn sandalwuod. whi: b has g pleasing odor. but one that the sum- mer pests muc-h dislike. The ma comes from tho orient, where it has long been practiced. knows that he has Inst :m (N98 quuli f: of the ohnmctnr. and the edy. of it is he cmmnt tell what quality is or how he low! it. An 1 may tell a juke :1 thomnnd times provoke kmg'htor. {mt sndtivmy it of reaponse. That's the time for to stop.”â€"American Magazine. should I: spontnnc he is [M the part. ---for his Pmmmlh a pix-turn uf (gm-m) Victoria I saw an nld sivm'll mviuzring. I exam- ined it and fmmd it was a [“rem‘h weapon. nu duulll tlw arm of tho nnfob mnate Frem'h \‘1-s§1‘!'s commander During lhv timv this was amine on Jim. {am Kzulnru's SPI'VflHt. whn is l particularly gnud typo uf :1 large. mus- cular rave. :imlrmn-lwd me. mu his hand around my wnlsf and slowly down my thich :md smarkml his lips with a wicked smile. I lnnzrhml at this display of almriginnl humor. but not Very heartily. fur um swmfl of tho French captain still swung: blow my eyes.â€"â€"~Christl:m He-mld. part t Time Far the Actor to Stop. On the subject “'4' playing tho samq pax‘t over an indelimte number of times “mid \Vurzioéd saw: A nnmlwr Hf tmtin-s ('mm‘ to gnfl Us when we lundmi :lt Htxu. :1 Fiji is- land. union; tlwm :a tuw whom the consul swuwd to knmv ’I'hvy Volun- teemd to act as 'vscurts fur us and by Varinus (‘xprt‘wiuns trim! to mnvoy the Idea that they “NT ,1: ad tn sw us. A school farms «mo Sidn 01' the square. 'At-ross from this stands the comm-i! Mminhvr. lmilt «m thv trt-nch Where the lmdivs “'t-‘X‘t‘ rmh‘tml for their further feasts; The Md lwztdstunfl against Whit") (‘su-uhuu usmi tu dauh the brains of his victims still stands, and the :nu-hur :md ruddwr of a Frvncl Ship wrw-kvd mmr [inn ”1' [beside it. {month a pix-two of Qnmn Vic-torts He Enjoyed It Hims Tickle the “‘lt’ll kill me.’ he whined at last. 1 know it'll kill me.’ “‘Kill you? What do you mean? “'Why. l've been feeling pretty M lately. and mm' 1 knmv it's all mt. dripping what's the muse of the true- ble. 1 read it in :t lmnli ”‘Sume pure t'uml ruhlvish, l dal‘. say! And what. prwisely. did you read in this \‘iil‘ lumk. silly? “‘I reud.‘ Whirled the urchin. 'lM‘ constant tirimlmu \\’tJ:tl‘.\ away 8 stone.‘ "~ 1‘:M°l::!tz;e. “A little boy.“ he would begin. "vom- plained bitterly alumt llw bread and dripping that formed his daily breath- fast. The question perhaps will never I). answered. but :1 partial solution to given to it by the fact that a London poorhouse recently buug'nt at :57 a to. thirty-two tnns of dripping fromâ€"I soap works. 0671‘ ms Imvid \‘ There is no Alfred Noyes used to tell a thin)!" HUMOR" OF A CANWBAL. )0 km: (3"?! ; It: Strength. 10h nwlluwi hut if eif. but It Didn‘ Victim. He Had Road :3! h halt is the actor I! (weexltial d the trag- whnt that An arm: times and My it fail? nyin: a Dru-«<8 10914. it {48 that 13:23! in t once

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