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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1914, p. 7

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66QOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt‘OOOOOOOOOOOOO)bOOOOOOO90 »oooooooooooooooooooooooooo+99ooooo§ooo¢o¢+ooo¢9§oooo O‘EOOOQOOQOOOOOOOOOOQOO 90900000006000090009000009 ’ 0 February 261 1914- 00090060900099099999099900ovoooooovvovvvvvvvvvovo0.0 We have a. few Cars No. 1 F eeding Hay and Straw that we are offering at special prices for the next few days. If you need any leave your order, it- will pay you. HAY AND STRAW Mixed Feed, Wheattihop, Crushed Oats, Chopped Oats and Feed Mea1'(Oa.t Shorts) We expect a Car of Corn here in a few days. If you want anythin g in the Feed Line get our prices 500 Tons Mixed Chop Oat Meal Mills, . . Durham McGOWAN MILLING CO, 500 Tons No. I FEEDING HAY Soveeign, Eclipse ‘and’ Pastry Flours \Vheat. Oats and'Barley Chop $23.00 per ton \Vheat and Barley Chop m'nd Brass Castings and general Repairing. Feed Boflérs. Steam ms supplies. Engines and Threshers. Sash and DomaPJfimng and 1'7 General Wood Work. - .; , #5:“ ’3‘va Wheat Chop also on hand Crimped Oats: for Horse Feed _ $23.00 per ton Chopped Oats at $23.00 per ton See our Hay and Get our Prices before buymg elsewhere Every bag guaranteed; if not satisfactory we “ill return. your money. Savings Department at all Branches. ,ENG" OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY ' . Bank Bagsâ€"Mates 5!. Con. Willi.“ M GUI! 3:. DURHAM BRANCH. S. HUGHES, Manager. INCORPORATED 1069 Capiul Authorized . . . I Capital Paid Up 0 I o a Reserve Funds . . o . . All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. TELEPHONE No. 8 JOHN McGOWAN THE DURHAM FOUNQRY ‘ Special Prices on Five Ton Lots ITH BROS... In Ground Feed we have on hand 0n the car at $14.50 per ton v s 25,.oooooo 1 1,550,000 1 3,000,009" $25.00 per ton >++++++++++++ 3 ..v v Huber LLJLLLC uLLWalu cvuuLy. 1.116 pUllV 'i’ h ~ - - , o. - We recently came across a newl equal. 4- o?dthgef:mԤf$ganb§ g,lgse4$ipeegfqt1§l?iq remedy for increasmg strength! meets 3| ‘ ’ - ' ' ‘ ' and building up peOple who are: lappy 4-} Five hundred men employed in run-down and emaciated. We ehold. 3 the M.C,R. locomotive and car know that a slight trouble some- ooked 4.»- departments at St. Thomas, are times grows into a serious one,i '. the + laid off until 'March 2, ‘due to and to stOp it in the beginning '19 by 3 shortage of funds, . the February will save you money in the end.‘ .1. appropriation having been exâ€" This new compound is called Rex-' at hausted. ~ ' , lall Olive Oil Emulsion. It, is the I: ‘ ~ . . !best remedy, when you are run- , .1. .J- 0- 3311111311, at. the Berlin AS- down, tired out, nervousâ€"no mat- ’ 4, 3 sizes (nextâ€"week, W111 seek to have ter what the cause. It doesn’t . v ,, hls marriage annulled on the merely stimulate you and make ‘ a «I- ground that he had not been in- you feel'good for a few hours, _ 4' formed’that ‘hlS wife, HOW in an but takes hold of the weakness ' - asylum, was liable t0 mental; and builds you up to a healthy ' ‘ v itrouble. , normalf :candgtion; {it bis 1da ”3%: ' T . - - , .nerve- o, onic' an ui er' 0 ' ~ , - . " . The Ontario Synod dld ”Qt a}? good blood, strong â€"- muscle. good WWW-t. pomt delegates to the annual d" t' . It t e. H hos *3 . " ' Council of the Dominion Alliance. 19:98 103° can an“ ypop " w--â€"â€". - owing to‘ strong opposition some members on , the groundof its being ' organization. , - The 4 Manitoba Legislatune " prorogation to rush ' through - a by alleged- a political phites, which‘tone the nerves, and pure Olive Oil, which nourishes .e the nerves,the blood and the en-‘- ;tire system; Pleasant to take. iContainS’n-o alcohol or habit-formw . _ . has l ing drugs. We promise that if you found it necessary on the eve of--.‘are mot perfectly‘satisfied with it. a. bill . for “two and 'a halfmillion . _ , ‘ dollars, .to-~ .be used under. ., ‘ the the" 7,000 RexallfgStores, and in this t,we’ll give back. your money r. as :soonas you tell us.. Sold only. at ‘ - ' , " ' ’ " * - . . ,, Good , lRoads ~~ Act . passed ht ' the town only by - as $1300 ~- Macfarlane ’ v - ‘ V ' ' ~ -. ~. 0 - o , r n~ se on - - - ‘ -- - , ~ .- «v , a i . o - - '. , ~ 0' -‘ _'«.l.r.. i - . . . .-.- '~ . ' . - a \ , ,r . - a ‘ .." "- i _ l . , 4 :‘.‘ .. I .~ . . . . ..4_. ‘ 1‘ b‘ .- , s _, V -.. _ ' , 4 - « :. u , _. ‘- ‘ >- x ' ' a. .' . . ‘ r - ~ , , , - ' l 'V -. .' . " . 7’“ --Q:".."'“ ‘I ' " ' .~ . ‘34:? I. I V " , I ’7" o . V ‘ "d . l , _ . . . ‘ ',.- ._ .. . .r‘, -"." '3.” >‘ ,. . .. r ‘ ~ ‘ . -. '1‘. ' ' i. w .» f- 3. r‘ I‘- 5" ' I k .- ‘ ' ‘ - . ... .9» , ‘ a , ”‘1‘ 4, . u. _ , ~ 1-. i "A" -v ‘ "1.." _'." g _ - ‘ ' . .‘ . 2-. m . 1‘ 5 "TI" .. _ ‘ _ A r, ”I ' ‘_.,‘I. ‘\ _ “1.", x, .5“. H m {I . ' ., ." ,,‘ .‘ r. . . '1': .' {fig «I fly!» a“, 2‘ ~ 2 '. I.~~-, .- '5. .. .:-.. .s r". A; Ir, . V. ‘.. .." ,4 i . ".3 -._‘_' .hnflp -,'I x . '.' .- . .(V _‘ mfg-1w . _. . A" - 33-.“ r.“ . ” ‘f. R. 3:. N '14” 3’ 4;.» 2.“: » ’ ‘ «pf? .,.:'.'-";i.:u'_u- ,-_ .2397; ‘» '3‘2'2‘.” us mutdfi.»g§ilr '1; .. II RailWay linie's ill Prince Edward 3 Island were blocked by snow last . week, some drifts being fifteen : feet high. ' _ . z ' The Senate carried a resolution 0 to appoint a committee to con- 9.‘ sider the limiting of appeals to z i the Privy Council. l 'The Quebec .Le islature was lprogued last 'Ihurs ay. . -._._ HarrV ~Kuller. a young man who has a cobbling shop at Ridge- town, and has been deaf and dumb {since childhood, is beginning to hem following the discharge nearbv of a gun. .3..3- ° '- The Ontario Synod abolished all committees but the executive. Fire burned out the principal block in Linwood; 1088 $25,000. McLaurin’s sawmill at Vankleek Hill was burned; 1088 $8, 000. W. J. Taylor was elected pres- idem: of Woodstock Board of '1 rade. Edward Smith will donate 50 feet of land near Listowel post office‘ as a Y.M.C.A. _site N.W. Rowen, in’ the Legislature, called for Government attention for the relief of the unemployed. A cheque for one cent was is- sued recently by the post-office savings bank to close an account. The big C.P.R. water tank at Agincourt was burned; loss $15,- 000. About 300 Scottish Rite Masons attended the annual meeting in Londofl The Canada Temperance Act scrutiny proceedings in Welland increased the “wet.” . majority from 5 to ,‘25. ' F. W. Stair, of Toronto, will build a burlesque theatre in Montreal at a total cost of about $350,000. Determined opposition to furth- er aid to the C.N.'R. is developing among Conservative as weli as Liberal members of Parliament. Police magistrate Watt, Guelph, ordered two boys, convicted of thieving, to be spanked by police- The Commons passed the second reading of the redistribution bill and sent it to a special committee of nine. Hon.- Mr.‘ Perl'ey stated in the Commons on Thursday that the Union Lifé prosecutions were solely in the hands of the Ontario Attornuey-General’s department. A Montreal deputation Waited on the Government, asking for a fifteen dollar guarentee for a tunnel under the St. Lawrence I'lVBI‘. tunnel UDQGI‘ 1110 DE. Lawrence river. Rev. J. A. Cottam, pastor of the , Methodist church at Dearborn, a R; M- Ha‘zlewood, miller and suburb of Detroit, is charged with grain dealer, addressing North having burned his parsonage. He Wellington Liberals, criticized the asserts his innocence, and claims lobbying of the Dominion Millers’ it was done by persons who ob- Assocxation against free wheat. j‘ected t9 '.hiS religious beliefs as David Morton, aged 75, is dead from acute indigestion. On Mon- day be disposed of a dozen fresh doughnuts and half a pile. Soon afterwards he became ill. . Thos. Lyons, employed as a marine watchman .at Sarnia, was arrested at Point Edwaid on a charge' of placing explosives in a kitchen stove at the. home of Thos. Taylor. ' Twelve Hungarians who have Ewen working in Brantford for some years, are going home with about $35,000. Onie, foreman of the city sewer gang. is said to have about oneâ€"third of it. Max'or Edward Donnelly, of Sandwich. is in Hotel Dieu, Wind- 50?, suffering from injuries sus- tained when he was kicked in the face by one of his horses. His lower jaw was broken. Harold Gillespie, M.D., aged 22.0. graduate of McGi-ll University. but greyâ€"haired, was sent to jail at Vancouver as a Vagrant, his fourth prison term in three years. He is a drug victim. Miss May Fetterly, living on a farm in Williamsburg, went to Moxrisburg on Tuesday to attend to some. business, and then sudâ€" denly vanished, and cannot be found. Long Sault‘ rapids in the St. Lawrence. present an unusual ap- pearance. Normally forming one of the roughest stretches of the river, they are now 'froz'en smooth from bank to bank. , Probably the oldest horse in Ontario, an Indian Arabian pony, died at the farm of W. B. Scott. Prince Edward county. The pony had. been used by five generations of the family'and was 41 years old. Fiire hundred fnen employed in the M.C.R. locomotive and car departments at St. Thomas, are laid off until ‘March 2, due to shortage of funds, , the February appropriation having been ex- hausted. ' " J. C.‘ Hallman, at the Berlin As- sizes mextweek, Will seek to have his marriage annulled on the ground that he had not been in- form-ed’that 'his wife, now in an asylum, was liable to mental trouble. ' TICKS- FROM THE WIRE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. A terrific rainstorm devastated six orange-growing counties in southern California. An inflammable dart. for use by aeroplanes was tested “in the pres- ence at French military air experts with satisfactory results. The Dublin Irish Times, Union- ist, the Cork Free Press, O’Brien- ite, and the Dublin Independent. Nationalist, ‘all oppose the exclus- ion of Ulster. Boards of Trade in the north- western States may be subjected to a Congressional probe in re- regard to alleged control of Wheat and flour prices. President Wilson has let it be known that he is confident the free tolls provision of the Panama Canal Act pWill be repealed at this session of Congress. The Suffragette, on the basis of statements by a Woman arrested in mistake for Mrs. Pankhurst, ex- presses the opinion that the Gov- ernment has abandoned torture for direct assassination. According to information re- ceived by the Paris police a num- ber of pictures of great value have been stolen from the British Mu- seum, the thefts being the work of a band of international thieves. Prof. Schwalbe of Eberswalde University,- has found it possible to produce a very fine grade of White paper, especially suited for printing purposes, from bamboo cane and rice straw. A petition from women asking for the franchise, was presented to the British Columbia Legisla- ture last 'Wednesday. There were ten thousand names on the roll, which was two hundred yards in length. Infmmation has been laid against 15 residents of Bonfield, a small village ‘20 miles east of North Bay, for hooliganism in connection with the wedding of a local couple, who were pelted with ice. At a meeting of the Railway Commission on 'Tuesday. the Board asked the railway companies of Canada to show cause Why pro- vision should not be made in their tariffs for day seat fares in tourist sleepers. \éxpressed' in .sermdhs. Mayor Allan of Hamilton thinks that the new milk company which the producers are organizing looks like a company to keep up the wholesale price of. milk, and the Provincial Secretary Will be asked. to carefully investigate before a charter is issued. Delegate Snowden introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates by request, a bill to prohibit the wearing by girls and women of high-heeled shoes and slit skirts and of dancing immoral dances. Money collected from fines shall be used to “educate girls how 'to dress decently.” At the instance of the \Vilson Administration the House Commit- tee on Immigration has decided to -1eport a bill barring from the United States all low -caste pe011es £10m India, including the Hindus. Them will be no furthei discusâ€" sion of the Japanese exclusion question at this time, The system of confidential re-‘ pmts practised in the British War Office, by which an office1 mam be piofessionally 1uined was stiongiy condemned by a London court in awarding Major Adam formerly of the Lancers. $10, 000 damages against Sir Ed“ ard Ward, Who Was permanent secre- tary of the Wax Office. THIS NEW MEDICINE SAVES YOU MONEY. We are druggists right here in your town and make aliving out of the drug business, but it is be- cause people have to have drugs. and not because we like to see people sufferâ€"we don’t. our duty is to render the best service we cam-and when someone is ailing, we are interested in seeing them take the best medicine there is for their particular trouble. We don’t recommend “cure-ans” as we don’t believe the-re‘ ' are such things. We don’t want you to spend more than you have to. Some of you get small Wages, and when you’re. sick, none at all, and you should get the most you can for__your remedy. ' : «00090900009090.009999999 00909000 0.9000999999090000 \ , .‘ . o I Call at o A OOOO‘OOOOOOOOOOOO 900699000 Q00990990900090.009909096: OOONOQN”§§N§§§§OO§O§§O OOOOOOONOQOOOOOO§O§Q§§M 990900990999900 90990990 990 0090 999099990 0990 090999000 '3 MQQQWWM. ~us' 9‘ m0 9+0§¢§+§§§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§§§§ +¢§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§009906 OM§§§”§§§§§§§§”§§§O§Q‘ OOONQQ OQOQOQQQOQOOOQOOOOQ For Good Honest Value You Can’t Beat Us E. A. ROWE .: Our Classified Shért Ads. on page 2 are interesting and profitable. [n.order- to raise money we are giving special reductions in all lines POSITIVELY THE LARGEST SAlE IN CANADA We confidently believe we are under-selling any other store Durham. Pmspecnive customers should look over our lime OYSTERSJKND FRUIT IN SEASON Beef-hides, Sheepskins, Tallow, Horsehides Wool, Old Rubbers. Horse Hair, COpper and Brass, also any quantity of raw skins, Mink Fox, Coon, Muskrat or Skunk Our Aim is not to be known asselling the cheapest shoes in town, but rather we prefer to give good goods at close price. We have a very large stock of Boots and Shoes for all classes in diflerent styles and prices, as well as' some extra values in hosiery. Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases. Ulub Bags and Telescopes in stock; Leggings, Spats. Su'obers. Moccasins and all Seasonable goods at. close prices. Come in and examine goods whether you purchase or ‘not Custom ' Work and Re- pairing. as ,usual The reductions we intend giving will he plain to everybody as we max-k our goods in plain figures at very luw prices. from these low prices lumber reductions wil! be made as an inducement that pmu chases Should not fail to take advantage of. Next; W'eek we will make a Special Run on And are paying the Highest Price. Cash or Trade. We will pay an extra price for good birds. Poultry must not be fed for at least twelve hours before being brought in. Bring in your Fowl on any day of the week. “'9 will buy them. The Down Town Shoe Store: I. S. Mcllraith REMEMBER! This will be for One Week (-11] ,7. A omnplote change or Bargains will be offered the following week and so on for five 0“ six weeks. . S. SCOTT, Garaf‘raxa Street, Durham The Hi For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. are in the market for any quantity of Live Poultry Hens. Chickens, Ducks, Geese. and Turkeys. Hides and Skins Wanted SWEATER. COATS ghest Prices for Skins m good condition: poorel qualit} will receive a lower- pl ice. Ladies’ Misses’ Men’s and Boy’s Live Poultry Wanted Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Skirts. Undervs ear and Dresses Men’s Su ts Pants, Under- wear, SuirLs, Sweaters. etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Fume ishings at close Prices. BIG BARGAINS E. A; ROWE’S W'e will also purchase any quantity of Watch this Ad. for Bargains M. GLASER The Biggest of the Season 1 door south of But-net’s Bakery Garafraxa St. Durb un You’ll Know Its Qual- ity Some Day. Why not next Monday Confectioner and Grocer in 0 1' J'

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