West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1914, p. 2

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loo-ACRE FARM, GOOD 2â€"STOR- ey house. bank harm pig pen and other buildings; large orchard. good Water; one mile south of Allan Park. As the owner is giving up farming. this valuable farm will be sold at a bargain. -â€"Mrs. Eliza Fizzell, Allan Park. ”V. BE WELL-KNOWN :LAUGHTON -_ -- Aâ€"lvAm BEING LOT 53. CON. 3, E. Glenelg, containing 100 on premises are new tram brick house, sheds and on ° ’ i» ‘L-‘AM 100 acres under good state of ‘cul- tivation, 15 acres pasture, balâ€" ance bush, mostly hardwood: frame barn 30x50; log and frame stables; good sized frame and grout house. Apply to J. T. Laughton, 50 Bill street, Port Arthur, or to J. M. Findlay, Droâ€" 219tf fl A_A .A LARGE.- more. 'ES'I PART OF LOT '28, CON. 1 .____. W. L} 12.; ad3oining corporation‘ JR. 39‘ WN of Durham. containing 15 3°?” L. R. c P. LONDON Jam; ‘3 mods, :‘ perches of good: land, 411 seeded down with tim-g RADULATE of London. New York 4116 Chicago oti‘y; good brick house; harm. and soft water, barn, orchardn Diseases oiBye.Ear Noseand Thu-out. sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins \ \Vill he at the Hahn House, Julv or to A. E. Jackson, Durham. ‘20. Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, 4 24 ti Hours. 1 t0 5 inx. ' £15491331: P or Sale BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AChES of good land good garden” Well stable, buggy house and other conveniences; ’rust outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once.. Easy terms. Apply on the "J Ab13uu, u~--v ‘â€" __ _ Normanby, about 4 miles from? Durham 1% miles from Varney. Convenient to school and church. Well fenced. Well Water- ed, .and in good state of cultivaâ€" tion; brick house, bank barn and good buildings. For particulars. apply to David McAuliffe, Sr.. 122tf Durham. \‘flu‘ti'unvt'i if «mt.- incn ‘o - _____.,_.__-_ Goof) SEi’E‘N-ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street; good cellar, garden, barn, hen-house; haxjd and spit 3 Bentinck. New plans and specifications will be Open for in- spection on the 18th instant, and may be seen on application. Tend- ers will be received up to Tuesday, March 31, 1914.â€"J. W. Vickers, R. R. No. 1, Hanover. 312 SYNOPSIS 0? CAN aDIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS i GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; Well fenc- ed; qul Watered._ Also 42% THE sole head of a family, or my male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicapt zg‘ust .appear in â€"-A-‘ ' nnf‘fl LAIXU 9 v .- haus‘e; large enough to keep bnarders: conveniently situated ‘ all public works; newly deco orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 In“ “Pyllvuu- m__- c I. . the Dominion Lands'Ol Agency or Sub-Agency for them] District. Entry by proxy may be§01 made at the office of any Localnc'i Agent of Dominion Lands (not . 3‘ sub-agent), on certain conditionalt1 Duties.â€"Six months residence‘ {3 upon and cultivation of the land :1 in each of three years. A home-F ‘3 steader may live within nine miles ii of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condiâ€" . d tions. A habitable house is t rte-4t quired in every case. except when fit residence is performed in the 5 In certain districts a nome- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includv mg the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. “ ‘ L-.. A_LAI‘-‘ TWO. "arms for Sale. m SMALL ADS. containing 100 acres: as are new frame barn. 5e, sheds and outbuild- .nning stream through about 10 acres hard- .1, rest in good state of 1. Possession given on 1913. For further par- applv on premises to O I Staples. Rural Route 1-- AIL: To Rent 1* a at erect districts 3 home- a gaunt. »- lass. 2:3 cents for first insertion. one inch and under two inches 1:. Yearly rates on appliatxon. E3 4 4pdtf l ;\U1.l\,'n 13 nurcuy r, RTH 3 ant to the Statutes in that behalf; SEALED TENDERS, addressed} [8 lthat all creditors and other per-, to the Postmaster General, will be isons having claims against the received at Ottawa until Noon, on ‘estate of the above named William Friday, the 24th April, 1914, for V, 01", . . . . iRobert Cuffe,, who died at the the conveyance of H18 MaJesty’s ma . V 1 obgiTownship of Bentinck in the Mails, on'a proposed Contract for ,County of Grey, on or about the four years, thirty times per Week [ '-. an) (1 day of February 1914, are each way, between Neustadt P.O. erta.i secon . LP in ; required to send by post, prepald .and Grand Trunk Railway Station ands' or deliver to the undersigned Ad-z from the lst July next. istrarix of the said deceased.” Printed notices containing furth- he . nun ytbe'gon or before «the twenty-fifth day'ger information as to conditions of ' '. '~ April, AD. 1914, their names. proposed Con-tract may be seen (notaddresses and full particulars of and blank forms of Tender may itheir claims, duly verified and the be obtained at the Post Offices of lence‘ nature of the securities, if any {Neustadt,and at the office of the land held by them, and after the said Post Office Inspector, Toronto. .1 ‘twen-ty -fifth day of April 1914, the.Post Office Inspector’s Office, ' ome-' miles said Administratrix will proceed to! Toronto, March 11th, 1914. of at distribute the assets of the saidl , A- SUTHEBLAND, ondi-dfi't'fi‘élsed among the persons en-g ‘ Post Office Inapector. rentitleo. thereto, havmg regard only 3193 p x ' when§t0 the claims of which she then} . ‘ ' thegshall have had .notice, and the; A~â€"-~~-_~â€"~â€"â€"~ ,.,_._-__.- â€" -- -~â€"_â€"~-~-â€"â€" ._.-......._, gsaid Administratrix will not be;‘ - . ' lomyiliable for the assets, or any part‘ r pre-lthe1-eof. to any person or persons; 1101124 of whose claims she shall not then'i_ :3 ner . have had notice. , p 1 fl 1 ' 'In the matter of the estate of: 1 William Robert Cuffe. late of the: , aTow‘nship of Bentinck in the? I 0 :County of Grey, Farmer, deceased.! l NOIICE is hereby giVen, pursu- TH ! ant to the Statutes in that behalf s {that all creditors and other per- ' :sonns having claims against the 3 or! estate of the above :n‘amed William mayiRobert Cuffe,, who died at the , oflTownship of Bentinck in the . - finnjnfxr nf GPQV. Own or about the ‘ FFICE-Over J P. Telford's omce i, nearly opposite the Registry oflice. Reeldence Second house south nt Registry office on east side of AIhert Street. Oflice. Hours 9.11 a.m., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone cmnmunica- tion between office and residence at all hours. 1' L‘ AV’H _.-__ L) short distance cut of Kuapp’s uamb ton Street, Lower Town, )flice hours from‘l'z to 2 o'clozk PHYSICIAN AN U SURGEON , 0F- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofict noun. 8 tom 3. m. to 4 p. m. and? 2.09 p. :11. Special attention given to disease: 3! women and children. Rnsidence op oosite Presbvterian Church. Lute assmmm tiny. London Ophsnalmw Boo | tug” and togollen Sq Throat and None Hoo| SPECIALIST . :5, __ 2A3, THROAI N035] â€" _.....) I, 8- "uric“! (miceâ€"Over Dnuglas’, J 9. wellerv Store: L§ARRISTEIH SULIOITOR. ETC 3 ()fiice. nearly opposite the Registry qfifice, Lambtou 4t..Durham. Anyamount »? .mmev tn :oan a? 5 per: cent. on farm T173 of Toronto. Graduate Boys Yollege Dental Sqrgeoqs oantario. Dentxstry In all Its Branches Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorâ€" oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. A. H. Jackson. (I OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- er. Conveyancer. c. Insurance ggent. . Money to Loan. Issuer of Max:- -:age Lwenses A general financial bus: lass transact-ed. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) ELECTRIC MOTOR, 2 HORSE- power, direct current, With start- ing box and switch complete. Rewound in February, now as good as new, replaced by larger motor. 848 takes it. Apply to W. J, Mitchell, Clinton. 3193 mpertv. L. R. C P. LONDON ENG RADULATE of London. New York and (‘ohicaszfl Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. J F GRANT.D.D.S..L.D s. mNOR GRADUATE. UNIVE_RSI- WANTED.â€"SHINGLE MACHINE.‘ I . - i Machmery W anted I! at once, in good condition. Ap- '. ply to Wm. B. Clark. Durham. 5 3 _ DESIRABLE 8-ROOM HOUSE on Countess street; barn on lot, size 18x24. Apply to M. _H. KBGChtGI. 3 12tf Notice to Creditors Medical Directorv . ) fit...‘ ’3. Arthur Gun, Dr. ‘N. 0. Pickering Dentist. 13E: ()ver J J Hunterfi’s Den [a] Dz’rectorv W. J. SHARP 'rtion and 10. cents for each inches. double the above 3. P. Telford. HR. BURT. For Sale ELEANOR CUFFE, 9 MAIL. DUN 1 KA» I. I Administratrix, 1 - . ‘ Durham, P.O.z. Ont.‘ SEALED TENDERS, addressed‘ : Durham ‘this 23rd day of ‘ to the Postmaster General, will be 1914. ’ “received at Ottawa until Noon, on iFriday, the 17th April, 1914, , for _-.._..._-.. “"‘“"‘”“""‘“""‘“‘“ 1- the conveyance of His Majesty’s ‘ _ . ‘ ' ‘M'ails, on a proposed Contract for hlnery \‘ 311th : ifom‘ years, six timee per week D.â€"SHINGLE MACHINE. each .way,‘ over Durham (East and e, in good condition. Ap- South)fRural Mail Route, from the Wm. B. Clark. Durham. 5 3 l Postméeter General’s pleasure: 1‘ r J P. Telford_’_s qffice ()an dnnnd. Luapp’s Hotel. .an, Durham from Dundalk over. Sunday. a Mrs. T. Moore, of MeWilliams, is visiting her mother, «Mrs. D. Firth. Mr. Earl Ritchie commenced work on Monday, for sMr. Thos; Glencross. Mr. Chas. Russell, Who spent the The school is tlioronghlv equipped in 1 teaching ability, in chemical and elec- ' trica-l supplies and fittings, etc.. for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work. I‘HOS. ALLAN, Principal and Pro vincial Model SchOol Teacher lst Class Certificate. ‘ ‘ Intending Students should cuter at the :beginning of the term if possible. lBoard‘canhe obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- ‘ ah‘le place for residence. :The record of che School in past years is a flatter-11g one. The trustees are , progresswe educationally and spare no {pains to see that teachers and pupils lhave every advantage for the pro l'per presentation and acquistion of v knowledge. FEES : $1 per month in advance Durham High School H OMESEEKERS’ E X CUR SIGNS Each Tuesday March 30 October 2 7. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Tatonto. and Stations West and North of Toronto. Prowl-donate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. ' REDUCED SETTLERSi FARES REV. W. H. HARTLEY, J. F. GRANT. Chairman. Secretarv __Io'Nis.WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY, wagon AND APRIL fiJâ€"éhaFgâ€"eâ€"fbi Bertha. . ' Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. Murphy. D.P.A.. Toronto. Séttlers travelling with live stock and efiécts should take SETTLERS’ SPECIAL TRAIN which lave: West Toronto each Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arriggl _regular 10°20 pan. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and families without live ltock should use REGULAR TRAINS. leaving Toronto 10.20 p.111. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. Homeseekers ' â€"TO MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Through trains Toronto to Winnipeg and ’est. COLONLST _CARS ON ALL TRAINS. Each Tuesday, March 3rd Lto Oct 27th inclusive. via Chicago, St. Paul Or Duluth WlNNlPEG and Return $35.00 EDMONTON and Return 43.00 From Toronto and stations. North and \Vest, uf Tux-unto. Proportion- :tte 10W fan‘s from thtkms East. uf 'l‘nronto. Return limit 2 months Fall particulars at: Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, 01' “‘1'th (7. E. Hon)- ing, D.P. A" Toronto, Ont. W Julderfll‘own Agent, Phone 3a .1. Towner. Station Agent, Phone 18 i Printed notices containing furth- i er'i-n-torm'ation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen ‘md blank» forms of Tende? may Macfarlane, 'l'own Agent To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewam MAIL CONTRACT p nz.|‘ ‘l.|l 3):; 002..._~>.0‘_. EDGE Excursions was home ‘8‘“‘ u wwâ€" , A very eerij'ofiiélile party was giv- gen at the theme of Mr. D. McFay- dam on Friday eyening. past year-With Mr. John G. Firth, left las§_weel; _f_01_‘ Elbow, Sash, MiSs Kate Ritchie visited friends in Dromore over_ Sunday. Mrs. John Anderson, who has been visiting her motherflMLrs. CD. Firth for some time, left on Fri- day for her home in .Camford, B.C. Her sister, Miss :Bell 'Firth, accom- panied her es far as. Toronto. ___1 _ ,-___J. LL- "ME; 1:in Ritchie, .w'ho spear: the Winter at her home here, left last week for Lorebug'r), _Sa._sk_. VQ- __‘_ "Eur. hfigarmtchié left last Tues- day for Elbow; Sask., taking with him a car load _o_f settler’s effecgts. Mr. E. Pratt, who was drilling a Well for us, struck an excellent stream of first-class Water at a depth of 70 feet, He has since moved to Mr. E. Williams) Parisiam Sag-e Makes Thin Lifeless Hair Soft and Abundant. Beautiful hair, Ithick, soft, fluffy, lustrous, and free from dandruff, is one of Woman’s greatest charms. Frequent applications of Parisian Sage Well rubbed into the scalp is all that is neededâ€"it acts like magic. Try it to-mightâ€"you Will really be surprised With the re- sult. Not ,omdy will the hair be- come soft, fluffy, radiaznt with life and really'doubly beautiful, but all dandruff disappears, falling hair and itchy scalp ceaseâ€"your head feels fine. 4. LUULU AJAAIV. All druggists sell a large boct- tle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents. Get it. from Macfarlane 00., they Will refumd the money if you are not satisfied. Dear Sir,â€"I notice you have no regular correspondent in this 10- cality, and with your permission 1 shall undertake to furnish occa- sional, items, Which, I trust, will be of interest to many of your readers". In vu“v- I: Some may not know Where Lakelet is, so 'I’ll just tell them on the start. It is on the let conces- sion of Egremont, at Wilder’s Lake. It isn’t a city, :nor even a large town, or incorporated vil- lageâ€"merely a place out in the country, but We Want the people to know about what happens here. So here it goes. Mrs. Tunnabull, nee Mary Moore, has been ill for the past two or three Weeks, but we are glad to learn that she is making progress towards recovery. Mrs. Geo. Lawrence, who under- went an operation \in Stratford, is getting..a10ng nicely, and We hope she will soon 'be able to return to her home. ' Mr. Harold Lee, a former Mod- el student in Durham, visited last week at the ‘home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton..- Miss Maud Hamilton, who has been in town gfor some months, is spending .a time at the parental home, and is Enjoying; her holiday. Mrs. Robt. Henry has been ill lately, but, we are pleased - to learn, will soon be around again. The piomeers are a hearty and rugged people, and not liable to give up under anything short of a serious illness. ' She is one of the respected pioneers of this part of Egremonlt. Mr. W. H. Hunter of the 20th concession was in Toronto, last weekas delegate from Tartan Grange. We are sure his visit will be profitable, and that his report will give inspiration to the mem- bers of the local organization. Mr. Martin Wilson: recent pur- v .o. fifisreport‘ea' {Hat Mr. John Mcâ€" Kenzie of the =20th has invested in more land. ' LLAVL v A concert was held in the school house in 5.8. No. 12 on Friday evâ€" < ening, the 13th of March. The weather and roads were all that could be desired and the house was crowded to its utmost capaâ€" city. The admission fee was only 15 cents for adults. 10 cents '_ for children outside the section. and th-e'section children and all } who ‘took part in the entertain- ] ment. free. Notwithstanding the small charges, the proceeds a- % mounted to-'$34.85. So our readers may judge for themselves ' abOut : the way the house Was packed. ‘ Strange to say, the order was first-class in every way, a very ; unusual thing under such crowded conditions. The opening number % was a chorus, which reflects ‘ great credit on the teacher, Miss f ‘Yeo for the excellent way in . which the children were trained. : Splendid music was given by the ? orchestra, consisting of violin mu- : sic 'by the Hooper brothers, ac- companied on the organ by _Miss Mary Ramage. Recitations‘s by Reta LaWrence,'Edgar Brown and Ruby Matthews were 'well render- ed and received with much delight. Th-e'Misses Dailey, two little sis- ters, 'sang a very pleasing and touching selection entitled “The Pardon that Came Too’Late.” Miss Gertie Lawrence, a little nine-‘ ,Iyear-old girl, sang “As I Wan- ,1 dered Round the Homestead,” and fl gave evidence of ability, which -" was appreciated by all. The chief , drawing card of the evening’s en- tertainment, and one that was appreciated, was a~ play entitled “Old and .New England.” The cast consisted of \12 characters, and each performed the part assigned” .. well. The‘ following were the [ performers: Messrs. W. H. Hima- 1 ter, Thos. Daley, Samuel Patter- 7 son, ‘Jolm' Long, NV. F. Lawrence, \U F" 'l LMartiB‘Wilson“ Chas. (Reid, T1198. 3- Browm and aliases Mary Hooves: '- mar: Mn: Bell” afiergnson. WEALTH OF HAIR. LAKELET BREEZES. ‘3 géeâ€"T‘lâ€"[vtâ€"Irâ€"gently recommend GIN PILLS to friendsas being the one thing that does me good.” .E. G. WOODFORD. ‘1" ' “W ' 29 Broadway, New York. “I bought some of your GIN PILLS at Victoria; B.C., last September. Your remedy I find, at. 60 years of age, to give perfect relief from the Kidney and ~ Bladder Troubles incident to one of my AT 60 ENJBYING PERFEBT HEALTH A prominent Consulting Engineer of New York City, thus hgartfly endorses GIN PILLS : By the time a man or woman is 60, the Kidneys and Bladder need a little help to keep in good workin order. GIN PILLS are what they 1: . GIN PILLS keep the urine neutral, prevent colds settlin on the kidneys or bladder and ward o Rheumatic attacks. Remember, every box of GIN PILLS is sold with e sitive guarantee to give perfect satis action or your money promptly refunded. . - Mount Forest Businessl College I A superior school with compe- tent instructors and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All grad- uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the college. D.A. McLachlan, W.E. jVilson,‘ â€"â€"-'l‘()- ~- California. Florida and the Sunny South REFURW “mars Al‘ w/v lures THE LOGICAL nouns TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG For VANCOUVER (30m Dart-mem' Library ()hservntinn (far, Standard S‘veplng (htr. Tourist Sleeping 71“. Dining Car. First Class Coaches, Cohmist Car on both 'I‘rains. - Full pat‘fiicxflars from :my C,P.R. Agent. m- write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, "I‘mâ€"onto H. Macfm-lane. Town Agent ' E. A. Hfty Station Agent peared in disguised costume. and his renderings were of such a high order that his services as a. musical entertainer will assuredly be in much demand hereafter, not only at home, but in the outside world. Misses Hastie and Ben- Wick of Dromore sang a couple of duets in their usual able and ef- fective style. Mr. Geo. Lothian made an excellent chairman, and handled the meeting in a most effective manner. The singing ‘of Vfiovw‘v- V v w- I-uvâ€" the N atioEal 'Ant'he}; Vbrouéhf ' the meeting to 'a_ c_1_ose s‘hgrtly affer i‘i'Sii'o‘EkIan'd 61.1. {VS-ant horde de- lighted with the .good clean, enter- taining character of the program. The Ford Motor Co. will estab- lish a branch factory at London. E“ ”‘ "5‘3; 'II‘ Because He Takes 6"! PILLS Cali on hand and in Central GoldRoarvcmdNomaand Chemo of othet Banks WMWW; “macaw“. MW.“- 2,659,645.86 W WINTER TOURS Leave Toronto 2.30 PM. DAILY Leave Toronto [0.20 PM. DAILY Mount FOrest, Ont. President. From Rm; to Do WE; émm 31» 1a.... 1914 RESOURCES 87.95.545.95 30. 664. 507.“ 100.9591 Principal. .‘.- . Subscription Tm: Cnnomcu: w ill be sent tc . any addreea. tree of postage, to; . Rates . . 81 00per year, payalglein advance 3 41.50 may be charged if not? no paid. The date hich ever) ubscription is paid 3 Rewnumbei er the address label I[continued to all arrears are paid. g Option of the proprietor. is denoted by 1" 0 paper die exciept. at tho gIHE DURHAM EHHUNIELE At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. ~ Advertising For transient, advertisements Rates cents per line for the. first inset . tion: 3 cents per-line each subse quent. insertion minion measure. Professions cords. not exceeding one inch 84.00 per snnnm Advertisements Without snecific directions wil be published till forbid an 1 charted seminary l‘rsnsient noticesâ€""Lt“. ":‘F‘ound.‘ ”For e.’ etcâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents for one]: mbseq nent insertion. All advertisements ordered by ctr-encore Inn-t be nnid for in adv-nee. Contract rates for youny advertmemente tn: niehed on application to the oflioe. 1 UN DERT AKIN G and Funeral Directorw> U N DERTAKER ’zcture Frammg (m Shams: notice. DURHAM. ONT. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and white Caps for aged people. mmwsm SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of W'. J Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. 18 PUBLISHED , VERY THURSDAY MORNING Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention British American Business College Yonge and McGill Sts , Toronto. Ont. is the pioneer“ high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing nutter work than ever. \‘Vriwus if you want to prepare for atgood position. Henry C. Ward, Principal. New Clothing For Men and Boys and all Household Furnishings _ â€"â€"‘vv -I‘ EDITOR AND Paopmm‘on. Not-shadi- Duh“ Embalming a Specialty EDWARD KRESS New boots and Shoes just in and opened out; this week from the Beet Malia see us when you need eny- of both lines. Come and will try to please you. A. BELL thing in our line. “'9 Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains . L. GRANT TINSMITHING '. IRWIN

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