West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1914, p. 2

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I‘m-ACRE "FARM, GOOD 2-STOR- eY hou‘se,’bank barn, pig pen and other buildgngs: large orchard. 800d ater;"-.one mile south of Alla Park. '_As' the owner is giving up farming. this valuable farm will be .sold at a bargain. _7Mrs. Eliza Fizzell, Allan Park. WELL-KNOWN LAUGHTON arm,-'a ‘mile and a quarter north of Dromore; 100 acres, 60 acres under good state of cul- tivation, 15 acres pasture, bal- ance bush, mostly hardwood: frame barn ‘30x50; log and frame stables; good sized frame and ' grout house. Apply to J. T. Laughton, 50 Hill street, Port Arthur, or to J. M. Findlay, Dro- n «snot IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; Well fenc- ed; Well watered. Also 42% acres in Bentinck: good house, barn. and good well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply ,to Wm. Wall, Durham. 1 29 13pd BEING LOT 53. CON. 3‘ Glenelgw‘ containing E. G. 8.. 100 acres: 100 ACRES, BEING LOT 4, CON. 3,; _.'.Norm'anby, about 4 miles from: - Durham 15-3; miles from Varney.= Convenient to school and? church\ well fenced. well waterâ€"f 'ed, and- in good state of cultiva-i tion; brick house, bank barn “andi good buildings. For particulars.’ apply to David McAuliffe, Sr.. 1â€" an“! .A LARGE, ROOMY DWELLING hmse; large enough to keep ‘a’\ard~ers: convepiently qitugtgd SYNOPSIS’OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS a mu; 1 ' 1 _. - _- l Schutz, Durham. L,._ ...._. Tenders Wanted. 3' Bentinck. New 3 plans . specifications Will'be‘ open for 1‘." Spection on the 18th. instant. and, may be seen on application. Tend-t ers will be received up toTuesdayq March 31, 1914.â€"J. W'. Vickers, a. R. No. 1, Hanover. 312.; A GOOD BRICK 5-ROOM DW'ELT - ing. shop in connection, 30’x30’ with lane at back; good stable. shed and hen-house: well locat- ed on Garafraxa street, only a few rods from centre of town: good business stand. Apply to d“, C P, . Kinneer HM-.- _... :1 ‘2 21151 an :ELECTRIC‘ MOTOR, 2 HORSE- power, direct current, with start- ing box and switch complete. Rewound in February, now as good as new, replaced by larger motor. $48 takes it. Apply to W. J. Mitchell, Clinton. 3193 THE sole head or a family, or any male over 18 years old‘ may homestead a quarter-section of :vailable Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan. or Alberta. - ‘Q For bale BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AChES of good land good garden” Well stable, buggy house and other conveniences; inst outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the 1393593 to Jobs Wilson: 1213.1? GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street; good cellar, garden, barn, hen-house; hard and soft water; reasonable price «to quick purchaser. Apply to 9‘9qu The applicant must . appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency 01 Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Domini‘on Lands (not oufibâ€"agentk‘on certa‘in condigions, Dutiesâ€"Six months residence‘ upon and cultivation of the land, in each of three years. A home-i steader may live Within nine miles: of his homestead on a farm of at; least 80 acres. on certain condi-‘; tions. A habitable house is reâ€"g quired in every case, except when: residence is performed in the 5 vicinity. _ i h I A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a urchased thomestead in certain ‘ tricts. Price, 33' per acre. Dut- .-Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth The area of cultivation is sub- jecting reduction in case of rough. a I--.‘ - 4 In certain districts a home- oteader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includo in: the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. VEST PART OF LOT 28, CON. 1 W, G R. ad}oining corporation of Durham. containing 15 acres " mods, *‘ Rer‘ch‘es of good 0 - “â€"21.1. L2... more. “ICUCLF‘Q ‘ \oVI-v“___- on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood busht rest in good statepf cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lst: 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premises to Mrs. John Staples. Rural Route No. 1. Durham. Ont 944pdti land, a]; seeded down with tim- Othj’; good brick house; hard and soft water, bath. orchard, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson, Durham.’ . ~ 4 '24 ti E ali'bublié works; newly dec- orated; cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre, Durham. 612 oo'D FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. well located; good garden and hen” pen. Rent reasonable. Apâ€" ply to Ed. Welsh, Durham. 12 18 Itpdtf purChaser. AD Schutz, Durham. _’-- . L3 '0'; 'H 6’48“»? 8 I “-11.13 {1’ sfiéri m. TW O.’ To Rent 3a,? 523 He. inc!) 0 Less, 25 cents far first i M Prion. and 1069!!“ for each ”,1- .me inch and under two inc'hea, double the “hm-p amount. Yearly rates on applicamon. “2:?ng 2 19tf 1 22tf 3 19tf OFFICEâ€"Over .3 P. Telfoz-d’s office nearly opposite the Registry ofl'ice.” Residence Second house south 0t Registry office on east side of Albert. Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. in. Telephone cmmnunica- tion between office and residence at all hours. U short distance em: or Knapp’a Hotel. numb ton Street, be we: Town, Durham ’Jfice hours from 12 to 3 o'clock HYSICIAN AN 1) SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. 0608 tours, 8 to 10 a. m.- to 4 p. m. and 7‘.09 p. m. Special attention given to disease: )f women and shildren. Residence op Josite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant Roy.London Ophmalmic Hos 3112., and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe SPECIALIST .- E‘-‘."-T'.,fi ”A3,. THROAT NOSE U York «ma (3hic:‘._9:n Diseases 0! Eye. Ear Nose and Throat ‘Vill be M: the Hahn House, July 20 0ct.19 November 16. De(. 2] Hmus. 1m )p.m. fion or before :the twenty-fifth day of April, AD. 1914, their names. :addresses and full particulars of ?their claims, duly verified and the nature of the securities, if any :held by them, and after the said €tweniy-fifth day of April 1914, the Fsaid Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said ideceased among the persons. en- ;titled thereto, having regard onlv gto the claims of which she then ishall have had notice, and the :said Administratrix will not be gliable for the assets, or any part {thereofi to any person or persons iof hose claims she shall not then hav had notice. * I l Officeâ€"~Over Douglas" Jeweller}7 Stow). Holstein Conveyancer, . Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates and terms to suit borrower Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice All work promptly attended to. I]. P. Telfora. ‘ ARRISTEI., SOLICITOB. ETC f ('flice. nearly opposite the Regis‘ry nffice‘ Lambton it..Durham. Anyumpum '9 snonev tn man at 5 or cent. on ‘zarm ropertv. U er, Conveyancer 8w. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. [maker of Mar- .iasze Licenses. A general financial busi less transacted. ' DURHAM 0N'I‘.(L0wer Town.) NOTICE is hereby giVen, puxsu- ant to the Statutes in that behalf that all creditors and other peI-i sons having claims against thei estate of the above named William Robert Cuffe,, who died at the; Township of Bentinck in the; County of Grey, on or about the second day of February 1914, are required to send by post, prepaid i or deliver to the undersigned Ad- ministraxix of the said deceased a J F GRAI‘IT‘ .D, D. S .L. D S. E. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- - ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy}; Bollege Dental Slgrgeons of Ontario. Dentistry :11 all its Branches In the matter of the estate of William Robert Cuffe, late. of the Township of Bentinck~ in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. drs. iamieson iamieson. \FFICE AND RESIDENCE A OTARY PUBLIC, CO M M iSSION L er. Conveyancer. c. Insuranc l. 8. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. ELEANOR CUFFE, Administratrix, Durham, P. 0., Ont. Dated at Durham this 23rd day of fMarch, 1914. WANTEDIâ€"SHILfGLE MACHINE. at once, in good condition. Ap- ply to Wm. B. Clark. Durham. 5 3 L. R. C P.‘ LONDON ENG RéDULgTE of London. NM; Machinery Wanted Nafice 5.0 Creditors Mad [ca-I 017 actorv . Dr. W. C. ?ickering Dentist. Arthur Gun, M. D. Denial Directory W. J. SHARP Lem! rDz‘reaforv - ‘3, Fr {if R‘ 0'39“ ~immd A. H. Jackson. For Sale QR. BURT. 0? er J J Hunter’s éDurham ' lHOS. ALLAN, Principal 1nd Pro wincial Model School Teacher lst jDiass CeI tificabe. - l ‘1 Intending Students should e11 ter at the beginning of the germ if possible. z-Boald can he obtained at reasonable :mtes.Dnrhan11s a healthy and at- 11.1 acnw town. making it amost; desixo . able place f0 1 lesidence. The 11-21 0rd of the School in past yea1s is 11 flatten me: one. The musteea- are p111;.,1 esene educationally and spare. no pains to see. that teachers and pupils haw» evm v aduantnge fox the p10 per p1 eqen ration and acquistiou of knowledge. The- when] is thm'mxghlv wquipped in teaching abiliQ', in chemicat and elec- trical snpniies and fittings; etc.. fur full Juninr Leaving and -Ma.tricnl:ttinn work. - ' REV. W; H. HARTLEY. J. F. GRANT, _ Chairman. Secretarv 9,3193 . SEALED TENDERS, addressed Tto zthe Postmaster General, Will be received at -Ottawa until Noon, on .Friday, the 17th April, 1914, for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per Week each way, over Durham (East and SOuth) Rural Mail Route, from the Postmaster General’s pleasure. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to 'Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. '26, Sec. 55., that all persons having claims agains the estate of the said Alexander S. ith the Elder, who died on or about the 24th day of March, AD .1914, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 25th day of April, I1914, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. duly certified, and that' after the said day the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they _shall then have notice. In the Surrogate Court of the Coutny of Grey. In the matter of the estate of Alexander Smith, the elder, late of the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Dated the 28th day of March, A.D 1914. C. L GRANT ' and JAMES HAY, SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 24th April, 1914, for the conveyance of His Majesty’s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, thirty times per week each Way, between Neustadt RC. and Grand Trunk Railway Station from the lst_Ju1y next. ._v â€"â€" v V.-.’ -‘V‘Lu. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Neustadt, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. Post Office Inspector’s Office, Toronto, March 11th, 1914. A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office Inspector. “(All _-_ v.-_-_.â€"- w rnvuuulw. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of prOposed 'Contract_may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Durham, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. . Post Office Inspector’s Office, Toronto; March 2nd, 1914. 1 A.- SUTBERLAND, \ .' - Post Office 'InSpector. \ -' Post Office “Inapector The Epwort‘h League had an 319 3 “Irish” , might at the regular. meetimg last week when an inter- ' " "' " 'W estin debate took place, “Resolv- . Alliston carried a by-law by ed that Irishman have done more 243 to 4, granting concessions to' for the country than Englishmen” a company to make gas traction was the subject. The affirmative engines. g . was taken ‘by Clarence Dudg eon The nebula of 31-th have 3'29 @319; gagging 121.19 Jae-.53.- Bush Tuesday, March 31d ‘,to Oct;- 27Lh inclusive. via Chicagn, St. Paul or Dquth WiNNlPEG and Return $35.00 EDMONTON and Return 43.00 flomeseekers From Tornnth and stations North and “last, uf 'l‘pn‘outu. Px'upnrtion- ate lmv film-‘8 from Stations East of '1‘01'011m. Rutum limit 2 mnnths Fall pngiizmlzws at ('a‘rrgmd Trunk Ticker. Office-s, 01' write (I. E. Horn- ins‘r, I).P.A.. Toronto, Ont W. ("Valdetzfl‘uxvn Agent, Phom- 32L J. anner. Station Agent; Phone 1! FEES : $1 per month in advance Native to Creditors ‘ExecutOrs, by their Solicitor, J. P Telford To Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewam MAEL CONTRACT Fv’EAIL CONTRACT um DURHAMJCHRONICLEQ Excursions l. 4 a "MIIWGeo Walters and family left some days ago for their new home in the West. Mr. E. -E. Bellamy of Saskatoon spentpqrt of last Week with his FLESHERTON. Too late for last week; Mr. BertKWy'att leaves this Week for the west: parents here. ' Mr. Geo. Bellamy is filling a position for a short time in the Mim'nis factory at >Maxjkdale. ~ "The pipe organ in the Methodist church was turned on Friday last by 1a type}: :frpgp Tqroglto: *"Mrs. McClocklin of Durham is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mark Wilson. " Mr. and Mrs. Marr have moved to Mrs. Cart-’ers residence re- cently purchased from C. Mosier. Mr. Tom Chard of the Dmndalk public school staff, visited his father, who is ill, over Sunday. Borinw-In Toronto. on, Thuréd-év March 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Tgifitleyaite, a daughter, Miss' Petty, teaicher at L'auf‘istom‘, spenrt the Week end with her uncle, M1} Will Moore and Wife. Mrs. Oustam, teacher at Arthur, visited her brother, Principal Whate, of the High school, over the Week end. Miss Clara Duncan, milli‘ner, has secured a position at St. Thomas and Miss Laura Henry has gone to Peterboro. Mr. P. Loucks and family have moved from their home at the mill to the farm 'near by recently pur- chased from W. J. Stewart. Dr. Carter’s snumerous friends are pleased to seekhim about again, aft-er his severe illness during the past three months. Mrs. Dr. 'Webster .of Toronto, spent a,feW days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K Richardâ€" sonz and returned home Monday. The minister and elders of Chalâ€" mer’s church, With their Wives. Were entertained, a few evenings ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, and an enjoyable time was spent. A company of about 35 young peOple were entertained by Miss Irene Wilson one evening last Week at an “Irish” party, which proved a jolly affair. Mr. W. Flynn was seized with a severe illness last Week, but is now improving. Mrs. John Brown, sr.,'who was recently very ill, is alsg recovering. Died.â€"-At Toronto, on Wednesâ€" day, March .,18 Mr. Joseph Hind Whose bovhood days were spent here. The Writer was sorry to learn of his death, for in our youthful days We’ were school chums in old No. 3, near the vil- lage. He became a printer, and was for many years in the Christ- ian Guardian office. Toronto. Mr. R J. Sproule was at Feveiâ€" sha‘m on Tuesday attending the funeral of his ‘nie e, the late Miss Jennie Hale, who died on Saturdav at Maple Valley, Where she was engaged teaching. The deceased, Who was born in Ospiey, was a very highly esteemed young ladV, and her early demise is deeply re- gretted. The Band carnival on Thursday evening last was a great success. A large number of masqueraders were on the ice, and many charac- ters were Well represented in the costumes Worn. A long list of prizes was awarded, which we have not space to enumerate. Mr. Allie Best won the $5 prize for bringing the largest 'load, which numbered 52. Theproceeds were '$57.' Excellent music was fur- nished by the band, to which new recruits have been recently added, and A the aggregation is being brought into fine form by Band- m-aster Bowler. Mr. James Chard, who has,bee.n ill for a long time, is at present very low, and many friends sym- pathize with ‘him in his affliction. The Session of 'Chalmer’s church met a few evenings ago and ad- ministered to him the sacrament of tht'e'Lord’s‘ Supper. Mr. Alex. Stewart, who recently returned from Mono Road, has improved in health and paid his daughters at Markdale a short visit last Week, accompanied bv Miss Edna Stewart. Miss May Jamieson, professional nurse, Montclair, N.J., who visited her mother here recently, under- went an operation for appendicitis some days ago, and is reported progressing favorably; _ .__... _ _ Winter lingers in the lap of spring. Sufficient snow fell on Sunday night to necessitate the use of the plow on Monday morn- in-g t0 clear the sidewalks. __.- Miss Allie Wilcock, bride-to-be, was given 21 miscellaneous shoWer at the home of Mrs. R. H. Moore on Wednesday evening last. About 25 of her lady friends were pres- ent 'and an enjoyable time was spent. The Methodist and Presbyteiian Sunday schools each had asleighâ€" ing party on Thusrday afteinoon last, when sex en or eight well- fi1'~ ed sleighs Went out. After the drive a free tea was served. and the Whetted appetites of all Were. satisfied with the good things provided. Mrs» Wm Davis, TOrOntO line, Was in the city -a few days visiting his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Badgerow. who underwent a critical opera- tigh, but is recovering. k A quiet Wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Colgan of this place on Tuesday evening, March 10, when their eld- est daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, was married to Mr. Cep has Hindle, the ceremony being performed by ReV. Jas. Dudgeo’n. The young couple will reside on the 4th line, Arte- mesia, and will be at home to their friends _‘_after_ April 1. Why Do Women Suffer Itis soeasyto bewellandstrongsnd able to enjoy life, that it is surpnsing how many women drag themselves through the day sufiering tortures from lame back due to kidney trouble. Mrs. Wilcox found the way to cure herself and gladly writes about it so that others may be induced to use the same remedy. “I THE preciatiozn: Violin solos, .Miss Hulse; organ 5010, Mrs. White; quartettes, R; Wilcock, H. Sullivan, R. G. Holland and Dr. Murray: duret,fiBobs Trimble and RN. Corn- field;'solos, Misses Emma Whit- taker, Irene «W'ilson, Zilla Trimble, Mrs. J. Blackburn, and Mr. R G. Holland: readings, Mrs. R. H. Moore and Mr. W. Whittaker: short addresses, Rev. Mr. Kerr and Mr. M. K. Richardson The pas- tor, Rev. J. Dudgeon, presided. Proceeds $30.. St. Patrick’s day was celebrated by the Methodist Ladies’ Aid with an Irish supper and entertainment in the church, which passed off very successfully. After an in- viting hot supper a pleasing pro- gram Was rendered in which the following took part and were ac- corded the Warmest tokens of ap- preciation: Violin solos, Miss On the 13th inst, there passed away at__th«e home of her son, Geo. A., ét Winnipeg, a very highly esteemed old lady in the person of Mary Ann Hig O'inbotham, relict ing the able advocates of the sons of Erin. Rev. Kerr and Dr. Mur- ray were the judges. A superior school with compe- tent instructors and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All grad- uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars ,Or call at the college. D.A. McLachlan. WE. ‘Wilson, Mount Forest Business College â€"-T()-~ California Florida and the Sunny South REFUM' TICKEFS AT LOW RH‘ES Leave Toronto I0.20 P.M. DAILY 7omnartmenr Library Observation Car, Standard SlPPpIHg Car. Tnumst Sleeping Car. Dining Car. First, Class Coaches, “,(flnnist Car on both Trains. Full particulaw Trmu any 7,P.R. Agent. 0r write M. Gr. Murphy, District. Paswngvr Agent, Toronto R. Maofm'lmw. Town Agent E. A. Hay Stnhjma Agent For VANCOUVER TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG If GI] When They Could Bo Well? HE business man who custogzeu in various 1: or elsewhere as. ,2anan of Cana 0 find the services of this bank of i _ _DURHA1§_1_1_3_RANCH, \= WINTER TOURS Mount Forest, Ont. Leave Toronto 2.30 P.M. DAILY President. THE LOGICAL ROUTE Principal. IHE BUHHhM CHHUNIELE At the chronicle Printing House Street. Q} HE business man who has custo ers in various parts of Canals; or elsewhere will find theservices of this bank of and Funeral Directorx, Pza‘ure Frammg (mâ€" Shams: notice. British American Business _ College Full line of Catholic Robes, and blm' and white Caps for aged people. Yonge and McGill Sts , Toronto, Ont. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new managcnwnt it is doing better work than ever. \Vrineus if you want. to prepare for afgood position. Henry C. “Kn-d, Principal. DURHAM.ONT For Men and Boys New Clothing SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next Lu Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nex‘. door South of \V. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. C. L. GRANT 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING EDITOR. AND Pnopmmon. see us when you need em;- New boots and Shoes Just; in and opened out, this week from the Beat Make of both lines. Come and will try to please you. thing in our line. We [873 5 Garafraxa

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