West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1914, p. 7

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April 2, 1914. EGREM’ONT COUNCIL. A special meeting of Egremont council was held on Tuesday ev- ening,_as the rggmlt of . the repre-i THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA 'sAvmas 0W: IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY OUT OF SWEEP-DAY _ N An cacconnt in the names of two convenient. Either person (or the survivor) may operate the account. DURHAM BRANCH 2 S. HUGH ES, “Manager. Brightens Floor-s Order a tin toâ€"day at your grocers or frOm your hardware marl 500 T 0115 Mixed Chop' 500 Tons No. I FEEDING HAY Soveeigfi, Eclipse and Pastry Flours SAv DuS‘TBAN E One Dollar. Interwt is credited half yearly. Wheat and Barley Chop Wheat See our Hay and Get our Prices before buymg elsewhere Chopped Oats at $23_00 per tOn Every bag gfiamnteed; if not satisfactory we “ill return your money. Have you noticed the number of “Happy Thought” Ranges t at have left our establishment lately. People that are intelligent enough to find out the difference between Ranges. have come to the conclusion that there is no Range equal to the “Happy Thought”, They make every woman happy and it is necessary to make the “2011181) happy before the men can be happy. One man saw our ranges on Saturday evening. and he was ‘So wrapped up With them that he sold a fine Picadore Horse before breakfast on Monday morning. so that he c0ultl buy one of our Ranges. Buy one and you will be All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. TELEPHONE No. 8 JOHN McGOWAN happy £0.1- the remainder of yéur life. The Pluugning season has‘started', and we have 3 good supply of necessaries for ploughing. such as Plough Har- ness, Trace Chains: Sweat Pads, Plough Lines, Plough Bolts Clevisésfhugh Points and other articles too mun.- erous to mention. Wheat Chop also on hand . rimped Oats, fof Horse Feed. $23.00 per ton Capital Paid Up . - '- $11,560,000 Reserve Fund: - - 13,5 75,000 Cleans Cal-pets Don’t ask for sweeping compound puts the ee’s (ease) in sweeping "$4.4”? +++~I°€~§°~Iu§9§ 0n the Car at $14.50 per ton BEWARE OF SU BSTITUTES , Oats and Barley Chop - $23.00 per ton INCORPORATED 1 869 . BLACK ' x ; - -_ . - . . ominion Government on the 27th a.“ re .HydroLElectric Radials and by 'I‘hos. J.- Gordon, seconded by the Great Waterways Union. The”, Chas.‘ McRobb “That there be question was discussed in detail bv four delegates commissioned to the Reeve, Messrs. Hastie, Philp. join the combined delegation to d'zm' others and it was meet in Ottawa on March 27 1914 gmlvgd a‘nyd the ratepayers that and the expenses of the delegates, 1.1.-- 1...... Assigned-nu 1'“: mm. lav +159 mnmini‘nnlifv’ “ tv“ ~.,...._._.. ”g...â€" $25.00 per ton ++~Â¥++++4~+++é+é+++§++++ i Accounts may be opened with an initial deposit at "FLESHERTON. Continued from page 2. of the late Mr. John Higginbothami who predeceased her six years ago.‘ The deceased was born at Inisti-i og-e, Ireland, on Dec. 25, 1832, and? was therefore in her 82nd year. SheE was a sister of the late J .W. lArm-g } ! i 1 strong, of this place, and was the last surviving member of ' the fam- ily. In her girlhood days she. lived in Toronto, where she re- ceived her education, and at the time of her death was said to be one of the oldest Normal school students living. Coming to Arte- mesia in the early days she with her husband lived for a number of years on the Toronto line at Inistioge, from where theymoved to Manitoba 30 years ago. Three sons and one daughter survive, Jos. F. of Vancouver, John W. of Oak Lake, Main“, Geo A. o_f }Winni- peg, ahd' Mrs. J W. Johnston.’ wife of the Methodist minister at W-askada, Mla=n. THIS WEEK’S NEWS. ‘ Miss Hulse visited her home at Orangeville on Saturday. Mr. J BO (1 of Mt Forest visited his son, .J ., over Sunday andl Mgpday. __ â€"| A. Mr. and Mrs Barry Stewart Qf St. Paul’s, Perth county Visited the former’s mother and other relatives, and returned home on Monday. __A _ - n i --I' "Y Reeve McT-avish and Mr. W A Armstrong were at OttaaWa last 'week with the big Hydro-radial delegation who waited on the Government. "MiSâ€"s'VMébe'l Boyd of Markdéle visited over the week end with friends There. A. _.h A "Mr. and Mrs Herb Smith of Markdale spend: Sunday With the latter’ 5 mother. . a“---â€" M’ssfilV-feereâ€"ef Hawkeston-e, vis- ited her cousin, Mrs. RH Moore, last week. â€"â€" ' â€"__ W.Born â€"On Tuesday March 24. to Mr. and Mrs Geo vBlackburn1 a dau‘ghtgxf (L915 Agneg). a“ â€";/v Miss Ettie Thompson, who Was on a visit in the city, has return- ed home. _ Â¥ ,.1 - ““vâ€"n-â€"â€"'_ \â€" Miss Flo liver,” .T'oro'nto line, gave a .birthday party last Week to about 30 of her- young fri_ends. John Wright, assessor, is now making his annual call on the ratepayers of the village, and C. W. Bellamy is engaged likewise in th-_e_.t0v§n',shi13.' . " - 0 m- _ J... . At the Presbyterian'Guild last Week the literary committee put on an interesting debate, the sub- ject being, “Resolved, that Flesh- ertO'n and Ceylon be under one municipal government.” The afâ€" firmative was taken by Geo. Stew- art and G. Whitehead, and the negative by Jas. Harrison and Fran-k Duncan. The verdict of the meeting was in‘favor of the, latter: Luwupx uy ers. Geo Mitchell of Toronto,1 is visiting her sister, ers. Frank Cairns, and other relatives -- ‘I I by some of the High school stu- dents. Reeve McTaVi'Sh presided, and Reeve McKenzie was also present. ‘ I The .milliinery openings here were a special feature the past Week. F G. Karstedt, W. L. ergh-t and F. W. Hnickling eacl} We don’t believe there is any other bowel remecly anywhere near as good, and at the same time so easy and pleasant to take as Rexall Orderlies. .. We know 'you will agree with us and be- lieve you Will thank us for telling you about them. ' If they don’t satisfy you in every ‘way, come back and tell us and We will give back your money Without a word 'or question. You have no reason to hesitate when 'We give you the opportunity, as We hereby do, to try them at our risk. In. vest pocket in boxes, Me, 2.55:, 509. ' had a fine display of pretty and stylish headwear, much admired by the «numerous visitors during opening days. - â€" .o i -- .- '71 'I.___ ___ The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.! Wilcock was the scene of a quiet; but pretty wedding on Wecl'heSâ€"T day, March 25, when their daugh-t ter, Allie J., was married to Mini George H. Cairns, eldest son of. Mr. and Mrs Frank Cairns, westl back linehArtemesia. Rev. Jamesl Dudgeon performed the ceremony,‘ in the presence of about 40 guests: and Miss Pearl Cairns, sister of; the groo , played the weddingi march. After the wedding break-l fast, Mr. and Mrs. Cairns left on! the afternoon train for Toronto! and other points. On their re-i turn, they will settle on the. oldl Wm. Wright homestead purchased| a few months ago. A large circle] of friends wish the highly es-; teemed young couple much happi-§ ness and prosperity. The bride} zeceived\many valuable and beau- tiful wedding gifts. ! 'I ' You’ can buy ' Re'xall'Ord-erli-es only at The Bexall Stores, and in 31% town only of us. M'acfarlane ': o. ‘1-- s-- The belatecd budget received at The Chronicle office last Week \1 as mailed here in good time on Monday evening. GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM ALL BOVVEL ILLS. or other physic, take, a Rexnll Orderlie to-night and tomorrow you Will feel great. They taste good -and,-act so easily that there isn’t a particle of griping or purging, nor the excessive loose- ness that’ folldws the taking of salts and most pills. They soothe and strengthen the bowels, promptly relieving the constipa- tion, making it unlikely to occur ag_a_in. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. . W uampaon," She began wean- U, “will you ~come into the house? Mater Ficknn. the lawyer, is here Waiting to ‘go over my father’s papers with me. You have stood by me man- tnlly, your people and my peOple have heen"- she stopped a moment. “friends,” she added. “for 500 years. I have no one else with whom to coun- Iel. Come with me " The Island _ of the Stairs THE SUNRISE POULTRY YARD Durham, Each Tuesday March 3 to October 2 7. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Egmonton and Return - 43.00 rom Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Frapor donate fares from Sta_tions East of Toronto. H OMESEEKERS’ E X C UR SIGNS The Home of the LIGHT BRAHMA Wt (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) , EACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL TRANâ€"fich leave. West Toronto e531; Tuesday during MARCH 3nd APRIL after arrival regular 10.30 tub from Toronto Union Station. NI- - Settlers travelling with live stock and effects shoplq ta_ke SETTLERS’ SPECIAL Continued from page 6. REDUCED SETTLERS’ FARE'S MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Continued next week. W, D. CONNOR Stock and Eggs for Sale Return Limit two months. {RAHMA WHITE ROCK WHITE ORPINGTON BOX 52 Ontario 0009 9999.9999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999x¢ 1,! 09: in M } 0909‘ E. A_‘ ROWE : Confectioner and Grace.- O§§§§§§§QOOOOQQOOOOOQOQQOOOOOOOO‘OO0.990060090000000 OOQ‘OOQOQ‘QOOOQQQOQQQQQO OOQOQQOOOszzQEQi? ‘6000009 OOO‘OQOOOQOOOOOOOO §§§4 §+§§§§§§§ 0000000040”. ooooooooooooo‘oo+o¢¢++oo+4o§+oo¢oo0o+oooo¢oooooooo. o+§¢+§+¢§+++§¥§+¢¢§++¢+¢+o94¢¢¢o¢+o¢t¢‘¢++Â¥+0+§¢§¢90 mmwmmzzmuuce 9.99.981 The Down Town Shoe Store : i. S. Mcifraith For Good, Honest Value You‘Can’t Beat Us In order to raise money we are giving special redactions in all lines .. §OYSTERSAND FRUIT m SEASON‘E Our Aim is not to be known asselling the cheapest; shoes in town. but rather we prefer to give good goods at close price. \Ve have a very large stock of Boots and Shoes for all classes in diflerenb styles and prices, as well as some extra values in hosiery. Trunks, 'Valises, Suit Gases. Uluh Bags and Telescopes in stock. Leggings, Spats. Subbers. Moccasins and all seasonable goods at: close prices. Come. in and examine goods. whether C'u purchase pr not, ustom 'Work and. Re. ' pairingas usual. . Beef-hides, Sheepskins, Tallow, Horsehides Wool, Old Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper and Brass, also any quantity of raw skins, Mink Fox, Coon, Muskrat or Skunk We confidently believe we‘ are underselling any other store Durnzuu. Prospective customers should look over our hue RE MEMBER! This will be for One Week only. A complete change of Bar-gains will be offered the following week and so on for five or SIX weeks. The reductions we intend giving will he plain to everybody as we mark our goods in plain figures at, very low prices.“ from these low prices Iurther reductions wil! be made as an inducement that pur- chases shouLd not; fail to take :uivantage of. Next Week we will make a Special-Run on EVERYTHING. IN STOCK And are paying the Highest Price. Cash or Trade. We will pay an extra price for good birds. Poultry must not be fed for at least twelve hours before being brought in. Bring in your Fowl on any day of the week. We will buy them. W'e are in the market for any quantity of Live Poultry Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. . . . . . . \ . The Highest; Prlces for Skms 10 good condition; poorer quakty will recewe a. lower pmce. . .‘ SC.OTT,.Ganafraxa Street, Durham For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. Hides and Skins Wanted Live Poultry Wanted Ladies’ Coats, Suits,” Skirts. Underwear and. Dresses Men’s Suits, Pants, Under- wear, Shirts, Sweaters, etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Furn- ishings at close Prices. BIG BARGAINS E. A. ROWE’S We will also purchase any quantity of atch this Ad. for Bargains 1 door south of Burner; 5 Bakery Gnrafmxa St. Durh un The Biggestzof the Season “v SEVEN; ‘ m of fi?‘

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