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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1914, p. 2

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0‘" The creditors are notified to meet at my office, Garafraxa street West, Durham, on Mondav the 13th day of April, 1914, at 30 clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving a statement of his affairs, for the appointing of inspectors, for the setting of fees and for the order- ing of the affairs of the estate generally. All persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the said insolv- ent must file their claims, proved by affidavit, with me on or before the 20th day of April, 1914, after which date I will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said es- tate, having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have received notice. WILLIAM J. McFADDEN, Trustee. in the mattez of William James .itkinson of the Village of H017 stein, LiVE‘IV Stable Keepel, In- solvent. NOTICE is hereby given'that the above named insolvent has made an assignment of his estate to me 'for the benefit of his creditors un- der Ontario Statutes 1910, Chapter :84. . Durham, April 1, 1914. The Algonquin summer hotel, at St. Andrew’s. N.B., owned by the C.P.R., was burned on Saturday: 1065 $500,000. . P Teli’ord, of the Town of Dur- ham, Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 30th day of April. 1914, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. duly certified, and that after the said day the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated the- 6th day of April, 191-3 IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; well fenc- ed; well watered. Also 42% acres in Bentinck: good house, barn. and good well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 12913pd HEIFER, THOROUGHBRED DUR- ham, rising 4 years old; nice dark roan; also two sows, due, (me about the middle of April. other about middle of May. Ap- ply to A. J. Sealey, Lots 221ml 3, S.D.R.. Glenelg. 493ml BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AChES of good land good garden, wall stable, buggy house and other conveniences; inst outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 mt GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street; good cellar, garden, barn. hen-house: hard and soft Water; reasonable price to quick purchaser. Apply to John Schutz, Durham. 3191f NOTICE is hereby given. pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. '26. Sec. :35, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John McCalmon, who died on or about the 5th day of April, AD 1914, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise: deliver to J. “Lit-"1 PART CF LOI‘ 28, CON. 1 \‘.‘_ L} 1:. ad oining corporation of DUI"1(LB.. front'aining‘ 15 acr9s :3 royals, r perches of good you. «I; settled down with tim- ")1'.._‘f‘2 good brick house; ham 4 .x coir water, bar 5. orchard, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson. Duiham. 4‘24 ti A NUMBER OF GOOD BUILDING lots at the corner of Queen and Chester Streets; good location. high and dry. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Everett. 4 9 4pd A GOOD SOLID BRICK Ill-ROOM- pd house. including bathroom and furnace. In connection, there is an excellent garden and hen-house. \Vill sell at reason- :rhle price and terms. Apply to Edward Burnett. Jr., Durham. :2 BEING LOT 53, CON. 3. E. G. 8.. Glenelg. containing :00 Acres: on premises are new £33119 burn. rink house. sheds :mJ outbuild- ings: ru:m.ng Stream throuz! .â€"-â€"~; â€"â€"4 GOOD fiFIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. 20, 0a. 19, N , . - . Well located; good garden and Hun”. 1L05 p.n‘)).V9111beI 16. Dec. 31, hen pen. Rent reasonable. Ap-s __ ' ply to Ed. Welsh, Durham. 1 ‘ “ - W , 1.2 181mm: _wl Dzrectorv In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of John McCalmon. late of the Town- ship of Normanby in the County of Grey. Gentleman, deceased. Notice. to Creditors brick house, 5380.5 ailJ UUL‘JUmlu- ings; ru:m.ng stream through prOperty: aboxx.‘ 30 :cres hurd- woatl :Jus'n. rest :11 good state of cultivat'on. Possessmn given on Nov. lst- 1913. For furtmu‘ pa;- t1culzzrs. ufipi}: 012 premses to Mrs. Juizn Stzapiesz. {turn Rome No. 1, Durham, Ont 944p€1t1 v t "éliv-pfiblic works; newly deem orated; cheap rent. Apply to_; N. McIntyre, Durham. 612; LARGE, ROOMY DWELLING; muse; large enough to keep. ‘owur'iers: conveniently §ituated t‘ .3- if“ {H to Cx'ediml's \lveriiwmmrs of o 51);:3gnat Lnyz‘zim by his Solicitor, rms 101' Sale. THOMAS WALLACE, To Rent. ‘1 "or 5 zilte n” on: iucn, or {es-t, 25 cents-for first insertion and 10 coats for each 15,“ o): .. one inch and under two inches, double the above amounn Yearly rates on applicatxon. ‘ -: SMALL ADS. Executor. J. P Telford. In the matter of the estate of ‘William Robert Cuffe, late of the 'Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. ; NOTICE is hereby given. nurSu- ant to the Statutes in that behalf ,that all creditors and other per- sons having claims against the estate of the above named William lRobert Gaffe” Who died at the Township of Bentinck in the ”County of Grey, on or about the second day of February 1914, are required to send by post, prepaid ior deliver to the undersigned Ad- jministrarix of the said deceased, NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26, Sec. 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Smith the Elder, who died on or about the 24th day of ,March, AD 1914, are required to send~by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P Telford, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 25th day of Aprii, 1914, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by'them. .duly certified, and that after the? said day the executors will pro-; ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled, thereto, having regard only to} the claims of which they ,shall then have notice. l i Dated the 28th day of March,‘ 2A.D .1914- if A 1' A“.-- JR. BIN WN L. R. c P.. LUNDON ENG . (1 RADULATE of London T . T Vnrk Ann“ “hinnan on or before the twenty-fifth day of April, AND 1914, their names addresses and full particulars of their claims, duly verified and the: nature of the securities, if anyI held by them, and after the said twenty-fifth day of April 1914, the said Administratrix will proceed to; distribute the assets of the saidi deceased among the persons en- titled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which she then shall have had notice, and . the, said Administratrix will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claims she shall not then have had notice. ELEANOR CUFFE, . Administratrix, Durham, P_.O., Ont. Dgted _at Durham this 23rd day of .Fi“IOI£-â€"0ver J P. 'J‘elfm'd’s “flim- ) lien! h opp-mite the {vgish ) ()fiiv e'. Ranch-nee Swuud bun“ :muh (A RegiSll'f. \4 imam eastside of Albert SU'm-t. ()fii v H'mns 9-31 «112“ '34 p. “2.. 7-9 p m. 'l‘rlwphuue (:nuiunmiua- Linn heiu mu (vi’fiv're and residence.- at .‘LJ hnul's. ()fi‘ihe Over Douglas’Jewellerv SLOI‘P. ;HY5101A3~‘ aNu SUfiGECN, ()k i tics in the New. Hunter Block. Ofl‘ict was H: to 10 mm. t.(.1p.m.and7 20% m. Special attentmn gum. to disease: of women and child zen Rasideme or p mite l’xhsbvtmialx l hurcb. In the matter of the estate of Alexander Smith, the elder, late of the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey Farmer, deceased. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at .owest rates. and terms to suit borrower File and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice All work promptly attended to. In the Surrogate Court of the Coutny of Grey. Cum human: {oyhnndon ()phtnalmxs 80: $13.. and cn!‘ml}mn Sq 'l‘hrmn and Non.» RN SPECIA LJS T : WE, EA?” THROAT NOSE J F GRANT..D.D.S .L D S f ONOR (4RA DUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate R0y5 )allege Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its Branches. U ‘lff'V i‘a’baz .' [o ) " “I (‘unveyiuwer (3. Insurance \geur Mnuey to Loan [swer of War- ‘iaqa Licenseas A general financial busi- mss tramacted. :a Hi 5 'n' HII‘X‘ rnpartv. n“. (206' 3m. iamueson a Jamieson. me. AA}; RESIDENCE A I ank And Chicane" Diseases 09 Eye. Ear Nose and Throat ‘Vill he at the Hahn House, Julv A. H. Jackson. J mumy PUBLIC. cm: x: zssmx -. ~iai. Hutton, M. Du, L'. NS. Notice to Creditors C. L GRANT and JAMES HAY, Executors, by their Solicitor, J. P Telford Notice to Creditors DURHA W ONT (ant-er ann short distance ewt 0t Knapp’s Hotel. 5 ton Street, Lo war Town. Durban. .. ham} from 12 t4. 30.010611 Oflice .13, F'Nit 8* “'W" "“‘m' Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. :‘L'ICI’LZZCLZI’ Uz’reaorv. Arthur Gun, Ni. U. W. J. SHARP Lem! ‘Dz’rm‘orv BR. BUR}. 'xerJ J Hunter’s of London N 9w «’7 {Fr mg the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. â€" A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a Dre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth 3300. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WnSi LaND REGULATIONa‘ THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominionland in Mani- ioba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. the applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for _the DISLI‘iCt. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not nub-agent), on certain conditions, Dutiesâ€"Six months residence man and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- ateader may live within nine miles or his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- nteader in good standihg may prer. acre. Duties.â€"â€"Six months \f'esi- dance in each of six years from date of homestead eptry (includv Inn OLA ‘=â€"â€"‘ â€"“‘ ° J! thifl Hon. L. ‘P. ‘Pelletier told a dep- utatlon of Quebec and Levis resi- dents who interviewed him with regard to the establishment of a branch of the Armstrong firm at Lauzon, where the new drydock is to be built, that the Government has no intention of establishing a precedent by subsidizing wealthy and powerful British concerns to enter the Canadian field and com- pete with this added advantage against the companies already es- tabhshed. All the municipalities in the .Ni- agara District will be asked 'to join in the reception to the Duke of (Donnaught at St. (3210111111105 on May 11. Valuable SOD-acre farm. clay loam. in the Township of Proton, County of Grey, and about ten miles from the Towns of Mount Forest, Durham and Dundalk. On the property is erected a detach- ed two-storey dwelling house with large rooms, a large frame barn 55’x66’, and frame stable ‘24’x55’. There is .also a good well. The farm is fenced with arail and 'wire fencing and is but a short dist: ance from school and church. Low price for quick sale. Terms-â€" small cash payment down and bal- ance on easy terms. Immediate possession. For further particulars apply to The Trusts and Guarantee Com- pany, Limited, 43-45 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or J. P. Telford, Solicitor, Durham, Ont. The St‘hnnl is that-Mrgblv "q”il'ped’ in teftching ability, in chemical and eh-c. t"‘(’“1wpn|ieafi and fitting.» etc" for fu 1 1 Junior Leaving and .Vlntx-icnlminn 1 9 Wth. i Vendor’s Solicitor. Dated April 14th, 1914. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Hahn’s Hotel in the town of Durham, on Thurs- day, the l30th day of April, 1914, at the hour lof 2 o’clock in the after- noon, the following valuable free- h old pro pert y :â€" The Third Division of Lot 29. Concession 1, East Gaiafraxa Road in the 'J ownship of Glenelg con- taining 50 acres more or less. Furthe' terms and conditions “111 be made known at time of sale. - The property is within one mile of the Town of Durham. on a leading gravel road. and is in a good state of cultivation. Terms of Saleâ€"Ten per cent. in cash at time of sale, and balance Within 30 days thereafter. Without interest. l‘HOS. ALLAN. Principal -md.PI-° \‘ihcial Model Schonl Teacher lst Class Cert ifir-nw. Intending St udel‘lta‘ should (Julie? at the beginning of the germ if possible. Hmu'd 0:1.an uhtuilwd at reasnnable rates. Durh'n. ts a healthy and at- trm-rive mwm making it a most, desir- zLMv plm'e f“; residence. Durham High. School The I‘H'nxd of the Schnul in past. yenxfi ia :1 fl: mm .ng one. The trustees are p! Hg} 9 >M\ v mhwatimmlly and spaw nu pains m we Yhnt teavhm-s and pupils hnvt- ova advantage fur the pm per pwsm Latin“ and acquisiinu u! knnfilkdge’. REV. W. H. HARTLEY. _N _._B._-Un_anthorized Dated April 4th, 1914. Valuable Farm. For 8310 (heap MUST BE son) A? ONCE FE CS : $1 per mnmh Fa rm for Sale ROBERT B‘RIGHAM, Auct J. P. TEQFORD, um DURHAM CHRONICLE. (Jhnilman. Interim?“ manor. ___.‘I.I9___L J. F. GRANT. in advance Auctioneer. Secrctarv (One-way second class) From stations in Ontario, Kin ston, Renfrew and west to points in A berm and Saskatchewan, each TUESDAY during April, The Grand Trunk Paelfic Railway is the shortest. and Quickest route be- tween Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Ed- monton. with excellent through ser- vice to Regina. Trains now running in to Ca'gary. _ Berth reservations and particulate {it all GrandeTrunk ticket‘oifices or “jg-ice n n "nh‘Y."Yfi h n ’A on Rnund trip tlckets to points in Mani- . tobu. Alberta and Saskatchewan via.é Chicagn, St. Pam or Duluth. on sale; each Tuesday until Dumber 27th, in-; elusive. at low fares. Through Pullman Tourist, Sle9pers to WIN‘NIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p. m. No change of cars. Return Limit, Two Months ll‘mneseekers’ i «1. VGod wants a man to be true. lIt is the flaw in the metal of the icar-wheel that spells danger to itrafficâ€"and so it is a lack of trueness in a man that often causes his downfall. The man to- day. who abuses the temple of the ,Holy Ghost. who throWs his ta]- Ients honelessly into the work of 'serving Satanâ€"is not being true to himself. And how many there are of us who fail to see selfishness as .one of our faults. yet would it not be better were we to look more to uourselves. re the advance- ment of our soul? Besides, man is ever proving false to “his fel- low-man. Business is calling out for trustworthy employers“ hu-' manity are committing their great offices unto the men whom they? feel are true. The ‘1 will’ of Christ stands for more than the' ‘I will’ of man. because the. ‘l wills‘ of Christ always stand for fulfill-- ment. And lastly, we need men who are true to God. What the: world lacks to-day are the men with the \‘iSiOIl beyond. the waving sky-line. The twentieth century is an age of materialism, and people- forget to wait on the Spirit. It is religion that casts the real glow upon life, and sheds bright sun- beams into sorrow’s chasms. Then let us :not forget to put our trust in God. He is willing to stand lie-g 3. God wants a man to be generous. The spirit ‘01" giving is decidedly Christian. How many hearts have beat happily through the Christmas spirit! How many children have delighted with their experience with Santa Claus! Scripture says. “It is better to give than to receive.” And in so doing. we must remember that it isn’t always the great gifts that count. When Martha anointed the head of Jesus, Christ did not turn away from her generosity. Rather. He said, “She hath done what she could.” A poor woman. mother of four children. and but herself to support the home. walk- ed into our house one day. near Christmas time, and presented the teacher with an ordinary. insignif- icant handkerchief. He accepted the parcel. and in opening it, dis- covered the trivial gift. What an offering. love-prompted and beautiful! It was done. through the generosity of a heart filled with love. “2. God Vants a man to be kind. It is a great thing in the living of this life to lose sight of our own sorrows <and cares in serving others. 'lhe measure of a man’s life is his service, and if we are alive to discovering the real sad things in life, we can soon de- velop the spirit of kindness. An old professor, in Normal school, in giving us advice how to get along with the people, said, “It always pays to say the nice thing.” Not long ago, I walked into a store in an adjoining town, where I was well known, and stepping up to the proprietor, I unconsciously smiled and wished him good-day. Looking at me for a moment. he replied, “If every Christian would Wear a smiling face, life would have far more sunshine.” “If you can save one heart the aching, or soothe one pain; if you can lift one fainting robin into .his nest again, you shall not live in vain.” We are 'apt to forget ‘mid the noise and glitter of the present age, that sometimes ’neath the rags, is a heart on fire with the love of God. Poor John Bunyan, the Bedford tinker, at one time looked down upon by the lords and dukes. when dead and gone, had commemorated by this same class, his death. By J. W. Greenwood _____: The tendency fto-day’. in men’s actions, if to them there comes a real ugly missile from a fellow- being, is to grasp a like instru- ment and hurl it back a little harder. In other words, humanity don’t like rto live up to Scripture- “Do unto others as 'you would have them do unto you,” but if a man slap, \you on one cheek. slap him back. Such action does not seem to merit favor in the eyes of conscience. It doesn’t apply to the right actions of a rail man. Is it not true that any kind of man can .give Way to passion. lose his head and then regret it? '1 hen What kind of man does God \x'an’t man to be? 1. God wants a man to be hum- hle. Pride is a ruining force in our churches of t0~day. There is cree1_)ing in a division betWeen the mass and the class. The poor old pioneer, roughly dressed, feels out of place in our services. No matter how (good some people pre- tend to Joe. when there walks in a poorly-clad individual, these chill him with their pride and sneers. '.U > SETTLE kS’ FAR'ES THE REAL MAN Excursions Many more things may the rml man be, but ever remember humil- ity, kindness, generosity. truthful- ness, are costly 'gems in the make- up of .ut__h§ ILfieal Man. side us rthroughout the conflict. and will be true to us, and, in re- turn, asks us to ’be true to Him. Z] THE A superior school with compe- tent instructors and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central BusinessCollege. Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All‘grad-â€" uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the college. D.A. McLachlan, W.E. Wilson, President. Principal. Mount Forest Business Coflege Man ga-Tone Blood Tablets pun f 3; £53 enrich the blood cially ood for women and young gir 8. 50¢. a x. 203 Sam‘ble box free if you write us: med; tioning this paper. National Drug and Cliefn. Co._,_ of Cgpada Limited, Toronto. -A_‘ _ There is no other remedy in the world that acts so quickly and so effectively in relieving Pain in the Back, curing Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Suppres- sion or Incontinence of Urine and driving Rheuniatism out of the system. FRENCH RIVER, Ont. “Enclosed please find 50c. for which kindly send me a box of GIN PILLS, as I don’t feel that I can remain long without some of them in the house. I find them so good that if I am out of GIN PILLS, the house seems to be all wrong somehow. Kindly smd pills by return ”1311-" RICHARD HAMLYN. If you have any trouble in getting GIN PILLS in your neighborhood, write direct to us, enclosing.the regular retail price, 50¢. a box, 6 for $2. 50, and we will fill your order by return mail, .it the same time giving you the name of a nearby dealer who handles GIN PILLS. Leave Toronto 10.20 PM. DAILY Unmnm'flnem Library (thrvutinn ('wu', Shanda I‘d S‘meq (‘mu 'l'mlrlst. Slwepinw (Tn-.1 Dis ing (7m; Fhst Class Cu;u1w~ (_‘ n ‘Ullibl ( a! nn both '“lmins. Full pztr'tiutlus‘ fxum :mV ( I’HR Agent 01' WNW M. h. Mmph). Disniot. P:l\.‘~¢-‘H"‘"I‘ Agvm, 'I‘umnm R. M m‘ n la: 1» 'l‘nzvn Agent, E ”1} Sta inn Agvnt. Can’t Ila Without Them Bin Pills the only things that keep him. well. â€"â€" 'l‘(‘)â€" -- California Florida and the Sunny South THE 1.0mm. ROUTE TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG For VANCOUVER REFUQH NJKESFS .H‘ LON RATES ‘ " TORONTO I DURHAM BRANCH, ImKelly, um I ©1F‘ @ANADA Mount Forest, Ont, Leave Toronto 2.30 PM. DAILY AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest ament rate of intend. Withdrawal: of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. Alladvertisemenms ordered by strangers must rm mid for in aduaoe. Contracr rates for yearny admrmsementa fur niahed on application to the office. Snbscri t THE CHRONICLE w‘ll R p Ion any address, 1r“. o‘f :6 «m 0" ates o o ’1 ()0 , PftE-ge, 10‘ Ynnge and ‘)l('(l‘iu Sts . Tm-nutn. Out. is the. pimwt-r high grade Business Svhnnl of Canada. l'ndvr new managmxwm it. is doing hotter work than evm'. \\ rim» us if you want to prepare for a good pusiLion. ancry 0. \Vard. Principal. zcture Frammg (m- Shams! notice. IHE DURHAM EHHBNICLE IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING at the Chronicle Printing House, Gan Street. British American Businegé ‘ ,,..C9l!.eg¢ " Full line of Catholic Robes, and blan‘ and White Caps for aged people. Fdr Men and Boys TINSMITHING Mr. M. Kress has opmwd a shop ab the rear of the. furniture show room and is prepared 30 do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attentinn New Clothing SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Nev door South of XV. J. Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. DURHAM. ONT and all Household Furnishings C. L. GRANT EDWARD KRESS sqe as when you need 9n?- m and npenvd out this of but I] limos. will try to please you. week from the Best Make. pr hunts and Shoes Just 0 thing m 0111' line. “'9. Embalming a Specialty ED I T ( ) R A .\ 'l' VI) ‘ P ) 1% ‘I‘ P 4‘ 0 R . IRWIN AND April 16, 1914. 'nn :9 and ', Gamfmxa '35

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