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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1914, p. 5

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April 16, 1914. _ For Men Stock for Spring “1914” Now Complete THE REXALL STORE Near The question of comfort has been given careful thought and study by the makers of Monarch Shoes. and in every style Show: 3,41--- u" -_.._ - is assured. This fact. coupled with the knowledge that “Monarch” shoe styles eXpress the newest English and American style ideas should have influnce with men who are “particular” about their footwear. Don’t fall to see this line. . Repairing neatly and promptly done.. Garafiaaxa Street Bridge, Durham Prices vary, but here price always nuys we gl'eaawau Valuc posmble. ' Come and examine the quality, Wall Papers here at anytime you wont want to look at any other line after a glance at ours. It’s a Selection of the Best. All Paper trimmed free. . L. SAUNDERS MACFARLAN ES’ DRUG STORE for the Plumbing. Steam or Hot Water Heating System or the Furnace. ,‘HIS WORK ATTEYDED TO BEFORE HOUSE CLEANING The Shoeman .+~§-4~MWM*++¢+%W Broken Lenses Renewed. Nothing will alter the appearance of a room quicker than Wall Paper, nor will anything add a more pleasv ing air of comfort to the home than rooms WhQSB walls have been beautified with IIID I‘D/\flhh OIUI\u ail Tickets [Come to Us for. Information MAKE YOUR HOME ‘CHEERY here price always buys the greateet value Ontario , Ontario home, make it appropriate books the latest and best $100 REWARD $100 I Thereaders of this paper will bel pleased to learn that there is at . least one dreaded disease that sci- ence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall’s Catarrh Cure is. the only positive cure now known to the '? a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the-pa- tient strength by building up the constitution, and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors .have so much faith in its curative 'powers that they offer Ope Hund- lred Dollars for any case that it 'fails to cure Send for list of .tes- ' timonials g l Address F.J. CHENEY g: co.. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- i”!- Seeding has commenced in Leth- bridge dlstrict.‘ atipation. iwc kuv“"v~.-I~v w--~â€"â€"-W A handsome 7 “13"F'1t7d weekly. Larrvest. cu‘ ( 24(in 0f any 6 3”“ C )Ournal. Cleans 11;: in. .Jan 3. ”"5 J. ye“. pUbua-ge prepaid, Sold L; a -” 39‘7”th £02“! re: lug" [30 3618madmy, New Vat: Branch 011106. 625 F St... Washington. D. C. Il' Hg THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. .... u " ' ‘ “.‘Vf‘QI‘KS “fiiffl‘IS .fiv M). CRIVERDALE. Mrs. Arthur McClocklin spent over the holiday in Toronto. Mr. Wm. ‘Weir Spent from Thurs- day: till Satulfday in Toronto. A “-- A- ‘tha:““ E Messrs. Spence and Thos. Hop- kins of Mulock were in this part- Week before last With their circu- lar sawing outfit and cut up a? couple of fine piles of wood for, your scribe here, and Mr. Jos. At- ‘kins'on. : ‘ M'r. Dan. iMcArthur was at Mr. Wm. ’Weir’s with his sawing ma- chine a week ago Friday and cut up a fine pile of WOOd. â€"â€"â€". - -4. “any “8‘ V“"‘““"J â€"â€" â€" Misses Annie and Agnes McGirr are Spending the holidays at their home here. - Mr. Al-exJ-Bel-L who has been teaching near Milverton, is spend- inghtheiolidey's at his home here. â€"â€"â€"‘ â€" _‘ _ .‘.b “-v --v-â€"â€"â€".â€" Miss Victoria Aljoe, who is teaching near Chesley, is spending the holigd:ays With her brother, Mr. Alex. éljoe. _ â€"â€" ~- Mr. Ernest McGirr teacher at Allan Park. is spendtng the holi- days a_t glis home here. ,o_‘I‘ ““NII}. F. flawrenee, accompanied~bv M'i-ss Mary Hamilton. spent 'one eVening last Week at Mr. -Wm. Weir’.s ' VQ- . Inspsctor Campbell visited our school Week 'before last and gave a very satisfactory report. "A__ Pratt Bros. of .Louise were at ,M-r. John ~‘McGirr’s last week with their well-drilling outfit and suc- ceeded in getting an abundant supply of water. .This Week they are at \Mr. N; ‘W'lgitmore’s. “-v wv Messrs. W. :Blyth and Wm. Bo-gle of Varn-ey, accompanied by Misses S. and «C. Ritchie of Durham, spent an evening 'last week at Mr. Wm. Weir’s. _ _ _ - "Miss'Annie Aljoe of- town spent Good Friday with her brother, Mr. Alex- Alice- "‘9 a . lon the nerves. This most painful! Edisease is one of the hardest} lknown to expel, but RHEUMA can ‘ {reach it if given a chance. This l testimony is positive proof: 4 “Last March I was so crippled . with Neuritis in left limb I could lwalk scarcely at all. Tried all lremedies I heard of and had two lphysicians.‘ Nothing did me any 'good until I used RHEUMA; $2.00 3 Worth of your remedies surely cur- t ed me.”â€"Mrs. C. B. Hayes, Russell, 5; Kentucky. _ _ - . n “A -4. ’A Miés E'lizabeth Weir of town, spent a couple of‘ days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Weir. V VA- . Mia's Minnie Andrews, teacher near 'Orangeville, is spending the holidays at her home here. NEURITLS FOLLOWS CRIPPLED NERVES. Painful Effects of Chronic Rheum- ‘ atism Quickly Routed by Rheuma. If your nerves are all crippled from attacks of Rheumatism, Neu- ritis can easily get a strong holgi ALVJJ Hwy--.) . Sold by Macfarlane 8: Co. at .30 cents a bottle. . 'Canada will adopt the system of the [3.8. Bureau of Chemist/1y. Italy is determined not to reâ€"’; store the Aegean Islands to Turr key unless she obtains railroad? and other concessions in Asia Minor. '1 Haldimand County Temperance and Moral Reform Workers have discontinued the Canada Temper- ance Act campaign inaugurated in February. 1 From present ice conditions it is not probable that steamers will be able to make their way from Lake ;Huron to Lake Superior much be- ,fore the usual timeâ€"April 20, g \ DON’T GROW BALD. ‘ Use Parisian Sage. " g If your hair is getting thin, los- ing its natural color, or has that matted lifeless, and scraggy ap- .})e~ai'ance, the reason is evidentâ€", fdandruff and failure to keep the hair roots properly nourished. l ! Parisian Sage applied daily for E21 week and then occasionally, is {all that is needed. It removes :dandruff with one application; alâ€"‘ ?most immediately stops falling. hair and itching head: invigorates the scalp and makes dull, stringy hair soft, abundant and radiant twith life. Equally good for men. lwomen or childrenâ€"everyone ! needs it. I A large bottle of this delightful '1 hair tonic can be had from Macfar- 6 lane Co. or any drug counter for ' 50 cents. You Will surely like Par- ‘isian Sage. There is no other “'Justoa" good”â€"â€"-Try it now. X1 Budapest suffragists declined to turn out to greet. Sylvia Pankhurst The four gunmen convicted of the murder of Rosenthal were el- ectrocuted on Monday morning at Sing Sing. Provincial 05 $10,000 for Wooc " EpilepticS, Whici tional buildings !ed and added The Terminal Hotel, Hamilton. will enter suit against the estate of the late James N. Grow, for $17 damages done by him when he committed suicide by cutting his throat. Negotiations for Way in Owen Sound iti-al [stage and deve follow in 'the near f' cottageS. l1 estimates included 5 Woodstock Hospital fqr i: i _ dings Will be constructq lded to the group 0“: ans for a street rail- m Sound are, in the in- and developments may me near future :VVYVVVVVVYWVWVVVYVVVVVV VVYVVVVVVVWVV'V: t : E I. H. C. 3 E McCormick Line of Machinery each member agreeing to pay $50 been referred to 'the finance com towards the cost The matter has mittee { I L K ‘2. 1 .. J Shop Where You Are Invited to Shop Binders King Manure Spreaders Mowers Hoe and Disk Drills Rakes Blue Bell Cream Separator, excel- . lent shimmers. Rollers Corn Binders, Hay Loaders Cultivators Scotch Diamond Barrows Oliver Plows Gasoline Engines of Durability and Strength A Large Assortment of Repairs always in Stock An essential factor in achieving success in a retail business is ADVERTISING-â€" telling the buyers of your community what you have for them. One doesn’t need to be exceptionally clever or a genius to be asuccess, but one must, have an aim. and pursue it resolucely and intelligently. The businesses that; are prospering and expanding are those that purposefully seek out, new customers and place before both old and new customers the news of their service. in the form of newspaper advertising. Who serve you bestâ€"busy or half-busy men? busy or halt-busy shops? Where is your custom most desired and appreciated? is it not at those shops which stretch out the hand of welcome and invita- tionâ€"in the form of advertisements in the WEEKLY CHRONICLE ? A NOTE TO THE PUBLIC .AAAAI AAA

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