West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1914, p. 7

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O OOOOOQOOQOQQO‘OOQO‘QO‘ Q‘OQQOQQOOE‘QQ 9:92.06 , . Q o66OOOOOOQOOOIOO§OOOOOOOOO00¢¢¢0®O00000600000009090 ‘k. April 16, 1914. . .9" OQOOOQQOOOOOOQOQQOOOQOOQOO QOOONQOOOOQQ§§§§§§§§§§§§« 4 THE flflYAl BANK OF CANADA ' Capital Paid Up $1 1,560,000 Reserve Fund: 13,575,000 O ”09000900000000000O§§§§+4 §§§§§§Q OOOOOOOOQOQQOOOOQOO Rates. 65 and under . . 3c. Over $5, not exceeding $10, . . 6c. Over $10, not exceeding $30, . . 10c. Over $30, not exceeding $50 . 15c; Pueblo without charge in Canada (Yukon excepted) and Nfld. at any Bankâ€"in U. S. A. at all principal citiesâ€"and' in Great Britain and Ireland at over 500 points~ 500 Tons No. I FEEDING HAY Soveeign, Eclipse and Pastry Flours 'l‘liu reductinns we intend giving will be plain to every IIIILI'k nm' go0d< in plain figures at, very low prices. from prices turther reductions will be. made as‘ ‘an inducemen chases should not fail to take advantage of. Next \Vevk we will make a Special Run on REHEMBER I This will be for One \Veek cnl y. A (-mnplete change of Bz-u'gains will he offered th following week and so on for five or six weeks. Watch this Ad. for Bargains EVERYTHING IN STOCK The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year.-.--------.--..-- The Chronicle and Family Herald 8: Weekly Star The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year------ The Chronicle and Weekly Sun 1 year-...-- The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1 year..- ... The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year.-- The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe, 1 year-....- The Chronicle and The Grain Growers’ Guide.-. .- The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sep- tember 1, 1914.-.... ...-....- ..--. ...-.- ....- The Chronicle and Dailv Mail and Empire on rural routes, 1 year------ ...-.-..- ..--- The Chronicle and Daily Globe“ on rural routes $1.75 1.75 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.50 1.90 2.50 2-50 3 50 4.75 4.7 5 1.60 2.00 4.00 4.00 10,000 Dozen Eggs WANTED THIS WEEK A. Large Quantity of “7 heat and Barley Chop “ \Vheat Chop, Chopped Oats Wheat, Oats and Bar_1ey Chop See our Hay andGet our Prices before buying elsewhere Every bag guaranteed; if not satisfactory we n ill return your money. All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. TELEPHONE No. 8 JOHN McGOWAN géOTT, Garafr'axa Street, Durham DURHAM BRANCH: s. HUGHES, Manager. rimped Oats, for Horse Feed NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES BIG BARGAINS T he Peoples Mills The Biggszt‘.‘ +++~z~++o§~+4o+ ++++++MM+++++++++~E~é~$++++ : INCORPORATED 1 869 :1 giving will he plain to every-mu, mu no figures at very low prices. from these 10w 5 will be made AS 3m mducement that pur- ‘0‘b . BLACK Q4 . ‘K’Il‘f‘. . , m “”7" an A safe and economical method of remitting SMALL amounts. 4 14"}. ‘- ' ’ rim W. .M'. S. held thei meeting. had beer of the P churches. Mrs. MC from the church, a from th were ser' Born.â€" ‘Mr. and line, a c The P1 had a c Saturday ful. '1 phone i! the com Rev. M assisted in the week an address. Mr. J-< met witf last whe destroye posed tc d-efectiv ered, tht Way the upstairs Amon; town w Stewart church, mother and Mr: Mr. Jas. ited his Mrs. E.J her par Quigg 2 Charley sister 1V sister, I Cole of I .At 11 a.m. on Good Friday ser-; !vice was held in the, Methodist *chdrch attended by a fair sized lcongregation from the various gchurches in the village. Rev. Mr. iKerr. pastor of the Baptist church, preached, and the sermon was ap- propriate to the day. In‘,the af- ternoon the Band‘turned out and :rendered a nice program of mu- ésic. which was much enjoyed by the citizens. It was a pleasing reminder of the good old summer time. The services in the churches oni Sunday were in keeping with East-, er Day. §ermons on resurrection, themes were preached and speciall music was given by the choirs.| The churches were tastefully decâ€" orated with Easter lilies and potted plants. On Thursday afternoon last the W. M. S. of the Methodist church held their annual Thankoffering meeting, to which an invitation had been extended to the ladies of the Presbyterian and Baptist churches. In short addresses, Mrs. McVicar carried greetings from the society in the former church, and Miss Jossie Richardson from the latter. Refreshments were served at the close. , . Bornâ€"On Tuesday, April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry ~Patton, 4th line, a daughter. ‘ The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid had a cake and candy sale on Saturday, which was quite success- ful. The society is having a phone installed in the manse, for the convenience of the minister.‘ __.n_ Ewi‘he “ ffels'byterian church last week and gave aa very interesting address. ‘ “_“ ‘ â€" A u ELEV \pv-Al v v--â€"vâ€"_ Rev; Mr. Steifiarvt~ of Whitechurch assisted at the mid-Wee}: seyvéceg; .““â€"- vâ€"â€"- Mr. J-os. Watson, near Portlaw, met with a heavy loss on ’Friday last when his residence Was totally destroyed by fire, which is sup- posed to have originated from a defective chimney. When discovâ€" ered, the fire had made such head- Way that nothing 'could be saved upstairs.. â€" - \ .u'l Â¥_07.J_77_:_ wrâ€" â€"w__ ._-_ Among Easter holiday visitors in town were: Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart and children, of White- church, who visited Mrs. Stewart’s mother and sister, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. McVilcar, at the manse: Mr. Jas. Kindtree of Blenheim, vis- ited his daughter, Mrs. HS. White: Mrs. E.J. Swift of Toronto. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Quigg and other relatives; Mr. Charley Crossley of Toronto, and sister Miss Wilda, visited their sister, Mrs. Bowler; Miss Hattie Cole of Toronto, visited her par- ents: Miss Shunk of Toronto. Visit- ed her friend, Miss Long; Mr. Ed. Thompson and wife. of Culling- wood. visited his sisters, Mrs. Mc- Donald and Mrs. Phillips: Mrs. McFadden of Mono, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waller: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wise and children, of Orangeville, visited Dr. and Mrs. Bibby. Mr. Wise is the. latter’s uncle" "'" “3 *ntvn- “Jr Tl‘h'nS- (ThinOD VUV\- wwwww J' 3 Mr. Afi. ‘nxurston, assxstant ed- itor 01 the Yvecxly Sun, was a ;\'1.~,1Lor at his home ovm' cue 11011- uu’y. '- A o ‘ , , A- ,.... IA -\‘\‘ . ““J- 91158 Laura Armstrong is home from her bcnool at Cotueuwn my an buster nohua'ys; Mia‘s Adam \x-ngnt 15 home mom net bLuuUl aL ueu‘veruaie and Mus leu Law at 1112.11 ud‘ucan Lame. mnt in Joronto. Lr. b. 1x. h’icrnardson of Toronto visual the parental home over Jooil Friday. Mr. Ah. ‘lliurston, assistant ed- itor or true “eerily Sun, was a manor ac his home oVer cue non- uay. iVllSS Laura Armstrong is lrom her at ' Lug buster llOllLla'yb'; Ivllna‘ Ado“. “menu 15 home ll'Uln ner buxom aL ueax’eruaie and Miss lea LC!» er 1ro._u uLf‘ncan Lane. miss 'ulauya‘ Cornlicld 13 No.4 maroon; L'Uilcgiare, l-UIKJHLU- luklé' bULK‘Ab‘ allu .L'll'o U \s L 11 101‘ nouuaya, '1 llibLiicwalLt‘ il'Uln DU-liilk‘bb LUllegb’. Llu; mm: Hume in spending tile has;- at DW'IL'ALA' cr lioiiuays 2U. ner noun: Ul'dilchlllC, anu llllb‘S 1.) \lblLlllg ac t’eLel‘Doru. lfli‘a. u. :norc‘y I‘lt‘ Him) 1101116 Kirby, J. ’Kil'by, â€"â€"E. Scott, Teacher. iU.S.S. INC. ‘2, E. N. Sr. IV-W. Dodds, J. Kirby, Falkingham. N. Finder, 0. Hoy. Jr. lVâ€"V. Kirby, E. Kirby, Blyth. ‘ ( IL 0 31.7 l Sr. IIIâ€"F. Brown, R. Pinder, L.‘ Falkingham. C. Keller, Jr. IIIâ€"R. \Kirby, R. Dickson. Sr. II-E. Dodds, '1‘. Brown, 13. Bowd. R. Pinder, A. Weltz, ’ Pt. IIâ€"J. Dodds, B. Pinder, B. Dodds, H. Finder, M. Kirby, .B. L. Brown, R. Becker. l-â€"~M. Stephens. C. W,McLellan. Teacher. EASTER PROMOTIONS. No. 12, EGREMONT. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Hooper, A. Renton, M. or 'ior- Lawrence. _» __ - 1 .- 1.) ”mung at: I’CLBI'UOLU. nu. 21st JMLD. Lu. DLOL‘C)’ 01"19‘1- (Mud, \mucu Luc paw. \sccm nun Lu~ LuLLUL'D LuUuluL‘, ind). 1‘1) Lu, \V AAU Lb 111. v-av -â€" mya. 11110.bm1£h, 01 11111111111119 3.11.1 M1113. H 11111-11115 ()1 141114111111. an: ‘J-Jislilg qun 1110111131, “111) 13‘ \L1v 10 w. 511» u L .LVLULuudy 11’». l C o nus. raniamen'c, 01 kaisley: 1-3 Vmumg Leanne: nere. _ nit. .Llan. rwugu UL buno bay, Vmueu oxcr”bunuay wuu 1113 m:- ter, Mrs. Albert Stewart. LCL, “v; a..1‘U\-IL|- "UV vv “Le Muses Alexanael 01' Fe\ «:1- sham visited Miss Rita Buskin on LiOlluay. . o ___- . -. ‘ j 11;. TL’T MEYIW. Hickling and Mr. W L. Wright are each having. new awn- ings erected at their places of business. . ' Mrs. LB. Lucas of Markdale, is Visiting her mother, Mrs. M. K. Richard-son, this Week. HAIR DOESN’T DIE; IT HAS T ,BE KILLED. . Hair often continues to live and grow long after the death of the body. But it is. often killed through neglect or misuse. Almost always the woman or man whose hair is falling out, or is stringy, lifeless and dull-looking, is ‘ enâ€" tirely to blame because 'of not giving it the proper care. It is easy to take care of the hair. Use Harmony Hair Beautifier to maKe it glossy, soft and silky, and Har- mony Shampoo to keep hair and scalp thoroughly clean. it is delightfully perfumed with true rose. Sprinkle a little on your hair each time before . brushing it, Contains no oil, and will not change color of 'haitr,.vnor darken FLESHERTON. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. } gray hair. 1 To keep yOur hair and - scalp 'dandruff free and clean, use Har- mony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo is most convenient to use giving an instantaneous rich. foaming lath-er that immediately . penetrates to every'part of the hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. W'ashed off just as quickly, the entire opera- tio-n takes only .a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm ' the hair, and leaves no harshness .or stickiness. ' Both preparation-s come _in odd- shaped, very ornamental bottles. with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy‘you in every way, or your money back. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores. and in this town only by us. Macfar- lane Co. The cold, frosty Weather is keeping the farmers fromv ploWing and seeding. Mrs. Dan. McArthur, am, has been sick with pneumonia, but at time of writing is somewhat im- proved: ‘ â€"- . a. ‘ ‘f Mr. Jack McArthur and Mr. Thos. McKeown, jr., left for Sas- katchewan a couple of weeks ago. We wish them every success in the land of the setting sun. “Misgâ€" anniâ€"éwfirinnie, Who is teaching school at Hampden, is Sp_e_ndigg fc'he goli‘dayq at yer ho_m_e_‘. â€"rv--â€"._-n -__-- __ Mr.~ Heriry Béé‘to‘fi has been laid up with a severe attack of la grippe for the past couple of Mr. Lawrence ‘McKeown had the misfortune to have his 1e injured while loading logs at t e Glen last Week. We understand he is izmerovmg- - -- Ann-In a ‘ â€" Miss Maud McGillivray returned from Toronto a {week Aor_ so_ ago. __ M}. flanâ€"Q McArthrur of the Ga'fa- fraxa Road, Visited with relatives in the Glen. on Sunday. Miss Lindy Edwafds returned ‘home from Bentinck last week. Mr. John McArthur returned home from Toronto recently, after spending a few 'weeks with his daughter, Mrs. 'Thos. White. MESS Mary McQueen of town. visited at .her uncle’s, Mr. D. Mc- Farlane’s a Week, ago__Sun_day. __ Mrs. Beer, of Mitchell, is 'holi- daying at her father’s, Mr. George Binnie’s. Sr. IVâ€"B. ‘McQuarriae. J. Smith. Jr. IVâ€"C. Gl'i’erson. M. Haslett, S. Lamb. W. McDonald. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Lamb, Jr. IIIâ€"J. Caswell, H. Caswell, P. McQuarrLe, W. Fillingham. G. \Vil- son, A. ‘Wilson. Sr. IIâ€"M. ‘McQuarriue, L. Clarke, E. Fillingham. 3R. Honess. Iâ€"R. Caswell. Pr.â€"â€"-H. McLean, '13. Noble. -â€"H. S. \Vilson, Teacher. Sr. IVâ€"M. \Lind‘say, E. Patterson, M. Bell. Jr. IVâ€"E. Ritchie, M. Haley, L. Aljoe, Sr. IIIâ€"M. Atkinson. Jr. IIIâ€"V. .Ritchie, A. Lindsay, G, Bell, M. -Whitmore, M. Nowell, A. Ritchie, '0. Bell. IIâ€"R. Davis, R. McFarlane. Iâ€"G. Lindsay. MxAljoe. Sr. Pr.â€"â€"M. \B-ell, J. Bell. Jr. A .Pr.â€"W. Cox. ' Jr. Pr.â€"â€"E. Hargraye. Jr. IIIâ€"M. Bailey. P. Eccles. M. Felguson. V 133119.331)». Haas. Sr. 1â€"1 C. Eccles. M. Laulence E. La“ rence, A. 11‘0“ n, H. Lawrence. J 1‘. IIâ€"R. Matthew’s, E. Brown. R. Lawrence, G. Lawrence. Book Iâ€"I. Ferguson. Primerâ€"C. Bailey. P. Dailoy, K. Long, E. Lawrence. V' P'I‘ "| ‘__ HONORgROLL FOR MARCH NO. 10, BEN’J. INCK. HOMESEEKERS’ E X C UR SI 0 N s MANITOBA: ALBERTA SAS TCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 8 to October 27.!ndusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto. and Stations Westnnd North of Toronto. Proportionato (are. from Sagan- Eggstpf‘ Toronto. A...‘ ’1‘ «In? to and West. Louis-r cum 7 (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY. M43911 AND mu. sho'iii‘ui'fmm'w ii“ "i ' from” 10.” 3... DAILY. . Colonh and I“ Sap-I. 7 Settlers tra with live stock and efiecta should mummy SPECIAL TRAIN which lava West Tomato each Tuesday during MARCH ad APRIL after 1min] regular 10.30 a... tab from Toronto Union Sudan. EEDUCED SETTLERS’ Macfarlaae, 'lbwn. Agent '4“ ‘NO BUN ESSAN. It? I,» Return Limit two months. . 9, GLENELG. {392: Yeo, Teacher. In} +99ooooooooooooooooooo+¢v§§+¢¢+oooooo¢ooooo+¢069000 Call at O ltoooooooooooooooooooooooooo¢o¢o+++¢o For Good Honest Value You Can’t Beat Us 00090099909 0000009000000 00 000900090 000990000090990000 00009000 91 , Brandram’s I ; B. B. Genuineé White Lead j 00000000 0000000 00000 000 000 00000 oooooo+o§000000900903 E. A. ROWE : In order to raise money we are givingr special reductions in all lines “And remember, John use nothing but Brandram’s B. B. Genuine White Lead is the one safe white lead to use because it is corroded by the famous Brandram process, which makes it penetrate further into the wood on account of its wonderful smoothness and fineness. It can be depended upon to protect the wood longer against deterioration than lead made by any other process. OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON \Ve confidently believe we are underselling any other store Durhwn. Prospeccive customers should look over our lme \Ve are in the market far any quantity of And are paying the Highest Price. Cash or Trade. \Ve will pay an extra. price for good birds. Poultry must not be fed for at. least twelve hours before being brought in. Bring in your Fowl on any day of the week. \Ve will buy them. Beef-hides, Sheepskins, Tailow, Horsehides Wool, Old Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper and Brass, also any quantity of raw skins, Mink Fox, Coon, Muskrat or Skunk The Hi ghest Prices for Qkins in good condition: pom 01 quality will receive ‘ ea low or mice. For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. Hides and Skins Wanted “A OIO". on that job." ..' .5" C.......? l b 7.36“ ".251 'l : Liv’e Poultry Wanted Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Skirts, Underwear and Dresses Men’s Suits. Pants, Under- wear, Shirts, Sweaters. etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Furn- ishings at close Prices. “’9 will also purchase any quantity of Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. . A. ROWE’S M. GLASER 1 door south of Burnec b Bakery G and mxa. St. Dm'h nu Brandram's B. B. Cen- uine White Lead has for over 100 years been accepted as the standard of values in white lead. If the world's verdict of superior quality is good enough for . you, buy Brand- ram's. fl Write for book- let, or ask your dealer. Confectioner and Grocer Live Poultry m of :fifim

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