West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Apr 1914, p. 2

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Monday morning, April 27. will leave his own stable and proceed to Top Cliff for noon, thence to Jas. Hopkins’ for night. Tuesday, to Robt. Lindsay’s for noon, to John O. Greenwood-’5 fornight. - Wednesday, to John Ellison’s for noon, thence to Arthur G. Blair’s for night. Thursday, to John McVicar’s for noon and to Archie McArth- ur’s, Artemesia, for night. Friday, to Jas. Turner’s for noon, - and home for night. Saturday, to .T. Harrison’s, sr., Eg- “ remont for noon, and home at night. v that after the said day. the Execu- tor Will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. - Dated the 6th day of April, AD 1914. THOMAS WALLACE, Executor. by his Solicitor, J. P Telford. P Telford, of the Town of Dur- ham, Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 30th day of April, 1914,,their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement? of particulars of their claims and. the nature of the security. if any,‘ held by them, diu‘ly‘ certified, and Silver Strand's Route 1).: 1’1'('>'~'.v(:utvcl: Lots :2, 3 and 4, Com. 3. BL'DUDCk; Lots 45 ,46, and 47. (,‘un. 15, Oid Survey, .Ben‘tinck: Lots 01 £32, 63 61 COD. 3. New Sux'w‘)’. Pemti‘nck kr-W. S. Mc- Cruckvn. W. 301318, (3-. Mighton. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of John McCalmon. late of the Town- ship of Normanby in the County of Grey. Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26, Sec. 55, that all persons haVing claims against the estate of the said John McCalmon, who died on or about the 5th day of April, A'.D 1914, are required to send by post prepaid ox; other_wise deliver to J. All persons are warned against fishing. hunting,‘trapping or tres- 1mssing (m the following propor- tit-e. and those found so doing will 1).: ‘m-(>'~;v(:utv(.l: Lots :3, 3 and 4, ham. rising 4 years old; nice dark roan; also two sons. due, one about the middle of April. other about middle of May. Ap- ply to A. J. Sealey, Lots Qand :5, S.D.P... Glenelg. 49 3nd BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AChES of good land good garden,, well stable, buggy house and other conveniences; iust outside corâ€" poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 1M GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON Mill street; good cellar, garden, barn, hen-house; hard and soft water; reasonable price to quick purchaser. Apply to John Schutz, Durham. 319tf HBIFER, THOROUGHBRED DUB- BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. Glenelg, containing 100 on premises are new fram brick house, she-:15 and on infls: running stream t propertv: abuzz? :0 rcres woud bush. FEM-2t in 20ml .9 cultivat «m. P0850530!) gi NOV. lst 15‘13. For fart)“ tim‘lurs. apply on 1 Mrs. John Staple“. F-luril N0. 1, burhzm, O‘xt .0 IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; well fenc- ed; Weil watered. Also 42% acres in Bentinck: good house, barn. and good Well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. Wall. Durham. 129131) THE SECOND AND THIRD DIVI- sions of Lot 30. Con. 1, E.G.R.. meme-1g. 100 acres: good build- ing3° one mile south of Durham. -â€"A E Jackson.“ 4:234 ’â€" “mpâ€"._ GOOD FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. 20 (m. 19, N‘Wember 1â€"6: ‘D'éc.’ 13'," well located; good gardgp grid Hutu-5, 1W5 p.m. . NUMBER OF GOOD BUILDING lots at the corner of Queen and CheSter Streets; good location. high and dry. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Everett. 4 9 4pd GOOD SOLID BRICK Ill-ROOM- ed house. including bathroom and furnace. In connection, there is an excellent garden and hen-house. Will sell at reason- able price and terms. Apply to Edward Burnett. Jr., Durham. '2 1:. adpining «'or‘porution .mur.“ t-ontainilg 15 acms .fis. -‘ perches of good 163-4. (.1; :9de do \n With tim- rxt‘xfz good brick house: hard an 50f? uatsr. barn. nnhzu'd, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson. Durham. AAA“ '3 O Notice: to Creditors bans-e: large enough b‘mrriers; convenien to keep tlv gituated t all public works: :16le decâ€" orated: cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre. Durham. ‘ 612 W Vb. .v‘wâ€"v .â€" hen pen. Even? firea's'onable. Ap- ply to Ed. Welsh, Durham. 12181gpgtf x g . ~nern .03.; of one iucn, or less. 25 cents for flrat‘inaorfi , And 1900!!“ fox-each H ‘ m - .1. award m r: w ....e imzb an! under two inches. double the abon- a. 71 um Yearly rates on applicstxon. Fishing: N0; ire "urns fur Sale. PART CF LOT '25. (£053. 1 For Sale '1‘0 Rent, L. FROOK, Priceville. Eng 100 acres: new frame barn. is anal outbuild- stream through S MALL ‘ ADS. 42-1 ti , NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26, Sec. 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said ”Alexander Smith the Elder, Who died on or about the 24th day of March, AD 1914, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise ,deliver to J. P Telford, of the :Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 25th day of April, 1914, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions and a ,full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of 151 by them. i ' Ago,“ AA.‘:£:AJ A _ J 'L‘i NOTICE is hereby given, nursu- ant to the Statutes in that behalf that all creditors and other per- sons having claims against - the estate of the above named William Robert Cuffe,, who died at the Towaship of Bentincl: in the County of Grey, on or about the second day of February 1914, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Ad- ministrarix of the said deceased. on or before the twenty-fifth day of April, AD. 1914, their names. addresses and full particulars of their claims. duly verified and the nature of the securities, if any held by them, and after the said twetdy-fifth day of April 1914, the said Administratrix Will proceed to discribute the assets of the said deceased among: the persons en- titled thereto, having regard onlv to the claims of which she then shall have had notice, and the said Administratrix Will not be liable for the assets. or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claims she shall not then have had notice. In the matter of the estate of Alexander Smith, the elder, late of the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey, Earmer, deceased. ‘- A â€"â€" A‘â€" dulg.certified,,and that after the sai day the exe‘éutors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they ghall th_en_hgvei notice. ' Dated the may day AD 1914. of March, ELEANOR CUFFE. Administratrix, Durham. P.O.. Ont. Dated at Durham this 23rd day of March, 1914. In the Surrogate Court of the Coutny of Grey. In the matter of the estate of William Robert Cuffe, late of the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reiiable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages. Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. VINCE -Ovel' J P. 'J‘elf'nrd’s office " , Hem-[y ()mmsile Ihe Registry nflivr. Hvsxdmwe Sew-mu hnuw Mmlh Hf Htâ€"‘gifl I". UfliI'P nu rust >idv 0! Albert SH'w-t. Ufii. t‘ Hc-llls 9-11 H.l]!., 2-4 p. m.. 7-1) p. m. 'l‘vlt‘plmhu cmnumniuw (inn heiwevn «m 'e and residruce at all hnln's. Officeâ€"Over Dnnglas’ Jewellerv Scar-P. :‘ _5HYt>’lC:A;\ AA u SL‘ :15 EUR, ('1’ 1 five in the New Huntm' “luck Uflice nuns. r2 tn [0 4. m tn 4 ', . (1.. and 7 :09 2n Special ant-311nm: zxwu m diseases 3‘ W0 0811 and children. Rendence 0p posite Presbvteiim ( hum f2. '-‘ "HIM uxer J a J- HJDtN'S: There will 'be offered for sale “‘â€" ‘* by Public Auction at Hahn’s Hotel J F GRANT! 1" D' S 'L- D S ' 7n the town of Durham, on Thurs- HONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- day. the (30th day of April, 1914, at ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya {the hour {of 2 o’clock in the afterâ€" Cnllege Dental Sqrgeoqs ofGntario. ‘noon. the following valuable free- Deunsn'y m all Its Branches hold property :â€" 111.13,-“ n,4_ n I 1r A. V er. Conveyanmr r-. insurance Agent. Money to Lnan. lammr at War- viable Licenses A general financiai busi- ness tra n‘xacted. DURHAM ONT. (er'ur ann ‘ nu: «)HN'au: K0y.Lundnn Uphtnamzm £105 £12.. and m Gm 1m. \‘q VIN-n“ and was“. 808. SPECIA LIST : EYE. Us}. THROAT NOSE (V RADULATF‘. of London New ‘.T York «In? "ht-am. Disease: of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at, Eb? Hahn House, Julv “five 6. nearly n_n<‘€ Lmlbton t. 1' short distance 82.4? v! hue-4 D’s Hutél,‘ dumb ton Street, be. we: Fawn. Durham ”fiat“ hrmrs frun: 1:: a. 3, n'cim'k A. H. Jacksnn. OTARY PUBLIC. cmmismw ! er. Conveyanmr r. insurance ;n0nev ronartvl Jrs. $amiesun Iamiescn L‘k' b AND REéllsEhUL N01500- t0 Creditors a. 'a button. M . and J AMESfiw HAY. ‘ Executors, ‘ by their Solicitor, J. P Teltozjd i} Notice to Creditors J. P. Teiford. AREHSTEI” souol'ma pm: R C P. LUINDON ENG 3" ) 7.;0f. Dr. W. 6. Pickering Dentist. M a‘zca/ [, zraaorv Arthurfiun, M. U. W. J. SHARP Denial Dmxtarv Lem! ‘Dz’rm‘orv I. nearly uppusise the Regis‘ry bton t..l)urham. Anynmoum an man at 5 p9“ cant. on farm W. 6‘" cm Uxer J J. Hantnr’ \onr"‘ \fl‘fihf’ 'lect to reduction in 12289 “Tough. mnbby or no? land; - ’ . v o. w. CORY. districts. Prim tom-Must reni each 01 three acres and ere: 6300. ‘ The are: of In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties.â€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- [OR the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a nnrchased _homesAtead in certain For further particulars apply to The Trusts and Guarantee Com- pany, Limited, 43-45 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario, or J. P. Telford, Solicitor, Durham, Ont. Low price for quick sale. Terms~ small cash payment down and bal- ance on .easy terms. Immediate possession. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WESI LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head or a family, or any male over 15 years old; may homestead a quarter-section or available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or‘ Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not nub-agent), on certain conditions, districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ioo.-â€"Muat reside eix months in each 01- three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house. worth -‘AA Valuable SOD-acre farm. clay loam. in the Township of Proton, County of Grey. and about ten miles from the Towns of Mount Forest. Durham and Dundalk. On the property is erected a detach- ed two-storey dwelling house with large rooms, a large frame barn 55’x66‘, and frame stable 2451551 There is also a good well. The farm is fenced with arail and Wire fencing and is but a short dist- ance from school and church. Duties.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live Within nine miles at his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. ‘ Vendof’s Solicitor. Dated April 14th, 1914. Terms of Saleâ€"Ten per cent. in cash at time of sale, and balance within 30 days thereafter, without interest. Further terms and conditions will be made known at time of sale. The Third Division of Lot 29, Concession 1, East Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg, conâ€" taining 50 acres, more or less. The property is Within one mile of the Town of Durham, on a leading gravel road, and is in a good state of cultivation. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance Within 30 days. with interest at six per cent. or, the purchaser may pay down one-third of the purchase price at the time of male, and the balance to be secured by mortgage upon terms to be agreed upon. For further ‘bartixcul‘ars _and con- ditions of sale apply to R. Brigham. Auctioneer, A. ‘H. JACKSON Agent for Mw'oxtgagees Dated at Duxham this ;Oth day of April A. D. 1914. 42.34 Under .and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a' certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by public auction on Thurf-tday, the fist day bf_M'ay.9 AD. 1914. at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon. at the M'iddaugh House. in the Town of Durham in the «County of Grey. by Robert Brigham. Auctioneer, the following pmperty. namely: \l--v . \..b AMY. .llulnglj . Lot Vumber Tw e1v,e in the First Concession South of the Durham Road. in the Town'ahip of Glenelg in the County of Grey and con- taining by admeasurement 50 acres, more or less. There is said to be about seven acres of bush, three acres of swamp and about 40 acres cleared. A frame and 1052; house, also a frame and 10g barn. Two small running streams. About four miles east of Durham, on the Dur- ham Road. REMEMBER-THE FAMOUS SPIR- elIa Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box '107, Durham. Ontario. ’ ’ ‘ -- 418 6m Dated April 4th, 1914. Valuable F arm For Huh: 1 he 11) MUM. BE 901.9 3.1 ONCE Spirella Co r'sets Mortgage Sale are; '9! cultivation in sub- Farm for Sale ROBERT BRIGH A’,M Auct J. P. TEQEOBD,_ W. W. I W!!! of- Lllv an UCUUUL n ma; take a (One-way second class) 1 in certain From stations in Ontario, Kingston, er acre. Dutâ€" Renfrew and west to points in Alberta. months in and. Saskatchewan, each TUESDAY . cultivate 50 during April. Louie Worth The Grand Trunk Paelfic Railway is the shorteSt and Quickest route be- ation in aub- ‘tween Winnipeg. Saskatoon and Ed- ’ . of rough. monton. with excellent through ser- 6. . vice to Regina. Trains' now running CORY. _ into Caugary. ' '. the. Minister , , Berth reservations and particulars at ItOan'. ' ’ all Grand Trunk tinlrnf man“ an mun-A Auctioneer. Round trip tlckets to points in Maui- toba, Alberta. and Saskatchewan via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth. on sale each Tuesday until October 27th, in- clusive. at low fares. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to VVINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. N 0 change of cars. Return Limit, Two Months Master in Chambers Cameron at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. on Friday refused the application of Mrs. Rossworm, formerly of Normanby towns-hip, Grey county, for an aliâ€" mony order against her husband, from Whom she secured a divorce in Oklahoma. The parties lived together for over 27 years, when the lady left her husband and went to reside in the States. where she obtained a divorce and a judgment for $1,000. She is now seeking to enforce the latter, but the Master ruled that as she had invoked and submitted to the jurisdiction of .a foreign court she had precluded herself from claim- ing protection from the local courts. Further, on her own ad- mission, she was in possession of funds, and therefore not in need of support. Interim alimony was only granted when it could be shown that support was needed and had been refused.â€"O.S. Sun. FOOLISH TO SUFFE’R FROM ISTOMACH ILLS. What’s the use of suffering from heartburn and the other disagree- able things caused by Dyspepsia and Indigestion, when we offer you the privilege of using Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets entirely at our risk, with the distinct understand- ing that, if they don’t relieve your stomach trouble and make your stomach comfortable and your digestion easy, they Will H omeseekers’ A dog sat out in the midnight chill and howled at the beaming moon; his knowledge of music was strictly nil and his voice was out of tune. And he howled and howled as the hours Went by, while dodging the bricks we threw, till the moon was low in the western .sky and his voice was split in two. And there Wasn’t a thing at which to howl over which a pup «should weep, and the course of the dog was wrong and foul, for people were wild to sleep. There are plenty of men like that blamed fool hound who yell when there’s nothing Wrong: disturbing the country with senseless sound-â€" the. pessimist’s doleful songâ€"The. Clear Signal. Youngâ€"lPeartâ€"That the clerk notify D.’ 'McAulif‘fe of the error in assessment in 1912.â€"C‘arried. T he council adjourned to May 2., at 10 :a.m. â€"J. S. Black. Clerk. :Linds'ayhâ€"McMillanâ€"That ' the Municipal World the .paid 85c. for fo_r_rn§__f_pr mpniqipal returns.â€"Car. McMillanâ€"Linds‘ayâ€"That clggk be 'p_aid $40_9n salary. McMillan-:Yo'ungâ€"That Arthur Greenwood be refunded $5.51 being on account of an error on Roll 1912.â€"Carried. Linds-ayâ€"McMillanâ€"That the Municipal World be paid $6 56 fox office suppligs for clerk. -â€"Carried. McMméfi-Peartâ€"That ' theâ€"Fax: mers’ Club have the use of the hall f0__r then meetings of 1914 at $6. â€"-C. Lindsayâ€"McMillanâ€"That Robert McGillivray be paid $3.50 for Work with team at lot 6v con. 3, N.D.R.-â€" Carried. . .Peartâ€"Lindsayâ€"Th-at the assess:- or. be_paid $50 op salaryâ€"Carried â€"‘ __ Lindéayâ€"McMillanâ€"Tliat Emer- son Peart ‘be paid $1 for Work with tegm_ pqulin.g_ plankâ€"Carried. GL-ENELG COUNCIL, - f. "can! ! Council met .‘ipril 4, pursuant H; ;.4 . adjournment. All the members~ present, the reeve in the chains Minutes of last meeting read an confirmed. Communications from! J.C. Ross and .H.J. Armstrong re, C Traverstâ€"on bridge Was read, also-- from John J. Bennett, claim for damage to buggy: .from Thos. H: Binnie, asking for grant to Farm- ers’ Club: several others from money lenders, good roads people and hydroâ€"electric promoters, were read and ordered to be filed; also a petition'from W.L. Young and 30 others praying that the coun- 81 cil Open a part of sideline beâ€" k tween lots ‘25 and 26., concessions ¢< T and 8. f2 HQHZ‘ Peartâ€"McMillanâ€"In amendmend-L ment, that a committee of the whole council meet at lots ‘25 and 26., concessions 7 and 8 on May 1 to__investigate_ the road there.-â€"C. Youngâ€"Lindsayâ€"That C. Mort- ley be paid $7.50 to pay expenses to Toronto as a delegate to the meeting of the Hydroâ€"electric Commission there.â€"Carried. Youngâ€"Lindsayâ€"That the reex e Peaxt and McMillan be a commitâ€" tee to imestigate the sideroad between lots ~25 and 26,, concessions 7 and 8, ant} repor‘gâ€"Lost. McMillanâ€"-Linds-ay-â€"â€"Th.a-t reeve be appointed to investigate the cause of accident to John J. Ben- nett opposite lot 97, on townline between Glenelg and Artemesia.â€"â€" Carried. DIVORCED HUSBAND SUED. SETTLEkS’ FARES THE PESSIMIST. Excursions es fox-"write the Among other things, they con- tainPepsin and Bismuth. two of the greatest digestive aids known to medical science. They soothe and comfort the stomach. relieve heartburn and distress, promote the secretion of gastric juice and help make the bowels regular. We believe them to be by all odds the best remedy for indigestion or :dyspepsia ever made. We believe lyou will say so, too, once you have used them. If you don’t, Ithey will cost you nothing. Sold ,only at the more than 7,000 Rexall gStores, and in this town only at our store. Three sizes, 25c, 50c gand $1.00. Macfarlane - Co. cost vou nothing. If they dont do all you expect them to we Want V011 to tell us and let us give back gour monev We. know What they haxe done for others and What they are made of. That is why we. hnge cgnfiden-ce in them D THE A superior school with compe- tent instructors and thorough courses. Affiliated with Central Business College, Stratford. We do more for our students than does any other similar school. All grad- uates in positions. You may enter at any time. Write for particulars or call at the college. D.A. McLachlan, W.E. Wilson, President. Principal. Mount Forest Business College I received the sample box of Gin Pills and was greatly benefitted by them. My kidneys were in such, bad condition I could not lift or stoop without pain. In fact, they pained me nearly all theJtime. I have taken three boxes of‘ Gin Pills, working all the time at heavy work on the railroad and did not lose a day. FRANK TRUMPER, Napanee, Ont. Do sharp twinges catch you as you stoop Y Are y'Ou subject to Rheuma- tism, Sciatica or Lumbago? Does your Bladder give trouble? Take Gin Pills on our positive guarantee that they will cure you or money refunded, 50c a box â€"â€"6 for $2.50. At dealers, or direct if you cannot obtain from druggist. Sample box free if you mention this paper. National Drug and Chemical Co., of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 174 Gin Pills Cured Them. Free ' Sample Box Leads to, Cure. with Kidney Trouble can appreciate how Mr. Trumper suffered. Being a railroad man, he was called upon to do all kinds of heavy work. The constant strain of lifting, weakened the kidneys. WINTER TOURS Leave Toronto 10.20 PM. DAILY Uomnartmenf Library Observation Crux, Standard S'vepmz Car. TUIIY'ISL Slweping Car. Dining (Far. First, Class Coaches, Colonist Car on both Trains. Full particulars frt'nn any C.P.R. Agent. or write M. Gr. Murphy, District Paswnger Agent, Toronto R. Mmf'm-lane. 'l‘mvn Agent E. .‘X. H‘L)’ St’il’inll Agent, _'1‘()._ California Florida and the Sunny South TO THE WEST For WINNIPEG Fo’r VANCOUVER ©F @AWA RETURN TICKETS AT LOW RATES TORONTO | DURHAM BRANCH, Kelly, , a BUD l Mount Forest, Ont. Leave Toronto 2.30 N“. DAILY ME ALL THE TIME” THE LOGICAL ROUTE mag iguana; 3 roovmwmbruongfiufioag cmgovgaruogmfifloan Bun Euro 435%th moor an gawgompfiomang: fiagggsgg ‘V' ' v ‘â€" ‘ vv‘rm gFURNlTUREg AND gUNDERTAKJNG: Subscription Tm: Cnnomcuc will be aem no any addrees. tree of or. e Rates . e 81 00per year,payabl‘e)int:dfvem -5139 may be charged if not so paid. The do» so which ever; » nbecription is paid is denoted by the number on the address label. K0 paper dir continued to all arrears are paid, 31093;: “a, 0 «nor of the proprietor. Advertising For transient advertisements cents per line for the first ineer Rates. . _ - Lion} 3 Cents per line eavh eubee quent insertion mmion measure. Profession. cards,not exceeding one inch $4.00 oer annum Advertisements without aneoific directions wil be published till forbid a: J ohmzvd acmmm 1y Transient BOUCOBâ€""Lc at. "=Fonnd.’ “Far So e ‘ “it! â€"‘nnnn§n ‘n-R-nn‘ !__-Â¥,-o A- Q chture Frammg rm- Shorfm ' notice. British American Business College Yongeand BIL-Grill Sts . “ix-onto, Ont. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing better work than ever. \Vr-itens if you want to prenare for a good position. Henry C. “Kn-d, Principal. ls PUBLISHED tvxmr THURSDAY monmxr. At theI-flfionicle Printing House . Garafraxa Street. ” V _. -â€"‘"-o " ‘7U|l‘lo r‘,r “16" «toâ€"50 cents for first insertion 9 mbseq uent in sertion. Alladvertisements ordered by strangers must be naid for in advance. - Contract rates for yearny acfx'ercxsennents fur nished on application to the oflxce. and Funeral Directorx [HE BUHHAM EHRUNIELE A. BELL U N DERTAKER Full line of Catholic Robes, and blar‘ and white Caps for aged people. For Men and Boys Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and lall Household Furnishings TINSMITHIN G Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the rear of the furniture show ronm and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmibhing. Undertaking receives speciafi’ atten tic m New Clothing Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shep. RESIDENCEâ€"Next (1901' South Of ‘V. J. Lawrenon’s blacksmith sliofi. EDWARD KRES§ \V see us when you need (my- of both lines. (‘mue and week from the Beat Make thing in 0 ll 1‘ line. \Ve in and opened out; this New hunts and Slioes Just Embalming a Specialty EDITOR AND Pkormx'ron ill try to please you. . L. GRANT . IRWIN ’. J. Lawrenée’e .' -, wm -,,r“_ ”M“

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