West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Apr 1914, p. 7

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‘zzOQQOOOQzOQOOOOzOOQO OOQOOOQOQQ‘OQOOO‘QO‘OQO > 0 THE BllYAl BANK OF CANADA April 23, 1914. v9000OQOOOOOQOOQOOOOOQOQOO OQOOOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOO¢§§¢§ He seldom is handsome or natty.' And has none of the charms of ‘ the dude; Is oft more abstracted than chattv And sometimes unbearably rude. He'courts us, then slights us and grieves us, As much as he possibly can; He kisses us, loves us and leaves ‘0 §§N§§W§§§O§§§§§§§§§§Q§¢N OOOOOO‘ 0000090000904090900 l Our mother calling, He’s no earthly good as a‘catch; His morals (they say) are appalling His finances usually match. He’s rollicking, reckless, uncaring, Lives but for the hour, the day; He’s dangerous, dubious, daring, ' Not fit for ahusband, they say. But somehow we girls are forgiv- mgw ’ Perhaps be -but needs us the more Because he goes Wrong 11) the 11v- So We pass up the dude and schemer, Who lead in society’ 3 van, And cherish the thmkgr This fiérfidious, newspaper TRAVELLERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT issued, also TRAVELLERS’ CHEOUES, avallahlo throughout tho world. DRAFTS an sold, dyawn direct on our corresoondonts. ' _._-___-- Aâ€"â€"--- 500 Tons No. I FEEDING HAY ‘ See our Hay and Get our Prices before buying elsewhere - 0n the car at $14 50 per ton Any Quantity of Good Oats wanted at 40¢ per bushel. . Soveeign, Eclipse and Pastry Flours 'I'n' I- â€"- â€" uvv- wv also BANK MONEY ORDERS. MONEY transferred by letter or cable. DURHAM BRANCH: AS. HUGHES, Manager. The ream-Lions we intend givmg will he plain to everywm, .w .W max-k mu- gnnd.‘ in plain figures at. very low prices. from these low prires turthex- reductinns wil! be made as an inducement that: pur- chases should not, fail to take advantage of. Next \Veek we will make a Special Run on RE \IEM BER ' 11% win he gm- One \Veek (n17. p 1'» _-...‘. nu. Al“, DD ‘ll‘J ‘LlJlJlll c L III' at B: “gains will be offer ed th following week z 51x wee Ks. THE The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year.................. The Chronicle and Family Herald 8: Weekly Star The Chronicle and Weekly Witness, 1 year.-.... ....-. The Chronicle and Weekly Sun 1 year.-..-. The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1 year.-. --. The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year.-. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year The Chronicle andToronto Daily Star, 1 year The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year --. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe, 1 year-.. The Chronicle and The Grain Growers’ Guide.-. .. The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sep- tember 1, 1914....-. ..-... ........ ...... ...... ...--- The Chronicle and Daily Mail and Empire on rural routes, 1 year.-.... ...... ...--... ..-..- ...-.. The Chronicle and Daily Globe. on ~. rural routes EVery bag guaranteed; if not satisfactory we “ill return your money. All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. TELEPHONE No. 8 JOHN McGOWAN Capital Paid Up Reserve F and; Total Assets SCOTT, vGarafraxa Street, Durham NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES rimped Oats, for Horse Feed NEWSPAPER MAN. (20138. BIG BARGAINS won’t have him come The Hawks Mills .I‘CII 11131111 he newspaper man. his right hand. INCORPORATED 1 869 the : The Chronicle offers you an op- portunity, under an arrangement recently closed with The Toronto News, in which by subscribing to both papers for 12 months at a cost to ‘you of 32.50, you will be sent, tubed and postage prepaid, a splendid photogravure of the Borden Cabinet, 17%” x 22%”, ‘ Send in 'your subscription to this office and We. will see that the picture is sent you at once. arm, 1 year.-. 1-90 TRAVERSTON. I I a 3315’ News, 1 year ’” 2'2: ! Too late for last week. a?” Star, 1 year .-. ° ‘ Easter of 1914 would have left ally World, 1 year --- 35° ,more pleasant memories if the aily Mail and Empire £75 Ibitter northern Winds had remain- aily GIOF’G ”yde 160 Mrs. J'. J. Peart spent the holi- GI‘OOWGI‘S u1 "‘ " ' [days with kindred in Owen Sound. Daxly World to Sep- Mrs. Geo Blair left on Friday to led in their Arctic homes. 8 ,... ...... ...... ._--. mm 2.00 ‘18“. her daughter, Mrs. L Frook, and Empire on rural ' lOf PI‘OtUn-L N , . .- . 400 . Mzss Jennett Gray \\ as a usu- "" """ “'" ' or With form-er schoolmates at e. on a. rural routes - 4.00 Varney over the week end. ‘”'â€""’"_‘*‘”mâ€""_~'~‘ it to the Robson homestead, Mr. ‘ MEN YOU SHOULD KNOW. land Mrs. Geo May and baby left - Have you ever seen the Ministerl laisltl .Weinesiiyljfé‘r googoggtl‘gt :11: - . . - _:Wi our 03' . . , . U _ Of Railways 39d Canals, the Mm ‘ ‘ Th-Ie Travelrston bridge has been ister of Finance; the Minister of made passable for the travelling Customs or the Postmaster-:Generâ€"gpublic, and when the days grow 31‘? HOW many 0f. the Mlm'Sters'warmer, will be completed. ’Iis of the Ottawa Cabinet do you going to be a superior structure know? Don’t you think it“ wouldtO the ordinary rural bridges. be interestin to at least knowi Miss Mary Peters took a trip thefaees 0f; e men who are ‘gOV‘I-down to the Queen City to visit erni-nrg Canada? - ' ‘ {her sister and other friends. The Chronicle offers you an 01": Mr. Theodore Fallaise of town portunity, under an arrangement enjoyed Easter with Mr. ’and Mrs recently closed with _-The_Toronto John 0. Greenwood . .- Ag"? 0!! A‘Il_1 * Wm. Hampton, ex-reeve of H01- land, Was recently presented with a gold-headed cane by his former colleagues. Wm. Sheldon, van industrious young Englishman at Owen Soun¢ found a dynamite cap, and after bringing it- home started picking it with a hat pin, When it explod- ed, blowing off the thumb and first and second fingers of ' his left hand and the .first finger of $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 . A omnplete change and so on for five or 1.90 Mr. Barry 'Reay is under , the {doctor’s cam but we hOpe he will lisoon be able to be out again. Mr. Charlie Lawrence has re- turned to Toronto, after Spending .a few days with his parents. 1 Miss Joy Hopkins, of Owen Sound Collegiate [was the guest of :her grandpai'ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. t W. Vickers. ‘ yubwuvw -Qv ..._ _ . _’ "t-_fi l Mr. Stanley Livingston of Hanoâ€" -ver spent a couple of weeks with ,his parents. » § Miss Hattie L-aWrence, teacher near Markdale, spent the Easter . holidays _at _her_hoge ilere. ,3 "3mg Mary smith 'of Durham "spent a few days with her grand- pa_1:ent§_here;“- ' ’- --â€"JAâ€" 4410 » VICKERS. , Ploughing is the order day in this vicinity. 11' “a. D \- LJVL ‘LV“V --- Err. gnda‘Mrs. H. W. Hufii; and Miss Ella Cuff, .spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hunt, Alian Park. Mr. Charlie Beay lost 21 Valu- able cow last week. Mr. W. A. Livingston lost a valuable 6-year-old ho~rse gecegtly. Mrs. Marshall and daughter Marion, of Durham, Spent a few days with relatives in this neigh- borhood. 7 _ . v0--- __ V Mr. 'Dt-IVid Adlam has the materâ€" ial on the ground for a new kitchen, which he intends to build this summer. _ “- . j uu UuLLLA-OV- . A pretty, but quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hunt on Wednesday, .April 15, at .four o’clock, when Miss Al- berta Cuff was married to Mr. McGillivray, of Glenelg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. W. Prudah'a'm, of Durham. in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting part- ies. The bridal chorus was played by the bride’s sister, Miss Ella Cuff. The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily gowned in cream cashmere trimâ€" med with .silk l-ace, over lace, and wore a, silk sash With corsage bouquet of pink carnations and 'elled in a tailored suit of navv serge, with hat of black satin. After the ceremony the bridal party sat down to a dainty sup- per, after which Mr. and. Mrs. Mcâ€" Gillivray left for their home in Glenelg. We wish them a happy :w-edded life. Nothing spoils your good looks .so much as homely hairâ€"stringy, dull-colored. harsh, Nothing adds to good oks so much as beauti- ful hairâ€".oft, silky, Wavy ‘ and glossy. No matter how beautiful your hair is now, you can improve its good looks bv using Harmony Hair Beautifier. If yoru hair is homely and ugly now, Harmony Hair Beautifier will make it softer. silkier. glossier, more beautiful in every way, and easier to put up land “stay put.” Its rich rose 'odor hides the unpleasant oily smell of the hair. It is rightlv named; it beautifies the hair. __1 _ HOW TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR HAIR. Llutthuu7 -w v- “___, Very easy ‘to applyâ€"simplv sprinkle a little on your hair each time before brushing it. 1t contains no oil, and will not change the color of the hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean. use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instant- aneous rich lather that immediate- ly penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick and thorough cleansino. Washed off just as quickly. the entire opprâ€" ation takes only a few moments. Contains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness. Both preparations come in oddâ€"shaped, very orna- mental bottles. with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier. $3. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in evâ€" ery way ‘or your money back. So! ‘ only at the more than 7,000 Rem” Stores and in this town only 17y us. Macfarlan-e C0. ' Messrs. John and Alf O’Neill did some quick sawing with their ,steam engine and buzz-saw outfit llast week. ~Teacher ‘W. [R Wallace has put :in a good deal of faithful study and Work during tne long term since New Year’s, but is “playing the boy” again at the old home in N ormanby. ' ‘ Mr. Jacob Cook'left on Wednes- day of last week for Toronto, ,!where 'he will spend a few days » after which he’ll return to his fine homestead and pre-em'ption ad- ‘ioining the .village of Chaplain, s Sask. He has spent a ,most ene- , joyable winter with relatives- here. .' Mr Lorne MeNally left the same r day,and after a few days’ visit ; withfihis .sister in the city, will go A_. J 3‘ ‘AAA V Amish-f to m DURHAM CEBONICLB. the nself â€"â€"â€""â€"â€"â€"" . .eVer If." mncunaac, {own Agznt .a. \ fellow, with an inclination to rail- waylife.- . Recently, to Mr. and Mrs David, E; Davis, bf Bruce. Sask , the storkf left a little baby girl. The cfip-‘ reading‘is proving true.‘ . On Thursday ‘of this Week, My, Mal. Black makes his final trip as mail carrier ton the Ebordale-Trav- (erston route. Free rural delivery begins on Friday, after that the patrons of those two offices will be R. R. No.:1,.MJarkdale. Mr. Black has proved a most obliging, faith- ful courier, more than o~nce~c'arr_v_ {1â€"129 “that flieavy mail-bag 313‘" â€"h'yis shoulders When the roads Were impassable for a horse. “IS ABSOLUTEIJY MARVELLOUS z .AS “A ’PAINKILLER” M'rs B-e'atricé Cassey of Swale- cliff, England,- knows what it is to be bedridden with pain She also knows now how easily the tortures of Rheumatism 31nd Lumbagp may 5 .----v“___ be overcome She says, “My ex.- perience with KEPH‘ALDOL as a pain-killer is absolutely marvel- lous I had a fearfully acute‘ at- tack last year of Neuritis, Sciatica and Lumbago, and suffered in bed for many days Finally I heard of KEPHALDOL, which did won- ders for me I shall always feel most grateful for What it ‘ has done, and .I am most happy to let others know of its wonderful ef- fects as a I)??? destroyer” ' KEPHALDOL is the only pain reliever that does not affect the heart It acts directly on the nerve centres, easing and quieting the pain. KEPHALDOL is the favorite combination of nerve stimulants and tonics prescribed by the famous Dr. Stohr, of Vien- na, the great nerve specialist. KEPHALDOL is. now sold in or may be had by sending 50c dir- ect to Kephaldol, Limited, 31 Latour Street, Montreal. Mr. J. \A. McMull'en of Mt. For-Z; est has sold his resid_e~n-.cel to. Mn! 2 ESL 11.2145 DULu 11 Valuv51'wv LU av A. Gibson, and -is said to have? purchased a residence in T0 with a view to moving to rontO' the s .0000 city. “WWR «nn H [HfiHlHH as \veH as any bunk taught numgzum. and i had been :1 glwnlt rvu<lvr Iqu) 515‘ 1n1\1lte «11bin \vus evvacwwnvded “41h hunks Aluch of ”IS earnings Verw spent that Vvay I had mt mmugh In (-lmuse good books. too.:|nd VPFSPV9FHIV1’CHHngn to study thenlxven I knew more than shvmh. much more: - ahuut Merytnmg but the us- ages ul’ gum! sen-wry. and ‘ had at must Imi‘txed sunwtnmg at good man new In her muumm' smve her father’s death My slnpumles used (1) laugh at me fur twine a hunk dmwr :1 worm. t'npy We're \vmnt m mm It \VPH. thpy didn't mng‘n very lung ‘i‘lwre vas mulling puysu-a: Iur whirl) I need Stand aside for :Ill)’ man I was uver Six “wt high and built m m'upm‘tiun. l ('(mid. unaided mu! :Hmw. mm! the WhHPI ut the lwst ship m the newest Stul‘lll. Thw m-h-ml is thm-nnghlv Pqnippvd in tem-gtsing :mili:y. m uhmnicnl and MM: trim} Sllp‘fiieh‘ :uu‘". fitting, 9m . for full Jllninl' LUMVihg and Matriculation \\'()I‘k. Durham High School l‘Hk'H. ALLAN. Prinvipnl 91nd Pm Vihl‘iol MquH-I Sq'lluul 'lt-wu'hx-l' IHI Um». (‘vl'lific'nl-P. I11t1411.!i11<,.{ 81116111115 51111111114-111181'311h? b“:£"i”*“1£ 1f 11111. w: 111 if [10541118. ”1111111 man he 11111111111111 at 1easmmhiu HUN. 111111111111s :1 healthy and at- 1111~11ut11wq 111:- 1111119: it 111111131 desil- 31111111 :11':- i‘ ' 1141.1?1119. Tht‘ prim“ M-TVt' (~,’(1tl('3tll“l|='l punks if: ~ru' :hJ S‘HP‘ hav- o-x'way =‘~".':Ha‘.‘tut PM“ gnvs» Latin". Hlnd knn\\l~ d-.’". REV. w. H. HARTLEY, J. F.__GR.ANT, H OMESEEKERS’ EX C_UR-SION§ Each Tuesday March 8 to October 21.1ncludve. Winnipeg and Return - $35-00 Edmonton and Return - 43.01! From Toronto, socâ€"Ignition- West and North of Toronto. Prowl-donate {not from Sufiono Egptpt Toron to: ,__A _ FEES : ‘ 1 per 1110th in advance Continued f ro-m page efi‘ ' 'Thonl' "Jfi'gm SPECIAL fimm'afinrmmwa W3; gm; girl!!! yeah! 10.80 9-. at (m -- , A.“ rrvurrl (if :hu 8" 1‘! it “PM!!! “n". v. >57Vt’ emu-mi: .N‘ 3U ~r‘c- :1\.T I REDUCED SETTLnns: â€""â€" â€"â€"v-vâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€" Toronto Union m MANITO'EA? fALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Continued next week. Iwu- "-t “ â€" v- -_hm: Return Limit two mo (Maximum. Sx'hmfi in wast YPHJ'S '. 'I’ht- HI]~'(’PS :n'é' xi- n: :11\ and wmre’ no wu hum .md pupils Hat-me fur the p10 3H - ‘ ‘g "n Sm-i'et :1 1‘ V O . E. A. ROWE : 233‘6‘33‘22: 0 1 o.§§§§z§§z§§§ zOOOOOQOOtOOzOzOEOOO 060600660000000000066‘0066 0090009096960 O§§§§§§§§OOOO For Good Honest Value You Can’t Beat Us In order to raise money we are giving special reductions in all lines OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON We confidently believe we are underselling any other store Durham. Prospective customers should look over our line And are paying the Highest. Price. Cash or Trade. \Ve will pay an extra price for good birds. Poultry must not be fed for at least twelve hours before being brought; in. Bring in your Fowl on any day of the week. \\'e will buy them. Beef-hides, Sheepskins, Tallow, Horsehides Wool, Old Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper and Brass, also any quantity of raw skins, Mink Fox, Coon, Muskrat or‘Skunk Longer Protection, because B-H “English” is pn'man'l endurance paint and will successfully withstand the effects of Weasih: longeahan otheErs; _ be Mn eater condmy, cause on ' not haw ° nearly as soon as with other paints; an: e to repaint Greater Satisfaction, because Bâ€"H Paints retain their beauty and weather resistance for years. ' The Reason, for this isthat all B.H “English” Pains M can be made on a white base contain 70% Bra‘ndram's B. B. Genuine White Lead 30 % Pure White Zinc. A combination that produces paints unexoellecl- in coveting capacity, beauty, brilliancy and durabiliy. This formula is positively guaranteed by the makers." The Highest Prices for Qkins in good condition; will receive a, lower p11ce. For all kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. are in the market for any quantity of Live Poultry Hens, Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. Hides and Skins Wanted Leuehan ’ McKechnie Durham, Ontario , Live Poultry Wanted Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Skirts, Underwear and Dresses Men’s Suits. Pants, Under- wear, Shirts, Sweaters, etc. Also a full line of Bovs’ Furn- ishings at close Prices. E. A. ROWE’S Brandramâ€"Henderson’ s ‘ ‘English’ ’ Paint “I," \Ve will also purchase any'qmmtity of 1 door south of Burden 5 Bakery Garafraxa St. Durh 1m . GLASER “Yes sir; you will get more for your money in service and satisfaction, by using Inquire ab out p aim poorer quality m

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