$11,560,000 . What would I“ do, what could 1 Reserve Fund: - . 13,575,000 Zoe “m1 t ., .1 ,,\ 1 best t 000 O 1 01] you . am - S 1e 1 a - 180 000 ed: it was hard for her proud spirit-A Total Assets . . . , , Canada and the “1 am sorry." she ï¬nished. ‘ . †I answered. locking Having 370 Branches throughout . . . ‘ .. W West Inmaï¬his Bank meafacmne 33.? no more. for handling collections with economy and despatch. down at the llttle hand on my sleeve. ~ NEW YORK AGENCY, my soul thmling to her words and - Aâ€"‘n- "-tm to“(.n’ - - . 3â€"- nnl. tho. 1° I II- "V I - -â€" ...._ _, Contimed from page 6. X 1 w w w» “a..." ___‘_ for handling collections with mommy and MOON. £010.. OFFICE. BLDG... NRCII STIIn. Coco “ - lull}. 1914. I‘B" IIBIIvâ€"uâ€" . The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empi The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year (1 Family Herald 62 Weekly Star 6 Weekly Witness, 1 year“... ...... ' - d Toronto Daily The Chronicle and Toronto Dally Globe, 1 year-.. The Chronicle and The Gram Growers’ Guide... .. The Chronicle lyear, The school is thm-uughlv equipped in teaching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and ï¬ttings. etc.. fur full Junior Leaving and Matriculation 'work.‘ - . l‘HOS. ALLAN, Principal and Pro vincial Model School Teacher lst l‘HOS. ALLA), t’mncxpm u.“ -h- vincial Model School Teacher lst ’ dents should enter at the the .ecm if possible. Boa-rd can be obtained at reasonable rates" Durham 18 a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place i? : residence. Intending Stu beginning of odéHAM BRANCH . . tember 1, 1914...... ......... The Chronicle and Dailv Mail 3111 routes, 1 yeah...“ ...... ....-... The Chronicle and Daily Globe. Intending mum-um cum.†V. _, .erm If possible. ‘ begmmng of the , ° d at reasonable: rates. Durham IS a healthy and at- ; tractive, town. making it a most desir- ‘ idence. g . 1 The record of the School In past ygzu-s is a. flatbermgone. The trustees are l 'onally and spare no : progresswe educan . ° to see that teachers and puplls IDS give every advantage fur Lb? prov _ Ag-.. .ma acomstlon ofI able pmce f’: : res .v- vâ€"" ' - acquistion of J. r. gm“. HUGHES. M3039â€- and Empire on 3121.“ 19 ‘)UL11 .LAIsz;~â€"---- .t offices pass out of Mrs. Smith and council- ve proved most oblig- h. . ’ ' ,and while of the people are more. than pleased with free rural ' ‘ ‘ of loss ' the. patrons of these creeps ox er offices Ias they realize that they no longer exist We trust that the 01d names mew linger long to 3 our scribe. NO DOUBT HE WOULD ‘ Trampâ€"I’ve Walked mam miles to see you, 311‘, because people told; me you were very kind to poor,‘ unfortunate fellows like me. ' l Old Gentlemanâ€"Indeed! And are you going back the same way? 1 “Yes, sir,†was the answer, “Well†said the old gentleman, tin. a Cobalt mil- Duncan McMar Toronto Saturday i lionaire, died in night. 4.7 4.75 1.60 2.00 F ‘UI'FCL. A‘CIIII .' -_,_ ,, ‘_ and thankful to see her 11) her right: > P v mind again and awake to : and my real feeling toward her. ‘ - _ g, .. And that lsâ€- a favorlte text, 'Ps. 23:1 the pastel, : ' "Yourselt.". Rev.t Mraél’Ichaé, gag; air; ap‘proé-1 .. n pria e a ress. ev. r. err an : mél’ feehlglmhelper. she rejolned. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon assisted in the z 0 s “1 mg in ',, _ service, 'after which interment was 0 :I “We shall see. made in the public cemetery be- 1 01 And W‘“ you forgive‘me for hav- side the remains of the deceased’s o 93 111‘: misjudged YOU?†sheasked plead- husband, who predeceased her 15‘: :. ingly. years. anldgone son "23 years. IBeau- ‘ ‘ 9‘ “Gladly†tiful floral offerings covered the e :\ “Li? hand on it. then.†She “id. $13.15kf9t tilere beigllgl% erï¬ih {TOTE : :l holding out her little palm which 1 M55 30? {gigght dgnlgiarriiltogna : w - , _ , :1 hil'ï¬fi‘iaiiï¬lé‘; 35.5%: mm Mr an rs Char es * . * . * ° ‘ Stewart of Toronto and a Wreath W § ing it the while. from the adies’ Aid of Chalmer’s _. “And are 5'011 not sorry that YOU- church. Mrs Stewart united W1thl"‘ at last. the church 35 years ago, and also 9’ O :3 you-â€" kissed me?" she falter-ed ‘:3 “No." I answered bluntly enoughâ€" . n l have’ always tell: t' T“O s g she “ S the truthâ€"exre 101" ’ wear a 0 - ’21 pt. made an {honorary member. The § 3 ‘3 were at deceased, whose maiden name \V as t d she faced me hearted neighbor and 1ndulgent , ‘ , mother, devoted deeply to her l ‘ Y0“ dont know DOW much safer I famllv, 10f Whom the follOWing ‘ feel when 1 have YO" to depend upon." surviire: VVillia-rn, *Charles, Albert ' and Mrs. 'Mc'l‘avish, ,at Flesherton. Mrs. Jake ‘Williams at Eugenia,‘ Q at she had indeed Harry. at St. Paul’s, Perth county†‘ 0.. forgiven me. . and LITS. ‘Vv. E. White, in PriIECQIi-l :1 “1 shall leave everything to you. Masâ€" Egggaxiislflï¬ggiexigoreaglï¬rï¬gfl 1f}; 3 j 0 t ( ’9 ' “D 0 . v‘ . , ‘ . v . ‘ 3 er Hampdon, she continued. 0 y u the funeral. .Thlrteen grandchild-'i- ell me What to do. and 1 will do it.†, , . . . “a... “M “k a xen also sunne. . . l A Mr: roam?) of SUIClde occurred at z‘ 1 released her hand an : calmly enough 0 9 :' perhaps. when her lnteres .0 u :l stakeâ€" I am not sorry. But as she. Mary Hollern, Was born in . 9. 8"“qu tried to draw her hand away Tipperary, Ireland. At 10 years 030 t; 1 added. “I promise you 1 W01†do "5 age she came with her parents to . z 0 again. and YOU â€Vi“ forgive me, 1 Canada and lived in Toronto;. 9 know. Meanwhile we have much to where, in 1859, or 55 years ago, she'ie :3 plan‘ We may be interrupted any was married to Mr. SteWart and‘ 9‘, time and we had heat. get at it." , came to Artemesm, settling . at Flesherton. She Was a kind- Q § 0 § Q 0 ‘0 4 d 4 4 ,4 14 F?" “madly.†1 added. “ “1 am sorry.†sue ï¬nlshed. ’ “'Say no more.†I answered. looking down at the little hand on my sleeve. my soul thrilling to her words and “No harm shall come to you save over my dead body, and. that ls not enough for me to promise. I mean to extricate you from this peril.†"But is It passiple?†“1 think so: I pray so.†“Ynu are one against so many.†“l have one ally tn the ship. 5'01 forget.†said I. smiling at her. relievel ‘--- ‘n har mgr] tom-b. ‘i‘E I‘. buy v- â€"-._ “And are you " youâ€"â€" kissed me?" she “No." l answe 1 stakeâ€"“l am no swiftly tried to know. Meanw 1 plan. We may b 2 time and we had beat get at if." not sorry that you- faltered at last. red bluptly enoughâ€" 1 have' always felt her interests were at t sorry.†But as she draw her hand away ' 1 added. “I promise you i won't do it u ’will torglve me, I hile we have much to e interrupted any ‘I _...‘I “ha '41,.“ mg .lU‘ CIJVUDU -vâ€" __ :o extricate yon from‘tnis peril.†"But is It possible?" “1 think so: I may 30.†“You are one against so many.†“l have one any In the ship. you forget.†said 1. smmng at her. relieved and thankful to see her In her ngnt mind again and awake to the truth and my real feeling toward her. “And that Isâ€â€" “You rselt." , “A feeble helper." she rejoined. I ‘JFJ‘J-r‘ “lri’t‘\i )IIL‘L Ll‘l' ‘ \vh'xle . ' . . le 1% “\uu are wanted on devk. it IS Just V . Laud has been sighted. and sea rmmm l'imlmll ‘ Glibby want your vuunsel and ad- at thev vive what‘s to be dune.“ that the "Good!" said 1. â€I win he with you Tell them I have yet :1 Of €3Ch “'Ol‘d 01‘ {\‘V0 to say to this \VOIUEID , here." . - L, _ 5-..“! nanDd “Gladiy.†“My hand on it. th holding out her little swallowed up in my Ia instant, standing silent ing It the while. “And are you not s< 1 released her hand and she faced me calmly enough “You don‘t know how r»! when 1 have you to much safer I depend upon." tell me Wnat. u.) uu. uuu .. .-_,. “I know you will. I could not ask a , braver. better second." I answered ‘ heartily. ash I realized the part we had to play in public. 1 bailed my ï¬st and struck the bulkhead savagely. l sup- pose ! must have changed my expres- - sion as we“. for tn her surprise she l. screamed faintly. ‘. 9-..-..0‘1" “el'l'ofl m “That’s it†I whi: . 4..\.' “What do you mean? moomprehensible amuz crisis my Wits workm; hers. new. “There is somebody outside. We have L I am abusing you and c " l whispered swiftly. t oumm at her in. knees. i a puz‘t to play. you are ï¬ghting. Then )uuder, fairly sh I Cried. "Down on your (199d. Went'h. You will ï¬nd that you have 1 met your master now." . ‘ me and she I {1):de some sound of sou did indeed svroam loudly. In the midst of the comuwtion the door was tried. but fortunately 1 had turned the key. "Who‘s there?" ! Shuuted. and to my uuly whislwred. “ leg for help!" Entering; Into tho spn'it of the game at nw. sinus ere was: allwit shv infused “ï¬ve. Sn that 1 she 0mm} at the { and smiling none but I to see. strange terror in he! was amaze-u mysvtt. top of hm Von-e: .‘ "Hem! Help!" 1 in turn valued louder Vet: “SHenoe. Woman!" and struck the f bulkhead agmn t Finally turniu, it :1 ML and there stun '1_ younger sezmwn. I 1 u huu'un morn†J" r~ â€What want you?" I and stormily. â€I don‘t turned just now." his heel. pusseu The man turned on ('Iilm‘wd the 130' through the 'amu and der tu the Clerk. "Now." Lsald quic'kly. of my pistuls intu my band. â€We can talk no 101; I am going to do my hpst f0 if I fai! here is a weapon. what to du with it." “Shall I use it on them?" “No. lass." I answered grimly. “on yomselt if it values to the Wurst." “I understand." she said. paling a '. little. ythrusting one ï¬rm: mistress’ ger this time. r you. and ,You know “Lock the door when l on no account 0991) to any voice but mine.†“I shall remem her.†“And keep up the acting," 1 said. "Whimper and «own away Whenever we are Seen together." “I shall not forget." . i 1 turned away. .but she caught an 3' by the shoulder. She extended be hand rather high. I was not too dun)" ‘ not to understand. ' and so 1 bent and klssedjt, and it we 3, no light ktss of gallantry, but I pres: - 1 ed my lips passionately against a m DURHAM CHRONICLE. LUV unnu- “May God keep you.†she said as 1 mm! away breathinz the . “Amen" c1. swuuvn , J you mean?‘ msible amazement. in wits working quicker than 'l' whisperPd- ld quivklymthrusting one imu my little mistress' ) talk no longer this time. , do my best for you. and is a weapon. .You know ritb it." 3 it on them?" I answered grimly. “0!: comes to the Wurst.†)me to you and. that is lse. [mean on his heel. passed and viimiwd the lad' I began Sternl)‘ I care [U be dis- best. for run. and “U†"' ‘- -- "-1 mm You know Mr. [and Mrs. R. H. moore are; 4 ’ - moving {to the former Wm. Neils residence. which has been for a; ' eks in the hands ofi S hem?" ~. yen-d grimly. “on the house decorator, and looks‘ quite new \and attractive. i n the worst.†he said. paling a Inspector Huff. who is accomâ€"i panied by his bride, is making"-J Flesherton this he'hdquarters for 3‘. "in 91‘ $03,“); 85:: couple of weeks, wfhile visiting the} 0 ‘~ schools in this place and vicinityq †' . Mr. and Mrs. Jeffs of Edson,‘ - 'Alta.. spent a few days with the. 1e acting." 1 said. latter’s sister, Mrs. Dud‘geon, atl e parsonage. 'er away Whenever th 1'" Mr. Donald gt}. she said, stand. f Globe staff, Toronto, V'visited over the Week end with his sister, Mrs.‘ R‘ a uebrave- , )0 mg t l . McV1car, at the manse. â€m - Mr. Geo. B. Richards-on of Tor-n y. ' onto, spent llast week at his gorge ' ’ t e but she caught me here, before ‘leavmg to s-pen be She extended be! summer 1 , lWflS not tOOGUmb Government 'position of fire I. what she wanted. ranger. .. . kissed it. and it was Mr. Fsl'an‘li:a VanDutsfn lot Cheï¬lev ", 1 . spent un 1‘37 Wi‘ is mo .er lllantry but press here. Frank is we t ionately against the his new location in Bruce. Miss Maud Richardson spent last ‘ you,†She said 88 1 Week with her eetbinz the-“Amen" in Toronto. . Mrs. i. B Lucas 01 Markdaie ‘spemt ' “screa m 1 care net 5 9e?“- it}; .grea fortitude and waitl 'ng for departure there passed peacefully away ,her son-inâ€"law, Mr., D. Mc avish ‘on Monday. April '20, one of tlï¬e n t e early settlers at Flesherton i w person of Mrs. Mary Stewa 'of the late George Stewa rt, relic rt, age: xv5| v-â€"v‘ A sad case of 7 Rock Mills 01} ‘ 4 f suicide occurred at I Rock Mills on Tuesday morning of ‘ 0 last week when Mr. Jas. Leitc .‘3 who (had been for some time o ployed there. took his own life 0 with .a shot-gun, the discharge of z 2 0 he was discovered at Mr. Leitch had unnecessary. . h for some time been in poor lhealt and it is thought in a fit of desâ€" pondency tihe rash deed was comâ€" mitted. The remains were taken 9 to Dornoch, where his wife was; 9 buried. The. deceased was 59 years‘ . L of rage. and we understand. leaves ' three sons. who are in the west. l - Mr. Albert Purdy. who had been , ill for several months. died at the' 3 home. lot his brother Edward. near. Ceylon. on Friday last. The funeral took place t oFles-herton cemetery 't on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Kerr officiatâ€" ’ ing. The deceased was 47 years of 1' agarand unmarried. Mr. W. J. ‘Hazzard. a resident of IS Stone‘s line. Artemesia. passed 4 :1sz on Saturday after 0111" a few )9 days†illness with heart affectiotml .. The funeral will take place to ‘2 ed ‘lesherton cemetery. being delayâ€" « ed for the arrival of a sister from ‘ the west. A brother died sudden- he Iv with heart trouble in July last." The deceased was in his «lath gvear '1 and unmarried. O O O O Q 0 Q Q Q 0 .0 a. 0 Q Q Q Q 4' O O O 0 § ‘ 2! 4 4 '1‘; l _.‘-4v:s1mb hf fllf" Continued next m 5913 and llllni‘dn'icu. , Last week‘s meetings of the. Methodist League and Preslwter-g ian Guild were lite ‘ary. At the ‘. former, Mr. M. K. Richardson, 011‘; the Irish Home Rule question, ant. : Mr. H. S. \Vihite on Bible teachingi‘ in schools. At the latter. PrinCi-i pal White spokem‘n How We Are? Govern-ed «and Principal Hollandi assisted on the program with a ‘, Well-rendered solo. Both meetings; were of an interesting character. 3 Representatives of the Dominion; Alliance spoke in the churche‘i here on Sunday and gave able ad-E dresSes-â€"-Mr. Mason in the Baptist! church in the mornino, Mr. Dug-n gan in the Presbyterian church ini. the afternoon and Mr. Caswell ini the Methodist church in the even-g 1 ing. At the morning service in! the Methodist church the pulpit] was supplied‘ by Rev. T‘hvos. Rowe of Ottawa district,‘who is visiting .; Mr. W'm. Sharp and other old friends. Mr. ERowe was a resident here 138 years ago. U Tufnnjtp are LW, Mr., D. Me avishfl. A ril '20, one of the: s at Flesherton in the ? rs. Mary Stewart, relict George Stewart, aged 35: funeral took place ay afternoon, when held in the Presbyterâ€" rmpd with a large ii - ‘ a ‘2? - A ‘~J'$.§A‘m£\ , a; 5.". week. 11ch the pulpit; Rev. T‘h'os. RO\\B} who is \isitinO‘ and other 01d] 9 was a xeside‘nt‘z1 llDuée'n of Cheslev with his mother well pleased with on page 3‘ §§§§§§§Q§§W§§O§MOOO+§QQ 0+ W'e conï¬dently believe Durham. Prospective gAnd are paying the Highest Price. pay an extra prlce “763 are Th 9 Hides and in the market