9¢+++- \Ve do not sell through agent in Durham, and we therefore make a. reduction on above prices of (me opnt per rod to the farmer, Remember our Wire is guaranteed full N0. 9 guage. N0. 9 coiled wxre $2.00 per 100 1-bs., freight paid. éé+é+¢é++éé+é+ééééé+++é+éé4%éé§é+éé%+é+é+%éééé%%é++$é¢+éééé%é%+++é+éé+é+++++éé 5‘ 1333000000000‘ WWWWammxwm 52% § Large Sales - Small Profits é We Guarantee every roll of fence and will cheerfully either replace any goods not in proper order on arrwal at your Shanon, or wxll refund money if you ship goods hack to us, for we are satisï¬ed only when we have satisï¬ed you. Our stock of fence is large and varied so we can make prompt shipments. All farm fences are supplied in 20. 30 and 40 rod rolls only. If you need a Lawn Fence. Stable. Guard. Coiled and Barbed \Vire, Posthole Diggers, Fence Pliers, Grip Bars, \Vu-e Baskets or Iron Mats. send for our descriptive catalogue and prices on your requirements. How to Order and Remit The above are cash with order prices and on orders of 20 rods or over of farm fence and any order of 200 pounds or over, wr; will pay the freight. ’9' THE'OWEN SOUND WIRE FENCE CO, LIMITED EIGHT. HOME FURNISHINGS Remit Uash by Postal or Express order. or y MCKEBHNIES’ WEEKLY In the néuest desions, in the neatest patterns of Canadian and Scotch make and a \ ery larO‘e stock to select from. We have 9 '22 pieces 4 Yards Wide. In the nicest oriental shades, having a fine appearance but not too costly. ‘ A fine selection of Nottingham Curtains m White and Ecru in the newest patterns. A large stock to select from in the most approved designs, Composed of English and Canadian make. Come and have a look through. We havejust received a ï¬ne stock English and Scotch Tweeds and can have your measure taken and the Suit furnished you in a week. how is the time to have your measure taken. In great profusion workinw and in ï¬ne shoes. Stylish yet mom}, haximr been on easy ï¬tting lasts. A ï¬ne selection of ladies pumps. See 0m stock of Scotch Ginghams, they are beauties. Se the E l‘. ( ‘orset the best in the market. A large stock f f1 9511 groceries just received. - The Highest Prices Paid for Produce‘ Linoleumns and Floor Oil Cloth Rugs and Window Curtains OWEN SOUND," ONTARIO Select Tweeds Wall Paper. F00t=Wear ynur own personal Cheque will be accepted. L9}; ‘1. n u n- , ‘9 1'31; '. - ‘t A *9 .3, n» VIMâ€? «ï¬â€˜mw (on Second Floor) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A naval reserve is‘ to be organ- ized'in Canada. J. E. Baechler’s saw mill at God- erich was burned. Peel Cons‘érvatives will hold a convention next Saturday. P-eterboro citizens will undertake to build a beautiful driveway. The Duke bf Connaught will visit Newfoundland early in July. Edgar Cliffe, aged 33 was found drowned in a swa amp on his farm near Lansdowne. Muchg asoli_ne, ready for use, is being found in the new Dingman oil well near Calgary. Mrs. Mary 'Wils-on, aged 78, was fatally hurt by a fall downstairs at Windsor, . Mrs. Ben. Atkinson has been sent for trial at Sydney, N.S., charge-d with being accessory -to the mur- dzer of her husband. The buggy drive-n by Dr. J. G. Sgott of Seaforth was struck‘ by a tr'ain at a level crossing, ' but he escaped with slight injuries. Hon. Mr. Hazen promised that ships obtained for the Government hereafter would be required to be built in Canada. T. F. Corvey, an official of the Ontario License Department is said to’ {have counselled St. Cath- aiinles hotelmen how to sham: off pl Ohibition. A greatly Ieduced cab‘e rate for w eekâ€"end messages. subject to slight delay. has been arranged between Canada and Australia and New Zealand. The body of Richard Cornell. :0 a resident of Thurlow township. was found in a barn at Shannon- ville. He had apparently taken a dose of poison. Hon. W. H. Hearst, Minister of Lands. Mines and Forests, is to open, the new court buildings be- ing built at Haileybury for Timisâ€" kaming. district in July. While supplying ice to the f1eig hter Glenallah at the S10 canal VVi111od Demers, aged 51 met his death by falling f1om the 11 all of the canal, f1actu11ng his skull. Bourassa. Lavergne, Lamarche and other Nationalists will, it is said. follow the Government speakers who are to tour Quebec this summer, and will try to re- vive the naval outcry. A big oil merger has been closed by Earl Grey, by which the British Union Oil Company ‘has obtained a controlling interest in the Union Oil Company of California for 15 million dollars. NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE James Gibson of Allandale. "‘ a Grand Trunk brakeman. had ale-g cut off below the knee while shunting in the Canada Wood Spe- cialty yards at Orilliu. Judge Hugh McDonald Henry, of Halifax. was accidentally drowned in the mill-race near Riverside Park. Guelph. He had been an in-. mate of the sanitarium for three years. Twenty-three new physicians are created by Western University. London. '1he gold medalist is C. ant-31535.11 ‘of 'I‘ngerson. and the Silver medalist John McPherson of Dutton. Creditprs of the defunct private bank of" Dale Co.. Madoc. ac- cepted 75 cents on the dollar. de- positors with less than $100 to be paid in full. The Bank of Com- merce takes over the assets. Controller Morris of Hamilton has taken the stand that alderman Birrell, who is chairman of the Board of Works and agent for the Canada Crushed Stone Corporation should resign either one or the other of the positions. It is reported at Ottawa that a railway man of international repu- tation will be placed in charge of the operation of the Canadian Northern system and that the'oi- ficial announcement will be made within the next ten days. There was more excitement in Calgary for 48 hours last week than the city has known since the heyday of real ' estate activity three years ago.'The cause of it all Was the striking of oil Thurs- da31rl night at the famous Dingman We . ‘ ' -QNV v ~-vâ€"vvn' Mr. Wm. 'Lauder of town spent Sunday renewing acquaintances of old neighbors in this neigh- borhood. _. The M-o-rea-u brothers, arrested on a charge of murdering Robert Hayde of Honey Harbor, were sus- pected because that they were the first to suggest the probable loca- tion of the body, found hidden in a manure heap, when the search for Bayde was in progress, and to their recent prodigality of money. UULHUUU. Mr. Norman Kerr has purchased the lot south of Wm. Longs from Mr. Andrew Seim. Ma's. Dunn, and daughter, Agnes, of town, spent a‘ few days visit- ing friends in this vicinity. Mr. Alfred McCabe is erecting a new Wire fence around his propâ€" erty, which Will be a great im- provement to property, and also the village. VARNEY. a ‘1‘: m u wuanucau. VVC IIU})B , itihe bthetr side or the house on this one “655’? be the last of his . ‘ __ gardening and rearing of poultry, losses. _ . . at God gWhJich' at times is quite interest- Mr. Ben. Watter of Sunridge, ‘ . Muskoka is at present visiting ‘ I . s - t g 9 t s . img, as we hear 013' some curious? friends and relatlves 1n this local- ; freaks of mature and some disap-g ity, lpoj‘nfted how, when some of the! Mrs. :Wm. Wilson, jr., has just hold .a 1d ertâ€"ake' geese turn out to be ganderS. - ireturned to her own home, feeling :Way 3 MTS. RObt- Henry, 51‘» a'ccosmpan- quite well again. after spending ' ° 'ied by Mtrst. Wm. Hunter, 51‘» SD93“ . the time of her sickness with her :ht Will a few days in Toronto lately ViS-' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wells. in J ulyg itin‘g Mrs. Henry’s son Robert. who: Master Lawrence McFadden of .has not been in very good health Glenelg, was helping W. A. Law- 35: found lately. They report him feeling rence for a few days. his farmibetter again ’ Mr. John Newell of (Erlenelg- ~ LAKELET BBEEZES. the hame‘SS, not having shown any NOW that seeding is pretty Well sign of sickness. Mr. Harrison has .. . . , - lost quite a number of horses hmshed the dxscussmn comes fgom ‘eince he began busines.s We hope h11ain+hnm ciao n? +111: knnca nn 4.1 .-_ -1 l The .funeral of the late Wm. Mc- Fadden, which took' place last Friday, was very largely attend- ‘ed; The pail-bearers were his isix sons-inâ€"law. There Was a very large attendance of Orange- men, who paid their last tribute .to their brother member. During Ihis sickness he never lacked icareful attention and nursing, as 1 some of his family were ever with him to the last. We extend bur {heartfelt sympathy to the mourn- !ers and family. ' Long suffering ended'with the day, ' Yet lived he at its close, And breathed the long, long On Sunday, Man 10, a succéssful ope-ration was performed on Mrs. Wm. ‘H‘unter, sr., for appendicitis. We_ report her dging nice_ly. 'g‘lory (gate And Walked in Paridise. _ Mr. Thos. Harrison of the mill. lost a Valuable 6-year-old horse a few days ago. It dIOpped dead in +++++++++++++é++é+++4+é+é%+§++++ “3333} P“; night away In statue-like repose; But when the sun in all its state Tllumed the eastern skies He passed through morning‘s + ~ - é ' .1. +++++¢é+++¢$+++++++++++$+*éééé%%éé+%é****é*?*%%ï¬+ 969§+§§§+§§OO§OOOOOOOOOOOOrttOOOtOOOOOOOOJOOOOOOOO99 .' Fur Two \Veeks beginning Saturday, May 9th, we :u-e going to give zn'ay and put; m: FREE :1 pair of the Cole- brated Dunlap Rulber Heels with each pair of Fine Shoes or Oxfords purcl‘msed during that time. :LL 353,00 or over. Millinery Parlor “Te have a larger stuck thanever to select, from and our prices are right. Take advantage of this offer AL Once hefure your size is bold. UIH: ua qu “cyan fhe flown'Er sown Shoe Store Pi S ‘Mcllraith The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Millers. We have a 0‘0 - ~ w. 0d stock of all 1" p . s , ~ 'mds and, 111c1udmg: Of 499d 011 Give Us Your Repairing MEN! NOW that; our Millinery Openings are over, we are prepared to show you a full line of all the Newest Novelties and up-to-dateâ€" Hats, in Braids, Straws, Panmnas or made hats. Our stock this year is larger and better than ever before, and if you \\*a-nt..\'0111' New Hat for Easter, call early. The time is short) and we are very b u 83'. Miss E. E. Mooney I nicely. 1 .The funeral on Friday was de- ate Wm. MC- layed on the road for a short place last; time by the horse of Mr. Geo. £9137 attend-g Ryan, sr., Durham, performing the were his. very athletic feat of turning a ere Was a complete somersault clear out of e of Orange- the shafts of the buggy. All 05â€" ' last tribUtecaped injury, except the buggyâ€" nber. During: shaft, which was broken. The cir- Inever .lacked$ cus is the place for that horseâ€"or Terms : Cash Feed ! Feed ! It will be l’romptl)‘ and Neatly Done‘ Mr. Ben. 'Watter of Sunridge, Muskoka, is at present visiting: friends and relatives in this local-- 1112'; Mrs. :Wm. Wilson, in, has just returned to her own home, feeling quite well again, after spending the time of her sickness with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wells. Mr. John Newell of Glenelg, visited these parts last Sunday. Jack is quite a, frequent visitor around here. else_ on the-gage. 'I‘hos. :J. Lawrence of Welland. son of Wm. Lawrence of Durham, is at present in the hospital, seri- ously ‘ill. We hOpe to soon hear of '.his recoyery. Rev. Mr. Leece of Priceville will give a lecture omFriday evening. May 22, in the Orange Hall in this locality. A good time is expect- ed. Music and singing in attend- ance.‘ ' Orlando Harrison, the East Ox- ford farm-er, accused of obtaining $700 wrongfully from the Atlas Fire Insurance Company, was found not guilty. - may Millinery Parlor 1914. 3% f’m £574