TWO. BEING .-m Glenelr ' on premj: ix GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; well fenc- ed; well watered. Also 42% acres in Bentinck: good house, barn. and good well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. A "A at!“ _.J Ulutl- N. )Inlntyte. Durham. 612 \ ""‘-r _ v" ' I I v â€ï¬g-..- iibon FIVE-Rooï¬ï¬n HOUSE. 2n well located; good garden and H. hen pen. Rent reasonable. Ap-_-_- ply to Ed. Welsh. Durham. : 1‘2 13 ltpdtf THE SECOND AND THIRD DIVI- sions of Lot 30. Con. 13 E.G.R.. Gienelg. 100 acres: good build- ing9° one mile south of Durham. â€"A H Jackson. 4234 EBIFER, THOROUGHBRED DUR- ham. rising 4 years old: nice dark roan; also two sows. due. one about the middle of April. other about middle of May. Ap- ply to A. J. Sealey, Lots Qand 3. S.D.R.. Glenelg. ~19 3nd BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE ACRES of good land good garden, well stable, buggy house and other conveniences: just outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 13t All persons are warned against fishing. hunting, trapping or tres- passing on the following prOper- ties. and those found so doing \‘vill -‘VUV -C“ 'â€"â€"vâ€"â€" ._ , be prosecuted: Lots '2, 3 and 4, Con. 3, Bentinck; Lots 45 ,46, and 4?. Con. 3, Old Survey, Bentinck: Lots 61. 62, 63, 64, Con. 3. New Survey, Bentinck.â€"W. 8: S. Mc- Cracken. W. Noble, G. Mighton. The first sitting of the Court ofi Revision for the Township of? Glenelg for 1911 will be held at the: Township 'Hall. in said Township| on Saturday. the 6th day of June,: 1914. at 10 o‘clock in the forcnoon,! of which all persons concerned will please take notice and govern‘ themselves accordingly. ‘ Dated May 4th. 1914. 1 Mrs REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. 'C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6111 Tenders fora Concrete Arched Budge SEALED TENDERS. marked “Tender," addressed to the Reeve, Township of Glenelg. Priceville. will be received up_ to Friday, June 5. Tenders to -be opeï¬Ã©d at To_wnsh_ip Hall, June 6. For reinforced concrete arch- ed bridge 50ft. span, 14ft. roadWaV. An accepted Bank cheque for 10 per cent. of contract, pavable to Treasurer. Township of Glenelg shall accompany each tender, and will be returned on non-accept- ance. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Reeve, near Priceville. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS. gTICHOL, Reeve, 5 21 3 Priceville. For the consuuction of a con- crete arch bridge at Lot 32. Con. 2 and 3. N.D.R., Glenelg. Tenders will be received as follows: Lid-ICU, ROOMY DWELLING 1:350; large enough to keep ""\':?'":t‘r.“? conven39ntly situated t an rurmic workq: npwly decâ€" orated: cheap rent. Apply to A‘A one 3311113363611“: will be prose- cuted according 'to laW.â€"Ja:mes H. Spence, Toronto. 5 14¢: All (persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky! Sangeeq “Rixfe‘r~ _ ftpsgmg ‘.W“ v ~â€"â€" Lots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Cori- cession, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and 32 and south half of Lot 30 in the and Concetgsipn. Glenelg. Any- o“ 1 _ ‘ _-_- {‘{mrt of Revision TO‘XESZEIP ma GLENELG.1914 U an S fur v) 321.?“ rï¬shing: Noiice Durham†etc. Apply to T. Husk A. E! Jackson. Durham Fishing Notice ii'olla Cursets . CON O 1‘ brick house er, barn. contam )erches led (10' :SMALL ADS. J. 8. BLACK. Township Clerk. l.†,- 1.“. 25 cents for ï¬rst inserti . and 10 cents for each .g- ~):n~ inch And under two inches. doable the above .u wmz. Yearly rates on applic‘taon ' 1‘. Haskins CF85 ti FFICI‘lâ€"va .3 P. Telfnrsd' ofï¬ce ‘ ’ Heath Opposite the Registxy ntï¬ue. Residence Second h'mse south ut “(c-"ism" ofï¬ce-(m east sideof A belt Stu-rt. ()ï¬ivt- Huma- 911 3.111., 9-41). m.. 7-!) p. m. Pvlephope cmmmmicd- {i m hctwwu ofï¬ re and residence at, 11! ‘lnHIS. “.429 NHYSIOIAN ANDSURGEON, 01‘ 1. due in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬ice ‘oms ‘* to 10 a. m. to 4 W. m. and†x 3.09 -. m. Spacial attention zixeu to diseasee )f «omen and children. Residame on white k rasbv tcu 12m Cthun h. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates‘ and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorâ€" ioughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, lMortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All ;work promptly attended to. I short distance cut at huapp’s Hotel, .umo ton Street Lower Town. Durham Rice hours from I" ‘ .3 o'clock SPECIALIST : 365., me, THROAT NOSE DR. 59“ WN L. R. C 9., LONDON ENG {lRADULATE' of London New ï¬rs. Jamieson lamieson. ‘LFFICE AND RESIDENCE A .41.:- a..un-'am :‘0 London MD malmic 803 £13.. ant? to â€MN )8!) Throat and Nose Hos. ()fliuv~â€"-()ver Dough-Ls" vaenerv SLOPP. H’LRRIS‘TEI. ELLCYI‘OR. BTU _ (..'fï¬ce neaxh opposite the Reuzisfry active Lambtou ~‘t .Durham. An) amoun. xf monex tr. -oan Q.†5 pn- ceut. on farn ronertv. 3‘. G. Hutton, J F GRANT,D..D.S .L D S. % ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI ty of Toronto. Graduate Rays 30138159 Dental 511129011801 Ontario Dautistr} in 1111113 Mandxm ‘ er, Conveyancer. fun \gent. Hone) tn Loan. I 'iaxre Licenses. A genera! t ’19:»: traneacted. A Court of Revision for the Town of Durham will be held in the Town Hall. Durham, on Mon- day. June 1, at 7.30 p..m All in- terested will govern themselves accordingly. For Sale A GOOD MILCH COW, 4 YEARS old, in calf; and a good sow in pig. Apply to W. J. Atkinson or W. J. McFadden. 5 283 Th0 story (it how Charles Dickens wasjilted is particularly interesting. \thi he was eighteen Dickens he- (.‘illllt‘ acquniii ed with the three daugh- ters of George. Beadnell. 2L Lmnhard street banker. \Vheii one of them, Mai-iv (the original of Dora in “David (Tuppei-ï¬eld"). whu was a. year his senior. hr imiiwdiaitoly fell in love,and Marin flirted with him very desperate- ly. But the love iiiztking of the future : novelist was not treated very serious- ;iy, fur he “'st nut considered by any 1 nwaus an eligible party, and even Ma- rin herself adopted an attitude of . auimsed tnlei-imce. His liar! Lave, \Vho Jilted Him. and Her Pathetic End. l’ York and {‘9 Disegsea of Eye. \Vid he :th th ’ ()(_.'t. Iâ€. NI l'ur chm-r wars the affair went 0D. and leen Dickens l'ezllized that his cam: Was hopeless. HP pleaded in vain wxrlx the girl. whose. caprices madden- ed and 'glnddened him alternately. for, as a matter of fact, Maria. Beadnel was a willful (tequette. The end of it. all was :I. reply that held out no hope. and so the parting came. For twenty years they saw no more of one- anoth- er. A. H. Jackson. mum: PUBLIC. COMMISSION Ultimately Maria Beadnell was mar- ried to Henry Louis \Vll‘)[€l',2flld when Dickens met her again time had Wrought bad havoc on his youthful ideal. Mrs. \Vinter Wrote to her old lover. but Dickens did not care to re.- new a correspondence with his old sweetheart. Then Mr. \Vinter failed. and the chagrined wife appealed to the lover of her girlhood for help. but without avail. and the romance ended long before the death ot Dickens in NHLâ€"Exchange. TO RAISE YOUNG TURKEYS. It is difficult to ’raise young tur- keys. A disease called “black head†isfatal to a large number. It is found that by.feeding the young fowl sour milk they thrive and overcome the disease. The and overcome the disease. The Ministers of Lands, Forests and acid in the sour milk destroys the: Mines parasite azu_d is of great help to Toronto, Ontario, 27th April, 1914. ihe youm g birds. DITRHA \1 ONT. (Lowe-r Town Court of Revision Med [cal 02? gnaw. 03% ca Arthur Gun, M. D. Dr. W. 8. Pickering; Bentist. D [UK EN 5" R0 .\1 A NC E. Denial Dz’reciorv W. J. SHARP {.0 n Lem! ‘Dz’raflorr J. P. Teiford. BR. BUR! .H) {"h‘t 3;!“ 1:. Ear Nose and Throat the Hahn House, Julv Nnvmnlwr 16. Dev. 21. W'. B. VOLLET, Clerk. tn Loan. Issuer of Max: A genera! hnanmal bus; hr Owe" ~‘n'md insurance Inter SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. THE sole head of a family. or my male over 18 years old, may somestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. l‘he applicant must appear in verson at' the Dominion Lands agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agentof Dominion Lands (not nub-agent), on certain conditions, Dutiesâ€"Six months residence JPOD and cultivation of the land .0 each of three years. A home- xteader may live within nine miles A his homestead on a farm of at. east 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a home- steader in good standing may pre- ampt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- dence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includv in}: the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dutâ€" ies.â€"Must resxde six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 :cres and erect a house worth 300. The area of cultivation is sub- hct to reduction in case of rough. ucrubby or stony land. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorized publication )t this advertisement will not be said forâ€"37085. 2813 TENDERS will he received by the undersigned up to noon of the 6th day of July, 1914, for the right to cut the Red and White Pine timber on Berths 1 B. 1 C. and 1 D. in the Mississalga Forest Reserve tributary to the north shore of‘L-ake Huron. each Berth containing an area of 36 square miles, more or less. . For maps and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at Thessa- lon, Sault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Sudbur‘y. W. H. HEARST. Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines. - Toron'tOH-Xpril 18th 1914. N.B. No unauthorized publica- tion of this notice ’will be paid for. 6 4 5 351 ' way 111 the UISIPICI 01 '1'nunaer Bay. a 'l‘enderers shall state the amount they are prepaied to pay as bonus in addition to the crown dues of $3 pei thousand feet board meas- ure for anything not manufactured {into ties, and for ties at the rate 'of 5c. each, or such other rates as mav from time to time be fixed by isthe Lieutenant- Governor in Coun- cil. ( Tenders for Allan River Wood Limit TE\DERS will be 19C(i\ ed bx the undexsigned up to and includ- ing “edeSday. the 13th of Julx next for the right to cut ties from Smucc Balsam. Banksian 01 Jack u-“- ?ine. fPoplar and \Vhitewood trees seven inches and upwards in di- ameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a tie preserv- ing plant for a period of twenty- one years from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Crown tributary to what is known as the Allan Water River, tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- Such tenderers shall be required to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties, or at some other pla-c approved by the Lieutenant Gov- ern-or in Council a tie preserving1 plant. - 1 Parties making tender will be required to deposit with their ten- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province \of Ontario for $25,- 000,00 to remain on - deposit as security for the carrying out of the conditions of their tender. For par'ticularé as to description of territory, capital to 'be invested, etc., apph, to_:th£ gï¬ersigned. The highest or any tender not necessarily aqcepted. f NOTICE TO STUDENTS The management nf.Shaw’s Business Schnols. Toronto, begs to ad vise all senior Pub- lic Schonl and all High Schnol students that. it is prepared to mail acopy of its cm-riculm to any one who wishes to qualify in a. shoLt period of 6 m- 8 months fur :1 g-md 34hr- ied pusitiun. Address. Shaw’s Svhmvls, annntn. Ontario. Head Officv Yonge and Ger- mxui Rhee-ts. in the District of Thunder Timber Sale M CHRONICLE. 3“ flag 646 751 At an Epismpul miksinn on the Chi- nese coast situated fur t'mm any white settlemm" the Rev. Mr. Waterman. a lean and hungry “Juliillg bachelor of {M'ty-ljve. Went to the supm'inuemlent. Mr. Blanchard. and said: "l lune been lzxzmring in this ï¬eld now fur twmxt)‘ ymrs and have never been :lssmriutud with any but Chinese during that time save only my co- workers. 1 must rusign-zmd go to an- other ï¬eld.“ Mr. lilanehard. unwilling to los’e so valuable an assistant. said: “:s‘upposing. brother. a companion could be given younâ€"a wife to labor with you and eheer you." Mr. Waterman thought in that case that he could stand it awhile longer. but he didn‘t know where the wife was to come from. There were only tarl‘ied white women at the station. and he would not marry a heathen (‘hi- nese woman. Mr. ilanchmwfl told him that there were women without hus- hands in (rivilim-cl lands who might be induced to come out and. marry a den gynian. , A few months after this conversa- tion the Rev. Mr. South'mte. twenty- ï¬ve years old and a liilt'llQlOl'. was standing on the dock belonging to the station :uvaiti11:..r the coming of a ship that appeared to the eastward. He was so homesick tha anything; coming from a Christian land interested him. and his object in being on the dock was to see a ship that had come from the land he loved. When the ship was docked and the ganm‘ilank in position the only woman who came down it was not only white. but comely. She seemed much cast down. Mr. Southg‘ate approached her. ‘ raised his hat and asked if he could I do anything for her. “l have some business with the Rev. Mr. Waterman." she said. “but ldnn't Wish to {:0 direvtly to his bnuse. Can you diret-t me In :1 place where I can lodge tern pom ri Ex '3" U. â€Let me take that lungs. was the re ply. “and the other things. I will think of some place for yuu while We are walking to the station. There is not much in the way of :u'cummodzltion here. How long will you need a lodg- ing place?" â€That I can’t say. Do you know Mr. Waterman?" “Oh. yes. very well." “What kind of a person is he?†â€A very exvollvnt man indeed." “IS he gmfl l()0kin‘.:".’" “()b. no. Mr, Waterman is not good looking." ' “How old is he?" “Between fm'ty-tive and ï¬fty.†“Light or dark?" “Neither. 119 has rod hair and many freckles.†The young woman stopped. Mr. Southgate looked at her inquiringly. "I‘m going back on the ship,â€.she said. “Going bat-k on the ship?" “Yes"--Sobl')ing"‘l vume out here to marry Mr. Watennzm, not knowing anything about. him. From what you say he must he frightful." There was :1 long: sih‘nce. during which the young: woman wept. â€You are sure you wouldn‘t marry Mr. Waterman?" . “Yes, I am. I’ll jump in the sea ï¬rst. I have nothing to go back to and am desperate. Perhaps the best thing I can do is to drown myself}? "If you're going to take me." con- tinued Mr. Southgate. â€it might be less embarrassing for you to marry me be- fore you see .\1 r. Waterman." “Perhaps it would." “But there must in.» some reason giv- en. It must be reported as a mistake." “You might tell me you are Mr. Wa- terman." "That would he untrue." “1 have never told a lie. but I have never been placed in such a position before. 1 will say that I forgot the name: that I thought it was South- gate.“ . "There comes Waterman. now.†“Oh. heavens!" . . "Let us turn down this walk.†The sight of Mr. Waterman struck the-poor girl with terror. She clung to her escort and trembled. - They met a young clergyman. and Southgate said to him: age?" “Perhzu'is.†was the indeï¬nite reply. “I wouldn’t mind helping you out; that is. if you would permit me.†There was no reply to this, but the sobs were less frequent. “Oh. dear. no! You needn‘t do that. Would you be contented to remain here as the wife of a man about my “Nothing particular.†“Go to the chapel: I wish you to do something very particular.†now '2" Marbury consented and in a few minutes was joined by the‘bouple.‘ “Marry us.†said Southgate. “Marry you!" “Yes. This young lady came out here on a venture to marry old Water- man. I’m her only hope." The marriage ceremony was per- formed and the two were made one. When it was over Southgate said to Marbury: “Go to Blanchard and tell him. Get him to ï¬x it up with‘Water- man} that’s a good fellow.†' She smiled and said. “No. I hope not for your sakes." “I‘ll do it. Are there any more like you coming?" he asked the bride. Mir. Blanchard ï¬xed the matter by sending Mr. Waterman to civilizatioi to ï¬nd a wife for himself. “Marbury. got anything to do just 0), ! BY EUNICE BLAKE mu TO RENOVATE \VILLOW' YER- ANDAH CHAIRS. To renovate willow furniture. scrub with a brush. using salt inâ€" stead of soap, and rinse thorough- 1y. D10 bhe work «out of doors if possible, where plenty of Water can be used, bow-ruse 2111 the suit water must be rinsed u." 1'. When dry d0 etacfh part ‘with pure lint-met} oil, This will soften the wiilmw. making ,it more 1'.»liu‘r,le. enme- qu'ently less liable to'break who: tiï¬â€˜htenled by the Water treatment. The Oil adds considerably to the. life of the. furniture, as Vell as im- proving it in appearance. in fact. ’any kind of basket work will last longer for a coat of oil. Old rat- tan chairs can be s.m.21de new again by turning them upside. down and "You are perfectly free to use my name in any way to beneï¬t GIN PILLS, for they deserve the highest praise. My back has never troubled me since taking GIN PILLS, and my wife feels much better after taking GIN PILLS for hex-back. She thinks GIN PILLS will make a complete cure.’ GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Back, Sciatica in Back and Legs, Rheumat‘sm, Burning and Scalding Urine, Painful Urination, Weak or Strained Kidneys, and always prevent taking cold in the kidneys and bladder. Every box is sold with a-positive guarantee to give prompt relief or money refunded. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 177 crubbing the saggcd scat with hot water until it is 5111 )()th and stiff again and when dry Coating with the oil. RAN AMUCK AT JVHCN SOUND. There was (_:(_m.~'i(lm'ul:lv (,‘XClLEIHvHC am Saturday at; wan Smmd hy the (+5?an uf a. I lu'ee-yuu'-¢_)l(rl stvm' from :L bum-l1 Ilm'. was being shipped at, Um ()QPJl. slm'liynrds. The animal raced south ll'n'n’llgll Mm mwn and 9X'H'y at- Lt‘ulpl. .4) 534:1.» ll lllllt'tl. li, lk‘CiLlUt‘ >0 dangerous that :1 nwmln-l' of the police force bunk :1. rillc‘aml l'rlluwing itlu the sound vnd â€I Llw. tuwn gut in a safe place and ï¬red The bullet, struck thv animal, but, only sLumwd it fur 2m in- stant. Before iL could he approached it charged thv crowd again and started down Fourth avenue, east. At Sev- enth street; it, went to the mwue (m Lhe east, side of the Luwn and stand at, bay. Here it well dirwted slmt fmm a prominent member (.f the: local rifle, (“m-pa pivrced its llh‘tl‘t.----T(U'¢'L Leader. George Finlay of Hamilton broke his neck by a fall from a ladder and died while 1n the ambulance on the Way to the hospital. 'll‘. (-9 Annual Meeting of the South Grey Frume 1S Institute will 1w, held in Memhers are urgently reqm-sted to attend, as L):;s‘ness of in portance will be Brzulszuttcd. The Annual Meeting of the \\ amen’ 8 Institute will be held at the .zuue time and place. W. S. SCARF, President. D THE Annual Meeting FARMERS lNSTITU1E Town Hall, Durham THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, l914 SW TROUBLE] ME ©F @ANADA Since Taking BIN PILLS Lyons Brook, N.S.. Feb. 26th. at JAMES L. muss. 1.30 p.111. GEO. BINNIE, " Secretary. ll as imâ€" In fact. will last Old ral- w again IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the'Chronicle Printing House. Garafraw Street. Subscription TB!» CHRONICLE will be an" o A n huh. Rates v- "v I" . a wax . payame â€"$l.50 may be charged if not so paid. to which ever) subscription is nah! i,“ the number on the address laflel. 30 continued to all arrears are: paid. exl (mum of the proprietor. . â€" -v [1“ III quent insertion minion measure. pardsanot exceeding one inch $41 Advertisements without speciï¬c < be published till forbid a) 1 chain Tmnsie at noncesâ€"' 'L( at. ' ‘:T-‘ound etc,â€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion. 2.5 c subsequent insertion. Advergising Rates . All advertisements ordered by he naid for in admnce Contract rates for yawny adv uished on application to the «.1136 i4 and uneral Director {UNDERTAKINGQ IT is an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account in the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawak. Such an account is called a “joint account.†We shall be pleased to fumishpu. ‘,“ ‘2‘ m. Fu DURHAM.ONT, Zc? Full line of Call and White. Cans “m \‘x‘ 15""... “an Yonge and McGill Sts ., T(,n'-nnt.n. Out. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Flider new managenwnt it. is duing better work than ever. \Vriu» us if you wan t- to prepare for a good position. Henry C. \Vard. Principal. British American Business s __C0"ege Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at; the rear of the furniture snow, room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attentinn For Men and Boys New Clothing 'lure bimzksmi ch shop Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and 'all Household Furnishings TINSMITHING FURNITURE EDWARD KRESS Emba annm AND P C. L. GRANT New hunts and Shoe in and opened out week from the 139% Make ofboth lines. Come and see us when you need’enr- will try thing m our line. “’8 W. IRWIN EsrAausuen I. any addrt’éfl, free ' $1 "Opt-r Saar. pa} For transient m cents pea line for lion: 3 cents per ’ {htlhnlic R-ObGS, and blark Caps fur aged people. Iming a Specialty rammg (m shark's; uofice. AND to please you. ne 4. 1914, ass. free of postage; '10! 'eanpayableinadnnoo no; so pa§(i._ The 018'! ient, advernsemenu line for tlw ï¬rst inset um per line each anboe measure. Profession! im‘h $4.00 per annnm anociï¬c directions wil J chmgvd 3000111111 1: ":T-‘mmd.’ â€Fpr S: o.’ Rf) PR! ETO R d wrnsemenm in: iv! in denotetiâ€"Sf 1"" paper div *1. event at flu ï¬t'mntzera mun Scents for this Just sent a. «act