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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1914, p. 2

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is common to the little hanging parrots of India and the Malayan region. In this 'théy diner from all om»:- big'fls. which invariablyfileep the body during these long periods of unconsciousness, one would have supposed that a recumbent posture. In the case of both these animals, was imperative. Cattle and their kin commonly sleep lying down, and during many hours of the day they lie_<_lown, as when chewing the cud. More curious still, bats and other creatures invariably sleep hanging head downwards, suspended by their hind feet. The same strange habit Strange Sleopng Habits of Animals and Birds. The majority of mankind sleep lying upon the right or left side of the body. and with the knees drawn up toward the chin. Certain Afri- can tribes. however. lie upon the back, with the back of the neck resting on a bar or wood supported on two short pillars. The elephant apparently invaria- bly, and the horse commonly, sleep standing. This is really astonish- ing. Apart from the apparent dit- ficulty of maintaining the balance of long tethering than while grazing on n '- person giving infim lead to the cnnvictit party wiil be :uitubly All persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky Saugeen River crossing Lots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Conâ€" cession, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and 32 and south half of Lot 30 in the "2nd Concession, Glenelg. Any- one found so doing will be prose- cuted according to law.â€"â€"James H. Spence, Toronto. 5 14tf Con. 3, Old Survey, Bentinck: L’ots 61 62, 63, 64, Con. 3. New Survey, Bentinck. â€"W. S. Mc- Cracken, W Noble, G. Mighton. Spirella Corsets REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels. positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 418 6m All persons are Warned a01inst fishing. hunting, trapping or tres- passing on the following prepm- ties and those found so doing \1 111 be prosecuted: Lots :2, 3 and 4, C’_on. 3, Bentingk; Lots 45 ,46, and HBIFER, THOROUGHBRED DUR- ham. rising 4 years old; nice dark roan; also two sows, due, one about the middle of April other about middle of May. Ap- ply to A. 8: J. Sealey, Lots land 3, SWDR, Glenelg.‘ 493pd BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE AChES GOOD FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE. well located; good garden and hen pen. Rent reasonable. Ap- ply to Ed. Welsh, Durham. 1.- IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRES of good pasture land; well fenc- ed; well watered. Also 425-3 acres in Bentinck: good house. barn. and good well. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Wm. ‘ “Wall. Durham. 129 13pd A LARGE. ROOMY DWELLING house; large enough to keep b’mrders: conveniently situated t all public works: newly decâ€" orated: cheap rent. Apply to N. McIntyre. Durham. 612 of good land good garden, well. stable, buggy house and other conveniences; 'rust outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 13t BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. R.. Glenelg. containing 100.acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- ings; running.r stream through property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush. rest in good state of cultivat’on. Possession given on Nov. lst. 1913. For further par- tzculars. apply on premzses to Mrs John Staples. Rural Route No. 1. Durham, Ont 944pdt1 ed house. including bathroom? and furnace. In connection? there is an excellent garden and, hen-house. Will. sell at reason-j able price and terms. Apply to Edward Burnett Jr., Durham. 2; E's- PXRT CF LOT 28, CON.1 W C.- I:., ad oining corporation 11’ Durham. containing 15 acres 3 nodk. :' perches 0of good land. all seeded doun with tim- oti..; good brick house; hard and soft water, barn. orchard, sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson. Durham. THE SWECT 'RESTORER. ll) Reward Fishing: N otice Fishing: N01 ice ____‘__ '-â€"â€"â€" _â€"â€" -;“-â€"v- x .,,.,.H,...,zwr, 0; mm incn or 1039.4250an for first inserti .anleocmofol-eaoh “WWW“ w, $4.9, Over one inch and under two inches. double the nbovo amzmnt. antly rates on applicanon. 31:30!) was 1-bit of Ste: "arms for Sale. ‘ For Sale \‘C . L. To Rent .s guiltv nu MIL-day! ealing or rmuoving a. ham ’mm my pony! .1 Pack street. Any; t’m'umtiou that will? Ofl'ere m(Wthcgm1 re wax ded . SA L'NDE RS . SMALL ADS. = Itpdtf lilt)’ 42411 Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer ot Marriage Licenses. . Money to loan at lowest rates, land. terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- ;oughly relia‘nle compnaies. Deeds, 'Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Tomsk, the agricultural centre of ' Siberia, boasts of the only university in that country. It was opened 26 years ago, and is so well endowed that tuition fees amount to only $50 a year. At the university hospital may be obtained the only Pasteur treatment fer mad-dog bite that is available in Siberia. As the disease- is rife, this is no small blessing to the settlers. A great institute of, technology and school of mines, too,’ Parties making Itender Wi required to deposit with the der a marked cheque pay: the Hanourable "the Treas-L‘ the Provmce for Ontario fo .depos of territory, capital to "be in' is to be found' at Tomsk. It has an etcn apply, to the undersigi enronment of 1,700 studentshmany" of them 'frOm the far away region of . the Caucasus, in southern Russiau American engineering text books are. largely used in the institute. : W. E. HEARS?! Ministers of Lands, Forests Mines. Toronto, Ontario, 27th .Apgi. , a . L‘ er, Convey-«meet. ' c. Insurance - Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuerpf Mar- ; 31398 Lxcexxses. A general financxal bus:- ,‘ 11688 transacted. The. question where sleep begins is by no means easily answered. One is inclined to draw the line at the insects. But since all living things, plants as well as animals, display periodical states of quies- cence, perhaps we shall be near the truth in regarding sleep as univer- sal among living things. In the case of plants, it is enforced by darkness. save in the case of many bacteria and fungi, which, like evil deeds, grow under the cover of darkness. As a rule, darkness induces sleep. W’ith many animals, however, the reverse is the caseâ€"as with the bats and owls. This reversalof the usual order has been brought about by the nature of the feeding habits. as “side-necked tortoises.” Longr legged birds. like storks and gulls. sleep while resting only on one leg. Ducks generally sleep on Open water. And to avoid drifting shorewards, and therefore into the danger zone. they keep constantly paddling with one foot, so that the body is always circling round the chosen sleeping area. The sloths sleep suspended by their feet. and the. head tucked in between the fore- legs. The no less remarkable Afri- can p0ttos, or slowlemurs, assume a similar pose, but they attach them- selves to a vertical. instead of a horizontal, bough, so that the body rests with the head, upward. No animal, save man, sleeps upon its back. with LL16 neat: turned taut-53:5. V4,: the hack and the beak thrust in among the feathers between the wing and the bodyâ€"not under the wi 11. as is commonly believed. This strange habit is followed evén by the penguins, wherein the feathers are so short as LU fail completely to cover even the beak. Owl'~ are per- haps, the only exception to the rufe. And, hy the way, the only Other ani- mals which thus turn the head back-- ward after this fashion during sleep are certain peculiar tortoises known as “side-necked tortoises-” 3. P. Telford. ARRISTEI., SOLICITOR. ETC Oflice. nearly opposite the Regis‘ry office, Lambton fitnDurham. Anynmount )f monev tr. man at 5 pa- cent. on farm "ror'ertv. York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. “'ill be at the Hahn House, Julv :21) ()(r. 1‘) Novembel 16. Dec. 21, “0111‘ ltu ) p.11). A. H. Jackson. ; OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- 2. er, Conveyancer. c. Insurance ‘ Y I) QR; DR. BRO R C P., LONDON. ENG DULATE of ._ -1 lVL' London Late Asaxatant Roy. London Ophthalmic Boa. 8:13.. and to Gulls-u Sq Throat and Nose Hos. SPECIALIST : EYE, an, THROAT NOSE HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, o‘F‘ See in the New Hunter Block. Oflice nours 8t010 a. m. to4np. m. and? :09 3. m. Special attention given to diseases of women and children. Residence op- 00%“? Presbvterian Chunh. .)FFICE-â€"Over .3 P. Telford’s . office L nearly opposite the Registry office. Resndence Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Homs 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. 11). Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at an hours. Drs. Jamie‘son a; lamjeson. t. FFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance eat of Knapp’s Hotel, Jamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham )tfice hours from 12 to .3 o'clock DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town. i. G. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. Siberia’s Only University. Dr. W. C. Pickering Dentist. ““00 13. '1.»qu 5+ W. J. SHARP 'en the beak. Owl'~ are per- :9 only exwption to the rufe. the way, the only Other ani- lich thus turn the head back- tor this fashion during sleep ain peculiar tortoises known I-necked tortoises.” Arthur Gun, M. D. Medical Directorv . Dental Direâ€"610W Legal ‘DireclorV DR. BURT. many bacterii {gag} rn n17" Anglia fiWm {Tenders for Allan River " Wood Limit I I TENDERS will be received by éthe undersigned up to and includ- fing Wednesday, the 15th of July inext for the right to cut ties from iSpru-ee. Balsam, Banksian or Jack iPine, Poplar and Whitewood trees gseven inches and upwards in di- rameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a tie preserv- ing plant for a period of twenty- one years from unoccupied, unsold and unl-ocated lands of the Crown fitributary to What is known as 'the Allan Water River, tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way in the District of Thunder! :Bay. ' i der a marked cheque payable to. the anourable the Treasurer of the Province ‘of Ontario for $25,- 000,00 to remain on deposit as security for the carrying out of the conditions of their tender. The highest or any tender not VAV '7 1‘ HUGE U1 "2. per thousand feet board meas- ure for anything not manufactured into ties, and for ties at the rate of 5c. each,_or- such other rates as §o ngect aim; 1H5 Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, April 18th 1914. NB. No unauthorized publica- tion of this notice ‘Will be paid for. 6 4 5 351 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of the 6th day of July, 1914, for the rightto 'cut the Red and White Pine timber on Berths 1 B, 1 C. and 1 D, in the Mississaga Forest Reserve tributary to the north shore of’L-ake Huron, each Berth containing an area of 36 square miles, more or less. . For maps and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned or the. Crown Timber Agents at Thessa- lon, Sault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Sudbury. W. H. HEARST, The area of cultivation is sub- iect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-â€"finauthorized publicaiion 4! this advertisement will no_t be said tonâ€"37085. 2813 In certain districts a home- :teader in good standing may pre- empt ,a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Six. months resi- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres eXtra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in. certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.-â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house Worth 8300“ Such Atten_d_.e_91jers shall be Duties.â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- oteader may live Within, nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case. except when residence is performed in the Vicinity. SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. THE sole head or a family, or any male over 18 years old. may domestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Pbe applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not cub-agent), on certain conditions, to any one who wishes to qualify in a short period of 6 or 8 months for a. good solar- ied position. Address. Shaw’s Schools. Toronto. Ontario. Head Office Yonge and Ger- rard Sta eets. Timber Sale L 1‘ fl ', 27th ~Aptil, 1914. 6 4 6 751 Lone. all be required li_r_nits of the and Any coward can fight a battle when he’s sure of winning. but give me the man Mo was pluck to fight when he’s sure of losing-George Eliot. Crime and Punishment. Impâ€"Here are two spiritsâ€"one sin- ned knowingly and the other ignorant- ly. Satanâ€"Put them both in the same furnace. but let the knowing one see the thermometer -Calling 6n the Poor. “Did. you call on those poor people?” “Oh, yes." answered the amateur wel- fare worker. “And what do they need?” “Why. I didn't go inside. The house was so fearfully squalid that I just left cards.” “He can." stated the weary sales- man, “but he seldom does.”â€"Kansas City Journal. . Probably Not. “I hate to be poor. Now. a million- aire can walk right in and order What he wants without bothering about the price." The Apple of Discord. At the marriage of Thetis and Pe- leus, where all the gods and goddesses met together. Discord threw on the ta- ble a “golden apple" for “the most beautiful.” Juno. Minerva and Venus put in their separate claims and. not being able to settle the point. referred the matter to Paris, who gave judg- ment to Venus. This brought on him the vengeance of Juno and Minerva. to Whose skill is attributed the fall of Troy. If All Candidates Wore White. The word “candidate” is from the Latin “candidatus.” Literally it means white robed. and it was thus called be- cause in Rome those who sought office wore glittering white togas. Fancy, f you can. all our modern Americans dressed in accordance/with their politi- cal ambitions. In some sections there would be no such thing as a dark suit of clothes. Washington would simply be one shining center of universal whiteness. “Dear Fatherâ€"l have made up my mind to set to work. Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether it was painting. architecture or music I came to Paris to study.” To illustrate his meaning he said that a certain rich man’s son after three years in Paris wrote home to his fa- ther: Forgetful. An eminent painter was once asked if he thought art students did well to go to Europe to study. He said that undoubtedly the atmosphere was more artistic in Europe than anywhere else, but that Paris as a city to study and Work in was overrated. Boissier’s High Priced Autograph. A good Boissier-Renan anecdote is told by a French paper. One day Bois- sier arrived at Renan’° home with a beaming face. saying ‘Now I‘ll tell you a piece of news that will humiliate you. My autograph has fetched a high- er price than yours." “That does not surprise me.” Ilenan said serenely. “And where did you bear this?” It then turned out that at an auction 3 day or two before a Renan autograph had been sold for 3 francs and a Bois- sier for 5. “Well." Renan went on. “now let me tell you the reason. There were three faults in the spelling of your letter. which is now lying here on my writing table. A friend of mine was at the auction and made a higher bid for the letter after noticing the ar- tificial gems that adorned your prose. He brought it to me, in order that I might return it to you instead of its reaching the public. which might get a bad impression of the accomplish- ments of members of the French acad- emy.” Here. along the eastern coast. he Will find prosperous towns with fine har- bors and wharves, spacious streets and magnificent residences. sch00ls and churches. electric light and ample wa- ter supplyâ€"all the luxuries. in fact. of a Eurouean city. He can journey comâ€" fortably by train from one place to an- other. passing through vast tea gar- dens and rice fields. Everything is civilized. orderly and safe. Yet only a few miles inland, among the moun- tains and forests. dwell fierce. uncon- quered tribes, whose chief aim and am- bition in life is to gather human heads. â€"Wide World Magazine. Getting a “Thu-i)!" In PM "3 The traveler Who is tired of conva- donal Journey: and who is anxious no visit on “unspoilt" country where he can enjoy the comforts or civilization and at the same time taste'some of the thrills and exottement attendant upon encounters with nnsubdned savage tribes should certainly make a trip to Formosa, that wonderful island lying ofl’ t‘he coast of China which passed into the possession of Japan in 1895. Painless Death. n p‘ W. S. SCARF, President. 1119 Annual \lcetinu of the VS omen ’8 Institute will be lwld at {hes une time and place. Members are urgently request-ed to attend, as brsiness of in'portam e will be Lrausacted. [I THE The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmers'lnstitnte will be held in making it, very attractive, especiallv for lee Stock Breeders and Exhibit- ors. Several new sections have been added especially in the Horse Depart- ment. which should bring :1. large ex- hibit. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all infm-nmtimx regarding the. Exhibi- tion will he pmmply giwn on applian- tiun Lo the Sevrvtury, A. M. Hum. Lundxm. Untm-in. The manugemmxt of the \Vestern Fair, London, ()ntnriu. zu'e «ending out this week thousands (if their Prize Lists. Maps. Hangers, etc. Althrmgh they were unfortunate in the loss nf their offices by fire.0thei- (.luarters have been promptly secured and the work of preparing fur the great Exhibition will he. cm'xgied (m with greater zeal than ever. $1500 in cash has been added to the Prize Lists this year.thus Nothing Doing. “What did the doctor say?” “He felt of Jones' purse and said there was no hope.”-â€"Minnesota Minno- Ila-ha. “No, darling, I assure you I observed nothing unusual.”â€" London Standard. We” Spoken. Motherâ€"You know what a party is. don't you. dear? Doris (aged four)â€" Yes. momma. A party is where you go and stay a little while and pass your saucer back for some more and stay another little: while and go home. ~Bost0n Transcript. His Usua! State. “I’m afraid I made rather a fool of myself last night" “Two saucers of milk were placed in front of them and the object was tc see which could lick up his first.” “Which won the race?" “The dachshund won in the last lap." -â€"Florida Times- Union. Annual Meeting FARMERS’ INSTITUTE On the Last Lap “Saw an Odd race Yesterday.” “Indeed. 9" “"03 it was bet“ eon two dogsâ€"a fox terrier and a dachshund.“ “Well ‘9" Town Hall, Durham THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1914 l 1 t1]: 1 Esmusna, 5 I873 ECURITY for both principal and . interat is ghc first essential ofhan Gin Pills the only things that keep him well. en rich ‘ th e bloodâ€"esFeciaili} women and young git 8. 50¢. a There is no other remedy in the world that acts so quickly and so effectively in relieving Pain in the Back, curing Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Suppres- sicn' or Incontinence of Urine ‘and driving Rheumatism out of the system. Sample box free if you write us, men- tioning this paper. National Drug and Chem. Co., of Canada Limited, Toronto. Man get-Tone Blood Tablets purify and n... a... ‘1- ‘-1,- _.. FRENCH RIVER, Ont. “Enclosed please find 50c. for which kindly send me a box of GIN PILLS, as I don’t feel that I can remain long without some of them in the house. I find them so good that if I am out of GIN PILLS, the house seems to be all wrong somehow. Kindly send pills by return mai1~” RICHARD HAMLYN. If you have any trouble in getting GIN PILLS in your neighborhood, write direct to us, enclosiu g the regular retail price, 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, and we will fill your order by return mail, .zt the same time giving you the name of a nearby dealer who handles GIN PILLS. ©F‘ @ANADA THE \VI‘ZSTICHN FAIR Sept. Nth [n 10le at 1.30 p.111. GEO. BINNIE. Secretary. ECURI‘I'Y for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize qnfickly the second. .Judgcd by these standards, a deposit in the savings ’department of this Bank 13 an ideal Icon of Investment. ,-‘.A. ,. '. A ? and ; Funeral Director\ Yonge and McG-ill Sts . Tm'uuto. Out. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing better work than ever. Writcus if you want to prenare for a good position. Hmn'y C. \Vard. Principal. British American Business . -CQIiege " All advertisements ordered by 1 be oaid for in aqunce Contract rates for year.y ad w nished on application to the otficel mung 1‘0r "ailment advertisements cents per line for the first inset Rates . . tion; Scents perline each tube: Profession. Tmusie at DOtICesâ€"“Lc 51. “:‘Found. " "For 83 o.‘ etc'â€"50 cent/8 for firfit Innninu 0P - ‘_ 4 _ U - - ‘-uwns\.’u u "(H 80 to which ever) rubscripnon is na the number on the address 111be continued to all arrears are pa: antmn of the proprietor. Advertising F0? transient m Rates . cents pet line for tion_; 3 cents per) 0 n I_n-_“ IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING 4! the Chronicle Printing House, Gan Street. Subscription THE Cukoxxcw will be any address. free of post Rates . - $1 UOpar year, payableim â€"$1.50 {nay be ohgrged if not so maid '1 ’1‘ "wk..- New Clothing Full line of Catholic Robes, and bla" and white Caps for aged people. Em)“ R‘OOMS-Next tn Swallows ‘u b‘?’ bhnp. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South 0 \K'. J. Lawrencp’s hlnnly‘-...:¢-L ! blacksmith shop will try to see us when you need any New‘lmots and Shoes 1118!; in and opened out this of both line Week from [lie Bes’t Make thing in our line. “'9 . L. GRANT EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR 1“ Household Furnishings TINSMITHIN G 3 g receives special attention . IRWIN 19.159 31 m. *ome and ad vernsemenm fur _a:..- , -, W,“ w ”9" 0f Postage. to: 7, 133531319 in‘gdvunop 80 paid. Them Daio! is denoted by DEL l\ 0 paper di' paid. oamept at :1" “Tankers mun I: Garafmxa sent to

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