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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1914, p. 3

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‘ Hi2. MiLL‘ER, Hanover tar-killing. With a number of Hindus on board the steamship Komogata Mam arrived at the William Head quarantine station, off Victoria. on Thursday night. Owing to the particularly bad winter, the strawberry growers of the Oakville district have suffered Trains will arrive and depart as fol lows. until further notice:-- P.M .-\.M. P.M. P.M 3.00 (S 21) Lv. VValkerton Ar. 1.00 10.30 3.11 h. 34 Maple'Hill " 12.43 19.13 3.24 (S. 43 “ H:mover “ 12.35 10.05 H. G. Elliott, A. E. Duff. G. P. Agent. I). P. Agent. Montreal. Pox-out: J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Tum Agent Trains leave Durham at 7.153 m.. ant 8-43 mm. AJI. 3.48 7.07 “ Duxham “ 12.11 3.59 7.18 “ )10\Villiams“ 11.59 4.02 7.21 “ Glen 11.56 4.1 7.31 “ Pucex 1119 “ 11.46 43" 7. 5 “ Saugeeu J. " 11.35 7.55 11.20 Ar Toronto Lv. 7.45 Canadian Pacific Railway Time Table vi'i‘riius arrive at Durham at 10.30 3.111. 1.50 p.m.. and 8 50 p.m. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY R. MACFARLANE. - Town Agent n_-_ -- v 200 Acres near Louise, Good Farm extra good bmldings. timber worth nearly price asked, Land for nothing beats the west all hollow. 150 Acres Bentinck. North of Dur- ham. good buildings, about $4,000. 300 Acres Glenelg, near Dot-noel), Mr. Geo. Tmunley’s Farm, owner in \Vest, hmmd to sell. will not stick for a. dollar in the price. Get b’usy. 1 00 Acres Egreumnt. towards M r. Forest fair lmildmgs. good soil, well watered, very cheap for quick sale. I have mam; mberGrey County bar- gains and same North \Vest land for leas m- +-x¢~h.mge. You are not fair to vourseh’ if ynn buy without seeing me. you use What AbOut Springfi“ Don’t You Want a the bést farms in Rex-ch. >_Extra goood building» orchard. water In stable. 125 Acres Stotch Block, near Hampden. good Sn“. little hilly under $3580. . '0’“... .°... *“ LARGE S'JMS OF MONEY TOILEND Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE ZENUS CLARK DURHAM PLANING MILLS Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. .Plzmning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surx-oundmg country. that he has his to take orders for badly this spring from win- Durham Custom Sawing Promptly At= tended To â€" and all kinds of â€"â€" SASH, DOORS House Fittings ONTARIO 9.41 9. :29 9. 26 9.18 Was this something exceeding abun- dantly above all that Zaccheus had ever thought to come his way. or was it the Saviour’s recognition of a desire which' He had actually seen in the heart of this man? (Eph. iii, 20; Ezek. ‘xi. 5; Ps. cxlv, 19.) I cannot tell, but. I do know that the “handfuls of pur- pose” which the Lord drops for those who seek Him and for those who seek to serve Him are truly wonderful (Ruth ii. 15. 16). In the second part of our lesson we have a rich public-an who had a desire to see Jesus. and. though he did not seem to have the same conviction of sin as the poor publican, he. too. was welcomed and saved. He was a prom- inent man. chief among the publicans. He was not prominent as to his phys- ical appearance. for he was little of stature. He was not what one might call dignified. for he ran and climbed up into a tree. His thought evidently was to see without being seen. How surprised beyond measure he must have been to see Jesus look up and to hear Him call him by name and to hear Him say. “Make haste and come down. for today I must abide at thy house” (verse 5). ness of his sins-freely justified, as was the other publican. There is only one salvation and one way of salvation for rich or poor. It was foreshadowed in the atonement money of Israel. con- cerning which it was commanded, “The rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel" (Ex. xxx. 11-15). 'That which Zaccheus said he. did in verse 8 was part of the evidence that he had be- mme a child of God. for. while no works of ours can obtain or help to 0b- min salvation. the good, works must fullnw as :l result 'Epht'ii. 10: Tit. ill. s Wevmcmth translates: "Here and now I give. * * " l pledge myself to repay to him four times the amqunt" We do not wonder that Zaccheus made h'aste and came down and re- ceived Him joyfully (verse 6). Any one but a Pharisee would if he only understood what it meant. According to John i. 12. Zaccheus thus became a child of God and according to I John ii. 12. had there and then. the forgive- 1 like the definition of justification which I learned in Sunday school when I was a boy. and, if I remember cor- rectly. it read thus: “Justification is an act of God's free grace. wherein He pardoneth all our sins and accepteth us as righteous in His sight only for the righteousness of Christ, imputed unto us and received by faith alone.” In connection with the murmuring of the Pharisees when our Lord called Matthew or Levi. the puhlican. and Levi made [Ii'm a feast in his own house. at which a .great company of public-ans and others were present, our Lord said: "They that are whole need not a physician. but they that are sick. I came not’ to call the righteous. but sinners. to repentance" (Luke v. 31.32). On another occasion He said to the chief priests and elders. "\"erily I say unto you that the puhlicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God be- fore you" lllatt. mi. :23 31). To this day there are cliurcligoers and church members who. "being ignorant of God's righteousness and gtfing about to establish their own righteousness. have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God" (Rom. x, 3). It is indeed a fearful thing to he sat- isfied with oneself and have no convic- tion of sin. in the first part of our les- son today the Pharisee did hot pray to God. did not ask God for anythin". did not seem to need anythi .g. but prayed with himself and told'Gyotl What a good man hewas and how much good he did and how thankful he was that he was not a bad man nor even like that publican. Truly he ras well satisfied with his righteous self. The pubiican had no goodness to prove his right- eousness. nothing good to say of him~ self, but he did have a consciousness of his own sinfulness. and from his heart he said. “ 10d he merciful to me. a sinner." In the margin of the re- vised version it is, "God be propitiated to me. the sinner." Weym‘outh has it, “0‘ God. be reconciled to me. sinner that 1 am." The Lord Jesus Christ. who reads all hearts. the only Saviour of sinners. the only Judge of all men. said that the publican went to his home justified. Perhaps there a re no people more ditfiz-nlt to cent with or to live with than- those who. like the Pharisees. pride themselves upon their own right- eousness. which in the sight of God is only as fiithy rags (Isa. ixiv. G) :tnd'can in no case entitle one to enter the king- dom «Mutt. v, 2m. The righteousness which is required by God must be ub- solutely perfect. an unbroken law. for “whosoever shal: keep the whole law and yet ufi’end in one point he is guilty of all“ (Jas. ii. 10’. The law is so holy and. rightezms that no sin‘fu! man can keep it. and it was never intended to give life. but to prove our guilt. shut our mouths and lead us to Christ. who is God's perfect rightegmsness and the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. There is no Saviour or salvation for a righteous mun in the Bibleâ€"that is. for such as think.themselves righteous â€"but only fur sinners. Text of the Lesson, Luke xviii, 9-14: xix. 1-10â€"Memory verse's. 19, 10â€"Golden Text. 1ark ii. 17â€"Commentary Pre- dared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Lesson XLâ€"Second Quarter, ' June 14, 1914. ' THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. _I.'§- O. p-O 0'. o o o o o o o o a 05. ~80 o o o o o o o o 0 § :0 'H. .. .. .'*. :.'. .3...’ ..'H:......' 0.”...9...' .H....' ,.H.,.,.,M.'....'."...,.'. .'. .' o. v. e o m. o o o o o o o . o o o o o 9o c on o Amuridsen’s Training. Captain lioald Amundsen. the Nor wegian who put the smith pole on tho map. was born in Sarpshorg. Nor- way; July 10. 1872. His youth wa: spent in Christiauia and on board seal ers and Whalers reinmzmded by his father, Captain Jens Amundsen. Hi was twenty-five when he entered 01 his first south polar trip as the first of ficer of the Belgii-a expedition. This journey lasted two years and filled thi young sailor with aspirations for fur ther explorations in the frozen regions His parents wanted him to become a physician, and he spent a year in a medical college. Later he went to Ger many to study sciences that would aic‘ him as an explorer. His first notable feat was to take a ship through the northwest passage. and on this trip hi twice wintered in the iceâ€"New Yorl “'nrlel. Dr. Morse’s ‘6 1 Indian ROot Pills: Waves and Their Uses. "aves are used nu the ocean and [1 hair. They come in crests. breaker: and curling irons. They are 21150 [HT up in ether when tin-y (-zumot be seen and you have to take the dealer‘s wort that you are getting your mane)": worth. Warm waves are t-ommon to bot! summer and winter. In summer the: come just when. owing to the delight ful weather and a careful perusal o the 01d Farmers‘ Almanac. you haw made all your arrangements to sta: home. In winter. when you have fillec’ your furnace with two or three ton: of coal and turned on all the drafts until you have a bed or coals tha would take a blue ribbon in nudes anc‘ nobody can put it out but the fire de partment. Waves are also soon in Wall street Little lambs can he $091) occusionallz sitting upon their (-rosts until annthe: wave comes alum.- and knocks then over. NOthing stops the stinging. smarting and itChing like 3am- Buk. Don’t let the children, or yourself, suffer longer. Apply Zamâ€"Buk and be “bite-proof l” _.__.__-'â€" ‘â€"â€"â€"-â€". act direCtly on the bowels, regulating them-“on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the bloodeand on‘ the skin. Opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take ' . T he ifiouse‘ Tl1eQH0gééwl Opening 0f of Quality NEW GROCERY BOOT AND SHOE STORE 5 0c 60:. all Drugg’sls and Stores. The House of Quality ecumulate " 'J V“ 'V-fl wsn-‘o luv-VII uynpuna w Amt-Jolyâ€" ‘ 1' 1 1 ok the WhOle. hn [h 8 pa t Of the county. t O S as (1200; lels ’if the past yea; had also been a suc- npgcfnl nnp Having opened a New Grocery, Boot and Shoe Store in W. Blacks’ old stand, we beg to solicit a share of your valued patronage. \V e will be ready at all times to sup- ply your wants in either lines, and all orders left at our store will receive our prompt attention and careful delivery. It is our aim to keep an up-to-date stock and you will find What you want at this store. W egshall continue to carry on our repair shop and we hope you will favourus in this:respect as you have in the pasta Wm. L. Saunders SAUNDERS 6: AlTCHlSON Mr. Thus. B. Tucker lost .21 'ahiable mare last week through a severe 64.88 of the prevailing influenza. \Ve nuticvd by last, week’s issue of The Chlonicle that Bentmck (-om'lcil vas of the same opinion about remov- a] of smiles from thv road and that pathnmstex-s and other rmul makers rmuove them. lilgrmuont should do likewise. There seems to be great. in- dignatinn by our people ah()ut;_ stones and rubbish being placed by 3110. road side and also the plum hy the river being made a dumping ground for Holstein debris. Several have tuld us that. we were too mild in our remarks about, it, last, week, but; it was a com- pliment t0 Egreumnters that; a gentle, '1 he Chi-IIIIIcle says that some good Ruful'lllt’l‘s suggest that, Dr. Jami '80" he returned this time by accl;.IIII:-ILiIIII and that, he donate. $100 to each of the Dul'hn III churches as :I I':0I_ISIJquI*III:e. The ides I is along I ight lines. although the «living paIt would he hzud tII unru- lzitc as excry clIuIIh in the riding would want sonnething. But we are al- “ ays willing to lPY d a helpiIIO' hand to those who “ant to do tight. and: much time might be «wed by an elec- tion by i.(('1dlllItU()n we would suggest. Lhatevmy voter figure up the, \\ III Ih of “19 saxing- :‘LIId contI'ilIutp it, to church purposes and then the doctor to supplenient'it \\ irh wh: It he thought; light. and that “(Iuid gixe ”10(hils .I. Ihance to help good goxm‘mnont and :1 good cans“ at one chime :md “ould help to make: up for some of the past. ‘â€"v rm' J \.W. -l‘r‘ cessful one. \\ e a1e pleased to 1epoz;t Mr. James lwere worth 20 cents per dozen we. con- Allan as improving nicely at present lcluded a. hen could employ her time and enjoying 11. visit from his son litetter than help 11 tramp eat 111ise kit- James, of \Vinnipeez. \1 ho left this ten, so we took 11 nail of ware-1 on to part talmnt eightee 11 years 111111 and has 1 the barn and dropped the. 3'-11111g1r-l1111111i not been home since. !in. but when we 1111111111111 in 11 few Our mail C111rie1, Mr. Alf. 311C11he, hours We found the (:11- had taken since parcel p 1st started reminds one l them out and the. hen 1111 l nursed them 1'11 Santa Claus. at least some (l113s hack tolit'eaqain.01-.1tle1s1tl11ee1111t when his 1ig is liter. 1llV' cm end with of the four Was 111 idet her well and p111cels It is not as much as \1 11s 1111- .‘mhemt'y and that Is whe1e our hen out ticip 1ted by some at the beginning, 1' 0t ishines all the rest. as she proved her- rural frâ€"1e delixwexy as it was th01gbc self 11 skillful nzn-se fit for hospital that mail 11111tter 1:1111ied 11.01md11nd work. while the other hens so far re- distributed by the road side 'would ported have done nothing 111111111ight be. either lost or 11'1isp11113ed, but now Speak of more than try t.1-11.°l11.in'1 some- eve1 Vthing in the way of m-1il matter. thing that. did not. belong tothem. and by the way mails haVe increased; v-e13 much is done by 1-111111l1leli1e13‘.i Our courier is well on to his '11h and 'w 1 . 1- 1 .. everybody has confidenee in h’in (lo‘nu° 1" I‘l"bl{""{ PON the right thing. Altl_'1ou.<.:h offered The annual inst: 1ll1 -.1tion of 11l‘ii1ers pay by patrons for p1'1113els delivexedl took place 111 P1in1:e Attlnn Lodge, A, he 1ef11ses 11113thing until he. knows' F. 1\ A. 31.. on h‘xid: 13' flvpnincr 1.111 1~ho' 1s. to settl< the hill. the people 111:1111n1l1112ted h3' \thhy Bio.Hi1-kling. the Department. Although many 11. installing Master. The follmxin0° is thought and etfott has been put fu1th 1 the staff for the year: i. P..\l.. l-Ie1l1 111 how to keep boys and girls 1111 the: Smith: \\'.I\l.. T. A. Bl 11kel3: S. ‘1‘. .. t111111 and how to encourage the 1311111111 -'l‘hos. Ilenrv: .l. “7.. Thus. (3111311111; to lead. 1111111 delivet3 has done 11111(:l1:( . ‘-hapl1 1in, M. K. Ri1'3h111-dson: 'i‘1'°e11s.. more than all other efforts put togeth- l'J‘ Bl111'.kl'-:1111n Sec. C. H \I 1111sh 111': et. When the question “as put tot-S. D.. 1., J.Bellan13': .l. 1). (1‘1. .~\..\l1-- those who “Pill; to to“ 11s and cities T11V'isi1:l.G.. '1‘. C. Blakely: S.. \V. 13 113' the3 p1ei11°1°ed them to the coun- l Burnett: J. S., Gr. S111 ll: l). ol (7., (j N try the answer “as. "\Vell. VVe know R11l111ds11n7‘i3’le1. P. H. (l1.l1ll111.\\'k. something of what 1s 0roingon mound 1R° J. Sp1 onle was elected delegate. to us now 11l.1i1h \\ edid not have e11 Chant: e. l Grand Lodge. to know wh 11 shut up in tl1e,coun-l The. P11111111i11e Herald of \1113' EH) try." ,contains the. following i1'1teresting â€"â€"â€"â€"’â€"â€"_ ’ A numbér of our citizens attended the wedding of Mr. Aiex. Aitkins to Miss Bella, Fergusnn. daughter of (‘rmnciliur Ferguson for this ward. \V e extend congiatulations. Miss MCKeL-hnie, of Rock y Saugeen, visited her friend. Miss \Vilson, last, week. . ' "‘v- “- ‘.'-."' Mrs. James M cMeéken, who has been under the doctor’s care. we are pleased to report, on the way to recovery. License Inspector AH. m was laid up for a few days last week w ith sickness. We hope he will soon he rec o_vered. a a 0 0 0 0 9.00 0 0 0 0 904 0 a "O. . .0 .0': . 0‘ 1. 090090090 0 9M09H 0F 90 o 090 9.0 90.090 9009 0 090900900000900 M+MM+++M+W 4444-4" "Iowasoconcluded it was 210611.11 even-t. .. unknown and decided to Wait, for 11 re- port frum other hens, butas none can compare with our own we 1 ive it A stray cat had a. bunch of kittens 1n 11 I101 se manger and 11 hen took them and covered them well with 11111 w ings. the cat sitting about 18 inches away lonking half pleased and half 5113111911 Sangeen iwl11le the hen was 1911] 1111155 if 111w son 1.151 111119 offexed to 1111111 few- with hPr hr and. 9 “'9 11 111(1l11 d 1.11 5111». if she would eithel Ls laid up, :511111111911 011 51.11.1111) them. but. 5111111 sickness t‘ouml 11111 51111931111 11111111111191 purindi 1".1'111111 :11: 11117 f111 11111f1115l1111111115.11.1111 1115‘ 11171145 .lames 1“ 11.111 \1111Ll1 2013111115 1191 111111111 1111 0011- t 11111513111 eluded 11 hen could mnnluy hm 1.111111 his 80!] 1111111111 111111 11111.11 1 11111111 11:11 1.115111111- 19ft thi5 f 11111 51.11 “11 bunk :1 {Mil Of “‘11 "111 “‘1‘ l 1 ;.;d 11115 tl1eel111111 11111. 111111111101 1111 \.111111:‘11;111<l in 11111 M11111 1.11 11111111111l in :1 .111 \l (‘ 1111 110111151113 f1111111‘11l111 11.111 l11~11l 111111111 basbeen e pleased vet-v. attended itkins to ghter of .is ward. PHONE 45 ’ . . Q Q Q 0 .......:W ‘ o o 6 b ' Bornâ€"On Sunday, 1‘1le Iilst. to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Teeter, of this place, a son. year showed contributions $89.75 and sales $16.97. The follxvnving ntfivers were elected: Presidpnt, 'l‘. R. Mc- Kenzie; vice --pIeS.. \Vm. Buchanan: 890.. Richard Allen: treasurer and de- pository, \V. H. Bunt: anditoxs, J. Blackburn and S. hemphill. AL the annual meeting last; week of the Women’s Missionarv Sflciety of the Presbyterian church nfl‘mprs were The annual ”weiing nf tie Rihie So- ciety \\':18 held in the Pl‘t.‘SherY'i:ll'l church on Monday evening of last week and was well attended. Rev. Mr. Hazard, of Toronto. £21m an ex- cellent address on the wmk of the So- ciety and illustrated with many inter esting lantern views . The treasm e1 ’3 1eport of the branch hme fm the par vear Showed contributions $89." 15 and sales $16.97. The folio“ 1115.: affirms The Porcupine Herald of May 23th contains the following interesting item : ‘A deal was (ruinpletml on Sat- ui'day bastween the Mond Nickel (fum- pzmy of Smibury and the owners uf the Jamiesnn claims in Robb township for the sale of the claims. The price involved is $150,000 and a five per mmr hon-assessable in t west in tlw (30m pa n y that will be furmml to operatic it. “"9 understand a substantial payment: was made and the balance is to be paid in full Within eight, nmnths.” The lucky yi'mng 1mm, Grew-go and I<I<l._J:imiusmi. who are sons of Mrs. .1 ll. .Iamivson. or. this place, (listsovm'ml :md staked the claims snld «mlv eleven mnnths ago. They also hold two other valu- able claims. The animal iimeting of tie Riblv Sn- ciety \VHS held in the Presbyterian The annual install:-1.tinn of nfi’icers took place in Prince. Arthur Lndu‘fi, A. I“. A. M.. on Friday nvvning last. (*nn(‘1:'xct,9d by \Vm-thy Bro. Hickling. Installing ,lester. The qumvingz is the staff for the year: LPJL. Herb Smith: \VJ’L. T. A. BlakelyzS. ‘.V.. Thus. Henrv: J. “7.. Thus. Clayton: Chaplain, M. K. Richm-dmm: Twas" J. Blackburn: Sec” C. H. Munshuw: S. D.. M J. Bellamy: J. 1).. G. A. Mc- Tavish: I. G-.. T. C. Bhlkely: S. S. \V. Burnett: J. 8.. Gr. Srwll: I). nf (3,, C N. Rich:â€"1rdsun: Tyler. P. H. (5‘mldh:u\'k. R. J. Spmnle was elected :‘ivlvgate to Grand Lodge. O O A. O 0 O O o a a 0 o 0 o 0 o t u o 9.09.09 9096909695909 96900.6 . o o o o o o o o 0 ob o o o 0.00.0 coo... .o... itnesseda‘ simi]ar,éVent 3 aims", Mrs; R HZJGéfihagvk; pi ““1““? W 5,” umquo‘that . sect-Mary. Miss Ettie Thompson. 9 report “3. hm; before Two more anfnc ham. Moon do“ Fred R. Aitchison .. Hm h , S. \V . ,Jlaymnzi Twas" l t 0 l y 0 0 l Inshuw: I 4“. .‘I(“ vâ€"vâ€"wâ€"vu-“v\: ‘VV I’VUII u\.llv\a‘w in tmvfi.“ a Studebzker to Mr. Geo e Mitchell and'a Ford to Mr. G. N. Ric - ardmn. ‘ ‘ Mr. Kendzill Mitchell. of Chicago, arrived on Monday for a holiday at] his home here. \Iis. Sims of Toronto. has taken the position of housekeeper for Mr. Hap y W'ood. Mr: C(mlrnr. Miss Dunn and Miss Morrow. of Dundalk. were visitors at Mr. \V. L. \Vrighti’s on Sunday. M 1". R. C. \V'alker. of Cayuga, form- erly of the Ad vance staff. is on a visit; here. Mrs. \V. Meldrum and children, of Benito. 31311.. are on an extended visit with the fox-men’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAuley. M1. H. S. \Vhite is presiding at the School exams at; Penn sham this week. Mr. Holland presidoshere and also at Pricevill» entrance exams. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon is attending Con- ferv we in Toronto this week and win be absent. (wet: Sunday next, when svrvim in the Methodist church will be withdrrnm in the evening in favor of the Baptist. chm-ch anniversary. The village council have décidcâ€"d on the fire protection we are to have and whim they helievé will be reasonably gnnd,, A 50-23110!) ohpmimfl pncfino Last Sunday ‘was Cmmmmion day in the Prvshyterian church when a large number pm'tnnk of the Sacra- "19116. Sen-ml new mmnhex's were me ceived. Rev. W. Sinclair. who with his wife and son spent, the winter here. unable to take charge of the work on Rocklyn (fllfiulb. has m Lde marked improve- ment in health since undergoing an op»: Mint} in Toronto about three Weuks ago. Mr. Sinclair is in Toronto to attend conference and hopes to be ”bio to ,resume work in Julv on a lighter charge. Unninion Day will again he cele- brated here with asplendid program of sports throughout the day and the usual concert. in the (evening. Dl's. T. :m f:unilies.â€" hf week on a, nu lives in this ; ‘dr. Slmm have lunvcd um" Pricvvi} ing‘ Mr. J. B! wmch they believé will be reasonaibly good” A EEO-gallon chemical engine will be purchased and the force pump fnrmerly in use will be fitted up and kep' in good condition. Constable H a MS has been appointed‘peundkeeper by the council. Five granite. monuments were erect- ed in F leshertlon cemetery last. week for the following residents of the vil- lmze and vicinity: Rev. J. Dadqeon. Mr. Henry \Vund. Mrs. .I:une.~*(3arm). Mr. G:_un°ge Johnémn and Mr. Eph Dunne. Born-~Ac the Rnyal Victoria Hospi- tal, Bamie. on Tuesday. June. 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sinclair, a son, grandson to Mr. and Mrs. John Hales. of this pliace. mved from their farm home igvxjiile m this village. occupy- ‘. and R. H. Hendersrm and â€"nf anuntn, spunk, the past: a nmtming hulidav with rela- :his' p] m. and \ u-inity. mmvl ”Putielsnn :md faxmly have beeh delivered

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