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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1914, p. 7

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June 11th, 1914. THE “(WM BANK BFCANABA Capital Paid Up $1 1,560,000 NK MONEY ORDERS A safe and economical method M ' ‘ of rcmxttmg SMALL amounts. 500 TonsNo. IF EEDINU ulna. See 0m 119A and Get om Prices before hm hm elsewherL On thecar at $14_ 50 per ton \n\ 011’ m~t1t\ O{(100(1 Oats \\ 2111th To Points on the TEMISKAMING NORTH- ERN ONTARIO RAILWAY. Haileybury and North in Northern Ontario. Am Ouzmtih c at 40¢ per bushel SoVeeign, ‘ EciiQse and 25113‘ Hans Every bag: gums-thoed: if not éatisfactm'y we \\ iU return your money. From all points in» Um: bee nu the Grand Trunk : Pacific Railways except. ‘ River and north of Parry Rates: $5 and under . . . . Over $5, not exceeding 810, . . Over $10, not exceeding 3:30, . . Ovir $30, not exceeding $00. . . in Canada(Yukon excepted) and N fld. at axiy Bankâ€"in USA. ' ° (1 Ireland at over 500 points- Tickets “at specially reduc good going June_10th and val‘ turn until June. 20th. See ynur heart-sf. R'Lilw full particulars 0r apply t V ‘ ‘ A 0.3!“..3‘ Ont ario. "b" "---â€" The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle an ' The Chronicle and Canadian Farm. Daily News, 1 year ... lyear .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World, 1 year .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe, 1 year..- The Chronicle and The Grain GrOWers’ Guide- .. The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sep- tember 1, 1914.-.... mm ...... The Chronicle and Daily Mail and Empire on rural routeS, 1 year... .0. 0.. no. on. no 0.. o.- oo- co- co. 0-. c o a rural routes The Chronicle and Daily Globe. on __ \\ heat and Barlex Chop \V heat Chop, Chopped Oats \\ heat, Oats and Barlm Chop Crimped Oats, fm Horse Feed 39W 1‘ QMNPt‘Nf Prize List of Canadian“ National Exhibition. . g A Grain and Sheaf Competition open 1 to the woild is anadded feature of this year‘s Prize List of the Canadian National Exhibition, which is now be- i ing distributed. The prizes in this = 1m and Medal each I competition are S for Spring wheat, Fall wheat. barley. oats, Flint corn. Dent corn. beans and All exhibits must be the pro. . duct of the crOp of 1913 or 1914 andE must be sent through the Minister of ‘ Agriculture. Commissioner or Secre- tary of the PrOVince or State. 0r Oflic- ‘7 er in charge of an Agricultural Deâ€" i partment. The exhibit shall consist; of tyvo bushels of grain in s of beans and peas. ~ . ' of the Prize ! '1 _List have been carefully ievised, and ~ “to-be awarded for i DURHAM BRANCH . BIG: All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices on Flour and Feed in Tim Lots. nu- nem'est' R'Lilwav Agent, for Litmlm's or apply to A.J.PARR [ T. k 3.0.?» xilway. North Bay, ‘ ("me COMPETITION INCORPORATED 1 869 and Canadian west of Chalk Sound (m the int-ed l‘i’ltcS valid for re: nto Daily News, 1 year ... nto Daily Star, 1 year .. rnto Daily World, 1 year .. into Daily Mail and Empire Gram Growers’ Guide.- .. 1d The Daily World to Sep- Zu’) V 2.5. L? 4.75 1.50 OM Reserve Funds 13,575,000 HUGH ES. Manager- farm and hmm- is :5. has bum; specially fr tlw inturests of 'hP' sn l\___ CURE Maciarlaaes’ Drug Store sunommzao. SCAB. wounos AND SHEAR CUTS $1.76 1.75 1.90 2.50 1.90 2.50 4.00 cave was slightly damp. The (lamp- s ness arose from a spring of water . which bubbled away in some dark cor- l ‘ ner which we had not cared to explore. x ‘We had what provisions we had lbrought with us left over from our lluncheou. which 1 had luckily prev lsen‘ed instead of throwing it away. land an armful of cocoanuts and other ‘fruit These, however, would last us but a short while. If they couldn’t lcome at us by force they could easily ‘. starve us out Also they could. without L“ too much trouble or danger. make rs of the cuter cave. ught it would he vent that. ‘g and in that case the ' entrance and leave us there. l’ ers. whn were “name to con fully against the firearms the ship was abundantly means“ «)1 mmmumvntimx :ip and the shore had hm $1 thrnuuh «mp m qummtlx who had Rum-d H19 Sflllth s. 5‘"“|IV|I\I - . . who had mums mo Snllth sons 'I‘hvsnv- INN-H $050. :3? HH- (HQQSHH‘. 0? (1 thus hm! s‘nmv dim {mm also ages had whivh huh-v tinns frmn th tht' MIN. :1\‘ mw U? thulr swan-cu less sun-red than the great altar on the mum-k in the center of the island. for What ruuson 1 cannot tell. Sumc of this I learned aft- a' _erward from our assailants. and much : of it 1 divined u!) rcflevtion on our voy~ ‘ age homewam. ' ‘ By some persuasion, I know not 1 what, l'imbull and Winn)" mm “"011 “ _ A tsfiafi.‘ \\ days can“ “5. "W3 (INN? SH- cred sums. Continued from page :l V‘ulu n-v Df it 1 diVined age homewam. By some persunsh‘m, I know not what, l'in:bull and (mum- uud won them own 'lnuuthcr Hwy Dad organ- ized an expedition Lu come and seize us and tnkv the trauma. The Rose of Devon I mumsml was not balmy (lam- :mvd and could ousn} he made sea- uu rem-non on our voy~ worthy. \\'e sat Sile time. I hfid hut I ht in the rave for a km: . lighten the lantern! we had Ieft there at our last visit. :md‘ sume ut the light 01 the using day til.I tet‘ed thruugh [ruin the outsme cave. “mm: W‘ s hnthihg that we heeded light for. We Sill close togethet on the remains of one ut the chests to protect us from the dump sand. I always car. ried with me a flask 0t sph‘its Not that 1 am a drinking man; I left and stilt leave that praeth-e to the gullants tmt t have 0th1 touud it at the day. (lire emergency. and as Usetul tu some hstx'ess Lucy shivered In the Chill. 5 I 1; jump air I heartened net and strength ! ehetl her with a drum. 1 l '/ As it \'115 summer and hot tar from the line. 1 had not brought the boat whs thzmktnl that 1 had It. ".Hd. despite her prutestatmns, it on her. In girth It was big enougni to em'irt'le her twwe. which was all. the better for her comfort. I (new It"; armmd to cover her Dre. heavy and warm. :mu 1 “as. i took it 0ft! 5 shmwd 2| fist with :1 (ion- 3 Die fold. and with a length or line l; had in my pocket I made it tast. We} sat close tugether and talked in low; whispers. and l thrilled at the cuntact } i of her sweet present-e 1n Spite 0t out“‘ 1 i ', peril. How tong we, tulliedvur how luug| we waited I huVe nu Inez-ms. uf telling l! grew dark in the czu'e Vet‘)‘ early. and when I ventured into the outside mum after what seemed an tutermiu , , :A"ll’nl\ I \V Isuau .v v w- ‘ "As my sister, had i one. or as my , mother. were She here. will 1 support it You." said 1. Before she closed her eyes she made herseif and for e me promise her when I i ‘. her evening: prayer for ' me. and then she mad "that I would awaken -. judged it to be midnight. and. upon my ' more to do . She '1 that night! . i l spt there motionless. L sword at my side. listening. 3-_ hear nothing. no sound excep . g 3. breathing and once in awhile the my hared l coutc‘ «and. and it is bad em it. but upon my shou the support of my arm lest I SW ear to you‘ “Swear not." closer to me. closer to me. “1 tn. am to sleep 1 know t within your arms.“ t silent in the mvo for a Inn: I. L hfid nut lighten the lantern! Ieft there at our Inst visit. :md‘ the light at the dying day fil.‘ [mm the oulsule cave. hruugh mtg that we needed was nut! u-â€" summer and not Mr from had um brought the boat us. I had not even worn jacket. but my .waistth and warm, and l “a: m1 1 mm H. 1 took it oft ’UUIQ a “ an: In ..‘. I - ”Mun. “v '_ o ’ g. .lonm .. . T,‘. . -. l t .be “mu” m and ‘p y . 1)th g0. one-d my llttle mlstress. ‘ without more to do . she . . . ,, heanng all, they are utterly wlthout 0*!) and went to sleep. her honor and"â€" n mv shoulder? . . . . - '1 bl ~ never bad man a greater comâ€" ,. t “if ‘t If?" he be“ for me to )am him th-m ‘ by that maid‘l go. 1 sand. btaud clear so that 1! m ‘ ,any treacherous movement be‘ made ' , - l 1 shall have Space to leap backward, there m°;‘°"'9*s° my hared : and meanwhile look to your weapons.” : on side. listening. 1 could ' 1 . . - ‘ ‘ examln . hmg. no sound except her soft ‘ ed my plstols and the” call 6 . wh'l the i log out that I would faithfully observe g an once m a ‘e the flag of truce l stenp h E the night wind through the . ed out into t 0 side. which penetrated faintlv Conunued on Page 8. d n . Y. ' o l .. o - sand. “1th all the for ‘ Do these Islanders have firearmsr' ‘bi-idws HUI» V0" "m“ “3‘ e 3 she said. the same thought in her mind. motion mister. , 4“" “e "9"" this damp ‘ "l nei'er heard or it. I cannot aca £1,839. I had enough to sit upon {‘count for it" . ly shoulder and Within 1 “l . th "h" . “ {acorns . . ms vou shall have ! (an, . 0'0. . she said, Just be- } (mm m3 “r ' fore the discharge of that gun I caught ,of ex .. bridge the sight of a man in clothes such as I, ., a ‘m till: to y'ou"- ; ’ She replied. “a?“ 1 you wear. Could it be possible that it I "l "“5“ you. and If I l was someone from the ship?” gale-an: mow that I will be safe l 1 nodded mv head ‘ ‘15 3,11%: , u _ " . ( ' 895 “1 ms. ‘ “It 18 quite likely." I answered. 0 a W had I one or as my . . 0 ‘ h h 'll 1 so ort At this moment conversation was in- ion. . s e ere. W1 99 terrupted by a ham. I heard in that, The 1011er island my own named called. l The l F. No 'Ospd :38" 55:5 32338;: “Master Hampdon." the cry came 10 A rayer or e he . . us, "Will you respevt a flag of truce? .art, I l she made me promlse' . lmade l It so show yourself at the opening. and ' Dec l awaken her when I lshall do the same" Kirbs tallied ur how luug| nu met-ms of telling the (“:u'u Very eariy, lred into the outside svemed n intcrmin I l I i ! ‘ med. Naturally ke rest. [I was lie down on the self against one 'ICIII. II-‘y- inm N30 vHVP. :UHI‘HI Imu- , va!s the cry or sump nmmm'lrd ('ame L tu me. but thvre was no smmd of fur ‘3 ‘ munity. ‘ " How-1011:: we 5:1! than I know not. i It was my purpose to keep awake the % night thrungh. and 1 think I must have greater part thereof. but Inward murning my Dead dropped ‘ hack on‘tbe [we of ingn'ts. and I fell asleep. Yet I did not relax my clasp kept awake the when the dim light began to sxft through the narrow opening into the Iittle cave Where We sat. ! 5. t x breast. -9-‘ anfl "Mastex Humpdnn ing over me. havin disturbing: me. “it is l sprang to my she shook rue gen! sword as I did langhed. ”Why did you not awaken we: asked reprovingly. “I don't know. I must have“- began in great confusion A Aâ€"‘Al‘fi "I "‘5“ "' C) - “You must have gone to sleep your- self." she laughed. ‘ lAlLl‘“ I a . "l snould tin minded." l a thrilling to he? Indeed. I hav ('9 v9. :mu‘at mtremmni Inter- (W m sump “mm mm ('ame m Hmrp “as nu -nuud of hu~ way last night" “But you are a make shift.” v"\'es; but not you. ”Without me?“ “Without you 1 93 She looked at me "Come," said 1. ' 0uter.room We n thing.” 1 Dad wound my and looked at it n( the light. It was morning wan-h. 0 Lluu 1 had wound my watch in the darki‘ and looked at it now as we came into : 1' I. U U1 l the light. it was three bells in the z ' O 0 O 1 door south of Rum morning,r wan-h. or about half after (j;;u-;n'r;ixa8r. 9. We went past the altar with its grim. bony oirele ot attendants and i :*“..§...§.§...‘§§....¢.§¢¢l stared through the entranee. There was ‘ an open spam in front of the cliff forty -._.-.,.. * Orhf‘yym?mde Perhaps“ “term“ EGREMONT COUNCIL. ’0- ing some time and seeing nothing i N _ . _ . M foolishlrfimd yet it would have made (Nunmi meL' May .illrb. Minutes 7L no diflerenee in the endâ€"stepped outladopted. 3:11 ’ W. P. Ellis resigned his oliico ash; eetor and was :L(:.':eptmi. \T for said ot'l‘iCe asked tor. . S by-iaw was. :unended 1" upon the shelf which made a sort of' platform in front of the cave. andlsanitm-y insp Mistress Lucy fearlessly came with. me. '-. Applica: ions We had scarcely appeared in viewl The \Vil't’ft‘mm , . . , when to our astounded surprise .we by binding 31.] parties; tin“ hf”: guilt . . , . '. . . assrrns. I'eceivlllf" an, o re LU‘ :. u . t. head the n port m J hlearm and a‘omaigrfiitain said fer-ices thrrmgblal'l time ‘3'. i e; \. . l I‘ ‘ L i v ‘ I .' . I . ' . . h' ‘ 3 )ullet strm k the (0m! WM! Just 3 Without further :le from the mumm- 'i‘ l; 1 over our heads. 1 had just time tolpality. , t Mai-sh. Rev. \V. James and . 1 mark the. spot whence it came by the.‘ Rev. Dr. ' ‘ waited upon the (mun- . \ betraying smoke as l leaped back into 3L, B, Niehmson Hunt on behalf of the. 1 l 2I the shelter. carrying my precious leil, soliciting a, g, 1 charge before me. 1 was puzzled be-liil,)rary1u “015'49m- ,. . 3.1 l was certain that the ; C‘I01‘1UHM51CAl‘th“I'-"lhilt: we 21“" 1‘: , t ‘ "“'L()Sto | L , yond measure. ' savages in these seas knew n0tbmgabont firearms, and ifrom statute l. mild not amount tor It" The shower 1 Each commissioner has $251lto spend and spears that came {on road improvements. ' j The P. V. trustees have $133.13 due 1 them for improvements. i‘ The clerk was ordered to get a. new i blade for grader. ._ ._ pot-ted on the unsafe ' Com. Gordon re, oth Porter and Drewery Ii ecommended immediate 5 Report adopted, and l (iordon and Robb he 3 l 0- . ..)»~ ,; ~ :giant of 39...). ' “ab 0f the south: Joseph Robb, hr” was exempted. labor and taxes. i '. l I 0 got arrows . through the opening and fell harm- lessly on the sand 1 could easily ac-l conditit n of b - . ' . bridges. and I she said. the same thought in her mind. action to repair. the Reeve. Goons. ."1 meter heard of it. 1 cannot acâ€" count for It . ‘a com. to repair. . - ...___. .... “nun- Gordon gave} deta l l l ’l ' i “That. ' said 1 solemnly. “was a narâ€" l ‘ 0 l l iled report 1 â€" A szfi‘ni, Lu \â€" _ V Infinn." Sb? gaid, bond: having arise‘n without “it is morning " my feet instantly. as gently and grasped my did so, wherein she not awaken me?" she are a sailor: said. “Stand Near so mar 11. 1 . eaoherons movement be‘ made removed. have Space to leap backward, ‘ ~anwhiie look to your weapons.” mined my pistols and then call- that l wuuld faithfully observe Property changes R. Robbins. 0., E6, con. 2; F. Noble. 0.. 5-2; Alex. Campbell. 0.. 25 and.26, cm). 2; Alex. Aitken, J r., 0. 29â€"2; J. M. Lawrence, 0. 1-3; Wm. Coburn, T., part 4-1â€"2; 3 John M'Enary. T., 1E 35â€"12: W. .(Ii. Hors- . , bin h. .. 7â€"â€" ; ames an ,Alex. Comtmued on Page 8' Shagnd, 0.. 21â€"12 and 24â€"13; H. Love. ‘ We may 1 go nowhere." me with shining eyes. 1. "let us go into the " I answered. o0+¢++oo+oooo ovsnâ€"zns AND FRUIT sanitary inspector and Applicw ions for said The wire fence. by-lzu by binding all parties. ‘assigns. receiving aid, {maintain said fences t ;Without further :Lid f: i n.“- ”‘" .. E‘XW a VUIDCV - Conn. Gordon gave a demueu my”. u of expending $8.55 (In Drewerv’s bridge, $3 on Gardiner’s bridge. $7.33 in filling :L “mshout and $13.50 for mid through a swamp. loos " and 8 con. 6. Report, adopted. Com. fees $3. Council Went in to a Court of Revis. lion. Reeve in the chair. . _ 3 .annimmfinn was taken. For Bf; "rather‘e'fore Until further notice my store will be. closed every day in the week except Séturday, when Great Bargains Will_ Be Given on All Stock Cafried. Persons Owing settle at once as rovenmma. . as ordered to get; a new '; Ker. . m reported on the unsafe 30th Porter and Brewery recommended, immediate t. “â€"â€" -(uvfi wrsigned his office as .n' and was accepted. )1‘ said office asked for. : by-law was. mncndud :u-ties, their heirs, and 1g aid, to repair and :nces through all time - z-Lid from Lhe munici- ml'L :ulUpLuu, auu «ion and Robb be 0 C a. detailed repugc r L (in Drewetv'j C xer’s bridge. $120.“) :3: t and $13.50 for“; a I {h a swamp. 10L: 3 “ J. “Annrat‘ Cnvn- ‘1. I U 5 I *c to ‘3( . GLASER Owing me ' will kindly once as I need the mone)~ south of Burnec 5 Bakery .mfmxa St. Durh nu I . - Minutes g1, mp. 0.. iand 23 ~11} 0., 20‘ ~16; Gr. Bunstmw, 0.. 14â€"18: A, and F. Clark, 0.. 20,21 and 17-18: G. TLmO. 0.. 24~l7: John Hill. 0.. E 21 ' '2. ~10; James Allan. '1‘.. 16â€"20: H. and 2. ’ Allinghzun. T.. 2.2. 31.5.. W. Holstein ; ll“. \Valls. T... 3 of 20â€"4: R. I). Rohh, T., 14â€"4): Chas. pres. '1‘.. 28 ~11: Mrs S. Robb. 0., 16â€"10; H. Tibhy. T.. E. i halt 17â€"9. . l Names added on rnlLâ€"John Alla-n, ;M.F.. 13,15: Bruce )chenzi». M. 1“., 39â€"3: Joseph Burke. 31.lr‘.. 5~â€"l : John 1'1'. McBride, 31.17.. (3â€"8: \Vm. Hunter, 9â€"1; A. Muluck. SLR, 21- ~13; '\Vm. Grispin. 31.19., ”~14: Charles ' ; \VhyLe. M.F.. 16â€"4”: R. Singil, M. F., . 11‘ 1'T- uronvnllji.’ \Villiflllls. 13.8.. 24*‘19; .‘IVIV' Names added on rollâ€"â€" M,F.. 13,15; Bruce ‘3ch 39â€"3: Joseph Burke. Ml“. "1'. McBride, ALF, (3-8: \‘ I".S.. 9â€"1; A. Mulnck. 3 ‘ \Vm. Crispin, 31.19., 17. :\VhyLe, Ml“u 16-14%: R. t . ISLâ€"~17; Stanley \Villiams. 1.). \Vilson, 3.8., 211â€"19: 4 ‘17 'l_“ l"“""1‘;k.)bthlllp.v . h--. J. \Vi‘snn, 13.8., 2271â€"19: A. Hamilton, M.F.. GNV. 312.. \V. Holstein: Joseph Switzer, M.F., 2 Cr. St., N. Holstein. Court of Revision closed and the :Lssesmxent roll as revised was finally passed. louncil resmucd. Assessor “3‘“, paid $3."), __.. .‘. balance of l\-\:l": Q1.) IN SEASON LIOUI'L UL Jun/what.-- .._v :Lssesanent 1' passed. ‘| ' . louncfl resumed. Assessor was. paud $3."), balance of salary. H. MchrmotL WM paid $12 for winter work an A. and E. town- line, instructed by the Reeve, Arthur to pay half. -_ n I I- __..,.,..‘.M.ut‘x)l‘ “31"!“an 0f Com. Robb I'PCt'HlHDeucu pet) Iucuu u. $19.25 to H. Mayer for win- fence. 30m. McRubn gave a detailed ac- count of fining a washout on lot 2.9. (:00. 18, $1: removing logs out. of old crossway, lots 19 and 20, con. 16. 37.50, D llnnnngan. do.. 50m: com. fees paid ;$1.U<). ' J. R. Huntzmd i . , , iwex-e each paid 3510, :house for six week: {pases for scarleb I'm -- ‘1‘ 1 _“:7. 1 D .uu. I J. R. Hunt. and Tiles. VVoodyard iwere each paid $10, for the use of their ' ‘ ' six weeks for isolation pur- ‘hands. for running automobiles With- iout a number according to law. I Sundry account's amounting to $27.- q75 were paid. 1 Adjournment. to meet on Monday. :28t.h inst... to receive applications for , I sanitary inspector. D. ALL.\.\'. Clerk. aged 74, and ibis cousin, M185 huu i Stackhouse of Toronto, aged 72, gwere married‘last week by Rev. D. N. Lee. of Buffalo. The giddy pair had been acquainted .for over 60 years, and the wed- iding was in the nature of an el- Mr. Newton’s first wife ‘ "" --_- Ann L K 15 y d1 d Iiiébodgall, do.. Confectioner and Grocer ladl- Robb recomfneded payment; of

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