West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1914, p. 8

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. E Departmental Store Du pham Mr. George Lawrence, of the Lake, upon going to the stable one morning found twin volts. Sorry to say both are dead. one having lived for a few Gaye. Mr. hr] Harrison is also the pos.<(sso1- of twin calves. Twins me '1‘ he weather is ideal and everything is doing well. Lakelet Breeze-s are busy toiling the wedding bells and farming the blush on the check of those with warm heat- ing hem-ts. Jr. IIIâ€"R. Snell V. Jacob C. An- derson; M. _H_olm«és, S. Pettigrew 'm---‘ Sr. 111â€" S. Abraham. S. McZAuliffe. A. Jacob F. Lawrence, C. Buschlen. an_d G. Mu‘rray equa_.l Jr. IV â€".S McCrae,'J.Lawxl'er_1_ée. M; Koch E. Browning. C. McGirr. P. S. DEPT. Sr. IV â€"-.C Wakefield .A. Cliff G La_wson E. McKenzie, G. Bryon. Form Iâ€"L. Teasdale D. McAul- ev R. Maidment G. Campbell, C. McNally Primerâ€"E. Sills, M. McFarlan-e H Beaton, )1. Kennedy, R. Finney. â€"â€"D. McDonald, Teacher. DURHAM SCHOOL. H. S. DEPT. Form IIIâ€")1. Findlay. F. Laid- law, A. Edge, M. Murray, C. Rus- sell. F. «Cooke. Book_I-A. McArthur, M. McAr- thur. N. McArthur, M. Smellie. IVâ€"k. McGillix ray, F. McFar- lane, D. McArthur, M. McKeown. Sr. 111â€" L. McKeow , T. Edw.ards Jr. IIIâ€"B. Kennedy. J. McFar- Ian-,e M. Edwards Sr. II-E. McInnis, A. McInnis. Jr. IIâ€"C. Smellie, M. Kennedy. Junr. lVâ€"Kate McNally, Reuben Pay lor. Sent. “1â€" George \Villiams Cecil Paylm. Jne Mm risun. Lizzf eMm-rison. Jum. [IL-John R. tibie. Harvey Caswe’T. Sr. iiw Huwnzd Ritchie. John Boyd, \I ' T01? .uqu‘lsuu, RIGHT. )l'i'ISU A time display in plain :m d striped, in pxetty patterns. A fine stock of the celebra- ted Anderson Ginghams 1n vax ied panel ns. ~510c per 3' 1d. See our New Stock of 36 in' Pailvtte Sils in all colors $1. per yard. See our Ncw Stock of E T. See our New Stork nf Cloth \Ve can. take your measure and have a. Suit finished in a. week. MARHARE’I‘ MORTLEY. Teacher. ’m'sptvs. Scotch Gingham LAKELET BREEZES Reminders SCHOOL REPORTS NO. 1, GLENELG. NO. 3. GLENELG. 2w! AWN-neon. Vina Taylor. v. MMviHe Atedersnn. \V E I Turn-t G reenwood, Ma ry Gatatia Our stock is very large and embracing all the newest designs in the neatest patterns. Bring us theleng'th and breadth of the mom and the height of the ceiling, and select the paper and we will give you the correct quantity trimmed. We cordi- ally invite you to have a look through them. The Highest Prices Paid for Produc‘ Buyd. “Willie Mar- 15¢ per yard Weakening of the blood tissues by continued attacks of Rheuma-t tism affects the heart and pro- duces complications which result fatally. RHEUMA puts the blood in condition to ward off other' diseases and eradicates Rheumatic; conditions from the whole svstem.| Recommended for all forms of; Rheumatism. 50 cents at Macfar-Q lane Co’s. This letter will con-g Vince you of its great value: 1 “For nine weeks I was unable? to work owing to my feet being} badly swollen from Rheumatism. I; also suffered severe pains in the! back. After using two bottles of, RHEUMA the Rheumatism has en-g tirelyl‘left me.”â€"F. H. Morris, Fort: Mrs. R. J. C nrlett and son Cameron left on Tuesday afternoon for the\Vest, where they intend visiting friends for a couple of months. Miss I. Dan-gavel spent the. week end at. home. . A large crowd of the natives of this hing bunk in Mr. Donald Campbell’s PROTECT THE HEART FROM RHEUMATISM. Rheuma Purifies the Blood and Throws off Complicating Dis- Some nf'the young men of D1 omore make quite hequent visits to our bur". The all seem to enjm' some tafi'y on (I. Stltk. Mrs. \Vm. Moore. near Greenside has ‘neen very iil lately, but we report her feeling better. 5 Mr. Arthur Lawrenve has a son of f Mr. Frank Haven’s, of Durham, help- : mg him for a few _days. The Liberals of this vicinity held a "mating at Mr. Andrew Henry’s a shont timeago. Discuwinn unknown as your sm'ihe was not invited. Mr. Will McFadden. of the Lake. has been buying up a few head of graz- ing cattle. and manufacturer; of the present, up- tu-deue buggies Louctach a small step ladder to the vehicle for convenience to the ladies, at least for-such time as the present fashion of dress lasts. A ladder would be much safer than step- pzng up the spokes and then crossing ()Vt‘l' or entrusting themselves to being lifted in, as the weighty ones some- times are very awkward to handle. Mr. Hays. the head telephone agent, and M1~.Tom Saunders, the manager of the Durham Central Bell Telephone office. took a. trip last week through our locality as far as Harrison’s mill, rem" wing’signatm'es and looking over the line, which is eXpected to be ex- tended as far as Harrison’s mill. \Ve would suggest to the makers nub 5.1". LV'L u L‘â€" ‘V “(I)”. Quite a. large cjmmtity of oils and seed was handled by Tartan Grange last, week. (30:15 of same were very ~~-;u;isfactory . ‘ quite a common occurrence in this 10- cality. Mr. Ben Waters has been holding some very instructive and inspiring services imtbe Orange Hall . '1. Mr. \V. Smalhnén and family, of Nut-manby townahip. spent, Su-. day at )1: : Arthur Lawrence’s. In newest designs artisical- 1y finished. made by skilled Caundmn \Vorkmen. Canadian Ginghams Irish Dress Linen. 36 inches wide. 300 per yard. See our new stock of shoes all made in the newest de- signs on easy flitting lasts at reasonable prices. See our fine stock of Lino- Ieums, Reminders Irish Linen DORNOCH 100 per yard ‘ .‘. £32.33?!» To the Editor of The Chronicle. ’ Mr. Lord George Bovingdon Wishes to thank his Wife for the good recommendation and com- pliment which she has given to the ubliec. IBut, sorry to say. if rs. Bovingdon gets as much care in Seattle, Wash., as she had at home. she will never die of star- vation or nakedness. Mr. Bovine:- don is the happiest man in Canada. after four years of sorrow and hardship. Thanking you for your space remain, The W.H.M. Sociqy is preparing a good time and program for the garden party to be held around the Hampden church on the 19th of June. Admission 10c., and also lunch served. All are Welcome. The Hampden Sunday school was organized on Sunday last. Prayer meeting is to be held at the home of Mr. John Whiteford. and after the meeting communion will be administered. Miss Marggie Gedd-es and her brother Ebenezer, visited at Mr. John Sharp’s one day lately. Miss Isabella Marshall and Miss Isabella Fulton are going to Chesley to try an e.-arnination in music. Miss Alice Saunderson of Toron- to, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Wm. S‘harp. Mr. W'm. McNaughton, Who has been ill with pneumonia” is able to be up again. The Dnrnoch bovs have organized a baseball team and practice. every Sat- urday (4'91)ng south of thin burg. Mr. James Vascy is intending to add an addition to his bum in the near fu- ture. cuaseu an automobile recently. Hope he remembers old friends. Misses M. Mortley and B. Reid visit.- ed‘ friends fn Uromore over the week end. Mr. \Vill Tx-afim'd and Miss Irene Trafl’UI-d tank in sights in Dnruoch on Sunday evening. \Ve helivve Dr'. 3.vi§.'8lllith chased an automobile recently he_x_'(_%memhers old friends. Mr. “711). Coffee. of Glenelg. is in- tefnding to raise a but) some time ID the near future. _ Mr. Jack Rae tool: in the the sights of \Villiamsford On Sunday evening. Same attraction. Jack P \Ve helivve Dr. J. 13. Smith has pur- n‘nrnnnl‘ A“ ....L;., beam-raising last week; The barn wa.‘ raisuedrwithout~ any accidents and is cgrtainly a great improvement to the . Misses L. Mnrtley afid L. McKnight are writing on the. Lower School 3E1)- trance to Normal exams this week We wish them every success. . . While Mr. James Vasev’s horse wag bed in the church 5‘th f on MondmL forenonn, it got louse and broke ch}; hugzy and the harness. Glad no per-- son was hurt. , Mr. Wm. coffee, nf'Glenelg. is in- fOAA:hn- fin --- - In all the newest designs m the neatest patterns.15c per yard. A fine stock of colored lawns and mmlins from 100 to 25c per yard. Try McKechnies’ pure ,soap Try Star of India Tea 25!: per pound. Trv Boston Luxury Cuifee Select Biscuits and Cakes from the best, makers. Dolly=Varden Reminders CARD 0F THANKS Muslims Yours truly L. George Bovingdon Crepe Cloth We were not long left in suspense. for I could hear them breaking through the woods and rushing toward the opening. Missiles in the way of weap- ons there were none In the care, but I picked up a skull that lay on the door and hurled it out of the opening into the unseen‘erowd below. A 5hriek told me that! had hit some one. but I saw at once that the game was one I could not play. The white men had some skill at warfare They had post- ed .covering parties to protect the workmen. l crept cautiously toward the entrance. where I could see them working hard. piling up thestones' to enable them to get at us, while back ofthem stood others with drawn bows and DFESQngd wgammg “You have found the treasure.“ he began; ”there is no use denying it. We have it from our savage friends that the things are there. In years gone by they savriticed here and on the «one yonder; but for ger‘neratiuns the island has been taboo. The white manhas broken the ban and we are here to take the treasure." "Indeed!" said I at he turned pale mastered himself. “Talk un and be brief." I returned. seeing that there was no use arguing with my little mistress. “We offer you.“ he continued. “safe- ty. We vannot take you with us, but we \‘vill leave you here on the island after we have taken the treasure. and." his eyes turned from me to my com- panion. "if you are willing to give up the woman 1 will enroll you with our following and we will all get away together on the Rose of Devon.” “What of the ship?” I asked. it was a hard thing to Control my temper. but I wanted the information. "She was badly stove up but not en- tirely wrevked. We fought the sav- ages. conquered them. made them our friends. We van get away in her and you can navigate her or we can do without you for that matter and make shift to get back to the South Amer- ican coast at least." “So you offer me free passage and my share of the treasure if I will give up Mistress Wilherfore. do you?" “Shall we go further back into the cave?” “No," I replied. "We will stay here for the present" “I can talk with the two of you just as well as with one." said l’imball. “It is not meant to cover suoh propo« sitions as yours. As for the treasure you shall have it whom you can get it." As I spoke he sprang behind the tree and motioned m his men to fire. but I was too quick for him. and We were safely within the rave when the sound of the reports warm to us. I turned in a hurrv and found that she had stepped out by my side. The two of as presented a fair mark for any weapon. One might have escaped. but hardly two. “Get back." I cried harshly. ‘ “I stay where you are.“ she answered firmly. “See. I too am armed." Her little hand lifted a heavy pistol. “That is it." answered Pimball. “Eh, mates?" whereat a dpep (horns of ap- proval came fmm_(;libby and the men. ”But the flag of truce?“ he cried. dropping his weapon “The next move.” I answered. “is with them." ‘ "Say what you have to say and be quick nhuut it." 1 mid. but be looked past me and tunk ufi‘ his hat with a profound :wevp '“Now what is to be done?" said my little mistress. Pimball Had a White Neck Cloth Tied to the Mu'zzle of His Gun. trusted me apparently as little 35,1 trusted him.stmidthe xvi-etch. l'imhall. Bavk of him, beneath the trees, I dis- tinguished (Hihhy and :1 numher bf the crew. nearly all of them. I slmuid judge. and bark of these Were massed the savages. l’imhnll had a white neck (sloth tied to the muzzle of his gun. “Good morning. Mistress Wilber- forve." he ('ried “And this is. my answer," 1 said furiously. leveling my pistol at him. "Get hark. you villain. or you will have looked your last on life.” Continued from page 7: open,“ 'J'nere below me on the edge or tbe'glade. convenient to a tree behind which he could leap. for the rascal Cdfitinued next weak. survnstivally where- witb am: er but still 0000960 0 v‘__v'.â€"‘ â€"â€"- '-â€"v--vvl‘, President. - Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING : § § : § § z z z § § £ t } r {oooooooo‘ 600999000966000OOOOQQOOQOO OQOQOOQOQQOQOQOOOOOQOOOO+6 aeguseeaeaeweeegeeeuuueezeueu a "g It Is Difficult To Tell ’The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. J. 5. WILSON, Provincial Secretary, will be present to ad Electors on the public questions at issue in the Addresses will also be delivered by other p members of the party. All Li beral-Cionse't vatives and supporters of the pee tration are cordially invited to be present. FRIDAY,JUNE 12,14 If you want Feed cal] and see us our prices. will please you. We are paying from 1:580 to 4:00 for good Oats at our elevator. CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION Wehave a, good stock of. all kinds of Feed hand, including : The Down 'E'own Shoe Store {1; S. MEIâ€"laith that one or two teaspooneful taken before breakfast every morning for a Week or ten days will put the system in splendid conditlon. CARLSBAD SPRINGS arethe"n10st celebrated in the world fol Li\ 91 Troubles. Every 39.31 thousands g0 10111991 minus and am delighted 11i1h 1119 19511118 obtained. and feel depressed the chances are that is inactive and _\ on need Practicaliy the same formula as at 1. 30 p.111. f01 the purpose of nominating a candidate to contest the Riding of South Grey at the approaching P10» incial Election «T-Lild get a. pair before sizes'are out. Our stock of these goods is larger than usual, but they are going fast. Ladies’ Pumps in different styles at 1 .50 1 .75 Misses’ 1 .00 Children’s 850 and Infant’s 750. Ladies’ high button hoot $2.25 Some fine lines of children’s Lisle Hose in black, tan, pink and blue. ' Ladies’ Italian Silk black or tan 25¢ per pair. black or tan Silk 35¢ per pair, black or tan Cotton 1 5c. Men’s heavy or light wear at different prices. \ Give Us Your Repairing It will be Promptly and Neatly Done Feed ! Feed ! Feed ! ,‘om‘pntion of the Liberm-Conservatives of South Grey will be held in the but if present warm weather continues prospects are. for a 1011;: season for \Vhite Footwear. TOWN HALL, DURHAM WE PERSONALLY GUARANTEE , IF YOU LACK ENERGY Chopped Corn Chopped Corn and Oats Chopped Oats ' Crushed Oats Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed Seed Oats LIVER SALTS Oatmeal Millers. 5 c and $1.00 .c quesuons an Issue m the Province be dellvered by other prumment BE WISE eageeeeeeeeageeueeeaem. ARTHUR H. JACKSON, present: to address the ' June 11th. 1314. .Tarlsbad Water pg‘esent Adminis- your liver

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