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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1914, p. 2

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Eâ€"EILVG LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. 3.. Glenelg, containing 100 acres: HBIFER, THOROUGHBRED DUR- ham. rising 4 years old; nice dark roan; also two sows, due, one about the middle of April. other about middle of May. Ap- ply to A. 8: J. Sealey, Lots Qand 3, S.D.R., Glenelg‘. g9 3nd THE SECOND AND THIRD DIVI- sions of Lot 30, Con. 1, E.G.R.. Glenelg. 100 acres; good build- ingS' one mile south of Durham. â€"A E Jackson. 4234 A GOOD SOLID BRICK 10-ROOM- ed house, including bathroom and furnace. In connection, there is an excellent garden and hen-house. Will sell at reason- able price and terms. Apply to Edward Burnett. LIL, Durham. 2 WES; PART OF LOT 2‘5, CON. 1 ‘ W. G R” adjoining corporation; of Durham. containing 15 acr9si 3 mods. t‘ perches of good; lard, a}; seeded down with tim-Â¥ t..:."° good brick house; hard‘ 9 aoi soft water, barn, orchard; sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins ; or to A. H. Jackson. Durhaxo.‘ g A." BRICK HOUSE AND FIVE ACRES of good land good garden” weli stable, buggy house and other conveniences; i‘ust outside cor- poration. Determined to sell at once. Easy terms. Apply on the premises to John Wilson. 12 13 13t All persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky Saugeen River crossing Lots Nos. 1-1 and 15 of the lst Con- cession, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and .32 and south half of Lot 30 in the and Concession, Glenelg. Any- one found so doing will be proso- cuted according to lamâ€"James H. Spence, Toronto. 5 14-tf REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels; positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6m ties. and those found so doing will be prosecuted: Lots 2, 3 and 4, Con. 3, Bentinck; Lots 45 ,46, and 4?. Con. 3, Old Survey, Bentinck: Lots 61, 6'2, 63, 64, Con. 3. New Survey. Bentinck.â€"W. S. Mc- Cracken, W. Noble, G. Mighton. IN GLENELG, ABOUT 35 ACRESI of good pasture land; well fenc-i ed; well watered. Also 42% acres in Bentinck: good house. barn. and good well. Will be sold reasonable. .Apply to Wm. Wall. Durham. 12913pdf _â€" w . -«-.-â€"’-._. A LARGE, ROOMY DWELLING? hmse; large enough to keep’ ‘omrilers: conveniently situated! t all public works; newly dec-. orated: cheap rent. Apply to! N- McIntyre. Durham. 612? All persons are Warned against fishing. hunting, trapping or tres- passing_or_x the following proner- -_-‘1‘ Sumt- pawn was guilrv on Mnmiay evening last of stealing: 01 1e1110~i11g a long tethering chain from my pony while gmzino‘ on a hack street. Any person gixing i11101111.1tio11 that will lead to the convictiun of the guilty party “ill be suit, 1blv 1ewa1ded. A Ruhbu-tile: d Bugg} ”'nml as new. Apph to H. \V. HUNT, Miss Ella. Carson of Durham, accom- panied by )lias Sadie Eden 0! Arthur. last. Week visited Mr. and Mrs. Jubn Queen a: We“ as their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. James Eden. The people of this section will be sorry to hear that our school teacher. Miss Anna Scott, who has so ably filled the position and gave so much satisfaction, has tendered her resigna- tion to the board to take effect at the close of the term. Although this sec- tion is amongst the highest salaried schools we understand she has been offered still greater lndncements.‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Queen and son Barman visxteu trxends 1n Palmerston th_t_-__luttel' part" of last. week. Mr. George Lawrence attended the Synod meeting in London as delegate from St. Paul’s church, and enjoyed the outing very much. BORNâ€"T0 Mr. and Mrs. “'11:. Law- rence, on Friday. a bouncing baby girl. Crop prospects are brightening up since the nice showers commenced. although they were very poor at. week an. n on premises are new frame barn. brick house, .3th and outbuildâ€" ings; running stream through prOperty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest 11) good state of cultivation. Possession giVen on Nov. lstr 1913. For furthor pur- ticulars. apply on prez‘nrses to Mrs John Staples, Kurd Route No. 1. Durham. Ont 94-mr‘lt1 '-_...‘ vâ€" ____‘._,._______ NUMBER OF GOOD BUILDING lots at the corner of Queen and Chester Streets ;Wgood location. high and dry. ill sell cheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Everett. 4 9 4p_ e... ._._._._- ..â€"â€"-- 6111' annual union S. S. and day â€"_ V. ___ ‘â€" _ _ Kwdnuemw... .6 (ma incn or lam-1. 25 canto for first inurti . and 10mm for‘ebch N .uhpeqzugxn xnsrtt‘im: Over one inch and under "to inches. double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. Reward Offered Spirella Corsets Fishing Notice ”arms for Sale. CORNER CUNCERNS For bale For Sale Tu Rent- \V. L. SAUNDERS. it‘lx VCI‘ SMALL ‘ L' R. R. No. l. 424ti§ O 3 Ora. lamieson 6:. Jamieson. i FFICE AND RESIDENCE A 5 short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, : Jambton Street, Lo‘wer Town, Durham . )flice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock OFFICEâ€"Over .3 P. Telford’s office nearly opposite the Registry office. Resxdence Second house south or Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office-limits 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. 11.1.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone cmnmunich- tum between office and residence at all hours. U York and Chicago. Disease: of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be at the Hahn House, July 20 Oct. 19. Novembel 16, Ba. 21, Hours. 1 to5 p. m. , HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F- tice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice nours, 8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 g». :11. Special attention given to diseases at women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. “ SPECIALIST .- EYE, EAR, THROAT NOSE -- Dentistry inuall itsi B'rahwchgs. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Store. Late Asaxstant Roy. London Ophthalmic Hoe. 392:. and to Gollen Sq. Throat and Nose Hos. J F. GRANT, D. D. S..L.D. 8. ON OR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College_Den_tal Sqrgegns of Ontario ‘ Ofice. nearl'y opposite the Registry ofm-e. Lambton St..Durham. Any amount )f monev to loan 3* 5 per cent. on farm rnnertv. SOUTH PERTH will have a monster demonstration in the Town of St. Marys on Monday. July 13, 1914. when the County Lodges of North and South Perth. Districts of Durham. London and Biddulph and Lodges from Guelph 'and other points will cele- brate the 224th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. -)FFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s . Tickets good going Saturday p. m.. July 11. return limit Tuesday. Julv 14. Special train serviée from a1 points at reduced rates‘f A good program is being pre- pared. Come and enjoy a big day. __.. â€". -- t- N A . - G. W. Heagy. Co. Sec.. Stratford. Ont.; R. W. Switzer, Co. M. Ran- nock, Ont. ' V er‘ ()unveyancer, c. Insurance \uem. Mouay to Loan. Issuer of Mar 'iagu Licenses. A. general financial busi' mss tram-Amati. Durham. Ont., June 23. I hereby appoint as my Official Agent in the Election to be held on the 29th of June, 1914, Arthur Henry Jackson, of the Town of Durham, in accordance with Sec- tion 203,. sub-Section 1 of the Ontario Election Act. school picnic is to be held on Thursday. July 2nd, in .ur. l‘hos. \Vilson’s bush. Everything will be dune Lo make the afternoon enjuyahle and profitable by good working committees. Everybody welcome. ., ARRISTEE, SOLICITOR. ET( Ofice- nearlv nnmgitn thn Racing- \Ve :ire -pleased to report that Miss l Blanche Noble, who was under the ‘ doctor’s care in Durham. is able to re- . turn home again. 3 Diver Cossoboom. who on Friday recovered two bodies from the wreck of the Empres: of Ireland. succumbed Sun-day when trying to fasten a chain to the prOpellor. A proclamation has been issued bringing into effect on July ,1 next the proxisions of the act to amend the memhant shipping act as passed at the last session of Parliament. l. 6. Hutton, M. 0., C. M. A. H. Jackson. gnmav PUBLIC, COMMISSION L. R. C P., LONDON. ENG RADULATE of‘ London. New Dl'RHA M ONT. (Lmvnr Town 125m». .13, Frost St. Own" Sound. mam! Dilation). Arthur Gun, M. D. Dental Directorv. W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz'rectorv Official Agent BR. BRCWN l. P. Telford. DR. BURT. DAVID JAMIESON Lil SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS In certain districts 3 home- steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongâ€" side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties.â€"Six months resi- dence in each or six years from date of homestead entry (includâ€" in: the time reund to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. For maps and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at Thessa- lon, Sault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Sudbury. Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto‘ April 18th 1914. \‘o unauthorized publica- this notice will be paid for. THE sole head of a family, or my male over 18 years old may zomestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- ‘oba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in oer-son at the Dominion Lands \gency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be nade at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not nib-agent), on certain conditions. The area of cultivation is sub- iect to reduction in case of rough. ocrnbby or stony land. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister - of the Interior. N .B.â€"Unauthorized publication If this advertisement will not be paid (onâ€"37085. 2813 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of the 6th day of July, 1914, for the right to but the Red and White Pine timber on Berths 1 B. 1 C. and 1 D, in the Mississaga Forest Reserve tributary to the north shore of 'Lake Huron, each Berth containing an area of 36 square miles, more or less. A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth 830.. Tenders for Allan River \Vood‘Limit TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned up to and includ- ing Wednesday, the 15th of July next for the ri. ht to cut ties from Spruce. Balsam, Banksdan or Jack Pine, iPOpiar and_'W‘!hitewood trees seven inches and upwards in di- ameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a tie preserv- ing plant for a period of twenty- one years from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Crown tributary to what is known as the Allan Water River, tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way in the District of Thunder Bay. Duties.â€"Six months residence Jp-OD and cultivation of the land '23 each of three years. A home- »teader may live Within nine miles )t his homestead on a farm of at east 80 acres, on certain condi- :ions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case. except when -esidence is performed in the vicinity. Such tenderers shall be required to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties, or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant Gov- ernor in Council a tie preserving plant. \ For particulars as to description of territory, capital to 'be invested, etc., appls to the undersigned. :W. CH. HEARST, Ministers of “Lands, Forests and Tenderers shall state the amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the crown dues of $2 per thousand feet board meas- ure for anything not manufactured int-o ties, and for ties at the rate of 5c. each, or such other rates as may from :time to time be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- cil. Parties making tender will be required to deposit with their ten- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province xof Ontario for $25,- 000,00 to remain on deposit as security for the carrying out of the-conditions of their tender. v__ 'â€"-v-- ywuucl. The highgsf or any tender not nesessarilx aqcepted. Toronto, Ontario, 27th April, 1914. 6 4 6 751 The mahmgémqnt ofShaw’s Business ‘ Schools. -anonto, begs to advise all seniur Pub- lic School and all High School students phat it is prepared to mail acopy of its curricula) to any one who wishes to quality in a shnx-t period nf‘6 m- 8 months fur a g=md salar- ied pmition. Address. Shaw’s Schools. Toronto. Ontario. Head-Office Yonge and Ger- rard Sm eets. Timber Sale W'. H. HEARST, "Mk6 Mr. Rowell bases his hope for vic- tory on the seductive power of a single campaign cry. That the electors of Ontario may be blinded to the other great issues seems the chance of suc- cess into which he is throwing all his efforts. The Whitney Government’s request that the electorate express their Opinion on the W'orkmen’s Com- pensation Act, the highways improve- ment proposals apportioning $30,000,- 000 to new roads, and the Hydro radials legislation, excites Mr. Rowell only to an expression of agreement, or the most meagre criticism. Even upon the single issue which he has selected, the Government of Sir James Whitney is doubly willing to have the judgment of the electors. Placed side by side the records of Sir James Whit- ney and Mr. Rowell in regard to tem- perance are precisely as follows: Rowell Upheld Ross Mr. Rowell supported by his votes and numerous platform appearances the long era of Liberal rule in On- tario during which two Liberal Govern- ments pledged themselves to enact the largest measurr of prohibition in their power, although upon receiving large majorities favoring prohibition deliberately disregarded either prom- ises or plebiscites. Mr. Roweil stood shoulder to shoulder with his party in those twin fiascos. The notorious administration of liquor laws by the Ross Government brought from him no word of condemnation. even though the laxity of law enforcement and. the misuse of the licensing power excited distrust throughout the. ranks of Liberal electors, and caused in part the downfall of that administration. Against Mr. RoWell’s third-time of- fer of the Liberal sudden-cure, Sir James Whitney and his Government place the demonstrated facts of an enormous advance towards real tem- perance since the term of their ad ministration began. - The Boss Government left the province with 2.814 liquor licenses in 1904. In ten years under the \V'hitnoy Government’s plan of constantly strengthening the hands of the tem- perance forces, no less than 1.21.1 licenses were cut off.’ in the past eight years the number of munici- palities under local option has in. creased from 96 to 347, while thi taxes placed on the liquor trade have been exactly doubled. Unly by the strictest and non-partisan enforce- ment of the license laws. and by over two-score important amendments to the Act, has such striking progress been possible. The ill-working loca. option bylaws of the old governmm‘. was rendered practicable and clear. the power 0: the municipal 'councizs. over local option votes was cancelled, and the expressed will of the people. was otherwise made supreme and easy of application. Unsolicited Testimonies Testimonies to the Whitney Govern- :nent’s achievements in the interests if temperance have come from all quarters; The Pioneer, the organ of the Dominion Alliance, said on Nov. 11th, 1910: “One of the best forms of local option is in force in the province of Ontario.” With that as his political past, Mr. Rowell resurrects in 1914 the old Liberal device, the promise of partial prohibitior trusting that memories may not reczull the dismal associations which Liberalism has contributed to the cause of temperance in Ontario. Mr. Joseph Gibson, President On- tario Alliance: “You did your duty. You said at the start that you would make the accuse holders keep hotel, and you did." liquor Licenses. Reduced1 from 28M to "300' in Ien Years During Notorious Era of Liquor Law Frauds, Liberals Twioe’ Defied Temperance Sentiment General Booth, on Ontario’s manage- ment of the liquor traffic: “In this respect Ontario }eads_ theyverld.” The Pioneer, March, 1910: “The ;1quor laws are carried out in a man- ner that reflects creditupon the Gov- ernment in general and in particular upon the gentleman at the head of that debartment.” HON. SIR JAMES P. WHITNEY, ROWELL UPHELD ROSS Prime Minister of Ontario enjpygthie summe" so f: â€"V â€"“-U \ Friday’s rain did a world of goud to the hay, grain and pasturrx. but the heavy fruet. the same night. blavkened many a. \‘f-gelmle plot, and blasted many a field of prumising cum. chin’: Sunday schnn! picgnc is to be held on Saturday after-mum of this week in the Peart Edward: grove. There's a welcmne to cvm-yhudy at this happy annual event. Jas. Leblond, aged 64, is dead at his home at the foot of the in- clined railway, just above the upper steel arch bridge at Niagara Falls. \ He conducted a souvenir stand at the foot of the railwav for many years. and up to the time of the ice bridge tragedy had from one to three shacks on the ice bridge from year to year, in which he sold souvenirs and intoxicants. v ‘ .l". The gl’nnndhngs make their “ills when they learn lhatMr. Eu. limhnry m Tnmntu is (gaming up fur a ViSi'... He is a. guru. at. the home of Mr. “'13. (funk and m tln-ve days de>putr5ed 2;! fat mscais Miss Muriel Cone“ of the Quevn (“My mrivvd at the Edw’ards hume- x'. mm (m Satmdny evening, tn spend :1 fu‘miahls hnlidavs Ml. ‘Wm. Fnth tank the [rain but ‘\t‘(H6'N£H\' fun M minnofhnn tn u. \chiuewiuy fur Mâ€"-lzmcthnn Ln \‘i~il‘ Ilia Lmlewr Gwnge. He just got away in tiuw Lu miss >lmvelliug in the gravd pi If ..... V V AIIKCKIlI Al'de“>‘(‘?l lume- again fmm ”1010mm. xmmh impu \o‘ed in health bx ht m Vislt. Bnmi D: :\‘is dispused 0f £1.1in ‘1?!”- yam-(Ld Imuv at, the hmse fair (m Thhl'.~d'd}' East. A departmental committee which has been going into the conditions ‘of agricultural credit in Ireland find that the indebtedness of Irish farmers has been increas- ing at the rate of $5,000Q000 a year since. under the Wyndham land act, they commenced to set- tl-e on their own land. -- ""*-"n "r' """" " W. H. Hartley : Tc-mpei'ance (10.. J. A. Graham ; Home du.. Miss Mary A. Edge: Missionary do" Mrs. (Hen) \V. \V. Pi'udham. The collw-tinns at brith sessions mnmmned to $10.25, which defrayed the expenses of the repre- sentative. from the Provincial Ass’n. and a snug balance in the Sec.oTreas.’s purse. The Association was most suc- cessful and harmoniOus throughout and will prove a strung incentive to all Sunday school workers. Statute labor is being pvrfurmed righi :llnn Ihesc days. and we Native that nun-t hf 1119 pmhmastm-s :u-e “.‘tk~ J and Mr. Ford from Ehenezw; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chard and Miss Clam. from near Mai-kdale; Mr. and Mrs. S. Pu- tei-haugh and Mrs. J. McKechnie from the Rocky; Mr. A. Beaton and a quar- tette of McGillivray girls from Glen- elg Cen're: Supt. W. J. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, Misses Valeria and Maggie Edge and a dozen others from Edge Hill; Rev Mr. and Mrs. Barclay of Mnloch and a score or more from the 10th con. Baptist church; members of the Weir and Atkinson families from No. 9, and a score or more of Durham’s brightest maids and matrons under the protect- ing care of Revs. W. \V. Prudham and \V. \V. \Vylie. South Grey’s Co. 1') _ A .._ . , 'I‘ A ~- __â€" v- â€" u. \I \' ‘l' ~ ~ ~- J Pres. Mr. John Taylor of Hanover. and the Rev. J. \V. Rae of Toronto were present. the former giving a good summary of the work already done and encouraging words. while the lat- ter game three most inspiring and eloâ€" quent addresses. It was Rev. \'\'. \V. \Vylie’s first appearance at Zion and his earnest, thoughtful address at the eVening session won him warm praises. Mrs. J. A. Graham had a glowing re- port of the work done in the Cradle Roll Dept. She is a. Clever and afi'ahle speaker. Miss Valeria Edge has done eXCellent Work in the Home Dept. and had a promising report. Mrs. \V. \V. Prudham has set the missionary nia- ehine a: work in several of the selnmls and is; meeting with marked siu-(_-ess. Between the sessions the crowd were suppered in Mr A. G. Blair's (:UHHHO- (lions implement house, where the fair ones of Zion had a bountiful supply of dainty edibles. and- where a most so- cial hour was spent. It has a wonder- fully helpful influence. this meeting and mingling of .~o many earnest Sun- day school workers. Rev. \V. \V. Pludhain had charge of the. nominat- ing committee and gave Valuable help all through the sessions. The oflieers elected for next year are: Pres.. H. T. Edwaids; Vit-e Pres.. \V. R. \Vatso: : Sec.-'l‘reas.. Thus. Allan : Elementary u m. Nil 101 nexr veal ale: F1(*s..1{.".1 Edwmds, ° Yive 13195.. \V. R. \V (11%“ ° Sec.- T1933». Thus. Allan; Element-u} Supt” 3115.1 A.Grlh«1u; Secondafiv (10., John W eix Adult. (10.. S. Putel- hangy‘: Teacher Training Dept.1 Rey. 11" D THE 6F @ANADA TORONTO | “‘° "" DURHAM BRANCH, Kenya .6!) ’â€" l p‘unsm'e In .099 Mrs. \Villiam l '11-. 'ONA HE business man who has customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect. IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing'flouke, Garafn - Street. Rates . . $1 UOper year,payab1einadvanco -$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. to which ever) ubucription is mud in dennted by 30 pal-U div the number or tho: address lab'el. tontumev to all arrears are paid, exnepf “a" outlc‘!‘ of the proprietor Advertising F0? transipnt advertmem emu cents per line for the firs! inner Rates“ tion . 3 cents per nine each hubat went insertion k ecific directions wi} 0e published till forbid a) 1 0113!ng amordm I; L‘ransierit notwerâ€"“h Rt. "=‘F0uud.’ ”For Sa e.‘ etc,-â€"50 cents for first inset tion. 25 cents for and aubaequem insertion 'I‘ uua etaâ€"50 cents f6} first infiertion. 2! finbsequentv insertion. All advertisements ordered by 1 be naid for in advance Contract: rates for year.y MW aished on application to the office and Funeral Directorw chture Frammo izotzce. British American Business College Yonge and )IcGill SCS., Toronto. Ont. is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing Debt-er work than ever. Writ-e us. if you want to prepare for aggood position. Hem-310. \Vdrd. Principal. Full line of f Tatholic Robes, a and .white taps for aged Dec DURHAM.0NT New Clothing For Men and Boys TINSMITHING Mr. M. Kress has opened a shop at the. re:_u- of the furniture snow room and is prepared to do all kinds of tmsmithing. Undertaking receives special attentinn SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Ker! door South 0 \V. J ‘ Lawrence’s l“ 0‘ n‘v.-...\:-‘_ I blacksmith San Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and fall Household Furnishings C. L. GRANT EDWARD KRES'S in and opened out this New boots and Shoes Just. see us when you need any- will try to please you. week from the Beet Make ofboth lines. (‘mne and thing in our line. “’e tinmm AND PROPRIETUR 18,73 mm maumm . IRWIN AND rRobes, and blark aged people. Ilwrtmennenm 81 ran gar-a mun: '. Garafmxa fur

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