West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1914, p. 5

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o QQOO§§§§§§§§OOO§O§¢¢¢¢¢¢o 0:: «?%+-§'v+-§‘+~I*M'§~I°éé+. ----- Sn SCOTT, Six hundred alufieti‘s is Eh» pm» of the Fort! manhunt}; the'tnm'iug car is six fitts : the» town car nine hun- dredâ€"f.” b, Ford. Unix. complete with equipnwm, (Em; catalog and particulars from (J. Smith 8: Sons’ Garage. Automobile for H in». Westbound Daily EASTERN 'mm Leave Montreal (\Vindsm- St. Depot) ...... .. . . . 8.4.3 a..m. 5.5“ p.11). Arrive Toronto ........ Leave Toronto . . . . . .. . . 6.10 p.11). Leave London ......... 9.33 p.m. Arrive Detroit (Michigan Cent-ml Depot. ...... 12.35 mm. ma 3“? Litton-v lv -_‘ Cent: a1 Depot) ...... 11.55 p.111. Arrive at Chicago (Central Station) ............. 7.4.1 a.m. Distiict Passn \Ve haw) n. nuiiun n: gum; I. u; m and wmxlcl like u» dispose uf ever: the stare during this mmzL‘t‘. \Vitl‘ 11;: big reduvtiv in View we aw? umk': Cnuw and set pric9 of everything. Careful and ecmmmic I): selves. advan.’ a make money by taking Big Reduction Sale. WIMITED T RAINS' of Any Kind Effective May 313st t.» C no... 6 o GO TO hing mat of lnuiuess >59 of everything in math. \Vith that end 'uig rednvtinns in the mum and see for your- ecmmmic buyers wili mv nfivnnmze Hf thin .1 00900909000 0099090 0009 000 .QQOOOQQOOOOOOOOOO §§§VQ§§§Q§9 Stove Pipe (31' rm Metallic Roofing ('istt’yn3, Pumps Brass Taps: .1 V uh «:5 {mm Pipit [)x-ai n Ti} 9 and ‘3 5. Ontario as 01' Fittings (21' Elhnvv's Durham -__â€"â€" "a” PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS, 1914mm. To the Electors of South Grey: Gentlmnen,â€"â€"I have been honbred with the unanimous nummation of the Lihem] Party nf Suuzh Grey and bvful‘e vqu as a candidate in the 1 shall vmieawzr to 21‘ t1: 11w best at" my :thilit fuliy £13k your isrfiuem pnigu am! your Vutc on If your nerves are an crzmneuy from attacks of Rheumatism, Neu- '1‘ tritis can easily get a strong hold?1 $011 the nerves. This most painful; Ydisease is one of the hardest; iknown to expel. but RHEUMA cant ireach it if given a chance. This" gtestimony is positive proof: 3 ? “Last March '1 Was so crippled; .With Neuritis in left limb I could iwalk scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I heard of and had two physicians. Nothing did me any ,good until I used RHEUMA; $2.00 fworth of your remedies surely C111~ ied me.”â€"â€"Mrs. C. B. Hayes, Russell, - Kentucky. __ - 1 _ [_ f"‘ n? .‘n NEURI IS FOLLOWS CRIPPL NERVES. Painful. Effects of Chronic Rheum-“1”“? atxsm Quickly Routed by ' ' Rheuma. 1 than AC : Sold by Maciarlane 6: Co. at 50 cents a bottle. ”o--.â€" v I Politic: and Lemm-m-nue is tzw dis-é C lbriul‘. Of [119: day, but “8 ff't‘l HRH} ', 1 the Inca! :nuwers and gnnd gmwing heat ia nt' more ixnputuuuce. but. ul' cmu'se m‘erything in me plat-v. Mr. Mum Hooper has been maxim: qule a u; uf “out: \ViLll his bum saw. driven hy his thrt‘shing : ugh». Mr. N‘ 11 and Miss J‘cnuiv Mrihnmld «If I’rutcm paid a visit. in this lzivzsl'ly 121M. Week. N935. (tromv Ema; :xfmuo «:n Silt‘duv. ) ul-‘. ‘.‘. ‘ M... ’{Vuu :3. LHWJ’UC” {wok a. trip Hum-ugh the- m“ n 11‘!) last We-uk. pn~t.- ing up the pmclnmm um.» tut the rum- ‘im; t-lv mm). Politic. in Egrmnsmt Inwuship 23p- ‘ n f ‘> Q E. pm: to be var} quiet. l'he U; p0 Mum Minn} :ulgzeru' [n HHVQ“ mum) in an} . . 1 Mr. “'11:. R:uu:u,:~1~'ar m-vwfint :mn} Pollin'g. Monday. 29th June with Lhc \‘nzmzwvy me (1 HAVE PRETTY HAIR. aun 11‘!) but \\'t'“k. part.- gtaok on thF clumm mm. [at the- ( um for its asbn1 hunmnm r \xush 2P up ninr‘o his t1 \quiel. The 0; p0 'ti :1: A ac'hivvins: i £0 21V? U'W.‘ serum ability. and z‘wpect finance in the can) dc on Jmn- 29th. zur'n in he“ - LT !v1‘t‘~e‘l]t HWHF‘ vamp. . Anyone at the Mass Meeting in the i Presbyterian cimrch on Sunday; 311119 : d 14th. will readily recall that Mr. P’ru’d- : ,f ham gave no address and made no re: 1 d maxks. The attack in The Chroniél’e 1 is theiefore without besis in fact. hi is built at mind a lie. It 1s intended to ‘ 18 deceive. Why the Editorshonid have i is written what he did without consult- 1e ing the parties co11ce1 ned as to the 1 y correctness -f his facts. indicate either i g; bias o1 lack of manliness. The accus- 1 1d ; ation against Mr. Cooley of indulging 1 1d . in personalities 1s likewise wanting in 11tifact.He made no use of the munes of 3:". Di. Jamieson 01 M1. B1111. \Vhy The lbhi 01111 le should b111ke the responsiâ€" he bilitV' of wxitinb: 1' 1111 the great issues of p 1the dew and indulge 111 pettV. d1.1t11hes 1) ‘ 1». haul to underst: 1111] One is alans t0 1 pleased tn 1e1d candid clean, sane .11). 11:: ‘1 penis to men s hettei 11:111119 at a time “,_ lil<e1 this. As :1 10.1391 of The (71111111- wd 3. 1:39 for twa years I cannot recall any- 19” :thing like as 11:11-31 things said about, SH'-oâ€"l~.n ‘-\.n.\'._no‘1n‘oc ni’. \‘nlril'i 21nd fill) (enr- MR». 'STERS OBJECT T0 chggNlCLE EDITORIAL THE EDITOR OF THE CHRDEICLE: E CHRONICLE. i Empire at rhnt. time- said. "It acxerg} mu vunnnt dmdz-Lim against any pu} c wrung: fining. why have a pulpit, : t Cur- Cunt ‘JbbvaV_. "H umber I 3-51: th‘at as you have given, w 01.8 publicity to the untrue version you I trimm will publish the truth andivet the beads. public know the facts. fathez'. Hanover, June. '23, 1914. "w nnn'r 13‘? m w .11." issue “I {ms we (”mtestinn had in 1. To the Edith!" Durham L31 Dow Sir ”A. copy of \ lune 18th .xith editm-i 211 Mm “(News gixen hv m I I A Prvsbvrmiun chm-Mm. F Pump into mv hands. mumvp'wwnt Ition of f: icmwhwicms that me base tmin‘ comment vxw’lls 9 pm itém I haw wad du tizm. You 0011me put at the mwtin vnm° doubt. and mm Durham. June l’z3" lll| .,.. ... fl.-- D. ‘mwlnsiuns that are hasewss your odi ,‘ Twin! nmmnent («x-9115 every newsnau Wm T have: read during): this 9190- fu’ How. You mmfess ynzl were not. pres- '1 «mt at the l‘n‘efing and acknowlvdqfl and mwm'taintv as to what that: ncnasinn. and yet; a :md slander two 1, mflt was am at- -‘-AA.\I} per i ymw doubt we»: Said rm pz-m-mrd tr) h-nduc ministrws. Wluwe only f ministwrs. raok on the» h forits abolition throughout, by thu ("fly pussihln ar-rnom and an appeal this Pro- means of mm in which they wpre inimmls dPCiG- ' I vim") achivvinsr ir, simp‘zv nhpvine‘ Hw nm of the anthmritius of, Your state': x I “711022.? nnly fmflt. was an ar- '- i t i 5 ion :4?ch firdm's the vahndist Church. mun? that "the paw‘smna’l referpnr'es: tn ‘ Dr. Jamiesnn am? Mr. Ball were“ whnl- I, IV unmlled far.” if you v'vm‘e “resent. I i1 a nmficinus falsehood. Wmfld brand as: vnn mnct- .Sinoo .V’m wore not, thew. been lied to. and unfortunamlv columns to give circulation i ‘ have 1 used Yntn‘ *0 the) :mt‘mrh . 3 I o ' I The discussmn was; -whnlly rm m-inciwm. and absolutely", impersonal. and neither Mr. Ball} , nor Dr. Jami-eson was mentioned ' at 2.11. Further the issue is who}- moral issue. and the appeal and -1--- Ac, _1va i is one to men’s consciencesx theless. since you object to that “as mean and cowardly to hide (be- Ihin‘d the sacred desk to advocate party politics.” to oblige you, so __- ’ -‘3 5A n§+ :11 1‘12“". PRU'DuAM. . ,7 1 1113.111. 1111111» 22% 11114.1 S‘s-*1 511:1111» 011111;! (1 if 31111 \\ 111 11. 9 111111111 .13 full pubficitx 11110111 1 hf this week 15 the. 11111119 1111 11.“. 11.1.1 111 1:1.C1 \\ Hi’k 5 (1111111111155 1 on the open pulonc pla Durham before this conte: and let the people iudge What Ifisay and the right case between us. ‘ â€"â€"- Nero and Zero. Willieâ€"Pop. what’s the difference between Nero and zero. Father~Nero had a not time and zero a cold time. Now. run on to bed-Florida Times- Union. A Smile. “Can you tell me what a smfle asked a gentleman of a little girl. “Yes. sir. It’s the .wbisper ' A CODY 0f your issue of '| :11 editorial vefpwm'e to'.‘ Eva) by myself in the! churr'h. Dnrh-(uu. has:1 hV h:xn(1S.Fm" abSOhItP .Ition of facts and for Durham Chronicle: UVII I. v ere are two thingsk' remarked the on the car. “we 31101116 new! :«fate and a mum" .. Toledo -t st wee n Temp! Them. \V. \V. P. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that! Contain Mercury as mercury Will surely destroy the! sense’of smell and completely der-‘- ange the Whole system when enter-I mg it through the mucous surfaces, Such articles should never be used’ except on prescriptions from rep- titab'le physicians, as the damage: they Will do is ten fold to the good: ' (m can possibly derive irom..them.! all’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by FJ. Cheney 8: Co., Toledo, 0”“ contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly on the blodd and mucous surfaces of the system. In' buying. Ball’s Catarrh ilt is taken» internally and made in 'Toledo, Ohio; by F.J. Cheney 8: Co Testimonials free. ‘ Sold by drug‘gists. 75c‘per bottle l Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- Miss Maggie Firth, who has been} teaching near Lloydmwn, is home for the holidays. _ ~ ‘ Miss Emma Ritchie 0t Dunoalk, :LC- companied by a friend. visited her pa. rents here L‘V‘t‘l‘ the Week c-nd. . - Mr. D. H. Firth of 'iknwnm was v15.- {it‘ing his nmther. Mrs. D. Firth. far :2. mmpie of fiays. ,4. v _ A_'.. ~ 1“.‘.‘ $u‘u.)\1 Miss Eufiua Ritchie of Dundaflk, :LC- 1 companied by a friend. visited her pa rents here i‘vel' the Week end. - Mr. D. H. Firth uf 'ifomnnu was vis- f slit-311g his nmther. Mrs. D. Firth. fur a. couple 0f days. Miss Mary Edge. who has been z teaching in Draynrm. is 110an 101' the ‘5 ,holidays. 1'191':1>~50Pi:ltv teacher, Miss; ‘Ellerby, accmmmnied her and is l'eâ€"EI g maiuing :1. fmv days the guest, nf Miss? 1. Ltd. l-\1\\t\.; {H ‘UCGA'LJLUK n- .1..._. v ,-:. _ ,7 \I ‘ : iholidavs. Her :usmmltv teacher”. 1:35.. {Ellerbm accompanied her and ‘15 lye-11 ‘ nmixfinq a. fmv day’s tne guest, of Mir: : Midge before leaving ful' her hmne m I; l t ‘ 1 '1 m-(mtf‘. ‘ u‘I Q a (\ ,. ,. _--“|‘x I‘VQ‘L} .LIII‘, IN \11. H.111} Fiuh 11f 01.111g91ille1vas visiting his 00115111.}11. A1thu1 Edge. fm :1 f9“ 11; 1y< \11. and \115. Adam 9111116151111 Hnte 1' Mined the 111111.); p1mph+ :11 :1 d 1111:1111; nurtv 1m Fridnv 1.1 911111.1The1 :111 Shep Where You are Invited to Shep AD‘S ERTISIXU 18 tile pun‘h' Elijah: ‘. 81011 OT 3 m: )Ster’ss “W and misha- word of pm}. e1. \Ve. want to M mumbv : ‘v V this You CAN make the more goods from you. You CAN teach the public new custmns. new tastes. new habits. You CAN make the public dnwhut it is not in the habit of dning. Powerful and pent-tent advertising: has rewyhuinnized modern life. It sends people travelling. It, has umde them photogmphers. It, has made. the nmtm-vcar n nevessity. 1r umkes Women change the fashion of the thrice 3 year. It selects the very food we eat. it appzu'vl twice or Does not the publicly expressed will and wish of ants of this community influence you in your [)0 you not go where you are guided? Are you tentive and reSpo . each week in the columns of THE CHRONICLE ? NOTE TO THE PUBLIC ..v“~wm m m stgiZEIyâ€"fegulate the use 0: Wire- less 'telegraphy. . Jos. Swamtz. Tavistock, was ac- quitted at Woodstock on the charge of supplying drugs to Lizzie Reidt for illicit purposes. The girl died in Tavistock some time ago. public Cohalt’s pepula atmon exceeds 6.100. .1 increase of over 1000 in a vressed will and wish of the merch- influence you in your shopping? u are guided ? Are you not very at- to the advertisements which appear ,U Montreal, Toronto. Detroit. Chicago, “3 Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via. Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes thwven \'\'iud:~‘(‘w and De- troit. Leaving Munrreul 8.45 3.111.: 'l‘m'nnt, i (3.10 9.11).. arriving Detroit, 19‘35 :3. ill. and (‘himgn 7.45 mm. daily. Equally g: md ram-vice returning. Through ‘Ilw'n'ir: Lighted Equip- i int-mt. New Limited Train Service Toronto - Winnipeg - \ancochr Tm'on tn-Vancnn vm- lixpres§No . 3 leaves 'l‘m'xmt'n 5.57) p.11) daily. Velmamve‘r--'}‘01'(')ntn Express N0. 1 arrives Toronto 11.45 3.111. daily. Manitoba EXO!‘0:?S Sn. 7 leaves To- mum 3:;in «*xm-‘pt Sunday 10.50 p. 11).. arriving \Vixmipeg second day. Ontario Express X «. 8 leaves: \\-'in- mime; 9.1.5 p.11). and :n'rives 'l‘uruutn 1') 1.5 pm. daily uxvept Ttwsday. Â¥7M the merchants of {his com- Cam: adian Paoific 'l‘h wr LIP \1. G. Mmphv. R)" ”-'1(‘-1()11m. 0f this cum 1))“ fm‘thm' hm Pm - Winnipeg - Vancouver Between 3r particulars apply h acih’c Ticket Agent or shmâ€"i‘h _. usé of wire- (41'

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