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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1914, p. 7

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speech. using temperance :ihd church as a cloak. Temperance in itself is a good cause. but when it allies itself to politics if is liable to overstep its lines and spoil some uf the 1110131 and good effects it otherwise might produce. “'e think the discussion of temper- ance and politics when combined should be limited to six days in the Week. Surely that ought to he suffi- cient. but probably the reverend gen- tleman believes in the saving. "Six days shalt thou labor and the seventh do odd jobs." \Ve feel justified in 843'- ing that the reverend gentleman de- parted with very little credit and thanks either for himself. the church, lor the parties who sent him. ' Coincidence is that the Sunday p're. ‘ceeging the address on “The Dominion ‘Alhanee’t' a. gentleman, Ben ‘Vatters ' flfifil‘fiz preached a sermon strictly ' " . . and without a single 1' a}: 7-5 Ontario. On Sunday evening. June 14th. a sermon on "The Dmuinion Alliance" was delivered in the Orange Hall. nem- Greenside. but which we are. sorry to say proveq to be an entirely \po‘liticql See your nenren Rnilwav Agent for full partirulars or apply to A.J.PARR G.P.A.. T. «Y N.O.Railw:t}'. North Bay. To Points on the TEMISKMHNG NORTH- ERN ONTARIO RAILWAY. Haileybury and North in Northern Ontario. From all points in ()ntzu-ioand Que- bec ml the G rand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railways ex‘i'ept West of Chalk Rivet-and north of Parry Sound on the Tickets at speciallv lednced latcs good going June 10th and “did fm 1e- tum until June L’I'th. HOMESEEKERS’ E X C U R SI 0 N For 9000OOQQOQOOQOQQQOOOOQOQOO 900QQOQOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQQQOO oOb)b§§-'§§.’.§.§.§.’.§9‘.O‘OOOO.¢.¢§OO6009900999... June S. P, SA UNDERS Machine *~. .‘Iil. H arness ( )2, Axxe Grease and Hm Ointment. go to The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year.................. The Chronicle and Family Herald 8: Weekly Star The Chronicle and Weekly Witness. 1 year.-.... ...... The Chronicle and Weekly Sun 1 year...... ...... The Chronicle and Farmers’ Advocate, 1 year.-. .. The Chronicle and Canadian Farm. 1 year... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily News, 1 year ... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star. 1 year ... The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year .. The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 year"-.. The Chronicle and The Grain Growers’ Guide. .. The Chronicle lyear, and The Daily World to Sepâ€" $1.75 1.75 1.99 1.90 1.90 2.50 1.90 2.50 2.5. 3 £30 ‘ 75 4.75 1.50 routes, 1 year“..- ...... ._...... .. .. The Chronicle and Daily Globe. on rural routes tember 1, 1914...... -...--... ....-. ..-... .- The Chronicle and Dailv Mail and Empire on rural THE flflYAl BANK OF CANADA Soveeign, Eclipse and astry Flours 0n thecar at $14.50 per ton Any Quantity of Cnmd Oats wanted at 40c per bushe}. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ascounts ,ngay be 0p9ned # ,,_,________â€"___ “mknon A‘ a Cam;117 “7:11 1‘. ‘nnnfl 500 Tons No. I FEEDING HAY LA 13'. E LET BR H HZ HS. DINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of two members of a family will be found convenient. Either person (or the survivor) may operate the account. DURHAM BRANCH: S. HUGHES, Manager. 25. 1914. Every bag guaranteed: if nut. satisfacm'n'y we will return your monoav. See our 1135' and Get our Prices before buying elsewhere A Large Quantity of “heat and Barley Chop \\ heat C11<>1),Cm>pped Oats \\ neat, Oats and Barley Chop Crimped Oats, for 1101136 Féed NEW REVISED CLUBBING RATES JOHN McGOWAN All Kinds of Grain Bought at Market Prices. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in Ton Lots. TELEPHONE No. 8 Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds "l he Hartman-qr are The PeOples Miils INCORPORATED 1 869 Tzleq‘lty t‘Vt‘lllll." was forbidden hv some af thv cr'mu'a'h uwmbas. «m the. plea as burning the :cml nil. The par-l ties supplving 1h» nil prnbuhiy think? they need all their l'ght. hm: those‘ who appear unt398ll‘0llé of listening to, sumething good seem more willing: to! supply oil for an address on something ' in a business and more every day gorm l than to supply it for the salvation of souls. word of nfi'ence m the! c'un-ch n!‘ ifs members. ‘mt rm x'vqtl “fin: the priv Neg» nf Drenvhing «.n the fullnwing KRESO DIP N 0.] Macfarlanes‘ Drug Store szbepadhnhsm CURE SCAB. WOUNDS AND SHEAR CUTS by using HS? 10 ”SE. Kreso Dip No.1 of water; Permitted by U. S. Dept. of Agriculture for the official dipping of sheep for scab in a dilution of 1 part of K_reso Dip No.1 to 72 parts TICKS, MITES AND FLEAS $1 1,560,000 13,575,000 BTANDARDIZED. 1.90 2.50 1. 90 2 .50 4.00 “ ---§. . ...._.. - --. _.. ~< ”In“... Whitney took the Ross Govern- ment’s record of $620,123 of tax bur- dens on the liquor trade and he in- creased it by 100 per cent. He select- ed sterling officers to enforce the liquor laws and spent $30,000 a year to bind the laws on all holders of. licenses, for such a purpose Ron ell’ triends spent $4,188 in fifteen years. Fouhfifths of Ontario Dry h 1906, 96 municipalities enjoyed *ONE OUNGE 0E GENUINE IEMPERANCE REFORM IS : WORHI A POUND 0E (EATER CRY Whitney fought the discreditable regime of the Ross Government, a re- gime for which N. W. Rowen battled with all his might. Whitney found a broken-down Local Option Law. He changed it, improved it, and set it to work. That law has cut the liquor licenses down from 2,814 wheh Row- ell‘s party was forced from the Govern- ment benches, to 1,600, a reduction of 1,214. \V'hitney added a powerful Temper» ance weapon when he made the Can- ada Temperance Act, a Dominion measure, applicable to Ontario and which carries on a majority vote, with- out the three-fifths requirement. Only recently that Act banished the bar from Huron and Peel counties. that Rowell's political device to mum- pede Conservative temperance work- ers to his foldâ€"have caused only in- dignant repudiation and sent scores of supporters into the open field to campaign for the Whitney cause. Whitney’s Great Temperance Work Sir James Whitney has been in office nine years. During that time he has kept pace absolutely with the wishes of the majority of the people in curbing the evils of the liquor traffic. So exemplary has been the enforcement of existing laws, so im- partial and exacting has been the con- trol of license holders as to win General Bocth’s compliment: “In this respect Ontario leads the world.” Whitney found an unworkable Lo- cal Option law and made it workable. Local Option has made four-fifths of Ontario dry. And it is safely and surely taking care of the other fifth. Whitney gave Temperance a vaIu- able weapon in the Canada Temper- ance Act which he made applicabie to Ontario’s needs. Whitney doubled the tax burdens on the liquor trade in nine yearsâ€"$620,123 to $1,240,945. Whitney’s service for Temperance reform has covered nine years of pro- gressive ACTION. Under Whitney’s rule, 1904â€"14, liquor licenses were reduced from 2,814 to 1.680. Decrease 1,214. On!y the voteé of the people of Op- tario stand between Mr. Row-e11 and the accomplishment of his scheme Mr. V’ilkie. Mr. Howell’s law part- ner, told tlw Breach-Canadians of North Ontario that Rowen would set- tle the bi-‘einguafiquestion as Sir W11- frid Laurie: setfled the school ques- tion. ._ ‘ On the day fonowing one of these speeches, the Toronto “Globe" came out franklv and adm tted that Regu- la tion Seventeen. “hi ch upholds En“ lish as the donfinant language \\ ould not bind Rowen should he be returned to power. Mr. Howell at New Liskvard, in Nipi Issing, Glengarry, Russell. Pres- cott and Essex deliberately told the French-Canadian audiences that he would endeavor to have English taught, but that at all costs the Freneh- Canadian’s right to his own mother tongue must be “retained." Accepting those threats as a politi- cal advantage to himself N. W. low- e11, the Liberal leader, framed an “an- nouncement" on the bi-lingual issue which balances gingerly between any possible offence to either English or French citizens. W’hat is the. Bi-linuual Issue? The \‘."hitney Government has dz}.- clared through Regulation Seventeen that no French-Canadian child shall be taught more French than is neces- sary to carry it until it receives a thorough education in the language of the country-â€"\\'hich is English. That regulation has stirred up mueh bitter hostility to the Whitney Govern- ment and brought down 011 Sir James‘ head the threats, of French-Canadian extremists. Rowell, His Supporters, and Law Partner Assure French-Canadians Language Claims Will be Met Rcweii’s service for Temperance Reform has covered thirty years of izoiiricai indifference or hostility and one year of catchocry. Rowel!’ party twice promised pro- hibitien and then threw the Temper- ance cause overboard. Rowell stuck fast to that party. He sticks to it to-day. And he has revived their plausible devices to put himself in power. No one has yet given a proof that Rowe'l is less insincere to-day than in 1902. ' fig A Bouoohold Remedy Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills HON. ADAM BECK the genius of the Hydro-Electric sys~ hem which the Whitney Government has carried to magnificent success. There are now over 70,000 custo mars. A vote for Rowell's candi- 96‘§§¢§§§§§§§§§§O§00009000 Q§§§¢¢§¢+§§§§§§¢§§§O§§O§§¢¢ 99999999 999999999990999999 9990909090090 0999999999990 ¢§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§O§¢§O¢¢¢§+ O¢+§§§§§§§§§§9990090909096 exactly meet the need which so often arises in every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all cases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cold or La Grippc by cleaning out the system and purifying the blood. In the same way they relieve or cure Biliousness. Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- atisxfi and vother conifhthâ€"éilments. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Mom's Indian Root Pills are 47 date 16 a vote to depose Beck. Open 1 Saturdays Only . A. ROWE OYSTERS AND FRUIT IN SEASON For a" kinds of Bakery Goods Cooked and Cured Meats. cu '. Viv, m '_. .r . Until further notice my stme will be closed every day in the. week except Saturday, when Great Bargains Will Be Given on All Stock Carried. I-‘ersons Owing me will kindly settle at once as I need the money Big Bargains in EVERYTHING E. A. ROWE’S M. GLASER 1 dnm south of Baum-ts Bakezv Gurafx': 'nxa St. Seven Canadians are included 11) gthe King’s “birthday honors.” The funeral of 160 victims of the Hillcrest collieries disaster was held Sunday afternoon. All but two of the bodies have been recovered from the mine. A com- mon funeral was held for all, ex- cept two, Whose bodies will be shipped to outside points. 1 50C bottle Palm Olive Sham- poo or Cream 95 cent value for 50 cents Onlv a limited number. Don’t be too . late. MACFARLANE 8: CO. Tn introduce two popular favorites next Friday and Saturday we wi!l give 3 15 ct. Cakes Palm Olive Soap Extraordinary Offer . . . . . Take one with yuu on your vacation. If you don’t knuw hnw to operate one we will teach you m a few xmnutes. Easy to learn. (‘mne and see. FROM $1 UP... KODAKS .. . Durh an: . A may h?- 3'3 The Rexall Store Confectioner and Grocer and SEVEN .

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