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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1914, p. 2

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FORTY ACRES adjoining the about six acre fairly good bu 3315‘) 1 3181181}: on prer‘. brie { }‘ ings; proper; mood t'nére is an (‘\('(11C‘nt hen-house. \\ 111 561} able price and tmm Eduard Burnett. J1. HEIFER, THOROUGH TH All persons -are warned agains‘. fishing. hunting, trapping: or tym- passing on the following proper- ties. and those found so doing will be prosecuted: Lots '2, 3 and 4. COD. 3, Bentinck: Lots 45 ,46. and ?. Con. 3, Old Survey, Bentinck: Lots 61, 62, 63, 64, Con. 3. New Survey. Bentinck.â€"W'. S. Mc- Cracken, W. Noble, G. Mighton. REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type ,or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 107, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6m All persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky Saugeen River crossing Lots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Con- cession, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and 32 and south half of Lot 30 in the 8nd Concession. Glenelg. Any- one found so doing will be proso- cuted according to lamâ€"James H. Spence. Toronto. 5 14tf DRTY ACRES OF GOOD LASD. adjoining the town of Qurhargz about six acrgs spft wool busi” fairlv good bulldmgs: a 55133) at $1206. $200 cash. balaxlce 1n Atehn annual payments of $100 eaci‘. with interest each year on Le N " Ci :al at 5 per cent. unp‘u‘d px‘mfll mm..nznx.. “Mn-p A Rd 'N :L'1'-Yi1t'd Buggv gum! :tsnew. Arm 1.. n- -c‘ I..-‘-'.‘ En quire THE SOFTH PORTION OF THE-I brick store and residence on East Garafraxa Street. Durham. occupied by Mrs. Beggs Son. For terms, apply to J. P. ’h Telford, Durham, Ont. o '25 CUlt‘ \o‘k‘. tlcul NL’M BE! lots at t} QIIIC (180 ON SUNDAY NIGHT, JUNE 25th, between McDonald’s liverv stilt:â€" A GOOD TWO-STOREY 'BRICK house; furnace, bath, water and electric lights; good garden and stable; will sell right and on reasonable terms; the owner is leaving town. Apply for infor-- \ mation at The Chronicle office. 'â€" bvu v vuav..â€"â€"v_ 1 pora'tion. Deterrhined to 5011 once. Easy terms. Apply on premises to John Wilson. 12 13 ,1 fvnrhvhemonbs of one incn. or less. 25 cents for first inserti , and Meant: for each ubsequent insertion. Over one inch and under "'0 inches, double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. L1 00D WBVVVVH -V-v- v__.._-e 1e and the cement works. a 14k gold watch. hunting case, ladies‘ size. The finder will be reward- ed by leaving it at The Chron- Farms for Sale. U). Eur Sale or Rent Spirella' Corsets Fishing Nntice LOT 53, CON :lg. contaxnms pmlses are nev- 1st Store Fur Sale easonable Durham. verett. Watch Lost dry Fur Saio .. €:â€"C." hr- .0 ° ' mcle (f ) f. ice 7 2 ° u1)d CO‘I‘D OOMY )OG 4 years old: also two sows ABOU are Ian middle of April. dle of May. A}.- ealey. Lots :2 and ,. 4 9 3})(1 \‘D FIVE ACBES .od garden. Well ’ other Hulsteln Copveyancer. issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rate-s. and terms to suit borrower. Fire :md Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds. Ivlurtgages. Leases and Wills. executed on shortest notice. All WfH‘k promptly attended to. a“? SMALL OD LLING on the 12 13 13*. 4'24 ti April. . AD- 23nd 9 3m] m er ‘J ice .1 2D FFIUE â€"Uvex- .3 P. Telfox-d’s office t) nearly opposite the Registry office. Hesxdence Second house south nt Regis: r'.‘ “flit-9 an east, side of Albert Stu-m4. (Ifiiz-v Homs 9-11 nan... 2-4 p. :1... 7-1) p. m. 'l‘nlephnne cmmmmicn- [inn Em: ween ulflme and residence at U short distance But of Knapp’s Hotel f 'muoton Street, Lower Town. Durban. tfiiw hours from 12 to 2 o’clock )0 3112;. mud to 50119:: S. ate :5 331” {an i)?! Y: KHAN AND SCRG EON, OF- L five in the New Hunter Block. _ Oflicg Drs. lamieson 6:. lamieson. \FFICE AND RESIDENCE A SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Public Building Dur- ham. Ont. will be received at this office until 4.00'P..\I., on Monday. July :20. 1.014. for the construction of the building mentioned, Plans. specification and form of Contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of Messrs. Forster Clark. Archi- tects. Owen Sound, Ont.: )Ir. T'hos. Hastings. Clerk of Works, Postal Station “F”. Yonge St., Toronto. Ont.. the Postmaster, Durham Ont. and at this Department. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of resi- dence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of res- idence of each member of the firm must be given. :. ii. Hutton, 74.13., C. M. Each tender must be accompan- ied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the. order of the Honourable the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.C.l of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to com- plete the work contracted for. h‘ the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. The Department does not itself to accept the lowest or tender. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, June '27. 1.014. Newspapexs will not be paid Ior this adxertisement if they insert it without authority from the De- partment. 7 '2 2 SOMETHING A B U U '1‘ " BLACK- HEADS.” Cleanliness and care will remove blackheads: in time. Steam the face {wk-e a Week’ by wriu. ing out cloths in not, water and laying them over the face. but not over the eyes. When the skin reels soft and moisL, remove the cloths and pass the tips of the fin- gers over the places that. have black- heads. pressing firmly, to remove as many as po§sible. -"v â€"â€" vâ€" __, .*t010 A. m. to4p. m. and? :09 fiwial ;-t.wntiou gixen to diseases men and chiidren. Residence 0p - "resbvterian (Thin-(4:. Tlien abply cloths wet. in hot witch Medical Directorv. Dr. Arinur Gun, m. 0. GRANT. D. I: SPECIALIST : EAR“ THROAT 8:. N0 3 V , J SHARP I’d-l 1/1 R. C. 'DESROCHERS. anfigf By oxjder. Ear Nose and Throat 1‘- Huhn Hone». . ,u-mhm- [(3. Dt-v. Londo 071’ch 863}. I'm-t Y 'WN Q-mnd pm nalmic and Nose Mm Secretary. Heb 'UH' SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NQRTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old; may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in oerson at the Dominion Lands tgency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not cub-agent), on certain conditions. Duties.-â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles )1 his homestead on a farm of at .east 30 acres, on certain condi- zions. A habitable house is re- 4uired in every case. except when ‘esidence is performed in the Vicinity. ' In certain districts 3 home- «teader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- ».ide his homestead. Price $3 per mm. Dutiesâ€"Six months resi- Jence in each of six years from iate of homestead entry (includv .02 the time required to earn nom'estead patent: and 50 aux-es extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is sub- met to reduction in case of rough. ~crubby or stony land. W. W. CORY" Deputy of the Ministvr of the Interior. N.B.~-~Unuuthorized publication ;! :hls advertisement will not hw- A homesteader who has exhaust-i :d his homestead right and cannot l Jbtain a pre-emp'tion may take. a: uurcnased homestead in certainfi districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut-! earâ€"Must reside six months in? each of three years, cultivate 5'." acres and erect a house Worth; TENDERS will he received by the undersigned up to nmm ”f the 6th day of July, 1914, for the right to cut the Red and White Pine timber on Be; ths 1 B 1 C. and 1 D, in the Mississaga Forts: Reserve tributary to the n'u‘th shore of Lake Huron, each Berth (:(mtaining an area of 36 square miles, more or less. For maps and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned or the Crown Timber Agents at Thessa- lon. Sault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and Sudbury. $3M; Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines. Toronto, April 18th 1914. .\ ..B '-.\o unauthoxized publica- ti on of this notice will be paid for. 6 4 5 301 I Parties making tender will be '1‘equired to deposit with their ten- :‘der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasuim of ithe P1ovince of Ontario for $25,- !000, 00 to 1emain on deposit as secu1ity for the carrying out of ithe conditions of their tender. Tendurs for A‘lan River W'ood Limit TENDERS will be rcceiVod by the undersigned up to and includ- ing Wednesday, the 15th of July next for the. right to cut tics from Spruce. Balsam, Banksian or Jack Pine, :Poplar and W‘hitewood trees seven inch-es and upwards in di- ameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a tie preservâ€" ing plant for a period of twenty- one years from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Crown tributary to what is known as the Allan W'ater River, tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way in the District of Thunder Bay. Tenderers shall state the amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the croxxn dues of $2 per thousand feet board meas- ure for anything not manufactured into ties, and for ties at the rate of 5c. each, or such other rates as mav from time to time be fixed bV the Lieutenant- Goveinm in Coun- cil. \ Such tenderers shall be required to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties, or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant Gov- ernor in Council a tie preserving plant. aid The highest or any tender not negessarily accepted. For particular-s as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., apply to the undersigned. W. H. HEARST, Ministers of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, Ontario, 27th April, 1914. 6 4 6 751 halts]. This will Citllae the empty pores tu cuuLl'm'L. 1f the face feels 501'! after the U'L‘ntlucuL. apply a little soothing cream. Do not steam the face more than Lwice a week. “fishing on alternate nights with hot, Water and liquid glee“ soap and rinsing thoroughly first in hoL and then in cold water, will help to eliminate the blackheads. Apply a aoothing cream afterward, to allay the irritation. IL is important, Lo rinse the face in cold water after it has been washed and rinsed with hot water The cold water will keep the skin firm. Timber Sale THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. EV. H. HEARST: SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un-dersi ned, and endorsed “Tender for upplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings,” will be _re- oeived at this office until 4.00 P. M., on Monday, Jply 6, 1914, for 1â€"1. A ion. the supply of c'oa1__for"th-e ‘Publi :Buildin-gs throughout the Domin ' LU]. ' I .5. ~d Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained on ap- plication at this office and from the caretakers of the different Dominion Buildings. Persons tendering are .notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied. and signed with their actuai signatures. R. C. DESROCHERS. Secretary. Department of Public 'Works. ‘Ottawa. June ‘2. 1914. Newspapers will “not be paid for this advortisememt it they insert it without authority from the De- partment. ' (fri'cy. executor of ti‘ Testament of the their Christian and dresses and descri} particulars of their statement of their In the matter of the estate Jumps Carson, late of the Tm :urhum in the County of ' (j<_)nst:1blc. deceased. 5.07] 1(3373 is hereby given ;. um tn The {evised Statutes u distribute the asset c 'use-d among the thereto. having re the claims of which haw Notice. and t haw noticv. and that the said Executor Will not he 'liuhlo {01' the said assets or any part thereof to any person 01"1)ersnns of Wh'JSt‘ claims-1 notico shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this "' th (111v ' Juno, .-\.D. 1914. \4 Arthur H. Jackson. Executm'. Durham. Ont. TINY In the matter of the estate of Matthew John Davis. late of the Township of (.Henelg‘ in the (3mm- tv of Grey, Farm-er, deceased. NOTICE 1s hereby given pursu- ant to The Revised Statutes of 011- tario. 1914, Chapter 1:21, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Matthew John Davis. who died on or about the 19th day of March 1.014, are. required, on or before the 3lst day of July A.D. 1914.1 to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mary Ann Davis, or GCO.K1‘€SS. the executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames. ad- dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statemert of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the. assets of the dc.- ce ased among the parties entitled there to having regard only to the claims of \\ h1ch they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been receix ed by them at the timt o1 such distribution. Dated up Durham this 27th day of June, AJ). 1914. 7‘24 In me sauna way that children‘s ulmmlmu xs L'ccen'mg Lhc study and antenna“ of great minds, the more UlllllUch Luuugll unruly 1c» nnpurL- am. matter: 01 clumiug and hygiene are likewise syswmatwully cuusmcr- ed. Little girls are no longer encumber ed wun numeruus pettuzuzus and “ounces that, however pruty in efi'ecL must. bmrwly hampered the playing of games and a Lhumvgh enjoyment, of llfc 111 general“ The rumper 51111. with its full kmck- c1 ouckus, louacl) 1114111: blouse and ath skin ut seuaible blue serge, is 1111110“. Luc 1111ifu1111 aLtire of thee 11111111- en £10111 six to L“ elm: ye'cus of 11g With these serge suits, at, the pres- ent; season, a warm coat of not too heavy it make, is a necessity, and with this to complebc the scheme the every day Wear is made as practical and cumformble as possible. Just the Luiug [or the modern little girl was seen Lne other day In one of the shops. IL was carried out in brown covurt, suitings, the waterproof kind, cut on very straight lines with yoked Notice. to Credituz's HUMI’ERS FUR LITTLE (HRLb‘. ". n d “nice 10 ( [maiturs I further take w" notice the lust mentioned (latc- Ex..ecut0:'s will proceed hate the assets of the 11-9 of UN .1 by them. fly order Mary Ann Davis, Ebordale 10. Um George hrcss‘ f A.D. 191-1.: to id or deliver Jackson. of m in the Count ul‘ the last Will he said deco: an d s u 1'11 zume s , scriptions. the Durham P.O., Um 1 11: that IWUWP~Q tututes of 03.- 121, that 1111 having“ claims ~0f the said ()1 (1 luims. eununtS I securities l '5‘ shall [11 ( J '1') 13‘ (1‘00 ’11.“ ()1) SRS. retm'y, s. I n ‘ I aid .‘II' )l'( :e of mm of th 'I’ fqr. t1 th 1t lmdivc New and straps, r'vvvrse and (-ufi’s of brown velvvt. tho. large home. human; also 1wing of hmwn in a shade snnwwhat lighter than the velvet. Annthvr was nmdenf purmefnced (-lnth. with :1 lung lilw «m the 51mm]- dm's. thv vaku Ewing: r-m'x-ivd (m tn the (film's. Hu- 3' upper pat-1 Hurry In my svm-lvt l'M'm- has l'nrnkcn (ml, lwx-v. lint. lmpu it will spread nu further. .The fzu'lnm-s ah- lhnnkful fur the ruins wv have had in the. past wwk. as the crops are nnw lnnking good. A number of the natives of flux lnn'g 11ml: in Mr. Pal; (lul'fcy’s 1':tisin;.rl:1s11 week. The men on the winning: side left hvfnw. the (.thm' side was half «lnnv. and it was thought; l’m' n time that tin) hnrn wnnid have to be left partly raised. It, is a. poor Way to lvmw the barn half linishod, as it. is rlw mnn who is having: the building m-«wlvd who suffers and nut the losing side. The young: pvnp'w :n-nund attended tho dance huld at Mr. Prylo’s after the raismg‘ 1:151 wevk. A. I11g11 1111111I1111'11f 'I11111111'111I11h11r11 11111k in the 1’1111111111' \ :1II11_V ~1 11001 piv- 11i1 1111 I 1i1I:1\ 111' Inst \V111k.TI111\ :1“ 11411111 :111 em: 1.1 1II1.111t ti11111. 'II111 I11111tI1s \\ 11111 wull 11:11.1 (1111/1111 I11 1I111 11x eming :1 111111011 was I'111l11 1111 311. Alex. McIn- t11sI1‘s 1111111115115. Quito :1 1111111I1111'11f 11111 \‘11111111111115 :1111I Iassies \1111111d'111':1y 1.1111 evenings; 111111 they also 1'11p11xt 11 gnnd time. A number of ladies and gentlunwn amended the puliticul rimming in the. Luwn hall (m Saturday evening. M 1'. Railing? and Mr. ()stldul‘ gave Very guild addresses. Mnmlay was elvetion day and a hot, day it was for some people in Ben- tinck. If people can talk temperance :mytiim' and then (in nut stick tn tin-iv principle of talking. they are rather pnur tenmm-nnccpeople \Ve iwlieve svvcx-al had small sums laid (lawn fnx- wither men and were hzully dis-imminLHl at the result, of the elec- i101]. The annual picnic of the Lntmm S. S. was held in Mr. Uolin Molntosh’s grove on Saturday afternoon of last week. The weather turned out very poor for a picnic. but in spite of the damp. (301d weather a large crowd from Chatsworth, \\"illi:unsford, Pop- ular Valley. Moggie and other place-S attended. An exocllent lunch was served from 5 to 7 p.11). The booths and also tho three swings were Well patronized. After seven the children had a number of rum's. each one doing his or her best to win. A baseball game and also a fomlmll umtch was to game and also a football match was (0 have taken place, but on account, of the thunder stm'm were postponed till some future time. A numbed of puuple tank in the sports :tL Ht xwkclcy Lou 5v, Owen Sound and H mm er (m the ‘1" 111%. Z] TH E TORONTO I DURHAM BRANCH," John Kelly, . D U M: AN EXPOSE BOSS RULE HOW a political czar, grown rich through the graft made possible by his power, is dethroned by his own daughter for whom he is seekâ€" ing a position in high society, is interesifn gly told in our new serial 'ing the battle of the people, Wins the love of the daughter and event- ually defeats the boss. First E“ " Be Sure ta 23:3 ©F' @WA Ayoung editor, fight- A True and Interest- tné Tale of Currr ' ‘ American Lifeafld “2 889.»..ng ”Waugh. 1H. ) H. rlw Kit from. N(_)( ‘H. {S l'n'ukcn 5E {N Palm At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. ' ' THE CHRONICLE will be sent hr Subscnptlon any address. tree of postage, to; Rates . 0 $1 “Opt-r year. payable in advance â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. 'l‘be dam- to which ever) ~ubewription is paid. is denoted by the number or the address label. No paper div continued to all arrears are paid. exam! at th! option of the proprietor. Advertising For transxent . advertmemente cents per line for the first meet Rates tion ; 3 cents per line each subtle quent insertion minion measure. Professions cards.not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annua- Advernsemems without anocifu‘ directions wi? be published till forbid a! J changed accordingly Transu-at n0!l(‘es-"‘L( m. ":Fnund.‘ "For Saie. etaâ€"50 cents for first insertion. 2.": cents for one! subsequent insertion. IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE Alladvertismueuts urdered by strangers man be oaid for in adVance ContraCI rates for yea-nay mlwrusemants fur mshed on application to thv utfice. ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe. economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. E uneral Director DURHAM. ONT. Full line of (hum and White Caps 1' Mr. M. Kw.“ has opmu-d :1. : at the war of The fm-niim'v 5 rum!) and is prepm'vd h) (14' kinds uf tinsmithing. New Clothing For Men and Boys UNDERTAKING 0001' Knuth hincksmi! h Rugs. Oiicloths Window Shades Lace Curtains and all Househoid Furnishings Undwrmking IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING EDWARD K HESS Emu»): AND memu'mu H Embalming a Specialty See us when you need any- New hunts and Shoes Just in Mid upencd out this week from the 159% Make nfhoth lines. Cmuv and will try thing m our line. “’9 U\‘\' H.“ rher S} . L. GRANT YINSMITHENG \V. IR‘NIN 211772111: )MS 110116 to please you. AND July 2, 1914., p1 31- New .\‘2 ‘ 11885

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