West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1914, p. 8

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Flower offerings as tokens of love. 'respect or condolence have existed al- 3 O i , 1 000 young wntb severa' 0f a girl use his rivals. y 'ways. In old-fashioned novels the gflnancinl h hCro took a nosegay to his fair one, ff'ffmth“ (Pf. ..A-‘. A *mex mummmmwwaxwwe’e ,1 8 Large Sales â€"- Small Profit: )1“; but with the march of time the custom has-reached an extravagant point. and the youth of the day often deems it wiser to refrain from expres~ing his admiration in flowers. rather than en- dure the mortificaticn of sending an inferior bouquet. But if men under- stand how much flowers mean to most wumen, and the efiect on the recipient of even a modest crrsage bouquet. thev would take heart. Gir's like flofi-ers early in the game, and nften. See our New Stock of E T. Corsets. See mu- New Stuek of Clnth “'9 can take yum memme and hue 3 Suit finished in a week. See our Ne“ Stock of 7-313 in Pailette Sila in all colors 81 per yard. A fine display in plain and striped. in pretty patterns. A fine stud; of the celebra- ted Andvrsnn Gi‘ngi‘mns 1n varied patterns. 1013 per yrd. Scotch Gingham Reminders Departmental Store Gatatia Our stock is very l arge and embracing all the newest designs in the neatest patterns. Bring us the length and breadth of the room and the height of the ceiling, and select the paper and we will giveymi the correct quantity trimmed. We cordi- ally in Vite you to have a look through them. 17x: per yard 3000 young man who was in ti ' With several richer suitors for the hand [of a girl used to luxury. outdistanced this .-.v..1s. yet kopt within reasonable [financial hounds. EVery day “'fnr . months the girl received 4 few flu wen-s of some sort, and was first impressed and finally won by his constancy and thoughtfulness. Over and over the popular debutante has been heard to ally. “\Vhat a IOVelv box of flowers, but why did be send so many ? I really don’t believe we have vasvs enough to hold them. and I certainly can’t wear them all.” A fashion obtained this winter. Artificial flowers were Sent instead of those grown in' hot houses. "How much nicer.” said our fortunate ‘ French sisters. "to have suvh flgwexs. See our new stock of shoes all made in the newest de- signs on easy fiitting lasts at reasnpab'le pricws. See our fine stock of Lino- lmuns. Irish Dress Linen._36 inches wide. 30c per yard. In newest designs artisical- 1y fillishé‘d. made by skilled Canadian \Vo‘rkmen. Canadian Ginghams Reminders Irish Linen 100 per ya rd resident of Petrolea. was electrocuted within a stone’s-throw of his home. Seeing a wire wound around a tree ap- parently he went to investigate when he received the fatal shock. Try McKechnies’ pure soap Try Star of India Tea 25c per pound: Try Bostén Luxury Coffee Select Biscuits and Cakés from the best makers. The lighting by-law was defeated in Kincardine. Fort Loramie, 0. “After treatment by three doc- tors without result, I have been :cured of a. very bad case of Rheumatism bg using two bottles of RBeUMA.- t is now two years since I used _the remedy, and I- A1... . “Why some ministéi'éflzir-za delegatws who came down to attend the Conven- tion, but I know they didn’t ger. it.” A fine stock of colored lawns and muslins. from 100 to :50 per yard. “Who were your companions on the train 2” asked the Constable. \V. Dinwoodie of Proton, who ar- rived at Toronto by C.P.R. express at 11.58 a. m. on Thursday, reported to Constable Sutherland at the Union Station that on the-way down he lost $96. “I had $100 when I purchased my ticket at Proton and when I step- ped off the train here I had only five canto.” In all the newest designs in the neatest patterns. 15c per yard. - â€"â€"~vâ€"â€"v‘v- A fiandsomeli mquthdReexly Lat ~ .7. _ _ , . . eh m culancn of any scxcncmc journal. Tefi'mg cfm C.znada.$;;."r’)a ear - ' ' ‘ 3}! I! e“? 5104mm? o POWISB Prepaid. Sold 2., Such téstimmny should be con- vincing. 50 cents of M'acfarlane Co., guaranteed. Dolly-Varden am still as Well as ever, Previous- ly, I was ‘a cripple, Walking with crutches.” I’m ‘ Efcmws - Cswvmcurs sac. Anvonqsending a sketch and dowcr'nflnn may quickly n'sccrtzrin our opinion free '. nether no mute-mint: is probably :Ltentame. Communica- ff"»?‘.3$‘1fictIYCfinfldCXItralo FANCCUUK on P3101118 am; 1:90. L‘Hest agency for soc-Lung patent J. Mums. taken through Mann 5: Co. receive spatula: novice, without. charge, 1:: the - AA. Judge Barhorst was Relieved of . MESHGMYS Sanford 9f Toronto, Rheumatism After Doctors 15 “51741113 her aunt, Mrs. Crutch- 1 Failed. leY- .. ' If you have tried many other . . remedies and doctors’ treatments 0111?; findt 1511:”- Dav -~Ior Rheumatism amd found thev Mrs ‘ L 13139 «e Iailed, do not be 'skeptical about ' e me. trying RHEUMA’. Read the testi- 210113,. of Judge John Barhorst of, Mn. R‘ichatgson‘ A’ VALUE OF RHEUMA FROM COURT. with s'atin 5:815th most meridians, as the flnwers were wonderfully real and scented like the v blossoms they represented. They were often preseqted in pretty baskets tied __A.-I, - .M'i§s Watson laxtmmz her nie of Motherwell iS‘ ce Mrs. McIlraithJ MP8- p natty-Inga :n -..-__ no 699094 Harry Miles, aged 35, single and a Fmfig mi E? mm? HUI. Will me Emma infinna A8 _A“ Rem mders "l‘pig Parisian fad suited the ‘ ashdmus, as pbe flnvyerfs were fl I! u TOUCHED ON TRAIN. Muslins Crepe Cloth -1DLAl1‘.-In Toronto, on Friday. June 26, Charlotte Bailey, wue of Robert Adlam, Hanover, aged 51 years. S'RASBY.â€"‘In“ Normanby, Thurs- day, July 2, 1914, Harry Grasby. aged 27 years, 16 days. ‘ A fine of fifty dollars was the pen- alty irflicted 011 Howard Fletcher in the ("mmty Criminal Court at; the (‘ity Hall, Tm-nntn, the nther day, for circulating immnral pictures. Fletcher who nails from Napnnee, was a news- boy on the C. P. R., and according to County Crown Attorney Greer, the w: mg of indecent pictures tr.) passeng- er.» nu the train is quire a lucrative all-Aline that, the hays have. LAUDER.â€"In Durham, on Saturâ€" ééyajqne '27., to Mr. and Mrs. A. “-I v - I ., LU -VJul'o a.“ u *‘L‘ a. ‘1' W. H. Lander, 3 son, John For- rester. WHITTAKER.â€"In West Toronto, on June '24, to Mr. and. Mrs. Grant Whittaker, 139 Ma'v'ety St, a daughter. Nearly a block east of Where Bur- bank’s corpse lay was found the other body. The police believe he shot Burbank in an attempt tOi rob him and that Burbank .returned the fire. A duel to the death with revolâ€" V813 occurred shortly before two oclock‘ Sunday morning between John T. Burbank, president and tieasuier of the Mintz Hardware Co., Detroit, and an unidentified man. Burbank was found dead )gith several bullets in his body. New regulations respecting for- eigh decorations such as orders and medals have been issued by the Imperial Government. One :‘rovision is that no person in the service of the Crown as Well as no British subject, may wear the insignia of any foreign order without having previously obtainâ€" ed His Majesty’s permission. Gold cloth vuestlm-ents, valued at $4,000, the . property of Bishop Ibl'athoiu, who is on a Visit to Rome, were stolen on Saturdav from Holy Rosary Cathedral, Re- gma. The Prince of Wales showed himself a capable soldier at Saturday’s sham fight at Alderslmt marching many miles and doing scout work. A tablet in the Nippur collection at the Association of Pennsylvania is said to establish for all time. the innocence of Eve and the guilt of Adam. ‘ The Anchor Line steamer Cali- fornia, with 400 passengers, ran ashore off the Irish coast. Mr. Douglas Munro of Eyebrow. Sask., left yesterday morning for the west. Mrs. Munro accompan- ied him as far as Toronto. but will return and prolong her visit here for a few Weeks before gc~ ing west. ' ' Mrs. Colville left Tuesday to spend two weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Barberuat Toronto, be- fore leaving to visit with the difâ€" ferent members of her family in the west. She expects to be ab- sent for two months. Mrs. D. Greenwood and daughter Miss Clara, left Tuesday morning for Hartnvey, Man” Where they in- tend to spend some time Visiting the former’s brother, Mr. Wm. Jasper and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons and lit- tle daughter, Maxine, of Milverton. sp‘ént Dominion Day with her mother, Mrs. David Allen. Mr. John Crutchley of Tornoto was in t-OWn for a "few days since last issue and took advantage of the occasion to mark his ballot for one of the candidates. Wm. Sharp, Thos. Bannon and Albert Thompson. all of Artemesia, were in town Tuesday and gaveius a brief call. " SOLD [M MORAL PICTURES. Misses May and Susan McClock- lin are home from Toronto on their vacatllo‘n. v uuAAVU Binnie, at Parry Smindfu Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson and faimilyJ-eft yesterday for Hano- ver. where they intend to reside. Mrs. Crowther. of Chatsworth, is visiting rher parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Aljoe, Sr. M'r. Wm Stratford- Mrs. P. few davs DIED. BORN. ii-‘éfieé L. 0. L.’No. 1192 will celebia’ce the Battle of the Boyne in Markdale on Miss Bertha Watson Sund 1 yed with her friend, Miss Ella McFadden. _W'e extend our congratulations to Miss Bertha Hooper and'Mr. Gordon Geddes, Who were joined heart and hand 13,31; W'ednesday. June 24th. L. O. L. No. 1192, Glenelg, held their garden party on Mr. James Hopkins’ lawn on June 26th, and it was a decid ed success. Many thapks are due to Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins for their kind hospitality and use of their home and beéptifsllgrougzds- - Miss Mime Whitmme, teacher, near gullingtonnis now home for her hol-. 1 (NS The rain of last week has been much appreciated and has brought back the green shade to‘egergpping. Arthur Sla-den, secretm'g,7 to the Duke of Connaught, says there is ab- solutely no foundation for the stcry appealing in Reynold’s Newspaper that the Duke will succeed Lord Aber- deen as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. . John Black, an aged farmer. living retired in Guelph. died of excitement; in Mayor Cartel": committee room on hearmg of the candidate’s ejectiun. \V. J. Kennedy of Toronto. vas drowned out of a canoe at \V’inder- mere, Muskoka. Judgment for $65,380 was given in a Montreal case over a contract. \V. J. Kennedy of Toronto. was Mrs. James. Murdoch, 717 \Vaterloo street, London, is over 100 years old. Inquiries received at, the Canadian National Exhibition offices from Iowa. Wisconsin. and the PrairieProvinces, as well as from nnmeious points new!» er home, indicate that this will be the greatest live stock year the National Exhibition has ever known. VY VY‘ The Rob Roy Cereal Mil-ls Co. We are paying from 38c to 400 for good Oats at our elevator. Chépped Corn Chopped Corn and Oats ‘Chopped Oats ‘ Crushed Oats Smith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Feed - Seed Oats - If you want Feed call and see us our prices will please you. we have a good stoek of all kinds of Feed hand, including“: that one or two teaspoonsful taken for a. week 01‘ ten davs will run. Ha» Practicallv the same and feel depressed the chances are that is inactive and \ on need A Carlsbad Treatment at Home CARLSBAD SPRINGS are txhe"most celebrated in the world for Liver Tro'ubles. Every year thousands a MC VVILLIA MS. Feed ! Feed! Feed! Icauy the same formula, as (..'arlsbad Water WE PERSONALLY GUARANTEE LIVER SALTS Oatmeal Millers. - __-‘_.- gavvtlvlo Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. McFadden'spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hann. Mr. and Mrs. \V.J. Wilson of Beeth- ville spent Friday with their niece, Mrs. James Hopkins, and took in the garden party at: night. Ddbllraay, July 11th. The C.P.R. will run a special train through from Walkerton to Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bothwell and family of Alberta. are spending a cou- ple of months with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hfopgr. _ ‘tm .._3 ‘f_, '1'? 1' I. Sdturday, July 11th. The C.P.R. Fur further particulars apply In Capadian Pacific‘Ticket: Agent o_r write M. G. Murphy: Ry., Toronto. vvwv 11)., arriving Winnipeg second day. Ontario Express N », 8 leaves Win- nipeg 9.2.5 p.m. and arrives Toronto 5.15 [3.11). daily except Tuesday. Toronto-Vancouver Express No. 3 leaves Toronto 5.55 p.111. dmly. Vancouver-Toronto Express No. 4 arrives Toronto 11.45 21.111. daily. Ma.nitoba._Express No. 7 leaves To- mnto daily 5xcept Sunday 10.50 p. m... arriving Winninpg gar-and Amy â€"â€"â€"_Betweenéâ€"_ Montreal, Toronto, Detroit. Chicago. Via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Railroads via Michigan Central Gigantic Steel Tubes between Windsor and De.- t-roit. Leaving Montreal, 8.45 a.m.; Toronto 6.10 p.111., arriving Detroit, 12.35 3.11). and Chicago 7.45 a. in. daily. Equally good service returning. Through Electric. Lighted Equip- menu. New Limited Train Segfi Toronto - Winnipeg - Vancouver

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