_____________.â€" PORTY ACRES OF GOOD LAgVu adjoining the town of Durham: ’ ' es goft Wood bush: fairlv g6od buildmgsz a snap at in ten $1206. $200 cash. balance annual payments of $100 each. With interest each year on the unpaid prin ’ cipal at a per cent. Enquire at The (‘hx-unicle uffice. 7 -) 3 nd ____________________.._7 53156 LOT 53, LON. 3.1i. U. n" Glenelg. containing 106" acres: on premises are new fume barn. brick house, sheds and out‘build- 311958; running stream through prOperty: abon.’ 10 acres hard- wood bush. rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on NOV. lst 1.013. For further puz- ticul'trs. apply on premxses to Mrs John Staples. Rural Route No. 1, Durham. Ont (LN-nah; I1 Spil‘c I lit Corsets REMEMBER THE FAMOYS SPIR- ella Corset; .any size, type Qr price; with' perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels; positively hygenic.. Not sold in stores. : rs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- . resentat'n'e, Box 101', Durham. Ontario. . 4186111 All persons are warned against? trespassing for fishing on thew Rocky Saugeen River crossing' Tots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Con- oussion, Glenelg; also Lots Nos. :31 and 32 and south half of Lot 30 in the 2nd Concession, Glenelg. Any- one found so doing will be proso- cnted according to laW.â€"â€"James H. Soence, Toronto. 5 14tf \ Evartiumonts u hsecgnent i334 an; soft water, barn . 02111; sheds. etc. Apply to £82151; m- to A. E. Jackson. urhan1 91' to A. THE SOUTH PORTION OF THE". brick store and residvnco on That Gnrafraxa Street. Durham. A HOOD T\‘\'()-S’l‘(‘)HlZY BRH‘K house: furnac-v. lmtli. Water and elm-mic lights: good garden and stuNe; will sell right and 1111 reasonable terms: the â€\1'1101' is SEALED TENDER addressed to Mating town. shawl); fur â€mm", the undersigned and endorsed mutmn :1: The th-nmclc- 1‘3me 13,"T011der for Public Building Dur- 'lmm. Ont†\\ ill be received at this â€W ' i ' ' :office until 4.00 RM. on Mondax. \Yatch Lost. Tulv 20.1914 for the construction 7 of the building mentumcd. ON SUNDAY XIGHT. JUNE 25th, between McDonald's liverv Sta}:- le and the cement Works a 14k gold watch hunting case ladies size. The findei “ill be 1e“ ax d- A GOOD HOUSE. (,‘ENTRALLY located. by AugUSt 1. \Viil pay :1 good rent for suitable dWelling. Apply to J. W.,E\\'e'n. Durham. 79 Farms for Sale. In the matter of the estate oi Matthew John Davis. late of the Township of Gl-enelg in the Cunn- tv of Grey. Farmer, deceased. ' NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to The Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1914. chapter 1:31, that all. creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Matthew John Davis. who died on or about the 19th day of March 1914. are required. on or before the 3lst day of July A.D. 1.014. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mary Ann Davis, or Geo. Kress. the executors of the last Will and Testament of the said' deceased. their Christian and surnames. ad- dresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims. the statemert of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any. held by them. EaSt Garafraxa Street. occupied by Mrs. B Son. For terms. apply Telford, Durham, Ont. ed bx leaxing it at The Chron- icle office. '.'_ :21) And further take notice that after the last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereot to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this 27th day Of June, :X.D. 1.914. . h __0. Ill Notice to Creditors 1C .0 D Eu. '-‘ nerches of ' .â€" u) seeded down mt?) L good bri'-k house; h {or Sale or Rout 'Sth‘ For 5 \Vanted to Rent “] FOOMY D‘W ELLE“ #{LRADUL ATE of London I larva enough to 11995 \J’ York qm; qzhgmm -*. com enipntlv situan‘ d "an“, o. Fâ€. E" No†“a Throat puHic works: ne-‘W'IV Ghee--1 \\'ill be ï¬t the Hahn â€on"; . ; cheap rent. Apply tOgg†Um. m. Nnvmnhm- 16. “W. .ntv. -0. Durham 632;}1Hm5.1,4“;me v-â€" men. or less, 25 can“ for ï¬rst. inset-ti tad 10 can" for h . m at; of 0!“) web and under two inches, double the above insertion. For Sah \V ‘if';-Cvï¬â€˜ronic'le office.§ 7 ‘3 3nd} .11 Durham 'hm‘c h Bf the GOOD ygxp “ww‘éï¬w Ann ngi53 2:10 S! 01111101) 5 acres ' gqod :h um- hard I'L' ha mi. {ti )(Hl THE sole head or a family, or! any ,male over 1'8 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- :OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A ‘, toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. short distance Out of Knapp’s Hotel, L The 8 'ca t - ' Lamb ton Street, Lower Town. Durham ,- person 1;?“ tie Haggainiggpefgndg- vtiice hours from 13 to 3 o'clock FFIL'E-Over J P. Telford’s ofliCe. nearly opposite the Registry i nï¬lve. HUMLIEIICB Second house south u! i\'v;.:l~ll“~ “flicwm east side of Albert Sti'vvz. (liliv'c- Hams 9-11 ;t.m.. 2-4 p. m.. T-‘J p. ill. Telephone (:mmmmicw than lu-‘Wm‘n “iii"e and I't‘Sidt‘llUt' at .«i hwm-s. , Arthur Gun, m. 0. .‘ oursicmx AND SURGEON, or E \gen-cy or Sub-Agency for the; ‘lDistrict. Entry by proxy may be‘ made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agent), on certain conditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homee ateader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at east 80 acres. on certain condiâ€" ‘ions. A habitable house is re wired in every case. except when residence is performed in the vicinity. D FFIL'E~â€"-0ver J P. Telford’s oflice nearly opposite the Registry nfl’ive. Healdetwe Second house south mt Kvgifll'x nflicwm east side of Albert Sn-m-X. Uï¬ivv Hmns 9-11 a.m.. 2-4 p. m.. 7-9 p. :12. Telephone cmmmmica- {inn hwu'ceu ufï¬'re and residence at ml hwlu'S. , [1' due in the New Hunter Block. 0am wars, 5 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 :05 p. m. Special attention gjvex; t0 disdasee of mama and children. Residence op )asite Presbvterian Church. Late AIL-Halal)! Hay. Imudm- Upbtnalmic 809' 3112;. and to Gallon Sq Throat and Nose Hue SPECIALIS T : --'.‘°,;'£. :AR, THROAT NOSE Miceâ€"Over hm .1 ty of Toronto. ““ng Dental Ngrgeou Demistry m 31': i Humte‘m Ccnveyancer. 2 ~ Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ; th} Money to loan at lowest ratesï¬h‘) and terms to suit borrower. Fix-egg and Life Insurance placed in thor- ; {11‘ «mgth reliable compnaies. Deedsmi†Murtgages. Leases and W1113,’;Of executed on shortest notice. Allm1 work promptly attended t0. 15th Plans. specification and form 0. Contract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of Messrs. Forster Clark. Archi- tects. Owen Sound, Ont.: Mr. T‘hos. Hastings, Clerk of Works, Postal Station “F". Yong-e St., Toronto. Ont., the Postmaster, Durham Ont. and at this Department. J F GRANT, 1),] mm“ ‘-~*RAhUA'e Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed fo‘rms supplied, and signed with their actual signatures, stating their occupations and places of resi- uence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of resâ€"- idence of each member of the firm must be given. Bach tender must be accompanâ€"I led by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pa) able to the order of the Honourable the Minâ€" ister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.\ of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to com- plete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itselt~ to accept the lowest or an} tender. Department of Public Works. Ottawa, June 27, 1914. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisemeqt if they insert it without authority from the Deâ€" partment. 7 :2 2 Oflicq Newspapers will not be paid for, And further take , notice that! this advertisement if they inset-tiafter the last mentioned date the it without authority from the Deâ€" said Executors will proceed to partm-ent. 722,distribute the assets of the de-l ;ceased among the parties entitled ..._.__......____.. ;thereto. havingh regard only to - . . . the claims of w ich he 'shall then \‘ 31111118 have notice. and tbs: the said] - - ~- :Executor Wil not liable for ALL PERSOBS ARE HEREBY 30-. . ‘ tified that trespassing on the Egeaia;dp:§:s oorrgegzogirgftgfï¬gg: National Portland Cement Com- claims notice shall not have been' pany’s old track between the? -, . r. ‘ . Base Line and Wilder’s Lake is‘tm‘ggtriblgtidl? at the time of strictly prohibited. Any person . .. s - , ‘ . - Dated at Durham this 2cth day found treSpasmng on this prop “J“ , AD. 1914. ‘ _ “v ‘_ erty will positively be prosecut- full extent of the“ law: _ ~ _Arthur H. gflfég: ~ ‘wfl-r.’ ' \URHAM 0)"! Denial Direcfovz C P.. LONDON. ENG w. J. SHARP I P zegforu Lu. 1.†If! ('1 l.t‘:t1l\ ml), with â€I“ DR. BflRT. 5 Jackson {’L' BLIC. (.30 ‘~5 Dentist R. C. ’DESRO'CB'LERS, tu Luau. 153w A general tum I) )1? BY 91318;. 5139' c Owns" Sound 8r :ztar 10 32201168 «Marv Stow MFR Si )I'l‘ lusuram‘ .‘N n y iSbIUA _Segre'tary . m. v .1 l 1)]1‘ 1' Mn: 1 bus SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS In certain districts 3 homeâ€" »teader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- Iide his homestgad. Prige $3 per '5‘..â€" .a--- â€"v-___- acre. Duties.â€"Six months resi- jence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includâ€" 102 the time required to earn nomestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. A homesteader who has exhaust- ~d his homestead right and cannor .utain a pre-emption may take a aux-chased homestead in certain ~’u.\ol'“ \> iistricta. Price. .53 per acre. Dut- icanâ€"Mum reside 'aix months in mch of three years, cultivate 5‘1 acres and erect a house wort}; i300. The area of cultivation is subâ€" iect to reduction in case of rough. scrubby or stony land. W. W. CORY, Deputy Of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-â€"Unaufhorized ptgiblicatio.n .{ {his advertism‘nent‘ will not be zulrf t'o'd' “370235. 2813 Tenders for Allan River “â€033 Limit "i‘lNDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and includâ€" ing Wednesday. the 15th of July next for the right to cut ties from Spruce. Balsam. Banksian or Jack Pine. Poplar and Whitewood trees seven inches and upwards in di» ameter two feet from the ground sufficient to supply a. tie preserv- ing plant for a period of tn'entyâ€" one years from unoccupied, unsold and unlocated lands of the Crown tributary to What is known as the Allan Water liver. tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- way in the District of Thunder Bav. . Tenderers shall state the amount ithey are prepared to pay as bonus. .in addition to the crown dues of’ :32 per thousand feet board meas- zure for anything not manufactured linto ties. and for ties at the rate of 5c. each, or such other rates as imay from time to time be fixed by ithle Lieutenant-Governor in Cour- lCl . - \ Such tendercrs shall be required to erect within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties, or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant Gov- ernor in Council a tie preserving plant. Parties making tender will he required to deposit with their ten- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario for $25,â€" 000.00 to remain on deposit as security for the carrying out of the conditions of their tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily aqcepted. _ For par-ticulars as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., appls to the undersigned. W. 7H. HEARST, Ministers of Lands, Forests and Mines. Toronto, Ontario, 27th April, 1914. 6 4 6 751 In the matter of the estate of Jam-es Carson, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. Constable. deceased. ' NOTICE is hereby given pursu-s ant to The Revised Statutes of On- tario. 1914. chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claimsl against the estate of the said James Carson. who died on or about the second day of May. {1914. are required. on or before the iBlst day of July AD. 1914.: to send {by post prepaid or deliver to gArthur Henry Jackson. of the! I‘Town of Durham in the County of‘ iGrey. executor of the last Will and {Testament of the said- deceased. itheir. Christian and surnames, ad- idresses and descriptions. the full 1particulars of their claims. the ‘statement of their accounts and .the nature of the securities. if 3 any. held by them. N otice to (ireditors THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Pursuant to adjournment Council“ met an Lam'lash on Tuesday. June 30. ' Turnbuliâ€"Schmidtâ€"That Fred Heft: be paid $1.00 for storing graderâ€"Car- l'xcus Shewellâ€"Turnbullâ€"Thab Wm. Lun- ney be allowed to sell timber oï¬ road allowance at. lots ‘7 and 8, can. 14, and sideline 5. con. 14â€"Carried. Lunacyâ€"Turnbullâ€"That $3 be re~ funded to J as. McRonald’s division. being amount due for unperformed statute 1abor_19_13â€"_â€"Carried. A Uwvâ€"vv 'vv Shewellt; Schmidtâ€"That Con tract Record be paid $6.60. for ad. re‘Allan Park bridgeftlarried. ___ Tmnbullâ€"Lunneyâ€"That Municipal \Voxld be paid $4. 78, for s Satiouelyâ€" Carried. 7 Schmidtâ€"Shewell w'l‘hat Hanover 111m VVm-ks be paid 75c for repairs to plowâ€"L'dgyrrigd. p..- A ‘Q 1" 1 U 1. Shewe11â€"â€"'1‘urnbull-That F.Schmidt be paid $172.85, for work on Rmvl:md’s bill-vâ€"Czu'ried. Schmidtâ€"Shewellâ€"Thut cmmuittee he paid $2 each. for inspecting Allan Psu'k brLdg': and Rowlzmd‘s l'xillâ€"-Gau-- ried. Tumhullâ€"Schmidt,-â€"That, contract for steel work 01' Allan Park bridve he 0 Q h given tn Hunter Budge x Bmler L30. (â€"1 for $6“); Lhe abutnwnts and flooring to Hugh “Exit at, $4.23 per cubic yard and 23¢ per sq. ft. fur ï¬nnring~0au~ ried. Lurme) â€"-T111°11111111-â€"-'1‘h11t By- law \11. 7 1911 10311111111113: the 1131:111 t1°aL11i1111 1>1.3.,i111.*s 1m high“ 11y» 1:11: 11-1111 1.111) ï¬rst Li 1119â€"th1 11911. 51°11111idL-â€"â€"S11ewellâ€"Jl‘hu1; Bylaw N11. 7, 11111 he 111.1111 °1 5011111111 111111 third Lime signed 11) wave and 0111111 111111 1* *113.,*'111ss1°.11 111 11\-131w hunkâ€"4 1L1°1° 1911. The l'ulluwiug Iepm'LS were given : HM). \Vhitlmn'e. 8-21 in. tile. . â€$1.4 00 3.1.5. Mcltuxmld. drawing tile. and laying culvm‘t- ............... 7 75 Gun. Brown, x-ep. Eidt bridge. .. l. 50 Hm. Brown. inspecting Allan A ':Ll‘1\' bl' lngc . . .. ......... .lulm l’rthl, 1 day \Lith team. Thus. Cross do. do . . . . . . Herb Cross LIL). do . . . . . . l’. KHLLLIL'L do. do ..... 1“. 50111117. L1â€. (10.... H. HLHLH‘L: Lgen (1L). do ...... 1’. Ixxzmujz ILL 1\ 511m L-Nirw. . . I". 5111111'7. LIL). (lU ...... H. [)1 L1LLh.LgL°n (1‘). L10 ..... 11d. ( 1L1-.~‘. LthWi 111:“ he and luv- “1;. L'LHCI‘E... ......... 1’. (.‘nmp! L '11, L11 ming tile and hlyillgvllht'lt. >31. IU. (30“. 12 (1'90. Emkv. up L"'Lll\m L‘ ......... Julm Kinwus.d1e1\\ing tile and ' L\ mg- " L‘ Llh'm 1:, L L111. 1“. suic- 111191†..... ...... Juhn Sachs. I'L‘lllUViL 11g >LL111L'. >7. 1. H). (“11.11 .................... (hm. ( amphL ll. removing .«Lnne. LL-xis bum“. 19111L1vi111.’ Hunt. 8. I. .1. mm. H .......... \\'. (1. Muslim IUIIHHHIg grader W“.â€" \V H :1} f 111.11 111>1 ‘, 11m '3 ‘ ‘ >.1.‘_’H11111.11... 2 H1111 11:1y >11111'111111 ."1. 111111. 1-1 ..... -.'1 " " l5 “ H ..... .'1 \\'111. 1.11isk11,1111.11°111'111'111\'111'ts.. 218 1). 11111'11‘11>>‘. 29 \‘11>‘. 11‘1'11\1'l ..... 2.3 \\'111 (Nuns. 11\ 11>. 5151111111 ..... 2'1 1). 1-'.1:1111m 911111>'. 151111111 ..... 7 \\ 111. 1’111111111'. 2 11: 1\>' 14111191111115 .5 Jus. Hewi 151111. 11111111th 13111111111 2' \\ 111. 14111111113' ............ 1 [L 151111115011. wm-k 1111 g1-1111911...$ll . . I’A11111's1m. 1111111111111}: 1511111111. . ."1 H. Sickcl. work 1111 1511111911 . . .. b |.l. H1111}; 1111111111111;1111+:11.111111yi11g 1 111111111. ...................... 1 J .111. U:1.:-'>1111. 713 yds. gravel . . . . 1 .11111 Rudy. 5."! yds. gravel ........ -1 " 11111111 1111111 2 .1111111 311111311111 111111111111' stone. . . . 1 .3111 â€11111.1131151 71) \'d>. 2111.11'21 2 .1111111 011111111111k 4U y11>. 2111111.:- V1. Owens. .1. cost 47 V11.. g '1-1'1'1-21 U 81111511». ..9\d>'. 21111111. \V. 1.1111119). .1,- Cost g1'11'dingc01-1.6 I". 81111111111, C11111111is>i11ner ..... .Ins. Alexander. laying culvert. J. Mellon-(dd. grzwelling s. l. 25. 1 John Adlam. ï¬lling washout. .. . G. \VhiLmore. 7 10 inch tile ..... U. Torry. 124 yds. gravel ........ A. Noble. 74 loads gravel . . . . . . . .l. Hartman, 98 yards gravel . . . . l). Adlam, gravelling D. road. . 1 A. Alexander. 176 loads gravel. . S. Lzmgril, SS loads gravel ..... _ do. 65 yards gravel ...... S. Hopkins, 2 men 2. days . . . . .. . Wm. Picken, 3 men 14.- days . . . . S. Langril. 2 men 2 days ....... J. McRoled, moving grader“ . . G. Mighton, 4g days on grader.. l ’ .l . McRonald. 5 days on grader... ] . F. Torry, half day on grader. . .. 'l‘. Torry, 5 days on grader. . .. . . Fred Shewell. grading on divid- ing line...... ............... . S. Schmidt. gl-(welling ditto . . . . Jas. Turnhull. Cmmnissioner. . . i ‘ S. Purllerbough. 5} days or gra- ‘ er. . . . ....................... J. \Velsh, 5 days on grauler S. l-‘utherhough. 5} days operat- ‘ ing grader .. .. . ..... . . l“. Shewell. 5}; days with grader Bolts and axle grease ........... A. McDougall and others. work 0.: road ..................... . A. McDougall.’ rep. culvert ..... “'11). Cook and others, work on I‘Udd . . . ................. . . ; D. McKinnon. 71 loads gravel... l D. 310148;“), 79 loads gravel. . .. . ~ R. Lidingham, Openiml.r pit ..... ' F. Shewell, 76 loads gravel . . . . l l. Bailey. 8 hours work. . .. . . . .. 3 R. Lidingham. 1 day. team . . . . . l Jas. Hewicsou. rep. culvert ..... f Half cost, half day grading side- line 20 ...... . ......... .. BENT INCK COUNCIL; That the- teeming millions of China, with .the rapidly-grOWing .taste for the luxuries. of civiliza- I ‘tion represent an unprecedented 0 Turnbull--Stuithâ€"That. we adjnm'n1 to meet at Lzunlash on the 220d day i of August, for appointing collector‘ and transactmn of general business. J H. CHITTICK, Clerk. _ L,,,.J 'r. â€:th i9. H." l lmmwy. g: (In): sidv‘linu (\Iill 'r "t ) ()1) F. Shewell, un-utmt ........ 2 (M. 0:19.... 1 .3†w gl'nvul. 2 SH . bx gl'SLVBI. 3 ’U of =. gravel 1 8-1 ‘ 'el ...... 2 32 ng cox-1.6 2 75 f1) ner ..... 7 m) ‘ a] ulvert.. .6 :25 's. l. 25. 17 00' bout..... 2 00 h cile ..... 4 90 SE 1 ........ 9 92 ’ 9 el ....... 3 70 «V91.... 734 v g1.wel. b’ 50 a Vel ..... 4 40‘ vel ...... 5 20 . Vs ....... 5 (ML 1‘ lrtys 5 6.3 3 s . ..... 5 00 Laden. 1 75: grader 1‘3 75 h ‘(Ldel 1 75 11 :lei-... . 10 IN) C, on dind- , ..... 2 75 ditto 2 8H 3 t3 1 ()U 3 LN) 3-} ()0 3 OH 3 04) I): H!) 30‘! 13 5n 1 .3!) ] .34) 3 m 5 Com (3 “U (3 DH 4 n4 2 (N) (N) U†53¢ ) (M .M 10 50 10 5‘4 Constipation )ï¬ _3 UH m) 1M ()0 As Busy Eyes See it All The fumf h-mhm" ms Erin village 511111)â€! \l‘dï¬ hh\t' [HM he i. 4)! Dr â€"M V ‘ . . orse’ ndlun Root ;ill< Miss I-«le Fins-w (If 'l‘mtunham We» :evm‘w')‘ '- him: by a dug. Dun Trmutv. :1 pnmnnwjt fdrmvr of Nul'l n Aujalu. (“Pd very suddenly. \ther Hurling. u. Smi‘h township furmvr, cmmmltmi ~.-.\_xiuédc with pmsnn. '1 lnmxgh lhw <~.\'p"u.~zi<m ul’ :1 huilvr in (“I’M“Vt. APUHU' :‘Jt"‘llL-(_’h{‘()ll W95 M’- riously hurt. “Whey \‘(ii'xis was (hunk Hvd at, Purl Alma, win-re hr: was suizml will: ] )(J ‘ Esrmé) :5 m 5 THE 1815 l )H :2 75 n ! mm 3 Mr. ' Grand: \x‘eaddls is an enemy within the camp. It will undermine the strongest constitution and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousncss, impure blood. bad complexion. sick heada‘Ches. and is one of the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely . table in composition and do not 51c en, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking 1H}. II: U'IV Nh Km ul 310nm hues! w. H klckt‘d 1H 31H.“ :aml' M11111 My: Lnnrse'. hi1! will 1'e<_'_«_ne1'. h" D ( J0 Sei'ur. James \Vi‘m‘tm. the Fenian mid. disd a Cullingwond. aged 94. 4A. PUHsdn‘m (‘hll'dhl' hlwd $1†and («his fur «:unds withcmt. u Iivmmv. V Many d â€If" in us: to Aux-'11:: U1 ) 0):. I hath :h'H V Jnlm )1 HIP ,mynl mm by the Th!“ I'G'Sideaun- (If Jusfl‘fll Pi: 71141111119911 was «Ir-stmym'l by H 4U OI 5H4 ll: An vmplnyu- ' -f the (.‘a\llir)2‘\\'(md <hip- yard “31 med HI .‘H’l‘l‘, had his fawn taken ()(T by the Inn vliihg (1' :mr. A spark hum :he v11an-Lzu; the Hrmé- Piston .-L(')\'v “nu-ks set, ï¬re U» the ware- hnuse, making it 10‘5â€}. $1.01)â€. Six thanwuul bushels of vhmu w hm'm-d when Uw (J. l’. R. elmutm Miltuu was des‘myml by ï¬re. \Villimn Ritchie. :xgud 8}, :1, rub farmer of Amaranth anxaship. found dead ()1) NW “thr 01' his ' runm. Hm. uxms. of 'TORONTO L_______'___ DURHAM BRANZCH the (A: \‘V . A Cliï¬â€˜. Rev. Dr. McLeod has been thirty? years pastm' of St. Andrew’s l’reshy- j: Let-um church. Barrie, celebrated his“ anniversary nu a recent Sunday. Fruit growm's in the Grimsby and Z Niagara. diericts say they may open 3 twenty fruit snare: in ' 'l‘monw. in urâ€" der to cut out the cmmmssion men. 5 (J. Grifï¬n of Erin was hit, on they head by a sludge. which flew 05 the handle while .‘Ulul hm- man Was wwld- ; ing it. He i.» m: the mad L0 recov- cry. Fruit growm's in Niagara. diericts s twenty fruit SLUl't‘h der to cut out the m Twn uf Cob uu-g's (-nmer grocery sture: were victimizul by bngus check artists. Both the victims were women, one being :xviudled out of $1†and the other $20. ’ Freeman Camp‘wl}. reeve nf Tecum- seh. has been appuinten râ€"emmty en. gineer. He succefeds R. H. J upp, wh was killed by failing through the “001‘7 ing uf n. bx'iuge hc was inspecting. I i ï¬x \Villizun‘Uurry uf Bradford w s- struck m the face by :m H.178, weild by his brother, George, who did 101', know that; \Vializuu was near h'n. The latter had his muse hruken :ml was severely hurt. ‘ UNI. wins l’nllvl'n‘m .xf Ihuuhlk 1:: arms ‘nrnkvn When he ft 11 fun†Landed with (egg cases. um! Mrs. Ht 'Hl't’ )Imn-w, H U hntel. A 19.419.13.11 () drilling: so in ()2 ©F' @ANADA (N M. Ring: hie :w'ml 8}, :L xutiled Ammnmh tmntshnip. “35 i (m Hm flour ()1 his hod- {:11 lliar‘mvel. ll H H l) I“ my (HITFHH wh'Uh tsll'iu :n'e‘ lwil‘} {UH In purl} :L in» my: . was h m music. ll a v-«m an wf chlwe Framing (m shark’s: 1t his home in} il'OfIOCL’. H rhvix ngxi'ond is â€10 1w new :li'll‘.()l'- Huugh was mhlling (“3' host} mm. n :n‘ (l )M THE DURHAM EHHDNiELE At the Chronicle Printing House. Garafmxa Street. ° ' Tau CHRONICLE will be arm n Snbscnpnon any aduresa. tree of postage. 10‘. Rates ' ' $1 “0981‘ year. payableinadVanOr â€"$1.50 may be l‘harged if not 80 paid. The data to which ever) ubsvription it: paid. is denoted b: the numbez m tlw address label. ‘50 93pm d1; continuum to all arrears are paid. exnepf at a, option of the preprietor. ° ' For tranmen: advertxnrmema Advertlmng cents per line for tlw ï¬rst inset Rates lion; 3 cams per line each uubsc went. insution million measure. Professions cards. not. exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnn. ! Advvrtlaemems without SDecific directions wi: l 015% published till forbid a) l alumna-d. 3017911111“); 'J Tmnmeat nouceaâ€"ï¬ L( at. ":l-‘mnï¬d ’ l-ur ï¬re etc.-5O cents for ï¬rst insertion." -. Scams tor «no subsequent. insertion. Alladvertisemams ordered by strangers will be valid for m adum‘e Contract rates for year.}' advurnsenmntv in: mshad an application tn tlw uï¬iue.. A. BELL U NDERTAKER and Funeral Director DURHAM. ONT. Full iine of Cal hniio Babes, and blnflk and \vhiLe (3-21.le fur aged people. SHOW RU()MS-â€"Ne.\'t tn Swallow] Bax-her Shnp. REM m«::\‘(‘l‘I-~ Nex dour Sumh uf \V. .1 anrtl‘ne: hhlcksmiih slum. IS PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY 3103mm. AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of km Wimdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. New Clothing For Men and Boys SHAW’S BUSIN ESS SCHOOLS Torontn. Canada. gin; high grade courses and qualify young people to earn good salaries. They include The Central Business (’(flle-ge and 6 City Brzuwh Schr‘uls. -(,‘m.'1iculum sentnn request. Enter any time. \V. H. Shaw.,Pr05ident. Enrnm AND Pmn’mmnu Embalming a Specialty C. L. GRANT New hunts and Shoes in week from the Bi-Nt Make of both lines. (‘mne and see us when you need 9113’- will try to phase you. thing in our line. “’9 W. IRWIN and npened out. July . 191-1. Just this