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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1914, p. 2

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PROTESTANT. FOR S. 8. NO. " q. Egremont: professional second- class certificate: duties to com- mence at the opening of the term; state salary. Applv to James Mack Secretary R. R. No. 1. Varney. . 79 24 And further take notice that after the last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or an y part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this :2 of June, AD. 1914. NOTICE IS hereby given pursu- ant to The Revised Statutes of On- tario. 1914. chapter 121, that all creditors and others haVing claims against the estate of the said Matthew John Davis. who died on or about the 19th day of March 1914. are required, on or before the Slst day of July A.D. 1914.. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mary Ann Davis. or (ieo. Kress. the executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames. ad- dresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims. the statemext of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any. held by them. In the matter of the estate of Matthew John Davis. late of the Township of Gl-enelg in the (3mm- tv of Grey. Farm-er. deceased. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY XO- tit‘ied that treSpassing on the National Portland Cement (fum- pany's old truck between the Base Line and Wilder’s Lake is strictly prohibited. Any person found trespassing on this prop- erty will positively be prosecut- ed to the full extent of the law. This notice means everyone: no person excepted-J35. Matthews. Lessee. 7 9tf All persons are warned against trespassing for fishing on the Rocky Saugeen River crossing Lots Nos. 14 and 15 of the lst Con- cession. Glenelg; also Lots Nos. 31 and 32 and south half of Lot 30 in the "2nd Concession. Glenelg. Any- one found, so doing will be prosc- cuted according to bunâ€"James H. Spence. Toronto. 5 14t£ REMEMBER THE FAMOUS SPIR- ella Corset; any size, type or price; with perfect laundering qualities, and unbreakable steels: positively hygenic. Not sold'in stores. Mrs. J. C. Nichol, Rep- resentative, Box 101’, Durham. Ontario. 4 18 6m BEA \‘Y pg» GOOD HOFSE. CENTRALLY' lucuted. by August 1. “'ill p33“ :1 gund rent for suitablt" dawning. Apply to J. \V. Ewen. Durham. 79 Notice 10 Creditors Teacher Wanted BEING LOT 53, CON. 3. E. G. R“ Glenelg, containing 100 acres: on premises are new fume barn. brick house, sheds and outbuild- inns; running stream through proverty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. Ist. 1913. For furthexnpar- tzculars. uppiy on premxses to Mrs John Staples. HUI-:1 Home NO. 1. Durham, Ont 944p I: FORTY ACRES OF GOOD LAND adjoining the town of Durham: about six acres soft wood 'bush: fairly good buildings; a snap at $1200. $200 cash. balance in ten annual payments of $100 each. with interest each year on the; unpaid principal at 5 per cent.‘ Enquire at The Chronicle officed.. 7‘23!) " Mu 1' 0C3 “rt; PART OF LOT 2'3, CON W. L? 11.. adgoining corporation of ourhum. containing 15 acr9s; 3 mods. :‘ perches of good «Jul. 4!; seeded down with tim- -;.*..j'; good brick house; hard a 3; soft water, barn, orch’ard. sheds. etc. Apply to T. Baskins or to A. E. Jackson. Durham. \\ m: to 3 in Rvnt )USB Alifili, ROUMY DWELLING 1338; large enough to keep lrilers: conveniently situated all public works: n-ery dec- lted; cheap rent. Apply to McIntyre. Durham 612 ; quiaarnants of one inc!) or am, 25 can“ for first insert: . and mo-nu_formh ,9..qu..: inunmn Ute? one inch and under two inches. double the above avn vunt. Yearly rates on applicotzon. ‘ (f()()1(. P1i£lillt Fishing“ Native Spirella (‘orsets Stnn- For Sale Farms fur Sale. ()ltl \Varninsr For Sa‘lv Mary Ann Davis, Lew York invel Ebordale P,O, Ont. for g. device by George Kress, or Slgnature ma; Durham P.0., 0m. 5319 ‘19“? in the c. To “’0sz 1 ("l (HIT MARE. FOI'} SMALL ADS. =â€"-â€"-â€"-.â€"â€"-_i. ' . It sick ti. Ole 7th day 42-! U )(7 Ggelph is experiencing a water famme. ”uglul. OttaWa. July 4, 19 Newspapers will not this advertisement is without authority from partment. 81 Tenders must be made on the form supplied by “the Department- and each tender mast be accom- panied by an accepted cheque on :1 Canadian Chartered Bank. for ten per cent. (10 v.0.) Of the amount thereof. payable to the urder of the Honourable the Min- ister 0f Militia and Defence. which amount will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into a contract or the con- tractor fails to complete the contract in accordance With his tender. ' The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. EUGENE FISET. Colo'nel. Specifications may be se full particulars obtained 21 office of the Officer Comrr. the 2nd Division. 215 Simcoe Toronto. or the Town Clerl over. Ont, or the Director 4 of Engineer Services. Heat ers. Ottawa. .â€"-\‘- over. Ont," and addressed to the Director of Contracts, Department of Militia and Defence. Ottawa. will be received until noon August 3. proximo, for the construction of :1 Drill Hall at Hanover, Ont. SEALED TENDERS marked on the envelmm “Tender for con- struction‘rif a ‘Dri_ll Hall at Han- DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Notice tn (‘nntractors Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages. Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to, â€"_--â€"v-v- v-‘ ‘0' er. Conveyancer. 820. Insurance Agent. Mane 2:0 Loan. Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. A general financial busi-, ness tnumacted . DURHAM ONT. {Lower Town.) ‘-._ .._~‘,‘..__-. _~‘â€"'- _. .__. M. ..- __._‘ -_._~_. 1. P. Tammi. B.muzsraz., somcmoa, ETC. Ufl‘ice. nearly opposite the Registry ofti<-e.l..ambton -.t.,l)urbam. Auyamount of mumâ€"3v tr. man a? 5 per- cent. on farm oropertv. Lem! ‘Dz’radorv. Of’f‘iceâ€"-Uver Douglas J. F. GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. S. 3' 0303. GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ’ ty of Turonto. Graduate Roya College Dental Surgeons ofOntario Dentistry in all its Branches .\ _,- -.-r-- .‘bVV U York and IYhica gm ‘ Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. “"ill be at the Hahn House, Julv 2” Oct. 19. Nuvemlwr 16. Dec. 21', Hours, l to .3 p.m. ‘ FFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s office nearly oppo ‘ite the Registry ofl‘ice. Resxdeuce econd house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-]1 a.m.. 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone communica- tion hetWeen office and residence at all hours. ate Amxazant Roy. L sing; and to Gollun Sq _ _____ , -- l tice in the New Hunter Block. 00! 13113.8 to 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7 to: ,1. m. Special attention given to disease: )1 women and children. Residence op )osite Presbvterian Church. A. H. Jackson. {OTABX PUBLIC. COMMISSION HYSICIAN AND SL RGEON, OF fice 111 the \ew Hunter Hint-b ’“nm Ora. Jamieson Jamieson. 5 OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A3 short distance 6341 of Knapp’s Hotel, f mob ton Street, Lower Town. Durham )fice hours from 12 to 2 o'clock - . 8R( WN ..lONDO\ ENG 0f Lmzdrm T . 6. Hutton, Dr. 'iim. Arthur Gun, M. D. Dania! [)z'reclorv Medical Directorv. ' THE sole 1am Roy. London Ophmalmic Hos :u Golh-n Sn, Throat and Nose Hoe SPECIALIS T : EAR, THROAT NOSE . J. SHARP -‘\ the Town Cl‘er‘kaan- :- .t:he_Direct(_)r General DR. 838?. .8. Pickering Dentist. ()zer J. obtained at the ficer Commanding a- fi- Which a caption FISET. Colonel. Deputy Minister. ' 4, 191-1. I ‘00; be paid if be seen and ' Jeweller-v Store iS inserted -m the D9. 61 7 16 -) a! 0"9" ‘vad. Head q u a it; Stx'ee‘t'. cash unter’s 7'24 _ ”- _-- -..A., LALGL illl creditors and others having claims against the estate. of the said James Carson. who died on or about the Second day Of BILLY. 1914. are required. on or before. the 31st day of July AJ). 1914.; to send by post prepaid or deliver to Arthur Henry Jackson. of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey". executor of the last “'ill and Testament of the said deceased. their Christian and surnames, ad‘- dresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and1 the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that' after the last mention-ed date the said Executors will proceed tol distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the,parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of, such distribution. Dated ' at Durham this 27th day. of June, AD. 1914. ~ .. ' i In the matter of the estate of James Carson, late of the T ' Durham in the County Of (mn Of ’ ‘ Grrev Constable. deceased. ~ . Y ' s V ' -. . - ' .\ O I ICE 1s hex eb} glven pursu- ant to The Revised Statutes of O tarm. 1911. chapter 121, that :11 (OIILEI'I."I\§-n Ana - Ministers of â€"â€"w-. “U Mines. Toronto, Ontario, 2‘ ‘-â€"â€"‘ UH“. For par'ticularg as to description of territory, capital to be invested, etc., apply to the undersigned. ! TENDERS Will be receiVed by gthe undersigned up to and includ- »ing Wednesday. the 15th of July jnext for, the right to cut ties from iSpruce. Balsam,‘Banksian or Jack ;Pine. IPOplar and Whitewood trees gseven inches and upwards in di- iameter two feet from the ground jsufficient to supply a tie preserv- fing‘ plant for a period of twenty- one years from unoccupied, unsold 'and unlocated lands of the Crown tributary to What is known as the Allan Water River, tributary {to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail- ;way in the District of ThunderJ Q Bay. ! Parties making tender Will be required to deposit with their ten- der a marked cheque payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario for $25,- 000,00 to remain on , deposit as security for the carrying out of the conditions of their tender. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Such tendercrs shall be required to erect Within the limits of the territory covered by the right to cut ties. or at some other place approved by the Lieutenant Gov- ernor in Council a tie preserving plant. Tenderers shall state the amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to the crown dues of $3 per thousand feet board meas- ure for anything not manufactured into ties, and for ties at the rate of 5c. each, or such other rates as may from time to time be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Cour.- ’ Cil. \ Votive to 4 Treditors Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. , N B.-Unauthorized publication 4 this advertisvment will not bk vaid frr «370%. 9‘11? A h-omesteader who has exhaust- .-d his homestead right and cannot totain a pre-emption may take a mrchased homestead in certain iistricte. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- es -â€"Must reside six months it; -ar;h of three years, cultivate 50 :cres and erect a house worth #300 In certain districts -a home- vteader in good standing may pre- ~mpt a quarter-section along- :ede his homestead. Price $3 per core. Duties.â€"Six- months resi- xence in each of six years from iate of homestead entry (includv of: the time required to earn 'xomestead patent).and 50 acres extra cultivation. â€"â€"â€"..J 1 V5 my male over 18 “years old, may nomestead a quarter-section of svailable Dominion land in Mani- r.oba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Agent of Dominion Lands (not nib-agent), on certain conditions, Duties.-Six months residence xpon and cultivation of the land a each of three years. A home- 1teader may live within nine miles J his homestead on a farm of 3‘2 east 50. acres, on certain condiâ€"( was. A habitable house is re-l wired in every case. except when] «esidence is performed in the' 'icinity. : SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS- W. H. HEARST Lands, FOIests and , 27th of a faxpjly, or Abril, 1914. 6 4 6 751 '2813 Race Starter Shot While dog-racing was in progress at Coatbridge, John M. c.~ Clone, the official starter, was accidentally shot by the pistol going off premaum He succumbed to his injuries. The pistol was Loaded with powder and The sergeant-in-charge was also told that the curate had been look- ing at telegraph poles very suspicious- ly. The curate was detained for some hours for inquiries and then liberated. Treating the matter as a huge joke, the curate said, “My.-name is Tom Smith, and my address is Wind sor Castle. But that is neither my correct name nor address. If I told you correctly you would be none the wiser." “You must come to the station with me.” said the policeman, “and make your explanations there,” and in spite of a protest Mr. Bankes-Jones was taken three miles to the police station. There he discovered that the con- stable suspected he was a foreign 8w inquiring for a bridge which 'mghz be in danger of being blown up. on a policeman and two other men. and asked to be directed to a certain bridge. This request appeared to raise the constable’s suspicions. He fol- lowed the stranger, and asked him for his name and address. At ten o‘clock one night Mr. Bankes- Jones left his camp for a walk. He lost his way, but eventually came up- How an innocent curate was sus- pected by a Devonshlre constable of being a foreign spy when he had lost his bearings in the dark was related by the central figure in the incident, the Rev. 1. M. Bankes-Jones of Sun- ningdale, on his return from a holiday in Devon. Taken For a Foreign Spy by a Devon- shire Constable Ileuflb (UM I .m-. 4.-.”- l I I l l ~When 'a swarm issues and forms into clusterâ€"if in a varm \ sunny placeâ€"sprinkle the bees with wa.er with any hair brush that is available. This will 0133-: them cluster more closely and he lets inclined to fly away while you make preparations to hi. them. Shou:d the swarm be settle on the beam of a .tree, had a Straw skep, orally s;.b.stitute for it, wth one hand. well under ltlze i_‘.":f':$. and x“ around them if possible, and with the other hand give the bough a, sudden, ' hard shake. which will cause the bees (to fall in a mass into the slit-p: if the bough is busily a few quick jerky shakes (might be required to dile'r‘ “U ~4 ! all the bees. A vigorous shake down- ; wards stopped suddenly is very exec i tive. Now quLCkly place over the sitep ‘ a board or cloth large enough to cover it. Then turn it, mouth downwards,3 and place it on the ground as near.y as p0ssib1e under the place the bees settled en. liaise one side of the skep : an inch or more upon a stone or piece of wood and if the queen has been secured the stragglers will soon join {the bees in-the hive. If the sun is '3 shining on the skep, shade it with a I few boughs or an open umbrella, se- curing the handle to a stake. Nothing further need be done until the last bees have entered the skep in' the cool of the evening, when the swarm can be transferred to a movable frame hive in a permanent position. Should the following day be warm, the hive _should be shaded and the entrance lopened to the full extent. Even in- the height of the honey season, and in the best of bee-weather, a swarm is vastly improved by getting a pint of thin syrup daily for three or four days, but in broken weather which often confines bees in their hives for . days this treatment is absolutely . necessary to keep a newly hived swarm from starving in its new food- 1 less home. A~ comb of honey. with 1 some brood and eggs, from an old 1 stock, would be a great advantage to a swarm ,starting in life. This is a very desirable plan in the case of second swarms or casts, as they fre- \ quently leave the hive never to return I in company with the young queen in ( her mating trip, but while they have 1 young brood and eggs in the hive they ( have no desire to leave it. It will not C t I t l 1 do to delay the hiving of the bees too long after they have settled in a clus- ter, for if the scouts. which have been previously sent out to find a suitable _ new home, return in the meantime 1: the swarm will rise and follow them to, perhaps, parts unknown. 5 .care of the busy workers presents to the uninitiated. A few practical hints on how to properly look after the natural, wwarmers may Drove halnr‘n? Bee-keeping, an intereéting and not CURATE’S ADVENTURE ma}: them cluster more be 1953 inclined to fly may make preparazions to 11:; ‘rmers may prove helpful. swaim issues and forms 'â€"â€"if in a V3111} sunny .kle the bees \‘v'lth '.va..er .‘r brush that is avuiJaFJI-e. piexing problems the workers presents to A few practical hints 3 John Kelly: L 111. , After two unsuccessful trials of the transatlantic flyer America, Glenn E. Curtis has returned to the plan Qf 'usinsg biplane fins to enable the America to climb out of the water. The result of the‘ Danish elec- tions to the Upper House ensure revision of the constitution on a democratlc basis. The Swedish battleship Tapper- .heten was reâ€"floated after being aground for six months near Sandhamm. E] THE Many are the praises for Mark- dale for taking “such good care of the large attendance. The order throughout the day was good. and personally we saw very little evidence of dissination. There {must have "ween 400 or over left Durham in five loaded coachesâ€"u special train which left at nine o’cluck and connected with the train on the main line at Sau- geen Junction. Returning, the train left Markd‘ale a little be- fore seven o’clock: and reached here in good time. Mr. W. J. Hewitt of Durham de- serves credit for the excellent showing of his little bunch of boys. They Were neatly attired, and their music was highly cred- itable. Ht‘ are nut 111010 to gix’v the full list of prize Winners. but 1119 best dressed lodge Went for the fourth time in five years to Cor- onation Lodge. No. 546, Owen Sound. They were dressed in Irish khaki. the material for which was made in Belfast. Ireland, and the tailoring in 'Canadm Mr. Oliver C. Allan is the Mastnr n1“ thv Lodge and is proud of the Sticccss of the memlmrs ’in winning the: distinction. Lodge No- 944. Dru-i ESTABLISHED D 1873 ITis an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account in the names 'v“ \“'I. M.P.P.. fut Owen Sound, and nth ers, including: the Methodist min isters 01’ (,‘Imtsu’nrth and Mark dale. uuwu gauges and Visit-Hrs made :1 large audience. Rev. RM. Phulwn occupied the position. of chairman and delivered a few brief intru- ductary remarks, after which a number of short addresses were made“ The chief speakers xxx-3'0 Hon. Dr. Sproule. Speaker of the House of Comnw‘ns. Hun. 13B. Lucâ€" as. Provincial Tr 311)., 0?~ Hanovp Eugenia. N0. 1118. Artem-esia. N0. 1018. At Riversidv Park the billed Lodges and Visitors J large audience. Rev. RM. ©F' @ANADA 'H-f. 'OX ‘IlUlOJd 'Li‘ZI “OX “-{Eiidad '08? '0}; 'mman 'ULII 'r>\' 'pmmg memo “puma puqu‘gH T38! '05: ‘ayssem '1; '()N ’U5OIIV' 'pung 0103;)1d '19": '05; -a.u:um;1q '2“; '05: ‘uopmg ‘r_ '05; 150.1on Z '05: '01))on 'QiiI‘I '03: ':[.11.:([ “rumpus :6: ‘OX‘ '}[[I-:pur1q '18.: ‘ON' '1!010.Id 8:8 "3x '[IOJJBQJOQ 'QEI “Ox 'Jouuog “WINDS ‘1er 'uounumog 'pucg punog LIJMO '95 '0}; uiawrpag "289 "’X 'aumab‘umo ‘p-(ma 31.3113 'ESHI 'O’N amalapu‘BA ‘Z-EII 0N 8.0.03an1? '60? "3x ‘AGHBA aB‘uBJQ 'O‘rE: '05; ‘Sa-[Jaqmgx '9661 'ON ‘B‘ruuog TBS '05: ‘m3 animal 'gw '03: ‘uApro-H "666 'ON ‘sutzg S‘JGJIB‘M '108 '05: ‘quomsmqo '01,; '05; aqua.) p‘u-‘BHOH 'ZOSI ”ON ‘qtmems “(3611 0N ‘BIama-If) ‘SAOEL 3v 33:30'1 lumen '539 "ON' ‘A'aumA TORONTO I ' DURHAM BRANCH, -I,"__ --_ COnfinued from page 1. Earnsclirte L.0.L. _ No. 1102. Kilsyth. No. 504. Owen Sound. No. 2044. Bognuor. No 67. Desboro, No. 101. Durham Band- Durham. No. 632. 1mm il‘t’aSUl‘t-Fl‘. Hanover, 'C(,>lin 'Canadzx. Mr. Oliver Master m“ the mm] of the success :1 Sound. No. 546 IL. (I, Bt‘ill C wm 01-011,: and oth- DUI IT is an advantage sometimes to keep a. bank accounth the names of two persons, so that either one may make withdrawals. Such an Toronto, Canada. give high gmlie courses and qualify ynuug people to earn good salaries. They include The Central Business College and 6 City Branch Schools. Curriculum senttm reqstj. Enter any time. ‘T? T' f‘ ‘ SHAW’S BUSINESS SCHOOLS “7. H ContraCI rites nished cm aimlim ‘nvl-I g 0) L" went insertion minion cards. not exceeding om Advertisements without be published til] forbid a1 Transient noticesâ€"’ 'L( at etaâ€"50 cents for first ins: subsequent insertion. New Clothing year. payableinad ' co â€"Sl.50 mar be charged if not so paid. Thmn to which ever; ubs '. ' . ‘u denoted bv the number at the address label “ ° _ _- 1W .mper div contmum: to all arrears are paxd. ”New at tho armor of the proprietor. Advertisin Rates g is PUBLISHED ' VERY THURSDAY MORXING 41 the Chronicle Printing House Street. . Gan Full line 0f {sz huh} and white('. ups In) 'chzm will try to please you see us when you (If both lines. week from the Bat thing in in and opened our th NH w Sme' ROOMSâ€"Next to 5w Barber She m. REM “RSVP: dom'Smlth uf \\'. J Law blacksmith shun. . Shaw, President. . L. GRANT 1‘31)IT()}{ "VI) 1‘) Inmts and 811095 Just t rates for yumy application to the» 1227722710 012 notice. . IRWIN ordered by ‘ . K‘ulc Rubens: 102' :tu'ed n: him» and RUPHIF 4 Tun Specialty linbes, and bla" .ged people. Make Strange". “'1 “'1'. n 38 511077631 '. Gamrran allow 'nenta tn; mun

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