West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jul 1914, p. 5

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‘¥o¢§ooo¢+++¢¢+¢+§§+¢+¢§§+o++¢§§§§9§§§§§§§ WW §§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§¢4§OQQOOOOOOOOQOOQOOOOOOO9660 V O I O ; Durham, Ontario : t ' 3 OOQQQOQOOOOOOQQQQOO#909009 0060.66606600600609690‘606 -t++§§§§§+6§§+§§4o+¢+¢+o+¢¢o+¢+§§§OOOOOOOO§+§§¢§§§§¢ O - ‘0‘- -â€"v-\’ -yvynn : ’ltIv-V 011C IU ‘QCDO All C UUIII- p: my just (olle< ts hom you and disburses the money they gathel in f1om you. They axe youl tiustees. You and youx neighbors ate insu1ing you and you me helping o insure them. The less your Company loses the less you have to pay. It will pay you if you rod. It will pay you if yo: .r neighbor rods. Talk it over with him and tell him what we say. “e would like to send you out C atalog. and will if you write us. A pnlicv in :1 f'()0tl (‘1')111panv is must impoxtant. The (10111- pzuiv insures \ou agaimt loss. \\ h- it me ynu doing to insure your Company against loss on \our buildings? Lightning was the cause of 66} pe1 cent. of all barn claims settled in 12 yems by ll) (‘ mummies in ()ntzuin. Had these been plopeily equipped “ith Lightning Rods the loss would have been Hue-tenth of one per cent. of what it was. Prof. Day. nt‘ the U. A. C., after 13 years of investigation. says that out of every $1.0m worth of damage done to unrodded buildings by lightning 3999 would he saved if these buildings were properly rudded. 'l‘en cents would have been lost instead of a hundred dollars. J 1113' 16, 1914‘ (J. R. Gun’s Old Stand) Tinsmith, Plumber and Stea'mfitter . SCOTT, Garafraxa Street, Durham You and your neighbors really pay the losses. The Com PLUMBING GOODS “'hite Enmnem Enven'nughing HnndoMade Tin “are BIG REDUCTIONS NOW, In Everything We Have i‘Wll‘lHU‘PS ()Vt‘s 01' Run Makers of the Rod with the Lock‘ (SI-unite Sinks “'9 have :1 untimx nf going (at. of business and \wmld like to dispghge of everything in the stare during this month. \Vith that end in View we zu-t- umking big reductions in the price of everything. (.‘nme and see for yrmr- wlvvs. Careful :mcl emmumic buyers will unkv mmwy by taking advantage of this Big: Rudm-tiun Salt... When You Want of Anv Kind . HARDING ti Ul‘ HESPELER, ONT. (E0 T0 Brass Taps m- Vah'es (‘istex'nsg Pumps Stuve Pipe ()1 Metallic Ronfina' Iron Pmings m- Fittings Drain Tile k-Joint, at 1'21} 0‘VS â€"â€".. FELL Hum MOWER. Guelph. July H.--R«m:. (‘uuHiehL :1 fmnwr llt‘dl' :\l'kt‘il. was mnwing in mm Hf his fields \vhvu MHIH'Hang “rm \\ mug“ With the mmx'ihg lluu’hlht‘. and :lhe hnlse> run away. (‘uulfivhl Was Ethum n nfl' the sun! MM hi> :n'm twilight (m :1 bar Hmlm ’hr smut He was (huggmi the full Ivnglh Hf the field until his arm snip; ml nut nf the plzurv and I)» was I'vlrnsvd. A ”Hill \Vlm was :(il‘lVng alum: the rum! (:1).~t*l'\t‘d the iiujured mun lying in ttw fiw‘d. A duc- ~§ tor was suumnmr-d. hut (‘nultivlu's in. fjm'lvs are 5:) great [hut his l't‘mn'el‘)‘ is 'dnuhll’ul. L\'.Montreal ”.00 pm Lv.Chicago 5.45pm Lv.’l‘oronto 8.00am Lv.Detroit 11.05pm Ar.London 11.06am Lv.London 5.45pm Ar.Detroit 1.45pm Lv.Toronto 9.00am Ar.Chicago 8.40pm Ar.Montreal 5.45pm Highest class of equipment. Full particulars and berth reserva- tions from agents or write C.E.HORN- ING, D.P.A.. Toronto. Ont. W. Calder, Town Agent, Phone 8a J. Towner, Station Agent Phone 18 T0 R ONTO=CHICAGO TORONTO=MONTREAL digging trenches in an effort to ward “W the pest. dig: The Duke of Connaught insnect- ed the cod fisheries of Newfound- land. ARMY \\'(.)R.\I ()UTBREAK IN BRANT (.‘OUN"Y. \Voodstock. July l4.-â€"â€"An outbreak of army worms, which may mean thousands of dollars loss was reported to-day from Bnrford township. Brant County. Pasture and hay and corn crops on n don-n farms have already suffered greatly. and the Oxford Ag rioultural Department hm gotten into touch with the U.A.U. regarding the matter. Farmers throughout the township and on the Oxford side of Ehe boundary line are busily engaged President, Andrew Gwen. 0f the Sulvay Company, who is at} present; in England, has been notified by fable. At 11111111111 111' 111111111 11 111111151111d few! 11 pmunsiug s.- 11t 111111 w 315 111513 0139131111 111-1111 11111311'1111151111x 11\ 1113111135 11111111119 Sulwn' P13111311»- ( 1)111p1111\' “1113111113: 1111 the 1’; 131.111- f1113111, six miles from A111- 11111311111111. 1111: find is said 111 11111111151 extei1six'e11u11 valuable. [)13i11mg 11p- 11113111115 is 1111111" 13-11511111 11111311 f1311111 De- [11111, 111111 extensive 11111111111011: Will he cunnueuced 119111 the 11111111111111: 11111113- mes. BIG SALT VICIN FOUNJ) NEAR AMHERS'I‘BL'RG. Miss Pertâ€"I don‘t. I neVer c ed for shmmp salad. 311'. L'ndxxrsizeâ€" I Wish I could haw“ known mm in my ‘Salad daxs. tie IU-y War-01d boy Was pormitte-z'l to attend his first circus. He nf course was much entertained. and returning hum-9 in an excited frame of mind. he rushed to his grandmotlwr and exclaimed: "(Li-randmother. grandmother, if you would attend one circus you would never go to another 1) 'ayer- mevting in your life." F0131) SOME? HIN ' BI‘I'YI‘ER After Some pleadinv and zilut‘ service of good b'ehaxior. a 111 UP 10-50111'-01d boy Was l)(,‘l‘nlitt0 .1 “Rawnvelp doesnt call on that \v Ruxmm‘e 0'i1‘l any more. HOW they happen to fall out?“ . ‘ "The last time he wont to s e '11} her. h: as ked her if si1:1_h:111 thf 5955“ cult ”111-0011906111: 111:1.11 :1, Fi! °‘\\ 110111 was the “11111;: in th: 1t? “He- didnt intend :1111'. but he , ha; penal to be lookin" at the 0‘1 family I l1r1t<1glaph 1111111111 :1t ti10_ 111 5“ tinlt‘. .' (u ““1 coun eriuk \ “Don‘t be so troubled. my ter, the Lord Will send you other pastor and I expect better one than I am." "No.” she said, “I don’t 'expect that. We have 011:1!)ng pusun's several times and every tinw they gut worse and Worse.“ sis- :1 n- a A preacher was delivering his farewell sermon. One old sister seemed greatly distressed. l‘he pastor. at the close of the sermon, attempted to comfort her, and said: \VESTBOUND DUL'BLE TRACK ALL THE “'AY IMPORTANT IMPROVED A N ILL-TIME D QI'E RY. REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child’s skin gets into the system iust as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child’s blood! Zam- Buk ispurely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Ba: 0! All Dmggisls and Stores. COULDN’T BE \VORSE NOW IN EFFECT DAILY SERVICE HIS KIND EASTBOUNI) Seven hundred U. S. marines were ordered assembled at Guantanamo, (‘ o . 'o o . N a o ouha, to be held m leddlneSa for ser- vice in revolution-torn Haym and Santo Domingo. A MOST PROMISING 3-YEAR- old filly,‘ bred frgm King Sher- \Vhile ten Italian soldiers weIe hold ing :1 (li1igihle balloon, a. gust of wind carried it up and one soldier was carried 300 feet bef01e he fell to his death. I The Hindus nmrnumed 0n the Kam- gagatn Man! at. Vancouver. cmnplnin ' that the innnigmtinn authnrimes have é um :tHUWed thin” fresh water for UV!) days. The Orange celebrations in I'lster weie cariieda out without anv notice- able dism'del. \Villiam Augustus Gordon Hake, the oldest l1ai~1i>tei in England, died at Bughton Mond:11:.He wa's born in 1811 and “21s called to the Ben in 1835. ‘ : Malcolm Melanchern. agul SUI of ‘Mintn tnwnship. whn is mnnewhat dwtf'. was knucked down in a hay- field and trampled upon by a blind ihm'sw. \Vhile Joceph Hertin. aged 77. was driving from Ruhlin to Deseronto for the Orange parade. his horse became frightened and kicked him on the leg and when he stepped from the buggy it snapped. Amputation may he ne- cessary. \\ mnen of L'iugmw are to be "'1'; mt- ed the political piivileves of men. Norman Fraser, consulting engineer of Edmonton, concludes that the Hill- erest colliery explosion was due to gas propagated by dust. the. result of the mine having been idle for two days, during whieh time the ventilating fan had not been used. ‘VII‘A‘ISOI’ hears that Dr. 3. N. An- derson of Kingsville. recently defeat;- ed for re-e'lection m the Legislature, has been appointed registrar of deeds for Essex county. Pl'p _,.~'('_(_)tt- b . ." 0H '- lllg. 3.17. to, HCX‘()SS f[°()l I‘-r____ n 0 " gdens- The Stars and Stripe? and the Union Jack were. earned side by side at the head of the Orangemen’s parade in (‘mmsel 1'01 the C. P.R.s;1vsthe ms 1191~ «it the Stelstadb “ill be sued fnl $2,(NN) Hi)”. the case to (nine befme the Admimlty ()mut in \Iontie 11 in Septemhel. Md‘lintnn Irvine. aged 15, Hamil- lnn. 3t.(‘('idt‘llt;l“_\' shut and killed him- splf while playing with :L revnlvm' that he didn‘t knmv Was loadvd. Argumvnt «m some thiltV haunts \xili mkc- pl.“ 0 in ("(an ( tiun “ith the .‘uulh lenul lufuunt. L: hux Sn u h. .1de 4. of Kingsville, is (it‘: u} .11wa a fall fxmu a W font; pole. 'l he Yukun and Alask: l Vzllle§ 5 :ne 5 uid In he (' ~1w< i: 111} vndapted fur ”1"‘(m- ing [mum US. ”11111915 a p1iu v- 1; iitting mm 011 gas- n; We btf'mt‘ll [hr St 111111111 ()il (30. :11111 indepmuldils 111 Dtilhit. Nam- 'l'wn 111ilit;1.1'v 1111111111111103 (uliidud nwr (i:11-:11i11:1. }{11.~‘._~i;,. 'IhvpiluL of 11111. “as Mile! and tht‘ pilot of the u! 1101 imdiy injured. .v _'v_ man, and a good coach mother. Has size, action and qualities that are desirable in the best type of a driver. Is a good worker to boot; broken doubLe. Also a big 2-year-old gelding: from heavier stock. Will make a good roadster, or general pur- pose beast. Prices most reason.- a‘ble‘.â€"‘R‘. T. Edwards, BJR. No. 1, Markdale. 'Ihu h ish Hunw H119 :umndinrr hill Ivft Llwv numitleu at we in the. House m Imds. (il'tmt is :ibdlll ()f r k: ('1; 119111 1- Muntgmm-n 0f Dover t()\\l1> hip \\ Ls st: 111k hvl lightning. Uw Hvrlin DHHPP haw hem: warned of :1 Sm'viuh pintL11:1..‘~:._s;issi11:tte the Fin: (lid $13.01)” dmmlge- tn the Fred eriuktuu. .\.b‘.. Gleaner. ()i] was struck at a depth of (in feel in Sundwivh mwnship. session \Vnh'vs are plentiful in h’enfww countv. ()vm' MM! ()mngmuen paraded a! helluva. The 10th concession Baptist church held their annual Sunday school picnic on Wednesday of last week and had a most enjoy- able time. Rev. and Mrs. Barclav are wonderfully helpful and popu- lar and helped to make it a de- cided success. Dornoch and Zion teams played a close game of litasclmll in the evening. Mr. Wm. Anderson suffered from a light paralytic stroke a .Week ago. but under medical care is rap- idly recovering. Mr. Corbett of Mt. Forest got an order from Mrs. M.J. Davis lately for a fine granite monument for the falmilyAplot in Zion. ‘1‘.-- \‘l w“ Mr. W ..J Coo}: and M15 Emburv spent a couple of days last Week at the home of Mr. Jos. Cook. at Maple Hill. Misé' Bell-e Pa-tt’erâ€"sâ€"Sfivand her brother visited the home of Coun- ci1_lpr G.E. Peart at the Week-end. __.. _ J. Greenwood returned home on Saturday. He reports the crow looking fine and has many com- plimentary Words for the kindness shown him by the many friends among whom he mingled. ‘I'O .5 “ After a five? weeks’ visit . with lgindred in North Dakota. Mr. W. Miss Sara Jack of Toronto. spent the first few days of’ the week with her friend, Miss Mary Mc- ‘Nally, and among the old neigh- TRAVERSTON. The oat, barley end pea creps are looking most promising, and corn and roots are doing Well. lisp: The B. IH‘ w aihiti. utiun mum between Mimi“ and L110 United i3'mLes (Hillbit‘ltli. :Lt For Sale fQ-‘dl‘l'iltitifl nf luborix in munuvm'. Eight persons were injured, two seriously, the plate glass Window of a saloon Was smashed and a score of people narrowly escaped injury when a motor truck ran .aan down steep St. Lawrence St., Montreal. ‘ A rural phone service has been started between Huntsville and Lake of Bays. ' The Roblin Government is re- turned in Manitoba by a small majority. 99991 Qéétééefiv¢$¢¢¢eéeeeeOeeesssewan-erc---ee£¢. It Is Difficult To Tell . ’5 a. O ' Ihe Down “(own Shoe Store: I. S. Méllraith 3 "want. fleewwrmmwawsuwwwz A big Baptist picnic bound’ for So‘me fine lines ufchildren’s Lisle Huge in mapk in; pink and blue. ‘ Ladief’ Italian Silk black or tzm 25c Der pair. Mack or tan $11k 35c p91: pair. black or tan Cdttun 1 5c. . i Men‘s heavy or light wear at different prices. Give Us Your Repairing It will be Promptly and Neatlv Done 1 k' A. 8110p Where You are Invited t0 Shop and get :1 pair hefuw sizes are out. Our stock of these good i larger than Usual. but they are going fag Ladies Pumps in dit’Tm-vnt styles at 1 .50 1 .75 Missvs' 1 .00 Children‘s 85c and Infant's 75c. Ladies" high button hunt $2.25 but ‘f present warm weather (:mxtimws prospeots are for a lung season fur \Vhitv Footwear. rue Cost of Living - Advertising is easy~â€"it is simply saying in writing what you say to the customers in your shop. Turn over stocks quickly. if you would make more money This. 3150.15 generally true: You will find better goods. better values and better service in those- ShUps which turn over their stovks rapidly. This 1119:1119, as :1 general thing. ~~l1nps which advertise. Advertising costs you nothing -â€"it is‘ paid for by the pro- fits on increased sales. Of this yuu may be sure: Privvs in a, shop which advertises are not; MORE than in a shop which does not advertise. The chances are that they are oftentiuue:~ lower. ADVERTISING turns over, stocks rapidly, and tl‘lerefore multiplies pro- fits. This means that prices in a shop which advertises can be short rather than 10112:. NOTE TO MER CHANTS ‘ r~~.-â€" dam». “'2‘; “A. BE WISE on the Wrong side of St. James street, and allowing the car to stand there for some time. An auto salesman, previously fined says he will prosecute Martin. _ v.--- .. “no V‘s; yAA» uvyl\ ab Sarnia, when two U.S. immigration inspectors herded the picnickers together in the waiting room. and then turned the key on them. holding them in practical dureos until the boat arrived. Mayor Martin of Montreal was caught bneaking a ciVic bv-laW bv gtopping hjsrcar at the curb Emmoofark was on the dock at

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